HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-11-22, Page 1$2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANPE; #.50,CITHERWISE • • DR.. VV. II...CONNELL Physician and Surgeon • Lneknow Hours: 1.30-3.30 7e-8 Phonee 86 • 1 0 LOCAL- AND GENERAL 0 i 0000,0040400 • DENTIST .r , Dr. MacLeod, will .visit • Lucknow eery. , Tuesday, • in Dr. Cennell's '9ffice. • . teEle'VIST Dr. R, L. Treleaven, Lucknaw- • Over Decker's e Seore. „-.Lieeraction either by gns• or local ,Will be in Dungannon every 'reluirstlay. FhOne 53. '• ben. A.*Siddall„ 11:.ucknow. --Broker • and Real Estate. --Money to lend of first mortgages • on farm proper- • ties at 6 and WA per cent according. to security offered Also sniall, . amounts on •second mortgages an farm 'properties ertd:Pn personal e. notes.. A few good.farine for sale. WALL PAPER -A full line of 1928 Wall Paper on hand. Prices from 8c up. 1 am also agent for leading job houses -R J. Cameron, Decorator Painter and ,Grainer, Box' 174, Luck- uoe. FARM VOR. SALE 100 acres -e -Part of Lot. 26 and .27, Con, 5, Kinloss, containing .50 acres and N. H. Of lot 26, Con 6, 'containing 5() acres, , geed bank barn . and brick veneer residence,near to. church .and school: Apply to, Emma. Richardson. R. .11, 3 Teeswatee (29-11-c) I LOGS AND TIMBER • • • We, the undersigned, ire open to • buy all kinds of timber again this ----winter.--We-will-pay-yOu-godd prices Red give you liberal measurement and . grades for your lOgs delivered. at one saw mill here. • We believe it, is to the interest of the farrnee to cuthis own legs and de- ' liver them; but anyone having •stand. • ing timber and wishing to sell on ithe. stumn, kindly See ;us before you do anything and, we will be glad to see We will inty you Spot cash for any- thing you have to offer, and as, lumber is largely manufactured lute .the fini- shed product t're, ,it helps our owe province --leY-selling-to..- a-,coricern like (Signed) The hLeckno* Table Co., Ltd. Lucknow Ont, phone 25 -Box 206' HORSES ASTRAY eee. In Pound; at :Let 11 Crib. 6 Kinless Township, two ,,horses.e,ene tereyith other dark brown. One e• they have ,saine,oe .proving property and paying expenses. • Tyndall Robinson (22=-,11---p) AUCTION SALE Mrs. Win: RY:ine-Cen 12; Kinloss- '4amile east of Kinlougli, Will- have an •auction %ale of her tarn', farm-stoek hnd implementon Tuesday: Nov.- 27 commencing at tine o'clock 1nm. • John Purvis Auc (22-11--e) AUCTION' SALE ...Richard -wander, 9th Con. of Ash- . field will have an auction sale of his farm stock, iinplenfents,'some furnie • ture, corn, turnips &c on November 28, at one o'clock p.m. • :John Purvis, Auc. • AUCTION SALE . ". , Donald' McKinnon, Lot 21 Con. 5 ,Kinloss will have an auction sale of cows,". young cattlea few • pigs and horses on WednesclaY Dec. 5th' com- mencing at one &Clock. There are 20 well-bred Durham` cOwsill with calf and 15 yearling steers and heifers. • See bills. • ; John Purvis, Auc. •• ' HOUSE TO 'RENT Comfortable dwellinz, *well located LuCkti-C%V. Annly to Johnstone Bros. at 'Furniture Store. • • • • (22......1.1.,ttl) • AUCTION SALE' • Tho undersigned has received in- • etruttiens to offer for stile by Pulelic ' 'Auction the following real property • furnitnte., and effeets, the property bf' the Estate of the late ; 1Villiani C. Webb, on, Saturday thetwenty-fourth • tioy of November A. D. 1928; at Vil. lage, lot number aixteOn on Gough Street in the Village of laieknow. •' 1 Sideboard, le Heater. 1 Range Epttension- table, 1, Washing machine Bedetead, 1 Buggy,1 Light waggon and other articles too numerous too .•Mention: • • . • Tho 0 real preperty. consists -of Atil; (?' 'lege lot rininber sixteen in theVillage -Of LuCknow .containing ;,one-quarter acremore. or Iess., . r hea„vlierty„,,is„isittiat,ed.:,a.yone storey stone cottage, in good-reiiiiii Rye rooms and woodshed, electric • Wired. and s'6` frame stable, room for tar,''horse;-tonr,Orid-Seclder,,.-good--kar- • deti etomid.. •The real property Wilt : -offered for -saleezubjeet to 'ree sawed 1id. •• • • • • • , TV,RMS.t, Real property, 10% of • Plitchase moneV • on day of Sale, hal; •ance within thirty days from date Of ' n1e. furniture ete.. testi. Per further nartieulars apply to • the undaraigned. .• • itillat Milier Vresh New Merehandise on Sele--e ethe -Market-Hornell Murdoch. %. Read the Big • advertisement on ME 'Frank Cole was up frofii Wood .tuck for a few days :oflest. week. Mrs. ^W. J. Way, of London, is a gubst of Mrse Harold Allia this week. The next; meeting Of the High 'School Literary is to be held, on Nov- ember 28th. ' , The Rev. J. A. James and his wife were °Vier from Ailed Craig for a few days last week. Miss Rebecca Woods, of Detroit. , is speeding the week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mat -66W Woods. Mens 'Long Rubber Bots,; Life Buoy, Relent edge, At W. J. Littlee. Shoe Store • . Mre. John Grahain -has- returned home afeee 'speeding a week- with elenris in Leedele Dorcheater and Ilderton. ; ••• ILUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd 1924.. FOURTH CON, KINLOSS ME and Mrs. R. Haslam and Willie of loronto, visited last week at Mr. ojim MelJeods'. • • Mrs. McKenzie -Webb, of St Helens spent a; few - days yecently with Mrs. • A. Hughes- • Rev. Mr. James and Mks. James :of Ai1s Craig; called tin ni number of their freinde here, last week. • Mrs. Win. Robb is spending 'this' • week with :remits in Henfryn. •' ,Mr. and Mra L Avery returned home after their honeymoon trip. Mr. David Catruthers; has pur- chased the 'farm eajeming his own from Mr. Morgan. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bain and family, of London, epent ehenksgiving with •Mr.' and. Mrs. R. Bain. Mrs. Murray and daughter Betty, et London, wei-e up to attend the wede iiig.of the former s eistete Which took lace at :her home last Wednesday'. Me. -Allister Hughes is .having the , • Hydro electric:service 'installed in his .,The November. !needled of. the ILI': W. O. Was held et R. Middletons •with a good attendance.' The meeting/ opened. ley singing the 'Maple Leaf and repeating the Lord' e Preyer in ense-Johnston, of Balton, is assist nnisoh. Theeminetee-ofethe last -meet- ing . in Lucknew Continuation School ; ,ing were read and adopted:, The Roll 'substituting,: for Miss • Bespie .Murdie Cell was Well responded to by . "my who is on Sielc leave .favorite flower or shrub.'" After cOrrie • - munity singing Miss Leona • White gave a humorous reading Whieh Was much enjeyed. After the usual roo- tine ' of business ,was''Arensacted the: time was taken up in electing officers -saw •smonde Si auee age -aoe A. Sutheriand, President; Vice Pres- ident, . Miss., Mary McLeod; ' Second Vice,- Mrs e Angus Grahani;: Treaeurer Mrs: Dan MeKinhon; Secretary Treas- urer, Mrs. R.• Martin; Program Com- mittee Miss Jess_j_e M_e,KaY_,eMiese:e.-R- .McDougelli Mee. .J Carruthers, Mrs. Den McIntyre, Mrs. le, McIver, Mrs, McKenzie. Flower Committee., •Mrs. Re Middleton. Mys, R..Middleten was apponted to attend the ConventiOn in • forento in December: After Conimtin- ity singing the meeting close with singing t'he National Anthem after which lunch Was served and a social hour enjoyed. WEDDING BELLS • ,Sheane-Richai•ds :The marriage was, quietly selem- ' nized, on Tuesday -:afternoon, Nov. 20 at the United Church parsonage, Beryie, by Rev. .W. Fairbairn of Rowena Mirrel 'daughter of A. Richards Of peterboro • to Herbert Taylor Sheane son of Wallace Sheane of Bervielhe bride who was unat- tended.Was charming in her .wedding goivn, the bodice being of pouare olue.'gorgette and the •skirt of to tiers of Circular frills • of transparent velvet Her flowers were a corsage of•ibridal roses and maiden hair fern.' After , an informalluncheon', the hap- py °couple .left .by enotoy en a honey- moon to be spent in Toronto and Peteboro.' The 'bride travelled in a rose silk, crepe gown. Hercoat was an all -woof navy • breadth:eh • With American °epees* shawl cellar and pointed" chffe. Her hat,'. slices gloves and •handbag to .match. On Monday evening the bride was tendered an altminium shower • at the. home of Mrs A Stanley When he received many eseful. gifts. On their •return, their home will be on the groom's termnorth • of Rervie: • • • e • Mr. Fred Sutherland of St. Thomas was a week -end guest cif Mr. and Mrs.: ,vVnie Murdie. Mr. Sutheriaad operates faege printing, inapt at St.eihomas end; is yerv .aceive :in church and 'eoc. ial work in the city. Messra. Will Andrew And Fred Mce Quiline are in.: Toronto this week, be. ng guests of the Ontario Government at the Winter Sleek Show; These, two young men 'eke to • be Cengratulated on -having won this distinction thrti • the -judging c,ompetieiOn in Huron, County. ' • • • • . - • Just .about one month until •Chris- e:rnae. Perheps that- accounts for the big jump' in advertising ehis. 'dHURCH 'NOTES . e'all • To'•Seiith Kinless, , The Rev. A... K. McLaren, of Tor., ento:naSeaCcepted .e •Caeil to the ,peat - 'orate of South Kinloss. Cliurehe ren- dered 'vaeant 'a few means ago . by. Lae resigeation of the Ref. en II::: •Jipnei now at Anse Ciag ine in emetion of the -Kee, eir..!eicLeren,at ...)oht.h'ii,iihoss will: take place',on• Nov- ; ember entre. • A indUfAiillA At St.' Peters berVit.e' (Kt' eneuctioh of the Rey, E.. J. ' Gairalter, rector of St. • Peters ..,;nurch, 1;ncltnow.. and ot Cliristo Unurch St wid be held this killarsuay). evening, in Si. vetera eight ()emelt. Tile serviee oe • conducted be %Key, Arelicieacon Doherty: and Rev. :i iturpriy; ancl trie preacnee , on the oecamoh iil1 be le. B,. TownOerid, The .pubiic is cordially • invited to ttiZs seryice. • . .. • , .„ ' The; eeguiar meeting of St Peter's was hid 'olonaay: evening With . a large aetendeece, mi.:: Alvin eeercy preeided.. „Toe 'special' feature Of the evening was an Address on civics" by . M. Johnstone which as greatly 'appreciated., :The speaker evas;introdueed-by' Mr. Geeege Selith; peeple's Warden of St l'eterSe Rev. Mr. Gallaher gave a eerinonette on "The Best ' Thing; In The Best Place, for the . Best; Purpose7. Miss Winnilred and. Mr.. Ed. McQuillin gave aninstimental, rendition and ..ass Pearl Nixon contributed a read- ing: on 'St...Andrew. After„ the close of the meeting -a song -Composing 'tone test was 'indulged in; • refreshments were Served and the members dis- persed to their 'Various ineines. • • • . , • ,, • • . ' • Presbyterian Guild ' . The regular meetingof the 'Guild was held Monday, evening. After the asual, devotional exercises' a chorus k was given by a 'number of girls, an instrumental by Donalda Douglas, a duet ,by Mrs: MacKenzie and 'Miss Mark Aitehisqn. A reading was given by Verna Stewart. A' paper ,bn Miss C. Carriek. The tonic Was taken by iVliee Hughes. The meeting 'closed with hymn 559 and prayer. , ST. PETER'S ' Ais,TGLICAN CHURCH Rector - Rev. E. Gallogliet • ••,. : M. A., 13: D. SUNDAY 'NOV, 25th 11.00 A. M. The 'People's Amen. 2.00 P. M. --' Sunday School 7.00 15, AL The Spirit of -Revolt M,PEKING Mrs., Norman Shackettene Who un- cletWerit an operation: 'tor ,goitre In- Jeeeph's Hospital. LOhd011, Friday peegreesingefayeeably.- Mr. Shack. ;.1toll'and'MisS Alice were in tendon rani Friday until Monday. Mr. Fin- Gerrnan ' down altde- Mr.•and Mrs. Eugene- Ilitheien of 4.0et "Tawas, Mich., rnotored over gaturday and -spent the Week -end title .the• brother,Mr. SeJ. , Vein 1116iitiP, Alag liistonsile ?re- moved, in Wingham • hospital last -week and in consequence is out of ,ichool for two 'weeks. - Mr. and Mrs. Alf Avniitrong, and family of London were Loretta of Mr. told Mrli, Wilt itWina lasit HOLYROOD ' ' •. •Mrs, I. Hayes' arid two sons Caleb and -Rus, Swan River Manitoba cal- led at the Purvis 'horne,Monday• on their way to Kincardine. • ivirs. Hudie;•Muriel and Geo- rge, and Airs. •ee in Sterling Clinton were Sunday visitors at enes. Almer Ackerts. ' Ini.e$stS. Valey and Tom Rhetinger of. Riversdale renewed yid acquani- tanc$ in our burg Sunday. • • • enr. end Lloyd Poi:lock arid chhuren of Kesveiek, were •recent vis- ltOre UL •10.r. .eernest Aekerte'. • • •• etre and' Mrs. .red. nentiancl, Cleve- leiee Were recentvisitore trie Jeur. ins home. • • . eir. ane Mrs. Auldridge, Miss Lora Auxeriage and IN11:34j hurisori• •Of Ualiviire Were glieeta at. 14r.. Abner Acnerts on' r May. ' • ' '4 ne elate aas reorganized .and the for.owing ,are the Orticers for the present year: President, kr. Donald incenersini, 1st Vice rresident, Mr. We. '.1,1uniipsc,n;. 2nd Vice,'Air. Gordon incieheesen • •nece Doubledee; , • Organist, Airs. Larl tiodgins. A pro - green committee , Will be appointed. every third night. Mrg. Jeckensweiler Mrs. •Woe. Tnompson being the firat committee. Aleeting tobe neld every fuesday ht: s eecioek in the township, hail. Next' luestray the evening, wilt •,oe, spent in ;euchre. - 'silver eolteetion Will be taken. . Mem- bership fee 25c. _ • • 'Ilia': Iltilyteed Weinen'e Institute met, at the • .hoilieeef• Mrsietarle Hod - e President gird; eFre'ci! Thompson the-echair;-Akteut:tweney five ladies were present. : Mrs. Cox gave a very interesting peper. on "Influencc ofeSChtitile- Monte- ele - °hutch on Child'ss 'Aeshort, discussion 'followed On the question Whether we should have medical. in- spection -for our 'public -7.schools. ,Alto improvements Which should be Made. in 1Iolyrood Hail. Misses Daisy Ay. sles and Hazel Peavey gave •a report' 'on the 'Convention at Walkerton: Meeting close& ,with 'the NatIong .Anthein. 'lunch was,. served. by the 440a 044 thi ,committte, Anctuut4 • - • Mtn .inbalta tO ditaand dont, spaeof - LOCAL MASONS DEDICATE NEW HALL Hon. S. Martin 91te5 and Gives. Address .at Banquet • Thursday eventng of last•week be a date iong to be. teniembered the annals of •.01c1 Light Ledge,: F. & A. M. After months of planning and mirk and 'fixing tip, the new home • of the %lodge at, the •cerner o Carnp- bell and Ross Streets wai ready for, dedication, The Hon J S.' Martie, 'Minister of Agrieulture in the pres- ent" Ontario- GevernMent; who this year enjoys the additional distinction of being Rt Worshipful Gland Mas- ter of the Snprerne Ledge of. Ontario' A. F. & A.M.; was invitedto officiate at the fornial dedication, and although, he appears to be a very busy man, he cheerfully consented; .and although he perforined a similar functien at North' Bay, the eveninge.before he was here in, good time, apparently pleased and happy.May we say here that the Hon.' Mr. Martin, is a man, of.exceptionally fine appearance, most 'agreeable in . . . a, social way; and as beconeaslni-Wfice well versed in lodge •viays and:wOirk. There was a large gathering. In fact , Po many had come from: neighbering, lodges thatallcould net be accom- modated in the necessarily limited space of . theledge room, . ' .There' was ho end• of eoniplementa . . and eengratelations for the local brethrenupon the spleneid way in which they had • fitted np• their new quarters -e -a beautiful. lodge. roorn with • • every eppointinent . and con en4ence. elncleedeso_pleasedeis_e_verybody with the new quarters. that Some have come to regard the destrection of the old 'Masonic ;Hall he a blessing in disgnise. • Following ehe dedication CerennfilY the Jodie members .and visiting bre- thren enjoyed a , banquet in the •Town Hall, the !edge dining viola .being too small,for the occasion. The Hall was fittingly : decorated and there were :plates fore over 200, and there wae about thf number. present The lo- cal Wornens TieStitute prepared the banquet, which needless, .to say via4. 'highly, satisfactory. •• The' toast list was short. the Rt Wine •Grand. Master and the. Grand Secretary speaking . for . the. Grand Lodge ofeOnterie, itt_prepared addres- ses, while a number of lace' Men spoke briefly. .• • . : • The Geand' Master •gae-e much •in- formation about lodge matters, and eteting than. the order Was..Inaking .splendid progress throughout •,.; thee couneeye At North Bav where he had been the 'night befere the. lodge had ;erected a new temple at a cost of sixty thousand dollars 'end at ' Sault Ste. Merle a• new building was about eornpleted zit a cost of 120 thousand •dollars: These ledges had Muni': no difficulty in finaneing their:undertake- ings. Mr.Martiii• referred at e.eithe length to matter ,which' he as Mini - Stet.. of 'Agrichlture had. ,pndertaken. This was the bringing. ovonefroni Bri- tain Of a large number Of bbys pbout the •ages: Of ten or twelye, and he cernmended the ',Care of these to the -Masonic brethren ' in ;the • -country • as the boys would as far as possible he pleeed on farms:, He 'wishes to in- troduce ' the '"big shrother." idea into this plan Of' immigration .tvork which his departments undertaking, .and •he asked that the boys be treated as little brothers. ':• He believes that boys and ,giriS brought into the ,eoun- try at the age of ten and twelve Will inere readily become assimilated, and will he more likely to remainin the country than men- introduced later on in lkGalirfezid 'Seeretery Lngan. Who has a replatation as ,an entertaining after- dinner speaker introduced a nhiriber of humorous Stites in a half-hours speeek which contained Alio interest- ing and helpful information. • Missea. H. Linklater. of Teeswater and Geo. 'Spotton �f Winghani.and a few others:also spoke 'briefly, • Read,. the-1-°111g:°-37-.ertisentent or page 5. • FODWERDA ' We eare pleased tp report that Rev. ,:•Ae..4.310Liveen, bat. aeceptedthe eall te. South KiiiloSS and 'Xinletigh and will be iedneted hi South 'KiiiloeS ;Church 'Wednesday Nov: N at 2:80' P.M. - .. • , : - . . :etre and &i,:*5 ".., -ti.ixi i 1 i s t Taitit ni 2nd:.- • etrriere".v-Fiviverdwle-sovalleis-ovlest, Thursday, ' • -, . • Rev., and Mrs. 3., A. James• of Ailsa. Craig Who came Alp for he Suther- land --.-Avery .wedding ,spent::tuesday ' Ittk at L ., McIverq , A number of the Flow -00111e ladies 'attended the U. F. W. 0, at It Mid., dletone'' lasr Thursday afternoon. -. 11 'en Rota Jardine: Who has been istin .Mrs. Shirl Bovvers has gone s to live et. a, time with Mrs t• 41, 'Vic- Leod 2n . Con. . R. Martin spent • Friday -evening at!tins', PAVIA afraid of a thrifty wife or he Maybe SUCCESSFUL CHURCH .ikerqvi eneSeen • The United Cherch congregation here lies reaooll to besaueneu nI._ IlLe i, uelfeVersarn services held 'iast 4tioday. The .chureii Was filled to ciapeen.y niurning and evening to hear , the Rev. .1Jr. S. W. man (it .ext.eptionat amiity as an exPonant of eaith arid aueeie,' Special • rnueic by the choir,was also greatly enjoyeo, and the eeseor .eiE crew was 'aute on Monday evening to an. noteie; tOtttitile efiaricialoujective of •ereeneeweeld be. Mere tnan reahzed Suid was aSketi by tee Manag- ing Board in view . ex the extensive* eements Jennie to the church • ,propert " ittonday evening following .the Afiniversarv Services ,tne'Laaies' Aid df tee cnurch, spopsered a church en- tertainment. Die program consisted .of' vocal inueit by a mixed quartette .from Ripley; an.. t.ie siiiewirig of .' a set of 'yiews ene Rev, R. Edis Fairoairin of tele. vi.. The views were largely of '• Neweouridland scenery. taken by Mr. Fairbairn himsell White • he was pastor of a Congregation there While tne Pieturi s. were good and/in a wav interesting, they did not tend to give One a very favorable opinion of our neighboreng...colonye_Bilt_Mr.- Fairbahn •assured hie' audience that natives' of the island,- almost without exeeption think theirhomeland: the fairest Place on. earth; • -• Miss Montgomery a young elect?. tionist 'who came' over with the ,Rip- ley people gave two entertaing read- ings. The Ripley • quartette, was. made, , of •Mrs. D. Munn, )Mrs. Crawford (Sr.) Mr. Ora Crawford and Mr. Roy MACKenzie..Mree Newton presided at ,the* Organ, Needless to , say the var- ious numbers were excellent o-o-ci HELENS • '• Mrs. Clerk. has. gene t� Wesefild to spend • the • winter Months: With her daughter; 'Mrs:. McDowell. " iiss t.Della Cranston as a. reeent visitor at Kincardine,, • • " . • .Mrs stecidis ,Weatherhead and daug- hter Grace, visited at Inyth lest week.- ' Miss Muriel Miller is 'twine from Ilderton. • • Miss Lila Humphrey -spent .last week With • her „,sister Mrs George aiket '1' V.\liss Josephme Gaint is kiothe frOin 'Whighani Hoipital whereshe' recent.: ly underweht an operation for appen- dieitie. Th and Mrs, John MeQuillin were at :Stretford one. 'da g- last Week.. holOrs.. Frank and Tom Todd are . at thee Royal Fair Toronto this week where they are exhibiting, their cat- tle , ^ . • e • Mr, • Fred ..McQuillin goes '. to the 'Royal ,Fair this week as one of, the Juinor Farmers who are being enter.; • • tained by the Ontario Goieinrnetas result of the contest iii judging' held eehnetiSY T.e'C' remerit Of. the Lord's &tepee wiZI, be observed ni t4 .United Church net :Sunday 'morning. ',‘Freparatory aervice will be held Friday „evening at 7.30. - At the annual nieeeing of the Y. P.. S. of the 'United church held recently the following were the officers elected, 'Hon. :Pi esidente-Ree." II. ,G, .Whlt- field; president -Mr.: .Harvey Webb,' vice presiden-Mise Vete , Todd, Tree - surer -Miss Helen Miller, eecretary, My, Lorne •Weode, program. committee. Wilson Woods, Mrs. Ramage, MrseiW. A. -Miller, Mr. Fred MeQuile lin, missionary cimunittee-Mrs Gor- don, Mrs. Whitfield,' Mr. Ramage, see cial Jen 'Athlete Mr . Arnold Woedi, coninni.ttee-eMise Todd, Miss , , The .1Voinen's. Missionary Sotiety of the United Church held .their annual Thankoffering 'meeting at the regular service Sunday morning. A paper on "Our Work.Ii Canada" was read by Mre. W. A, Miller, one *n 'Beginii- ings In Japan" by Miss Mabel 'Woods "A Hindu Sister's Stery" was given by. Mrs. Geo. Webb, and a splendid interpetration of "If I Were An. Af- rican Woman" was given by. Mrs. "Whitfield. ,Recitations were given by Dorethy Miller and *Helen Thorn, Ap. propriate mu,ic itieluding a chorni front the Sunday School; an anthem by the choir. a solo by Rev. II; G. Whitfield and a mare Chortis.' Every ,eurnber on the program aided in mak.' ing,the' meeting nrost interesting and ,helpfuL • . RIPLEY 'Mid 'Mrs. 'ThiVid'Ileteod' and _ . son ,David„ Mrs. E); M. McDonald and ,.sen -Coy,- of ' Toronto, 'silent the 'week' 'en'irVM _ .Rili • vicinty, Mr. Miatee-d is a on of Rev.. Roderick McLeod, of Glasgow, at; one tirne 8. niinister „here. RiOley. friends. were ,ploased to meet those visitors after an abgenee Of twenty years. Dave.; as he is better known in Rip - lc'. ts iirlfliter of the Bei* Of Nova Scotia in Toronto. . Coy holds a re- sponsible %position as a bend %liftman. _-000__ Yon tell. If et. Mall dOe:Stl'i s threw' his straw het awag. ?nay be a Mrs. 'The Bread s' . HVIS 4 :The -Bread of Health . . Cy , of Health . Quality Produces Good Will. Our Goods Have Always Hegel A• Qual- , • OUR MOTTO IS QUALITY AND SERVICE, ity• Product Made From The Finest Materials' With ' Knowledge • That, yeiirs Of gx,pierii,esnpieECAInAaLsExlieri7ntHae Gained7 1 .. Cream ' Puffs,Lemen'Fieringe Nee; Raisin' Pies, Rasberry Tartlets IICd Maple Walnut Tarts d Rolls; Chelsea Buns Coffee (::,akes, • Oat- , „ : meal Cookies, Rock Cakes. ••• FIOLLYMAN'S, BAKERY Phone 36 ' Luckni* .11111MF, November Specials Boys All Wool Sweater Special, At . . . . ., $1.19 Boys Fleeced underwear, Special At :60c Boys All Wool UnderWear, 'Special At ..• ... '98C Mens--Heavy-Ribbed Underwear,. SPe ei.a At • , : $1.49' Heavy Wool Work Sox, 'Special At _ . 3 for $Lon • LardieS. Bloomers or Vests, Special At. . . . , 59c Lalies Combined° Underwear, Special At , . . 95c ,Heavy .Yeane, Cloth,- •36 inch, Special At: ..... ....4 28e Mac, Flannel, 36 inck, Special At... .. . . . . 83e , . Fancy Bath ''TOwel's, .Spezial At,. „. 3c" Ernbro. Cuff Chainoisette Gleves,,,Special At .... . . 'fitie YO WILL •• FIND:411E8k: SPRZ...',IA LS AND •MANY OTHERS 'THROUGH OUT (OUR STORE) WALK THRU E$LAMANE OUR STOCK, ITS YOUR 1..RIyILAGE." lfred uswe ;• ENJO•Y THE. FINEST OF • BATl'ERYLESS RADIO Outstanding in periormencee in , and in anpearance. The sym- phony model is wonderful. . rhe vast ,resourceS of • fiee great lab- oratories contributing e toe • unique features that have won •battery- ' .ess supremacy 'ler this set in•ices • . . . . ....... $275.00 • Sniehar "niodel. battery % Operated tube set, Complete OnlY $160.00 '• Call and ask to.see these., •F. T. Armstrong IfOI0(...T.HEATRE r • & SIIRDAY, NOV.' 23'; 24 -cieerge Sydney a& eCharde Murray, In ROMEOs' ;The Irisnman and the• . Jew in an% aeroplane UES, and WED.--NOV; 27th & 28th. - '-'11V0 ARABIAN 'KNIGHTS" coliereDY Coming --Special Chareie"chaplin, In -THE .eeitt.CUS" ' 44,.• 11,:c../ • ,k-ut• itt tile • • 1,ee' ,ai e LI •cda- . Met ' • ' ine theme6.. ' and . eaSe' Sille11.411L, 1..4/,41611 ▪ *AtfC1211.11 Li ▪ ae..e.e. Wuxi lat4.00U1..b 414U '‘`11,11 '12e, Inteteu. ' • '.I.he kastur. ,took Mrs. 1.:0-rman •• LOilUV1,..n 112,a since t4U/le Lila ULegll ope• l'auelf. sot: JEWELER' A*ND OPTWIETRIST, • unceeti • eeen 4 were very aj teriwun tel Lee u nen tne • hev. .br. • , • . raL,i ell:: toeir, 4l1/1taky. 11.14atell.;1.11.enAL: jt(ity0eia IslLoOtvtlocOekvtenres...philluipeilt,1:11. .thalie and kitiocetc were ,welf rep- resented at tne •sundey School, con- VentiOn • beld, at . Dungannon- united I :lilted unutch on ..m.,..rivay, afternoon. .was 'a good gatnernig and. helpful, Inc Pastor can 'give.,a good account himeeif anay irom the circtrit Wo,onesday to .q.onday evening, •• and //part!cuiarzy •on the • last two Gays 0± these in the vicinIty of evee the best '614 .tiosence..on- Sunday morning he . getg' Cause e disturbance rot unlike .assisted in the re -opening serVice at eleetrical di ech arges in the atmou:. ac., tetipen he • •-• pliere ': " in. the city S S.; in, the evening: 111 tt..1* tr°',"s '40 c`r." he preacliete'• in • the Hyatt Avenue glinizations4(0 rade) fans ernpley an eueee,, eioneee elennee he yeas inepector :to ti , eau .0S • of die- e at' the hoepit'ail on RLieti.ilitiirte;intdhilfDtusenr`: . ii deaeor' to nove. the, disturbancee • re- • ' • turbanre having hie rePort, en- ':1•11..leiiiiiloftne-:1/4t,s1:81.1104,. zh the p;e.:. nvon thel•s• s- convei ineved ae far aS is possible-. ceedings, in the eve• niree it Winghtime" - .Grent 'benefits haee been achieved ,atteedinp the 'Speaking' Content of tn this. way but „it is 'ditlititit to see. .14,enolagzuits; ‘ivolle-trheosoene4c411;is b%f \cianLit.° it t fibnr4:ittitle. citaotto)f; short ti _Wlieteenn .he .accoino. plished, • • - • RADIO DISTURBANCES•.. 'It ehas been ascertained that great .deal o±. radio disturbetece is local -a violate ray machine hi opera- tion, barbers' •Minor clippers, Certain other motors, on -and -off lights, re. ceivety Sets badly adjusted -any of ' as hot te make disturbanc,..1, liowever the eipert, appears to be able to de,, gteatiditiF MIS' Way.. ' OF -TfletN'KS end Mrs. Jas. Ntact)onald And flmily, wish to thank the niany friende and. iieighbort for their' kind- nsS and svinpathy shown' it the time Of theft 'cent laereavement. le sere s un.-: n tie' morning; Necked: ne the afterno Slake in the everittg. bon't tn°611t'.. th° SendayeSehonle- • e•-- ° • IM.V.1) • liornheeke-At St. Michaels Hoi- pitnl on ThurAday Nov. 15, 192g. 0, *11.` 1-Icorriback of 171 Mon,- ' areht, Park Ave. Norotto,--4aged 41 vettre. The funeral service was fiOnt ptst 54 Ited th lSig OCIVertISCMOnt 01 t" /t"" ttdareS8 SattltdaY NOV/ -47 to Atount Pleasant Cetnoteryi ,