HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-12-13, Page 7•
• Color Problem
-in South Africa,
. ..
Ideal of -a -White State. .ClaSheSI.
' With Ambitions of the
N .
., .. •
. atives
•.soutli Africa provide e the ellPretee
inntanee og ti society, and State of
,EuroPean compesitioe established. in
the negro .aene. " dolor„problents here
are Of uptiraled difficulty,' and their
,solution, •satietactory to the welfare '
of all •thee ethnic groups .concereed,1
Is, regarded as. .thaattainable, ' paid a'
recent speaker Iletere the. British As-
seeititione for the, ,Advancetatent Of o
qSciencee Theideal ot. the Duteh' and
British elf;.• to • Maintain' • a State on
the tuippean.modele' neither ia will,
. „ ,
Mg CO concede to the blacks; who lona
. more than 80 per gent?, of the Poptiiae
• „COW; Of • the•aseb-continent4. an',aetite'
„share 'itpt the 'huildlag :Of `ehis • Staf41;
. A0110010$4r0Peps ; entabliebed .ziet-
. • . .
tlenteiat ,aearly ,809 years ego, their
, .
• Ideal OA White State fs the etancep-
•tion of .the lent tew decades only.
.. British Strongholds', are the coast
,._ . . ,
..towns. .Natal • and the :Rand., The
Dutch are the ;dominant element in
the rural 'population, Which in epatse.
throughout.. ,The gold -hearing Rand ...,' ••
-increasee tztdensity •of population fits'.
. tete than any . other district; the 'in-
,: crease is largely at the eipense Of the
countryside. ' •• , •
Pietrihutecl mainly toward the cast,
: 'where grasslands are richer, are -the
Bantus. They aro ,Partletitarly „steps°
' in Natal where they', Outnamber, the
Whites, by' 9 '1.t) I, •arid. the' Eastern
Calm PrOvince. ....- , • . ••," :- ' " .
settled fn Natal, where' they equal. the AN I aSeVeral
• Officizil cenfirmation .of the lePoit
mount invoh-ed was 'geld to ran. into, The ' Asiatics, • chiefly Indians,.- are
: white population and in the Rand, and : was not obtainahie. It wen stated,
include the Cape Malaya. :Indians'
hotrever, that iii additiope to the re-
. were . admitted. after S60. for the .,
6 announcede
'cultivation • Of the Natai • plantations: entlk et:pet/pt* fOr a large .•
atimber of, tars for, both ' 'Canadian
Though: ' Withota social ' or 'Peptic...1 , ,
oPPorinnitS, they affer4.4evel'ec°111. ' . Mining 13rief$ '
: petition to ivIdteS.of the trailing eiaes,s-, Pacific and C*anadiatt .National Rail-
ways, the• -conmany had, just booked
a further order for e.5' ehservetian car
' • A half-easte stock Minted' to the _repee-InmetetaLtrietreare' -4ZudeeU be
•employed in undergiound construetion,
. ,
Three sets of " Poker Hands" will
bring you a highgrade oversize
Ming Fountain Pen. This Pen has
14kt: gold nib -and' comes in four -
attractive colours-- red, Wader .
mottled or jade. This is one of
many presents procurable in
exc.hange for "Poker Hands," one
of which is attached to every plug
of Big Ben,Chewing Tobacco.
Big Ben is rich, satisfying and
flavourful Try it to -day. ;
Cape Province comprises' 40 per :cent.
of the population of Cape Town. It - .
'wore- at the Flood preeent. Four , Foreshadowing Easier Money'
Canadian National : Entineeri Design Oil -Electric : Locomotive . .
itidical economy In • operating, coats forms the P11111p .objeetive of the Canadian National •Railwers newest
.desiga locoinotivenerepresenthig„,a reVolutlenaty.departure. from. present standards and and PraCtice, which' has iust
: been Placed in perVice on, the main line between Brockville and Belleville, • • This new locomotive presents a
tropendous AdvanCe. in the 'Ilse of the oil-electrie type of loconietive and forms a distinctive Oftering'on the part
Of „Comedian engineers towards the: solution to 'the transportation problems' of this continent.
'The lkometive the further practical aPPlication of the use of fuel 011 railwaY, tranellortatiOn In
which an oil engine is used to drive a generator for Supplying electrical energy to Pettnnisten Motors. 'rower
and speed are Obtained at ccists. far below Otos of:Coal-fired iteain-driveii loComotiren. (
The power developed' by the oil engine is 'converted into electrical energy by the • generator. transznitted to
the traction' motors 'geared to the driringeaxles, where it is'utilized in deeehining. traction effeila and ePeed. With
the present:gear:ratio, Which Wan".laid out ,forhigh speed PeSsenger SerViee,. the lecannalee •will develop a At -active
•effert of 1110.000 poundsednring the ,aecelerating periods • The electritel eysteni. of eraiisniissitni utilizes full engine
horsepower Oyer a wide range 'of speed and tractiVe, effert' without a change of eneine speed Or shifting, Of gears:
. • • ,, • , , • „ .
. ,
Often T_Leads to DeCliae-,EnT•
rich the„ Blood • by Taking
Dr. Williams' Pink PHIS t
III their 'early teens it .is quite
eorianon fee girls te-outgroW their
etrength, and mothers care -
full the •health• Of their claugh-
t...litisrnee--,_ fOrit is -when.
streiteth is 'sapped by rapid • growth
t *anaemia deVelops.. The fitai
IChriatmas presents this winter, if you
get what we mean. •
The Year is nearly gone; prepare
tor Your Christmas swapping '
cavv„ • Rule for success: tat lighay, sleep
Ott WITH eauatfulio
„ _
Yesterday has gone-,
Titemorroir 'may • never Come.. •
TeAlay is here!
Do what .you hare to do to -den ••
plentifully: and work like `the deyillY.
mean When were yeti goad lookihg.re----
• •••
Smiling BLUE
:Flashing' LACK. 9
Steady GRAY •
Eplotioiial BROWN
What Color are
YOUR AEyes?.
• the collie, and Shape of the
. • ,tell your disposidon-Lthey. also
tell of the condition Of your
health:, You may be marring'
the beauty and sparkle of your
eyes by improper, diet. La-
e poveiislied. 'condition' of your
. bided, sluggish cenitipa-
tion, etc., men show their effect"
in the eyes: •
t If the7 are dull ;Nith dea4 t�
- the whites-thit's a signal of intesdnal •
• sluggishness. You need to rid the sys. '
tem of am:mu/wed putsona. You nerd
a laxathre. You need &educes Me.
• likiekiegifitleweigege wino
p LL S
• t4de d'IPT°diFetetablici;e:
pedirumr5.-16r412704.-41 ir.egulfr'..yourTbe""raie*:.. • • .
.tozy ,of
.'h� • . •
• 14red about Chaiacter from Ma Eyes
future Beeekoss'Aitrertiscloaste:
"SomebodY •said •was good leek-.
..eNtlien?" "To -day." • "No. 1 kf,
Here's/ •a way 'ite seethe crying,
Sympathieer- "And did her father
cone••between you?" • Jilted.. Suitore-7P
• , is becoming •assertive of • its rights main blua•. • " • s.gns may be notieed Peevishness,
. wakeful „babies to -1 • een qui •klv and
• iv -political representation. _
• • • • • • structed to t further , develop- ing group offes•ed _ • • • . NVTI'iTsailradeae.niera:ek4-not141%-ea:411iluem. 71:-sc"ar1 *
. the bank- • •
,and• is demanding arc effective share a e _ langolir and headaches. The face . easily. It s the way docterS endorse.
reteit eno tile wore
:is age-uaNs haye • been con, • New lorle-•The face the-
• eroa s hrea'hiessness and PaiP1'.'701eclethes. we' nOtice, Make the litarq'• iaendelailiteit,11:131es htlaf S 'Aha.;:41°,41.°;:::ep,sti. •
• South Africa, outside. the• Low Veit , " .• -a d• a:- a,' °00 er‘s "1°Th .:172 'Per "ent• tation fort:vie weespir•• f
• i whole, to ite prtieve•ssnig faverahly., eereerate •.st.o.k,aed seriei lienda oh ••• ' •
ii.At, the. ptst e. And laek o them, the wornan.• • . •
Parelt. xegetatt e. pleasant -tart -lug •
.at-idf", the coastal plain ,of ,Natat. pro, , • . •
415''); 4.2." 11.;r 11418.:11". .'"1"7'6er =416'-`1d Neg14-•,' IS,. not 'the tithe et think of the . • •e, • e • i• .
vides a •friendly r`clinutte,• the .
1 -ef Tiepee t.•ent of the leetie, an• • •
Fletcher's . CaetOrizi.' • hee ,,4he•Meet:.
.•'Isub-trepiCal :sun 'and, high • altitude me1M,Yri'• haek-fillIng Pas" ' ' ' " anaemia haen leans 19 ideeline; but • • fretful. re -t - vo hl
,• • ••s lees . eep
feture-think. o th • present. •
(Johannesburg., is nearly a 000 feet PrOhiems: Phol' or the , less •. week; 1.1("ez!'es a ';"eiteli, eou eee'tiett 1." deughtees blood • • , in a few. mintites.! ,And for collie
• •
eee level), ire net, evithatit cer• Pletiej•is , ze mate up from the '3,875 'e Pan °1' the ' ' • • •
• . , cater. tee- punt:bed there need be nO etio-e for
.tain ill effecta: the Amor White" class, herizon• This method, nte
Ctassified Adveitls te
e n
.11t11;ISRT6,;. arr;i..11-t -
m a rue for Oa,:kiegne .`
ma; o.cr...s., far itanA t caw R.
e. sr.; t_Atiteetne
..3.rrntreall• • ..,
; • sTocrazea
. .
an two . I . 0 •t ese S that . • .1 t k ' ' constipation , eftlits and u t 01 - •
. opt rji
. • •
• -• pee ep ER ette"sae ISP '
eS.mgre t an a. pair of carters
to the minimum." thet es • matinee- late tantoria,.` The I •i-1411,`. Ni %`X`'FartrOt.t. fre„
The fiOst. blood febrIgher . •
„product 'of deeay, 'may 9we ite ,iMportalie fun ton; in redueing 'Costs' easier- ‘,"ollitiolls ip the money mar- an't"Vs': to • deaorate the limbs at Christnian
. ever discovered in 'Dr. •
Condition to the eumplative effect of The waste reek -in-• let he elt•••,•(
. Aloes. ' • • , "to -be 'hoisted. •Thin waste•Yece will be , that ;fie iieet geverionetit". issue Will' tilesei',. quickly' banish " •
_ •
-t•-•• .1 1. le act •
• Chae.• ne.ther \signature is the'
•re 'matte uence over manv genera. euta to developmere,,Will,•bot have' 11111` 71ellea allOmmolls
• ttee. .
s.• The 'pure, ,red, bleed created by • , • P.
. •
• , Mark. a genuine• 'Cegtora' •••i'Vle4
. • • •. • „•• inte.entem le* se -tete •
. • . . signs 'kdif. anaemia. •They w.ill build uri •Wh, nuspiCion comes ht.' tit ' • • • "'" s"
„percentage•Increase_oteitite Papal* titili_zed bael.efin the' -et. •• • • •th carey a 4 'ter eeitit kat, mi
• •
by k.ariadiari. Trade
nautra.,i• . .are - . girl -'s --health- and ensure leer reltive •crawlseunder ,theeeetteitei •_fe ,
tease a one, now •mine „ . tlmt the ta., commeroal requirements
ba„.eee • . robust • Eirthood. 'Your. datichter eavesdroPee • • '
• equals'that•of the Bantus. But cobalt- . McIntyre' has built,
, - an oreepocket eea •e( ,Wit°21.1k 1111111111g • .
ization is only Partiel: iTheeSouth below the 3,S75 -it. level, witirta vole up the money :Tee 'o ti eeem io itseer a eaarse of Tr:: ita.ie Pills o: •, • . •• • • • • • •• "
• Africae farmer 'differs ,t rani. the us til diteension• of 150 ea., Into tits 01.• to,Presa.ge easier ameeeeceriatiene., ;Meke her stroiii• hthoiseates.: • ix macired acres of cora Thet." • • ". rig aking Records
• L
• , • , , Of garle-Who have been rescued from Some cern. `What will it total?" • . . -
• t te e lathes ot anaemia ,h.‘ Dr. . Depot s on '1% letaer I cati---can- a in ;an otatice,‘. exported during . •
tralian and Canadian in his' complete mense reservoir all the ore mined •be- • . • •
1 1 • ' d Ct id •
A,CCO- .yr_
piled to advert. -.676-61o;sal-A,-
--._ the bett fdl.rraer's overalls ie the'wpild. One
farmer -v:rote that h W aid seri
dollars for his book- Write for yours
lianuiionCarfiartt Conan Miffs TUieeto
'over Trecrity Theitalst.46,racr.esr
• - •
dependence 1•M elleaP cateredlebror. low e 1,575-ft..herizolt •Will drep'Four.•,Millioi Dollars more .Geld 1iams' 'Pink :Pills., Here is a, bit cif, or bottle sloeTTT,••1 the:le-months' period ' ended Oct. 31; '•••
, field' foe the immigration of European the mill 'there. will be no stops on New r orIt'A.,total of $4.1100P06, Of Monnt, N,Be says:ea-Thre* yeers", ago • • jiminie. 3/4 Vinitine fila uncie in • the leeeded• in yalue•••iiiiiilar-. exports .for;
Soiali Africa is never likely to be a gravies and be heisted from there to• 'Shipped to Canada • , • . - - - •
• moot. hites aiy • entiate Cata . 19,t1a, automating' to .$1.335•-iet, 9 ••• 3 ex t
• •
..:land•workeit •'while 701 unskilled Iabor
, is classified,. in the Code Qf the eoun- This lactate maximuinhoisting power., to 'Montreel.; the:Testi:I of a premiunt." yere 'hard' 'to graduate. The restat ,hired•mair is ,not hoeest. He let the oceoriling to ..flgares conipiled 'be the
, :try. :ase!'tafpr work.". 'White".Soutk ' :'•"' " • On •Czniadiair exchange. The Canedian ..e;as 1 ea e r nerrouS and got caws drink a •'.n*laple lot of :water:pint 'Poniii2.1011.' Bureau . of Ste/let:tee; In
• ' • 'b h h • °Bank • Of Commerce. sent ...s3,0o0,000 so thin 'and pale, y teacher s thought' before he Milked there." ° • view Or the great deflation in, prices:
Affiea is anariateciacy erected eyer '
t . e ere t at .w ea
I '11 b
the way up ate shaft. tit take 9n:etre...gold was transferred n-om New York while attendilie a • eonvent, I, Studied. cotiattj-1--"Ola: II,ncle George, :Four an Y 1;-m9nth'8•peilud since July, Itti$,!.
greal p,opulation. of senit-serts
NeED F.RE,E. :6031<
• , ., .
I I. •sent oa Rea;:
Tells cater -e of Caneer und .what: to da
for pipe. bleeding, oder: ete IN rats
for it to -dee: ;teenticinizia this' pa.Per.
Address IndianapolisCaneer elespitel.
Indianapolis; Ind:
; Murphy No. - short w s compie ed to a ° ••• e, • e av sen me me. I . •
. •• .o otst t staken, •
who and the Intern ti nal ec.‘ce tanc th, would h et d ' • of some tiina di le ha ha
possess. no political power and arehewa
100 te • • • IL h tiallt. $1 Ot 0 060 ••• ' todk different kinds of 'medicine whieh -111any a Man OlhO can get by' at Place ,slatee the former record perioc1,1
veen showIng a t e. y] ' _ ,
' never.' likelY to Obtain hY• 'Petleeful TO 1 teat a erosseet was,. stal-ted: to• This increased • to S10:000000', thee my; pia eats sent'meehet my Condition. tibiae with a •blend hail- on his •coat this is a' truly* "reMarkible ..actilevee
inethodn; equality with tie detenaine the' Widte oe.the ton. Thio,einonn.t. or geld •eeht..:to on':th'reittained unchanged: 'At'last Aine of• '1aPel is .noW trying to .egere out Meet 'and. refleti'vse a tremendous'. ex- 0.3 QuisauY maset
• • whites..`
crosa-ent has now been cOmPleted and
. 4 • wo b g FrollPiahs 0, t le„.P a the vela in •slioNen tobei over 50 feet
SocietY are •the teibalized Bantus end wide Drifting' hesenow conimenced
;Urban Ban les wh hate been to give $1.011* !lea ot the lepgth of the
'PerSuaded . to abandon 'the, tribal "•eti- .deao.ei • e , h b • strengthebed as a result of the heavY , Untied the Uee Of the pills for some
Irritated Thr oats
Preeent movement,. ..Sb-000.000".haT411g iny` teachers gave Me a box of Pr. Ite can get a Christmas. tree, into alp' peneion in -Canadian ltroductioe and /
sheds. swallow a sin of rfittelcieear,
een •s et . est neek eo..ta last i Williams' Pink ills: 'end "had hardly , house,nithout his childree finding eut in the .grou-th ot.feireig.n markets" for I
Week" Palladian exebange:,ho been finished it . Whelk I could feel al iin-.1 about' it. . - • . ' - Canadian goods . ,. • ' ' ' • . •
jelling nt,,a• , discount - here, but ' it royement In me condition. I Con= ' • .., In other aspetes pf,trede, Canada/e. •
• vironment. tatfirs working :on Euro'., . somi.LINt SAVINGS , . .- ferelg.--,n commerce broke all, Fecords,,
t an setela roun a aye been • ,
taken, tied to date. The ."-orkingi.are ,
IllovellWllt of czniedian colninedities titile longer. and I Can:hardly tell all i el • ' : . .. .,• . for any -lieniontlie' period, back te "
, . .,
1 s better to hare Helaost6 than •,,
stil in ore. • t e a p ue ett ,
. , . . '•.
'Peat' farms'ga along with this grout). 1 • Of •'h • -0 1 far exPert The gam MovInleat the ,e4citi 'the's did . ttf.2/. • This is, truof imports
n'e-; 'gained' latt breat at a
There isa- tendeney for the urben tied sections „ere of eommercial grade. expected to contiaue.a .short time. ter- in e
relleetiOns of customs dutY
• al
• Balittiseto iticreese in ntiMbers et, the
expense of the other group,,and this
e with white encouragemr
pia: The ise
by the •Bantue from unSkilled Arades
is an inevitable deveMpment, "Color
itt l
a, • • • • • '• t$1.202 ree•Saea• re-eiports
rninatimewhen ehe winter seaeon, stops . 'Invited 'to nry cheeks,
adli. si
aeitietvheer :efuni:d1 re(i•etinr1:.,,Ye4,,eLe
t 731 - • •••
• term I graduate
etigth "astr• nd. weight . and the color re- 1' , , • , _
One. seetion measures about 30, feet
wide•aud the other 1,0 feet. •
'Smelters, Its Earning Pointer and
• Its Passibilitien •
Canadian 'shipments.
Tae reversal of seasonal influences to'recommend Dr...William? Pink •• Canada's favorable elsible balatice•
• .
as eepeeted to cause a revolt tto., this • me my. 'frietuls Old atiquaintanees :A genius hea suecesaftil crank.
country next Sear -of , the goki ,now., whell a ;One is needed; .
tou'll be astonished Gy the iinutediors
'relief it brings to ti aore- inflamed
throat.- Singers., ...reakera and smokers
should never be vtithont it. The firat
dose rleam and soothes the thy .st• and
hronehial tuber and there sme 40
deees. in a "..".5-eent bottiv!. At all
druggists and, guaranteed ,
W. Z...Doekler. I.imited.
142 Mutual •Tortinto 2
ot tratie. wiale more than $9,000.000,
belot hist 3. -ear's, 12•-iiionths" hgures
bar" legielation •ean-hirt teznporarily • this time. i$ recovering 'Very rapidlY.I
: Check the OperatiOn of economic law. One 'of the mese bullinh factors be
Without a policy of.segregation the hind Consolidated Mining and SniebtSeven Toronto Dairies Amalgamate • • fi•om The Die Medicine Co. having gained S19.729.09: sinee' the,.
• 'whites and blacks in "two. diStinct shamS is the aSsarlitee that the
being sent "Canada. •• • • ' You teal eget these -pills from your nee h Ante road*that ito'adver-
• •
„ •••• hruggist, or by mail at 50 rent* a be* tising •
zones. So that each*cronri ‘•may ee, aeleomPanYt which has been a relatively 'tk'"eonsolidetiOitof seven Tortinto Broekville Ont
• •
As. ye, Christraee• Caid so sltdll ye be
12 -months . total fOr Septembele 1
note stands at 41,6,19s.000
ries is annotinced andel- th
will in good
far as aoetible; selasupporting, 'the small 6)1()Per'
oi Canada Dairies, Litt.. tlie.neW cone,
ultimate sybiliergetice • of •the White time hevetne ene ef the lead- Can d • R .
Briti h Settler' s elteptieal, Man is one ' Who Often,, talked, cif. never' seen.
two white atocks; Britith and Duteh, •61til'avn-v•• 'has dPehilled. 'several' ilti-'117.1(1("Utl 41 7 'Per eell't- e111111111a°ve;'
redeemable slaking fund tireferred ;anti 8 • _ sprinkles,' Listerine on his onien. belie. • exer cOrning,. iteVer been,
still distinct aationalitesa beoeide an portant copPer and iseXPect-
Christines carded.
'Millard's Liniment for Grippe.
uniryS mem). The' pany to have an authorized caPital of': • ' a 4 , ecerinrig
state is assured. t' The reiatiOnS' of the hag' Pr("ItteerS' ef the re4
common shares will be out -ie. I' : Daily looked for, ne-er 1 -
ed that an annouitconeta will be made 70'11°. it. re.
hleignificant problem in comparieen d . standitic • , auostantia more k...ome What ails tentrierance ae the 'atoll- •
• with the menace of a conflict of eotor '°mtbs of ' • • 9 " .Here Than Go • To raoce of some o e adv•ocates. •Te_merrow,
• Australia. .•
a big profit letpial to about '50 pet . Toronto-Canatla is receiving more ,
. • approactune. in. the rear --
ee•ah, At the etztrent price ce.
in SOuth 'gee:*
Coaller Of ill eents Per Pan"' °wit Is A LAUGHING BABY
,af Zeppelin.' cent. of the gross °lama). •
•• meitOrs title Year slicield earn 100 Ai GREAT, joy British :hettlere ?ail.' any other' coun-
, . . try as e resul eggressive pub- t ,r • e" 6•• , •••
• • Per cent..or better. on ite stock. The
Acts like a f.e.sh-a single sip groves. •
7 \
soy; A. nohte With dirt on R. A hews item statesthat (be Prince
,. :.___•_...- .•
of Waleir•on his, present tour received
'Strange that men Should call moVey a .greaterecePtion in Uganda, i E. L..
knelt " ' Detell gtieke* to volur An. think*Irit pos•qbh- one Of Eddie",
to Make Polar Tri
'D c000,any. is nialting lilee plant exteet-I, , . , . , _
alinCtililf:t17111.11naliteiSgiiitnatettlielcrIllatirsehti• .ERS110e: :I: rg '.1-'''''':' .. ' ' ' 1.• ----7-----. • punning lady of ,the more er tes• w'en.
. a •' • - , tertainere, tht•re, may hate been the'
, a-. sionS. itoW, to increase leada zinc 'aint •,witlit . ‘.•-it give nitire Joy - ti
It •is readily eemeeiv. heme than a laughing. . heave belle ert t'••• Stead. of tt'...e Feder -ti De Sia.. She wae •only •the' garbage mates- known ente,,,t' •iehe ',' ,
A , 0.•1 . • ..,-,1 ----", , - T.,' ; ' ' -, .• .., silvee output.
The wen child nraliee, e",,..ereenee:ha'opnv„" panatela Of lanhignition 'and: Coloni: daughter- blit•evell thea she w`as noth-
itrsttip riacert at. uttposai or able .ttnai ,in r.29 tick company will
earn 1:15' • Per , nt• on its oPeratiente With his tel gurgle • :and tinght • eaetteatli la,
• , . , - zatinn. in a ret.ieert addteita. e , .1. itur• to spiff at,' . . . •
. - .c ..•F. In.kitig, evtik
' Internaiion'al Aero t
. „ 4 • ,
Ar ct ic S.:3ciety . and when 11101. seale replier produe 'apt:long cyles. , It is mai:* the sickly', • - -
' trth• Who is• not •-i eItir,-•bihr far - -- s. 0`.1 1* r" 1 s '' le '
.. . . ,
dolt ebnies, on a Maier. vett extbsteu- . .. , . NN'allt' ' 'nen •t it- le ctigtoti 're ' but There Is nothing one tan do' about
a "dirty :theme. etilees' he .tiends it, to
• ' 't is 'at, li r "e • u•P e t . • , ,...
4. • ' "" ' ' ' 11, t t Cirit.‘ Want::: •inniiicrants a$ compoti- .
• ; terlin.-The dirigible, Graf 'Zeppee tie" additiote to, cm -ming -power is as-, a t tta o ,e - etur 0. bt - - ,i t. .
, tore.". etre etete at • This tote e tee aitinta 3, .
In, Wlikh has just completed the filet atired. If Gratilie Consolidated Mite happy ellen well., .
. . e , e
• , . , ..,•
; rtainti trip trehe-Atleiitie emoineeeial ilia. end •Strteltleg Co. is takeii , Over.: hipthers., ;if •'„y our ' baby ie' Cross, 'it: at'd F4.1•"..°648,, fat.:t trellielld011st.r• . nun: • ' ...'°' . : ,----- '
compaba . cooed he eriee a' .grert. the] ,„,,e 00 amount 'rows the field ot••Cenadzes operations 4"; Nitta) •Dora tliitekt• 0 el.e..oreeieene
,air• VOyage in history; will tie Vateed as" is ramared* 111'. •
at' the ' dispoSal. of:the In-tern:atonal beeonte 'a leading faeter'!in this teetzil ef attention 's•er.nee to mike him in 'the seareh for immigrants., In is ati evil exeutie.e. - . . ' . 4 •
Atro-Aretic 8atiety fi)r ,twe. N'Orth Without dele.Y... . ,• r" . . . '' 'ilitittilv: .gi`e iiira • a 'I'tese • Of Ilatk-•-s rarain41tin "Cafiada's, *1ragra111
ea b *II dvertisine, for eettlets not only the Makitea love While the tuttitiaseihie
Pole flights,in, tell°, , • • • • Piot *majorities...1On hi% ofitter ' Own Teld ,*- •ii 1 i
. ,
, ,
. , Country- e pliveical rekoSitzl'es`-"ils' i -is:" l',:- iiiier-i firMit's"-e- • '. ; ,
. . „ . t. t. , . t •,.s. . • it le A.1 $0.011. 0 %co, „ , • .
Decinion to this effect: WaS 1:ea-cited nulrket ore deeitifdlY olltinlistie' re` 'i amt 'ready' to' radiate. 'thot ' '
throu,gh the htinte, twain... , • , .• ,. business.. and agrieititurto conditions • •: . '- - " ''-• . •
at a conference which was presided• gatelike' 'the future of etlie indtistry. ,
e• i la t.._ must be considerede the •psycitoTogy. If the: othei tellow'e relOon ' A•litts
riYer by Dr. Guerrted, Mitlieter.et „Clitie.fte_dacellliee"-kay-vieeitri•-11".4ee 114114)-*.s'Tahtet'A '11f- 111 he
states are eeteratieg at 1,00 berwels Oid Sweeten the eteetach and .'-'5ulii°c'ts is °f`PrIme`in•IP°1:14'1"' ''
noted explorer, Niho. is planning, the tufted, '
ght,i, Ale, ilugo ekezier, Capta ri 11 .
„s,_ - }at .a,nr.,,,,•.k. _It 1mat_dkett.,:timet,„Ato.
i:Ii• 1 zi t *---ahs d rag•an nd-O a res
BrtilierliiiifrPeliek''''iiiid.-Othe '-'1761 z- inetilehriveregnewneheavilYieent.- zere -lloa•eereals.ullore ds.a tatsimpleeevere;', - ---1.,(' -,.-----,':---a,-,.
knoWn ecientists,, took...part in i e'kifi; 4;11) :ears to be tin 'Coup in vieWa , In anti k'orre+,4 those tsouldee wilicii.••er'llisllig, is' direet,ed 'eltflosively to- 'itriaen.;ith imailpertii;lohl,his at'.
inunications. Fridtjof -Nansen. the et fat:t that the' pleats in -the:Ali"Oreitgh llakative. TlieS regulate ihea'at'1114-k•""VaIiIFT1'°.°Ole'-'' (00 id .th-e '''fft*At
th. er cent world requirement of the thus banish Ometipation and theSe 'faeters' are tali" int° A
ti ovelo,itient$3 7.1 the. eeitipairf the euttthi.et. teeth mid ims ,w;.41;l:otitaining suitable Settlers trete tetatiat to "Send up the .offieteeeek-
""i'mv.,`" • . •
the'r"British Isles • and the tu'ited erit and tell• th(tin I have "something
make baby haPpy told kee
- • -_. t fire rears It Is foreezisted that doing these thoi 'As -a d timnr St tes 'mere has been a ,goptl deal I can give each tit them.
n them
,r/r., Natiltert •is..chnitanait,a,a .e.0111.' 11 ""thr -clamor-13f late. 'Aunt 'Canada net' ' • , .
nittee that , has been Planning ftir Medicine dealers 'Or •••,•by. .
ere to North Anterior% by way cif the coda a• 'cix• .
I is' u it v* -inbAtantiall - mere npreede it over more
territee y. than
. . ..,
volver wirte-tileader. an
this involves' an eriertneus
the red itetel.
Further tariler,for. Car Frerne*.
Reports that National. Steel Car or
poratiertbad .brieked some furiliet
large orders tor OlITO„ heaed .00 POOL e ere . e Omit „. •
the Street etnioarent 'with the to. tee that 1 don't late my atiiateur t"P an s the State' - y ' "
rapid. atirstucu• the stank; The . I Minard'S.I.inithent for Chaaliket Hands.
, ••
"hiM iterate. • the Teblets ate .sold by'°t 16 sbm.o. ..01 oritio totTots,.'1 It omestsi $10,,ea.dbtk
eome time to make a flight.front Eur- e •
• tenth Thi, The ee.tteenn.. We:1 we ere getting Mere ••••thatt .an' IitasActe the Solvation Army probe
Niettleilie CO. lir ekyille., Ont. ' • "1°1 "'" r * ' • 3`
pi th' 1 •em•hodv
' Arctic regions to determine.the prtia. - •t an p --------------- ralaian A ate a . . .
tittibility Of thet batit.4".* it. is ,under- • Many tie all Ole British ,Dominione •
stood that Capt. Bruns , seemtarP, "lie* iire 'son getting along ne a 1. .. . , ,,,,, ,e, . . ,
. • . oeetees AuStrana. Mete than twice
gcneral at the Society of Arctic Re:
senrchi,)Will cominand the Graf Zeit-,
itridge Prites, are (mite the
ISSUE' No. 4
Foe Trotiblee ;
doe to A6di
;elle., first sneeae inhale
'Minartes. -Prveete. 'ectitis7,
Alse good for brtilees' and
! Alton two hours after 0 1t man," hails 1;tr.atar.t..d tho stand-
jaople 'suffer (rote emir • gtebriehe
They teill • it ladigettion _means
that the stottnichnerveS haVe been
overestimulated..• Ther0 is exeese add:
The 's -ay to correct. 11 -15 with an'alkalf,
;which neutralixes Many •••ties., its
voThifitrieerlinthitte,iwtlityzo • putsMIIk : oit
Magnettia:-,,ittst a tasteleits 'iloeS
water.•tt Die:vs:tut5 ttlicient and
aPI-elee' eleyekiate in. the 44 yettrit
Mee11 01-511,101. ,
It fe 0 quiek teethed., Tteealte
'altitOst instantly,. it is the '.
'aprirto ttat 'Vett oat. 1 -ea Will' never use •
anetee. %•rt 6 .**t k w ' •
y. e 4( no
!-0.3reo .it the. genuine Phillips'
laisltik$ort.t.:tziatog;ii;itairazii, pitireLettdoibsy pxlieeeesio-
t•.ecide }:eit li beak, •Cont eine' fall direct-,
i.ttens-aws drIgiitere.