HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-12-06, Page 7-‘1"'""rir;wr •'•
ns Put
1 Hospital for Sick Children'
Woden First, I
colege st.. Toronto 2.4Na.
ufiaale. Day, of Week Held
• Sacred t.1 This MYtholo-
gical God
December' 1'928' Can Find Relief Thrsuqr BUBO -
pear mr. 1 Editor:---
• • :
. thFisHOliarlieyear
.for the chitdren lef Ontario has' beea
. re
• .:iierioesly cramped through lack et •
•iWoderi was the ialghest la rank and space.a A point Was reached where
• the holiest in chatetetee ot all the .the Trustees ilaCto deelde whethe• r
mythelegicel deities known to thetIlit soeiroviosieet. nagderb:t., r.tricattit 1,
Saxons. He was the aill'erYnding Whom it could provide With com oe
,apirit ot the universe, the 'Vergeniftea- whether it•shoeld Ada to lie amam.
lion of the air and the god of univer- .There are many youngsters. setters
1•,.sal wisdom and victety. The middle Ing froafflictions of' the, spine and
day tae eeeen. Watt held' sacred to aoints, whom only many loeg 'menthe
the divinity ot this god and wee known
as Wealen'a• ,Deeg, Or Wednesday.
• Woden, vete Worshiped!' threugheut
r.e. Northern tense% but. he Was: esPece
ally.deitied in the greet eeMple erect-
•• ed *to 'hint .atsalpeala, Swedea., where
ng Up the Wood,
Pain ii` the syimptont otrheematisna
that every victim' recognizee.aand lie
'generelly attribetes, the • trouble to
eold, eardp or changeable weather.,
But doctors knoerithat thin blood is a
marked .chaeacteristie of the trotible,
Trying to cure rheumatism while the
blood remains thinned Poor' is • an inn
possible taek aecause there Is nothing
to build on; • A. tonic like, 1)r, Willigens' •
can. reetore. to, .health and strength, • [Pink Pills that enrichee. tae blood lied:
Medical care welt -help's,- but awhat a . frees- it- from- •polsonoupe erepuritiee
they prinelprdly" need - is . tresh ,air , goon lanieeee rheumatism from: the
.,and sunshine.' Hitherto the Hospital, eastent., so long ae the wood es main.
for Sick Children ' his looked atter'
such children iti..tte histittitioa close tained .in'a healthy.' Ceediticie; the
. tiouble will not 'retUrne This is net
theery.„ It has 'apep preyed Ina huna
dreds Of cases; ;here . is, pne:e-air.
A.Mile High Sunbath
by a. city playground; where more •
• the most selemn festivale were' held. fortunate' beet and: gtrls enjoy their
eaye"The. rrhsbington Staiee it Was eiorts. Imagine 'their' pligate 13'ink
the ',eattem- to make saCrificial* eger7
month after lnenth listening t° theJ we Rose! A-Re'2,.• AlhanYe
Inge tor.. the • 'eote tee' eletinveseala..,1920ots. uad Iallgater of o'tner chiltlren.:. ,sayea_eaor eoneasyeeee was
, aegraat
being'a litiree but in titne; of pressing l:1•.°atdb° ast the,:k4esPita'i tor.. sti erer, 4 'in:eel:len. paisrn an a -.
'riacea were , Made- evorteendel'or countryynolidngtsttserswl
Ethenglij tried a'•• great; manY rernetll
need humaal sacanhex d
• ' ven the king according tct th
e myth, .• s
, one ehanee • to have' 'their limes 'clid not get anY permanent relief
was once offered u» to avert :e fem- straightened: or their 'bodies bent pp • until -after 1 took ,Dr. Williame! Pink:
inse Another ot, the more important's. mist be in some Place Where they Pills.. The troable :wee Iodated mostly
Ave suns ne an res air us in • I I
. :fetes • id honor of this • god Wee the•
0 a • ' • •
•‘ gra,i141 Pr°eessilin. "awn khildren are whieing their tvae hack atteetien ems eirected to Da Williams'
.9f Woden.; the. ileWeadecked May shine, Pere breeees and quiet Pink Pills• tareagh aa adyertisement
rns s ders, ancl at times was so.
nursing care, and Medical attention. bed that my right arm \yes almost
annuai Mayday festival, • continued.
until recently in--- Sweden, whee a ilwaso from the Murk of the cite. , A .
e r • T.hie., ereeoereee a..4s taken ee.eiegalas.aseeson's Carnlyel at nal:M.44nd
• .
shoWs guide: Feuz' eed 'a.'fale MeMber ef e paatieeniah eklietited. to Lake
Lotese fee a dire s The ladv'did not Wear her'anareviated'`eoetaree ft;te. the
. .. • , .,
eetire .run, nei• weuld ::eace ,advotete • the geeeral atioettort .ef the oetfit for
. .
wieter.sporta weer, but elle demonstrates that at tittles, it, cart be 'doneeand
that the Cenadiaii leeckieg pre not the "frozen fastnessese one Might inlagine
them:in be; : The panft eitrnivel'te be held February e to 9 will give many
Un opportunity, to eiew' the 'Rockies . under their white mantle 'end, at the
• ,
spase time enjoy the whole elate of orgenizea eport activates.'
Our Trade Balance •
, , • ,
. e
Ottawa. -The eXcess of exports over
irapOrte in the Monte. of. Ogtesber was.
29,41.0,03; much' of which vas due to
grain shipments: Thrs improyee. Can-
• adaYS. favorable ."Visiblee balance of
Stradtesheeeng very materially as eon.:
pa.red, with the year before when the
excess of •exports over imports in O.
tober was less than .$1000„,000. Hove ,
eiaonthe ending with the past' Month .
ever, the favorable balatiee for the 12 . co:e'''NtealleoetiS00FleyE0N00711TEHTEAHET. 0
Wes still Mater the corresponding' 12
se e, 4 , . . .
nloilth§ casteeseeer before, The eeera emr..hea..th_chosa or oiliosres, .orishig
for4541 :11cI9e8!625117Pee, Thethsj uf as S' 0 ei ()al ih el el a d be : cti'l al vi me : : ,. : 3.rfrare P•" n aroh:m''x ik II% iwtue1.:1 constipationi. dthet g ePbbryefyb tpehat 10 3 uoeoeu.ni rert: :c oe srsneed as hitt; a r I e•d icw: 1oo ndlidb e,,,•,,n.i fefa. a e a rtlivertheyur a '
; -and slightly bluish. 'If they 'show a ''•
. •
...Cofer 'and shape of the eye t indicat,e,
disposition temperament and awes!,
by, Blue eyes come froin Ninthera ,
Ancestry. In the Celtic Races, eyes ef
hazel, gray predominate. People of
'Southern Ancestry are invariably
clerk- eyed end of brunette coin=
platten, Were colter am your eye$t
for the 12 monis ending October,
wai $16,913,e88:, e'er the cOrres;
gpanding menths October, 1926,
it' wee $316.765.e02 and 'for. the 12
months • .befoke that e345,514,223,
!These iigUres were conteined in sta.-
, ti t' ' d b: the" B
of atatistics today.
.Indu 'tri I Alcohol
. . n he ght of land near W. eeton, useless-. Of cOuese .1 suffered much . , s a
pain'and great • neon\ en ence. •.13
Ride was held, in which an emage to health in in environment cif sun- . .
I ,
king, 'as carried through the streers The country hospital at Thistle- in our newepaper, •and I decided .to
au . • ... • toira God -send for cbildren try theni. I took, the ,pills eccordlpg
. artni•L veme
In adclition to the Maydacelebra- whom It will take a long time to to direptions• with' the. restet that the
' y •
- • cure..,.. It also. liberates 'a hundred rh
• .• ' • •
eumatism has left me, and I have
teen, feasting and merry -making took cots in the 'parent testi-teflon 'for , never had a ' •
. twinge of it since. .If. this
the Perth day n_e each. week youngste,rswhe can beset right In
e in honer of the neming of a sheet time if quickly given con-
fet-Woden. Temples-Ofsfanes, as the, stanteattention....So eite _Hospital for
were called by the Saxons; Were erect- Sick Chadren has now'two doers te
• keep .open day and eight to ',veil.
,edee this god ineverY important ettY,
class, color tine creed,'
•. where it was the 'custana fee' large , • . Var more than half aCentury the
erewde to assemble en.festite alcert- Eleepitat: has depended 'for its very
• Mons to hear songes'ayealie. scalds, 'Or existente upon the public response
•• troubadours, who were rewarded par , to ies annual' appeal whieh, being. in .•
their 'services ase, the • gift of 'goleen. behalt: of chdarenis appropriately
bracelets or armlets, which curled na -made ah Chrietems thee. • For over
fifty' :years' the fli.F.S.0; Ikea 'been
at the ends, and were called Woden's
. enabled' to make botn en -ds' meet.by
serpent. • . „the &Mations of its friends, wirether
woden was believed to be the 'in- " u h be • testier or endowment.Tenter of Runes; the fi, rst 'alphabet of ALI the end Ot 1928 Ends it with
the”NOrthmen. The, letters, consisted "*.:many large. bilis' to .pay for ita new
/-**Y To its old friendS the •flostittaleror' Fisheries in Texas and
• almost entirClY ota:treigh,
In different gronpa and PositiOns and •Biek ckdtdreo .0oree more .ailleaute ,
meets the eye of any rheumatic sue
ferer my advice. laatry' Da. 'Waltham'
Pink Pills at once."' • ,
You cell 'get these .Pills. from an ' • ,
medicine dealer or by mitl at ati tents' •
as box froni The Dr, Williamse Medi-. • Great /Miele. ?ea la the shine peths.
Brockville, Ont. „ 00 little- pigstee
6.17Z. L.
ON Willi LAGGhtER)
* Ail* *ere only a"bovewe might
l'aus- her :Sonie leys for as: to PIN'
'in Far Alaska
Their Corning Means End of
Salmon:Drying. -Erode-
t Iiiien !need elettire. • , .
iefa leserved the 'Write who had
escaped Thanasgieing mid .sew Christ -
nuts coming, is, as -on say, just ,one
holiday after aeother.
A financial genius is a man whecati
spend h pleaeane eVening With.a gold.;
at one time ' were' thougnt to have 0Me axie d P•essiinistu: keepa oetimiere feom
because so many of yeuiareadleis
'magical meaning. , •aleo :gasee hit
18 _ are included en that ever-growing the. econepac -cart
-•itenlaile travel is' affeeting the' 'lain- ra'.`"th
people a. cede of laws wlierebe to eirei th
e ae • tresp ss 'upon rue • . • •
. - , . fish teade. la, Alaska. it ha's nearly
ern their condect • 0- • to reinind the that It as .
temperance, independence mid, truth- their generosity in t.he past,that em-
• ' boidened the Hospital's Trustees 'to Seuthern 'United States and Mexico
-__e_es_____ • • . build ter the future With an extra it has added great iinpetus to the fish-
gov, urging efeeei e. space , w eestakayed a flourishing industry'. in
Famous it
cannot the •inciline: Of the ."Sick in the. Par North deg tbains have
11 11111 'effort atimulated by is neer need.- ing• business.
feltaeeeteeput. once'. more abaeast. *Lela b * t d
• _ _ _ - • , eenet eeaccep e -carriers. • o
.• supply the huskies ;path food the saa
. mon eYing industry arose along the
-iirifiNG a itOoksoN, rivers of Alaska "Where tae•lisla Make agreeable, but ie )OU cannot eennot
the.ir yearly tense -NY sPawn.' This Upoe alma yeado not eant:hineleiround.
Okaireetin ApOgelacOnannttee. . - -
of Cromwell $ Time, it, . argent neer ' •
Passes to Wreckers
dlesei Also WaS Med .
:quarters piess on them the Importance' Of train-
. /ink the child in three 'cardinal !die'
• .• senesniete of .England's famous 6 eties-ehonesty,- truthfulness and ohedi-
• • ismsite timberssoaked in ' history' n if 'n are tea hi -
and .0mb:tortes of. Dick Turpin and and geOunded in these eeseetial prieehalea
' .011ver Cromwell Is closing its doors. thee 'theresee,•ed he little eoene about
• it is the Peggy 'Bedford, neaa their'ftiture • •
• 'aaingford,„ • Thestory in ,
tot4 by The London Daily Chreiliele;" New Thoughts
" The inn has. been slain by •the. New ..,.N.-Ords th .peak ,' ,pese thoughts
march. of regress in the eorn of n
° h
aesi,road-aonce, it was the lest peek LeSeete-. ioesa-:*to give and and
Ing stage for117.1.0s6r;'the'ieetin, at e Perchance Pew burdeie I mai,: bear
which every royal voyagei • te. Wind,/
tor Castle perforce hadaci stop: , • For love's oan 'sweetest sake. • ••
AndnoW it is left high rine drY on:
:the old 'teeth toad, the Colebrook aye!
• :pass ':having beets cia throught.:
gretindt *at" the back., Of • the 'beet-
alrY where Cromwell audbis. etounta.: '
-.beans, gathered; welch Dick .Terpin
ased as his headquarter s; where',
• Chitties II and:Nell Ottyline- used to
etay on their way tetetaindsor..
Aeriutlifel "Peggy": has risen on;
the corner of 'the•tvio eoads; an I'M-
/ posing 'building,. with a ''great open.
spate here iotorists ad , mm•
Seetteliee can draw Ina "Old" Peggee,
came under the'. auctioneers• *matter ;
an October • " .
' 'Two nobleelpie. said: to have been k.
planted' by Queen Elitabeth, stand "
"0E7 Peggy Bedford in Mid -
Swese Youtig ThingAftet b-eaking
glasses',.. ..ee've broken ma grasses;
do :I, havet fie' eianenea • all over
: •
again?" '' • ....,
r Optometrist "(ighing):-, eNo, luse
your eyes." , '
-4. man may be clever, capable and
business 'reached large proportions.e, paehehie nothing' is quite so fleeting
• -
Training Children Then came the •aireleiie, and (pa- as .per!eanFnt saare,
nces that had been dava away tould
In placing' young children 'With fos*-
ter parents; says:J. J. Kelso, we iM- hd reached 'within- a few hours- Dog "What _la your *finger' Wrapped tip
. liavetgat •
• formerly _._,•___, ..•-,•- only by. dogs,
United. States the airplane.le b ad' down stream- .It takes , a real live
teams lost ip favor, .and' ha • the past fe.r.r. . . • .
three Years there has been little
pawl for dried salmon.- • The Indus: •• f •1''''
de' '"freeessot.. 'evrapfied iipe That's InY.
„ .
.. • , . , 'al es dress rm 'taking to the ' clean
try is rapidly daMa out • ' ' eras, .e.
Several'aerial transportation cern- ' • .
.panies nowoffer regular service be- . • -
tween Aieskan points throughont. the .,..,4.;..311.11 who IrlBjer. take a deyeoff have
year and more :thee • forty .lanaing `!..," "'..vs'7 • . '• •
helde -dot ibid. territory. The reguler ' ' ' •
dog service between Noing, and Enir, You can unsay It •Witb ii°1°"' too'.
banks has been discontinued. 'Eegii- . ' • . . * s• ' i ._:'
lee' flying SprviPe is maintained maietained be- • Slim Girl: Hang up your stocking
get a, waeh-teb." .. ' • : a' •
tween these, two -points, While other.' nnd.
planes ilys bete-een Fait -banks Idit ' '''Bit Girl' "Hang UP both ot Tours
rod, McGrath- . end. Tacotna. toutesand'et a pair of •• -, • s • •
• butside the inn. ' • • "1/ se‘es. '
„ea s
• The iiinecaa, built in three separate aes • ...e".tea'a
centuries. .' Tee 'date of the main per- esae4
tion 13 Uncertain, but as the church
of liarmondswcirth near by was built
In. the eleventb century, it, is believed
, that the inn is ,its old. The east
4.1 'wing wee built in e69e and the. west
't wing' le 1766. • e '
• Walter la• Muth:reek; lendierci
.of the old.atid new "Peggiesea sheered
the massive oak beams, tne greet fire-
•alaces, the Skittle alley, with the huge •en. yolir
.itties hate only just been • . .
•",discovered. Many years ago, when 1. ten
iltetetions were matte to the stair- s
case, WO pailt full Of, silveiernid gold ,
• cOlus Were diedneeted.. ". • a
.• kit.. k
• Baby bas little upeete at•tiines.,
YOUr care Cannot prevent theni. '
I .rSelY. neen definite lawt for the. punieli-
you Can be preparsd. 'Then yen n .., , - , . ... . . .,
do ..wbot .abye elpealeacett nurse...woo! ate Sest ,' finnro._bef• :, :•zitibileatioriS:
in terms" applicable blr, 'nor!'
'doe -What Mose physicians" Would tell 't. phrased
aa to d•o_giee .4 few' drovo, of pieta; Mel aleit•in a fair trial otthO fact.' But.
esteteria.. NO godlier 'den° tlitue BebYl" the real Pt°teet100°UsbefetY',ftaln the .
is Soothed; relief 13 just' a• matter Of infection ot 'evil Is ii. the eelightee-'
moments, Yet you have eased 'Your i Meet and Metal inspiration of 'the. lie
eliild withotte use Of a iitegie doubtful :dividual .crinSeience, and thit• IS ' the
defigrOitterre,Trie-gitatTer7tilitis7 lirailreirOT Tfie7E,liercliliiidAte Wheel. '
Sate •totiaa ae. 'often fie etri Intent haii . the .policernan, ' the Official . 'tenser,
any iitthi vAih ynn..earinOt pat 4*sy. t ire blundeeliig •Iihti. ineffectual agell. ,
'And it's- alsetyiereadee for ,theerueleri elei tit, this-lielk likely to. do naire
• eange of toile. or traistipitti,ore Me ,a1....... :Ii I.' .1 lierm than eoote, . , , • ' • ;.
aheac, effectiVe; too; .for. older ehildren. • • • '....•..,-....... esa.s....e.,....e.
Tteeeteefive, millien • • !jetties Wete . •a.. ,, ,,,,s •
Thertaebi,oirPsingtipo'in"g°*'opilbir ..ag: 0.fit .'
and no standiiig stilt, Atitit mice'
you've begun ,to Slip ' down.--Gearge
Eliot, • .. • . , , • : .• I
Fear Digantitynent
. Tenth ,(London): .A11. armaniehts
fee self-defence are, ex" hYpotheti,
based on fear. As icing as beery ea -
glen. 18 afraid that „seines other pation
may some day attack it, is idle to ex -
Peet, them ail to agree about What
atinateentethee need, for their safety:
eluded tihce 1919, these labeled With'
the historical teateee pioearno" and
r•Reiiogg,"% beetei- • wisely aimed,- at
casting out &era" This, we are taught,
can he' done, he- peefeet. loam._ But _the
,,ruor'41t. you apply the totichstone ot
AlleartiMtiteet bccoines eeldent
Abe love sehlseease- is imperfect:
remains kctr all their fine
words and goldpenned sigetttures,
not one of the nations will: triist the
etter when the imestion Of national
enter snrieesi
over out of breath .and digeity, and
found the owner oe the pull contem-
pating the operation. • ,
"What do you tnefuirsir," aelted the
irate politician, "by haViiiF, an infuri-
ated animal, 'like that ronmieg about
the field?' '
'We11 1 suppose the bull has •seme,
right in the ,field, saki the farmer,
, "Eight ?-;•-lio 'you a• who am ita
gasped the politician:. ' •
• • The farmer shook his heaa; . „
'I ani the Eight Honorable Sir•!1.:,
"Thep whY op earth didn't you:tell'
the • bull?" -seed the farmers
•A wealtaylady was cents*on a
minister's Wifeethom she fecund busy
Witli the'family mending.' The weal-
th _
y lady; reniarked that she aevee did
Mending, ',bet wgJ gladly help seer
•on :buttorise'Inthe midst of 46e-sc.:irk
She exclaimed, "Why, there a button
Olt` nia litresbitied'S -,teratiaseet-'seee --
"Very aikely,a. the Minister's wife
eeplied, "We foiled it ieeahe collec-
tion box.latt Sunday:" . • •
Peneetetee a queetet as nothing but
• • , . .
!Toy, out 'in • Gin Gulch. We're .,06:
toughwe' eat Withal n,•irti. for wont-
• .laseethin't Where 'Come, teoai 'we
ithow what it is. 'and ,eat it just the
same. .. • • .
. ,
. Tact nometirties prevents 'attack,
. r
In spite Of all piecaittione little tame
a -ill• take eolas-,-esPecially 'during the
.changeable days of our Fall' season.
'When .the .first appear-:
sneezing; rednise, of the eyes, 'running thereeis 'tech a thing ',as a front-
nesea-,Beby't Own Tablets should ihmild be Wheel said., It happens when, the
given at Came,' They Will rapidly' break Wheels are tut for a tern and the car
up the cold and Oroyent: More serious gee's' alidinglitraight ahead: • ,
.eornplitationS. • , ;: : rt. you an, the .radiator so full :hat
Mothers :syhq keep a el* of Babv'e some ot the sehition :goes out the over.
• Own !pahlet8 in the home alwayi feel flew .eou ganef add' aiiii-freeie
se e.. , aet they are 11 e aaving ever eddieg water., etherwise .proe
, But in the': smitheen 'pail of the kn blown-ap sucker ean float doctor in aha. They ere h, tection• against freezing will ilea, be.
. • . •
,gentle.' but • thoroeeh laxative' that aaequate. , ` • • - • '• //
eWe.eten?-the .stornach and regulate the Nevvr shift into te.et-e-Sei'detill the-
ui ing
b wels, thus driving out constipation. par has fully steppe( gonig forward:
and Indigestion and relieving tae baby re'r' rine) .a. ' fseevare eeeed tne
of the nmee childhorel eilments weiele car Is still ggifig ,baelreards . slight1y..
are the.eirect reault Of a eleggete eon- „Often what' appears.. to be the :vett.
dition ;of the bon or seer stOMaee. ee the white line' ti •eurve may be •
They are.:aliselutele • safe-beitie guar- ,itiSt a brealc.in the line. Don't be too:
.enteed• to 'contain no drug at all hernia eager to "..pa.ss other estiri'. • •
eul•te even the) youtgeet bnb.e. They : Keep your epring .cOntrole good
ea.fincit possiblyq h,erm-they always ebeditIon, The car will ,sWay badly'
do good. . • en, 'curves neglepted ihock ale
Baby's Owe 'Tablets are sold hy. ail serher • or Staailizer . .fhils to bold.,
, , •
anedieitie dealers 'or wili be pent bY .Caes need More. atteetion, paid to
There is considerable interest in But sometimes a diet of fruit and •
'what Canadian: Industrial Alcohol is aegetables is too slow in its action-
• likely•to show for the Past year. The
figures are noe being prepared for
the fiscal yehr to .September•30th, ao,
advance infoenfation woula indicate
the re 4 ill likely' show tietWeen
$ . an e per share.earned'o , .
no-par value , common stock. Tine. ,r1tI• MOVIYE""INCE-W1711
CO'illiares with a dividend of. e1.80
_aid : .•
-PeFthare. Ong p . • , .,
It is ketown that the compariy has ,
eartied/ Considerably ire excess et this •
'Oanolipt, but it is desired to he es-,
.Pe..C.ially zense_rvativien ataking•up the'
statement, and an. some elparters it is
you need prompt reliefs Then take.
• 13etcham's Pills'. They are:Vegetable ,
In conatiosition ,and. cent* in concen-
: hetet! forra the equivalent'laxative.
value of fleas and vegetables -safe
" end certain.
Claimed that if under. $3efe shown as,
• Tiklgi a iegular,
daily ',mune •of
litethatil'it Pills 1 1PagetabkProdiscr
for;. short period.. •• B-8
Your reflect'uMsMved-healus.
earned'it be, only around 50 per • -
.cent of actual results ••. ' It ie a wise man • who • knows his
Osvie business ;• and.:e Wieet.:One .Ni•htt
. r e• r.Ms an leohe . M ittesatin Olon . ' .." ,thoeente ly atends • to. Rasa/ . L., ways
. atVinnipeeaaAltliong.h• Steady prose lance. • • • • •
• •
• ,,r,
Tees, is beinss made in the preparation • ,• • r. e„.easaee, .;,'„e___ .
'of plies ',for, the , eanetreetiop of the,. - ',Flaming putumea) tues,' make • any .
-big-copPer-emeiter ehdzintecopeentre-7-beheicier prefer feeeete,afire • to, forest .,.,.
tor 'in tae .north, local officials-, ofethe 'fleet: • ' '
Plin •Flon are unable to give. anveene- . .
:dal reason for the. recent. rise lii the; I 'Classified: Advertisern- ents ,
Peesident; ertia. he •knew nothing abent, ...a •Staier I.. &Rt.-SHE:S., 1,7oLci:K*t. • 'eA7 ••
rumets, that Sheeritt•Gerdon.,contenei'lli
.antel.t1,7 .Stoek.`, H.... E. Phelan; vice- I .
• Mater:141i: NN riie • cot, og .' c • - s't4
.1".ERS; oanas. COmpie,:e '...to.ur•I*1
. AZI.D.STS' st-IP.7.i.r0S.. •
erates wauld'.be-atiedied by- FliteFlon. raas ' Cards 'for hand : 6...;o.r. t i"; ' • .. ' li.
BI1tles. :111 *7 'CLiSiOlDS tit*, ... although •$erve9rt,1!"..Yi.9.,Ltirnelat.it,e'd'S,,.. 1 4.t, .. t''. 11-7.4t C t'' .-111 •
be added that his company Weald wee
conle •busineee frees, other ecierees be- 'cee 1 -_-. PLIL' 4,01.7so: op. T,wk.:&..k.:.;-..
odes, its eiy.; hig. ore nOdy•;:... . .. . ..al.• ..0. '0,1E. !usitiles,A tree, •.s.i.o..ca74.4 .
Shipments Or,,treight and machinery 1 le astee..s. leept. i„ °tonna Ont.
It.N. • 'going im Stertaily. la the Portia
2a00,,bina having gone -in elite autunin,.
While 200,000 .geiloiss ;Of •gasoliee .for, „
use on 'the hauling: of freiglai this wine
ter by tractorIO the Ashland: Falls
.PeWeessate will .move :Mirth soon.
., . , ,. . .
ealue of Hudson •Bay Mining and
. • -
Seasonable Car
Few drivers seem to realize that
the • fisheries trade, egad is' exaeeted . fiLsh .to buck, the current. • • •.
to. add thoUsaitdsof &elm's •to, the',
xvaiiituee, TOefxatbse; tioritaduess.tr:4;epFrorotni ti'llita't-ortiglisi'f a: 'Y." zna•Y be wr"g
. . . .
ott re probaale the lit person ie tae
sometimes but
. . . ,
lir planeeeereiee for traesporting, w`n'41 to adrialt it'' '''' . •
.. . . •
fish is being' condected this winter. ' ' a l '
Several large • fishing 'companies ole The. safesa, way is .toetell the ',wife
Mexico. Hitherte. .thee het been „eveeything that you, think alike, ie 'liable
LO find out. ' , , • ' •
. • - .
erate.:ileete of tiawlett ID the Gulf. of
handieapped hi getting their fvreesh fislsinnrk' '''. ' ' • • ' ' '
eee:eimist' is a man. who.puts out
e • se 9 e • ime. ie ' A
quirea to brie& their catefrom e light to a.hew: how dark it really is.
the ileet.s N h ------.-- t
. oe ne has con-;.. •
traeted 'with au, airPiane teanspottaa siore tOld of e certain English. mail at 25 cents boe...frain The Dr; spring &peeing in e -Inter than in
politieeen who theught everybody Nytniams' Medicine Co., Broekvillea 'summer. ' Prevention of • met from
tiot 7 t ' • knew t•efoughts to know fiiin. One day , Ont.
Planes foe delivery, service. He wills •
'etilp all hit Sea to 'maritet be air. • ,
lie was Walking throughea field when', •
•esresh. fillete will be. loaded ink, tae alitodu,11nualidir.efoserti in in uhr;sderhitiolide
$711.na"j'ai..11 Pe°7rr4,112h7 • ,
-stow and wet Oolongs the life and
•nsefulness of 'the eat.
ULUL • SteadfaStilftSS •
planee from- Soto la, Marled, alexithe •
1 These .Afghans You .picture to •yourtelf. the beente
which is„ just itatacept to the aebinge r
greunds They will fleathe ip The 'politielan,..was A hien of digelty .•• ,
nnles aud Tenth...et' poWer. 'tut he tan. lie ' .i . • -;-.4 , :. ., • . of .breeere en•q $,wadia8t.fiess, . ,..i.tid.
Ater tars for Northern and aesitgeerr; fence before the bull.
. • . ue eiamee.red 4....)5et,(1)gabd; na spietorsreteriplialiptiructtfiet %,$.1t;116,- 1.eomes.• 'a:hid' ' IS .Y°tir nortYrdc'in' the
Mar ete.. Tants more than a day will lamp tor eour ole"arel if you da. not
be saved -re big conaideration with it, _how e'en!, 0'.1_71SphsSiiilptst _iir. 45ii. s.
a ecuilletelieja as perishable as'fish,
• °f h taen• me little • disagreeable leak;
• .
to Brownsville in fwo hottas: where e S°
the fish am be loaded into refl.. suraelsintly reached the. How Zing Ama lah fg a
leiedott, Peels and Berlin is told as. do
follows in "Time," the nese magazine:
Recently carping; • seareint-rnoeger
.itig Afghans have been conducting a
whiepering campaigri ',againet their
Europeanized King AmanulIah. •
• They whispered that the, Kines re -
colt European trip, had been.' ruirl,
otis, reckletis extravagance, and that
the Treasury'e. •cutTere are nigh. to
• cmptieees. • • ,
Last week. King Amantillith put
abrupt end to euch rumors:. pri4efully.
• he Pointed° out that his turopean tit)
haclaost $15,0de, but that the gifts he
• receiVed, were _Wort* $2g,500,00p,
Obseivers. recalled that Parisf
I.enclon and 'Berlin Xing Amanellah
purchrited lavishly 'on; his Itoyai cre-
dit 'and; then. sent, the,biLlsj.04b
Governments ' whose guest he •was,
Since AfghahiStan e Tiled of pient-
• itiiig ma.rkete for European g'oods. the
bilis were" Paida
• Chicago' Tribune: Cenedeship, in the
.1 sense of the power to sUppress In, ad:
ranee of publication; Is a Power se
• easily abused that it should be Vete-
AA:abaci!). and defilaiteIe limited, if te,
otesonted to at all. The wiser plan is to
bought ..last ,eettle:
• Minard's Liniment toe Chapped Merida!
, for the
Wive i and Families
• of British Subjects
Children under '-
17, years -FREE
•; : CANADIeN eat:VICE
Cunard and
Anchor - Donaldson
Lines •
Cor. Bay and Wellington
• • Sts., Toronto.
-or clearest airent
A -baker in the United States is
searching' 'the aides for something
thnt Iths at his, feet. Ilesteks a bet-
ter covering for the 'hot dog" then
'the' tonvehtionhl MIL What better
emit(' he possibkv find than a hungry
metal bey'?
ISSUE No. 48-'28 watt A3 '
, r,. imMent for Grippe.
List • ei 'sweated In
and full Infor..iatk:p
pn, Request.
THE ItAktiltif CO.: Dept,: .
273 Bank . St.. Ctta'oa.
t.;irptdren Like It -r -
So Will Yeii
At the Sift aigit of
Cold...buy -"Dueltley's7. The
first; deMeoeS twotthings-'
relieves the cease instanPY and -
delights the taste: Different from
all' other reniedies for Coughs. •
Colds.Bionehitis. Pmventi"Flu".
Pneurtionia and all Throat and
Lungtroubles. SoId everrivhere
under money-refandedgiatrantee.
• I
W. K. .Boeirley. Limited,
142 blutimi St.. Toronto; 2
MEV.. P4 ,
t 'Acis like. a Posh-- .
aIittgle sip proves it
• 75c. anti 4.0c.,, •
, , C la 1 lieut.
"Toilet Preparzztiolis
..11:101Vhtfultr.frogront., big1N1 de..e:ope.1
4•"'"""""'""='16m4aMlaSIWI212al.",, ,
''Cutieurt.-- Box 2616. Mourreal.1,:momtn. ,
toilet sereerorker--a.mmt of
, ".••15e. each eNer... here -- topics frre of
eleaneiUg end heaut.lying th 1 btu
Winter *Sports
• Winter sportemen fines Min-
. ard's ideal for taking,' the
soreness ene "v.t „bruised
.0 el.
For Trouble*
due to ?fetid
• ecto.secesace
• eteeoeeee
•Sick stoelechs. etaer. tenter:he ;aid m Take a tpeoeful •in water and yetis"
..• ,
Indigestion asttella Mean eacese asideunhappy coedit:les Will probable Ond
The' stoefech nerves are' oier,stitnn. in eve minutes. •you'Itin ' •
.lated. • TOo Mach aelarnakei the stem. : know -'.hat to de; Creide Andharnetel•
aeli and intestines sour. Methods. will -reter appeal to yoo, • Go :e
• Alkali kills' acid leetrintly.• The best " prove thie ltitt Alci7ein Sake. it May
tent is satilk .of „Magnesia, ranee:a .greet pow distigieeable hours.
littccuse one harnilese, , taseeless •deee fie etire to get the 'Ornate Plif11106"
neutralizes many times its volume 14,,Allik of Maguesia prescribed by physie
geld. Since its haventien, $0 years egoPel"Cleits for 50 years -iii correcting exceed
it, has l'emained the standard 'csith tielees' Faeh battle eoteains fell dire&
Phyeletatie eeetywitere, • • Lions any drtptteit%:..
IThe cause Otho A.*."