HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-11-22, Page 10RA,! ZXIO The "Northern" ran8e,of Overshoes for ']Wien, Women sad Children offers a wider. . ', selection than ever. JerseXor Cashmere ettein various beyts-with buclde, strap; or Whitzer iaeteners:. /..eAb»rta" ( 'LOOK FOR; THE TRADE MARK RTHE 0 B�R R Ac letetanfie of 'Northern' Rubbers and, ,54y1 -Shue on hand to taset.your needs B. BLITZSTEIN -= LUCKNOW THE ;LUCKIsjOW SENT EL • ' THURSDAY, NOVallEft 2tnd 1S28' hand bussesvalued. at nothing in par= ; ticular have votes . just the 'same , as; ,the possessor of'a limousine, -•and goy • ernmenta . are prone :to regard .that aspect.:• As., far as compulsory insurance is concerned that is out for the present., "Until ,the State of Massachusetts. has had another year' or, two•pf the late, it ;would be wise for us to go into it slowly," said .Hon. W. 11. Price. "It involves, a great many questions and most states have not 'gone .so far. Some 'have' adopted. the policy of rid ding the .roads of poor cars, If you are going' to insure every car; you want to know what they,are like, and it makes a difficult proposition, be- cause the.one bought foe 350 or $10fi isusually run 'by somebody not finan- cially. responsible;`' and who` does not feel „that he •,has. , .anything ,at, stake. That car could not be insured; an. Many which should are not." [Note -Our ,own opinion is :that•, There afe more dangerous., drivers. than dangerous cars .on the roads, and that these should "go" just as soon as found out.] ' WHAT ARE YOU HERE, FOR? ' If :you've never made ;-another have a `' y happier time -in' life, If you've' never helped abrother ' an his tiiriiugh his 'struggle d h s strife; , If you've never sen acomfort ta the . wea ` and 'the fvorn, 'tYill You .:tell me.. what you re here o Tri.'. this lovel .'land of •• =Horn. • .fir Y ....• , If you've never- made . thea thwa yof 'spineneighbor 'glow *with sun If y;.B ou've never ought •a bubble to some fellow's heart- with fun; •' .. -you'--ve::.never-.cheered:--'toiler_.tbat you', tried to hel • Y p. .along, ' • ;Will you• tell :us what you're .here for in this* leve'll' Nanta of Song. you'veP never made comrade."feel. • •the ,world a 'sweeter •place, " u've. lived within . it Because ' , yo and • • had served it with .yeti grace;, If you'ie never : heard' a _women or . a child roclai "i r . -little P, • m • . Blessing on: Your bountyYou re a' poor hand at this game.. -Selected DANGEROUS CARS MUST GO While Ontario is not going totack- le anything in -`the -`line Of mom ulsor' Y g P Y insurance for motor cars,' a consider- ation may b'e given' in the near _. 'fut- ure fut-urs to the• possibility 9f e11mioating from the streets and highways s ch morvehicles as are distinctly tin - safe or unfit for operation. One or two states across the border have leg- islation , whichermits the authorities P to rule: of :the road such cars .as ;might to be ,M.the junkyard. Ontario, e 'has no suchgprovision in the statutes a1thoughhere -ha`s been `a -useful campaign of"'late. directed toward in- suring that all motor cars' in' opera-; tion'. are. equipped wit':i , adequate' brakes. • be'... subject `to su "�i�� b 'Matter e% is l kel ;'. the � mat]. Y ;' but Le' stature of discussion. : in the g , Whether or not. action ;results, in some. :thing ,else again, because any drastic the c '1 > vi " • 1 raise i i tab 1 necry proposal w y of. the; 0o ' �.r" The• owners Pr msns ca of dilapidated second hand, ,or third LIME 'COMPANY LEAVES• TEESWATER Much to the surprise cf, the people in Teeswater and -vicinity the 'Ala- bestine Company. which far a number •of years has been making white ;lime' at Teeswater just south of the 'vii.- lagei^ has closed down the plant and is the -place' for'geod. In fact• the plait is being dismantled, the machinery being transferred to•other plants. `• The coniPay n had been doing 'quite ,... a •large business at 'Teeswater and 'the lime rock there furnished raw ma- terial for a vey, good g , 'r rade of fine � White , lime ; but; freight rates to the P rincipal' points of 'consumption pro- ved. a heavy drag on ' th;:t business and ,the company found that' it could supply the, market -to',, -better- advaii tage'from their plant t E!ora' where the quality of'rock is much the • same as at Teeswater. ` Elora has, the/ advantage - of. being' ink centres of located' near -the ;� growing' i d• of having on; an better• ra road connections: KINLQUGR Mrs, F: Biaekweil and ,Mrs, J. Per. cy► entertained a number of their friends at a. dinner -on Thursday even A number of young people attended the dance et Holyrood on Tuesday evening, put on by P. . A. Murray and all report an ,excellent time; Mrs.James Johnston who passed :. __. away' at her home near the .village early last Thursday morning had bee,' an invalid for many years. Al- though able to be about most of the time she .had been free from sick- ness very little in the past 30 years. Or, as some say, even 'longer. She was in her 75tli year, and as she had been 'confined, to bed for ,• some time her death• Cols . nott' unexpected. Besides her .aged husband . she is 'sur- vived by & grown up family. Before 'her Marriage Mrs.. Johnston': was, Miss Margaret Boyle. The•.funeral was, on. Saturday afternoon tai Kinloss Cem- Bargains in 'Blankets-Flannellette Flannels, .'Sheeting. -The Market Hornell Murdoch. o Carry. 4 .• The A. Y. P. A. Met on Wednesday evening Nov. 4th; at SL Matthews Church Kingarf; a spodly number be-• ing present, A very inteeesting fea- ture of the : evening', was • the , report.', of the A. Y. P. A4 Conference at Win- dsor, by our delegate ' Miss Edna Boyle. The Rev. Mr. Towns'iend also gave a talk .about the Coinference`en- unierating ni"y•, inspiring _incidents. and ' voicing the sentiments of the group who attended the. Conference . with him, that they: would not have: missed it under any. circumstance. 'The remainder -of the evening was spent in games, contests and singing, after .which the ladies of ICingarf ser 'ted lunch. •• •• A lively membershi P• contestis-at' present. the centre of interest-of:our :club members; each ,of the three par- ishes forming one side, the forfeit of gi•,.. the t • losing.. sides `being' a banquet wo for the .winners,: totake place the • first week in December. • • GU NPN Bone *eat for. Cattle Tankage' for Togs Big 60 for Hens At • G. S. Robertson's RAPID CITY , Bern -to Mr, and Mrs, `iVi. Gollan a son •on sTiiesdayw'Nov. 13th.- --Cong—ratulations.: We, the to . report the sad death of the bright' little, daughter'of of. Mr.' and Mrs... Robt. 'McNeil,. whose • little body' was laid to rest m'Kinloss Cem- etery on Tuesday last. The parents. and family have. the 'sympathy of the commuinty in their bereavement, The Carter Bros. visited • friends at Kincardine and Ripley on Sunday. FOOD'FADS-LIVER AND-.UON'NY 1 Honey 'may be the; : next food, . to . benefit from • scientific res eareh. The. Claim. for purity,of honey not new but now it • is discovered why it is free from germ life ,, of any., kind, Hone is/: its `own disinfectant. It: Y .i i g , i , from `•an th With draws 'Moisture na y n I g which? comes`: in contact. ', It 'stills all oiganisms by • absorbing' their liquid \content -:Thus no :matter how exposed it -constantly purifies itself. There .ought to be Some way - for the beekeepers to cash; in 'on that know!,- edge. The. ,public; loves; to makea fad of f iede.. It has done so in the case or -liver :o a 'great profit-OfAlio.*" who have it for •sale. Given' only ' a : Moderate excuse, consumers-will'seize. Upon ' i`, reagniiy it, recast it, to suit their whims' or their needs, and here you have' the makings ofwide spread popularity for 'some food. The: liver. business . is wearing out. The public is' about ready for: i :.new food Pure, re. It" fad. Honey is � in ,line. It' is . pn has ,to be. COURT, OF REVISION. ;Notice is: hereby given that a court will be held, pursuant to the .Voters' Lists Act, at the Parish Hall Dun- gannon, on Friday the th day of De- cember 1928 at 1.30 o'clock •p.m., for hearing, all corhplaints made against the first and second parts of the• Vot- ers' List for. the Municipality of West, Wawanosh for 1928. Dated :at West Wawanosh this 19th day of =•N'oveni-. ber 1928. Added Aracta in•Our 'November Buy>ig Budget the roads'are good and` Come; while inspect our splelidid stock, Special Sales, of Coats; Dresses a>ttd Fur Goats. Save ,now„on winter regU• il Orients', • • .Stylish and Warm Ci;ts' :7.49 to ,$25 $3:5. to $85. Wool . Twill and • • Silk ; Dresses $8.95 $14.50.$18.to$45 FUR COATS , e 1 Pella. C:�na.aaan :Muskrat -L.- :., Guaranteed Hudson, Seal; 1-ersian La b,-Heds gin. 'Sial: _All Special Discounts This ,'Week. WEAR .�.. ,'i1E1�S. W -E R, Overcoats -Suits. Here You Will Find'"l,S e t,: •,•_, Swag��,,rppr,.Vester. Or Dress Coat A. l,oia�i6r • prices. Navy- B:.ie-Fawny- Bro;tina ;�c t; c,t..ys 4 -/`weeds Etc, •• 19 ►0 , . $ r0 $34.00- • to• .• '' :. $•y0_00 -. FURNISHINGS AT SPECIAL • PRIC`ES , • HOUSE.' S ^s •Scotch ool Blaets:.-Curtil '^a_ 'HB And S h �...WnkRum-L•=s4a.euei4s-' 'And : Dra ci les -Barry, ,inor e . a Table And. Fancy .Linens -Pyjama •Cletl,s-Fa.!-. tory. Yearns=Coniforter "' :Sateens , Ai.d Colton yen s _ i ti- e n :For. A11 ReducedI\ •"'FARMERS LOOK -60 Seamless Cralaa Begs--V.-e- • ESTYGE CENTREWIN� HAK The happiest women are those ,woo: /.-now the lest, t. about dieting Thrift isn't, sa� ins '.Y ou_-,cake :unuo it. are � `to oi3, to ,eat , a t. ' • hree{: 'Dollar Days Friday: Nov. ' 2 Saturday Nov. Monda Nov 2! Wool Shirts and. Drawers Selling . Reg. ; $1.60 and :$1.95 a .gar- ment ' at this great dollar day Sale, garment.. Ladies' Wool :Bloomers' Woods, '.:splendid , quality -imagine a wool Bloomer at our Dollar Day price, :each • 98C 8-4 Bleach Sheeting Remarkable good quality: good wid- . th,good value at 6Oc. Our Dollor Day Price is a chance to really save. a yard... . 39c'. `Men's Fine Shirts Stripes .and 'of• good strong •cloth. Reg. $1.50 value During Dollar Days Sale, each. ...... •,• 9$C ' • TAKE ADVANTAGE COME. • Ladies Silk Wool Hose ' Genuine 'good, quality, slightly im- perfect. Reg. $1.00,. during• Dol- lar Days, per pair . SOC Heavy 51 in. Dress Flannel " A big variety of cnler,did 'colours' a very dependable ;quality. Dollar Das only, per yd. 1.00 ling Y - Flannelette Blankets Large size Ibex and other brands 12-4 sizer- During Dollar 2.25 Days, per ;;pair. Men's F- j.le.. •Dt otlelaG. oa wy s.. ns . Striped warm P lafineIettoa very seaonable item nt our,b_ow _ . •. - ,: 'ktAC'MS.MlA.4NH�(��tsL}.�,�`J,i'YMs.a>.•n.'•va,%ssY.:.Y'rvw�+�+�'!�'J.1.Y5,.,., Splendid`soft scotch fingering Yarn lb- . • 1x19 Boole. 'Bros,. best Wheeling. Yarn,lb .1.19 Walker :Stores Limited Tobrightengand cheer these Novemberdays� here are three big days of real savings• for you. Its.:impossible to l here. Come along : /� this• store and your hard earned dollars will stretch aurin these` 3 days list all the Specials'•visit•g• . b Friday.Saturday- 3 Monday • Ladies Dresses at Bargains ilk Crepes velvet trinmaed, •or plain,` fine wool qualities,- or flannel 'dresses priced from ;$3.75 up to $12.00: Dollar •'Dais .. ........25% off 1 Ladies Hat Bargain' New hat of Felt, Felt and Velvet, or Velvet, very chic and the new .. mode.. During Dollar.. Days Sale': any hat Reg, ' Value to $4.50'• Q for. 1S. Newest kiddies millinery All Pretty,' pew hats ' but we 'must. clear out to make room for 'Xmas -goods. Reg. to $3.00 our Dollar Day. Sale , Come early for these at 1;39 Alun num Dishpans During Dollar Days » 47c Boys Long Pants' A boys, good tweed pants 1.59: :.: � ." Stripe terry Towells Stripe terry towels. Nice size buy' a dozen at our'sale Q price per pair "29c Wash Cloths White terry with checks this Wash c'irsth is exceptional at our. low' pride, 6 for..25c FRIDAY =DAY • SATURDAY'-' , _IVLON171AY G0ME ,EARLY Boa Underwear Girls Dimity.' Slips BoysFleeced lined Selling regular • •79c. Pink, . Nile, Blue, etc, Dollar.... underwear, gar:cent.-»59C' � ► Day Special, : each.... e Embroidered Pillow Cases Scalloped or Hemstitched ed- ges, good quality, ;good va- lue Dollar D at aa Duing 75.c Days, pair— Boys Wool•, Sweaters LADIES 'Nice, even stitch polo collars, .Navy, "WOOL Cardinal, Buff. A great school .sweater GLOvi✓S' for the' boy Dollar Day Sale, 1.00 49c PAIR cath ». Kiddies heavy wool hose Warne; cosy, durable, a lot like mother used to knit. Come fpr these,. t'fiey are a big bargain' during-. A.. Dollar pays`, each..; , .. Ladies Heavy Swede Gloves' Turn back fancy cuffs.' A bargain for Dollar Days, pair......• 49C•. Wonderful Silk Mens Heavy •:':Hose Bargain • Guaranteed '1st quality: Sel wool Socks. ling Reg. $L15 and $1.49. Reg: value soli: pair All colours, all sizes.,,,,Sale :price 3 Bair lion Dollar Day:special.:'o, .Mens Heavy Wool Gloves,,only .Pae:Soc Boys Heavy 'Tweed :'Bloomers.: Sale1.50. Yden's finei, Socks.i Reg. to 50c,sale pair 25C -;i!ending 'Wool, Margo skeins, G for25C: $lab'lea' Soft -Wool - Booties,- Per -pair 23C• Men's silk Neckties Reg. to$qtreach 69c •,.,. Quality:window shade. Sale'lirice each 69c "Boys Yerk Kbit• CfiiubiilatioflS. arch� ..,3b` arqui;sette'fbr"Curta'nii g'" Sa' 1 ptiifie t _ 6 'Ladies ` solidather page..$1,50 for 50c Te, Ladies solid Leather ahopping , Bags 89c Boys we Woollen' Toques.: Seale.: , , .. 29c Large 'Handsome Rag Mats.. Salu.:,z : ,69c iko's heavyPeliee Brace. Reg. .50c.for 39G,v; ~;Men's Drill work Trousers. Side `pairi.89 Mon'il'heaVy EI: ece Underwear, gar't 7flC ,. -Metes , wavy, We'd Sweaters, 64i3OQ4br2.48 sroaEs 200"yd SI I TIi itrd egv i 1 . Pure Linen' Table •Cloths Pure bleach dainty designs' 64X64.. Special. 1.69. Large Hemmed .Sheets' Bed sheets- ' of dor- able . cotton; Special. 1.19 Earthenware Tea; • Pots . ' Imported ' sensible style tea- pots during Friday, Siitiirday • Monday, Dollar Days Mens Silk Neck Scarfs. Knitted Rayon Scarfs.' Reg. value. $1.35. bailer Days 88C Sale • ... , .. . • RARGAlN QAt ORE- ALL, OVER .THE >o, TO S R The ` Buyers Opportunity These Dollar Days Bring, You Good News Come Along Save .. ' .. Ladi es heavy wool Hose ®e Near appearing-p..re a'oal stockings assorted, shades. 'Worth about $1:00: Sale price............. a ac, Axminster Rugs Bea,,u :ii `aarbe size rugs Big value, about $5.03 Di,.r. ing Dollar Days... `2.98 Boys Sweater Coats oitering is ' this boys special'coat, shawl roilar., fancy colors good value at $3.00 Our Sale Mens overalls 8& smocks Long .wear.ng heavy drill, in blue, • black or stripe, during Do.lar ..•e Days• . » , = /Kens Flette Pyjamas k.o,sy, warns . Flette pyjamas, Buy your winter needs ,at this' Dollar. Days ;AL!, 4 4.... 1.%9: Cotton: Batts .fort� ��`1 udi ti n- � • '.yotton Batts for quilting, good so -i, filling ata lowprice 3 for 59c • Linen Huck T'owells \vai.si taticy 'i.ocder, real large size fully bltazhe i; wondorf.al" Xmas gifts. Reg., 60c Dc.iar Deiys,43C' Turkish Towelling Special. , 1 Turkish teWeuoiig specaxl.: Makes tip tee roller towels. at thisNolo... ipt�,»e, '.S oti ,fuusl stoel. •aaaa Td, i` .. . 4 at A • �a _.• ` eiteaS� C.a1 Agents" For Woods, Sha ,l:atender;.Silk V ....., :. , g nderc a t - trs il; g a�l`store i5ial.e T-ot dollar stretdi Ladies Silk Wool .Stec/tin-4. speci,•i1'•» 39c Ladies,; Union Vest gram ti-solity epi '79C