The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-12-13, Page 6ay Schoo Lesson'.' IChristia,U gentleman, , "As an expres- sion of simple tligiiity, cif refined cour- tesy, of large sympathy, and of i'aarrn, personal aectiun,"the Epistle to Phile- mon stands unrivalled." • (2) • It is .also important to note that this letter sliewsttie way in which es Another Popular Member of Royal Family a.sty Recip 7-- SchoOf Children's- Osn'dwiches Mkt thOroughly together -.I can Batmen, -peund ot cottage Cheese A flies truth of Christianity was begin-, and 1 alien cart' pimento PepPera. - ning to infinenCe the great social Season ;With salt and pepper and add Deternber. 16. Lesson XI--4Paul and lives of the world,' Slavery wds a Lejaough thick cream or any good`salad, His . FrIends--!-PhIlemOn Got- terrible Crime, ' It: was, one of the', -4 uressiug to •make • a smooth paste, den Text --A friend- loveth at all worst features of the ancient world. , • tt&h any other piece of possession, At the thin slice ofabrown or bran, bread, TNTitOntiCTION-Thts EPistie. to disposal of his (Avner; This was one Spread filling on thin slice of white • -,v• 17:, 17. . •, The slave had no rights. He was; like til'in enOto $Pread. P tinien-Prov utter 1 Philemon is the oelsT purely' personal of the blackest plagues in the Roman bread, and put' together:• ' letter in the New I Testament' anti le 'Empire aid had Much to do with its' ' . - P , • - orto Rican Roast • one of the most interesting, reflecting ' • g fall Ono might naturnlly expeet , • the' tact and 'generosity of the great Christ to have some cure for this evil, g pounds round -of beef, 1 small hat- . Man It belong e to the letters Pan.' • However, we do net fad in the New tle stuffed olvies, 1,4 .pound salt pork• 'Wrote from Ronaet when he ,was! a' Testament any progtem for the libera- 1 oniOn, g teaspoons salt, 1 pint ean- prisoner -waiting' for the result Of his tion of the slave, But we do find that 'ned tottiatoes, ai pint boiling water. 4. .. . appeal. Her ,we has'e instruction on -Christianity sought to "charge the Make „email slits cir holes In the • the place -which friendehip is meant heart. It. preached the gospel of loVe Meat with a sharp knife on each Side to take in ,the 'Christian life a• The to master and slave alike and the new, letter May beat be studiedanot, by tak- germ of title grace and„,truth worked of , the roast Cut the salt pork in ,aing eachversein order, but..by' con,- iii the lives of ,men Aod-Wonwn till small Strips' an inch long and stuff .' ,sideaing the three. ,characters.a• (1) the time came When it was made clear tIC6 . boles alternately with these and ' • Philemon (2) Oneoiroas (3) PauL'' a :to all that it wee' intolerable that such With -stuffed lilia-es:' • Fry 'est the salt 1. .Philenion belonged the the city a social 'worry should eontinue. Slaa- pork' in a heavy kettle . slice the of; ColOasae, and had been won to my, was a .sin aagainet• Christian. hro- oniaa. fay "it in tays, then eemaym alt Cltrist•lay the efforts of Paul likely therhood .'"' ' ' a i , , • • -'-,' bits .i onion and salt pork, brOwn during his "Ephesian mission., In WI I the 'roast On all Odes aed add one- • ' to - his soul to Paul. He was apparently half pint boiling water and the ,19, ,we -ire told that Philemon owed. one of the leading supporters .of the• • matoes. ' Season when , half done. local ,church, was a man of rneana, Simmer- tot three hoars. ,and had given generously to the poor . ,Cardinal Punch daints, v. 5. He also took part in 1: pint cranberries., 1 pint water, Ms ' religious teaching; and -was _an even- - eup orange Juice, 117a tablespoons gelid as -well. Paul referred to him •as his "fellow -workman," v; 15, The 'lemon 'juice, 1 cup sugar •syrup, 4 1 Christi8As evidently gatheaed in his pint' soda water or Apollin,aris. ' house for their regular worship, and Cook cranberries and water until we read in v. 1, of his wife, APPhia c trait la very soft; then ' strain rlinas psly •thoirih a' double thietness of cheeee and-,ofAchippus,°w - • his son. 'This man is called a "fellow- clot1. • wnen cool, add fruit juice's, soldier",of_Pael anal may have had 1 1 iii syrup and charged water:* pour over. to pass through danger on behalf of• Christ See the refetenee to him in•• a block ot ice, or a mold of frozen - Colossians 4:17. From this it is clear orange • or* 'lemon ice. 'Make a 51/2 that Philemon was a roan of high glasses; 16 punch glasses. , . • standing, a roan of meinst a leader in • 'Quieted Potatoes church, . arid a,, great apersonalRail potatoes, until leader, '.drain . . . CURLC• HEADED PRINCet TAKING IN 'Tilt HUNT- _ , . Duke arid ..Duchese • Of York, • with 'friend of he aposte 1 zE1 1 mash. Add, enough milk and a , Princess Elizabeth, daughter of the ▪ • 2. „"OrieSimus was one of Philemon's Honey Treittiii• , .....„.....,,_ • , ' Farm Notes - . whoughtfui cooks keep on their STANDARD V.MlIETI4S, . supply shelVea, certain producta which ••With the establishment a the stand - aren't usu#1Iy classed as, staples. (ant. list of variety names ot vege- thatea, aaaisins, ,maple ayritia, htmey,itahlesathere arose a aped or descria- nuts, package cheese -all or these and. tions of varieties, and to meet this. more, too, 'serve impoatantly. le rnAlt-l'need with respect Of peas for gardea. ing good cooks better, Most of them aand .canning purposes the Experimen, come in coOtainein of convenieh.t Size tal Fenn has just published n bulletin for storage on Idtchen shelves. Those • in •whigh is given the descriPtion ot foods .which ,aren't in airtight pack- r twenty-two varieties ot 'peas. As one, ages had best be turned into preserv-!,ot theee,. Extra Early (firand beat);-; hag jars.. Strained htiney is availablehas in "the neighborhood. ot siXty in, either, meta or glass jars, easy to Sarnottyins there aeems to be agree, y use and easy to keep clean, need tor the publishing of theadescripa• , Honey as a' food is important in tion of sgmn variettee. The deaerip- any family of children.: Its , ease', 0 i tlon's. cover. 'n theotnumber b es.ry tot of uTirn;P•seeds t-ypepeort . igestion and ,its natritiseed color ve yalue re it, - especially' for •childreil'af °Mice, deasriPtialliaef-AheSPI4l4a..q0W,- -.Ar---:--- SUM:INV:eh preads. A good destert fora ers, size and itiimher of peas to the • yonstera ,of *three and four years is Pod, and adaptation. The bulletia Waist spread with hOneas Any sinIPle:telotTeedrfa....gF.6thasiiss aszuhdjeuty!,Sbe:N"loi•ad1,007h, .3:epil-. pudding recipe ean . be. varied switla .good results bf eceaaionally using pliaation to the Publications 13ranch, honey or maybe maple syrup instead • 1, Nowhere in the world is. honey ;So Well produced and 'so carefully mark- eted' as in • Ontario. :Another • case where a home prodeet cait be enjoyed to the advantage of health and plea- • sure with due .regard to economy.• - a , A, particularly good honey fruit pudding for winter dinners. is made of dried . fruits and tapioca. - , Honey Fruit Pudding • • Department,ofAgricaiture, Ottawa. '. The 'Standard tieseriptien is giren' or the tollOwiag varieties: ' PilotaLaxa. ten kSuprb. Eitra. Early (first 'and best). • Blue l3antam,. Thomas. Laxton, Laxtonlan, 'Daisy, Lincoln; Alderman, Stratagetn,. Telephone, Champion. ot England; of, Devon, Quite Con- . tent, Oladstone, .Ne PIus Ultra, Melt- ing. Sugar. ,Alaelta, Advancer,' Hers - 'ford ,Market •G.arden,..(lreen Seeded' Admiral and Hotel,. • a • • In arriving at thestandard •deseripL , • -..... • One Ita.dates; aaaoup r,alSins, CUP tionaJour.straina ot each vatiety were . honey, .14lt; i teaspoon sa: cup wet- grown In order'. to ,"secure :typical lak cups Water. :14 cup instant plants. The Vegetable Committee et • tapioca i cups ,pared ° and sliced the •Canadian, Seed Growers ' Aasocia- • 'apples.• ' " • . tion co -Operated in this Wer. •• •,•••••:• StoneAlateg .and cut them up • With ' , , • ' • • -a _ raiehiS andnuts. Add honey, salt, and •• . :LIME ..AORIC,ULTE UR mliainirutecsu.P•stolfrring water.'eonHeat:titly...teoe1 r• 'fihvae• t • Lune or carbonate/ of lime has two the mixture' is warmed through even- outstanding Uses in: agriculture, the CoOk the tapioca ".in'oile cup water •correction.or neetralliatiori Of 'acidity until lear (about, ten minute's) and' Or einirfiese and the iniprovenaerit or c tilth or mechanical condition:at soils. These points • are both recognized as .• ot,prImaryaimpOrtance in the produc- tion of Maxi/nein CMOs.-• . 'Wet, low-1ill -drained arid' i -drained Soils are very liable te beeo.me 'sour, and known,as mAieks and: peat . loams -Mean .tYpe. oA Phrygian slave was ' add with theslieecl apple to the first slaves; andaaprobablyauf a- low • And • Pinch ef baking powder to :nas I her mother and her •nurse aa in Yorkshire, her first appearance one Of the lowest type to be found in the. Roman world.", The slave had • ittgen- some money from his =titer (y. 18), and had 'Escaped to the city • of Rome, Which was the refuge of -itiminalS7-Iir:the--riarrow':aueets and dark 'cellars" 'of that great capital it was net difficult for one Of this class to, eseame detection2; However, the eyes of God .were .tipon him, and by Sinne unkroWn Means thie poor. man was: larought° into ,contact with Paul,. • wheaa he learned to love Chriat.:- The *tirade of ecisversien was again en- acted.: nit .weak, despised Oriental *as'• brought to a new life, and his. aleyotien,to this man who had been the meats of • his salyatioti knew no , bounds. ' He becaine• very useful to • Paul, who -would have liked to keep hint • with. him. But evidently cane• had,Seieneeben at Work in this run- away slave, and afterdoubtless many, convereatione, they both decided that ,sorrie attempt at renaration, or resti- talon; must be made. • ' 3. . Paul -The letter throws much light upon the love, justice. and tact of 'Paol. , He ;tithed. to retain the seratices,of Oneeimus,,for .it was 'very convenient for him to have one who would- willingly run:his errands, ;and • , do his bidding.. But Paul's sense f ' • Jilatice urges him te•aelasourledge •the• claim of Ownership and,. accordingly, • the 'decision has been reached to re- '• turn this man to Colossie: However• , Paul writes a letter. to go with One- simus in offler that the return may be Made as early aimiseiblea .First-ofall, Paul reminds his."friend that a , total change. has taken place in the character of this foatner culprit,: and he ,piayfuliy refers to the smile which ' the slave carries. Oinesinais. Meant "Profitable.' Oce-thispoor.slayeawas far from profitable, but hiew that • Christ has entered his heart, the 'Worthless ha R been made worthy. He .is indeed profitable, v. 11. Pant thus •'passes to the actual lops of money, " and generously offers to melee up this amount out of his eWn pocket He mill nay over all that Onesimtis stole, • v. 18.-, •But most of hit is it Paul's desire to ,remind his •carrespondent that1heae. has enme in a total reVolu- tion in the 'relation between masters and slaves. ,This .man,- it is 'true, is a slave, but he is also a Christian and, •'therefote. a brother. and he must be • taken back into the household, not on tire .eld footing onlv, but •also- as a • brother for :whom Christ died. This 'union in Christie to Change all other; •atelatioriships. v. •16. • To crown the • appeal, •Their reminds Philemon. that •his own ' n Christiaafth aith is e direct • result of Paul's Wert en his behalf, v. • 19. In the closing sentoeces, the apostle speaks of, his entire confidence • in the generosity of Philemon„ and he requires him bget ready some "late • where he may stay, as the trial is likely to end • in, lag release. . (1:) 'There no letter in avhieli-we can -better aee the fine spirit of the, fluff and, t en for . a t 'Meeting ' • • • smashed 'potato allow one tablespoonal the hunting' eltl* PARIS CHIC . A mew slender type cotnbination,• fitted 'through, the bodice and. hipline, With lower part eat eh -Ogles to pro- vide sufficient fulness to ,heinline,, to take the place of:a slip. Tench of em- broidery. ,gives it a .real French -ap- pearance. It isaideal to wear beneath ful butter, a teaspoonful honey' and ,1 . • One teacup .cracker Oruiabs; salt, pep- teaspeOnful lemon. Nice. Mix• thor- • Christmas Cheer °uglily, spread in Bat rectangular tin, Per, celery salt. brush top with butter and. oveh toast. Split' the tenderloin. Season with, . Make" ----a---dressil - Cut in two tech squares add serve at -salt-and=PePPela— ' , • a with the oyster. crackers, and season • ig Si3a1 • UM u once. •Why not h re a real old-fashioned Orange Balis. with, salt,. PePPer, and celery salt a -- a - Christmas with. a yule log, flowing Spread part, of the one tenderloin' with dressing. Put the other onkftbrew' Plum pudding a" all? It can Soak orange peels three days in • cold 'water changing the water daily; Snread • with be doe eaatly with these two recipes initure. Turn into a ,bettered baking dish .and bake in' a inederate .oven (350 :degrees). for thirty. militites,;: or until the. apple Is tender...: Serve cold With cream. Eggless Honey Cake • _ • An unusually good soft. cake -and a'ninexPensive•one to make: ' Halt cop .shortening, 1 cup sugar, tablespoons hooey, 2 pupa flour, .1,-a teaspeon cinnamthi, 1 teaspoon .baking ate qatiteseften'aiiii--. Many light Tap- t land setts are slightly sour, due no- deubt' to' a waShing, out and leaching away of she carbonate et lime. .. . , • . . In testing for acidity or n011TlitiSS then Out in •hot water, and boil until' - tenderloin more dresaing. Ti:together' • with ,fb°1' , Pun° ptiddlng and thq.. Wassail scida, % teaspoon cloves. at .01P water. blue litmus,papery, ..-, kin may be used . T ' ' hi ,the order paper may ha bought at any druggist soft Drain, , wipe dry with cheese more and bake.- Baste often. . • 1 'He ' ' • i . , , MI' the ingredients'. • . • • -. : ere s the reel ). u . . . . . • If the blue litmus* paper is turned red- • . , . , I,- ) s‘ as ,my Eng- given, creaming, the sugariand butter cloth, 'chop fine, and measure. Take an equal 'amount of sugar, and far ••• .... . , Honey Gretna. , ' ' • • „'absh, frieild' gave it to me• • ' together•-. ' ' ' . ' ' '. - ' ' . . . . * when out on the sod, it is proof ot, each one-third of a cup of sugar add .: • • • • •• 1 . 1 • , ' '' a _ well be`tore .addIng the honey. . Sourness, and • means . that the soil I 1aa cups boiling water,. la .cfip strain-, • • sift into sugar and butter Add 'it -Ater Mix aspices and sada with 'flour and oi ground limestone. In makingi the ' • * 2. tablespoons granulated, talaioca,„ ... • Christmas. Plum Pudding • needs liraing or an apPlication. of marl : a two tablespoons each of Water , and ... butter, and boil until. .it will stain a 1 d ii , . , • . . wo- boxes o seedless raisins, 2 lbs. • • .. . a „ , . , • a • . . • thread, Olen' ' •add the. eluipped peel; eluded, .14; teaspoon salt,. 2 cups neen foot sugar -it is • very'ad'ark), ai lb. last atir, well and a pour into a :fiat soil from several places and, after e °nay, 1 thin slice lemon, 'lad •ina of brown sugar (we Englialt call it oa..aa teat it' is better to take eatables a . boil about ',fiieaminates; cool, put on buttered • pan. Bake in a• 'slow a board,. , sprinkle with granulated '‘ . a - a mon s, . sliced , thin. , . •a' ' 1 of a blanched_ 1, d . (325 degrees) for one 'hour . elided, 1A • teaspoon salt, , 2 er,gs,main- teem place a little of the soil , cup nectars raisins, 2 cups. cake -cubes. grated nutineg, 1 lb. o bread eitimbs. ' Fiona& , Taffy ' in :a Zanhie;.,, pour on' a little boiled 'a , . a. , . . . • . . tapioca to boiling water 'and add lem-. teaspeonful ' of (white); .1 large . rot' (grated), ' 1 Half Pound. dessicated co. coanut. 1 . . -, • - -_ sugar _and. shape .. isto . small 'belle: I Plump -raisins, .drain,' andrcool: Add. a atm and atir into' a thick a paate. l'hese rnay be Jolted in care agar, 1 and allowed • to • dry,. er they, may be dipped" in fondant. flavored with on. Salt and honey. Cook in fop of (Peeled and grat It, 1 large apple lb. strained honey, aa.cup washed car- ), 1 tenant (juice rants, milk.' ' • , Cover the eocoanut with fresa milk isins, % lb. and let it- stand for •a few minutes, shredded Strain before uSing. Cook the honey Into this press a piece of the blue ' mmutes. When reinoved if lona& to • MMus 'pepar and leave for fifteen. double. boiler . until tapioea . is cleat'. and rind). . • vanilla. 'firer:are delicious dipped . • Remove from fire and heat in ten One box of s ede chocolate ANT1 a egg yolks and raisins. Beat egg of mixed peel (mos • eitr orange auger sprinkled .on the top Of- wiritea until Stiff: and add to above fine), 1 tablespobntuP of mixed spices until it boils, add the cocoanut and eaeli chocblate before ,it hardens. • . I mixture. Place:cake &bee in a. laut- (Peavdered); 114 1l ,F iddney beef Continue cooking,until it is'V•ery thick. • • • ,. Griddle Cakes ered belting dish •and pour custard ,stiet (ehoroped•very fine). Put 1. lb Of Then stir. in the currants and pour .„ ..• cups flour, 1.4 tablespoon baking-:- over thema ' Bake 20 -minutes in• a flout with it to keep it.frem.,stiejting. powder, 1 teaePooti ' salt, .3 table- Moderate oveh (350 degrees 'R); Chop, very film .like'fiour (this is the. 'spoons sugar, 11,e, cups Milk, 1 .egg, ,Serve warm or cold. .\ , a secret of .good • phut, puddiug-do not ' ! grind the suet). 3 tablespoons melted butter, orange'. ' ' • ' ' • . . Rasaberry Secprise marmalade, • ' - a 1 •••• • ' a'•' • • .. i Mix •fride juices and "bread, crumbs • • • Mia end.•sitt alry--ingredientsa, a'ract- "Pla ..' a layet. ot: best raspberry • andtletastand over night._ Beat 8 eggs ----,' - strained- -' --: ' *.-' - eggs •1A cup honey., grate beaten egg and 'inilka•beat thorough-. preserves into .a sherbet glass then a •-well a Add 1 cupful of molasses, Add rind of 1 lemon:- ‘5-'-'culm nour, tea - 1 and add butter.. jr.ir o p . by large •tablespooeful 'of French, vanilla ice-, to*dry. ingredientS; Let stand a or z . . . . _ _ spoons baking powder. • • • . • Creani together the nutter and • into an oiled tin. When cold cut into inch 'squares. • ' Honey Cookies Half cup, butter; ai cup sugar, 2 be red the soil needs treatment. This is one of the simplest of teats. • • . , Lime and ita -compound are -useful in clay loams, • to :render them lese . stieky when • wet and •more friable when dry .% Oa light; dolls the limp very: slightly.'• cements. the soil par-. tides, making the soil a little heavier and closer in texture and less liable to dry nut :Dr, F. T. Shull, Dominion •Chemist, deals _vety .fully with: this subject in. Bulletin. SG, enUtled "Lime in Agriculture," which may be bad on. the smart slender: hipline freeka.. spoonfuls, on a hot griddle" that has creP•m• Pour into' greased baains,• nut sugar, dd whele egg a:nd 1 egg .yellt aPPlicatio,n to., the Publication 'Branch.. then anothes. of tho preserves- &ye, • , • Style' No. 223., in' sizes 16, 18,20 years, been " rubbed over with, a piece of Tor, with sweetened WhliMed creatn, greased paper over 'top, cover with a 36, 38, 40 and 42 inchee bust measure, raw turnip, which will prevent cakes colored, , saucer, and boil, withoutwater green and flavored with pep- • • cora. beaten ,together, . the honey, grated DePartment of Agriculture-, Ottawa. lemonrind and flour sifted with and can be made as 'simple er' as de-. from sticking without the lige of.but-, Pennint- I ing over t e tap, for ,I.2 hour . Boil baking po• Wder. The dough is' quite • • berate as one. chooses. • For everyday ter or grease. -When griddle:cake ., Mint Punch a • stiff and must bekneaded • ' • • I again 6 hours; and when re -heating d . • • ' i CLEANING UP CANADIAN HERDS n s p granu te g d su - to make silk crepe or batis cactical. edges, turn, and cook on other side:- t 2 cu- ful f' - of holly in the centre.. Serve in slices .rounda. Brushing over the . tops ot clearing cattle 'on 6anadian farms ot d • f 12 lemons uhen not • : the cookies with slightly'beaten White the disease of tuberculosis: / This dis- occasions, -washable sil turn; flat puffed, full of bubbles, and cooked i for serving, another loge. Put a eprig. smooth. Roll ot' thie and cut in Rapid prOgrese •ia . being made in GecrFette crepe, n' on, fl ,c 'f- Spread cakes with orange marmai- tnen, add 6 peeled and sliced lemons, •It -Would be delicious fun tO have a f sprtnkle' With finely chop- ease is very comtnon in practically fon voile,anti erepe satin nat. Dade; roll up like jelly -rolls; sprinkle , (slive very thin). Leave all in a big ing fabrics. Size 36 2 yards With sigar, arid serve at oneib! • wassail bowl round your own Christ- • ped .almonds and. sugar'. Bek,e in a every country where cattle are raised. of 40 -inch material. ' P - , bowl set in ie -until -just before serv" teas eve, Just heat yourcider, moderate oven -350 degrees. For many' years efforts have been- • • /h. • o egg al, stamps or coin (coin is • I lag as it cannot be too celd. Then hissing apples into it and start it on' made in quada to control the tliaease Fairy Fluff g 'Yolks, 4 tablespoons sugar, %.• transfer it to the .punch -bowl and add its jolly'aound.' cup ,re juice, :grated rind '1 or: to it 2 quarts oa potinded ice. a. ' ange,; ted rind a lemon. juice 1 Stir and pour Into it, froze a height, Honey Vifalruit Brittle Perfectly delicious and easy. t Wrap coin carefully', Emb., with 'the Altiniate objective in mind , 4 (blue) 20C extra, . '• •HOW TO ORDER.PATTEANS. • meat of Agriculture at ' Ottawa ,hai. . , . made wonderful progress in this work in , recent years. Two main policies . are in _operation: thp•Aacredited• Herd Plan, Which dealsaonly with pure-bred . herds, aild the Reattaieted Area • Plan, a Which undertakes to clean, up and , . . Tie spiees in cheeeecloth. ttring to - maintain inaa clout coedition mho e of the pan 'and burn, Turn out Into „ • Wassail complete • eradication, The . Depart - •lemon, 2, ta.blespoons hot Water, 4 6 bottles of Pale dry ginger ale., Last- One gallon of sweet. eider,11,a, lbs. 'One and one-half eeps boney,, • • Write your ..aree and address plain. •egg • whites,. 2, tablespoons Sugar, add dezen spr.a.ys of fresh green of ,brown: sugar, Zinch' pieces ot stick gpund black walnots. ' ly; giving number and 'size of :such lady fingers . , • ' !Mint, washed and alit Ittly eruisea.tre- cinnalsena 1 tablespoonful of .whole caek together in rather , heavy, . patterns asayou want-Encloie 20c la Beat egg yolks- with , tour, table- tweenathe• fingers. • ' cloves, 1 •tablesPuellful uf 'whole 1,d1-• brown '4nd, the mixture•gives a brittle • • spice, 2 large Pieces of mace, tea- teats in cold Water -270 degrees F. stamps or cein (ceiriapreerred; wrap spoons ' sio.•,`a,r; add._orange juice ' and - -aza_______.:—__— address Y•our ordea to Wilgbn Pattern rind; and bot ' water, and cook in •• t• ' To have a great rilarltet, are need a " sPoonful of salt1 fewa grains of caY- . . . enne. Stir Odeasionally • to Make sure that it carefiilly). for, eh:h tiumb.er .• and grated, rind, lemon juide and grated ‘ ' Service, 73 West Adelaide StaToronfo. [double bailer' until Inixtbre thickens, ,• • na ion .wi 1 leisure . . el ell g. . . , , , : 11 ' C F '1"-tt. •*ri the wahnits don't !,raii to . tho bottotn , . . 1 . , . . 1 until stiff, add two tablespoons 'au- .. .. degree of it, and on sonie occasions, , line •eherbet glassea witfi lady -fingers; d . -ith ' • gar, and , , 1 fald into first mixture. Chill. uncle T by to pend a few days sa . IC lima -liable -but .it becomes •sinatil his' hat he started laughiag liecause •' My communication to Pretnierl Bald - fill' With grange mixture •aed serve. • when; it IS conceived upon alight cal.(' his Uncle was bald "What's the.joite, inadequate 'provocation' and wlont it continues long.-P*5', ':,,, ,• • , . stirring conStantta. Beat egg whites ' ' •• ' • k • • 1 • the boiling point slowly. aloil 15 min. . t ta districts rather than individual herds. utes. . eut into sqearea. Tattle !tawny had nes er noa n us . . , a buttered ban and, velisnadmos eo . . .. a , . , Tile whole process. In the repOrt of, the N. etermary Diree- Patterns sent by retttrit mail: Anger is not sinful, becamte 'sortie ' tnem, before, and Ns hen be removed . , ,.....-.......__L...-....._ tor Oeneral foi• the Past, fiseal , year,. kept it myself and not girtAt it to anya _-__-----; • . . l't rhad, had $700.000, I* wotild have body. -Aimee Semple McPherson. ' . •Tehderloin of Beef Stuffed with , -win eaanot justly be eanStrued as a Johnnar?" halted hie 'tingle, "Why, tde• AdinloindUR .gt$ttire„ -- Representative ' Oysters a hlee heel. ntother's ppt a brush .ano . a Fred A...Britten. '• Large tenderloin,. one 'Alit oysteta, ! comic in yotir room!" „titteted Jbhnn. MUTT AND.JEFF.—Bud Fisher. n • popt hTT,ic 13t)-Fs.o41m. • IS ke FAN' Ica 'boy. 6oTTA OA •• 1-leRe Jp.TtL tu6 CNiouGt-1 sCoiN ,To-bUY '36t..ke Pc* et.)14 cue: - euotar: ter's 6ci 'tata -ro outa oorti AesitS P AV • Piaocilea: a-- - takes less than thirty niinates.---L. p. Mnt.t. Can Rise ..to Any Emergency. - a Mab aarcit aoLla I Tale -r cailatat Rocas? eatal.iiie- GoTTA. Ger 'Soivie FickSrf OUR. Oil: •woragto's ARP Ar Mi go: tiud 6ot SA i.L ot4 s. ok.rrsobe::. -"s • ,I)Avut48.b TAG Oak 5:Cove. fel •"..70anvaa, 1401 v a —4 'available, at. the Publicationa aBraneli. • Departmentatit Aolealture; Ottawa, It is- shown that (Were are now 'appro'xi- matele 85,500 .fialla' accredited mire - lie& cattle contained in 2,85I) lierds„ Under the Itestritted Are4 Plan thero. are six district's in Canada that 'are now free from tithereulosis.. The. • • total area etiVera approaimately 11,009 square ntll, eptitaining about 31..'0,000' cattle. The litre. of •PrOcedure . in this work is,.for offteeishe department to applY the tfilae,rculin test to all cattle, to slagghtea and may compen- sation•for,the.diseased animals and tti disinfect the, pretifisesa At' intervals thereatter .thelwrtl.$ ore tested until feactors are, no loitger found, • The report Of" tire Director GOnerat / contains a .umSt hiteresting ;lei:6114i of 'the efforts that :aro' made by the ateliartnientanot outy'to eradicate,:aueh at diseaSee anl tuberculosi4" bill to control W Mich Mixer diaeasee. 'as cause bjavY • losses to live 'Meek owiter'. .11tritfly tante. lietne 'and sakt,*.1 most 'had -some. waterinaiOirto•day." ailloW Was •Shetr liis mother nekeda .1,1, was oVetplaYina at SitainlY‘aliolleei mot inOtlier opened the ice•boir; and theta: :Wits' a watotntelent in It Sammy eald.zContdn't w. bve ionier and- tf the had tiz,Ittett e would —