The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-11-29, Page 1• • z. 2.00 PER YEAR IN. ADVANCE; $2.30 OTHERWISE • .LUCRNOW, ONT. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 1928. . , SINGLECOPIES 5 CENTS DR. W, M. CONNELIe P'Itysithin and Surgeon. Lucknow ; Houk: 1-30-3-30 7-8 Phone 86 ' Dr. MacLeod will vit Lucknow every. Tuesday, in .1)r. °thee. ..DENTtST' • . .Dr R Treleaven. Over Decker's Store., • F4traction either by 'gas or -local. Will be in. Dungannon every. Thoaadav. Phone 53, • Iiise0O‘A.SiddaII. Lacktrow, -a-Broker end Heal Ettnte.--a3lioney, to lend'or, hrot Mortgages . on .farza proper- ties at 6. and 614 per. cent accoreaeg ...to security • offered •Alto • small aniounts on second Mortgages On farm properties and on' 'personal • rioter,: A few geed, farms' for sale • WALL' PAPER -A full line of 1928 Wolk Paper on hond, PriceS•froin 8c • ,up, I am also agent for leading ob houses., -IL 'J, Cameron,. Decorator Painter end-Goa:dr ueroolliox-174aUckao FARM FOR SALE . 100 aeres,-oPort of Lot and .27,, Con.' 5, Kitiloit izontaining 50. atioes. alid N. IL. of lot' 26. Con 6, emit:tieing '150 :ateret. good bank bora hail • boleti: vetteet. residence, near to church and ,schooL Apply to ,Emzita Riehardson. R. R. 3 l'eesnater „.(29-11-toc) , LOGS- AND TIMBER , ", Wer-tne-oundersignediaare. open to buy all kinds of timber :wain this winter. We Will'PaY you good prices and give you liberal meatureilient and • grades; for your lega delivered at mitt " saw null here, We believe. it is to the interest of ithe farmer to cut his own logs and de - 'liver them hut anyone having stand- , irig tinibei and wishing to sell On the 'tamp, kindly see.. tis before you do analbuig' rind we. will be glad to see • :We will Pay yoUspet.cash far anY- thing you have to. offer„ and as lutiber • Ls...largely mannfactured hew the fiiiio • shed prOdUct, here, it helps our own 13riNince ToY selling to a concerri like our(Signed) The Liteknow Table CO. Ltd. Lucknow .Ont.., Phone 2 -Box 266 ' AUCTION, SALE .Donald 'McKinnon, tiot• '21 'Con..5 ,41.1nloss Will have an auction sole of cows. youno- cattle„ a few „ pigs arid .. horses op eWedne.sday Dec. 5th co'e- niencing at one o'clook. There are 20 well-bred Durham COD'S withscalf and 15 yearling. steers -and. heifers. See bitis Mr; MacKinnon's. farm is 114 miles west; of Langside School. • ",; John Purvis. Aue. DOG ASTILklf • 'Came to the premiaes of the under- signed on Novembe.r Ifith„ 1:028 a•maieo tif dog tremale). Onner .Inave sanie on paying. expenses. Win. W. Stutters', R./1 Holyrood • • FOSTER 11031ES 'WANTED. For ' seven' baby boys aged from seven months to one Year. Three boys. thirteen years of age, and one g_iii eleven 'Years. Also' a Roman Catholic home for aa baby boy, of seven months APPIY Rev. It: Perdue ' Walkerton (13L -12 -ed)• "- • AUCTION .SALE of Young Cattle and Sheep ' at Lot 21, COn: 10,, Kinloss MONDAY, DECEMBER 3rd • at L30 O'clork P. 1L 35 Choice -breeding Oxford Ewes 50 Heiferso4pringtrs 12 CaJ'res TERSISz bile to six monthk) credieon approved' joint notes bearing bank' hie terest,' ' , '• Albeit Thompson John Purvis Geo, Belle Prop's . Auctoneer, FOR SALE A .Supreme Kitchen • -Range in owl condition, also a ,good storm door. -Information at The Sen- tinel OtBee. • • 1, 0. 0. P.' 'SOCIAL.. • Lileknow Lodaa 1. 0. 0.. V will eit- tertain the 'members and their wives or Indy 'fcrlende, and Rebekalitt ton tjt evening „.or Dem 'ith., at 6 o'elOck. , Ladiesolilegoe bring ,lundt. Tor The Eleeters-- 4 '• WAIL' AND GRINIRRIkle • I 00900000-000 , o , Regular Girl Guide meetilaganl'FrI- 'ioy at 7.30. • • • • - • Best value in all lines ef shotai'and Rulthers, at W. J. Litt -lea. Shee• Store.' •'1/4 h t Mr.' and • Mrs% Itunnt Gta ant, 2ni Conare visiting their ton and daugh- . er In. oronto. ' mono w`.0M'ens. and Childrensuliigh ad • kriv Overshoes ' Lifebuoy : At , W. J. Litt:e's shoe store. ' ,Mrs. John Stothert • had 'returned bootie • after spending two weeks. with •frieedo, at Comlaehie And Sainia. Mr- Thomas Treleaven; who has been an invalid for the oaSt fen- yeast has, been -quite seriously ill the past weel, Mrs Temple Clark attend,d' the coo,. vention Of the Women's, Institute at reowito this week, being a delegate .frout tine locia'organizatipp. 3Ir: and Mra. Geo. A,' Webb.' and Greta, motored to -Greed Valley Sanday to attend the funeral of the formers wide, WI John Webb.. Mi -s. Elizabetk Gibb, , Belfast 'Ireland is visiting -Iter cousin, Mr. D. C. MeMorran. Mrs.- Gibb • has spent seYerstrinonths on this side of the At- laetic visiting members cif her family • „The, choral, Society have decided -nning to the approoeh. Of the; Xmas seation„. not :to hold further practice eelings until the eeening ofo Jan. 8tIo„ when all comiaa-toied are ,asked to he Present. , •'• ' . ;WANTED -- FoUr -hurtdred 'people to. see. the Girl Front .Perto Rico •at ,Caroggito .H411. Thursday'? evg. Dec. 6th at 8. P. M. •Thra brilitant farce eomedy will he presented by. the A. Y.: P. A. of S. Peter's Church,: Popular admission -Ay rush seats-35c'dE 25e. 'CHURCH NOTES S. PETERS ANGLICAN CHURCH „, Droka 2 - ADVElal" SUNDAY JI A- 4:- 11011/ Communion • 2 Y. Sunday; Shoot • 7 P. M. -- The ham- . rrday Nev. 30 -- S. Andress Day .. Services 1.4 anti tz. P. at.' United 'Church' Y. P. S. •- Ile. Young People's Sciciety Of the United,. Church met` Moncliii: night The pitoerarn tor.the evening was pat OD bY ;the chohr. Miss 'Margaret :Mae- • Callum gave 3, short address on the and ,works; on "Lord Tennyson: Miss 'Isabelle Craw '.ret.ited tate :of his poems 'The 1trooka° Mro..Seehie and Mrs. Jar* sang. &eV: "Semet and, Lw. Wilhentine .gar. resited ,anoth- es of Tennyson's 'poems "The Spleint- our Valls, On. Castle' The choir gatie' a chorus., a •hyron Tenriy,sores "Ring Out The Old, Ring In The New. 'A contest, en. the, poelets ef 'Tennyson. was put on by: tneniher 'of the r.beil. 'The meeting closed with a hymn ond prayer mi. D. G. Masgeniie. • " Presbyterian Guild •• The regular Meeting': of the Gitild' Nv,as held Monday evening .with the president: in the chair': After the us-•, teal deVeltional exereishs orendings wet* given 17et Mist Hilda` Gain*, and, • Lenard MacDonald, The topic was :taken by Mr.; John C. Murdoek. Musi: cal numbers Were an Instrumental by Peggy. MacDonald, a ovitain seleetion by ,Dr. Geddes. a .dnett by Mist Mary, Douglas and Mr.' Horaee Aithcison. The. meeting cleted with .hymn 387 • • • Induction At SL Peters • On Tinuiday evening Pf, last week , the Rev, E. O. Gallagher!, At.A. 13.D was inducted as rector of St. Peters chnrch here, 'The induction • service. wat conducted, by Ven. Arehdeacon Doliortao archdeacon, Of Perth:, before a full congregation., The Ree. W. Ri Townsend preached the induction seia. Mono and the Rev.! Mr. Jones read evening • 'prayer.. Letters of regret were 'read fro.',.). Rev. R. J. "Iltarialay ' turd' dean. and. from Re+. R. Perdue of Walkerton. who were unable to be preSent.. At the close of tbo induetion wroper.' Het.. Mr. Gallagh44. addreSsed Pat, congregation. and, Hie other Cal- zetrq who•were present in large nnm. hers to 'Welcome him to the. cOannunt •MIAFEKING • Messrs. Ernest Blake . And Cecil Joituston• attended the ROYal W,inter Fair at TOrinittiFriday and SatuidaY. Th ei etteh watt prites on the lambs they eihiltited.. ' • 3,1e. and Mit. j. Sitottr,era and, two chi:drch .at 1.ondon sirnt"the week-, •'d with Air Ana 3,Irt, If. Horton.' • Mrt. Blake vitited her datigh ter.' Mrs ,Alhert Alton last 'week: Miss, Mites 'Cranston% .`Wl."0-nn - b0.111. .1ot Severalo .-J-- ..r 'Wire . . ASIIFIELD UNITED CHURCH NOTES.:. It 'poked atBlake :League last' Fri- day evening for a while as if the meeting was not going to amount to much. ExPeeted ones were not pre.- :ent, the Preacher and thepresident , Van Oost., 1)°057-1/41.3m1101Dikx.E' and. a. young lady Were Wondering ir . The par4 were, Well taken and each • • PRETTY PLAY. WAS POPULAR • , The Operetta, "Jon Of Winchnill CO- Can. Girl Guides in the Carnegie Laud.", pretented by the 1st Lira -Won' FAMILY THEATRE1 , .. mo wt Fthi...i, evg, Was, a huge suc- cess ier every woy. The cost meluded o FR1.4 S'AT NOV 30 & DEC 1 the entire Co, of 34 Guides with . . Lieut.: 'Douglas,. hathe role or oryeetee Fred 'Thomason & 'Siker King In . they tot), like'Sonie more, had. better guide did- her best. to portra3r the ctn.,: :Tilled witli: 1Vestera .thrIlls." , arzummil. ttayed honte nThen nueaber of, boys, „nine enstopm and, beliefs of Holland:. „ . •who neVor seem' to fail,' ns, filed into the songs ITere -OtellY and with the'. :TUES:o and ED -PEC 4th & '5th„•.' One of the 'seats and filled it The ,meeting went OD And it :as certainly worth whil,e, • ' . • - • : • Our outstanding eeclesiastical event of lost week was the visit of the Rey. Dr. Oliver Dars in,. o paot president of one of our Western Conferences„ and Of late years a Misoionary Sup-. erintendant in Biitish Colernhia. On behalf of the Missionary and 'Mani- ,1 nrat7ii, 7arYbl.41S httle tenence Fund: he Spoke in the Hackett uAs usilraletChouiselen-Cr:9 at1cell fiijecl ,Chureh Tuesday evening. Rarely have u -e; heard such, a movine and:inspiring siddresse, tech as he gave, Eve,rybpdy feltogreaitly rewarded for corning out to her him. Out of his long and wide eitperienee of relieious 'work .in the 'colorful Duteh Costumes Made , very pleasing 'numbers. . .• • • , The fairies donee was :light and dainty 'arid wait detervedly encored', The Gollowogs-5 atrange little, black lotten-owere the hit of the evening and caused the holm. to rock With laugh : Miss Malay Aitchisen centributed a , • pleasino sea° the theme of which. teat a -ted by . ;Jan" Mary 'Wilson; and •and the respOnse made" bv the town people is Very,itratif,-imz to the gaides and those who trained them. ' ELECTION IN ASHFIELD _ acKenzie And Sullivan For _Re...eaveo West he gave to hts. hearers a strik- ship -o•-•Ariderson And Sherwood For ing series of, pictures. tak the. work of • • • DePutY God accomplithed Out :there. Ori.nlains• the. '''Ivwmihip of 1.,ASlifield 'having and in eity„ and how fotiire tasks. ad6iited Plan °I' holding its all- ' .• • nual election ,of Coeneil Board at inust be Met. h)i OenPrOu.s. heats.the -.1beginnino 'of Deeeinher insfead ,of enneerated 'iliStrinnerits of' Service- at the' beeiredrea ocr! JanriarYi norntn- The hack pewr.. are the mot pop., atiOn-i: were held on 'Monda3roof Aids Week, ond, the election will lit on Molti'- day ne-t..te 3rd Of. Dee 'Tabor; • :Candid:4es in. 'the fie i• ave. for reeve:. Jelin „ A. 31OCKerizie • and Tho' Zion one was . consipuoutly unoceu- • totes Sollivan. •' • • ulatr • and most used at • rolv of. our Churches. Seats are so often at .' a ;remium there. But .strange..to soy. the . . , T„ ot a ao on a t noarzung ser- Fsan or Denuto, ree e.. T Ander- . . , • , a • , • o. aothingoothatosomeonit-us-haVe Sat"el Sherwcci* ice The-three-neeessaflreouncillorsare- never \natured before, And ‘vinter at that 'With a Very nice fire wariaing the hack of the seat. ' .People .talking of tilt- splendid oinging the Blake 'men ,gave at .11ackettt* Church lett Tnesday • night, Tlie empty choir int Surido.Y evening !gaited .lonesoine for them. , • Blake has the =Pining eerviee. next Sunday., . HIGH. PRAISES : • • AT. TEESIATEIt .. The . Liacknow _Choral. Seciety. met eith great 'siteceit aenderiing itt _briiii',Concert".pretkorrini Teessiratei inaTnesclay evening ofrlost week. „ in ..reporting the:entertoinment 'The reetn-ater'NewS ;said: "The Hall- was Well filled and •a itery enioOable time jos.' spent?' '4A bugle 'call preeeding riting of the eartoin nos' the Sig- • be acehunittion. They are JarresE. Eitelde.' WM, 32 Mack,: Sand: •Swan. Thomas. Ainlerten doenti reeve for the Present Oear. and Mao erakie 8lierviind .Sullivan are the three Conncillors: ' Gaderiefi. Township' • .1. ?There 'is Corneetition 'also in ,Geder- ich Township, foo the reeveship. .31r H. reeie, for the :nest three Years Orr3ttino leinnicirod rzoilties and II. *Fa Salked and J..R.' Middle- ton are candidates for tt • Of those norninated for connefT/ar only three accented nomireition. This leaves' a van co of one Seat in the cOuncil and another- nerninationwiI 'have to be,' held. " Wirerhani ; Wi-erbom f,..hert %was tioert corntii,n, for the...,0:c..". Pf! torzyor alto 'Ttra,ss nrot. he oeclarnation. Irbis.A01 be' his fourth The rllin Went bV- aecia- :nation. .7. W. MeGi•bl/Ort.. for a 'n.uraL. that all wasrreacly for'n; good beir of' year,. se,-retart--treastirer ind they proceeded to givo , the tow e 4toklizto that ofhee. , The News, .hoWever, was under a ; -rh" fi'11:10Nrinit rorvini'd for , • • • telt eonneil: ...a. 3. IV -0%e,- J. W wrong Impress:1On stiyitog. that the a. Geonnoe C. le. Willtiroon 2.hOrtit was . trained by Mr: Me3dcariont. R • M. AreciilleVatY. C This honour properly goes ta 'MacLean, It- Dr -anion& • 'THE WIN N ING.,OF. BARBARA , WORTH" front the book by liaro/d Bell Wright COMEDY Coming--Speeiol Charlie Chaplin. In -THE CIRCUS" •••••m. 0B1LRY Moti -James'. Johnston; - Early Thertdoy toornioo there Pas- sed away at her,honie near Kintough Mrs Jan Johnston, ifi aee eventy- fifth poor health -for .. • 'some fipte•and.her 'death Was not lino expected., The late Mas Johnstorifiras . . ;born 'near London and &met° Bruce' • . with her .inaterits-,.at the age of .siX,„ Her heene.was on the tenth concession of IpniosS until the time of her mar- riage v. -hen the' went to On the Eighth 'C'encession. From there the fatuity mol. -ed Kinfough. Fite" 3reers ago the .and• ,Mr.-JohnStoe celebrated their fiftieth Wedding, anitiveksory. She lea es to pamirn. her loss; her husband,. two ,:danghters, Mrs hie Lean:of LiktOwel;, ad Mrs. HaMiltan.' of: Holyrood;''and five' sons:. Fred and ',John of Holyirood,' Mark of Bethany Dito-e of Bernie, and janiet of Under - The . :funeral ti-at'en•Satnrday; Nor. 17 • to :Kinloss Cemetery, service being conducted by the Revo N.•C Me; Kenzie, bf. Ripley. , The pallbearers. *ere six grands.ons of the deeea.setL. HOLVI:tooq . . and Mrs.- Abner •Ackert; Jack and Gwenclotyn, sgent. .the w.eek,'end with friends ' • Mrs. Wes.. Guest •sperit Tuesday at „Ma Wet. .Thomptone. '• ' Mrs. Peary is holidaying wit her. datightee, 3Irs. -John Barr. •••• Mesdames ..M. Gamble and Geo Spent Thursday and Fr:day in Miss M,argnoet has.. returned' to her home at Purple Greve. . .. The regular n'onthly "netting of the Ilotyrood Women's Institute will he held at the home of Mos,' A. Ack- ert.. Topic, •"How to •Mak e Chrittmas 'Hoppe- for'the Sick and Aged." Mrs, W. •Thonipten: Direeter, •Mrs, SVa Weiley dizynt and .Mrs. Neaton. Ilcdgins; Reeipies; Christina's,. Miss L • pget. ori,L1:31 'BUSY Purvis; • Horne .cured ha:a-Ursa A The Prolcorant was. a varied one ' of•• chortises, toirartetts, duets ole' solos,..dini. Aekert: 'Rks, or. roitst .goose -Mrs ' .. , . . . , Win,. Itocleinso ' ices pr iee ereern=, to hove been oreatly enjoveil Ire the Mrs. Ee -kakert: -Salads or sauees- Daitso*AYlet; Taffy or tarts.Mrt,E ces' ' ' irecitaorio etc eto ond appear.-- TeesWoter audience. • .*. • . .•. EckenSweiter- Mince ineot • or huiftlito .Mrs. A. Thompton; Apple' recipiet The 'affair =Is elven under the nia-; ---Mrs. Thos Hatris; :Short , bread •or sole:ea of the Teetivater Womens Io- suet' piiddingart. Conglanr. .Roll. ititinte, . their share of eite, proceeds pill • exchange of Chrittreas gifts- . , - • Thete of not .reader wlict renteno. ber the Odium. family, a' ene "thrill; resideott ioter- • ested to tenth' that Vo-zr..E •Odiurin for monk years o resident 1.,f Vancon- Ver.: it at present on.. a , roissioe , ;to Europe in tile interests.ef the israeo 'lightish move:rent' NVI:li,..`11 • he, 'has taken: at -deep. in d for toine. Years hat devote:d his ti and eller- , . We haye tome by this informaion. thretigli..1 „Clipping from the ' Pilot Mound newspaper whieh has • been going • to the Teeswatter • •Meontrial Christmas music: Lunch Cern. 'Messrs fund. " / , • ACkert; C. C'ongratuo Goittlzler and Will Cox, ' ---cao-o--- ie The jr. Kiniengh Piet - FOURTH. CON. KIN:LOSS . byterian wee at tile home of • . . • Mrs, .W. :MocKenzie iO, trending a handed to us. On his way to t e noon. Foamier.. the regular meeting Maz-garet U.11 ohm on 8-aurdo - After . fen- days with friends ip, Torento. wooaa collooettoe, of. otaitiae /areal Miss Vera R.o.in %Vas presented with Mr. and 31i -s: Rotoinstin of Mitchell. Sizeieti-o. the Proffesshr. coifed at a manic/tire set and,a bar: Pin and the :visited last week, %had. Sir, .and Mrs- filet Mound to • visit a ,sister. Sirs. 'ID- follooving addres: R. Chestnut . ' , ia.. caataara we° reside., there,. Jae Dear Vera: 'You haVeheen a Zoete-- BIrt J. aleMurehy is•tpentling a few td' ed a eourte 41,.f n„efincys apot, ber ef otzr soeiety or seVeral Years days with her darieliter Mrs. Allan his favorite subjeet • `EBrttl$1i-Isreal . . 'McCauley. 'leer Ripley. , . ganef:, Miss Isobel Chestnut, win) ' it will be rentembered that Prof ill is improving,. and we hope Will Odlunt, after fer a time teaching in a Sean be able' to 'return to her school college .Itioan. where his wee (lied again: he rettitned -to • Canotia .an! 'located ',Mrs- Wm. Robb, has retutned honle • at •Varkennver. lust t efore the Treat after a visit with friends. in IlenfrYn. boon: and develooment of that city 20 Mr. and Mit. Wm. Middleton, of years ago. Being a sltrode basiness FOrest, spent the Week ead avith the man he -amassed considerable wee- fernier's father Mr. Geo. Middleton Ith during the boom years,. but al- A.laige crowd 'attended the recent- owers seirited he evidently; it ion at: the ho -rte of Mr. and Mrs- TYnT using: his wealth' anct, his strength to dall Robinson, on Tuesday night, and promoted Causes which he deems wet -- everybody' reports a gond time. thy. •Nlits•Harriet John5on„ of the 12 eon. • • spent last week calling on. friends on • . • the •Pourth.s._ • , Mit- and' A. 6t'n°tt..' Of APIS' :' /hider:tit' -In loving meniery of ton • visited at Winl. RaWg- t.ecen Otte dear father. 'Mathew Soltaldenhy. '11r- hirld Mrs. Robins" toe life ode year .ago returnEA home after spending -7'd few' .toda,:. NOV. .21,1.tli 102";.. • • "daY WaosItack, Notlting hitt • nteittorieS .w.i3TZ.barti,vindwo41-visitio.ertwisoi.;tthaeY104lith,„ '001,tf w • oCktigttre hot a face and "a smile that . • gone. IVm. ',Nlittrr*y arid a4titehter knew Plin •dani4ts. orr retret - I take this opportutti'v A iiiintikino Bolo wia's LIttles returne41 aa left-In-Sr-e•eek r.,c4e-mber -Fs tee- T,`har those *to. erave me their -support. as week. tleu. after snendirig id* daysi with 13 -rt remember and 5,h4.1.! never the Year. 1 hive Airs. 'Thos. ,.4siderson &age relltives here: „ _ _ forget.. - tit IL ..00erVedotheatownsliipot0„.theAf§t „Amy of itt,1!,y let,.week with her Mother : ' 'Mrs. Nit. I Intim mid c.iiitttrin -srelit • .• 1 etility and. am noeakint your SUP- P, Reier:arLdet-iia*.:' levellaya---11astiiiek..vilitli4ierizrottit Erieudsate---,tri.guit&A! „ are port for the office of deputY. reeve Mr and Mrs. S. .I.• Kilparick andtrue.Ansuring You Of 001itinued faithful ; oozes were entertairod at the of.. farm papers, the Family Herald llot :we lost our beat ftiend•Wheli°We,retted-oaottrettlaroanneuncing_the ett,alio , . terv,:ce,„ I remain 10 .r shteerelia , ; Mr, atid Mrs.,. Will Clad; Wednesday ' ritid weekly Star, 'Montreal,. leads '• lo t 3t01. lishritent. Ot . an air ,matt ,5ervig..e. be- • „ .thetet.alt •Ore dollar a yzz' ar or three YC•tIt 'not a %.lattit'o'r,- en'1"7-avY ,b‘ro--Wavo. ---o-o-o---o Blake Cbristrans enteealmuent ha..* • • - Pagted.'your lips ,as death' drent .of Regina. artd between Regioa and * ' • •SaannA Sherwood I, erening. tie Ripley Arena has teen the during. that thee yod have teen faith- ful ' in . atteudin the meetings always bringing with you a choerful smile and itling,hands. It has 'beer; a Olen. thro•to work with yeti. Nolo have al- ways been willing to tive of. Your time and talents to furthee the cause whieh is so dear to ea. and it is with a feeling pf regret that .we now stand at the ptirtingr of the ways.. You will be greatly missed from Our little circle and you take with you the best ,wishes of every member. As a sma/I token of our appreciation we ask you to accept these gifts. You will at). doUbt make a great many friends in your new home, lett, we know you' nOf forget .,!•our old frientls ittul when. the nteetifit: day canes rehtui• We hope yoa will tptare tt few zointite.s of your time to, think of the Riniough Junior Missionarv Society and retnetnbfr (Ai we will) the mane hanny lioure spent tOgether ,in work fer the :tioster. Ryrin •1 fittin retie' erAtecel'o ehkoho-leciging the gift' and the good *Tete& AIR -MAIL E,it,viict "ett'iititii&e:Veri.-,teteTotz,-.11aa4 -s..•••? • years for 32, and With superb, • . • • "Edmonton by way of $askatoon.mIS nt tette of tome dntetestirtaoindoor magazine free. . Aq von lived. so. you died.• "'Service will commence en. Dec. '10th hee.n set for FnalaY eierilng ,Dee. 21. Do itot forget. the' date. • Mr. Albert johnsion of Deritiabrook visited 3,tre Richard lohnston Monday. 1. 1300/1 Geddes -In IAA. Caltfoht. N'eta 2501028. to Mr. Oh(' Mr*. Oedde*1 11011. , "gamest lately. The bachelors, and the , . . -..-.0.0, c‘ benediets have been battling for su- • ,Prof•. W. M. Chirk, who; for mariy ., nremaey 'and a/though• 'the young Years was, organist and 'elvolt leader lads aro verv aotive) and ever alett iit Itrittx Chi/r4T. Xineardine. died at 11..aill the Old rellmve are surprising- Iti§ hare in Mt. Foreat. on /10,17th TY "penny" and litkve turned 10 q0100 , , tetuttritOble Reelrlit• " 0 Cheer-fel>, reody and ettitfiect, • De,th' often etmes to make a5 ltirtaer Nire. loved more dearly thla, we allow. The loie cleatN inalo and continue untzl bee_ 26.,,Mail 11 be conveyed both wart each day. Only first , class mail` prepaid . at the ono, to ail rate of'$e for The firs* ttt I.4 „ ortrtoo 10e iot taeh • addaleta "tf 6`:** -i‘n $eotl.o' dotlig otroto', Win enti4ed Oiig war. Air ft -Ohl rtietilmOnlae lemta. a W . ttait tfDDIOg wilt be tvailabte at the 4,14 ene gicily Mitted by dattguterti'f, til oot elee ths first a immt *go. . so , 'OUR' MOTTO IS. QUALITt.Als,ID- , . . . The Bread‘ The -Bred ... of Health ' '' ' Ho . ,., . . ,•. , . of Heaith V IS . . . ... „ ; %Rioter- ,.. 7 THE. X3IAS SEASON Is otcf,,y. FoOK 319KENS. . , . WE ARE AGAIN . MAKING'. OCR `NOTED ., GLISII: PLUM ' PUDD\INGS, '' AND 'XMAS • CAKES O' WHO BOUGHT. •LAST. YEAR: o oo REPEATING •THEIR ORDERS,' ••A:leS.V.FtE, 'SIG OF 'SATISFACTION HAVING :BEEN GIVEN. SIZES ix? strIT. Aii.L.7- THESE mAti.E ijE-. ' LIGHTFUL i'MAS GIFTS. -WE PACK' _a:ND '"'• MAIL .TIIEM POR YOU.: .' • . ..ti:OLLYMAN'S QUALITY )3AI‘ERy'. Phone 36 r.LuCktioNi:• ere anta.,Claus! was ight Before as :BUT. THAT, ISN'T THE. -TIME TO PURCHASE, TH4T„ , „ .TABLE LINEN vingicll , .SIING BEFORE. THE GIFT SEASON AK:- • , . BUT • THAT ISN'T. THE ' TIME TO PURCHASE, THAT FIGURED • TAMA CLOTH; FOR THAT, . LITTLE NIGHTYOKPYJAMAS:: , i• BUT THE TIME TO, PURCHASE, TOWELING BY ;THE YARD oINTENI) FINISHING •WIT'Il 11).. • o BUT.. • TIIAT • THAT BATH'. ' WIIICH TOIL CROCHET' EN • ..,THAT. ISN'T ETIIN-041NY .1151UrT fIRE. TIME , TO P..IIIICHASE LUNCHEON .SET WHICH,•YOU BE EMBROIDERED,OR 'PAINT - BUT:. A GOOD TIME TO ,PURCHASE ANY ITEM P:B• . WHICH NEEDS.' MAKING UEFORE THE GIFT 'SEASON •IS RIGHT WITH • • LOOK OUR 'STOCK OVER WE ARE HERE • .SPZ.Vg. YOU. ' • • ' ' • .Its'your • . Turn. To Save ore ayes one Thousands Prove It Every Day Bargains Are Waiting For Y�u }Iere ' Are" Yota Using . The Best Hosiery e. nantue Put -item 3Iael Hosiery lines 'exclusiOelyo We control the factorY and, ' consequentle. con eive you ' low pric!-es. Pure silks, Full fathioned, Sdk ond ueee. or Pure wool...Don't ,be satisfied.' with inferior. hoe.. Always, buy • these. Reg, -$1.49 ,o,o •• Sale price tour.: .. a • / ve Yarns! Yarns! Buy Yarn Here Graz:loos own 1/4, a host of • shades for sweaters. Home , Bret. ,Wheelittg,'alt shades " for socks and mitts./ Scotch. fingering . soft and fleecy "low 'Tees.- 3 Bet Scotch fingernig. and /legal Saxony Wool. Baby Baby: Baby Tho best • te aOne. 'to . good .for taby. We hat,11 a , - good stOok if ntied.o.a turit a host te,ehrtoeeo frorn, t,1", cashmere coats, .Bootiee.: ‘Vo,1 hic-rdown Coat.a'te...kier." 4 a tl Bon- nets: .-ralore,„slioe hc.oe •. Ladies GloveS-. A Specialty - Our glove dept. tali- tcl .everflOWing..iettlaall the lat- est' otiodith gliwes;fur trim.. they are fiete-iur_you taa-' ,hiniciarice. Glove t add to aP- • ateatince. Shooliere. Pretty New. "Velveteens splendadoquotity in all the • latest etilor ton, rose,blue .buff a navy, green pee; Vet- veteenS are lieg, tide Year. ner yard.- 103U • . Natures •Rival Corselettes A growing trace: assures us , that thqse are comfortable „ mid, Jiang TAT:Aran:1. Indeed • they are the: Itv,:t word „try •' themand he eonrinced. :Ladies • 'Gordon, underVVear We otter, you:a most Como plete range of -,vinter under,: weer, every line for which • you cdold• wish here. Silk ' •Silk riot Wool, pure Woel anci retto Vest, an‘; .st.aera. 2.z:tort or " • Mens Horsehide Pullovers , , .fer vvivo- -- eta, tato a- et44-.raitt• . . S'eo. :.,or pa UiSC • Stripe Flannelette ,Bargain., et-- we are ikzeettoticieki.• Sta here it at a real. bargain per yd., al et; . Store& Pay Cash Bay For Less Shop Here