HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-12-06, Page 3•
ns Has Oi -J4n Us"
The Pathetic plea of Georgia Mountain Children to the Berry
Schools. Martha Berry, Founder ' of These Unique
, Institutions, Has , Just Beep, AWarded. the .
Pictorial Review Prize for Out-
• standing Achievement .i
. -
Py MARY FIEI0D. *PARTON • came mountain boys, 'Walking barefoot
'"Ilaelt, Beyond" in an Ontario for up and down the to t ils Their
. , •
gotteh seetion"---Haliburten, Parts Of number' grew. . . • ., ' '
Muskoka sections of Vietoria, Hest- "1.4arn us. Miss: Bern'," they Said.
Ings and Renfrew counties, we licid a, "Lara us what you-all'knew,"
4'erY similar Condition t9 that told in • , cnd As, wen As yourtg,
the story ef the Georgia 'Poor White 1 'Bid for each"child who came,. hatt-;:
Trash." The Department of EdUcti- dreds there were ,who could not. make
tion, the Red Cross and several•nils-
. the long journey Or whose • parents, .,
sionary ministers haVe' iniProVed the
• sad ',conditions In , these, :back*ard thought `gamin!" a waste of time pr
on the fann.
t , parts of our fair proYince. The work whose 'labor Was Peeded
k : Martha Berry discovered hundreds ot
' 15 not yet completed -muck Is, yet to Such children:When she rode on horaci...
1. be done. PoSsibly. the story in the ..
ciacm' through' the 'fiighWayS and ' tr.,
▪ IsZew Yerk Tribune, of Martha Berry'.
ways (tile mountains, eninhag Upon
and her Work ;may: be an inspiration weatherrbeaten shacks 'filled :to the
to our. Government to apply the same , door and .window ,.sills with ragged
principles for. the betterment ,of.,°r children.
own under-nriviieged children : • • •
. 1 ' • • . '
Everywhere on these journeys. She
'Twenty-six years ago,. on a•,Sunday • •
fount: dirt, illiteracy; illness. Eery
afternoon, a star must have• hung low.,
where she found Weary,' W ork e (I out,
and 'luminous Oyer .4 little log cabin men unintellige-ntlY 'endeavoring to ..
In the 'mountains of , Georgia. Here, wrest a bare existence ont•of the poor
. in obscnrity, a dream Was born to a soil .of the mountain side with ;the
gentle Southern girl. • Few were wise most. •primitive tools, , 'eyerynthere
enough to foresee the significance sof tired Wornen, '.beat 'over n'aSh. barrels
her igslon in: the lives i3f- thousands Of or creaking i nom beta een flat stones
Poor and lowly My.. .....1, . • ,
..., or doing. the Work or, the beasts of the
.To -day, hciwever, that dream has -be • ,
twin- ,iAnd everyWhere, tog, 'she found
•' conie. the brick and stone reality Of ' a tall, gaunt, blue-eyed Men and women
great training school for.the boys and of her own :proud Nordic 'stock. who • . -7.
. 'girls of the Appalachian Mountains; a fiereelY rejected even the • "larnin's" INTO THE .VALLEY' OF DEATH RODE., THE GALLANT SP( Ht./NOREV
----4-: .. Itekal'Ona._dreatp haOlbe9OrriiiLtile B.e.M.:_they-traied --becanse they -Were --;:too ..---h, d-eharge-,Qt-the'tight-Brigacie at the battle Of BaldelaVa,-re-enaCted by .i-lrifish cavalrymen, at
Schools for the "poor . Whites" who poor to ' f' it ' ' ' . a film of the baitte in 1859
Perpetuating in :Picture the .Balaclava Charge
, . •
• live their starved, proud liveS on re-. ',Thy.' people .shall be My people,'
m'ote upland farms iii ignorance and
Moreover to to -da), Martha Berry, the
founder of the schools, Is the recipient
,of the annual achievement award of
$5,006 -given by "The PictOrial Re-
said Martha Berry cle she Consecrated
her•young life to the ''Poor whites" Of
the mountains . . •
The Project Started
Her, next step \%S to • open . at her
4.iew..." to that American• woman: who_OWir eXpeose, schools 'nearer .to the
, gthin. 'the teat' tett Years.. has .Made remote'SettleMents of the people ; but
he.: most aletingliished7eMitriblitien Wee not-lengr before tshe.rea„liied-
oiir nationallifnin:letters;'art, science • that ltet...P.ffoits on behalf of the chul
or Social Welfare. . ' . • dren, were de,.eated.by' the home .en-
vironinent. Of what'use to talk a hont.
During these man ears lanky boys
• .
and girls in ever-increaSIng' numbers cleanliness --enq godliness to Children
have been coming cOming".dOWn from the up-. whose ' Parents were:ton poor 'to :buy
. lands.;.triidging .weary ,•1111:417Y SOP and . iyasn't :'Sauddy
e . , • .
for "larnizt'." .agged, dirty, bareeoOt.:: ,schoels, it . wagn't • weekday .sekoals
ed the r come all all; all they. pOseess needed. , ..1f.,Was. a
pod..in: eltimider'bunclie: t)narl,- col/Miele . change.
!fl come to etiVi:.(Ihment.tliat'.was ehseatial:
• .. • ,. , . •
Aliek say Simply,'•,iirOPping their. 'bur; Berry deeded her • share
Alen at the :e'ntrente to the...groin:de:of c.;* her fathers.'. estate' to: the •first of
the school whose :.wide • gates' :Swini the ..13erry ,''SelioolS, e'dormitory Which
‘open,ontOthe...pavetbelMrati-zaxa.,..liemlitnit. .wi,th her. own --money. From
- •
:.the ineeption of the school it was de
de -
••of Opportunity.
.:'•"‘Ve-tina has cOnie,, ,ma'Am. • 1:4rni ...crdnd..that return. .for educatioo,
. . _
-us, they say, with the :digialtY of Old tor. feed 4oyi .00uld
little children; a • tragic. dignity' 'Which'. work. They *-.pre, too: peer to pay too
;offsets their. riga; their untutored proud proad to ,accept. Charity.. A 'dozen boys
SP4eCh::' , • 4 . • '
Martha .Berry,: :the founder Of the :,"Ycku: aim larn ue?". they asked.,
• unique Berry : Schools • at • .Retnb.,:i. ." 'es, 'a rd •
• , • . •
Georgia,. was. born to far • more:'ctil- 1 "Yell.• We-Ung.':has 'cotrie,lma4m,"
tured' asiociaticins 'than thae of. the .1 • Sc in return. for the -oppotthoity, to
41Mple nichintain,•folk Of 'her. country.' !earn': there:. was ,wood cut, :fetid .to.
For her Was Planned, a More.,roinantic clear,.:a cow to milk, crops to sow and
future that vrliteh'.she' GraduallYthe,•platt and type
• Behind her, lay all the gracious South-. of school most needed , for,. the ;POOR-
, 'ern 'traditions' Of story and picture : a tain children took form in them:1'14.'4g
• great plantation, a White pillared house Martha Berry education ,• she ,decidect.
,With broad. balconies and. overhanging mast be like the mist's Trinity; three
wistaria, servants to fetch And carry;, fold yet- one, of: the hand of the Mind
the' polished education• given to the and of the heart: .BdUetitioli must
girls. ot. wealthy families days teach these raw raw .rnifids and untraloed.
•, ,
.'.:viete to be those :Off,.tha aristocratic hands , to • to • de and to. feel.,
Southern belle ,'. tt; laughing, jOyouil 'EssentiallY it must he; agricultural,
girlhood.; a brilliant inatriage; an is -',•fitting. lade to return to the :Sell ',front
Suied.social‘Poisti-n." 'heti 'carna the Which they sprangy; • •
•.' • , With the .coinhig of spring six
njore':boys came. one of • them walking
forty • Miles, driving a. ).olte of oxen; • ;.•
t'.'Tis the fee for larnio' me, ma'am"
faint), worn old as a folk tnie by tvren- he said. proudly... "They're .broke ter
..ty-sia' year's oft -telling and retelling • . • : ' •
• the story of the 'bonible FrOm;a distant leading his
the Berry Schools. . . A summer "fee"; by a •repe, came 'tad with a,
' .SuadaY afternoon when Martha Berry soW, starved. and dirty'as the hid him-
yOung girl Jost 'home from finishing Self.: 'Others •C ante, bringing chickens,
'School told Bible stories in the calnif dicks to exchange for an 'edneation.
Ott'hor father's estate : to three. dusty More 'often they brOUght nothing but
,Motintain lids. she. chaoced,uPeri as strong,. Willing . hands. TAIL lanici
she drove home, front:church.' 'Perch:: boys Canie'who,•'at the. age 0! fifteen
ed on :a soap box With. the' children . or sixteen,,, &Mid not read •or *rite
squatting on on shuCk Mats'. it her., feet but .who in three years ''shewed" as
:liatening beehthlesely,. Martha ,Iletri• great progress as the average senior
reedited the:poignant hunger el he in a.nerthetn. college, .
. •
Called Big Factor
,,,,, &aim assign the ertielS to ',Out '
COntributor; , "'It not aeeePt..lblef
4r . W Id P
. . •
m or ealL..v. waeto-irePer basket." • . ..
Sir Austen...Chamberlain Sayti
Canada's Couse1 WiU Be
Highly Valuecl
Ces•7:shfUl EIngunlcihsh)7111'n'W(ell,te.
f •
how do w
terinVerlal And international Affairs starer The SeePf.: "Och, X Pollik.
yea' th0. attbleet at two InnPfring ad" ken. 'It's jtilst a ineeraclei"" •
:hdtieet.00;ali:•eoBigliit,:intehtbilFyeere,c111;4A4tiagueseinerenPiciCorr,•;".:IniseBOLgxiar. kits. heA'firarrs.ixei;teditilths"Jeofst,k,
Ment. : •'.. • • ' .rctiking friends with the dog, I &ea
. : While Canada's •• inerecialag- Oa' a:fd pots toy feot on the bloomin' eat'''.
:S,°..air4:6'Aa'Oyc°sistneorAkuair"hneedc,14a:linctO :34:.:rdis:4:.rans.1:th7tgwher4-,;0.:jr‘torSi. -01aDotN•etehnorlp‘crli.:13-cri• nweglah' mus -
solve these: difirehltlea 'Rs. theY tard plaster for,a..wimiok geg,
.H:e• 'considered that the..Britielt'ni- .Position,' is nothing short : Of
vire ..a factor ' of imineose. im- .aesse!.., . .7 •
P9a4tail"ene,e fonr-.111thew11:77:thee.9,artil:Ypeterollecto:r.ldel !ult., e.on' •er prSe"ciictas a fool proot plans
tanecl.f•ocreitigic4latapc:IYI:1; tnaY Contribute. tO 1:49alneothlitrt:ofiry*e oyfeazoaitiop4Wev4er. i4athet.:'
Sir. Austen said it NV4s. ge.OgraP111' 'AO MOW' !..fl 'fool -picot as long as there's
caily Impossible far Greet Britain tO. ,fooL. ' . ' • ;
be indifferent tci. the peace Or MaiOrie: se:ver•ai• shots ;ere .,t.40•. • •• 44. To.
rbrfiottah.theellr.99rodre dfePtrae.hte4116. tiescIllilionZli8t4;. '.Trote--iiy the Other 'day.. :*tiCeOrding to
biliere'r•eaasdY'a elvointhstathnte4rpo' :7167:01: tlia:dresaCi; despatches.fauror#velftimr'e:17.117:Y.Yewiljer
vice; Me', designated the British .EM-•.' remembered as: thcerdloW who Walk
'of the World, but as a PuStle that wall • Altheugh.m.aretnania a natutai..h.o....
being solved 'with stmt.:ging' sneeessf gain hunteri „she, des not care to
the EtaflCO5
Aide s h. t„. r, 'lisgu:0715erraigc.dr: Ila,nreciak.dpcea;11,.:;:r. n g4r09:14, r Oat .. •
ot spoke 'of Sft• Austen. 1411,1v held en • Thursdaynight ti the •
• • as being as distinguished as his great N .z. '
:Tint (who is altnntling his friei4tt.tai
drinklif-t`What'll you have-L"--Scotols 01
'Irish?" "Will*: "Scotch first"
. , .. .
'•ehe turn 'to:outsiders, for help, did. she I tiny shack."' They are grown taell 1 crusaders to their ..kinfolk. eager ' to
. . . .
• go, beyond . the disapproving :Circle oftneiv.: ' And .Martha :Berry, white-hair-lhattle'.ag4inat Ignorance •tindi, poverty.
.' her .friends With, the . Story . ,of .. the ' ed,, gentle, With , eyes . 'both :' brilliant l' ''There are :no, 604 -ants .at • Berry;
Mountain bOvs lieg,i-P'm for an °alma:In/Id tt....nner.- looks clo*n' from, 'the'l,::li imis,t work:: All want to: It was
.tiOn, willing to.i.votk leng,..honrS with. -1-1-01:,-h c•j• j)--,a,ths.." whieh the boys a ',new' and difficult' idea to spread in
ii.to.Ny a r,d! a...,.p Imfj, Fcy(lie: 'that,,tlieY and gill thrmseiVeS bullt\for her oil the mountains:that ,hand labor Is,
might . knO,A: t(MIlizhi iv; be :th,e" world. the ir..ilt •,.of L.avendar I‘Imintaig. dignified ..and„ _hoticiraine,',......,:lslarthri
--of-iyeo.icv;:..might."Teltrzi ii.w....'16-"1-.-,t nitire;Zns --ii3-1alln,...,-. r„,,If.a-titinr.of her ;BerrY taught lads ' tha• t lesson,' Work7.-'
:Int,ellig,e.ntlyiv,i. °nest.. 8,4tie:o _ : .. , i ,
. ' • '' • :••:: - ' . '''irlhood';4 dream'. ' '', I lag a profotind psychologic .Changein.
. - ' •-• • 1 •
'‘irezie.y....1)....,,an cntnc,n;,* M'from :her r, ,Near4, all 'the .buildings, have been the ma ,le; point of yiew - Many 'other
, conStrneted 'bv . the bOvi -themselves. 'Subtle. things_ are • taught , -..ail appreci
•begiflg tour. , a, ....IP cal A . nem , . ._
.,,,.. :Ana pvt,i, ,rmi.e children kept co. tn.,...M., tile warm. theadOWs, beYond the:alien for ' the'.healitY tlin.t lies ' '.all'
. .,
Mg, Mating More nntl nieri 1191: e. eall'Ims . st•''''.4s boys in v the. uniforini.abOlit them. of_the power.oe'cintracter.'
• •
, ..
neCekSat,': 1::1•Iim all over the' eomi6,.,,. O,,f,.'..thesco6I-L4verails-are .. pio!s'y4*!;! Martha llory .tOnte. ,500 boys Who
.v.7,iy s,tit.L.11.11s .0i, co‘.1.1•.0.11„...4•ion...s. bg113.1.61 p.1)01,rnilsie. r_i;' blue drSses.'alid Pink tan., have gene out frOra'•her, school skill -
dewing 6‘.;.er the Anpalachian,-..' ' ' •hend. :like' flowens' Illemsel-:.ed farmers'. ..e,11. who have beCOMe
. .
GeOrgia • to:''the BerrY Schot:-.. , yot evet iloWer • ..ardens..and vege. tene. ei r.., a nd ,nrinclnals in rural ,
.s. , . . .
:never, iiever!stifliclent. never Compiler: •inkle Kows, , ' "Blue k• ribbon" cattle, se-Ieot'• •‘..' h..),:eselvives., .23 nurses
,snrate w.ith:the:need'et the. ehildren •i.nr.a•,;ieeilprtclii171rdi'lled"...s. .17, ruit : ripens.:..taan,:rilii0 a' uil art !Genii? ecert:, j„;os.t78,71,, e. ,fisliesse:dtr:;.
Of the luplands. An : Ane, ailing file of *. . • ." ; ..‘
• boYs.-. kept trickling down. the Mouli- - • , he . , Harvest ::
• , •
taiti:trails, their Palfis on their baeks:,:c • From: : the • . Very first the :Berry i 1.s:ocetit:r°.1 'ii.Ua:1;
• ,-. , • , . • . •
. , Walt;d:n-iSeetToottn:111171 habi3:-,
. . .
. their overcoats patched, . their , hats acbools were essentiallf,agritultoral. I. ,
.' battered, kootsore,shy, they .stood lqile five courses that are.. .0y.en-L' •
. the .'"Ilead..ef OpPprihnity,"". ; , ., : chatiles. 'literature and science and a
gazitig through the .C.Pen grates deWn I agriculture, ' ....home .. eConetales. . me-
. draducilly:.,theratorY• of the , Berry 'normal .cOurietrain. boys._ and :-girIs
gehaelSand: the sublime .devotion :of ifor:14 pradtical,' Work*day life'. To- '..:
4s ' founder spread beyend, the State.; day
. . .
of !Georgia.. Wen I like Andrew . car' i from
a. niountaiii 'boy. graduates
Berry he ' :not wily, '• has itti"
negie• heard alu!' heeded, the ' stary. and ' academic ..eduCation,., but he is an ef•:. •
. started an endowment which assured . h•diant Tamerwho has !eared -Tarim,
'a sniall annual : Sum, : *omen's clubs: . ii,ig 1..)y, ciojni it. .H. hiipws „t4e-oare
-heard Churches ....Churches heard: ,Theodore.• or: h-erdS-:, amr'geeke,T. .Tie,-,•can,.bOild
' rtoOseve!t 01,claimea: „ 'This is the : Withwood and brick or the Stones
,,.• real tbingr, when; be, . listened to 1 or his ..sasinitsiiis. ''. He
Martha. Berry tell' the -stety, Of - her is ready; ' to .
the soil' inteliigentlY,'„ .
:.. .4,.0eirAii.o.s:!i6x.).:,;./.,:i:iheeretpouulideb:.;.:4 ..i.3:ch.00..1 for, tlile.httliP.s. ibiefee:notitiumit,; scipn title teeth.
..Threegh his Infhia.nee. It became I how of
•uuhtivnialliProll'enaonneis fertilization
Through . - ' • a. ,.:PADRE'
pOseible to puit,d. the that girls' dormi- ' '-'. • " • ' • • ' ' • . • 1
back into, Pie . - eairth, . bo W : to Select ... Rer. !,:robr, Clayton arrived in
torY, '"Bnitishinci Shanty:"., . With the
opening of this dorinitorY, slim.; 'sun- 'ed" '.1.16* i(3' .4:4'..ite .ai'opsi 41.°W 1 ' ' '
,, 0 England after a tour Of: three. Months.
browned. girls . in siMioneeta,- calico' carry .611 die' d°11".. routine (4 farm.spent •in '.Solith. America fa the inter-
aprons tied about their 'waista in the .an ddaity .t.i.• 'generation separates • .0 ..: . _.
. . ..• e ts pr the "Ted: /I'",.pf •which ho,Y •is
km, from. his 'father.. Two hundred
!manner of iittle . old grandracithers, arsseparate him fiom his father1s the founder
:. • .
., ;. • • ' . .
*.al4ed' down the ,trails . their brothers ' ' .•
understandini*: • '• :
A Mystic • . .
to work' With thelie handi ler the privi, ..tVtiell• a girl leaves PerY• she. is . an had Walked to enter theIlerry'School,'I --..----. • - -,---,r ,• • • " ' -
• 1 •
lent homemaker a good mate for 13)* . dee') 'self probing' be aePired . to
lege o . , nne .. .
tea . eente;"... they. Said. thei.-farmei IMS.liaad ,she • 'PP• .")e'k . ' find • :' •'.., . " . ':. .
.1Kiinnlin-tolks wanta. larnin' same 's and ; preserve and sew ,She can keet.. The .key to knowledge' in his own
.rnsi.„Esihs;• . ,. , . c . : !Mese, barnyard and dairy,. tidily. .She 1 deen. mind; .".. ,:. .: - :' • .. .. •
i,. SO the school grew and grew; greW, Pan weave and ' spin -ancient -, arts...Laitil; nerve:racked and: ',with . ',tor -
from :,ita . dazaa., lath,. the: haadreds,. pile . can ,work out', a family ,btidget.' , men:tett soul,.•
frotii its dezen • intothe hundredsand a- haTalleect diet as well , as, an He lost his mind when he had neared:
Plitldipg9 multiplied.. Mora teachers algebra., ptoblem.,.. §he is prepared ' . the gOal.. ,' .. .. . • • .
Came. More, acres .were .. cOltiVatedfor wifehood and motherhood ,: for the: -Stanton ' A. ••COblenta in the New'
There were •addltiOns to herds and :phySicai Care :of herself and, thgae de-
York Sun. . 'f 'Z' ' .•
.flocks. And '.with the growth of the ,Pencleat 'upon her • .
father, ,.. Sir •:.ToSeph; . ;Of ' bli...a having :111,1rtuaaoilateniiire,. :1).•rsosacigte-.' •0',.41,ue,ana:chal:.:4.s.''; to : t.ha,71.7: '
filled nearly' 'all the:Portfolios; ih the .
...pCeaebeineetpieettinditoeff.,.heing. :the "1.1. ca70 ... •4:4 -it, wt:•;x::•.ihe:iszaii.de,14ep. ,e.:.it mita :..
.. 'Sit Robert Borden .: former ,!rer •stronger, ' Out , where: the fhiroves;:,a, '
inter of • Canada:. : 'referred, to their'. iheete,d, aie:..g .hust ua,
gaest as. the :exponent of :a rare and !.°1111,e" l'N‘:teanfidgeriPftilthae:itit's :.
: sane,,l.dealia.m„ ,and.....gr_ea.ter:. „tn1104,C,Q. *here. the...west liegins..:
,e, 7,en. than ' during 7.ar... ... . ... .: .,:., : .., , ... : ' , .. ..., ... .:
---r--TG-------r . • . • "1, m going to change iny''docter ' • I
' . • 7.- . .-.: 4 L''' 7-----,--7.-q' -I other ' pm tiri and "U-hen"Al'caMe' antr'.'
TliP La'av.....of 'Pr.- re• •
. .L.•.. 7 r rp :...,,,
iioloo•up ,Witli it'splitihig 'eaceitehe
. - .
• . • ;'' ' ',.• • • , ' '. I -told 'im I .,was• at *death's doer;' 'a
Marle.:, FeadorOvna :is dead -the anig tea p0.4 jai throtikii,,!:.
.tilreda' zu.cioragleatrbr..etroheWhinedol'3'!hetardagle.:° isiflogi' ' :!•'''f-Isin'so ,adirryi ; BP:like .' Sharer ..t0.
- .. . . : - . ,. •
. .
.erea the :Empress. Eugenie's :clironit ti'iat'bey.'' I :mutt have cut him to •the:...
ctit . N -t.,1•:. tts if created: to..cortvince
c'..e of miserr. and grief exceeds hers'. '4(itioiicekk.:;, .',`,0Htsiticso. agilti4cri, .1. iserifilianixe :
• .. .. • , . right,•• J__ . 4
the world Lha the path :dtgiott leads n Meisengetj)'oy!" .'., .. : .•.• ,. ' ' , %., ,
but to:. the .gtave as Surely. ammag't ,.. : , - . ,.!.: . .. .,,, . ., ,,,:..
:queens as among:, peasants ; . that rey-] ' Mabel -'At ' the pictures 'the ther '
alt y- .weare: no :-.talisman against sor.: night. We'Were.ehoWnthat In; Morocco
row:: .:: •Bot.n ti;!::.pirineeee Dimmer of inert 'bid tor their Wivea. ' Just think
Denmark fate • fate ••affianced her to the of being Put On the auction block and. :.:.
Cxarevitell Nicholas : of: 'Rue:sta.:. 'aed having 'men bid for, you; It must. I* • .
fate .stolershintawey from her through .' terrible."' ' Milder. -"It' -mnet be; but'.
his 'death from lung trouble la . few- jtys.t suppose there Were:no 'bids"•
weeks ...before the date. for their. mav 1 - . , ::. ' ... .:. '.. • ' • ,, • ., ' :, ' '
tiage: • .Inn accordance ! With his dying.- : Tonumerous: correspondente-:Yese
request, ah,o.,.tnarried his brother on. yes.' •prOre heard it: 1 The letter "A" .
,October . 26, '2860. ' Fifteen ,yeitra hit.: be the most important in the Alphabet
er.• the 'Czar ,Alexander If, her 'father- because It is the beginning :of 'Heeler::: '
In law was 'assassinated. ,bY Nihillits and the ending: of •Sinitli.--Americais• ..
as he Wad .dilvIng-tbribugh.theHatreete ' paper.
of St. Petetsborg. Her own husband, , •e": ; . • . ' ' ,s e ' •. ., .. . .
Alexander III' died rn. 1894, at age . A, 'accepts .: the inVitation of .threo •
of :49.,, It Was her ion Who was the strangers • at his hotel.. to make • a
teat of :the' Ramanov ezete,.; ' It .tras. fourthtat bridge. • C:(Vnilartner) does.
her . : son' :. to 'Wheni she once .. said...not bid. . D: gees Self* Ne•:•Trumpai.
Nicholas be be • Czar he ,whe called Tho stakes are: 15 4'Iuldtect. • Whit '.',..
. .
the - first Hague :Contetence Cor peace, should A bid? AitsWer-A should tild•-•
.Sunday adventure and. out of it ,
dreani.which .cut athwart social cop;
verttione. . • '
It is an old Story now in the moun-
starved, Children` iOr knoWledge.* ' I ' .8o the school greW. Martha.•13erty
"Pa et got him' a: Bible, oh'y be repoUrces were ex:inmate& Still, not
cain't read It" sighed lad'. • ," Until She d' literally sold • or, deeded
The nett. Sunday -"There's lute all that s e had given to the Poor •did
trash• Chil'uns, w.aitin' to see
•nrouaced tie . old family' ceolc. .
"We' bitting tia" some sisters,": said
the boys. • ,
Cleanliness and godliness
, .
• rti • : •
Maitha Berry lOOked at theit4 hands
.ttrid faces, caked With,grime and sell;
itt their. Matted,' Ito:kept :hair; at. the
tags they VOte. • She Saw with quick
4 syriinathY that their neglected.bodies
'needed 'training and .careAS well as
their darkened 1141e souls. To- the'
telling-, of :Nide stories irete• added
leSeonS in."watihing. •-• '
Every' .gundaY that stnoinetbtOtight.
more children, .walking ,nilles to beat
the Wonderful things .• the "Sunday
•Lady!" told thetn; StorieaatiOut t•Ittin
and tve,:abent germs; about 'Oeorge
Washington, " But ..it was .riet Atha, fall
• •• :MTV Martha' Berry discovered that She.
-had begana fife: Work, 'Started 'a career
' that she could' not stop; that SIM- had
lighted.the candle of hope in darken
en lives around whose flickering hanie
lb .mitsi blip , li. I re rain
• blow nutr----Parents-hegan tt come
Owe: ftorti the 'Mountains begging fer.
.• "larnin.' abong abong is lth 'their .rhildren.
Against the opposition of :friends
,tind shocked relatlYea, Martha Berry
„ operiedlier'firat day'seheol In the fel-
' 40wing AlItittiC:"-4-Orie-roorri cabin with
s, planks laid iteress: soap boxes for the
ehildreti's benches, a large packing
box •fot the teacher'e desk. Reading,
Writing, ciphoriag, Bible atoilea-thie
, Wee the dui•rieutate: From thilea away
. 'o, ,.
:schooll tifidantited feuntler 'faced: She is btit *generation :SeParLittle Oirl (ther playmete):
centionally, the preblern'of inoney for from het. 'Mother. TWo ' hundred:, 'When' •N:Fas 13°1'4. ‘'''ns so S'PriSed
Iits: ma1ntnance for ertulpmeiit for Years 'separate her from her mother's:: Leouldn't .speak for a'..whele Year, and
• teachers.. • ' • ' • .,. •
'understanding'. of life.. 'She `..thriy be a half!". • '
'It is now tWetity-'six'YearS Once (he come a teacher te Iittte iponntainl
three 'little dusty ' liatened to'!•Cid
hildten, b. itt ill eventNovernhet is the month of the ate
.l. both boys FiraCthe pefitician gets 'is then the
Martha Berry tell. tnagie stories in a, and gitls.- leave. Berry • to -Nbecome
P • torkey. •
."A Hunting We Will Go',
. 41%,,,•V•Atttit_
Z41, CV's+tV.
4.. ...▪ .ow..
. •
This ilnehunting picture was"taken while .chilly autumn' viidas bieW at the start Of the groat :Pot Iinnt at i4rmies Otto, Olidiusno,
whose statesmen.. later • insured .the ,them• geed' oight: as quickly: as: port- •
World War by7racibiliibig after their slble
, :Iztarhadorderedisasi;eNihthe
o:withhmis wtere-ite• s
e tv.r.c*, loud kn." oocso heralded
. the ttri.
'familY„,'Waa.. Murdered In that hcif-'yel Of the rent -collector : A' little •girl
rible cellar • .at• gkaterinbutg. . But answered the door; and .said,;blush-
6ot bit her-beliet TO her end she Ingly, "Please; sir, -niother's out," "IS
:Was persuaded that be lived. in hid- she?" queried the collector,' peering
Mg. Before her Collapsed Alio Whole down the passage. "Theti•tell mother'
great Russian fabric; the great eta- ihe next time'she goes out to take he.r
pito built of blood and tears and ba -i shadow with her ' /
'Dian raiseri that the Roinanovit might • •
rule and the ''ariatecrats play- in. the, Police •inspeetOr="I Say, this 15 not
splendor of their riches Created by; a verY comfortableplace to pass the :
by the hacks, of the , mujike. oor ;night, thy', man." Vagrant-"It's':a
Denmark Was left to her, and Marla Crying shame than An ObServant, .
Feodorovna returned to her ances- telligent Mart:like yon has, not been
tral home, if .not ,to her ancestral made chief. of police long ago, in -
faith, butnot until tlbe war. had end- specter." , • ' • '
ed •and the tevolaatIon had plainly • • ,f• • - •
. . .
come to stay. And there she died.: --1. ' A. Scotsman, undergoing a naval ex-;,
'The Nation, New York, • and
nation, :was asked to describe di!: •••
Dome LightsRestriin •fetent.eiectric batteries, among, them:,
ipettere„ in Japan's cars :Ilse. franifIA the Dante/ tell. Jock's ro.
.ivas-"About Daniel's cell. very -
Seattle -Automobile makers in Am-
little is, khowo, but leis:generally kbe-
.erica have been advised of the "intl.: t
Ireved to have- been a bare den furn- •
: .
e„kiacfstlamp peculiar of
.,0:finiaajnyapa,ga.ovaearnaingot ished with liens. As Daniel IS dead,
and the lionire dead, what On
the operation of motor vehicles inthe s ,earth
is the geed of raking tty an old storyr
empire.. The recetit statute requires • ' -.--:-.--=-0.-- * '
that all Motet cars, 'must be equipped, ' ' ',-• • mit. h Was. It?
'With dome lights which Must he fight, '' • ' - '
ed 'when driving after dark. Whiie * Michael, having spent a tiring day • '
the law was 'designated, ' to protect at .the lochl fair, y:as driving, home,
passengers/ It has •since ,been called when-, a great drowsiness eoino over •
the "anti -necking' lamp law." ' 'Unless hint and he lay devin in the cart and
qua are so lighted at night the lap:. %vent, of to sleep-. - . •
anete police colifiscate them. . : ' - The hoi
rse finding that he could do
. N
' -"----:-1--.--1.-- " as he liked, kiaked himself :free of' the.
• I
than one
hIllgoii,ce the
!..h' head
adPast ;,11:le
1,aen.sodramaavokeho afuY
o'atltt-d.Athentherh6horshorse was wasioh,
..1111•.g* h '
e was, pondering
NS1tuliiethe ,situa-
tion 'h stranger appeared ort the seen& •
said' "Alichnel, "am .1•Blike Or , ...
houithold had ;had to.'rehnitebeti-Year;
old lean for'. her .e:geenaiS'eagerries,s
•to begin her dinner,. before trine had
been said. ... ,
Vin'allY' he deteralinet.te'tenell'her 1ir°11'"7". ''''' " . ''' .'," ' '' ''' - ' -•'....'
athli es7:e.ti ,in: the presence ; of i'isi!..tero.
So, in his usual formula . he 'itel ded
, , i u •
Qi in tute I ,. dutinh, , Said 'the''' '
Foe whet we Are about to remit,* -
Stranger. • -
1Welli" ,O.,ecisted the Other,."if,OPrd :
. : ,..:,....--- • Idlices. 1.),erc::_losta hOrse;' but if Oi'
manarkei.;,.sw:ii,tly,thaerhyilittisTailiready-edUnT 41-4,1"4/.":t*,:..itlit,,, `d'''a'Ort4;7h'. 4. . -441•5we'r$`."
'Second son ot the termer kaiser is "That Mao is av phrenologist, Pat." .
to -Marry .awonjn who has been twice • •"'A phat?" aSkett Pat, puzzled; "si
widowed and once diterted. Roll yjhtenelOgiat, Phat's. that' '‘.\‘'hy, a
learn all abent husbands from her . --4 man that Can tell by feeling the bumPs
Border •Vitieti-gtar.' ' ' „ on 'Your' tend *Vat kind :Pt s ''Inan.
you are." '''ItUtips on inc Mind. lititi''' 1
reutgra, arndfoloitithedr slaysolre,r' nt Ololahtted kikt. "Bognrrn• th611. : it '
idkaild think it would give lthn more
WAS SWIM:1W Otis UM*. *Aar heWm . Of an Won; *Ant, ktnd of s *Oman ma
is, !until.° • I Ella le.