HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-11-08, Page 5wr Ppk-- 7 '7 ":,o 7�x, 7 _v;: 7 4 d TRIP VVIX RX EL -7 NTtN P t4 'PAOR �F OURISTS SECANADA Eni- e4e to. V00,000,00011f 9 'ou e Orthopedic surgeon �has been left in ecdese, PLacuo, d0clareA.re- CaAadA this eason RED FROWT HARDWARE, :ently that il� -tell y t ear§, the number by tourists coming n by motor cam' I'llis is tile �&pal,tmcptal esti, -om of mqnhd'wc)men still suffering fi: m4te 7 f ities incurred during childh od it"' eve e orm pQ ssibfe to, fig SENOURr. 4 00 % PURE, IAINT FOlt INSIDE q�y pqr� cent. ure opt1he exact. amount. The 0 MARTIN vill be reduced y nin his surpr4si OR OUTSIDE NV QRX. l7h�e reason for t ng change h9ivever is commonly that of �nppl- In �As the �,A�e b ig r hto6rink wurl< being d6ne ildroq. Diseases car staying 'long thaiL,.ne day'�*a su 'o a1s. for crippled ch nd easily reme4ip,4'ihropg4 per 4lay when here'. N N VR �E�V GLOSS,'.MEDIT LOS JM, Q S. IN e, orm Assuming that each peiso TERIOR ENA, cally 'believed 'incqr. d MEL FjNI$4JFOR. FURNI n -,sppn s $5, great b TURE . W ALL able, Are. �6,ow Xhle efficieiit 'troatmeri carried. on in of. the Aniericiva�.tourist trafflc has. Oil the ..Insti c me to,dntari 'and'Q eLLe and the. CONSIDER 0 U. 'THE COMING, I A NEW STO1VX_ F. 9 -The onl�. hospitai f�r qJck and'crlp� 'proyincial. stad�tics would to 'GS-PAY:,US . A CALL AND S E.E tH E' CHLLY. EVE NIN �led` chif ii , f" its kind n'West�r� indicat' -cek kin owned '%cCLARY'Sl`1 Ore o e that t COMBINATION TIEA ER, A.ND COOK STOVE.:' 'T. Ontario, is. -the War Mem' rial. Child- 'histittifions in - b6t -pr��vinbes - h ve on, WOOD, MADE -IN, 164g. OVEN ren's Hoiipltal'at- L lo, Oared generously in oil side-'pat;r N, Cintar V T4e Institutitifi hap only, been in- qpA, r9p'a_7e_, erat U be *orked Out'., f'r For, the Scason� now c osing i�n f or, 6e year�, yet i has.*, I' tile 4L,.LINE Or no 0 BK,HEATERS ed hich. is's6cond figureis " ill qt�ir . a reputation, w 0 some mo hiq just een ERYLESS CONSOLE t none in u Canada. 6T ubeBATT issued, by George ates, acti,ng'' ONTO ASPHAL fio 4-IT?S THE ;BES�-A'*_� W In"fip'sprink OfL1923 the firit Pat �'Y rlyiL, STOCK ALWAYS d.N Ii ND. 9 riny' '-of highway9,-..ajf in- ienI.s were admitted to its u lete commissioners a - a ri first1lifee r, re st�tlistieal book et, entit ed 'Oni 'oil Ird , a�fd �ukn.g the yea 5 te, sting $r!85comp di Vehic e -COLEMAN LAMPS �ND ANTIERN§�- -528. Patients . fr6m. Windsqr� SArnia: �'The Alghwayj:. the Mot at ­bmultiful Qh hami Woodstock:'and. -all" ti; of -and the Tourist in.0 nada,' The ri6, ar bu� a Wesdinghousit Battery]" Ra,dio you. own a: -it IC WA r e CsLUEBIRD ELEC r 'Western Ontario, Were caied to with lation b6twien them.,lis very SlitAg., I .. ' . the latest improvements' at a prici.�that Details are - gi �,rep;O -a total 'of 27,39& patient days,. During Vpn.of the way, in the CR- MI -Mr, PA �the past two.* years log Patient rP last 'and previous ye�_ ver ....... ISTIONE GX ROC'A we 'tile expired off ered f, valm thain has:e beer% Ore. LWAYS. ha�s�. Pen s p en new, arteries. gtvC:s -of' d6e.- expense o b .'grant, ol, $20 000 000 6N`'HAND., treat d,L*ith total patient,,days of 32.- L t f 'These �gures speak eloquently- ma! 7 Ilk, e#6r .ro vith -thVI b4ttery chargin touris FUR using 6�::.new, increasing. a ::!nevi a e, I iieqmen U. THOUGHT, 'Oversize power su "it prov�` D ol the' dprn nd upon. th� bi And QOAL AND WOO RURNACES. - 9., gures ppl. -Then there are 11, " W ;��uv'e AC. I otro, hospital ','fr arts of this dis-_ about regis7 112.1 maximum of polwei. for amplifl, -ab ut: the iou'rist t lad t6tibns and f lanced," giving Distant stati br` o u t in with, ease: and ''gh'' pe�d Few people -fully appreciate thd im., and.', much other ditta. e tial t6c pper q 'C -hild= r lal, OM- 7. ",--Shows ORTE -'in the perod. unde Pi ot� yeen's, Hospital ,work. To understand wiere''registere& .11 6at"'illumbia P q dihigh 'get on Or off. uaJUW bc and low notes. reproducej& w". N equal ent about 'almo�t.- -0, t -t . I . ... 1. mun' es'one, ust,see j:w Phofie. 6 6. Luckno .00,00 0 a toia of -b asing yl its Va ue. to Western Oniario Com- cars �re iti tile clftdr', im prove Cone -opt the time .6f their mission and, then 827,5�8.7'.,The. otor:. trqcl' by We:�tinghouse ad m I Omi ve M F Ve 0 o 6 f HardwAre, Qal U J� g he in- peration. -,A11 dxe �=r-o th r . eatures whildi we wift be Oad -C ;,Pl TipsTithih h' hen tbev­ba r01- illoile0into 4se -becaui5�. t see t orki �tgai to a ss' r 'the: .a f ifit�w.. ftod,to their,homes. hey come, Ili ;�kease: in the enge vehiles, *4 yq__W ..Only 'k H. Lnd �-.�eak,..Cri And. deformed per e 1n'cJDmlner&a1 tiud tsat pp 13 �ar:!a� Lhrough. aceideido*r' Sickness. They go humbered 16 per otinghouscDerwnt ted rm- t tied revenue from licen The',es ima h'. h i -d M, health wit 4. eir efo udg..- --Value LIXKNOW and WIN. com ptely igi�dtioni, fini. '�,aso ine� ities,� in many ins an es, t P.1 as :qnd sft, reg" ..ALrrHORIZED WESTINGHOUSE'DE S ALXR C.ured. iaxes. s'. under. h �Full ''diola" Mo&li A4* ce at juit $ g�i. of Ra ,W11ALA_taL_ 86 t ew .7y - p ex e., --y Is, Tew cep cep 'A ix on .-ga.. -no pita ag�bee I' ment of the �askitchewan, J.m�ose Luilknow Ont h- ih heietofor.' e com- It`sPPPlies oline and w I c most comp ote T W SMITH, 3(ibstantih][1y.: augmente tJN4j gesmo' n rate,. bas �en'tlir-d cc4 feedins and'ellitures for Child- a gal-. gns esi' e,fiiost�.beautif.ul d` ye a in tbe'liospltaL It Qjlebet. this ar rdse s, tax at home, i Ion, o: choose froat, in UCKNO mler has. A . -gymn ith to� five, cWitt, nd Pie us0n fullj�. e�uipped asium* 4 thai' 0 t r wi NEW TYPE OF GLASSES --ise ed lit. 01 le�- .follow suit in:, tie coni ng, yea , I' . r. e- iarhle,'Scotch,;�Swedish and Call- all kisdg of apparatus -tolelp,, exer, announced �,n a nadiAn Graniites�­ dist4rt' tie - lir�bs b di just y We, make -a. specialty Famil 0* h and 1927',thgre wah-an-iii- oi It also.,-niiintAinsa tpliflt.sll eeyi,M� p _Ny ere tw. Monumoats. ana - invfte�- your i"pec- 64ees n, to -740,398 or, (=-*HEN:y()4 BUYA WEgINGHOWE YM MUTHENMM MOSTADVA qDRAWO are - gde by ck- 'crease in N A new, type of gla td 0 )rthopcdic:'aPP1 sses fo ou o r cost. pf - Amer, �erta at mindmun per cent. - i .34 in the numbsi Wairiptigills N t Wear at -te.nnis, golf and`.other,:Sportb. ' I as a -p ygi�al t prapy, i6an ear arlif a ... s,., s aving, � in ul ;Lnd' The h ospi , h t a said. to e ".especially lis�flil f TO' GET FARMER- IJAIL- 'NOTICE:- T Prouiptly. Done� nd hkh�*isjn arge 0 days and, an even: mor,;_'I�amaikable OUT 0- CREDITORS lau&o. g - w" to 2410 at :ni lit' lien ineeting' i�crcase, 'from 1521,151 H-0 -.'ASTRAY . . .... . . I - phy§icians and.�a ina 11i re placing yo. r. o or..,( Skilled . . . . I I . . ASES he a -hefdlh� t department gives. mas ge t t- .per cen 4 in, 9 Of' -t �'.Igst ie: 'f -0 rs with, laring, as This, rea the cars' stayin y gigne petitio as .,g S, or 58 n, ..A� large d n h bee' e Johh.GiAham,- ate -of vthc produced. in A e- - op ical'. Season, poF *o o JusL s artificial li 'hf and 'hours. t'h A Towlishib '"in Polun a rks ments P*d a plie g onl 4 e d P forwarded 'to' -the kinisiter' �.I Cozi. 6.,Kinlos it A.'S�ottqn 6f the .2 is firli�at Jena.: The basis heat o, - e CAPP d b ie Despite, of Kin OAS in the' Cbrin" of on .1 ., '0 1 a. - asking 6memey y for f� 1itidoiII I , , , Br,66... '.'township; two o, ses e''iie' ebt ne th le od �07ing Uce',.�t - ttaw �y ep. well rikirig, n 256 'for, the new., eye . .,pro. ectioit - consists 1. ttending.. convey. solue',Id 9 -6-t *a �.Mitc4ell, .:Huro To*h- ave t ir ailinents the cfiildr�n ke I e ing r VP work'� it The -given that. all samean -proper 'ad' y m�re st ie6 deceased ther dArk brown.': O�rner' -h Phone 74 may �tu zy pa, n --..glass- -ed t normou' �,utilizAjf6n of -the. mo, . % ..%, , to ri in C 0 gures li r, - N TICE is hereby with� thei�. -sd 'shlp f a who is nowl.qerVing s of two wedge-shaped pieces '.of t xpensese ordly 'Classes conlue e y, a,, qualig he t persons having Any c aim or',demands: ty ys-i Jhe,Valkerttin jail for.a*-, .1 .: who on oo last year a sun Lily enoriioui. 'touris Against the late OJI Tyndall Aobins�' -Aised t 'wethek, , lo- I. _t teichei�' oi, car, the'equz s aulting a idAireakink the* nose of his Dhn Graham iWEATI U h BOWES '.T lEft PRO- Tile of, 4pair "I Ji6d', oil or. abou elevcuth- day of q)per: member A e I, �een*aiiAed to-tlfie:-b�ufthing' iea, by gooa r ads -ind oof h trafliq' attr' c Wi t ibe de' ober son at 2' :PHET IN MOTOR -ACCIIJNT, 'ma -of- A dark tray -brow glass'' neighbor; iiiam R mr. of, im-neaitirable: val' ch 'wh n A iguit� �'A. D. 1928,. it- zhe Township which '1.be he hundred �Qf- millions. whi f th .7 e t�rtishinj. held 'on thv t is ar .and I I ..*, in '0 hilc�thc lower pai IM7 '6nada; the -motor. car C -0-0. 777 little patient% i : . ", - .. I father-in-law. The petitioi attracted,' to if Kin loss in e ounty of BfUC6.. Oriso. er's -ed. Goggles. made f rb ry :import 4 116wds, well kowu. as -the coloi n) ihi� A' r(i on. t Is v46 All Om '�re �.require& to Send. b post� prepAid hi ourist 'ricarl 6 the Unit d. y, foi-t Mit6hell; has a wife y IwlJe* '' ' ii-Itl' Chatswofth, In mitt�arial �ai�jhus very. dark. at the� sets th&v estc�j, Dhtari6 Institution Stat6s, iendg circulating� 'coun-, or, to deliver t04 the undeisikned,' ek- 11 o I- e reading�,matt k And-, e ve -C I. ren, and 1hat his ab n constgnt y,3M4uire new. supplies, '6c'uiorls undei. the, will' of t e said than y 0 n Clear tber Canad' In try4 se: Ce'frO ..the afm.at'this. season ian. arm paper su o a, mo o Ile wits: glas d f t r ear -&id s'atithe`16w.et editi. "This arranT, tile, re -7 top shading :of, graduallyAlit ant: er'An, a, wee o____: 'a, u ames an ud-.;. nFam. d )1.1 Sill f the, ''lAre'' �f' e s` opera IS.'*�itei to his, 7 John Graham, their n d stnick . I 'o - ern equipmefit 'and, increase, family. mbnth-tfi� Ijer�l i)v -a. inotor enil. e gement. cuts,.. g �o nj facilities.- To, iuncti�n at.peak ed dressei antf full: particulars in *rit,-: A He 9 sentenced by' Magistrate Weekly. Star� Molitteal.", OnJ'y a dot - was xvhile�-­perniitting an--.-aficlouded -Ivilew�� . h. is a groui encou . ospital Wal er 0 ct. 16th- --c iii of their C1 im -st, h n 0 S: and atments of dragged some, liftle, diAneid be ore of the' eat'-foy.16nds I�at re of the ar a ear or yeafs 'for d litek- . . - 11 . their account' I three broadcast. an annual app d. 6s 1�ince 'beeri.,donkg thne. near s"atid �-the U an Walkerton jail. ..'se ur ly now.. making .'u-onder ul, Improve - I IMp adun vin the Stone',pile: 1. tl car was',briought to a stop. .'11 r'. duck f* I .'con- th f or, it is -only tfirtiligh ihdlv e heart! .)of c '. ities, it aliy, 161d by them du th'' n e -I le.w4- 1heir lieds� a -little, and:,Icok, oti h i8tall the 'best h' -vs- io . h' L tributions t at, it clan ir Bowes w. uneolf� up unet thr h .9 s at ivek forgot.teh. in: t e t agreed thatJ PU ��rified by Afljdavit.'�. ne ments b le it is no he. ,.picked, tip a fis"' lWeried' 6 air koggles 'until, -the e. to way, to Severer in, i,give. the.. best, of '-';that � follow. Filoim_ till' shment i s in any nti,' W. t tile" the tops'.,of the (if eq d Arid', 'take nVU4b ll after the I I uipment ari. �ye4is . . . About t le offending edr ias passed,'when they _day- of -beeeinber A. D. 1928 oHe ser:vJce. It was founded.,ss, a.'rner0. e , th�r is ''evidence thip.'But St' In . e View 'of , the seriddi injury' inflicted' r 1s.:othc'rwf.4'e slevckel-Y br'uis�-' -of their normal. i'� '--1 0 0, Y s ia otWesterin Mario S61diers" Who hi 't'ni: by �An' atfai* that.ip be �_said 'executbri will. icep,4. a few d�ys, a ;�f' the Whil on. s C I th I .,parts of the s, also suff-ring f Y'Om ion rough'. the' ower Great a:A e. Ch of the �ve -'high atile assets of the, said a Is lb tO o6.lal opening w, d' tr u :ce Day,plea been prac uriproL year it squilds its Armis rs r took ad* (!eased. th entitle St. d school pupil� of ea As c6ftdinlv-uncAlled for �tmong e, p n,, th h, Othis ��Portdnity'to PAly, ng regard to 'tb.tl v*d an� at the memory'of t 6 heroic dead th ih&eto havi %rqntage I e,� ffort to get" his. centeAe' -and "f then hay be perpetuated t '�a`,htimahitarian one� based t t fiiav yet 'clidis 6f,whicli the* shal' in little. boy IL . . s tribLteL -to their.- ormer principa Y! y Oirls i7i ime�a ppl- this.-_ 'duc4d I -notice, and that the. s * e ecut- it'l, and h. Perry, A it is� 1�* solely on, the 'plizlit, of id v ncss*. entation. Of a will not be liable �6.r the said ing,ibe. qrm 0 a PreS, WAlkertou Hetft1d Tintei ors. I a -a -0: an Contri&ltio�ns to id4h,'the xvotk,of �ets or, part fhereof t iie-sized, portrait. ill oil ith.*All a07' y Per - the. Wqr.`Memori�f ildren's,,flospit !I. the stud- 77-. hos� claim . they -shall not ni'should be made .O'the.JIo.%- n- pteciativ�e,addressjn. W le direct I - their OWLINO LYNX �fiefi' liave. received.notlev. nts of old acki owledged. PA i London" Ont., t given Vurs I uant to p1tal a ii5 reply. r. Perry This �no ice - is M �Up YoUr: debtednesi, In'11 tafil ' I$ h turned . es, sayin ad'of On M iesdg� morning,' Mn�- John he A.tatute in :that.,beh'aff the d depond on Datetr at Lucknl �w', this ten, said that 'he Coull )Is STOCK 11HP -Prth.' Line, shqt� a very. :Ll &I.. KOVEIENT RE Ifa !Nov. ill An A. D. 1928. customiers. -b 1611 iN 'BRUCE boys an -girls.. ille., kind y aild 19hys the Kiiielti-dine L R- Of e -CEIVES'ATTENT large lyi ix Wil -i"i 1* bona'ld", thoughtful thi-n-g. This'incident was three fe' Vie% as, et 10,09 distante oth' donfiri ation." . It is 'an,( when stretche�l o6t meas- .'10sefph E. but An er, . m_ . I Ion-, , Agnew" happy.occasioki -when in ycays after -Lucknow, Ont. ured 5 leet,' 6 The', -animal W'01'�make- of (he �h I to. IT ;NV1oodstdck - resident Exegutofs d El i 1 hompso, f gicheri and pu ils meet (,w common weig e 30 pounds. it al simpossible fo,p them, I of the '02dord County. Live gether. (2211,11- to stop trading'.-svkh you, of) t d elij d'an' JOY was mil !lie a -fox*,J10 'w'as in clump prdv6hient. Association and, he r. Fred` ft tw, 0. 1)6, you vealizd that 'one. of th'e Onti d * Dqminion. Breed,, I-ASgog- 0-0-0- of �willo�i Ar a 10 3tir through the who m ail on gn fig Over a.1ok came -turng you Can. se -a FFL. ar largest re ation, nd t, 'a I CANADIANS TURN TO cure fr6m"the e.tpenditure of It awoL ive Stock Up( ou a -,r ado,. Jack FOR A CAREFREE WIANTElf . t n a Sill Branch, :have "been. faced �lm calling up bit Alan for thiI`Don�inoio'n' M [all sum is to be,had hir 3§91sting with Wit� Customers 'S.PASON �ha a special liv� sto&k.i ipro nadd Ithe beas.f a. fd ' 11 cli.�rke : nd i occasionally 'by, Long, n velil,6fit. work lbid it Out 6st r N one ill tfie� tance? otd Bruce" County till- oeing Carrie on Illial. lVeL "Seiiii - tropical Florida- is, again ponlf Poop #)kjough!d der the auspices,of t e,C(-onty_L*' '' I h- neighb4ithood.. 1�4, seen the in' io �' -n in and �ow t got into ihAt.,sect n. Stock improvement. Asso6aiion t4 6nadians IS I I I I 136s. How can �-ou or keep a 1 sb e not re - ca y from a merchant hor W.- K. Ridd�ll ill,(! A. E. Donald, k6st tor tho wint�x; season. it Js'&kColI%in9 H1 a oehds his. money to ho`w- le ' ' ' I I polited py depredati s ar., jf.the,pure bred' herds. in the coillityN nore popular e4eil year -- princ p- mesiva his int. -rest in our affai�rsi? 'a So 'Ally eCauSe it 'IS So. tj ai�', ifs'eliniate d s were e 'We can't. have been -Inspect6 .. Call"' number oj' OWJnergL: ofA GRAND RALL Tade is go, initing, and it offe:ks' such, aq, Y -Thia- hil or 'counta on 6"'! iee edit S -bred s�pi�t� hnd.pas� rom And - non -reg rray. of fiftteiLi tihg 'which wete llsetd 'on tile &i1su§. times peelt'li;fr 'tQ jb'�t oii this trAit in' human �,;Irt of tile .�6cerit by�electiaft. Gen. L, I . . I.h. 11"'.1-1.1 ­'. erAcsh. lubticateit. 66. *h" is,' During thV Ile mentions tlZAR or ou or eottW sub 1 r coup r 11lo Y. 'Roll. Ilandsome, A in ned chamd: i'maned taken last Spring. by' the townsh' t ted 'he eathrSpotton­ prQmise.4 And lave $11 tjiL drivett by AU dwii'tuotof,l t - .1, , t.. 'if ond - - -, - -bkdattsi lie tho%,.,s- tliey'w P of kh n the �o *64j0d 6 as eieai�w assesspr§. pcp� w. IC would hold mee ings'.between S�eS- I itin, 'all other. fonns of 2utonwbi raMW1 . ­16ok for� them in, his le lightirig, to the veq po*crfid. enclosed it, the steel housiW- tire has, al�'eiidy be en- (lone in. Brant enjoy better Such 'an exciting -,novel- ster. sions, giving aft"aceburit Of his ste,%v- ideal for house Stonn king Elecfet'c. Cteaner i$L $uj�jlafitjn motole operates which covers thi "it, ThIt And 'Al�14b6l Tonships and or aWuApl#n- ardship, . .. .......... as Tarpon'tishing, churches,� public menttry 'am's d�;E "Oprate na1wal '24 giveg the tte e:Lw 0 of the, whok. 1 d *s: iven at which-, will g Jrro avenu shAdO ..by kedor .6 j'a possible. Bofti, �! not, bei At Walkerton Cbriawias r Air pa 1 fejit el groves of brief. n6npolitical address, i in snowo JIM 4*� "kib., Ja is: VOYL , g 'IMe King has i vertical 15 Ass iatiork have -made atrAn.gdm6ntr orange! ind lenion or b'Ll �,g concert �y excellent r N 01 to hold its annual Piie th' s iti %wr,whikh pma7ft "y sgaiu�t the_ Atlantic. Old: iiyer join�� -itlong the 9hore of litim 'dance,.* d '106. *1a d4 acro" v;U41t r o' an -hour_or "SO lans'"defter U&r., A -long., f *W184 IF011% i* to bo 'a with tile'. walkertolt 8- The e'g golfj t6o,L FreoArrlige..now to, �.3pcnd V9ur-winter Afiek tht'the' Ilall will be tUrnOd'," C. A R C Wt. , IS L CAL bee., ­6 -b usual nlonth�5',in Florida Any Ca jN.O L 'L " 0 W. 81111TH C13NTRAL AGE, 1,k n4diar over 0- the young'peop1g.' for''dancing. T. eihg� held 4Arlie� than AGENT AND, IX9TALS THE "STORM KING." iiiik WILL '';ALLOW in, �the, h6p'e of striMng indre favor- National Itailwa s Agent will glad- A good, 'rch�stra in attjidwnee­ 'You have reached �Yob y 0 middle�age if th0lb I*hs# 'hOld At iy 'a pply y ivith inforinktiop gbout Everybo iion,t 4sh, a, nw6d. tol Sk the clerk to ablo Weathe'r u . dy wtjc6j�e, regardlbst of a tA No IS11099, UAN W` 43.00 IN nxtnAXGE Folft� YOUR C I P0 a their b.611t Ott anill ith Ir ing c �vperj t