HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-12-27, Page 610
Rinik of MonbrW Anagg
ghm:11, lin #ASA P, TL
lield atrw, VP
'only to prvce
.1grow, too lsi� q8P offlce� was mark" 9g oral of 'Montreal, reI,
4y � a mintlier, -manager of,
-he buslue
Important Inct t4op-entaI vig pa of ti e natik. `W%t
4en'ta aitO de- wing t
Sincere exp"sa 'were mud* In part
A*anullah Se i E,
at. th -.abise of T adaL�.as a wholetbas enJOYe.d' attoji41. P rl tioix' and.
Ir Vincent, �dl oet th e fe
lly th. Chqlrmap� of �he, Bo�LrO. who had . prosperity 'than ivilr A e
ettlilff of the'' 2
t 6f,
a or'
:P;Lnk for, a ina
good harvests had, alroady,' P14V0
or I I rtance the in,. country on, ii� propperomk� footling., "dj
An too' t1i.ei.posItion has uneenlent an in rWo
a'Pial6'named Um,�Aski- ZA nb ' )�d avem, ue At BEGIN HERN IW4At i We got Ida of 'the. Outfits 16 Spats'
anytin authorIzed, papIta Vt do $31.115,000 to this yea,
-;pie, crops. In eall, Abe older proil,
Pretty, reo; ywt CAA 01990. n" Tor
000t , No Intlittation w given. sk
D.Illy Gilliam, hei mother, Mrs il�.il Headmen Leaire'
named 'far But
Of, the atribunt that ivould b 13�su !Lt while 'the Prairie ProvInes have
with, him. But there$ a 011ow e e.4
vo .1 rc . ee, Are tr . ii "the. Present,time, their p s records. ill
nininga ChristmA.s tree nill re-Flou Al
Good Industr ViAy an. extraordinary on.
in'the hurct ativity listeh*. to lal oett -Stora4e
.1� of the, I-V 7 Sir Clu�-les (; 'the matter :d�Oni president of the larkement has ihowo Itself IfIcOnratru
oitir le chur6. o. New in Kab I
f New, York ind, put the. que, anl�, Preslde4 tlle' Arst timeI, I 'of ainost tin- at m e bo:
n t1oh Works.* many eing ad Orson -Tice; 'society leader coonvs that eh�LrVerized him. )its 444res.5; to,shareholdeis e. said In The first. .,'thing th
These. nelude 'tile
fact.way. h PlIessive I
chara.eter, wlth. e;�-ry GomodMd'. a Man k` . He"s got a pretty wifewit grj�at� na-
. ; . "I thin,,,�,si), 4w -eturn- trom his.
afurther, expipitatlon I
-6d it! with it,. - rals ink'King Amanullab'S I
WWlIV.vt1J1o, is interest . Clare J that -got tw-do a"Wh ral po1vtrs, min
B" tu assets.'
el Widenint I RQU016
filel Gi 10119 visit to Europe, 'WAS. Its Summons,
htr, gnti ged to the Rev. Da i I,-
ga � d �tty %4ives lilie pretty And, 0. we Al
ist, tile S i,8tant 'rectoi, ewink tile buWness'sltuation In ther e In.revenue from the tour� to tile hea men of pi� ave sQ . I , I . 1. ,
.0 Als a fu
debt and how, --- K anno, ut remixk
-ba Uvart liceall 'this C b ca me- to
sp of his things- Heriniles anq
sichurch�, in his neek every. minute- e% ravidly. the soUrvis of o ;St trade. now ranking - 9. The hef0 eV,
ur na- hf N ab
man_ ' �QUA r of tile [Inges.,
Ro' Sh
rgeicaL serw
ons. giillls on ess ictiritlest sisti at
-you b, -Jerry'911 are,_w..1dening__,The�_,_.co li(Watbusin th
-now er, Mr. currence f A NvIde a eir best clothes, 1 con ng
NINOhim, the rector, raps in 0 a, peacb. f raw ma-
Yiddt Stone or 'These factois. have3ut iirge surns say
. . rbans rope, 6oeS and.
atten a 'meeting of t e w , ;xde shifted a uthe Ing robes, tui
I tAx water powers I -,of inonev Into gener
s 'Ianada� e- 4 ttogse There weip s t-
d h scaleigives C 17� '00'
n the. demands'upoll many I ag
erry. proposes rnarriAg� to with itn 'un e*,S�RrY Opportunities for, all-round - de-
Wliioiia he sa d, �&the b gy re �ue felldurs ga
Daniel Ve Of our Industries,' and, have creatk of' thc4e pIcturesq the.red.,
bear Benfield.demonL` lopnivnit. that 0,
,s Charles and te fact thes; if employment F.1 er 1he In the Opportunities are no being' realized. Is ighei3t- scale x r -al c6urcyard
his, f am the, church. im shrewdly for 'War. Pairtleularly In the twQ' le �In- rij). when.
Stedtman �yed h resulting* In the establishipent of - ptim.ia 'Ontario a'.balicotly humacu-
Mon'timen T� Be OW GO ON WITH'THN STORY 1inut' Tben,.his.. eYes tool, 'on 'ary enterprises 'Involving large Invertr
dustrial- lorovInces, Quebec, and
Cahadian t manufacturIng has been, on an unpre�
ts - ca Abut it ta, f c,
Ing In despite exceptions In -a. 'late In d Da,
met of pital 'and contr "'oe cdat white
ee petition
CHAPTER VIII he n feWlInes owing to outside t,?m gra d tr -whit
'.'Oh said,, ridnebalantlYi. vest,
cedented 6cale, ir
.:'Hewn From Rock Used iodent-liko n. rked �degi to
call Money 31[arket. Rich imimirtancIt. spate, 1, �y Em 06i, Dioi6letiAn r Tou*hri; Trade of glireadv reterre ent. CHAIRMAN STEDTMAN thoug4 I saw you at,The tourist trade at. saa�s.
her "'There seems to e a� sarnewhat, to. has risen so fast'-frollf the compar-
e it ld n 3, top b
idle for'Att ected ll�astily. 6r.ce. .4 ayj Gilchrist 'knows b�4 gloves,
een centurle% widespread .1dea that' Canadian 'banks I ative- unimportance of a few yars agP i-Th6 Baltim
After,lyitig Spit� fences' are' er ore S
perorDldcletian on �iGl tone had luvan-
quarries of the Ein A� had. to This,, 6110 his lave transferred liafge amount of thatlaccording to-Govirnmefit
are Jewett tound that aMoneN' o e, York for eMployipent Irk tourists frorn, abroad spent � over. 427 The tribesmen. stared I aluaement
yleldft_:build-hei-s'�Ath impushesp�ed to k
the Dalmatian,coast are no
loans notion :19, wholl-, vyho ' stared back
call Tthat daAn As, at, their.'monarch: V
Ial' 'Which th- interrupted'B!Mfield. erraneousI 'The policy (if �the l3ahlic of -en larger number
entor ceticV; ph rel%om� an e%
stone for -the great in in, a antom face' f rom - "YO -a man.:who, knowd--
it. I wo I't . Tll�ntion Gil- Montreal. and I may say.4 belleve this or lourt in , e !spending also' With the smile at
is building � on Vinly Ridge.. uldn
'f3er rig in A her eart, applies to all Canadian banks, has long'
Cithad ts this
oubt been during IT23-i thAt he know,
-said Stedtman I�asnd,d hatoi 'Oh Th'
leJerl'i cbrist Joe
story -has in it toxiche�: ot,ro- . Renn� to Ne'%ir,Tdirk a substan-
A. Srnehow . her at them were
"Cbmpare ittill§ tourist'trade Of he WUOW� too
tial broporition or ready reserves:' br
rope, W. S, , Al d had not iervod its �purpo - eniphatically. quick assets. , NTo funds.,however, nre 000.000 with some other"sources of mance. 4jver* In% Ell Goodkin se, hie
then diretted,to 1116 paSt -what cotred-
t 11 teortled Goodkm with fe
ward, -iitti, tile scuiptor.;sqxight "Thaes� -0 d tmn,- rred to New York:or Lon- countnw-.'s Tevenue, Thjls, -the value, of
True, it had Aut,-#Le door to Gil -
at ioro ev46r its . in.-Afialintstall, to'thb' MY
-§ for the he�olc don to. be loaned on call until every Canada -8 wheat exports in - 1927 , was pan.
of'our,mineral production.
great flaiviess bl6ck hrist, 'but it had. penned her within. an air'Of dismi 1 0,000, * h
legitimute need'of'our own colifitry has S348.0t re, t ey
-anilned and. tput of our pulp. r'Stedtmaii, en cartfully Ck I qu ermaster'i �stqi�.s and Ae
in his Wall-: foltr wails Wflile it left, him the, -rest be or the ou
flgtlreS� Of the. memarIAT. "Anyhowi" collUnued' If at all $245.000,000, ofAhe party�
ne. is' two, -votes and p9ssible,' compiled vrttb..,. Our joi - $220.0010,000. Evt4let'tW found the.rea
it ini ind Paper mills. P
"Hennig an they were the tourl,�,t tra Keep
I Sur rise
wings he came to the. little town..of of -the warld. But the fence� nwas bu. there have'been Iesi ide-lins'become. a Canadi.
Ill ' , I - , '- I business, 1`ntere.t. s� Tail! -Jumping...
cost' abo
�ba']Ato oii the- eastern '.shares at the And there was no tefiEng,it do;N*n. figure a -year ago�ll 1 hikh' IrnportanceI' art
giant'Afghhn'was handed Ars t
#Ldriatle. There lie saw, ruin&- of �estlessnl6s
the k, -her isolatin brL eved them "let!
-77-7 hat,
a frock:coat.
ich Diocletian -had. built for then 1"U§ers;' boots,
heir king'&
Ill selt' by rpr e etc., in facto a t
How Make.Salads
palate wb . 'diversion. $15�he- fi�_-ureS�.:drew . su' ise&,l "T,
h se efqe now to
tlie s e-asfiore. tfie p)ace to Clare 'sought oks.: L du�)icaie of
This to e
night� her�.busbgna, a nqi Good-, Start a, riot 'betiiiecit' the." Poles jarid
o k gorgeous. outfit. An&.as- he gath re
:Whichi.,as a man- of Sixty. be tetlred-. too- , attentive - Jerry., was back from !'I ry,
-the Wops-. kfid knoW the end al
1 big -stuff'. together,, like a ioOkle
cation a tl_in.�wh ch he -And kind .,hAIf_earnestlY.*
kfter, his Audi a, business trip to the coal fields
"SIN. fr6olig and ka.bi and miichirt� Dfi-ection�s, for the nialthig'. of his ifirst, Issue.' the, chief
di -se! h `iNot.�wben I I . I
d put 'Lhat was
00 tMiorh *aii-
his return had_ een excu , 1
It Wh andi,Wt'y salads-1re, marched oil to where I
at 9toppled-it. One' gent gwen
Mr.'. Allward i noted t e. duvabtllty� enfield.
for a dinner
ilchr�st wired. iyetteiday* that dan't know h -and, c and. bast� U
llofl�ill About bar
and I gula� beauty at the stone Its ed,ready to, t ut a4!And
austere - servai ed
nothiri'� Ridest. hangin,
Ali mmnf �'whlch.,Ifi the.passin year$, Pileap.Nej sweetbread, and clothes.. -
pink, hut Ga�kind,` from the music 'Ev'er.N
ound aft A skirt.' If van tot to r the
added. J.Pi ry diiqbt- -er - is. inat* Y -And.while they weie.wAitini. to
1�4d ripened to alad
room.. Away ftom.-the blire of jazz
a richt amber.,' On the at b , Xing" use. biribiiry now, an't, tlanle me p a along -came"A 'greater sury
hilISIALi. above: the ruins -he f6und,the 6.-oked sila
S, t1leir, eon uln-
quarrii befice . the ''.stone had Gile A L from pimientoest And bits of celery prise.'. Erery manJack. of them was.
and gaiety, he looked at the,proffere'd IllfflIv iles, final fit
w di
card ng up -no, oold es tepping, to, the glass -paneled ell ich wliippe%,, ordered to repair to a barber an
they had not. been worked 1 J -Gii� Benfield" nged,,the table witli bi Vith d'
come. 'he sunimaT�ed� rmil
Charlie Benfic14 to n an was "w.
i ertim., "has dd Slmn�- it
orkmen ql;rried library.- Benfield's ev6br double-e�ossed I "t tome bac c ean: sha�en. Abis'little. sin�6 the,.,. Roman w tc(rt; ed. k I
llv�er -kill,- ad had
hows arch inr
3,05, AD. e shouted nc r -n Altoli�h showing that the
th6iT. last blocks. In Het illssal
itively E
ed iiiquisi ai )te read the ril, C Illph4tically 6,% �er with - the, .dr�ssing. hii e o, Ani
he. stopefpr'.thb menioriaU,�. Garfii_ tided bu
Labor �corciliators, repeated- J
. . 1 7 1*1-shmen, When kleciqlag to
-Of erry 1.,izil erL ress u
-day nt tn se the�
g1le ex -I Another l4b
_hAt, l -'s t i -a - I is .�up fkiW 'Idre w she& Rnd shared
.,to ;h p. toes and' wai d h
W ;.hug6 blocks down. the- mountainside ed §ullerllk�. "M ivel� salai Fina y
answered, 'Goo&' I ere.
n a 'vidual, leituce- 'and �dfessed'�p, the- chl�fWus
zt'*f a. iiian. -,alad Put
s a the 'Master builders, of pix. i t indi
years ago did" "When o've be�n -in the inin- iebe'r)ri' -�va'nrcd or fre-'li th -da',
for Bols ups 3, straw ies given a .party intermingled
c4nned pineapple, 11 tea-, *itb
alight to lie gin
game a little: longer b 'Imemorials . and, Stone afford curjou ing discussions on. M,.
Worth atheXj
We've got. $1;000.000 r Benfi Id po6nflil of 6 and'the. sa ng -ervice-,
parallels.. 'Thd memoria i A icated ght'%n p sved 1p me orating the'kingdom RIO
.s,,str back�" A servant grapfrbit.'Add a, very, little syru ines.' �oilk!e, had i, busy, III
the:. �heroism , of Ciradia2i. - and, min-, of ll� The
I'llolice duty?',', 4beried Be
h -it eir-coited'. warriors
tiny Ridge, Dip-' -Yes, W at;IS -oin preserved gilngeri'. 1 ten- keep!
17iench. �oldiers at 'N 11tefrupted adel'fi ng fro
"N ' S o.: pie mi: Stedtnian he z.poanfu) of. emon juice, a few.' d u. -an their
cletiv�n.bim8elf fought Germanic tribes, And �t 1.1,
- 11, rwo Tr 6- to see rom sitting Ow
are And
S' YOP oil -the grass
Id hate the Vr6ed' but. hat -
-was c� osen e rop 'Of mars�hino
and mperor by 'so lers, cherry Juice.* in the, stre6ts.
his�:- fellow, t
;%mail, legions- He built his k going. . . . I 'g -Go -ind.': n6onful of �r it e new finery.
-16 A6- about it?, T d with I tableir i thereby -s ox ing
of Ole, Ro oodk eanly MIRN�
Max St;edtyiiah,. i� a smart. one. He, t�Brffi sai p
op Veils.':
-form. of a n*s, nefvous�ness inctea onnai`�e And ra-'Aiino Wo en Dr
a m.
palace at, Sphlato'in the got ilito. tbe,f union five.br ix. �enrs lie said quietlyj' bui th 6ug�ly-'chzl
square� covering ten acres. - It coxitlaiu�- -led before serv-,
aaeo.-arld now he's. one of the dele, The ii&t thrill the- isitors were
-dedicated Prett37: �'don't try lik ifore.' t their �IAIPLE S P 0 Rt.5 ed two templesi.' One 'Was' eXcitedly, iihip' be ill I Zted' to Was a siglit.0
sent- uti. to. me.. give us: an eXe it e
the�Rbm4n 9d of beal-. :Uniansi. in-,, use t6i i 'g f 'b� line
1) ' -L -and everybody else's womenfol
will choof auty in the, s.,
'in- - the other to Jupiter. Tb -day the handy; ell: 07 SA -on
1. 1 '] and then we'll go -and follhiinLk. - '14d. Serve a in r�unii town. 6�- th6kiii "a"
No. Sheer "'W'oolen. to comolet,40 4.1 -gave birn the.',hgh'sign.'-:Wh 4�,
C g a 9
liristian runn
eA nsed' aSL'a.1 I shfik6 hini and Vil 'coine' back With I.-rge silver platter airange'quantitles
21 . ' I I - . 1 6
Winter wa 'r e it own rd elled. , But take it all in all,
Ali,chic of her, rdrobe, for di eIn' thi centre in, evi- eathedial.' f 'crisp, white lettuce. A. 1,(he king'
new'sports typ�'niue� tt6 they liaA t�great timei
ri whole beariiig,.c anged e -i
it is :;L The Vimy- Ridge memo 'al Is 300 h H rni maund. of to e cheese, sea-,
. : a feet square. .The'.t
literva ve enoug ad
hat do 1 kbow RI)o up into -1 POSe t 'With SRlt
&=e I -Min� 1 took th6ir clothes AWAY at. the
far op at tile. pylons iat wask�fied well And .'paprika,' *R n a
t the party,.,
wear. Then
o I I ! 1 isinirOunA A.,* the drail d,
Thejabot filll Soft cn� will reach 140 feet, above the� ground ing? f Whin.tbetwo stock ith Zle h
ab At blo�kg - "Yau'ie pi�4EzldeTii of th,.e s Of I" As 'the nionarth ex&. Ined, It to. .13.
between t e grp artily figl]ii-es. �niered he, was'8AY- halv'.es ..of canned peaches, ube
hthe pirf"y' lau -h�d. ubne sixteenth. W4 incr td the 'pineapple -and. pitted 1i of,�Stone': are 'only, a i canned
digginz 11� illone",
t. of - - 4 _;�, trio in'eIt.7eninL elothes:,, t -Or
cond irwl6e, wit); all the
r, reuch'blue tones. in tw. est
Gea;-rgette ere is reg
-tie it arded by ei I've never Itioii. Otht
tb6 jigure, ". Silk' cii�pe irl "That means; "would bo, kept. in the best ot`.�
th� standpoiti ma �i a good of -,ou gentle"ent to Ane�,cherrits which; h,�e been _�uf-'
nry 6LI6 cperts pot c Se Ot
66 .V.. . a, wiry Inall. See. iis, gain. , to .: ni�et - my fed *'th [same Lof the. cottage - cheese, t
nis, 'And 1 don't 'Want t6I I llgood intentions in thdrwofld, A,, v I -
de 'ghtful.; Pei ties
.14 . 1 �of -vile fi, , t kin� �,1!6ur avei All a F ich drt�.ssiiig made
h satint cantoli failleiR t's I tri ic uresin .. the, Gil bee � !Age li�eadrlian quitie likely to -go
.'s ne re
war d they EH7.ibet , crepe lie h dozen qualifications ie
pineap'ple, leplon
are now witli fruit in e8 0
and 1�jain Wool. Jersey And nd. hu,And h ingl� or head iinti'O �6r:
e: patterned 1�d 1�ayon velvet -,Next spriw, work will., be- started 8�nt been at. their uilion peachi -with 'olive oil nd . U "out''jot erd
-0 �A-_,simlllar'Afghan port In new
-And go - -ein delegation IO? -J el
lin to send., this. S Nvell as, sait and: 50"
Studios, wi
Tho ins stf-uples Alld 1 6 tried to ge I and 9�t t all polled. Even -
are -suitable 'And t 11 be bwlt chrisev &pt& of, mustard a
qli.0iff- h it to turll* don -Hen Serve wii.
it-selt' And the. fig- CH Shake ell)'
the monli, I. _kPTER promised Amanallab
is ae-signi.124 On T�Ike. it f'roin "ally, business
fabrics to , i cation." pu nig,'%or one be�t -SKI. he-, f' '36 A mean nie-" Sutt, golf Ali e s would be
W t.11 �e cut tbere. t1li Belifield, this fblia�ing hot'chees sandwit d r rall'r
in Sizes 3.61 18, 20. years, 38,.40 drz a,blance. 'ith . PLC
fits in -The artist', collc�tpoll Of iem- "ThuR h Spr�Ad -thin rounds, of. bread % -%ror nnift
'1,49'lilhes buit- 'Prieb-, 20 ce any :nli'�t t take it yIAi or anymn .'arriaved - ' P' distributed, far purposes. at, k
ake'aboui It. Contrast: at t e men
g At:� rionikt, nlak6 l h tab�itvh�ese.. ut two
'th of. a,*trou W -TI the ceremonial
is p�v err.
(c sat ihte 1. ed (kodkind ini- gainst 6ch ot �iily di: �rn- pamil yl' s andWich, and Play' For the P!�e.enf
3' or 6ain' Ap", V didn't body ;els�. li 4 1 .
Through , *nlls pe;ir now , t . her was ea roland
cai' taref '; t h h tle� qtood �tlot rs would lie ..kept In Kabul
�Mp 1. fen�e, teY, he together like a s '. . so
W rl. w, ws sorr a
moutlis. of cannon in convent lonalized'bire hilli brepuse ed L:nthe,piahner, il.i. w ic both PATTERNS� gone, d 11 ' nd-�-the lux� that tho� would be in sbap� tor, .,hig:
113W TO ORDER jout from, their backgrou
0 'iii, At Abe, base Ofth0- walls tire the fired out of the Chuich 'and onty a -he' talking
for 'the chiefs ca'ni6 hita
'via e;and-addr,elss plain- little, because k -new, fiis'father. SIedtman eoed -etfttijoiis' library:. Of doiiig* �I%On
Write your ill 4fendprs, ne grotip depWting �tlie u to)vll, for t t
tolt not ubdued. 'Ith And tasste�L
1y, - Ing number and size of: 5 her. the 14yed him because, be has,theories,and , S, - ha pulrpo�e'
1 110 ik 'The tree carefully -groomed men
Patterns. as. YoW wan n A km oil,, ain h Anglo-Maenan,
word, tbe of t Relations
glvi b,.eiking Of the It , of wen
t. Enclose 20c in way to se, t2c a st"'
of Ca�ndians:f6r� ihe a try, th
say, the�rles:,! -Pen- ivin' "em confidence.'. Wllv. W6' 9 -U stamps or coin (coin preferred;.wrap cS at eve�ing ',clothes.'�Iended as It. and
an Iless. tion. Athenaeum (Lontlon),.
at the ni,�in rield OnLill'.1101"N R. -in a
h iple hundred 6f r. ply., con cax qt t6 this tile The . pres6it, "s. the, re I r ti I` niq emori
-tfully� for' �ac numb�r d uelM al
ill"pliase of Anglo -Ani Aand the InArk. to Wilson Pattern Canada. in the"form at a re lik 0 iellin� -vim. they :�in t 11v , furnishin tile ericn elations, .1
our 'order T there eotl gs.
address,. + p ftt�'rm or. They clianei6 to. win_, - That's the -WestAdelaide St., Toronto. (I bowed In' t, harsh. in
I .. boo(led woniaii,' her hes. is th' t sollietirleg the. ve I vti Tb4o lEi vitaf that a �-e -lolls compet lon in 6 Path
tervic�, L 73 il. , loafi.*of Ar' 500
Patterns' pov�er lant We 'got, elu th*
soitow over the ra v e,,k of the vali-Ant at -that harp4inW naval �Irmaments should . not be vin
. � q F t� , 1 have, t6verN to.,.�. ar Maik'c -in
S A a'r, ntre tlnie .. they try 10 hold A "Miit.ers cAnnot Ile Ye, to, Be I., el -ted. At. fonib oil ada.,. ye. inied's. L ino,, yo, otillin't we re.'now- driftin nce
ax!�, said: ,Che'ck CdL'1dS,yv;th1A z(s1l it as trift Gile. ri-,t,RPP u w e ig, teturo drift,* a� :they
th1Q.1i lie bi-Imet i1g. PUW- 'a Other fig
he great t- tt., of tedtnlalx'�§ -�etinj ius]Y hideed forLvtr;'_
h�b indi t Il little,.,oft. S6Al) Obvit la
r -kris N tire In French
A Hunte?s Cbde �he: :'Or it gold trionyo!", &tlurbed li�. oiIinjoil ninst that the first
iiie pylon 'resell i'rtti 'tile Sky'. Ill t n history S'L'be le 'so often corpmetiv
Y''to , J' be� ai(f� the, in He War opp'rtunity Is sielted for a
t 0
appears. Ini -'Tile AmerleAni I'm the sVint 11 be� done"t+;
Th6r arch .1 161 tho qr�ted In bronze. and ni�arble as'tbat
e W I
gL the tnreb and e funibINI with -his black. neonce!ved the spifit
h win to' his ill the, n t
Rlflema t 1*0
no e6i t plate Angie,
ffibtr tilde,% ver -deMsb
n" the following Hulitillg " 'tp r�lallt`s' -AIR iig. C.\! t ivith of Joan of Are. ' it has required
GordQn ondon, �omrdc tile,
wr-'Itten,by Seth: E nt";ihe bin6tIr triable , ingentinity � to
1A e for the first �iille.' dfirtl. at: -celebrating the
-r�at'ion Director of or the, pillrs%are i;Nri;tualii�d figures, 'niort Ste
Conse oflginal medns.,
e at 1I0wid:,. k n Jer!-y had .(To bi� continuo-) Walton Leagu Booth antiWertary ut her entry 1pork
man life the Britain, ChfiRda, wide
of br, Amer rou' d tbpn� now, A lit� ist And, if a gu% k
t - . t. - . 1. ___L 0
rnment. to 'Red. We far �th
tip -,,,the go -has solved
the i�.r6o. - -1 Of t
In A ica. See, clejr� ollt,� n The,'111 t,
all tb.e gAxne mer The ,,a they mO In t b g r t t'. -tin be con
go - ig e b.Au thje God thl. WHENIN TORONTO' Ole probNhi. the months'from Fbb-
brooting. I` i-� of anv
ly. before
h : firearint, eL th' � 11111ted awni*1theiRI wJ!bJn the four al
re esles�s wit to- Indep'endent' 'tat and �leeg, rut(ry, to December, -19.49, a series, at
e. and, Pea� elder colat' at
I 181.
ll1-i. �Nvh. gh et min Ca al. :P)a safe. ll'4. avoid -ac, 4et OAI se �tones ;will. bqi placed 'in the various
ll�n. Sir r� l4ob 16"1" 7(�"l -ny? This
tilbilorary ReV
th Ill I �'u, doili;r At I �Tid oJ o'P
doii):,� Tlip out'Awry, o� IN' rr� My- the c0nAP:! rSCHOLES, HOTEL -v , Idi ie,%'v (Lon., gru s; throur,ll bleh oan of Are
or, rit' e 'It, Ile WA- p Cafiterlii nd Short Order hiarched,, or foii91it., 'or:'
11 Healthful retr4tion� and r 'Is. not l!11jVerSJty ci,L Chi Sei with, wbIch
go 1 I Og t OL c ase a ig to, ronlove 'or prevent interna- mine� Jusn
he Iwires, i� Go and I
re. a, tflie, spa YONGE St., bpposiie Etato' IS
ibril h' h -011 04C a vat 'her name s Associated
ire alWays. wer. But S e, t t led i f Otel Ilatesi $1 Pci r' Day and Up,
tionnl 'for PO
nian s �rime.objo i 1-thout H The firSt StOn6 will bar laid F*bru-
ofhe. law era powor ,Is _�ninx to, be ditions'!, on.
e Part do Forance'at
e endnd W
of the r Vaucouleurs. �Akie liog Are r spans' ternis of itnide a Ithrought that
41 e- 11 oth I
11tle§-ljo:sportsman can eiiwdc- terffi��i�76-f Prn ory.,. -
twi . Dalth to gate,, that -1 lie shepherdess
-A, feW fools -it 4% Ott, forill left. on, February
Pr run !om s kWh.it`s the.,
more -gainotlian mAn7 limiters. e*: rather ot . I . NL, � 11 14219, to*begin her battles..
I 'jongor be itick'a'of tile . , , * I
t0r,,noes w111,116 P", The folloving, d
10 g battle! y U v�nt fires. 'hniltbet Anne
e8tioy farmers And of' n. hig''wa will be placed 'at the Alibey -.it
116. only vandal d a', or S
alions GooAind, I
stck or disie, tank,4 �of glips , nd batt.. Airbalu, *bera slie passed
feric�a, in.iire 'their the nlight
CRrd, ilielt wishos. and � tol Chri StiLe, S. after her. first day`-,� Journey. From
a military force e's in there."
417. Real t arts neve try their. producers; Wil the Abbey. Ae, ent to the village or
p mr ' n
tkil, labMit 'istures eL"Asetltlal aid Indispens- i '�Clar R JCEL WAVER
co otir'talkl g bus
will r(Isnia"n WATE S Cefforlds. wherel'bee father Was born,
the I Protection tad'Rt hortio.. I I . I .. 1, 11� , I . .., I �� . O� , ill
able, 'A tablet, als
ilio, treApAM A1911S, raid And Ind! "Res;ont8 ehl-"i aid the father. are alWaW in g0c ire F� brutury 24.,
-8 � , seed g6ckV kiolrz, wilf-ebine front 0. well- I, d laaw wheti-.
t'Ivifig e ca It ii'reod the
d -effelclit popiiladon., "Ar'.d %-all haven't been
to d wintertl - Me, *111 du ted �, An eveir you , chtertah! linrlVg tboir�maliidec of the orpar
Iax 46 -r -s- ing at will. be && I& uxer
-jej%jetu e tb� Spar fel Nve vel the fully free cri ant tempts ig*
oil the inach e -'Wl� 11 led. lie
�611 a hfrIn ti store or 'on' flier ophtlev leAn's. Rbetnis Pild other, lawns "Ath
irlp'And an slVe b'.v toot Rtutf. The t 0 Vwb0i, her itame ta 'aAsocloted,
Iwi119414 beats, (,tfee, furt
n jerr't ild tbe
Of 'A r
it We deduc( too 0rs from the
itscommon ciekilotiqll 0 al
of our tirst.
ilder to �,ce Whether be ix t.
Rliprot . Iiii A tely the JIMO,
lott and
F t<) repoat fot tho ti'lat.thia Ile 1;pOkc urp. tt;u
'It' e.
ofn� 9 'In the Sh6P.Pti
11re.416lit. tk ie. hall ruk�, Idthe ow world.
Lihiment 9'r 1,111 L11 it's 611 C%ie
ls�Ug, No