The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-11-15, Page 577. 191F b Tftg:' LUCKNOW SENTINIM T"VVIRAY,,.'NOV, MBE, ............ PAG FIVI, 'i.T.AN DOG f Ij,g A C, i'LD'FAIWOIZ WON: L THE 4 truth, And reading dAf te aref 111 o7k us 4' the lists- of the I Court news. It ,ri t eading, prize ii; me he f4pt held. Se tht.therp* dd at,Abe- 00d0riell: Exhibitioll. r RE0FRON AR DWARE tember 17tb, 18th, and married. who better h -Eckha tered t t John -Harrington I ,h fessionAl priiey;lpg� than, rdt; spq. ----------- .... ... wasit the! JrAgranc6 -6n thbld-esert nal prize has, bqen� awir4gd i r o,, Mr. MARTIN- SENOUR.- -i 00r% .!IURE PAINT FOR INSIDE of A air",. b *, ullid Samuel Alton y p 9:: 911T onnybrooRis be4 The prize OR� IV 01W, /' . . - hind closed doors. W has been s a handsome- four-pipree silvois, teg ... ... --- aid ItbAt.,b6fore t seryi ce, 24 , carat gold.-liped,, and is wo PQQP P; are married MARTIN SENOUR-NEW, GLOSS th�. man . . I given -to. the, winner of tb� III 'h t ..... . . AIEDIUM GLOSSjN_ taIkg.'Rnd 'the Virl, listens.. TER1011; E N A'�Nj R L FINISH,,FO V URNITURE, WALLS ANO 4arlrng' the honcynioo b t)e� Woman 49917�;4te num, er of.points obtained WOODWORK. under the condition s* talks anf ther et fo .44' listens, �Ad.after rtb by the. 'they ll'vi� bec6me,�` f Ontario Depa:rtment of Ageicult a ully resigned. to �O fate they b6th talk- 9, !In w,ith 66 award,jilipse, con ­ IF, 'C N§IPERING their marri6d 0 ection 0, A -NEW STOVj@:jPOR THE,'COMING CHILLY EVENINGS, I?AY­US ditio 'd and e s ns provi. e that a number. of �ANP S, EE * neighbor ,isten. varying g true in 'some cases pointi; WMRINATIOT� H -EATER ANI)'CQQK SYOVE... It this' h a"s' s - be BURNS Cb.olz, WOOD, M there is A honest to goodn6s`,�ied of exhibit, shall be,allbw4d'for first, 16 int: Ov N nk, what Are cond ad4 th iird -�rizes;�-iil 0, thait ex" VEN.- di we, to c pect if,#0 hibitor -sho 6uhiry §b '14 i6nerallk. adopt this n lust. .. W ill at PUL 'k thing -6ur n'elihbo ock,,pther than pout' 0 - some of , Cla,8'013 be ve 'st 140 F QU'S BEC REATE & e CA q 709m -mar- the lin '' 11 th Ary, and - At- � least three' c of; pnionate', laoses eM. farm produce, OrI other riage?. We don't. know what, it i§ but HE -4EST—A yi TORONTO,ASPHAVV ROOFING—IT'S� T from the. - idp .,we bave formed, I hibits. But for this lat* r ? ..PYLL STOCK ALWAYS 0 ter pirdvision- y 'et. N HAND. qlmp the win r 1Y,-ineazis that if -the're- is any, n , of 'the prize, ou� w. 14 have differenc6, of opinion: I'4omebody can : been., XT;,Goorge La.ithwaif-e. bf,Gode' ch wnship, , �%�bo, s i onsole De La COjEAIAN LA TD -LA he . 1; their and. disa core.. I I. K PS A. N .NTERNS.' 'duds, 'ear ri to d" .19 liqla's into. pp, ;.3 U 0 q world td look t'wh --sbotted in on UD some6n ly fine, cl 16 ,ass f f'BL tb - i, stock. I.Mr.1; Alibn nflict themselves 'upon had the next igh 0 hi -one tb�e btlier'-day Ost humber of poin�5 "d e 'saw a. g 6d 870 --a 4qEMENT, LIMEV, PARISTONk where -the ciorAition'-menti ANI)VGYPR0 VA�, a aan and his wiftip w7ke, oned; tIA!. kip Asturbiing� the ON, I AND. for 1 before i ..he eour Deace. E LIJRF Ol D MAN GOT ihe W6tinghouse'' 8idery.h!ist, kalio �s. em 'the -latest, yi� ence of 'the m sbi3wed "HA PPY. �TH OUGHT, -0 had' 61; into An aN bodi� he'and big: wl e BY ZEPPEL AND'WOOD FURNACES., that ce provenjentj t . ............. -aij�ament� he wife 'tafl' hei, hu.�.'. - ;00 scien ha� -perfect t melas ra&o at Ing: a r QA tbl e band' lazyjonfe �"d.bit him Mr. if tfiianjoy4e. of Clift 4; �re 'T tipF� -admitted knocking!', his' t erniany Which dame zo.this coui iult-t fif qUali Yea !rQttficl reF�Ption.,' try. via the Wi e -arose and gro ' �at� aJ ' isilip'. -tile raf knocked hirn. dowlij, ending, up y qrk, and ence' to faft 6. owe di le� arity of &tani itii�j&js. e wi Then: fhe bu ind, in friend �in G P _..EOUS' o n,. wher0upon the Fin,�Iy 61*a�n��j ie otube P e Llucknoiw.' A hon ri' fitj him'. i�'the', eck. Wo. th Clidiprd,, probab -Y, Air from n p n e mag- ly goinL­ F E er Westin Sp ist t Yol-R... to Tox6ilo -ad 'by.'.t conamyof op aiiion. rain tic otisd.Co -g t L. this 'there., The, stain �8, 9' e - ab :C UM then Ar ware, P1 bin Tinsinithin H d' g ra.o: "askilig-, what �haripened the man ;said -.that-. a from r out lu wbrk&rful instturnent is h�a�'b both n An inch, Allb -a-lialf I h a le rie&6fif� fijor6 avi one ine a. a,, prilpe t at'.rej3 T) r4o valtie h go,mad:.a d started td'fi&fit` ong i' d it eerr 395.ftll'; 1�, � tL , , , bue F s� too bad that *this - couple ..ley Are a. pale, I coloir 0er een offer.ed beforlp. 0.6 $ e Ohs ed'in.on the e. yii�r ove 77 �ould'fiot h6v b ir`x_ 0`W lie � MrAip' 11 r the Hed r a T/ I istingh" hibition. It must have been. good - and ur'ope' merica. e III A M tianiie " from '.E'' ous demoTirdied LUCKNOW: WINI to A. hve been. worth a stiff 'Iad.- j i an Adge its would The'66rillaiii pil:.1; e stain -reads, Ger- d 0 h VaNe f6r' YbarMf �=710111Z tio Q11U 'ers n e 'iv fth. pried of the §talilp which. ise Persona T, we. -thinli' tti qu. AS, that Tex Ri ar -.41 :h -ib oihotbr -cents, in,'Canad'an uroney� r 'of R oless, a -to 50' djoli m9dAs ACA of thie- 6 1n,1l' :07� Oq )rO ;0 on thq COH99'Lim - are ov0ilb'oki K T latgest and, io. W :'SMITH ing..-some WA I thd iii6sit, bekitifill''dielsign o s e" W.: -7— it: Boer,w �ete n' j J4ek Burke, �OPEN- ]EVEN 1� Statch, dish,,:�and, Caa�-, died.,here., quite Iri �1�: fT -F A ihil O -F T unexpect, ly. n 1 E -of- I"t:; wee. , while. G6'To 'D : '1� IBE AT'16.35 IN T do Might". k -he apet-la y of am .-We'maki.ii Wi F WAKE .'EHE Cbin se rest4urii. h UP NtXT iMIJR�J'l nt, t at eveiiii MQRN'I 0 INGkOUSE YOU 0,01-- onumen 111. 1 Goderi a' a a d inv'ite. your i,nspee- Magistrate, Re.id. -at,. e IN SUDBURY on and',,' friend . hgagL in ajiiefidli WA.WYOU 91UV IEST Scuffle, in.�ivhich__ Burke 4641, br ROW qtober 31 i,*ave ME WORMS M f , Wellington Tet- OSrA reau, of Stephen t6.-%vn griptigns d Via -Can'adian,' p,.a sell exice Us Nea0y.'Ciiefully an dtion I a,. you may a bone in, 6ii6 of �hig 'legs. Alfhou gh 0 to tweNe �D tf six, -the. Ont -n. snot a'' rjotig- break be.,Nvas' ro y .."months in,' se er i. ar FARMERS NOCrive in ..Sudbury a io Rptormatry on, the charge wh -died HYD�to­�FoR .S e eir. Of' tAk�Ti 't, o.the hospit,�I 6e -he s seep, you -rise h 7-- HoSoibi 10 ee,� an befor rd 'ier Omturiai�le' iiightl breaking irito,tfie house of John'. 9' s ori ts I eat- Oti; :ren aci . ng your o ydrot ekctt' -rested ;"a'ad'" H cA r Si ihg., neat lbashwo'od, and steali ic service '-o refreshed, ready to 'con- ing a. .,D -he. coinniends I was due. attacks 6 'public that 14tter tself .,to th at col I ro', nt'� n 'the.. .1 of the L e of duct the-busine'ss ofthe, um of money. Keittirig,.,Was said ID ros. R "Untry fl res- A.'Spotton 6y. Return- 16. :brou.-bt on 1:iy the. shock i,�,the er- John - Grith&mj- late of 'the'' Township ,6 idents Are iinxio veceuiber,,,1�28 ini, rain, eaves e 000 'k "tb' -111 it hav" trun jil, e- us 'to ffisu I Wh Pfioile, 14 P*61'01ae .256 t us�, syt�m y, the ae�.cide'iit. 'a t ..Dear� Edit . ort� of 'in .1. e COuh Brucie. Si4bu,ry iiij ty, 0 oss :.In e inarij."decqase, Wi cept, Saturday, or Toronto, at -9:30 p.' r6staiiraiit.- rmers, For So mi'yes�ris past t- Y 6 d DUse. TdreAu adrnitt king-abouf� nuffili6r'of fR rac, in the vicini y of T16eiW 4: he work,,that ar-4. rhorning. aw h' been. thii;' HosipftO has 0een 'able to do NOTICE is, hereby giv&jl that ll, 1;275' Which. he afterwards, restore ' d1ci a 'you ng Burke' had'.joined t the ne As r avo athe anadian f orge, whin went, ahaving any e aii v or T �d loo ing into th ..,between oronto and eating. jiow.n an J C I e matter of secIIring for the childreji'of 64ta:rio has'bee p 0 W n, f P. �Aa In.: ief�rting� t us y . ',cramped ;.through lack of P in to Aidy 6 ... servic erto I AND SON 8udbur' Canadian Bend are susp , e e e k Afiica- to 61, ak hilh'e`ho�ei r 's't Wi'ltd t e p _v are o andaed 9 Gra Sout o the' P.0 against �t ie io taken,, Or rqceived the' fe� space.... A�' - late� John 01.411ain,, I int was. rietiched -where NNI;7tiona �equipniqnt, inchitling sle War, and While there retei;ved,,the g. ye eir �ab ie; ay. of S A'21 E S TE. ep- of having.:, moimnlPpt,Thi� Teeswatcr News a to- c I d .the Trustees had the following nmaton-s, exisurin mainder o :tl $500, ar wheth oil or I out tl n. d §ervibe', Distjnc Ida As h e' should Ile restricted Lo. Au_ust- A..' D.� . 192 . 8 ie y..pve ;id the' � h e best, uished Condue't.mil, !'The Hydro Commission zlie t6whghip Ximbe s througho4.i;,.. elected to.be tried by a Jury at the had o. rplat'jons.* r oes not the utmost mimbei rley 4'Wo teach in' 1�, Alkeiton, tlle� d of "Sick Mdzr- 1. . advocate the fristall,ii of, Kinloss in::,the Co 0 or' uliy of �Briiic worlaerrLl; bou Buts "'0 �'Suhday,. nights fronf' Toronto' anal ian ljydroi� on who pfovide'' ..Nothing t. t hRt , coun y -:geisi ilis.- C'' di- LebNp'n took ebitrge of the' in. it could COL -red to`iefid by'past - repaid th' the. concession. in In t'should add to AW r Are; re�6i p neral 'grrangehlept�;,- all t i, dead 'there, are ese te chers lai*e. ri CarrUth-:' -rday -nights fr.)'m I*, es wheth9r' OOM, and'6nsatu nless� fu 'There.. are &aAY yo4ingsters suffer. or.'t three- users, -to the See ony o� deli to the' :kd, 'e*x- LAGH' ndersigriL ers and 'his mother, it or t h;_. i sleeper �Ii*' Attached' t fu ieral Ug'ftm- afflictio, us ofiihe, spine and" c tors under the will if 'th -said a arity and the lkeaf -d, .1 . 1, " ' - ' I V ..e u d sake. The service.6harie woul wfiom 6nly'ana" e Monday. hy'.1ongi monthe tore'. t' n their - nain'-s aid" says ".he Con'fe eration'? leavinO..-Tor d be too joints. bot are. &Ipable, teac I ar onto e ..'laughed; -,;bell beto' d im t on I in. ploportio' t. used, o health 'and. streidgth. Job i -Qr4ham c 9,00 or leaving, Sudbury'' I h� he.' higj� n tothe,powd 1"n res ad -0� ­ . . I ' ' help; but what dr� ars in writ - schools With two sisters on the sal an egg - ere Was three, c . r or. e o sse� and I.1c, Isidder as wealc t cipally -n#.�d -is 'frtsfi�' air" Ing ff 0 r siste NAS..,0BEYfNG ORDERS the.- n r nt 'brottei, but .9 emarked, it they pri� of theit clainis,.ad stptenielits o I iije: � , - .1 .. Full, ifif6rinatioin - hs to, r6servations� woul'i ,hold: half 1 4nd"ininshiac. Hitherto die Ho " spital 'their accounts. and the, nature o t e 'Fickets- efc. f! .�a -ton: Electric. Comp ny had for SlOk Children' has looked -after fftr m6thei- And soh tin Ole. '.I ne stff ro oe f h Canadian N�tjonal n. a securities, em'duIS- -A di4rAii� the, fec any, d li.,� xii 'is. unkil.own. It' tollim.,a. hundred �ro:, gol s ur4 the' wir' and jouch childrbn:l[a� to instituition,clos Ticket A t Os io settle; his Ing cotitracti ge�n . e. Army was on gniineI daity 'for the by a city playground, -where more bV'affiddvi. 0—. -0 communicate -with' the 'Hydr '.Coin� 0 O�:O d too ' d' doi, their to devel-op i P first tnue - in. his life... dilrk.: form f�rtut6te 1. ys, an . girls, er And.. t .n ti thtit after -,.the Perhii-ps , � rjj�jjj . missibil,who sent.up'.an.tIngineci, ��t Im I . I . c but hot too, firm, my friend, 'When. the ctor. and nurses were- aglae theit.olight. lying ake - o ei� Ali* :appreciati.0n, of thii 'o ook rof 'Decell-.b..a- A.' D.. 19.281.: - is. to he trees that l9t arejhOg6 done. was 'Only.,ab e to secure, four,sig-� month After, -month listdiling to the executgrs ..n ii�o;, -natures'on the line, wereas §ix'is re laukhter-or other c ren ... , 1., 4 to jead e,m.ew� 0II&K. )ell(. Halt he cried, in.'a tlir6att Shouts and hild' the said v0ie­; . .; 11 . � In Octobd, 'butei'the when,'his foreman urg- o,,niake Sp hed thi Ho iti s, a d d - "who a r laiIt, d4str, t: e, sa, i quxred t it econoinica The Sick Childien. operned- s country -the' p ..'.'Thd %olt tlye , day.. yd ro, Comm on4 ikll�jlie poles 'aahej do' ed. greater. care, issi 1 .1 1 voted to y uiigi§te 4Advance, ts e thci�e'to,' bavin& 'to the As be tatele I lened tbeb, and, wi it " regard offly res and th6- iise'r has to. build- chi L e. fheir' Mobs ehi Clain] chine. The ofricer advanc�Od,. Aitit liefdie' strai -their bodies bullt�up. �k of ieh, they shallc. then to - i .�11. in the road. d ghtened or had, p, -oceed6d a, half-'dbiell -iteps, the �w ust be III iome pla�e where � they h6a 'notice. gild iiia Thc��daetor remarked 'a's bound Up, ir hi t- - t :' he �iid 'execu ' t- 'ecom. h - Sunshine and fresh air; or4 -v again wj1i not lie� I�able �ot the tb senti cried, liliaift' e *6un.d,,. niehdcd,,.an'.d whic'h: is.gncrally,used `nursing care and medicil.,atteat C you lav O� I P 'n. the average set, or inV PA. y "Its 'tile Very worst- mangling I've "This, is irie second tini . lom f,, an farm is e'd 'u- P to 011'.& height',.of land bear Weston 0111 they hatted ine,!1 said. "�Vbat -3 nraY from the murk f the 6ity!_ son osball,..not en�hagf..'Tbis would &st� all children. urei winning. thtkir, then receiv�d, are you &hg U.do vext.?11 oil' the avb '.the, gtiijj�tc �b way back 0'. to 'h t O�Tj ealth 'in' 'an enviroutbetit. of s'U ti�, Wh6n thL, �o't�r oered ever. you'.mind A�hai g in taken fro n6,, � q nHe inuphod of g' in other communities, a suln pure breezes. and qoie,�' hibi to do next.. Mail, orders ire' to 61111 -of :14...5.6 for' po�vei4 And $40J4 for h! country hospital -at UnIsEle- itate in that. bqilf. e. iftaltl-'th'ree'tirnes dn slioot!"`� D.atoo- at, Luckn F.6r,.v cou�le 'the -co'ld. ervice eveiy 12,. months wit 10& town is, a., GOA -send for chf1dreb: ow this .si�%th Ai a ong D� 19294 think it Also whom It will 'take' 1 a of -,\.ove" iher A s -iii,10tal of. $76.63. Thik: Care. in a w'ard- liberates a, handred­ E.*� ROWING. TREE o ge per kjv Cotj ..Ja 'the 'p re on - or. of 'tbe,'-pasiti, n a nieter rate f ot A at institu, i f li's '.too late n -o liffic heo O,'PAPER IN 3'HU�S for:the first 14 kw1,and:_2e,1or ll th: 46 I. Agnew"' ow t uPgs pra wao,ean be: set tight hl,, old. remaiiiiiig kwls,used; th short;, time if 4dickiv give" con a e inettir"Ito be.. � a ' * Ont.. for -cc -ths," ilk Children, hits'n6w two doors to itant attebb Auo�� quickly can, I t I I n the for. reh(f eVery three ion on. So.he Hospital of,thc d r t t -Sl hifectioxi vOrted into pjwr on,'whieb ' " . I ie: through th4 11c: laughed when tiold''th it i bt. 'b� c6n keep -night to 6tiIry (22�11 L Whole Opea day and -inted neivs is 'old ok thd stre colne. S -'X.SAGACIOUS,D0 he lit et ? class.' Color,ud cireeti. cut, bntlrc��`ed. For AhAn. half a, cen From leaving - A in the IlArt7 the.. ]ROApital 18s depended for ttsr, Very'— 'e Acioked natural As if rict, made the test whichl, re� Tlie. other -day '.Well known. t 'Tis said h dist, sectistence upon. the- puplic respiinse 11 d " ci endeav6rtid to �t !'to -its annua, I Appeal which b co�rded.,.iiv "Der. Papior e Do asleep, His beodst�ne §AYs be!§ "At'ResO Three -flourishing treLs with' I)i'kd4 tia�tt hig'?Ilistll beh ess's httL io lit' of childrefi, '1� aripenpr,a'tely 'at Christinis titne.' For ver� were cut ber so%ring; by'restl6sly goig I and fifty 1 n S.C, Ai.AQ been H la, od 0e told to Ili` bt, dm�n am):14 Thc'il-t e upstairt� rooni'whc4 she ke, botb: end,.4 pon't joeepi thko!sgh ai-hi;14 iears the F uon r a f enabled by. do iiiiiiiedi,400 to 00 �ed of 'their IiArk' D en. "What's. the niitter o,- she the, donatins of Its frietids..wh6ther id he Would taken t '§ factory and in legs than- e;it what-bia :o hi quired, "Do you, want'ji, Ul. silefi be, doilar or kA endo%vir with y u 'tr 'nfornied went, his oal�q, and -hl'4 large'billq' I t),Iy fnr its,new clor n Pee P& tN,,, o ho rs', weric" a into But,ilie-Ond of 1928 finds' it with P mail The Irktgo, illi music wit's' , I At 66 roll of ve RI&ROU pu. 1) paper. loyful anticipation., -,h,e' liture , paper.was 10aded oil .1, ()tot' V - fine, ..'ro lts'old frfends the l4os�itaj for. tinuL only �;t 6at at, tho: n c ')ut�,ficip Sick Childfe­ff one ninfe Appeal's it t Do( fOi Barts H6US Oil his grave wa "'Ill; itited a Von,. iWivery fiOW.". f iee 4 . ..,i .,. 1, 1 1 1 6ij Sheds ti�ecause so- tani" ot'voti W Which. is -and, a hn If J)"i it iind Is, iic prii1ted on vlg. forTyct' tcost valked (A i Kormy wcat er. 62, AcLEAP cnelosM ina3ted. rind installed horii .'in th, He' laughed wh 11.n* a dug co I t-si, Aft ­r + I tr�ispao:4 uptin vour. ig. iS—easy. and _jAy uro�s the tbp of,tfie.whidshield frame. ' -il('ht t$ haVe Jppj� j, to Ana I tt as nte III fiis eye, ail i Oil till-ce'll quick th C., It is driven li�. its own Motor, Small but retutnod wth the household urge in spnee to reniind thpir that it was otherforms Ot automobile 11ghting"50 the very'power'futteriddscillit the. oel housing lay,�..pennanent,,I Xing,E180jej�_ oil dA-pr6of... - . Cfeitnir "A s dc k With At, ffi'AU�ih hfttled �utes a live tr(.0 at eni� lidnddo * . ... Zmn is siipplaot�ng chain - This motor operates iis ni oil th, wid rqbbilig his nbse oil their -gen6rosii� in the, th me in a ivhichedveri th­ MC& Pro. k in h the IdyN cr ue for,the. tilt ure., With -�n exits of Drone a die"ai_iid ew tar 13 running or kan-ifing" froff: RU."itnated y R, npw., Deen eht e ingifie, it irtinfling' -s . I . . i, Von t 11110,01116 of tho, sheets. G M=d foe kit occup�uiis, ot d h or --week gp�. it; toy .1 V646M the dtivet.1&4:'- r 1. Is 1. � li'lift and eottk! We WritIf -06' -�ye If.' . a t4.imt, oneet intitv ail st, a to. and t s tong y t me. oe V lArrite to,4 I_kftp%.�n"i .1 1 -the fort, t IV very r 11tv voijes'. vertim I ut Faithfi' Iffie Sterin Kj�gr has a of invention; b the fAth -t of hltio.� Simple, to instalL P ! iviperjiwhich rh , t4hi tim"diiiiiiefdr,.scioss, V mm to chwre thew methods And A re F Ir8t, The Wital 6hingle and t6 drive ith due ca succe"or to CAt 'And' be struck I a siltiv'rii1q, Cr 'T IZA 1, IS aid. And Start LO I le'lif:11lose �Vllo cir.1111, "it wa's is TOlAted tht' A, Sc6tAman The judge flned hiln fifty, and.jA*e 901 It 1 adn's National Arh.1 'iffid AGENT AND 4NSTALS. THE "STO:01 KIN 0,11 Utz WILL ALLOW irood,onough for father tiligh tont, him three months, t, f HaillikoW, recently phoned I% Wgo for . I ; 6nie magazibe inellided. year or \-411,ple :of thb, -second th6upht tht'itat er el'Ad, on ij.ent vot bad'tiokeri only one . I . 4 P . 1. 1 . 43,00 IN SX011ANGS F OR �OUR! CLEAER OW IN USZ: hip, a dollIir or thkOe yeaft for sZ - W it.� a llllnll�.(V of Pred Slasoijis, -to titild -a _�The attle W61ild,ilve Aono it the' modern way when the, inan sgue fox him.. i utgeg dad to tip oil, �the dott6d lille. ht h10