HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-12-20, Page 3I 1171ph" lf!"14091101 MR "T T -T A % 4 rr R D"C Oves N 'ST n, on *13ob4,i y, 4, KA W61; ­'L P. AN ..FIN CIAL MX U F' 1, W a. ��w, e n, Ole That Us0A1..Jy,, A0444. ine ded, A TrQ AGAR, Yo re unj Child ­nl iiiii Corri. 'Ptlor " 71fgf? Fly TPCWAO� t. yitus daAce is Oie 44,44 ng 4 briboL to ridon For qfr7ori i� -N, "M -i�, 'iii - d by nomO* -To-bnsOn % N A) C $20. costs at -as choreq, den,was, fln�odr $1g5 with ShArighal,_�,;t v�uld �ef 4M '& 'describe W. E. Mur- C 1�on to, ;1 disealso, p pay tUat mo4em.'ferAIA104 4 90 This trovib 11 force., medical men the polry loclustry In.. to L The, prrosOutO, described MIT pky SIZE 754. bit China. with fu gh on. NOV. eadyLfelt-'Iftor Ugiiiallyattacka' youps,,children, tbou Street Police Court _Z- boypAdL d L Ity 'the _gubt It IAL 4 canaofc ' Palry's, Achl d With it, older People may b ;age at ek SoTtLIE 14,tille.,natiprial, life. me"te pi mon� 'a are gravity "in, these Very A& Apo of Tbe,.mQst wm' l>no of grea�,� V-0 memberp ,V -Ala( ll�nbs. AS The Its l; of forty T40 dat Jliadu t," In, Canad P �i censorlops-ind criticalL days as fir as ha MA witching, of Me, face VENWS $Yrap are cojicer�r ttonlal . "$' -NN`:: - I'' t U*Ing nk th� 14 kinence lately t e, dis L. Valative YURA Of 00 44 led. And tb d to COMO into. greater PrO4 eptse,� progresses- he twi th6 police". asedp numborIof takes the asms, in a goverment �wmch 3SS) contains Iwo because.. 0 Ma In agree ore that the magistrate will 7 -very "Orm Of P the '41 TIC.44 CQngrl a motion 164 0o.lifliaed to, . .. .. .... Cheng 'Organizatiobo in W :hlch Me'pUbIle 110- the jerkin constable, IAVR1Ve# $0 to SOOhg Mel gr wo 'h athe -face or. A limbs In Truch com Sa t, Last th a Tlded for dir o Interest. $dU10 resistin vvStor r WQM00i 4pd Ho TI ia An& to the,10,44ing' c9m� Affe Patient' is,, ion,' which V glo*me. TwQ Q ..o ly as: tindobtO Ing -ting, gre mem- ttBtIOS POW ;cted. FroqU64tly the tbeL bands Jch, ;Lre trad-ed Una ohi "Ing Xuoilathtang Central Coii cl, pauies� the *44 a ot *4 ble.io­ "anythiiig, 'Fie ill is way,, gappre s re the Uge or walk steadily.' H the. Cai speech uv4adtaw markets, Arq respectively' The dis 1,� Ugistrate,'diy1y observed, 6d I i6lhde , City Dlairy,: CO.', is 6fted' n. rrespondi. oq�. The hto, the Prestdel# j�y ihat entirely ock T -ves. andi d latter co rica), 4.rmers' Dair Dairies, I, due to debiliti"Of the pe; ano Cabfnet ti AmeMMLe. and I�astjjrrl an enriche.d c.onwir in �Xe observatill5iis whicb-lig-ve CP as -Mel-ling City Dair.. dividend' recor(I Dr; U Chiang Kak blooa SUP PIY:., Williams' L Pink �enl� Propriety (01i W G %Rj, P 1�den hiadbAS to ibe,Oxtl fqr� been envi 11ave - b '�e .on, dock -:for The first, part Shek!, land usu,01Y S ;Value of !able, - It PAWIpar , qen most cossgul n �vitb which' Poli Pills. Tbete,.I, a I! gaiii6 cod Mlayling) Soong by Ay British naval balspL in .He'acted' in this ble through iein.1921 And 1.0'per cdut, in, L' 0OU When rty L rq. L SQQng Ch ni-lipg. to I - IP 1. speci c hich It 'a 't ;Jjka&re, which left '.Eigland sue �4d, 11,92g. with a bonus of per ce ��&t t6 ct;. the pre, tiest, III �a ex A,.,y9ung man. catche, reached its. destination,* ac - per cent. wdrQ hes'and purifies. The followiftg a.4 which I AM, 01 sure, eat .y girl and liqu hathe foreel would a t' ��zes: her. din io 'a brief cable dispatcli;. Of Instance proves -E-AQ or r., the.-cither girls look spur.. both ,tTpoo'. The C 1- 1923.. - Dividends Ofattended. deorgick Wesle distilbil'ted 'in .9M. A eke Va lie Oct,, 12, had"pot been -expected tO ATr lible '1 0 t ca., rive unti b ou t 0' loge an i.W Pilla 'In his 'tro t In im, to'gto4Q4 WAS:sPlit J to 1 . illianW Pink ;first; A , the. Par Value rom $,lioo Airs. Thomas Owen, B ill,. These eir6lynsf anc0s'as r 9111 An, In ne 31. It had -rpach.ed isl dis ugulshed as CbIAAIs ArOt changed If a )modest girl is 0 .8�aid ofi July 29, and there., waited 'Cheng it Port 3um,was paid. Say$ Williams in tbp evi i.are au,are that shep's' d a Pr. Pinl idence aWare'that Id part of the dock, whieb Judge and first piceredite. . 0- to, $25, and $3 'per, a I Yqt wovan divide on have been In;'u . 4 fa defendant b in CoVentry nes not ar SO 13 MY M oaware o�.-40r legs, do for tb w�' e. was educated. tit, III nd0i equslil to 19 per icen The 4.1ploialAt. Sh.. tnight 'later; inan, . .11 . ded W10. 'good results;l link cheap -jerwelry rom A a 0i Willa know the- old stock. The - $3 divi, id alays, with �trec by Sol en -e years ar, S' ezC il ee. Thodd Ipaot 'in. ' - W eve they save, to to- af.ei d. the Fran, 6,, -ith, -.4 1 �,b if6 of m t Jhnison tbreat-enod ie hlea womon- belle continued 1925 an�o .192 d" the I r4o or car. I -Aifflcul t, to; 6achAl ------ tiaffic being stoppe at lie dock ve their b A years of 'ago Prt- .;ind They 0 In each year of $1 per share. only- -so t ten biyn- -for-bbstitiction then: to. weigr clotheil.. ' -out Will be more- Man, nus: the whole. of iton in governin �Ud_ --ther. itroubl when Murdgn follOwed. The pas be,7, developed Into 8t, Vittis' dfice. gr At the�.eud 'of 1927 the stock Was e any h ry. grew, very nervous A�Ava:y news phdto% OL the, canal where t ere wa$,,' -t-for "Won't this square I ang- again spilt,.. the if Not to Spare on. each aide It hi aaid : eIn the Sh new stoc Th n p we half-croNy 'etal. call touch on an twitch, ns ($I) into ly fiftdo on Me new I ar In's wo 14 Jerk a and silip ea t a, slogA' In t .1tig "of no-par value,,, and OU 'Wag affe�ted, 'and,.,� oji6tonal, Court attracted 'much legs -h ,I:- J6b'nson sai et an d here'the dock waSL go Pr h6i.of Sh I qngL 6f $2 Per' Thereo"poi YOU, probably orldt te4' yV1M* the ini ungvl,1 stock divt4eds at the 'rate then a speech nd. na Ing aderition, A daulgl, -pliti Ju9t then- ier repoit birit for trying to �watgr as to be liable .'to althy . mandarin 44nuM have �been,_ paid ginge, hil,epilidition was ble. w6uld f dith 6xit hou a, who: are n0*,gqtt k, t13114 the famous and we' .-,�rind, 'wa's , aceoliii1ishied. e 'e empire an 'S split$ the there parri,6 iq Me a little, book'. tl�114, "bribe, justice. The d fence was that -most oi tJhe conten -the MqBt By Means of the' two V'io�W.dd byL f<k 0 Pat , eae of th d �ne 'to 'And __a�tp" wh1cb,__Wa. SeL Of his- day, ailledl-ber' of shar �Pink Pills: ney. was -mere es, Issued h S ItIfe ino 'Chine utch tugs, then pi0cet-ded aPPIA.. progressive. i mar ' I' Such C1aSeS6 te, By D 'Ire t�, L give her t from- 0,775. to 92;400 shai7es, fhe,oTigiu,� I decided to glike. them -to. him. y n mpel 'bee bro rs I qui ly - 1 PO aeMng SingA' tb,. e thu secod part re in their father's estate. al'ohareholdersp whi) have 7*110tal ed the time, t*o b6tes' ei. Used M4.ie* The an equal I ;Pootos Ar, 11, entire 6lkk,,; jalt Into tb6 On Oct - 13Y o dividend re- *-Jimt .41x boxes more were. ork; "boloney" Is bull nlium n wbich'is'eapallkWof hole went 20i000 tor-s'�bf steel T UgUters haV AV lognai? is P kng the larges their stock'af6 (n6* gotting the equiva I mement In hio'condjt�on lld C41nesb'costom di le�nt* Of$32L was, an, r�p.r( HOUSANDS their deceased var- r tra:�ea Ot'the. 0 f any. battlephij the legalf, lit nuage Pe urn iih,3 50 0.00 rive iiat�at pull - being., This' I's In addition to the trouble had -ts The`nei.& The e,: lit that, E 14 sOn& estate :'de 46113, .'On'. MO: a EDICINE, lbonuseli baxeibeoh,'pa d. 0 recen ed,. *611'."and. an he 'was -it a . . . . 1'. us thing of Its size. we �ndmtnat the.pilLs to g4neroalty of, their illlhlb'�Olativos Of dock is 50 000 d in ftior ot'l years. -Durt MID' yea 1,stron&� eng afit )rtation,� $;�6,060,0000 Y'. r&Z.0r. provisional Court decide .CIUSIVoL or na plaintlM n, igi and of. �no fav , img. trinsp( r y - grow W 'that suit and I j6i�oboldei m in gfrl� line to K A the Ba byi$. Tablets re Advicei front Port Said crnsid6r the 'go per a May d ma, haie on their holdi. 95 better sttenttliening medicine. A Young chap has laveni;6 - a .'the &i�atest' ea if t got a, Precedent,. that will celved, $80,' oereby' Jh id V.11. hlue th e game appiIes p� grown �'Jdeal R�M Y liglii d by 'that waterway, towaird .,t%gtabIIghIug the legal III,' dividends ind bonuses..,. that thit hands out a lig ted c' U as'. well -ette� fo. ftr Naturally -be: ex. ever a oung Children r a, p6nn�k. Vas§ through, n The arqi�rsl bairy throllghl k d y -although usually ships equglity',6f women In' F . . - 6 You. -can -get; those:' Pills, efkom�,O Far a 0aliftdial old The Chinese Press IdejAic Public 'interest a mej Dairy. medicine dealer 'or by mail va ' ap W I d to 'the cana was. oppn to -in ones- 1�. le,year a r ents a ox rro L e ­W' -e y -V Tv e 'We r tiention to what'la,cal e, month. iewasp created, less,- than three Yeais b 4 passage.LW. with average time tl bAbY is most- Jea dy, Is ovorL' Vleaso.4 e their vhen stock. -came 6f, the:� o erl out Dn e �..mark! -it" Chinese,. r pfi_�� ajid the largest i 4er an e. e bor!sAiew h6us. a. .lTodaY PURY AL d'th* -b tg1l e �Oa —ny-, �U; � e -teep Yo and,' flip -h -is; d Of 4,414Abn b r) Y, dtite was onE pa,u fov,a remed whp In. - !�.26 the' com' selve, R, , I - �v T 'If or t e, tons G� P-er (.to - �lt ttle same.L r needs, pliLid its. is P111. _nt' nil The W 'ere h Ps with a-" e whi.ch . . . - 'dUL I . I IWill v -e her. hintmPIt wiands �6f Last year 0.0 passe 0 app 0 pafe� TIO me * question: �Onndke of 2 d -) 1 Ocre rea 'fit'T , . . , I A t4 SL R E such �'a reme Y! son for'nio� b 'an' rrhe, d �t -to ­bn rV L per ce 1� liave 'prdlAfibip t Mos 4 In 192' when, she's on bast,-. o Own . vblets-and Fidtly.of a f A tbrbugh w T liltock, Was, t4on: Sp t -Ire' n, EIS4, for ae ni 'inaby.-Chine e wc sllqres Will theul to lmeu 'b6lng- of C.i.Y: &I B6a,td ii.yl jilonkt MAKES NO W F na IdeL. soine t ey It makes-, no diff if it s inalde, oi�'par v4 ue.,: n 1hese shares. 2a con sr. erts; r attached to a dead.tree for in -A little societyli; and' b m(,n s of� th new thing -P last -F6 r1rary And �'for I . , . ig at is.Mm.-Howard King, Of Truro, of,436;6-01)-,-whi e h n. for love.- B'ut it Is, for. 1, the "40;0,0.0 now ber of vessels -was, �86 with: a tot I n.. t eii -at per 'share -was�Pa_id of, aelIi4l)h -r- tilin: pongeo; a, way abo d sa . ys of v6iloli, ieorget.tb lo� 0110*'6neerm- , I" " � With New': -Boat's . bd` to ti a ratl 0 9.01f!a� qst,,In Ica Ing T.can -on�, th '25'dental last'Aug '-,their1atti. The head of'. e gt6ater For when it's finished and pu 66 c e, n a, Pei� are Per, 9un1I=,.'OT Devicies. Tablets: to' ne: conimentl.,: j�q by'q Own, t 5�,): 'ad e-Th�ro's Just as I I fie dress t 0 See. (Chi f e cards a equal to prilo". per;, cent. On the, r s6ue ildren Itnow. 10 n.-16nt mothets,q 11 ar lad stgub I C wa,sh 1 1'&ton. or. little U 0P y -Ation has I be .,conduc.ted'off t Oi iio, 'I ig., young original shares.., to equal t at J�Dttji Urgir land AJI)e tests: will ha0pen.;; Ana that IS Wot3en no 0 bthere; are- so Lond6li., 'An iles - pii ev. w t 'imd' th otr rif Dairies Limited it diirm; many e,w - L6n on and dft -keY -Wel M Easti Ddn 'Like ov. -of '.line.',. lives. 'hast Y, are. sold' bT Wi 't*be. -ViTid -to iit de� �h 1) y. the "all 9 -6 "Winter, ...in ont b 5 th irids, 0, of theslLe t ne f the by maii,' �t' 2 ith the he. gt joung girl: abot . 0 S4 and bio new suliliergiAt Are rnedicine'�Oqalei Dr: Willi and gr�e and depict E newer pkom�­ marine 'box' from -.. I I . ains Tigers'. cents� The tra�e�.- deeply the P con a. OU Me. sheik -',business- lovely Ir6atuire! Cal nellice a:nd' pblighed "y st..4eTself Intw t&, river, while In lul submarine . res, n.der, Ma�'-Ealing,., a state 0 nt" ..' I � d -b-LIlt .1) 'Dennen- o Ion - t. du d ance can Wig-, b1ch,has been. tile Scare'd ',1Medicin6- Co., Brockville, 0 "Wha :-0�0111 with less speet rav6d afdp; less. real th, oatilag. Montreal, tOttaW;X,, an stela Just one littl nilddle . dlst� -e along., phlets ai6ther, smaller deiiirels- It bower & Lake. Qo pally of Bridg to b6 seen Aipeg wre I 'Crossing red li& S 'Ibutbd. lgff�d to thq ITd SaYL re than flillt 1713 d.f.s.0- Italized �t, bb­rt;:Cofin.,;' and D. u e mighty dumb, against quicide CAP -.Devofr '(r d.).'!` folliieen. that, the In -tea (.Air. Unn ng 04eary sheba.� par ne ij not Surprised ov worl aileled endeavor preferied, itoci'.' isgx-e& and' 6-9096 tkOl Force pi the y* teturn0d the o n e - ars by "' Uinced. Mat teii'millio A ; ha.4 'nno ii doll illnit some 'o er, phaabs, _Ot.:.up-to-datb e subdued 1 r b e, next. texl* hat are blame I i7, T le ican -MotiC garage nian h'u%lg Sh I . h "lit Shang area ofno�pkr.common stock,, spent d for -Me 0. pi�tLire 6 ileraindn a 11 be a small lif'n-'yOnug Chl- Net� ope�Vktlng ..-profits in :he SA.. it was refloat d the.. .. 11 . I .. S� Ainlia a has q on the� abolition -.6f level crpss sign t . . o arn e`ironi., a year. )rance, p u le ited, to $427,061-.' , referred.divl-. Prov: e amo a b �n equippqdL for Use :G6iflne Pirt �alWd 00.1deml P 'Ask the bette to cent. in the, last' Ings.) The 'Railway- OMm per, Me motleit, and Am� re , Good� dends. No titptes Are as r, or many tb.,de- devices an hree n With a WOodoii Leg,., Ile Kjaows;ll esta -E!pPy blamed no' "the It. Collier, ho re re�ents. Mel.. Pr6ilnc� Que�' Plus ability to le �Nowda� per aifirtimi aW 0 'ri'; 4ih- Submarine safety' dec jed 95 "Spbs nel ount $175',90 men bee -in, p4ttidular, Thor V.Ien, bast$" On which tOL are ap'' w at. ortft-! neW gq6la, ­ I - ? onctiipxesidiie, left It ply ion be ar; th t net h, . 1. mary, said �)V) atiqu d6velcil)metus a Can was mouth, 0 -and sat! Chidese, preclation ligg6.4te.d. Thost, Oftortunely. V0rL,IJdtICe'tfiat '16t"of t I 111 Ig, a, able.- mot',,61 aniese jungles,� some time i- Did, ou e ned Oth L 4d -hietd t. sue h last ag I clal Government! -more aRX1011 t .,e4uai to th t and to�k Navy' YArd. It Will be litinian �,rel This j�. - foi.,'ge 11 piov n #5i,96 -escape �otliiger gopera-l. h, spe- Collior,;w o,has� t e. the scue experiments but fo.r People knb*w the they'l Ship' r eve,, if al -1: ofMern ai olarge 'in th� "lafid,.of tlj� ever-* might a sQ.0c. Davis of and particularly the c9miluou,, ll.ofore,&p eciation. The �rc I �ntrlbutejo, MIS work. of' in I 8b L anghai and 'Ot .�ela- cai, p�r to:makoi It known. tion management prudently a ppaes 4S.Me-'beard ot-Ovil aft sdvdn, years sare­ L movie addicts. r i'gecurl -The 9 6111cdrs 'hungry tiger," �ned*`On su' gestidil Anretv cities, a e bko ­�Pplroprllatton for depteel, i�xpe e0red . '11aValI for �the first tively:heay t o spend Thililltagiviliig lent O'n'o'. The published ftures show of iTecbnolbgY 'movie. theatres, O `$I -11ti Jxr etr's�r�e �bf, pr6sident3aft . A 'chicken failcler wbiqjj,�,t�hen' :s'ubn with o utilize th ation 0 r , "N'ith''relative.5, life el ntributioil buys eggs and ch ck d' they Se4 lq�ve - Mat� the qO I en,feod,f incied from roflts, 16ft an ano�ntL�.tlie ehtile, fiel of' ubma �hn afety Day nd, unw, tra ittary Ifiecl,A' v-e.tt Sion *IvidlY. PPictej ces.L ere k.qveirimentlil- which Is V0111. he__�apie, gro d '!'Three year, edual;'t per share 0 eXe 0* 1 notbeen mc U inu- 'T#e,Defender)ow4sJeceIItly in nly. JAau diatils-a-ittiapr reflex. U it hL just, der thel, .0316tionixt Mon, �la b 'Tile work of A frge, e destres Inildg Jue.�tb raids v tigers, in of. peo, heir IoV .----4e �n_d has uia6ii011e ergelice squ-.-ire -nmelit nu.nlb6i el latilld ".they Inay'.VeIlk !�Th,� natives, belieVo been announced 'th�'t iiie'.6bVials like the slow jilovilIg I& 1�es- t!Aeuts and frustrailotis Hamilton 'I Ae P �l tgtg satisfactorily to ii _pM. of $7 Dr. Cinliierg,, id. 1 'disapP0111 ftreL finbudd prov nee N�, 811h, large inWt-Unique W, re nan-eting -ough tlie Ij. &.'fatal way. T �onipany has �outstanillug many §Pects, it Is his f�et bf�,, L - ,Nlvho lthl to,keep,.o� esio, feminists have rred stock" ),Ile holv t Life, 14 a lot nicer if led by evll.� I top.., tlie '1boOtldF9rrS' tlAe, 'llrather'Man Ell P nion _ 1 1160 e to ;,0 ns' illoikern -e In $750,000 7. P'er ceni. Pr f it�od �vlth. devices which, jt'14�b s( ,spirit, r.kn ro $100 � par vttlue % ani Ifeved' jre&es�nt., marked �a( vdnce: -Rills III -be �Asit Put t 1.1 0,5o t6plod America d ZOO 'c6m pie ure carneka-. ri e I'llotion Undasill, The vesiiel. Then th lot6r boroq­ eir habits and iblaris of fi.O.P e on I rapped 't6 set aside 11 d torwing tal , ar 'vald6- %Pflifitk. Iti the operaflong. ejIt sum.'for tile. siiPll m or canie into 69 jungle t ec b plain, The, A,mer can cus 0. year ended, January, 19Z$:; amounte( 3isplacos- 2.25 tons, ig,9,2 N t '7 inches nlei stg to- pllbt�ograph' piession of ldvel'ciosshig�l, E1 lif.',freedgm fqr *on� of the ca SJ1y 'Co.. pept. vll.- lmost. coniplet 6C & 0i 11- -feet L 3 Tun VAM 0. 744i. from which' $52j0b. was :Do 04 35, �jollg and. I be. Tbe anfnl�Lls iiii�uedl.ato� Y. tEurbPe p6pd Limits 273 Is';i,'k . 16i prefe d Wi 4, diViltiq then'. g po6ple of. boM sexes ;hag tqken absorbed rmd ividend The ailternath;e bojor' us. uion. Y keep faith anie fcarful an W 'Iniple. no, 1 6 611t, into Ver, Safety-? 14ol.4 b0teo' the yea�r, i The resid eft applicab 6, compartmt-fltlfrorn *hfgli �&.4cue Work e e either '7 1�1 re no� Ao d Aock;.Ican be carried otit.-benexth thel sur� Are persons , yi S L . . b -7 tea 6VIdendo.tof Mat on "er L to AopreciAti6n an 0mrft6n There I.NA�th -the spirit'oi the Pact that we Chinese boys, and girls In'theirlirw $3.�20 ' Per them a YcRt'in nly territory n I ave raigned. or, in 01ne, We, go,.doWn 0 w1al ap , Colli6r had to a' )gether like Gadailne to be proved,th at re 9tr i Iciftra as,'$82,24.4,1 6t.'equ I to tr vl�l C7 1011tt tea . dances and, to cafes any- 1 (1, by the ttecing go.. Q, share ou,L thei-cordmoW. The OOMP The S-4. will. be tote lilae.e 'v *.L, �sured hoi-seback to te nearet" a steep -un' ma e. -an - tr I ITY PIP- der PAlcoft froin PortsiA` 'Xew wine and hl�.Peronod, upuallY;i It Is -t tions' on .-speA li ba e I Iti.6re Iigait, f &6 -.Do. olropilation �ianldy 33ald fil. in t4r safety," says and n6 Wennees. .4t night c however; d' I r 0 tOuth o ted his journeN, tme, *in partiels'. ciften f�- couples. .,for ee ,otp $7. %v.hen he 8 an edit6rial _11e c oru L On oeltber Iss cge Pat hiat ktals,irritaddoi and remia more it t n.etL profits to. ts will b6; ton g6ndreds of oung Chlnes�. girls wo OqUal to I thgn-bEipf� a aueted undl xetib.* of the parew" "The siiiall& "the town, the Sl6wer nliuA Flu years -4ar pattne.rq: in the balls-, before diVidends. so thit qlojeiiduor The riubmarin'� will heo.*be tpwet1.t r d Me sho v P- fOr to$, run-bri its street, With olly Xe* Wstby tile tend or seldoxii 'he litIrt 6606 glils lall Ili love WIMP the YOU14' tua ' left. in the�balayfdp Shoot A JoN; F talid then, wh6il,oaren- � 'common 'Stock Was- rela- will -a c, - or, pedestri.an to meu, they Ifibe lical1le U ,Imilar opera by A-0ass The'large obstacles;'Antor, 111,ltben be Ing ar. r ffie � city, tal oble,etion or.other Uitil sillrell 'Tlie.�z-4 u the demand ihat on their 0 g vene, they are prone to act b' th loved ew to, Ports'Ill"t leat C-A�, age with d R01 eoaoleSt.way. Out. 6')(Pe Will mgll(e C the vva t)epart� ed up and get out 0, general the Na S, ',bv' Own fegutirded: r nick co!rlmon Stock ."In e qLphore men, %-on ff r1ho. Of pede nchfne�e ar�,'co�cerned 4boUi , 9 �e test.qp, 10 tb Issue Of c6ninion ale A jgv-Avalket Is Lidg� A further -new signa 0�jtjjnf rellef.ftorp COU3t)14 but they em unable to 4 )Irtdi .91101' Ae' :'Vicinity of - L '0� d, Cent Orise, rot these I stock by the Canadian cthis igelof S�� Cold.. o� all - 14inds by taking Bucl;l" v 'stA noderft'teft� fibe'ttbilits' of tile efpndcsr, to' en% - Id bf sp;oed llg( rtLt . Usli4on1v to thO56' 0br. The' first dose. pro-relt hoW dif� gelling, "13U4RlvY;5 I -at a domparat ely %itly dtit.e ailpea S, here Is, �rot popt6foll t jo-and there ard 4o doses, in 4 ,� e lial he feminl0t Moveme X t1feii-sleill.ht the Wheel, 'e�l able.' adcordIng, t6 But t -old 156'. !n sho coriqueror of coltb� 6"Of sao,00d sted that an Is- t V erotfc,.� Aloit-real, It is ligge 76,ent botfjL W witho.lftt tit woni n for locat by g lld 'A balilt.' n6Nv share fol, each IQ dnjvely� sti oil a a f to the S-4 lea at I 13ticlltv, t r ng 1311c, i ordaw .142 Mutual ft ArAAf' he L hold" It is '�Iso pontoon. 1�,Vqt , ,y tinle, iA t In, 4y.jvr mid 'ited at $150L'ld� beloh9s, the b4nks bave 01310 14 be I- "Whorq'it larga 'Ch nose n S new stoek Nvou 'to d 6 e."CaPPI APPI 'Pr d l0v, More I " are $1 t6, Wb�cll bring, yfilual) ip6o . M t9". I I tes Acts en depArfnl to. .rec U10 steadily. Tho�usands tion'lleOds to be AM' r r1ilits to sharoboll A )[)3�. -the 'coin, heheadligl tfo-ordviao r4aivIal Co�n 6tl io difures -are �Contetll)lated aT ot insehqoplgtrlSL have tiliffilis! oS 75C itiftd 40c It Is io, inoverneut pany for, 19,. , and gieal, to F. road'livouhl Provide I'. Am to b C doo Of netv capital 're- cerit bY Pro oineyl are III goodly MODOr ll -4111 for deferise'L a "have and hf,,ti colleague" thIlt Alclue jn,neWspaper Work,. of entot _t6l�_ 61?�o _*.6flien me bali to de4ird,110r inten oil gT. VM Fob, tf, 1tock,p - . C The "Ing into ennillet nrieaqports, In: OLIV.0st matter O�f 1neat, :trirfi, pleasant inald ;ub -with wf�w in the rs.:- r C e-0 abo rVesider dud s w Vandals a otgd- it 'Odolf(106 otdis. s'I.-They I'lke the Women, an's de,111.961 ui�lotl, lit, bj.,woll dr -it �Alft'.J V14 that tho Uoftp� _Yet e lcjo��.�han sMor L fth them illed (or nibii 'fieitflir Intends. nor tq oofi- J . . I , — 6 , It. Of lionie Union on itlad a0in ng stl.Uet�. 0� -of WorkL 111 ta a hiff6h ch. W. enw6men., wil: not new In OfTla. des what It FrfTar -ro-ifir-rAt Feininistni I P e ISO r gltfll and good %"UN' e pjayjj� `[aa o e -$W6 the' X l(Ish peotyk-a'Warof- 'I - OF' politics - ( Wl r bO alk'I l'of Xrifv ortart. parts In . �e farm, nd PabtlliO bacoinillklV dr6ss0dlii !Fot 'Chi V�efg neinin rit 6f this, natlou,, nese. t 114 the Of fhoL I jjb7d pf6k flo d. e naval col ts e'not .0 1� t4ey Ir Ona t h nag hdV6 IPidnid 0. Is, 011t It iq .-A tact e0a S A� tAF'6r1AR 40 t befoile' thdV' 'toac Pj.�ST. (R'Adt p6k� WoMtNLJO Rty t�bck that does, not fOrma`,a:nd'exbJbJt1fJg bow 6n, , th-L"w'pfoblm I J., . �� *ell dr6�p'e, - 11 i 6ftostll Y.. kilt-, GO -W tfiat the6- oreople are. v0d. 1g, "at ot ihe 13mitatitm or Prdnl liIt L j# li' for tar Are I .(, lfflloboio Twn, Pl, they k fri tier of. Me Loreni Minard's LMIr botW 6 fit%,.4' ihe fe, '19; an(] abe the 0 9. 111 he is'o �u tails him NEW ... .... . . . .... .... ..... ..... .......