HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-12-27, Page 17r" '
Physician and Surgeon
Hours: 1,30•e-3.30 ' 7--8
Phone $6
' .i, • Dr. MacLeod • will visit Luckpow
. .' every Tuesday, in Die Connell's
.' Office% ' .
Dr. IL L. Treleaven, Lucknow-
Over :Decker's Store. Extraction
either by gas. or 'Odd. Will be •in,
eDungannon every 'Thursday. ,Phone 53
Uwe A. SIddaIl, inucknew, -Broker
and Real Estate. -Money to lend or
• tint mortgages on farm proper-
..., ties at 6 and Per cent according
aeourityi offered Also eleali
amounts on second ' mortgages on
farm properties and an personal
notes. A few good frame for sale
• • •
- WALLPAPER-A fill line of 1920
Wall Paper on hand: Price s consider-
able down for 1929. I am also agent
for leading 'job houses. -R. J. Camer-
on, Decorator, Painter and Grainer
Box -134 e'Ltacknowe
We, the undersigned, are 'open to
, buy .alt kinds of; timber again this
winter. We will pay you good prices
and give you liberal measurement and
• grades for your legs delivered at our
, saw null here. • • .
We believe it is to the 'interest of
the farmer to cut his own logs and de-
liver them, bid anyone having stand-
ing timber and 'wishing to sell on the
stump, kindly see us before you do
anything and we willebe gladetnese_eyou
We will ,pay you spot cash for any,
you have to offer, and as lumber
Is largely manufactured into the fini-
shed product here, it ,helps our own
province by selling to a condern. like
(Signed) The Lueknow Table Co. Ltd
LuCknow'Ont., Phone 25, -Box 206'
In th matter of the Estate of Mar-
garet MacDonald late of the Village
of Lucknow in the Coente of Bence
Widow, deceased..
Notice is hereoy given that all per
Sons having •any 'oe, .clemands
against the late Margaret MacDonald
who died on Or about the twenty-
eighth day of October A. D. 1928 at
the Village of•Lucknow in ehe Celerity
, of Bruce, are required 'be send by post
Prepaid or to deliver to •the under.
!signed Executor,' under the Will of
the said Margaret; MacDoneld their
names and addresses and frill Pairtie-
niers in writing of their claiins• and
statements of their accounts' and the
nature Of the securities, if Rey, held
by them duly veri1ed
' And take notice that.after the nine.
-.teenth day of January A. tr. 1928 the
said 'Executor mill proceed :to 'dis-
tribute the assets of the said deceased
arriong the persons entitled thereto
having regard , only to the claims of
which he Shall then have had notice
and that the said Executor Will not
Le liable for •the said 'assets or ..aner
part thereof to any person of whose
laim he shall not then have received
notice.. • •
This notice is given pusuant to the
. Statute in that behalf.
Dated at Lucknovv the 22nd day of
• December A. D. 1928. •
Joseph Agnew, Executor •
Lechnow, Ont
• The one and only, "Marjorie,"who,
for the past ten years, has been the
„shipipg Magnet that has drawn the e-
normous/ business ,the Canadian Sold-
iers Review,,. "THE DUMBELLS"
have .been doing. is : announced
appear in Town Halle Lucknow Fri
day night, January .4th.
Peer of all female inapersonators
on the stage today, "Marjorie," wbie
fee in private life IS Ross liandlten
elA since Organizing his own domperty
' has been an instant hit 11e has ap-
•peared in all the larger Canadian ci-
• ties includine Toronto, Montreal; Ot•
, tawa, Hamilton, London and nearly al'
the smaller ones. He has been greeted
by barge . and enthusiastic audiences
rocie't of whom remember him for his
steller work n the "Dumbells" Review
_Never ine-theeptist',hase-Mr. Harrill-
- ton possessed such. rnateelotis and
gorgeous gowns as he is displeying
during the ereseht seeson. The very
latest in Parieian firshione will grace
the perfect "36" of the noptilar "Mer-
iorie ' and regarding the stunnirine
hats, well it would take te dapper with
wonderful descrintive powere ter tel
yoteerbout thein. they ire all imported
models from the fashion Salons , of
Mr. Hamilton has sherd:need hime
Self with e clever and 'vereatile com-
pany of fourteen /vegans. seven of
them••former "DUMBELL" Star in.
.eluding suell•Well ,known members hp
• Pat PafTerty, jack Chellie. Eddie De-
von Norman Plunie, Sid Jackeon, Cur-
ley Nieon Mid others. • They are .irree
•senntine a high elese Meeker review
._eine fled As, .ealirete-differenteirem
enythine here to..ofTered fee' reiblie
apnrovat ie tneterertietiler field of a-
irmeernernit, one of the cleVerest, snap-
'dee+, arid reateeteeVer eresented.
The 13areein Day nieces of admie.
• e'en are. 'Children 25c, General Ad."
mission 50e. Reserved seats 75e. ?due
tax. Tho latter viral on stale at MeKtin'e
Drug' StOTO it is edviseble tp hOP
two) new iirkto **MA stio,di**
'Thi,it is the. 'apt Sentinel for
We tender you the eld-time
A Happy ,Isfew. Year,
Miss Grace N.Cameron ..of 'Lo
spent Christmas at home,
. Merchants , report • a •very
Cheistnias season shopping, • ;
Mrs. Jellies Arenstronge of B
le vlsting,.with her hibther ;re
. •
Nixon': •
Miss Grace Cowan of Teroneeis
guest at the lielee of Mr. .and Mrs',
Ed. MQuilliree ,
Mr. Walter Craw was t Pie River
Monday night ;Assisting in a Cnrist-
mas Eve enterteinmentMrs F .
G. Tepp. of Toronto:visited
her brother, Me.. Charles McDonagh
Lor a feW`claye last week.. • ,
The mail which arrive -1 here Mon-
day afternoon was the heaviest ever
received at Lticknoyv Pest Office, -.
Mise Marion MacDougall who has
)een teaching at Golden Valley North
Ontario is spending this wetecin ton
Mr. and, •Mrs. James Irving haye
gone to Detroit v. here tbv will -spend
a' few weeks with their claughtere,
Aliases EdYthe. arid Pheinie.
„ .
Mr and 'Mrs.. Russell Ritchie ' Of.
c3.011Veneur Sask. , are eisiting, Lucke
%tide; and Langeide friends. Mrs, Rite
chie was -formerly &lee 'Tiffin. I
It looks 'like ae"Walkover" for the
19281 village cotrneil if they care • to
stay on for another year, No talk of
opposition for either keeve or councjl
elorsee .
A sterY. entitled "A 'Starry, Story
of ehristallie” which appeared recent-
er in a special Christinai section of
The 'Globe as written by the 11,eve'A,
.:iVe Brown of the Ashfi:eld. Circuit.
, Mr. and Mrs. Aline Anderson and
;on .,.Frank have reterned to their
:ozre in ,Chicago after venting Mes.
tndersoiVe• brother Mr. Robert Mc-
Cinniencing Christman Day .post-
age an Cenadian, letters to points
,vi 'n the ,British Empire was re-
ced to 2d .per ettece, or ,fraetion of
or ounce.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Or have the
,ympathy of friends in the death, of
_heir 'infant daughter, Beatrice Elie-
abetlf.'who, died on Dec, 20 The
one was quite Well se far as was
.enewe on being put to bed the even
Mg before; but on 'Thursday morning-
ityas found to havelpaseed away:
. Among those who got" home to
eeicknow• for, Chriitnias we note the
_following: .CAMeren• Geddes- Toeento,
Dave ThOmpeon, Regine Seek; Ken.
eeth• Thompeon, Chicego,, Gordon'
ehompson, Montreal, W. I< Thompson
eoronto, James Mitchell,Kapirskasing
'Drennan Macintosh, .Toronto,' Peecy'
Agee, near Toronto, ' Toni Altar, Tor.
mto, Walter B. Craw and sisters,
Helen and Eirelyn, Toronto' Univereity
Arthur Brown, Western University
Londen, Miss Winifred Douglas, Len.'
•Ion, ,Miss Alicia Mitchell, Dundas,
Miseds . Ruth .' and Mena Mjtch-
Toronto, Miss Freia 'Aitchison .
Wester', Mies Joan MacCallime.Ham-
ilton, Austin Reed 'Hamilton, Miss
Aare ,MeQuillin Niagara Falls, Mies
!erne McQuillih, Windsor, Harvey
Webster; ' Torento;' Robert Andrew,
Temente, Andrew Orn, Strathroy, Miss
'Olive Alton, Ford' City, Robert Thome
Pson, Bellville, Mr, and hire, Clair
'Agnew, Windsor; James Orr, Detroit,
'Mies Dean Geddes, Harriston, Alex
Murdie,..Hamiltote :Flora and Alex
Andrew, LondOn. George beagles Tor.
'into, Will Leas, Deteoit, Jernes Mc-
Callum, Windsor', Mr; ellcl Mrs. John -
McKendrick, Stanley Burns, London,
Jack Johnston Elmira; „Jean and Is-
ebeLJOhnst on e_Gedeei etre:Ste art -Mace
Kenzie,' Kitchener, Bert and Hazel
leddes, Kincaedire De. Alvin Came
Ottawa, Miss Dote. leliteltell,
Ridgetown, Ford Aitchison, Ottawa.
Beginning Januafy 2nd, 1929, and
lontinuing until MAY. 1929, our stores
will clpse At. six o'elnek P. N. on
Wednesday as on other days.
•Wm. Murdie & Son
• ,• Rae & Porteous
,We are authorized' to soy that be-
9:inning tide week "all 'torp s in Lucie.
nOw. have new 'diaeontintied the open
VVedneedaf eveeing and will. nat ye-
--iterie-tenfit May ,when the Thursday
'Self 'holiday eoeineences.
The Validly Herald Intel Weekly
Star "have jest Announced' a seeder
offer. of a three years sehteription
for $2. Splendid value at the former
nride, this radical reduction slieuld
!yin? the .remily Herald on every
lilersty 400 in Caned'''.
A Happy New Yeer to all our read -
Pray. '
Among those hoipe, fee the Christ-
mas holidays ;we notice, Miss Ade
•Helm of near Hamilton, Miss .Marg-.
,aret elecLennare of •Tpeonti; Mies An-
nie Of Hareilton; Mise
MeeDoneld ef Detreit, MisseSel-
eta MacDonald of Windsor, Miss. Iso-,
bet Grant Of. Sarnia; Ms s• Louise Me -
Donald of Hamilton Messere. Duncan
iVlacLeenare of MilVerten, Bain ,Stew-
art` of Allison, Charles ,MacGregor of
Kitchener, Sandie and Reddie Mae -
Len na n Detroit. • •••.
The funeral of Miss Isobel' Mac-
Kenzie -whose death wee briefly' not-
ed U3this,CCI11111n. last week-tookl peaeefuliy away in hep eightieth year.
t. e .' „
;dace cm Wednesday of :ast.week nSchaer,yvsats Tbobron;raose:011,1natrelL2n1,7
d8, 01319e,
KinailCemetery RevC.II. McDon-
ald. of Lucknow cOnenctipg the sere
vides. Miss Madeenzie was. the third
'daughter. of the late 'Murdoch C. and
Mrs, MacKenzie. of th,e Lake Range
• The funeral. of Emily Ensign.nri old.
and highly estedMed re.sident of eAsh-
field Township, who died e on ,FrieleY
Dec. 21st,' was .helcr,et the family. res
cleeee oneloeda3r arterenon.
A Vei y 'impreesive service was con•
ducted.hy the Rem. Ce. McKenzie, pas-
tor of the United Chtlech,Ppley
•pall bearers were John McRae, F.
Maclennan, Duncan .Caeron,
Barkwell, ;John, Colling end D. •F
guson, Interment toOk place in Lo
elsh 'cemetery. . • ,
Mrs. Eneigri had -Tmen in fail
health fore some time, and •pis
• , "
PUI3LIQ SC11001..
;• ItOom 1
.Ps4.0e,s;iil:1,e,.flia.1::ke .225, Honors. ]C8,
1 Senior Clees,Honore-Jpne . Colly-
el, 201e Margaret Ree lee, Jean Swan,
1.05,..eulali Llack leek,. Orianct"Pater-
eon '183, • Deeis Ititchie' 1 H
74; arriet'
Whitley e71., 'Merle • Johnston 16e.
TheI ass--,Ruseel Button 1e2 Etta- Belle.
Wyn: Whitby ,
lii; l'14°2',Injinj-:a141•17aer.rd 113488'; '
er" Below Pitse--Anna I, inlayean 126,
ch- Helen -1-erseil 124, Eve e
*. .. 116, Doheld, Ft playSon . 9e; .1; C. John- 1
ing :sten tel, elm:eerie Alliit 93; ni. C. Aemel•
sed ;eteeTee. en (Anna 'FinlaYeon was ale- i
sent several days; on acconot of ill -1.
was married to Isaac Ensign „who'
preciec.eased bee 23 Yeare ago- She.
Was possessed' 'of a noble Christian
character and as a ,faithful member:
Ashfiele. She had been teaching_ in of Olivet Methodist, (nee, United),
Toronto' foi' snree' tiine. She was of a. Chtirch, • ' ' ' •
ebrigh-tTloving disposition _tied her ens-. She is servived,beeone brother Thos
eine is mourned by the v;hole coin- Staley of Buffalo N Y,!Also three
Munity. Sheleaves her neitherand daughters,. and two •;seee: „Mrs. Mace
5ve sisters and, one brother,. This is Guire and Mrs. Brown 'of Detroit,.
'the second hereaveMent the.: fernily has Mre. Q. E, Smith ,of Wingham, Iseee
, r
suffered in a fey/ months; Mr'. Mac- of. Buren Townsoh,oip-,0,,...en-d Ikerbert on
Kenziethe husband and father having the .hoinestead.
died last Jur Needless to., say they
have the ,sincere sYmpathlie el the en- LUCKNOW CONTINUATION
• . . •
tire:communitY. SCI1001, RpV-ORT FOR
'Another ;of the pio,neet's past
. ' • DECEAIBER ••
-away en •Tieuesdayjastein theenerson
'if Mr ,Alexaridee C., Maeleeneie. Mr.
MacKenzie ivaSepast his 9.2rind birth-
day -and had sPent, the greeter p'art
of his lif in the. Lochalsh •district,
••.erreing ,there •with his eererite from:
Sctitlaed When just a boy.'leeepite his
great .age' Mr. MacICennkia,S• memory
was as, clear as .ever end he Was able
un and around the hi:Mee till
he dey of hi death. in 1927 Mr. epd.
Mrs:. IVIaeKenzie celebrated their. dia-
mond. wedding. 'Besides his widow be
F. L ane W. 1 II, 1 111 2 Ci„ Mac -
l.'s -survived by three daeghters and
Donald Cell', f•III, 2 C MacDonald
G 3 I 1 II. MacDonald M 3 C 1 F.
• .1
. MacDougall E. 1 C, 3 F: Machines K.
1 IfI; 1 C, 1.F: Macintosh 'M. 2 I
Form 1
Ackert .W. 3 ab, 1 III: _Anderson N.:
1!, 111, 2 C: Armeteong .' 3 .11, ,2F
Blake B, 1 i, 1 ,II, 1 C: Blake
W. I, l'C, I F: Cainpbell K. 21, 1C,
Carnochan B. 2 I, ' 1 III, 1 a:
Cranston N. 1 I, III, 1 C, 1 F: Far-
rier C. 11, 1 II, 1111, 1 C: Finlayson
R 2 II, 2 F: Grant. J. 1 1, 1 II, 2 C:
Hackett M. 1 III, 1 C,2 Hamilton
A. 11,2 C, 1 s:Hodgins •F. 1 III, i C,
four .sehe., Thee. ate'.11ers..,Ale* Mee-
Diarmid. .,:if . Lecknevvi' "41s Tennant
„peo,Ruffalo. and .Mrs. Chit's.: Boyd of
Ashfield;' Duncan ..on ilii".old hoMe-
.: . . 2 II : MeeKenele . ,k. 2 I, III 1•C:
eteed, Donald ; Ke,nneth. and Alex •ei. . • .e ,
Detroit. The'fenerel'Wes.held •on Sat. 'MacKenzie., T. 2 C.,. 2 fie 'MacKenzie M:
1'1, . 3 C:. Maeleod , M. 0 , 2 ,C, 1 F.:
T. McCullouch of Kincardine conduct-, Mael\i'l''n 1'211 I HI, i.C.l..:Aliddle-•
'.roday to Locholsh cemetery. :1,1,...ev .1.:), .
1 'ton ei.. 3,c, la: Phiilip'§.. E, .1 III; 2p,
ire the services . , '
, . , . . • ..ite. 1.1oss,K.. e.I, '1•II; IC: ,Sinitli E,
e -e -e -o-
. .
n : ROBERTS,--CAMPBELL ' 1.11i' 2,C, I lie . Steward ..S, • 1 IL.- 1 III,
.1 C,. I F.: ,SWan Yr.. 4 C:- Thompson F.
. , . .
. A • emo ..• but -iiytt-3i ,..w6thni.4 ,..tboi (1 1
2, lcI,,;11Cii ; :1 r!. ,IlldnipSon :P. I I ... 1:. II;
place on Saturday, December 22nd,at
he, honre of the bride'S':Parentee When•' eSubjecte:=Lat, . Alg., Art,...,Cornp.
t .
eAnne,•,yeohrerept„..daughter of Me. end,
,• Form. ,11 . • /.
Mrs Neil Campbell heeanie. the bride
SubjeCts:,phyee' Lite. ;Let, ,Eng.,
of. Mr.. Cecil Roberts, - Toro nnto. The _
bride, given marriage by .lier father ,,t
,.(•;.°,,mrP,1"iiri;(illi...'6,e.,• i'L-T. 1T1"..1I1;e:;:
:wore a deess. of Royal Bhp george,tte.
Lerrame i.13eahson, 2 I,. 1 III; 1 C,' 1:Fe v4b, shoes to match end ' Carried 'a
shower ' boquet of roses. The 'wedding • .1alleY. 131••)"''", 3 I'lli;' 1 .1;'' i a.i Will101
Music wits Played ber Miss' Anne *at- •°”'11-)1!e'll''• 3 12;‘: Plve-: ..11Parl:I'er.' 1' 2 it
1 F: , Beeyl Geedner, '1 I, 1 II; .2.III,,.
'son; .eoupin of the bride, end Rev. ' C. '
4,. ettadjeneld . of leicknov'i.petiforinV T.1 0C1:1 ,CHI:nr;y17.e1 ;(41.,.'Pe2re;.'.?L,:;,.?'C.1 F:
theceremony in the .presfinee of only
'nfolineton,. 2'111; -3 F) 13ruee . Martin!
:the 'immediate eelatives. . •
1 II, 1 HI, 1 C, .2 T' John •Mailtin; 1 Ie
I IT. '1C.: I F..: Dougleet el-acDonald; 1 I
2 II.;. 1 ,,131,, .1,.c:. Finlay .:MacDelialcr,,
,,. 111, 2 Ce '.Phylia Maclioneld, 11 C, 2 F:
Idoyd Maclidugall,, 1 I; 3 red. p:. Car,
lyle. Macintosh, 2 1, 1. He I HI, IC:
•• • The Decernber. Meeting ' of ' the
Whitechureh, braireli of 'the Women's•
RetheelecLeeid, I II. 1111, .3 J' Jessie
; iklacKenete, 111 1 C,, 1 it : Evelyn
intifirte Vves 'held. ,atthe home. of
Nixon, I III, 1 'C," 1 F:, Evelyn ,Reid.
MeS. L. 'Grain, On.' Friday,. Dec. ..14t. • . . . •
„ III, 211!, I C., 1 Pi .Elsie, Ritchieel I,
The ineetinte was'' very well .attenoeu:
1 11, I Ce 1 I': Jim Stewart , 11, 1. II,
..Coneicleralle• .hu•Siness . In Connection
1.Ce .1.4:. Alex Smith, 1.1,,' 1 II,...2.III,
:with their • new hell wa.s, dealt with,
1 F:. Elsie Vint, 2 III, '1 C, I F: Nee
and rulesconcert-title the tree of Sante •
• ma , Andersen, 1'1I1e Itlaegeret eGrahe
.were made.,Mrs. W, Lett gave art ihr
• am, 1 fre Archie, Hamilton; VC: Kerte
tereeting paper on '"IdeAl •of• our WO-
nete., Reese' ler, '
then's . Inetitute Organization," ' Mrs.
F. Davidson sang in old tinie song, , . Feint 111.' ,
playing her ,own' accompaniment • on e Slending = .1,75=100e% : II -66,
the here. An instrumentat.on the ore 74: eireeee-65; Ce. -.50.7759i r-hail-
gae 11S , gieert , by Gertrude Mertin.
-1Mreze'Re-egotelerArereed • e neper , °T:' Subjects: ---Chem., „Liter., Alg.; Eng.
"Importance Of .Rest and Reeeeetion eeeee. • .. . „. . , . . • •
in the Life 'of thejlerneemker." ,At
the close of ,the , Meeting, lunch ',waS sei111,7.e' 'Ati°21::nr:C1:-. 1S,..132'1(•C'evlifin..1nri., .1A'C.n,d‘;r1-'.
Served. • ' ' ' '' •
E. Bert,' 11, '1 III, 1, C.,. 1 ri .E. Bus.
The Institute.. have made arrange- eesee q /11,,, i C, I 1,7f. A,. r,elei.c„, 1 ere
meets' for a picture show. to be held 2 r, A.; reeyele, n F.,. 1; e„ L. craw:, 3.11
on , relitireday evenirig, DOC. 27,. in e F: .seereeeet. dreeene 1 nee r, 1, F:,
their 'hail at •Whitechnt,e11. Me. Pat mA,..y. (111111,11)i, ,1 ere 1 C, 1,r1 3,,T.
tei:Aon, • Agriciattil'e • IZeereecuttitiv°, Ileirliltate 2 C..1, V: A. Ifineiv, 2 C, 2 V
Clinton ha 's: coriolted to put on tili0,,. M: r.aVo, 1111, 1 c, .1 Ft Cie MeeDort-
'ehtertairtment which :Oil , epeeist of eel; 1111, e c 1 ,e, E. mer,reeeele, e ee.
three Mins, , one , feattna ng ' Charlie 1 F, 1 a: ,,,e, erae,neeete, 1 TT., .1: (e, r..i t,
Chaplin; (Me centia- for the 'children, el: ereclefeee, 111 1 eel.. F: Fe
and one on tile 'ndustivs of .Cenade.
Ite7ei;e' 1
1, i'e; '21,111.11111;ri.'eil
1<":e' ne.Cle.'..1.111T,:
SIL.V.ERWOODS- -1113Y----N-E-IISTA'.DT1r-TITT--• tifdAt-e-iiiie, '!I 1;4: C., ..:Itiekiii„,
non, 1 1.11, 2 ce F. Meeleall, 1 C, 2 V: .1.,
Marearet MueOuillin, ITT 1 C
• Mildred MeQUilline 1; III,: .1 C, •I, FM.
, Millet:I', 0,. 2F: ,E, •Illteltiee IF: V,
Sherriff, 'I C, 21t m Thom.. 2111,,
I Ft. 'M. Wittsee, 2 /le M. `tVilstote 1 L
III, 1111, 1 r; le, Wilson arid' d. 13lit.,
.2stein abeent:-' .
; Mt. and Mrs. Roberts wilt later re-
side in •Toronto. • •
SilverwopdS, of 'London,' keeps 01,
expanding. It 'recently boughtthe.
creamery at MetiStadt which writhe
Oneratett. AS a ''Stlb,Sidark to the "Cat -
•gill blunt, which, by.the Is.tay, is .menr
Aged bv. the ,Thteknow• Ulant.
wodi iS titfiti-gaid> tobo the larkpat
trismtliettirerg of leo eteere in the
t „
possible inark e lib,' leoners, •105,
Pass '84, ' • e
t • Junior • Class =A -loners Florence
ellretinen 135, :„Gdrdon Stoner(' 131,
Helen Maciiontild '127, ,Eiva TWareley
123,' Nicholsee 12,2, John . k,
eimarltenefe,..09,.„- Donald .Wileee 119,,
Jean .Wareleenfp,..,ouisel Creel.. 148;
Maiy Fishee. 118; Margnret Salkeld
117; Deyid 'Iliellough 117, Murvin
:SOF:)mon 116, Jim Webeter 115, 'Fred
Ela115; Jane' Hornell 114, Helep
Hateileen' 11ee Dorothy in 109
Jack Ifee'dersen 107, Jean ljayenS 105,
Pass-Meriel Paterson 93, Ella Whit-
ley .:e2, Donald Johneto.o. 86. •13elow
PaSs---INTarion Treplin 82, Evelyn Taloi y -
'e2, Jack
Cook 62' •Ree-Sel. IVintbV
• I. Muediee
•Reom. •
. Meeks. 365; Hon.
273, Pass 213.• •
• Excel•Icent-,Ililda, TwarnleY 142, Me
feel • Selornon ' 333, :.Jessie Henderson
328;...eack•Mee•Dohald 1-317; (Jet, Hen7
der on "Varian MA-DPiiald) 314, •
•MaeeeMaceeire 'nig; HOWard Johnston
308, Cirvin, Reed; :104, Jack MacLeod.
302; 'Donald .Sinith 299,e1ire.o1d Them -
peon e98elEdWin Whitley 295, Itlary
Webster, 294epass=Ar1ene Jewitt 261
Jen ie Pearlman 255; AlYmee
Aitch -
iso n 253, .Christeea /Ravens 239, Grace
Webster 234 Blo v Pass -Pear]
•Swan 180 . •
Jr; 1Marks. 325; Hon.
243, Pass .195. "
Excellent= Mildred Ritchie 288,
Harold Allin 279, Jean Macintosh 274
Clarence SyVan 26e, Edwin' Buswell,
267. Pass--Zylde Twernley 241; Helen
Johnstone-gu'Meek 'Otruthers 227,
•Donahl MecKinneri 29e. ,Below .Pass=
Jean Struthers 103; (Billy • Jewitt
Arthur Trnelin) 187, Jack Button 186
brace MacMillan -e80,, Gordon ...Strue'
titers 83, \Alice Dreithen Sle Dave Je-
Witt 63.
11. 0. Sherriff.
Rod% IV
.Si.--Subjecte-Sp,, ,RcaJ,,Art, and
Hygiene. ,
Ifere-H. 'elecDoneld end H. Greer
(ties) 88, D. Nixen 87, Al. Mc'elahen
87, b. Finlayson 84; C. Collyer 83', E.
Baker. 83, M. Iiamilteri 81,•D, Doug-.
las 81; R.:Mullin' SI, J. Henderson 78",
B. liendeeson. 78; Webster 75. Pase
,C. Johnston 71, W. Armstrong 70,
F: Steward op, W.,.,rolin,5tcal 69, L.
Irelit 67 Te Coueins 63. Below 60t;
tinieroe 56Jt -Snbjeets -Sp , .
.1,it.,, Art, and
ITYgiehe.' ' •
HOn -L•Beewn 84, J. Wileo.n 7e
S. Cee:yee:PaSse-D. Clark 74, M..11it-
cltie 74, M. AlatDonald K. Ferris
72; D. Macnoteild 67, C. Fielayson 67
Ix Nene' 67; .a. Arrnetreeg 65, M:
Henderson •62'. ‘1:, Fisher • (30 F. Ale..
limes 60,E', Selomon 60. Below .60(1‘.
\1Cousinse7, J. MacLatem 56, M.•
Johnstete 56,.S. Cameron 5e, eee Wil -
eon. 52„ 11 Button 47. W'eWalker 39.
K. el at Dritteld
„The Village Ceenzil hex° within
recent .Weeks, greatly improie;e1' the
etreet iighting. A•• a first step Ai the
light belbS nn Cambell street were
changed f'rem itm,,,svat' to 200-w1t
bulbs, and tfiree new lii.thts.were put
on:to brightlm a ,fow dark tireas:,T!'hetl
ia additional 1fhts aye heing.'ptit or;
other streets to .everconne perticularly
dark spots. , ,
The ,Work of installation' is- not
ouiee 'complet41, hut: will. bt. eithe a
few days, The additional lights ,rid
.larg'er .1ntlirs4n-Pannilic.'11- Street have,
eufe quite en improvement
ePeeters glee out ennouncieg ,OVO
danceS under Fire Coe/petty miSprees
The first is.Priday uglit if tide 'wee1.
and the other on New Yr i's Night
Jen. let Steepere 7 -plate erchettee
la for bath d
F. E. 'MaeLeitir
p y art .
The.Bread: The Brd.
. of Health 0, of Health
. -VIS •
e extend to One and
All our Heartiest Best Wishes
for the New Year, may it be
Healthful, Happy 81 Prosperous.
Phone 36
206..a lb, for Live Geese24c a ib. for:
Live Ducks
F. 0, B. Toronto .
Write. us 'for opt p1 ice en- all other kinds •
of Lie and :Dressed Poultry:, °
• • • --IyeeVilleeeeeTT -7
80c' a Ite for 'Neve •.0oese :Feathers
60c a lb. for New Deck Feathers.
We loan .crates, free, for shipping 'lie'poul-
ery. Money order sent to you the gaine day ship-
ment :arieves. . _ • • .
Established over 25 Years. References: .Royal
Bank, 'College and BathurstA. •
• Poultry and Feather Merehants;
-18,20 St. Patrick's Market, Toronto.
M S K it A T S
...-Ndskrats can be:raised in Pens successfiilly..
These . pens can be pieced inyour' back yard.
Receeds .show that muskrats breed from 3 to 5 .
timee per year, and they: haye frcim 5 to 1:4
yeting to 'e litter. Pelts sold as high as $4.00
each on the .New York enerket this 'year. We can
. supply. You with breedieg stock and speciail
constructed; pens and start yea in this' business
on a small investment,' Foe.full particulars write ,
. • 13ig ('reek Muskrat Fertile, Ltd.; 616 .Lister Beide '
, ing Hamilton, Ontario, 1.bea1 Reeresentati\-e• s .
wanted.: •. .
The ..fellowinie are .ainorte the tee-,
echers arid „students beme 'for ethe
ehristiees • Gladys &."
t:;:.1i;oine Webb of. Feet Wilii11111,
IVoed'oj‘ eeile, 'Irene Woed4 of ,Kitche
.encie,Doreehy"•\I'ooes •,ef tilpury,
D. Ruelierferd, Of Tfinnlins, beet
mon pf..Dungaehog„ Zylde Webeter Of
Seratfenl. Nornial, Harold, Mc(ettil-
Li;ndon. TeolniiCal• :S‘Slchbol;: A Win
Woods of; 'Torente et'llikee•ity„ Lehi,
Weatl,erhencl qtnd ,Te -tit 'e"%aieets.ter ‘. of
1Vinghem lli,h,Schoele Mildred ;
i'lin ; Maegaret Thom 'aod
Miller of 'LuckhoW High Scheel.
AIiss. Vera 'Weeds .61:Toroinn, 41ise
• of, Deefield,..Florriii:e
Atederson of pitteoit, Itohnet
Qeiltinof Belville, ejr..L0..',10 Webster
of. Seaforth, Stenley, Tode of Hanel. -
tell: were among' thoee benne for ,Chrie,• •
tma§. •„•. .•
'Rev: and • :qrs.. metered 4o
In(erhoro” for Christnies. •
PRI OA y & sATuRI).:,,t Y. DEC. 2 29
•Torii Ty:er and His Pals ,In
. .
les iiiste,ii eleEariert ef Blue -
vale spent the weelteend with 1.It";len
Thorn. A
Mrs. Itezel MacIntilsh f T(,ronto.
seae a t'hristroae' Vlgter :‘‘ ith eir.'ei
ti's. .1. D. Anderson. ,
•Ale. and 'ell e. l'erev1T k and Ii ti
diutgliter,-:11esses 4,1v11 11 1
levde and Me'lind :\Irs.,Cteneen'entl
ildree' of leirtennline set et Ciller:
185 eith Mr. anti Mre, ere
The Young Peoeliee :;,e.iety of the ,
Ifed Cbtlrellewili mot an rride'Y
!"..,entug: (it this. week, when 411 :Ire;
ennee people of t'ic' coin:1'1011-4:C :Ate
invited to come 101 ceei,ey geol.
:reetittg 121(3 «i1 evehipte •
're womoics ‘s•lit
,hvir,iTaputiry meeting at tne.horee of
Airs.' b. Phil es 111.1 Thur,sdey
neon, ;late '3rd, w11011 e eelten
b will`have, charge of1tT'e eubject:
'1\70fnert",S Part hi Cameclel's Progreee"
'toll Ca11-'"TT'nt oii ttiguotte‘i'
. The ,twohoo1,tbacertt last week
Were much .erijoyed bYtlarge Audiences,
• '
Cherlie• M1 re In
•:1•1e'W Star Cafe,
FISH, and (11315S •
:Tarries, Limited
N •here'oe !1' 01) that a
l'eetleCe-eteidee,.• t one and
l'rt, 1,111'.;t71''S1, IYrety (1:34 r 1, ,
nt the '1',Ite •Of 11e1"
17 ;,(7. eaie on:January
Is:. 1:12,,, on • Prefer( nee
• e te" t flier:limy. to
vetoed at. at
A 4ividenti et' toeety-five Lents
' tee:eel per share eltta he
on the Class "A" or ml 111 • Platy • Pr.vtkinating
sh IT ;•4.,M1 the Conmien Shares
ir the Conipany,
• /re oitritn, or;Titt. 130Ak1l
1t.;),133,3Ants •
• ' .§8C.rt1TABY
, pr'0" (ritizing your :tife's faults
remer that it etny beVe ben:
deft:ens that prevented her from *Atli -
trig •a, better husband. '