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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-12-27, Page 2
tt. 0:ziiiietli Shows. Lat: **a .,,.., Romer!, ' Found - - to . lisitow , 3,10;,,,bia35 ' g,,,,Lutol,,_..*Ige....x1-720/10,5., pn,W**.ta he • Adopted Them - FrOM Ancietit Greeks 1urOn I. w. • ' lEliPtheth 4* ee *0 I* ipm ' "Ws --ea;. 74* tk.."*4s-sisti-40,*mit, P 0. 'NO* .144---,--014tetOtitlea 4k thh 111*,• • If.-4".earis Is heir4'*.-•*gt SIX !Pt '4 N"• WC 4,79F74. .1%•••••'IWIt Alto sights' and, aoUlds of' er-te•tetit. ,77.7.,r. ri*Itrereamene. vas, '._eintgr excavated cit4t. of ,Cotritlitts.'eu. the Maeoloeiith PlaiOS, jth. •,tir4Ret•herla • *old. which Is so • e...7z,..itte: a „.0-,t7t :g.••• 'WIC '1)4* 77,*.:PDIFet,1! %21, t",••*-7TAt Greece ;prove thot. the Greeki• tilied, itl • thee Ug)ts",1 gehtleweUttes.',:rlfe. '..,;t4;• ;reo4Ufaein.„. hun ste 741. -Js 'Whe. 'T•he PYtebliey, '.',tr.-.7.--edai 7.2---L'", 71:.-: ;*;'71 •W-1A4M ''...eAle *I;S.. 't3,...4,1,7*- as*.**12, a Ltleglree of .cAtkfort. owl .tf,,,',i ,reaton„ neur Nasehr,i„.the .tthietr*4a7, f.*. lets -orr.,. h4e*Iile m-.3:3Leetee. re..,•,- • ,, "41,414:4,r in the ft...UT* g...r.l afth. Oh ;,.. • ; nttl ;riea BJC.,- .4 did' tl4e 13:0"-='74 gr -d'''. , .4-•,. ' ..inee; ,or the. g3*s tO• ttte. ••';=,-,,,,c ftO:-Ineo•S!,..-rnf • .'weef-g.' '''''''''': Eit12:44*,..1". '.. :, ; untiot, se3....9. tt..e •.'1,#,7:- ..r.e:Ps., ',..4cii..-. tura '.-slaro, ;.4..c. their 040 -Tots in the CetisT"ar. :-1,3 •;; - .aatp, ,t-cliai, to, Ot,....,Datid. walo ler Erst scP.e4,tar. e ...",.,'...:0-.14t;if •tiatee. ';.i.,.. eaudcrOnoi: •••77.4747, *i., -,:, ' ,to -,the ..,c0,,T.47.nty •. Of her; ,,,,Tta.7,1•4!`- .!-:ta• '''.74a •!*'377-. ' -s s-'7 . .S94' Of 4001r4 1142,p,ns U*, ---,--s-`,- " ' • . ' . L,'.'e : Dr. 1101,10e,'sgee.44•„nl .Ptieltese Of ll'or,:,' .ine.s4ei. '•,i ' %. 'F-er-"xlee•• 41.1Uituntive• tUr4TIVItlel tr....it a,,ttil •itir; • ....,-%iztvt,*$ .pt -,,r. .r;7ir.__4.1.- .• -* tv • fOrmed• ' Tzrcktra ' C-0....i.',Y'r, ,Gt the r,,, -i. il„.,'''',,,',,„ ,,.' , ertirigg'..!-;41,, izatrii4.-t...xcl,..f,i,,PiTt*.0-,•'*4LZ%. ii;' 41.14:441Wa, *.44' • ,'*"4-=*eti• Arz.bmalopi.k.at Dy.,-.4tvite ,tar AT,I.A,--.3 in .- .7...r-,....'"; •., 'Fate* ;i.c;y2.1'. :ter nurse's a;.1-• t,'''..T....e ,e,..n..-t, nuasT,'44r• ShoMfed.'," 3.• bzu...-,7e,• ' :iph..; - X1r0eklYX Mr ---mire.., d'-,Ttrr-Yeri thi,..... . - '•"". ' '''''' ''''*'' ' onetitered•to ,itte breet7", the pr ---'....t,-2. tr,m, 0..;11.40 aft b'eaY.oft•t,7..e. Tagik. lier-;&•. d*oteties for the hItt tfa4.-utT41 : hz".7e/:',4. t7' 41' •:IF' ' $4,644. 'Sciia 1: . ' P Ile,Ki4e pi! Fr.: iii ',1pod: NiOney ...Can. Holiday • . . • ..'",,,,singto.tht„..itaseg*d.e,. ;et ,.....„..,tivo I." ol., ,,,,,b,...r.ilf 7 . . . .. :;;heys'et: T.f.-f;tltvitr;t...'44'Theeeztft't::.tt41:ede:.:G:rieks.:HTR:;.wtkcxm":7::::-:g4':.-,...'...r,t• ''n:re:::eig:e„:It64::t4p4,:..T..t'.'.'.:':,:.i,,.rr.'Ps::::.'Tim'E''vo:,':er','.:te..:.'c:.''.t"''.:::...4.i.-:''.::,:.,. aser1,2:tilfzm.,. , .,.d, --.5g... =-* . a -,g9 f .....-•,,..4' .34......-t. fiLT-merly uha ....s‘ied is ,......of.. ""747- 'TIT •7" ;:: - intetlie,',Wlde,1,,.41fil ex,.....4,i7-ttt li4 ilia cri'-^_itcl... . tr.'S----tteeZiS; . . , Listi14-:A TRACTOR TO c,LEara ...Stu -rpm :RINK • . . ,4-,1 ' C" 8154z; sr. .9,a‘ti haS 1.11 ,74 ;tie ihrik..athl. the; eertatelY are tOt.helOatl: 'the titheS .ta their e'diod 44 selate- . . • . . 1.,-4--,--•-•t-..:.,,-,...r.hrt•-•tr-----,...... ,. . f ,,,,,g. . . 14 t.141 . larie Pleasare Ice e4'es,•' ' . ' . Lesson . ;1.5.-Ye.ar.014. . :$tor:ek- . Raiser Iihake eider panc13...43114 half a ' and three text 3113pIes Cut,* guarars. Pow S/..4awn to 'has'elreen.rnitily tior ' LDE1 eir4. 1D! ae • re" ' -. , '. .., 4 • . . .4..;,........ '• . 1 0., chiritunon„, half a , patina i.>.f; radstas ‘ Cleo:ember M ;443sen X411 -Review . . 'F.* St...,..* ' upg, half :v cup, of stzairied Orange iteises of, cheesecloth,: pouring. 'in..* of sweet' 441e.r. and, lifter,•thoroughly • a ad.:sing bowl threlugh twn 'thick- rawItotre*sh„imatcrigat...tart 'ehaiiee"tetshiel::::et:tlell:tes."Silbol:•:84:tes'ILie".derawli,a; oIceridea'.*4Pfl:;lin• :1:ig.;1:'-'21:::'-''''-::'-': .s.'1171te exe3373non,ef. 04 -nerds reven,1--filmit!' 5-5*.7.........'r • Gets $6...50 a. Pouftd. thiXlY silted orange. Abp..' two .quatty he the Oatmeal it 'Soft ;strain . into 'the. -Students Porgaulie the 2-ufli 'theY' „The Iturposa ;of a r4vi.,0,7' is ,tp help. 14r:urea hela. Va. tnortell elm •l*e' thatle j• ' ?WE -APPLE .. DELiGHT% '. '. • • 1 1 two - well heat= .. etig*,. siirriej .0tinr lin:, 1-5; 'il,.:11. `GPid•" '-rixtr*r voicogRolittother bOY itas den*4- tachf°2thli:mixtia4i.one''' 4'.11:::::if::att,ii-i).' pir.i:. ...1111' .12: ;43;:illilgtillVbe:.„,,..,...ea4111:3•:ist.. ':45‘5'.41eri:: xpozpepti"76::t7t41:.--iif6t:.:.7.-0.0—andth‘eggsb;dilli me to live is Ch'risi...i.,h11. 1: 21. ::. uee, (i.n a farm.; Keith Collins...0-year-old • • • .- To4- the modern wo4mani. Di., P.C6iIIIISCOCA. PL41"Sled 112:717:4=IPPa• D''''• even Corept-:loot unlike tiate.: use ' s°1.1.1tati- : Os eteX,rt. ea."! • lag a.'high•Oefrree Of Material culimre Ta,trt*d it 6i. Ihl•-w4-1. i.j.. 17b..e4.4 . .xpe.,Ib.H'' .. ' ;aim' ..f'ound. . :-,a iarge- : • f.,'J' ,777,c- ."notriavibr•re. iftrecH.7:ceadirr' 'Paul'The World CliristlanPsi:itek . At lotonotion24. show. .., .inlee:... Add a 'small Pinch Of soda to * little tepee hot...water. if toe., Welt. have -had . fur the ,giust, :Six ssouthsvi we :S.t0e.k..1111)Witi43P' ..T4e dTeiled MiZli e....7d71Ki for a alitht favor. Woe apples' 8 7S'ith '8°18 "178-8': • . Was •:atered, . a . •harxicks' ,for••troOpts.'". ' .WM1. 'LL'at; ernethanit*-• ' 17:- r --!, coae. '2433kera by .1614 in ',72.0c.h.orehe .1Ptha atter .alt.' .° • stions;•••a inpat ..aitl'a terra 'eetta fee..., the ._, ..ihe-tet. .. ,._...• • ,eet. 4t#eittelln ;7-'7'7: teazitoh%i. 'aOrlat&!:ctist-ht_iol.L.73.-.21: tr 41.2.it srott..,:d. rafa.c=01=5*Ii. clip of • **awe. Jake. .,9ne cop et. Os added; . pour, inte a,. punehbowl. the ca Se Of a. life .study.., or0 as we eareeis, at, the teaset. Interna0onal and` ,:.e.f.'..tninti..:o.r enough . aq.. ,tIlite..,balt. a Ilteen. Is'inalrottited iwbite. . Abe juice' ettbree lentOns. "14 l'as' bee'll '1411410u ii IsA water *main into One. ' INie want to :see tbe a delieate greet, with vegetal* •ePler-i ' .A•' N El the teoldi. ot -Whichf-axe• stril tneh_ey-•aud-Aretunond Coi.• 4r.. • :It. ‘i .5:„...sva, .. . . 1 r.S;11bler '31:Ai's- fine tgAih in • MON* e._ ..rta1074814_. Y ..1-'.14.1ff.' raalThey ,•!E-,.1,-1.• L •••-•='7, ''' p is Iike. Path*. the Story, ..tegetkee. ..1,2ef, :sad . at• autOon, ,foi. $6,75; only .. , _ , . _ ......• , ;v1te Inc:al?! the 11;4seclizrl'oriet2 tspywojetb:142/ . .'nk chained: Goeche, 1,1 Years °Id* of 'Sliees of 'thaiasehiejh ebe*rles, ' ' I at;id terra,,,i2otarotor.e.,periad of PW' ins t ,linsPekOn_ ''''C :12nder' t)46' iliC°7•° PIiee °1244initd higi eblit'aild • Pottr Eirer:, ice. in. a./ g.L• New Idea . . fta3i;,s. were. ezreteefi., ikeeeilk. eeaset... honor.. ' T'bein he strede otit :,*.kiiiri, ..-!*•.. ave. . ifs of .this gi....p,4t,- cbristi:aalitad=4.6..t,,,ettly. f.or•-ika ,grAnd dutrapieli?StObr ...ruitefiboiti , last before .imr.cltyit add i.,,,_t.,..i. -ick_ . 7 t L platei„.boxis iii4 'Their .91.jecti -,riddik .0f. tilte, .1*,tate &Tern!! lirSc•te. • ' te-:,,tat ..'a4 apirita.al resources. that 722. pounds, was . *as :'purcheieed ...for Inset+ Into the .c• ...tttet..Skine Of IOW ' .. 7,4!4,..:'.64:474iripti3ftitolhcstlra*IthilYtiluislaiWvoierabiz.Pelicsis*:ll:do::b;:td...tie:rt.: thoeht'heena:rr;71,71,e716.sa.7131.:.11.7filitWit!i:.41..Port:7.74"':.1.....ic..:11._.."P. El.. -4:.'''':',.04.41.... , • realize its SignifiCatce • in Chriatiiin $3,tnte ceafie..,IOwa..! ' ' ', '. .. . ;1*tOry., SU*, a !retiew :ail; belP, us .. • The, .diiii-pieth.. carcass; , *viols* 'SjICED'GllidEll. Clii Sii—"'',Any`7,Tivi'''oneYs;;,'!ILHevercory , . .. . „,• , - • there.areEia a life like t Phis, and 'mak,. .r..4,873...60.,• it • .icas •iii://. An". ionic,* ' a_ba,adfut -og: *bole.: ciaiitii , -,,commen. „Master,: ,., • ' ... . . cisi. orod,:by km*, &ate .,cotege; saga! 'the Sellow test 4?,f.thtea a 'Oe:,harii.'s:Lnd. 1..ve lb 'sir liope:,-„. -is •piir.- ." .. „1„:..,.010......147ftv...1"...-0.. f,,r,..re...;.10.1.750,m470-Littii.4%•:rs1:4.17-rii.11:1,1:e#slmtifsit'4. 41:.,:t114.0kontre4,4„tnirtiii4erioaltir.Z.ti-.7:.';...'..:.... stime.,.Greek , general ' Were funnel tie iili 'fleArstnes. ‘01310,1,1t. sfde :fi"L" ''''-'4°' '''' . • ' ...Paul our, daibti Companion to eneour7 tres raid,..4tresSelt J672.241'7 ---per., cent. • net alloiring *MIL 'OD TeMpall 'for' an liouri • *ei.hieteeek,..__Heei.5. .Fei.d.,bertetHesi ,Atgo Std iUSP',Ire,•4 0 a:greater fifth,. thelat.„.-..,H.. • . .: , , ,--• . , : er :twt.):•to. etta...it,ct.' the' :fon e.#.07agth' tie. aibice. fregiaiitly .e.f*t.ii •tp .soiate 442 a pore; seale443..serviCe' 'of .°0! .. The ,kileiei diezeipihei hei:0;47 ,tir.r. 9f *9 .,,,eigee....,'Xitelt,_rt* off, 011.1uMP boystlialt toiti: Vacpe.ed they:roost utirh at ' lour, disp,;sal.. than to. gather 'up • I Se ' of 'Snell' fthe ; leOrkansufahip;.•44.1Ant MI!' Boxer Itetellien ."t,,f • .:Can yea do tk:itter.-lx... the 'blies :thne W'as .SOld at anetiai..fer• .$1.6X a Vann& lerentISi• adding the .inite of f°Or Ca.* ar wro- . . . • ' " . • into a: sort,:of .,7;unthiarl,.,v P Ske71.:12d Ttse It so1d: for Sac la:st year, The wijuliag „_____Y ' .___... • P.: .. • ,.1'°,11s_ .,.0 • Before Cothg to the Wtim etz......--e..,0 ... 33 ...their,.taine ns.• est.:T.:sated 'at .01$100‘21, bilit4 tt'.st;•.is 'formed . ltetweee • . --., • .. fgene'roi.•ontkne, 0,„, .pons .11# . . . barrow CareaSa • weighed.. =' pounds !oue• mu; a...teaspoon °Of powdered' att.‘jad.. tht.... , 374=14 • diimer g.;Tvet ...b.:4_, roost ,stral4g., navy -.e..satons as tthey feud_ was, parr_44Sia .14-.g•chi:!:?0:100., v4asss,"?0,____ ; a CUP of .aeLlad iaisir-- sad *es • 9f the Supreine, Court. the :pe-' Ithal,b:e;0.s.eleti7,5i.rid...:4::t.,,s,t.:1.4:;',-k: 11:e/91;i:ie... p.1172,1i:.ijrito.'•Iii' ,p,:z' ip.:17',' ,,;.,FE.IThot;eeafe.,03tum:li:t.66: tt.'t,.me.b.m...,eget,ter:eitettr;a!p:16:77.,:::::"...:::-7:t.:',...,.. P have been; felt, throughput' .thn • smteery.',.. ',: .• -. • • ! • ' • . . 0,g.. iOlth 'Y !--'lieed 'Ottimites-: AlloW ., ,te • trot roantzfactMer. Was aiked if 'he tion,of .50 OAN) As...'4i• 'le 1,;eader of the luting ". ''' •'' - -. - ' ' ''' '' • . life Ated tr4.74fig;. his„attitune ya', .i..7.e-is.,,,,, .6,0 . e„,,eeds, •we's :sod hf :Ha Iliefoie. serviot add. a 'Pint a er4eb2d arid ,r,-poildeiFi. ::Tcrith . it .i.stitte,-..neut 4-h.otros Which prezinitate.i the Pelt*po. T.., ,eel'at sther 't-l6i.MbiT. tO .1b".4"•"'T:- 'i ;‘^"%.,' ,. mouth*? .. Brietz Tem"' PsaYs_:•ear,INI ',Ilhe Srst riHix Yearling steer.stand. in :the ire •oliest pro borai. 4.st..6.,,,ci ,ar,,y•athg th ,:iir . foi. 443:lititkid .• thriStaarli•tatti, 1*.i-S re,aWgt fPV ';, Ir'S •Oroharda-eolOpooy of Ho: ' . ' • am., eliel.* *tart 'of' ide0 41egit 440,,.. a,,„‘otri baig. • ' • ' . ' -.c; . ...::' • ' . ' • 1.nesiiiin.,Wsoi. '.1"t. ',c.47.S 'ennuerecT;tav .c-cle. Te4-1/10...40t.tei .ta.,,-,.- et r .....k.' .conyersion±and •let .your furtlfe.r.dis,;. . . ._;„• .. , , .....,,, .,, , . . . stt'la. W -,,'"No statterfl• lhot',ever Sated; any, 1 PlAlip of : liatedon.„•.• 'Igt....-er of , • Ale*, ,Britioh.: ntaz-igilos... ::-L• :- '''.. : iitt „ • anitati alui activities' sbow tile nea,"•• The. gratui..:ehampien .10:717...ea7ass Zerties• nnd OtigS of ntint ' '' .\•••• ,'. •! . istioney,,r • he. 'said. • '"lib, e*a‘ it ...„..., 1.„,....0.2..„G.,......t. in' 4S. 8....C.e." ;.• • ; i', - 't'or,is•Menfin...r.:g, ..CD.SeiDri. o'f• Panl'S life .and spirit and , . ,.. at oPe a •poontL, ., : ., ,.' factor: that, his c,onverSIOn had intro- ' of.l.he .s12074.:13-4-04,04 $,1 per pound on, • "-SOUTKEItiN . qTittiS ' Pt *Cll.' l'fasf n,i, they: got 'it 'for, things to, kn.. . I 711.--e'Audirig.;,e4r.- tt-,e.city-it.Sielf -a---,. ithtte41.3,4*.&e, •.CarRtaith. T.7,,,:tv.iir, --,••:,14414; • .' dared'. iota': his exPerience; - his. •this-. .thearkOon litock,-. equalinglaSt yeaf'S Strain the juice of Six -orange. s‘ss.ix-- ..erettetheteselv'et!.''._: - • • • - ' ' ._ •._ '1,ria.ari,...41.,Pr".4.: ri..71....tr.s. iTilic4,sallr‘tf The ex- r'17,.. 'ft.:;••''''LL;nr*.'zr';'-wl;tei,-."11.:.tt4P' .":1'1.:1'7.7.:':i.';'''.'. . . ,. . . I, . ' ... ..1 talet 1.1.0--prebdaork of Chr'-shauttY, .T...nrldo.• of •,QuieertstoW-n.. 'Oat., The limes. Add; two quarts of cold tea; ' Ifis..elose.4-leudvoe'cer144 ar4-• l'nOue:"S' . • •Vat..-ioni.:.*-ere.,,ber,L7 4e...., the..rlige- .N7:a theta. ' -,Mr,-,e • " for hating L.s-T-4-•,•''' : stemarY- seiciiiti,'. and es'PeeiellY.:Ple •-figttra,"' It •XCD.S. "owned by' -John ; D. ta4ge4nes,,. two t.efrnite and ifico •ge•recalletl that.Wieov..as A., Etib?e,',',.' ; .1tis inIsaiOr_s to.the Gentiles% the At-. • . „ • , ' • .,,,-----4,‘,,, . '.' : • .' .,f, •-slinot .,..,.queds4s :and, tw-.0 ..ftiikiu :of it:." ', . , '. ;'..: . .• . . .•. • . ' • 1.. ': : ,ter.•!Ietl.,.'15;._f his enemies:, . showing* iere.. ent;z*yt '.1.1knvrilitiotTS, at inter- 'Charged .i•kater.•-• $erre .'at..,orice With . '''qf you want to make a ieoi. ttors,,r ... '..i -ill, or...r1 tie= era Wet/a !ITV:. st.,co,a4,. tito.:L :,,,TI..s. 7..trit...1--..42. ti#1....,.._fly-4.7...-.•co'n:..,-; ell. 4. 'N.' ' '-' ii.iiiiag-d a Large Pallettitzt of tetv.i....hilt: 'fiot-r... lt,r.e.y. to.' anetc.?•, t.,,,i- jpirk..4=',' -. • ..r ,.....-,4v.„ In - .....:. '.. . , ..barnt WOrld'r4oligjon•Walell was sae11.1a :earea'Weigbed.'1"poiurats: : • .;••• •• Sweeteinlb. taste. , • Add tiridie. thinly *4541 be hnd,ssltUoch.'he to. ulax't apepd."',.. ". 1 .1-4ell'i" Iliailimitallirl,.-b-eLfirin tht4?-31• ' ''' . • ' .' . . 'Ong' ' . ' ; Iheied" ice in eiCh: glais.- ..,..• ' .. '.', . ...he centinned,."tinstill. in 'th.e.. minds' of • .1, p•_•„„..imit,•-„.„,,)......x.*,-,..7.40; ip,:,,..^0..s..r,....r,,,.. .... .; i•:.e....ne:.-.4., ZIA 11.4......,...,-.V.'., . are'prpoign . reki... estfti.u.ted so hate, Seen tr.,....i ▪ -:-.• .efi..21:e 4r:::ro,. • • ..ZZ"..c)'•``:6'1.11----, # jfrii;ar-e747-ana-Lierl::. ',43. tta.•• '• ...c,. ------'-„,da. nri..4i'''''.:falin.. ''', :,', ;,. .Cr...kisTliERRY''COOLER :-•',... 1: tt'e' .• ...,iellmir ,e.ien..tir.. fit, thei,„. win; ..0e...,ek, , • ,,.... • : .... ,_,,....,_..p. . . ', I , Trox,,,slei-r;ing....tper,.ttit•ps...te s,...tohntt," ent•-• rrrtiReel." int"deftts.: • Of ttFie:' ;" ".. .r., sOnght.to- co„.nass • • . . wei . . . . . • get ..enywhere ..x.,,,pboat, .,,,-,;•rk. /..nevor , :-. , wr,...7 AkuD''' , .": tit rt.ed .T..sairlf-:-.. 12.14.,RoSinsa ,..lid, Relsein'O'r-:.; fle "g;-tde!`-;•,.t:?..' *Ma :,t!c'-:''.7**''''' Ms -downfall lila writipgs; ,ithuithg 'ars 'Ncto, exhibited at the .3:928. inter: -.,:C-ever, eral2he,irieS, with watet, 'boil • the Epistles of P4t1.1, and erloamritig • itatith32•1 .1.44 •Ofitik 3i-006,.in • .andi.until soft', and an-ain; te etch quart' ;"•-•'''' ". :5124ing.A__.• *ail that 1V6-3-'.wortili'4.. $6itn* of..Iiiw. is note-aurthy.fealthe .rarrs . . wr,s. .si:-..r.,' •unrIt"Feririg`.7-4-e-. 1'7;3 _._' C777•41"S.• • •'• lie '`..ii'''' tkett• .'.,.. l'l'-.' ' to, PIFIee Ake time, of :their writing,:.Gra.#1, and ,Hai,:..St'a*: egolO derrion..! of juice add one ruP•of .• r let •uve. eeloU izat :wouldn't *Ors, and- "..13--ii.2.11 SD;11-17';'*i'Zi*'Z'artiali dretlt..1.471--;-"; SZ:Zi r4r'ed 'M!-:•:7•,t-ter•S‘Df•••e. 47•••j'?:'t'''e tiO'f:r.- • ,74E7•2*•: •••f Iti-'.-, re,"-41•,'Sra,14-''' -4.-V. ' that is, where -hi thel'ife sof Paul their Strated' the high, standard Of rwri-Pial-",„ tome th-Ohbeil, Ladd one443;ii-+•'.4;t` pl•i;.EL' 4e*I. Oeett--'10r-4-41t6' get inte IroulAe.• is ei#1. stsliagi'f°r tale "PY-rthfrili-fi•°roartilP*.•;4:rc".;'.'"z 'c'Isz.'l 77.-L'''':**1-17'-t4Z:" N--.176:-: 11:77-t'S'L' TeZr•-••••-•-• 43.i... '1""41144;'s I' ''''''''4'1' . Were,' NtriV..erf,t• hii• char'.2.cteristic anm-, to,.. by. ,....,...,...5,-,g• off a '•xl.i.d,d, .i.biir• '0e:tipple joke. and ',ori.:e 1,..i.i. ,sluvecil,:-.. :Isis erjortS,' to learn.....• '.: .. • ,"' ." . . •Voinan.' Flat hipEne' iS ,'eriphaeid!Of the strfate, liPetof •••fle. lart.---•,r, a:a& :"TI,1;' a .L-1-417:;Esq,, ftf:5;ii exit- he:.*.a-L.,1 • • b • 1..- , .. ...r. - ;,,,1 ,_:%_:..._ "... ..a.:,..,..,F..,'..:-. -...e nvcrl.,,,,,--e.......-tiwitei wSw-,,F " In:I:FA .Snd attked that. it be. se -.1": %,.; "When 1 was. a young renew J. gt-t S'• ev.er :eu‘ Ok• car --AT- z•-Nr•i- Anel -Sage,' ; ; P. ' ; ' •'' . , . ' . , ' . :the bighest awards. la coMpetitioo:iNith. bits Of greeti.:Cherries .en t.013., • •;li'l•ekia . .,„, ii.,. 2,..0-12,i Las; • v 11,‘,,...: ;i:s. teyi c;,:i,...47. •surtal.ce boch-1:e • armb- s..1,,F, - .-a-cri : • tt.7...iattited. by, : ',',:at.i.ite7y ....,..d1 .:e.";!, a 7,t'7,e'-!.e7t: ::t.ce lhe 7A:'"I'lf :99'at dhtli•-•":1en Ilirirlg vIt in ':iith'; the /act fli.-'-t. eirlibltene froth' . CBP-11A.V.,COPFE CI:I!, ;'" ' 7: .' - • • . • -'• - 47" leilgth .•.. . • • s.vae. N.. ,&12:.',. ,,,e.,CfeetFarzt-_-' Ille. zaia. • , ialieltieiCra, ' as ' far • as.' y,o. mare •shle, . • - 11 - 4 -1 • ' • ' • • • • ' 1 -NMS , loomed:W.'''. . . *mei • tee VA,Ite.*:). .States. eau-cl' Pree- Ini Add :a teaspoon, of aireond...eitr40.: He explaie;,i' tho,t in. kis W:toebvt, fit), ipztezliti.**,..* s,itit..23gaygreen .r...he,',... • '.• • —7'7 :17'-7------ • the tali.- stir.:: .1,:,or,•:,,--•' la •Ibe.:Pteli.,-r-,r'4. . 14:3-7=-.1.71t7oPT-terMeatetier 744 .-thiar---greart7,-whe.et. ext.4-*d....,:fte..i-,,, r7,4,44. 2.-ttd:', to: •a• pint of strong' blar.i• -&)ffe le- .' aa• inO.Phl;•ps pasage 'abikat ran.- '75.1elex. ,gleoing • Wl.lt# l'..1'-'; tral-- ' ChriStian analiii thmely 'message for seseaS; Cana -fa. woo 2... ---me ••o., • t -e most, ;FL -rain., itrifti S. ' double hofi.ter.::. . Ni'bilelchinery,. he :would ' slip .inSo every Tne. ireter oon-ar .-.13.- matchiut- Oz."4•rl; s'toWn , around. '. the ,nferfs• oz4, 4 7,•,:„.... , P • • the ••aurch,. Get -theni• to recall from coveted tdrr.•;7,17,-- .n.;.fiet4,7-131 Trelle. et OU this is carnirgte aheil,:heaf the yolks ayailokie inochine ' Aogi •Ond witch .*Fe7z, wk.kh controtS, 'smart:7 !-,with.; Afterward hi.t.l.fratt-.onterfainedqhT etre. '. ., the IttritY hti the Act%' of fro.71 aWF ..•Of 'Ic-,P=Islen. ?eare, P-Irer..! --I. •-rt4.; w 0, o • two, egga. wail • two. tah espeous of tkin-. operatlon. '• .. ' . ' .' -,, pimp- green faille silk crepe ito$ . ." • pif4rce,T •ot, a .antheou.. , .., .. kis pListles, what they 'consider to De VDU tte "Atlefrril- 1,-.11e47.• ote-mplanshiP thick cre'enti. 3,nd ibe,'s4.1.7.0•2174,sue' - - - t et • tr*co one u....i7a .e,er, ,tet.•;. an' r.4.• btre• dia sarph,9e. coo...,.. .L......a.a. „„ozkpoo• ,71-7,m,, ' • • • • , "....-.0. •,.......'___ . , • . 4 47_ .', How to.Wateroroo. f $f.tia..-fitir 'the-entittendintr eh-!ar2rrteriztc 04. th.1, • in 1.926.-. ama :cr.:. - res. -err.: .t,722=71-Abm..,.. ,.., ... . Turn a li#le :et tbe bat .&..tf, •thi.i world, nale: beheeoules 0..teael,..,O7dog pl.ect. at er-kt:Fipe..*e:eZ v.4-. Th2"-• .•arti..1111 tt,—,es)E2-7e; 'WI7-1".,,,e.,7,.__a,"' !tie ' in.• 1927, '-r".25. dez:ared the:ISIS: rt.-:: feeiato the ini;trize, 'then Seat...it:into' ez one' who earl 'their others how SI '''clet, P#...-'4,,," 'with' I:he' fair'e ''s"--.417 erege- . 'rnw4Sazoi of. Ns;,2!ift 'arid "sertice4O Its . ..• ,. • ' " ., • • • . 41 l' -'le 10-14a:rcer of• the C`offee- azid,took; 150 things." he ,added, artti ireoalled bow BEI: -1.3-s--em''d we.'"` n'sfeirr• br•-•:•%le 7.5. • . , • . ... • eecr,er. ol, ' Ti• -..s power: imuaz, .. 1.; We, ,,,',. • 1,., ' ",,,,,:r4,4, ' T../- xtr7:0•14„,d .. ,..i.,._ • . - Wioter ' . ,. • ...: .; , .... it..,,,,,..i.allai. clipst*.44. tad. te ithei sat:41e .cf Ilar4,7-:s.•:,14.-e 'w,:a...setnee :stirring 'frequently Until .the soft C12Z- , both Dir•‘on and. -keit Lilt . working *Ade, of- hil.fa.' . Hempl:-......- hi: g=re . : /tet weother, its slosh or sttoW., snoted , • t3..hoei•-4,Itait.'ar.% itii be on on •writoi. . chiral tods.Y1 . I. ;7i.hedrE '1'.•.‘lser.."4.t. C:4745. °,..WIL;;"•41121.117 GlIt; '• 1:75C-'f:'i:4. bera,•:1451C17.1rDreteaDtt a soe'to n#4,1;.tro.1211. l". tclilhe'thht*ers.,It4ele'liatc•titerrnale"ever,t,dZel Nettee.uiellaS.mtibe nt...brsr--el'e'-"gr...-="ai1,--. : ' aubil'aft*eiTratTITItegel,h:111:ert.:"'• ttf,hae:re,*.r.Valt:: . . , . .'"dt,r!,0 'tza,!..""..T»,••:LE•41; for taxi Peas' .and ebilL,- Serf* 'by adding -* little*..of machinery .they needed,. ° • - veteen with heige, sz•Tx ,-epe Y. -4,-,,,:ie,e,•, ..', *ion t'S esabekr-ally, et-Si:fable tn. el...se of - ' for a 'Sample seletted' from. a• •.:11*-ar.re &-atikaa • ioe . to .e,,,i, ' 1 . 'ea.., . , . . • _:.......,_______; .. , c,c, ,7,0,..1.,,k virepe .se.t.511,...with del .,g4:1, ,aL,..ied.,, • 1 0.ctive.,*cs., w4e,, sok totem olisoal :10 . f:-.,:f.s year -F=.r....i.i...,13 c..,Sttscn "i'xiii.,S;;• 6,f,.. aiitbin half. an 'inch or the • toP " ani, , 'ye:* aith pl...i.0 c--.•*- are 'sir=v...;-...1F; I l''' ' . ' ....1"L"-- ',.„ tbemSelves, in *H. anaddi• sta.,N4 . ''t••- ,•44.ig,t), en 1 -,As 11,"21:, -.....:re. far.7-',.. ' 1. 'r, ertozzh of the ctistard to fill it a thirxl.• .. Wear' ratobeas,-. at all., .or •Wl4O. r;l,ftyl .. , " •• WEUe .1.•ii tbart;A:.-,:tslits• for '• Wheat ritl.l.t' ,ied..Irtter , to coe• . - P ier 'reVez *eiOrd.ar, 'and 'prin*d. sheeii .0 • Corra:',Is... $16.-itaiia. , uak_ ti.,..=.B ..-=.......,:,....i,„ . pfie 0..! -g-Eir,ped'ore. • ' • ilpDrini.;:rik* fOr,..4ytir..-.0.: -,4*;,..r.. ,' De..,. ,.*etroro‘ or. to. tliat,;• • of .thiefir / 1,-03441,-Eaioalt.. initni..g mad! tbatirglkt-t.e!0%yEt ..-1-"-'• Or-% ,c2'1"-'2;uzn-til-'5•-h.--4-4:'''i „ . • - PCP.IT,..k_V. PCNClii..'., . !ivied abeS 16, 26. .26 ..$4-4.rs., , '46„ tient' are' Sehnenet. Stunt4e, icatief:rmmt- , • 24 oat of the 1.5 wiz,e..s.: -g-li.e•.s.: 'Hinn-T. ;„. . Z..6.,' 4f). *ad 42 inaes, toast: Por-r---ri .., nbrs, .5.74.4erpe t-vontlitli:,.o• °T.ritr:I's.21::2t.tzatet.rea 4: rh. rt a,,,. ."'c,.,x3Pts• 'If .igettr.;;`1, 1717, ,,,cae..4 : ..4.,i-1,‘,143irivapi=t.s... it. w...?pr,s,m_itt.i.er...teoki...46t::.. 7. , ., , ,,......:,.:.....i.1_,,,,,c.:,.....„ States .IDepsrtanent ' or- Agri"ea:Itsr,N. .44g .fortnutas :gicerk. by the • Cni-e.t. . A• - • Igitlie4....iettex..eS., that these teu!as • • it7e. hiaptrite. O't the bs.,,ts,...r4bb.,--,,,, .:.:•-r21.• "---",:r a rIIP 'el: orange Isr'-r' e4- ork''• ''' ••• ROW to ORDER .PATTEBNS. . . 7,...--6.-.-._._.• '. . ' • 1".. : Pir-`esticZe ..iziee .ar.i to:P.: • • litzte *az ,,a1., -...t. ariti a.d.izi IT.,,..al•r2-. :,:•Itt'r‘toikihr4..::;;;;;41:a4:, '7.!..atitTs..:.47.: ' s„,„ir....„,,,... „.........,,,:,,..17.„, ..,,I., .t, .....,,,.....,,,,,,,,,„ .,.,..7•'h.t•i•F-......17°474"al. 4',11. i Cf rt,?.",!: Sugar. - '1,,,,!giiing ,nnber and ' 'stab of sh.trfs . y. 71, '7i'!'"."'.,4rr4-:r,;tz e„ ..,i.t.40.1 ....0 ,r.,,.; grati!e# „•5:-.:,..n. tle, rind t..f i'• 1,,,L,-,, .7...,,..*:.e. tr. ri15.w!..t:, . s„,....,-te.., f',..7.,,,,i.„, . icrt9..i.r., tt...1; t. ir..i.75."ftt.7.:, ;.:,... tita. t.f: '.-,.• '''''' . Y ''' r 4.-. . e -..,..,,, ,.: ' '4 ' .- ' • 4 :sq.iimps* Coin l'ir.-,- prefezr: Wrar. , •14.. Pot4rnue Itlinliallt.tlg''. S'i: Otii'ace S.. leatthnit 70.:1'''''''' :• . • tia*ras, at, you want. 'F.acitse irk, ', thengh ii ' asstintes, . to respetobniti et'er....,,,,,, ,,,,, . r . , • . - . .„ , , '..- '' ' r r • ,rar , : r, ,trt, ,r ..- . rir 'rot 405+,4 r r ,ert rit ev. .t... ,...1 4 it tareftily) • fee' ea,"1 nute!'..#..r •ar...i. '' : ar.;1. .e4.,‘...r.; • r.;.,tr.*. i -!..,,,•1, -*4 tat l....,: ,• .2-•-• ..--•••w-'.. a -1'-'s- 'r.,--- ,st.t., a '..eig` . ''''. sidreas yotr•orter tr•I, ."4".•asr4 P•t•lr:,,I. Viru..u. .'7,, .;:= It iti; ,tzt.".. svtio•titzt gra.-.....,e,,,.. ,,t. otifzis 404. poriti.,464,,, ..:,...-A, .. 1.?....,_,...,::F.,7... '...,.. vflate..atz_itti,,..t.:r 7 -4- "7. „••,'” 4'...''.-': 0.:7-..401-"g5 '°•.. . . '..:Ce. 73 Nr• -'t At'eAtet st,.. Tt.-tr,:::,,, !",1.1r.tc,'s:,:k., - • • •::6111,Vitaug • it'S a Silik' minces 1.,aaraiiitt wait. '. • . • 4 I.,.4; ran :, .-.1....%,,,:,Z Ve. : it2Art,, . ' -..;,ti,7"Lit riPe,..1•Li. .. .*:•441' :Z.' I-4.1 tO.,'.=,1" V.:et!' t":17--1 tt"-.7-17 ' L. •.• . .. , . . • , POI•ttitird 1Z, 1 mane -rettelatare... . ,.., .....,.....v.,....... - Putt-it...ma ,i.e....ti 1.....,t- an, euifir . ,.. ncia• ' , • - ,.. • . . , .. ,,,,.1, ,• .,, , • •, 4 't ......rt., ' % , , . If'at ...... v, arra,- vatte.. .;,. .4, , • * '”set,t\Lre;d7-w4Viert,,• cittires: 'leetswas.. • • • , , - , .'. • HOW LONG • HE WAS MArcRIED', i ,,, ' 4 . ..blotaittlia• .;: 6, enunes• pittootattni„. 4 ...t •zit. -t- .-!, ' - - ' ' - ,..:.-- ,t..,,..,.,--„,„: ,7,,,,..; . ” -s.--- • 4"Sa. 7."-.4.2. are n•tri-f.41 ., Ftr • h.e*- • . . . Peme vs. Stet:kb/10;0a ••, ,.. • • . nuintts..ittrattin ahsix-• 4 ounces wot4 a!” •• . t . !'”; 4i4:7'.e...t,I. t.i.E: ...:1• ''','S,',::;'' .*.r..t5 •CAN1,7;tZ...Ct,P,,, :„,,,,,,,E ..#,„,....,,fr„. bt,..4., .4...t., i.x.v,!,-.,r. 4turk •L'Icr,iitsz.',...ie Anil the i ' ..ittrTh.7,1. ,.'....ail. 7:1`.ty‘-•..e.1,-„'Pe4 a Saboltrate irrea$••-': ..,i1 q1Dc'eS` 11`..Litlqiej •.,:tteiteeeelei .. • ' tirAt •5'..ik , -t; ;17.ter, E.:(41 i • .g., t.,4.! ""4.":=ete.: it t. -VD .4,:#.454,.'S. ,,,v Itoi' , ,14..2.440.1tk= z..0;144#,,, *,..12.1 a . .15 -Mile w,,,a7...tir,o,-.„ tli.titi '4. 7 t."0:'"',"..7.'•,, •..":' i'D thi4:Cnantry we.tisit,,;.il., 4,4..,.r.4 ,trtg;t6...„.„. 4.,..r.o.v.',,•. ;4'. ...:,r...s ,".. ........ , t.e.tr.!;:: water, aid.. c&ing, tts • . . • . .. i 71.','e ta,..:4.re day. A t4C;';!T:OF...=-..Z. Irtz.k, v 14:15:„ janYaft*.s t:ittzai (it:: ' ' , the iagtedientsett e- , Aktortyattat ietented It; Warreag • . • , • • , ghost tenet:tiny and stinting thnnahml.....t°4 -11.r.. • " 4.11,44.1".ty'' 'Old gerase. inten;:it 'is , Yalanei. het ' linik*Ir., hotter than', • ;II tlithl'lemiLIC:otli"thli't.4itiemtiatiir faitru,L.t.outf.,it. I this' is• where . sbo,ka teak rite,t.4.„: eta I theteptetety. ratttrate th,O, ',see ' *it* grease. • This' tual be dene °then nets.. ° reldeitilly tn'y'lettitilate the Shwa' stand ter • ithent 16, .tilinateS its ar state* . .6. pa tottgatthi ttiotlittg,oit .66 ittiktio. 'irnterprootarr, • tiatertalt, 41 toter tie . emitArety:, ' to stnOttler: the.iptati-.. . .. i litr' et. greaSie Used.. Sheakt. net. eXened. ._ . •••••• qttatitity that the leatheit' ''Fitil r .. ° tittkatt a! Zatithoeintoat teltng.t.tittiguitroarttiF Slue' ,, Witer.h. . Itithber •,hett4 sientd• net tie . }:" vvIrtattzt. ,11 • ttt-.a :cedfletitiie7 otitet,;t:to:ctttt Sieu. etzlitithi, ,r , ''rrz=i0.4rlit.L' , qtd inhbAnt.tielti itattleN - 0 6. ....,,-,r.,c, ' ,vitiitlr . Ateitivit4 .Nitit,tio$0,,,,,t• P4te„; a ..e What. betitthe ef,„the Min *be 113441 . . 40-....' !!-;•.,....,,, . - 4, this ' roe,tioot btitsltit ttcit, . C'Ille.,,ikt1 ' * , * 2 ' . , we 044 (Matti** Atirnself '1,,N. . •-.. 'h.i.., it. • With; Itfttittit4w..t: talt:tt .1ro, .4.,,.., : . ,. ' . u• :a/0A -ma, tip to -t4 iii*oz,a' • "••••*•'" uptomate Used Com by r•,^ 551tr.r!, BatidOwl a ex • Li_' Etti tie- 7 f: • MUTT AND JEFF.—Bud fisher. -5, • tr-ke Pt.4...i.tftocio04C, 4,gVP? A.I.J AVS: .14 CAT' • Ger t"* • Th4 .:•4iwrt' • , tel,,co4-4 ",- • ri " " -44.70 40-06 c.•••*co. • "P4-, IstA JM Gott:10k 5GuEIA - Bulta . , " - Jeff Thou2ht Tomatoes Wer U5ed Selds pnd. Soup., , . AN!.• , !moote CAtS,t)?; our, itir THENt: • '5•••cAlrSt..p, luAbe ktilr eL.F It PANT orl ES ‘ociet;! ' 4. ". •