HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-12-20, Page 71.00" •
ql!)idn't they useto tell us 'Ann,"
•amid, Mra, Peters, "thatIn China pee,-
ple4a.int their coffins pink and blue',
:and pea greened yellow:, end: keep
the:fron•parlor to 'oak at till,
they're wanted? Seems to me '1 re-
. 'member something of the sort,.” ,
"PP d9 I,". assented. Ann Tenney.,
-"They •naake•one. another presente of
'one toeTisn t I1eiy a Person
:would forget. such an enlivening 'little
!act once titey -knew' a: That •nais-
simigrY ()deter fold' us, , tat whY de
you ask, "'oldie'?" ,
'''Because r,Ye i'net. been out to the •
„Twiggees', It's S',0 far that folks don't •
gettrotiad"eaueh afteif enow flies, and
• Mrs. Twiggs .said thet there.hadn!t a • •
seal be,en in :Since Christmas; my, but "
they .. were glad td,' aee Me!, They
showed • me their presents, .and all
talked at mice•,`except I noticed that
Oran'ther Tsiggs' teeraef,re 'Mite Out
• :ofit, gel' Prett.Y.deef\ noW;: se I yell-
' efl f.„‘.h T1,1 • pleasant Christ;
'teat, gran'therr , •
• " illeY?'••saye •gran'ther, • yea,
-Yest' Vine 'Christ:MO; god the ; fake.
' 'gaVe inc the, bet.t preseet:Of ••
'That !s :says I; 'arenit 'you.
going le-sliow it to m( gran'thei•l*.
;" 'Trey?' saytelea:•
.. Veit' notr,LYddy, sorrY to dlsobleege•
,a ffad3i, bet,,ifaalfrt possibleot to
de inebbe not 'till 'spring:" Yesee,
" 1:ydrly, it's up, to •the .certietery,'.`qi-
• :Ann geeped.,"loyal 'rbey
• ' ' • • • ' "
isn't anst for grerivtlier, Anil.; :at
. least Tt :has the grace of being
fainily•,rnotiernentf-1 ander-rend."
• •
But his name will.,go or , it first.
•,.AWfull How....cduld• theY?".•• •
I'd have said 'awful:too,' if r hadn't
hoard.gran"ther chuckle,. Seems , they '
got t set up two or three weeks be..
' loreliand and toek., him over • in, a
„ sleigh for his first. 'view Christmas
morning.' He'e'at pleased. as Puneht".
. "1 wonder," ,mnsed Ann,. "did they:
• tali it ;With 'A; Merry Christmasr?"
L3drl',.laughed. "It doesn't •••Soundi
exactly' Cliristiriasit, does It? Wefl
•there are plenty.,of queer folks in
world, ancl:ks'POse its natural'enctegh,
tioine of 'tbe queerness shed(' •show up
• ChristinaS. time,. The :TwiggeS areift
;the only 'ones.. There was Henry
Brimble giving•Lonisa arch' support-
" . , • . .
• ers... Constderin,g it -was :waiting, on
i1n;trial broke' livr arches,' " does
, • see:in that She was entitled:•to• 'ern •fo'..
plain ,everyday, without hating' to
Wait ,till ,Ghiletinas.• And •Mania
'Teeby;• 'Ytm: remeneher' 'the year :the
Teeltys ga v,e her the oPporturiity. of
, having her appendix out at.:trie ,hOS.P17
tal? And Myra' pressey who sent lit-
,tle-My-mle-to-the,-dentisf. tohave her
"front' teeth straightened; . .
:• ."Mean d6dgea 1 t11 ein AI1,7Inter-
• • rupted Aria, Ail spirit. • r.
"Oh; 'wellV'don't kno'w's rd saY.
'eXaCtlY that--"begen„Mrs..Peters.
"Meybe..iapt; Maybe' not conceded
'Anns:With -a tolerant twinkle.' "There:.
;are: to sides to every queStion, of
cotnse Well LYdfa, yoa may give
roe coilin for my pre§ent next year;
If you're positively pining tO';,all Is,
••be sure it's. a nice, bright's•ed one wftla
plenty Of gold dragons and .fiutterfies
mgt.:things on it to •look real, gay.and
Christraasy2t. '
• thristniaar •• •
.01d ,bells 'ring now,,, and one bright
ShizieS,sith A tender, lotely
, ilglit—
Far Shepherds dream on riethleliona's
' •hills, • :
-1 i agate: the magic hi t.
• 0411861ms:
:0 blesaed God Who gate Thrielf•
Lot alI hearts 'rise gratitude -
Grant eacla' Imo „fogLitat,,-splanitt
levet, •
Th:At• Oarlike the Christina.s. mood,
A woman Would'sooperAWear a neW
hat that dpeSn't sult lier than an Old
hat that does: ' .
, • •
anta Pays A-aother Visit to the aildren
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Round the Christmas Tree
FA/all the bells of Christmas
Should ring in one 'wild chime
• hey,coidd not tell thy joy,. 0 Wbrld,.
• At this .exultapt ,
• And if the hOsth of heaven
• And all the sons of ear.th
• Cried jubilantly ,in one voice
. The neA of Jesus' birth.
Their peens could not even then
;I Reveal the ' smallest.part
f theSiViit ioy that hidden lies
:one thrice -humble' heart.
- Stratke t at One'Siniple story
,Shou s cross the year's
And blind s with its' glory
, And hush Our deepest fears!
. . Hanson 'Towne.,
•By Mary' ••ir:lasbit 'Wright "
;Nearly ill the holiday-fettivities,
nowadays, circle. round the .christmas
tree; 'especially if 'there are 'Children
in :the family; • and nen in .,s,chtiol;
eharch Or '.commutiity .affairs the .tree
usually Is ahe'tenter. of attraction ,.for '
all. : -;••' '
Personally 1 aanan ardent advocate
of iettiag the •children help to 'make
the decoratiope for, the tree, :'Sinee
some of the Vest Precious memories
of my ,chibilibocl cliister .rotincl
Feast of Lights
' There are many popUlar institutlerie
which, if stern nedPeSitY cpmPelled,
we could dO without. .134 Caristmat
is not among them!,
Tie festival bie. net always' icwert
observed on. December 25thr: Once it
teemed. that ,Chriattpas woald.be like.
Easter—a 'notable institution; • for
there are references to It having been
1d ,in Apri, June, end InlY.
T the'erd of the, arst centurY. ,
hoWeVer, the 'early Chrietians began -
to, aet.aaVe g definite .day for the oh-,
serrenee or the birthiley of Christ; •
bltt*h.Ore Was'not cointilete uranireity„,„,!
as t.4 Abe date. iportant Clitirch,] •
.„ es or re, -,pt, PalTstine, JekliPaleTnt
popuar . decorations: `the faces MaY2, 'ete., chose Januery qthe •whiCk •
be made as dainty efgrotesque as yoit tradittien had • Ir -ti 'led down as ,being
please and than, frills of crepe Paper • Chrletaf birthday. But thp./Weete
may be tleksocurely .around the sticks -or Enronoan; Church. declared D .
for: petticoats:.,. Little dresses of, or bey. ?glli to be tie proper Ate.: an
gandie or crepe paper are placed over the Pepe, in A.D. 137, ordered
theio ',With. the sleeve's started with. tha.day should henceforth be obsor.
eoeto; orthe; ma/ be dressed to re- as I Cpolenul feast .
Present little' "led rtiding sl-lueolot7dc.:naddi,wAs r4; ari•Chy rcisellirotuais. lei:. b,t:urear:hritmas
other Charaeters. , : .It was reallY "coleran,” too, fer it
"Then. there are the
Maidens with marsinnallowheads that u..
ecame .a time of joyousness.. Dee... .
twill' 'delight the children, Features pito the Pope's oder ,r it was not tititil„: ,
may then be yid on with coloring , A. -
..0 . 427 that Christendoin—With the
pastes or rnelthd eliecoleteexception of the Armenian Christians,
crepe Paper bonnets and 'capes May who : still observe ChrfAmin Jp.nu-
give them a snaart look. ,' ' ary 6th.-..carrie into line, and Deeemt ,
• "!.. dinder-eake.., Santa Claus' '' --" ber '35th •WaS adopted for Chriatmas. '
In 'regard' to the » cookied, those..;,,,
That ilate. is not nost elaiined as being ,
Which are .starshaped`Nerr ring:shaped
Should be used. Ice the cookies with ;
orange...icing, or sprinkle ,tliem• over:. s
*itir-Ted ettg-Or'Tlie- tinge May -tie
• 'Jan
actual liFi1iday.4,Christ.
he . test re,searches of scholars'
re 'to dicato that ' Wae i,orn-on
th, 'and thus tte. Eastern
decorated with gayly tinted frekstiags,
Churebes; in their firsteb5icg,of
and Sniall CandlOS and.citttln .1170;nPd.
eth,:' Were nearer the date thee
to •represent holly •wreata,s. The old, ;•tee.one Nona,. .tho more ,iiow,rfui
fashiened gingerbread dells must aleo . _
Western Church pressed. on, them for
he ;provided with. currantor raisin' .acce.0.2meN.
o• But as Chrietrnae cora. r
,,_roorate'ts an '• historical feet: mere •
eCslve6antisdAllitceU :I:et:I.:eInd cut a °UunalAr .°f '• 'Decernber..25tb has had inany nrimea .'
11--tha-teeY-tnk' . '--ft-A°./;rae•titalnea-alarte it does net really matter. •
jolly fat Santa' Clauses out, of the gin; - an1_
d the one which. in a•senee, is the
_Wcohalturte.leldn_gfuci. torrelporoessenstvrttiekfucr:_Se'acFuulrffettrae; ATs .1:ditailiji .jai,„_::arriescetribliprx0iiii.uncholli,:lkornistinwacsaa:seil:::
gaeurd,:ctarkees ,tliountgoll. d. 0:gra stfeara:thlaer. fga,ec least'fitting, is that with whica we are
Clans head sticker On waxed Paper most fainihar--!thristiuss," in 'short!
wil 't.h.usecpaccinfuotr, .131:uitittol: .r.eatInacandiesbeltm• a and
• :atblerosulAt, gradually.g`tiaai eae:ii• daa re,p7.4ine g attreovieo:teecri..., .•
Melted chocolate .for, making boot. the entet en Deiember 25th from
Gilded '4:iglish walnuts with
one "Christe'skI1rasee"t-the „1(„altiireigrte' in•watd.., -
end pried opea and a knOtted thread eoeout .servieo,•, .,_,,. to
sittliapapee, of! nraeisetzr,elpyttites nainede. mijarOslhIS, hemionie_eaferoeinims...:s! .ta..rloipiezne, it,s4emeaasex.6fae,,,, :
• "MY of'the Manger,"
e oldest nqme for Christmas is
east of Lighte.,a, reference
to the lights inthe heavens
en Christ was born or that Ha was .
rnallowt: will Tilea.se• the children,. Ute
raisins for the legs and
arms, Stringing them, On toothpicks
Stick the sharp. Points into the prune
body end :atitach•a rotind ma.rehmallow 41
for. a head by .means" of •a.topthpick.
.13.1th of candied eherrY or clOveS may the Light of the World. Festival
•' Of the #a.tiVity" ls the next oldest
mark the teatures. '
nartie an • - • •• The t
finge'rs, using only he,:
toe tree. one.has electricity in -the
, d is toile's% ell . , Fees
- of the Incarnation!' A' quaint name; •
a "word in regard to 1,iillte• for
drm ber- Just
sitoso found • in Old 'carols, is "Gadde's
ri,a-P • ' ' ' ' • :' ' r• ' home't1 - ti " '
, iere .1s -en° . more sa s actory - , •••• ;
... - ' '
Tasks That Chliciren Love ' way ..of ligliting,:, up the tree than by DaY4-7 .'`The 1')a)7•, of the Manager" is, '
, ,
. 7; ' '
:•,:14.esides,the chaies,•the,pop corn has the tiny colored globes. If candles are anothq01e"IS agame borrowed
' 'bties/For instance used "One inust'- be • very; Careful. 'es- frorn .a pagan feaSt held en llecetaber.
22nd, to. celebrate th'e passing of the
shortest clay—December 21st. An old' '
Irish • name *as "The Glory par'—a.
reference possibly to the' song•of the
angels -7- "In eXedists„ glbrii." Another
fogrteentietentery eanie w•as
Goode, Day." • In Havaria Christi:nil.
was ,eaMd "The 'White Dan"' ptit 7.
i'lf.rissielua's" has pushed to. the. first
laee- and stays there unchalTengedf
• man). ,
'Pop -corn balls ,decerated. With, fringed .peeially :if *ere are small children.
bent Of red crepe:paper hehLin place About. .1,;'lasblights make a'Yeri, geed
by a Christina§ sticker inake. delight'', right.; the globe part! may .cotered
•edible decbrations. The numeroca with colored crepe paper itigi the bodY
deSignf that •May be. fashionod. with;t Part with green ,paper, and then tied
• pop. corn and nougat 'are!alitio'ft, end!". seearely to ;the body Of:the tree On
less, beginning with attractive little iptiee branelle%
baskets Jo: hold stnall cagdief or mit . , • „
y erry .
ers in makieg,the tree triinniirigS, "and. boats tuay, be., formed bY Using
• te Stare; :crescents, animals and B -.13eheIs
time spent with my sisters and broth Irma „
aLL helPing to trim 'it as well. / *Axed -POO.' patteirkig A foundation, "
. And ,,that althOugh the Prayer Bcrok,
giving 'two titles to Deceniber
Th alwaYS, well to ;plan' 'a seheine .which. eau, be easilyrenoted• • • • As „far baek as the •. fifth • century 'after
25th,, addi, "comtadialy; 'celled Christ-.
Of ileeeration'ter the tree 50 that there Mold the 'baskets.. in neat, rows bi ,Christiane Invested hollY • branches
may be no crude eolor combillatiOnS means Of a little nougat, fastening the with a sYmboliste that helped teAeep mD
as , ay .
that would detract from its beauty,handle in place,after the body of the tared memories alive.;•
White, searlet, gold and silver, are all basket is :finished; ahd completing berries symhelitied-the blbird shed on- Prtie-Haliday
effective. ,againet the deep green of them with a Sprig of 'holly and •a I Calvary, hY the Founder of the Chris- A"
the tree. • . , • •• -*MAY bow of scarlet ribbon. • tiati religibn; pie ,prickfy lea„ves• held • . • •
-Arrattke a table. around which the • . Children. can forni 'wonderful decork, reniembrance of the 'Crown Of Therns; These who see the World through
• 'toral•office are mentioned. First come children' van work,- and plaee on -it tive otit of a rest shVeta Of 1 and the .bItterness a the hally bark blue goggieS fail te notice'.how*, des- .
' V.' 2. the varied duties of the ims-
trIrnngS unday School to Which Paul gave Much 'crepe paper, cardboard, scissors, pie- tin foil, gilt paper: and sOme eardefWa's symbelic of the draught of which pite wars arid the ruiners Of war, the.
• • . weight- In I Corinthians he Says that ture :wire, tin. :foil, gilt paper., sewing' board; -en°. shapes Of five -Panted Chriet Partook .while lienging tie the! diePotitted et •mortale. tpwerd
• esson
,instant Inteaton, out of.seasotO 'this ,pop eeen strung on, thread inakeS nice tut out Of the -Cardboard and then Once, in feet; there was a custora or year as the Chriatmastide recurs. Con- .
. . mortals grows 'Wore amiable year by
, . refer•e•fo the whole averle of the eterif chains to festoen foyer the' brna.ches, covered With the tin foil, or gilt "PaPer Making a aedoction• from' the baek; sideretieln,for the other •feilow, fit' the-
gebst Which must be exercised at
and thit is •work halide eqn de. is paged on. 'Black or "green thread and drinking It IC "the taldi3t; ot. the. pefson who at to el -0°Y the•landteape •
'Be. Materiala and paste, As 'we all know. SterSecrescents' and other ,doe:igns are Cross.
' the Lord has sent to. preach.
t ne of' the tiOf Christrnas 'celebrations, :so txat—iti or Use the roadway' after us, is wax.-
• 1 A SimPle,
times. ' There is no Particular season
December 23. Lesson XII.— Paul's or. S •ao . • y d, dranberrles mai also be strung by may he fastened o o
„i --
Last Message -2 Tim. 4: 1-8, 16-18. Sometimes the pastor must reprove,. - • • • , the stars and .crescents suspehd .the'Words of an old writer—"Ite.shall ing, not twane.
'Golden Text—i haN;e fought a' good I II o ir frorn the %ranches, laeliglqul little net forget tae Cress aS Ye reibice I:Pillar examPie is seen' in the Christ-
, ,
those who do wrorig, or he, must
. , bells may be formed by cutting card-rethe otoger," ,. •
•• • . THE mirj:st P OTECT d-
bulte, or again he ;Mist eticourage, but,i . . . - .
,.' To flioW how traditioe, grows, It was
Vght,; I have finished my, course, I
also with•mincl. Arid patienee and withe . V. 16';Th. '`'''°rse reveal.' th 'ever'
vis .
have skept„the Oith.--2, Tim. 4; 7.
i• • Weareful use Of knowledge. Patience ity o au vor ee , 6 irs nesee
board butt. /circles arid. thete eutthig
.' ar. 3."The great anger,to the cause '
a ' h first' i p•r's n cut' several Years . pas' ting ' the etigee"together. • TheY : lief that. the Crown of Thorns; was It.
d_ence more than ever the disposition
kreees„ • ' ' • • • i Sent trial.. it ddee not -refer hack to bell )) felull
and' „prAdence are groat pastoral -
of. Christ seemeci.to:be the appeatanee t ei. rl ed With red erePe or Sil, Self forMad of twitted' hellY branehes, .to da tE'eat-ly, not merely in Order to
In this lamst trial;there Wag .1 be. cover
of 'false teachers who Were otonaing ' etiaol'Olnee 'to itand hy•his..side• "All leen 11•1‘rY'Or bid )arper. Place a, knot hi a Proitilliat. sprang linoift6r'bojet-4-tafttlaveld •the rnsh, bet to take•into don- ,
false eoctrmee,:f .• o k mem 'It il not easy' to tinder- o rie ,
a lass the end of the 1Y berries,' stere red. ' The. change 'Were:tide:fhb fact that hote who wait
abread• •all kinds. of bleit t• gd Yalit string On a•cratiberry 'it Was tot Until after Calvary that,hol-
lie had oscaned frbin his first irilprii-
of Chritt.' were • aciveteting wrook, Was with bin), ',end .one cannot eon- oft‘the wants of the politic, are just as
Philernon'which wat studied laSt week. '
They Were setting forth wrong viem-s etand this. ' In, v„ 1 1: he says. that,laike
vain' it ' id b ' hUalau as the Pul)114'•
;:kriej..a,llepatirt,orii.galni: tlie' point' bf...the cone ,,,i, 7, ,8as sa , . ecrktiSe the green
church ,had, to gtfard herself against Probably. it means. and lifi riti a loop gi sgspend bY• ‘ , terr.es- ott, the branches Wed for • the. There 'have' been ere da and to
ethnent and been free to carry forward '
epurses, Of ,actien, : se that neiv,-the' this sore .11 ecessit/i..
eeive :Ira Luke proVieg Unfaithful in
ably .S4ain whence he turned east to
very• anany nisnlions attacks., ,,the'lliat none of those Romaus, who Were ' The children Will enjeY thaftlag Itt•• Crewil:, Of Thorns •Weee'oovered' with See . 0 ., ..
di . Mt it,•incident to b (+eked 'thee,
his mistionery effort, feaching prob- '
cover some of' the ground already tra- peeple Are SpOken Of As having itching id small gi te on he o eq. elie donneeted -with 0 e " : .. ' ' • '
otiglifares, but the• pre%aaling spirit •
versed. ;tut neap the end of the reign eatat after novelties and re'ect-;influeetial and :hAd shown some inter- ; i.
est in.' the •gdspelitcame forward te candies' , mit moots a." , f T ' Id .•
' h' f ' . . ' f th thriag lia. heen genial People
to .askets and eornticoplas o blood'• '
' ANALY..SIS ie rehablv'the first part of this pre_ them into halves, ezili half waking a. .1.1.9t long befOre the sin -101e symbolism
I 'THE LAST AP,PEAL .1-8 . .
INTabetioriOei—Several I,eara, ha.c.4
pasieit,sintes Paul Wrote the letter to
into cones and' Of the prieltiv leAves'passed into a te-
mas shopping, with which, many per- •
sous havc. filled all anXious,' exligust:.
Ing week, either as purveyors or'as •-
cuitonfers. There hag been evi-
in eager'theanthoriZed teachers of j the ' makt strong plea on hiS;belialf, the tree,' The haikets May be formed holly is sthat, it veat 'the "burning have. bought right' and'. left and.
ofNere; 88,. he is again arreSt- .
Every ituhe6etrectil h4ive 1,.107.1_,331.oeutten_in,_tiotantx4d•voutoet..:..to_a_i I the. ‘ig., r of •wire With. b_ush„.", referred In the Oki it Testa- thought in directiona ath never he
e ians are gam :1110Te severe.'re. e wen a -perionarimt-
Ing it a t ur rer. argunten uee eried'Ole." bY me arid strengih-,' e:e,Lor•ea. crel. Pa.ver
Tittle ha" lisketrurn;y be 1..11e1;it • •
_ ig•trying to. maulfeat thought.
releeae, shine the' proceedingsAgainst Ira+, .
It it the tradition that Paul *AA be Te.jef slItPtphreyaleribcteCofilil tedach- "rt he 14ra:stood
beetled outside the cit of Rome and into hy p e)te cise renewed zeal , intO.the heart of Paut enabling him Made ,Or. birch.berk, laced oge hor y Afiagivi,o ate. Neeet ,voniatt
God Sent forth. hk s (hi;mlne t t. b
Atone her•Ithit.'clooe'rieVibee's" char- fsti,,Iftess for. others, not simPTI: as a
e fesSion so that the .f.'-tentilee who , ed,by an awl or a sharp point of ,tae: Aden, • or a year-round 'affectioa, e red -
has easonal occupation -but as the, tokea
• '
• times call for strong' leaders. °Ito malte, a bold aila Able defence and red ribbens nig thrtiugh holee puneh-.
that hie •body• Was buried in tt place
ed, and now there Is ne chance of his
where rioW•we find the church called
Paul -without -the -Wall. There, three
letters, which 'include two to Timothy
and one to Titus, are rained 0nd-store'
because they deal with the robleins of
the pastor. Matters of discipline and
governatent are diseussed, and direc-
tions Are given for the.elioice of •hisli-
°pa and 'deacons, While there are
Warnings .agalitat the -different forms'
of heresy Which Are beginning to
•Paul's referen to his immineet 't•esented many -of tile leading .famrilieP;1„!lesirt80c /8.1attiPises?f trirosbtZkoMr a'fFeicblee,V ithe worst
'death, Sonie discussion
V. 1, Tinaothy',ii urged to devote
limself With all energy to his pastoral
task and different argunients' are
given to atiinulate him to further en4
„deaver,- Alta,thia,:Verse the•-fact,••••of the
finatjudgmenti is set forth -AS a power -
NI appeal. The day is corning When
all men must appear before the jtidg,
tnent teat at Christ. tt, Is the same
erganterit which is *inn& in the earlier
lettere of the •apostle," and was over.
t is a k?reat
V. 6. A third appeal •is niade by ,atteildesil the trial, and, nei deubt,
hes e6sen • Of the eity, heard the message which
over the „cause • which induced baskett aro unusual; yet quite Pretty •
i Oat the love
the 'Paul delivered. So great Wes the im-
of lore la Cottage is
40eSlYt; last, arid ,the dot-
Of himself. Ile feels that the end is 1)1.Ill de that Paill had reeeived againSt the
grit? °fWtihre° ' tra6n6d'' t• ag6: 4 Ci°.
apostle to speak in sticla unusual terms '
a favorable, 8entotoe .are„ gone. . •,,rils toblie'ETtheissPsitaInf:.°sItIrietiti'getir Ae'r14 'lhs°tillt'ilre Pw6inr: ebractedt8 with neartirrbew strips of :
near, and that hie chances of getting
doth -warrant iS1, abont to 1.,30 sIgned.. T Overt to him when he conies to the last cloth fraYed at the, edg; then dip them
For God AS fa a. VerY strollg' ablution of ,ahtm
Two reasons are l suggested. lie. May illAbIlt, 1.totablritnrg.i,atil°fIliasile'll'ildren, out Of •Nc,,e;
have wished to .encottrage TiinothY-lvery Ler and hang up to drip Arid hard -
'earthly tilbiration! ,.
I, t I.) r lc. l'ir 6onf:t*sTIterseani. no end ,tricia:peoss;b2triltigeti.
lot. . 4,11,14_0 d I° t t' r ,
and the Assurarice that' there Was a
dreWn awaiting -all, :these who' &Ad
service. Out. he.Hiay silso have felt (Unary pasteboard Votes, ,
devote themselves', to Mich faithful , ereeretift
that ,with his ostn death there was Por any sort of .tt Christeriati,tree
neeessity for -the younger ones to take party ii• good idea la to hate Moitt of
.the-placeitif •those -of =lawny, 'How 'tile Alecuratione ..:of 'the'-eitible ItorU
can the cher& eoritintle• tiniest CACI' :ribiladt et happy.
nett generation brined AS rieW Work7
. , ts:htreinpptehde et ethinlet4chibld8r
1)114 1, 8; The figures are taken served froth the tree-. itelde frorn the
Refreirliiiittite ;tor' ilia barb, near be
Greek games viferi! very fainoult, onlf POD cora, candy, toOkres and &Cite
front the athletic Iife of the time:The
in this contest the crown id' net 0 can be transfortned fitto. delightful de -
Dolls made bt 1.9.71,, aro ver -ii
?rust, an We nttist ppm° day give in olive or laurel, but of .righteousness
ecit'S'et_tgit and a 4"
-• • . ,•
letter day ittelfis.sitaply the cultnin.a- •
riori of -4 fes.tfv61, for strileh the 'cane
diet of tile heart are a1v5)s burning
t vett Aliess s,overlailen liottra MALY'
itoot tile graelOns influences t,hat en*,
rounded the, ZsZativiW and itiSpred 'the
plotia• art of the eld and devont pairitr,
eta:'When -they' limned the
the", 4,rtn's t:ht :dation:la. L0,
• the spirit of the child 'rule -the pre, •
, natation, at; Well as the erri0Yntent of
the Yuletide:, and the final obsetva....
•"*tieti•wil be.AR (hat It should be l'he
.sfreefs' Wit tateh a bk1M beyelid tbs,
,iiatt0 1iot1 Wreath; ate
rich adorninent and soft radiance'et
the colored' lightsthe illuird*
tion Of a teeming city. thereffghfard
• ot 4 Pastoral countryside. Is tibia th- • •
3t*t thd wise Men in all aged
have discerned', to gutde tient oat 4
rktiettelill• tbe tit,4sits, and „Oil'