HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-11-08, Page 4' .THS. IMMO*: WTI SPV.P41.**. 804 1910 • , ut our Water Supp • ARE you hesitating' to install a modern automatic water sys- tem because of some uncertainty, such as cost, size, capacity, etc. We wili study your problem and make definite recommendations , lased on your individual require- " fres. As# DM. dant year W.., will guarantee you completelywesersamb &fire kris" s =statutory water service on a , eras,. No Oak do money back basis—qto4matter where Awl? • ' you live or what your source of •rater supply. ' Duro Makes an Automatic Water System for every possible deey-wellsrohallow -wefls, -cisterns, opnnts-capacitiesron,ging from 150 to 1200 gallons per hourll. • Come in and we', demon- strate Duro 0-fatures to you - and. quote prices. No obli- • gation. Thet,EmPire Brass' Manufacturing co, •Loudon Toronto Winnipeg Vancoliv-e-r :For Sale By Wm. 1111TRDIE & SON •- KINLOSS coptem The Kinloss Council' Mei ,Oct. 29 ' all Members bein,e pesent. The mutates! of last meeting • were. read; ' and on motion of Ross and Carruthers were adopted. Moved by Carrutitees *ami. McQueen that Angus MacDonald ba' paid afor fence used as a guard fence opetosit Lot T. Kinless-4arried: ' Moved by Macintosh and ..MeQueen .eliat the Board of Health having re- ported on the of Mr. D. Far- rier re .m.0,11 pox c"een, Iasi winter, !the Medical Health Officer and Sani- tary inspettor state -postively that a settlement had been arrived at for neeple for nothing than should ' ande-thant---the cream--+ de -de to 1-ilrean-to• give his Milk, cob . abide by that "deeision, and consider the claim. settled. •' Moved by", 4OSSand gae..intosh .that the road snperintendene, see Den Cassidy, and if he is not prepared to. go to work had templetethe con- tract of diething opposite:Let 11 Con., 10 at ()nee te take sties eo have the • THE DocroRs Biusr LIVE A doctor was severely crititedby it coroner and juei for not aetending :in, injured child until three' hours. . • after the aecident: His. explanation evas in partethaitlie .parents had paid. his Villa for , years. The jury seemed, to think that this Was no ex-• planation at all. But doctors belie te live. They:begin to earn Money fron their priefeest'on latex than almost ane. other men in Any other =ilk of li'fe and after, in • exCeedingly.. expensive training., They are eplendielly reepon sive to the •huinanitarian"-calls mad upon them. Yet they mei/ claim the2 should no more be expected to attent: . • . same completed -earned. • Moved by Rost and Macintosh that the reeve and clerk be empower- ed to sign any documents in conaec- lion With enetalling 'Hydro eleetzie * for Allister linghe-s,-"---car' r.ed. Cheques insued- Charlet Butt care • ' Hall item. April 23rd eci Ott. 29th $1600; ktinicipa,1 World Supplies Al ' 42054 ex McLeod, Pay lis.t no.113. $37.65; Robt ".liontgomeeee Pay fist , ao. 114, $21.15; Ilarlinetee Steele Co, 115, $31.69; John Johnston:116e • -136.50; IL . Mourthsen, 117, 12040; H. Leivett,A18, $25:i72; H. Lov,etete".119 '. $24.05; J. A., 120; 59.57 Jebel Busnell, '121. t27.00; Neil :Mc- Callum, 122, V2504 J,. licKletattn. • 123, $28S9; Couneil adjourned to meet as, a Court of Revieron' on the Stirling' Drainage' Ry Lev': ' COuntile-Rfterned on! the Stirling .Drainage By Law.- There" being no • appeels it „Wane moved hy Rost sec. by McIntoeh that the By Law be read a firal seeoad ,and third time and finally. passed signed arid ...sealed- By Law ,duly eietutect • ' • The Cottheil adjourned till Monday 19+.11.it the usual tirete and piece 3Ieffat, derk A.mr, T-�sE:COND-r&IN•GeA-D-,AN('S ' RESPON's BLL SUpereisingedateere halldoes not , nemeeiteleta,eelle :•.,„_.eanmee' of the "daty of the Proeintial Poli,et. -Perseus -con- dtietiqe,a dare are held responsible ter<4 perreittieg 416§e4 under the lefluenee� lq-nor, •enterini. If: the totintereenee eh.t, the polite, if 'they • hear of it, will vmfer zharf„,.es et :them. Officers have had to mike this clear to certain iate.es ;etc:al!•, $ay,theWilloirton .;reliscope, ' • bler to suPply free shoeson demand The Jere' oniitted to consider ow point: They ihoud • have directed '; rider,stgainst '.the thousands • upoi thousands of people .whe haltitualle leave their doctors' and 'dentists' hill:. to be 'settled last of a.11.-Excheinge' . ' • THE BIGGEST GR_ -.LN 'ELM...ATOP • The Saskatchewan wheat "pool haw completed the construction of an 'ele- tator at Port Arthur, declared to the largest in the world; It has r cePacity, lof 7,200.04o bushels. Thath a bigetignre, bat how big? %- Figaro it out in terms f farm ef fort or .eapaelky, as, we know' farms aroend here: • • ' It would mean in, the first Place fignring, production At 30 bushels tc the acre. the yield of 240.000 acne coeld b stored in that ele.vator. Of •e:Oorse farrnstIn the. west art larger. than around , thiseeXiStiict 'where we generally think in terny of 100 acres.. SO leave it en that bas- is, and it trOtild 2.10 farmof a 10Qare each growing, ,nothing but- wheet. The entiin eutput coule be stored in that new elevator ' It is quite apparent that •this Cab: Ade Of ottri is doing tiaimzs on a Kele tliet is impressively larv. lettY0 KNOW SENTINEL/. 7 rrs LIKE T1MBgTljE IN CALIFORNIA ' A Glorious Place To Spend ' The Sumrner Ir Suety ,Califorree 'yeti will fityl wendetful places to sper,i'a mohth or two :hs Walter. •_It is a teed, of -tine ecraared 'climate; legIs teeutfaine of reeletzrfel deserts .atei fasetirat:fig Clt. rereat etembug„ It .ie the, 'first time Omelet aslarge a a peke of and for poWer; _OfOce is necessary„ mes•••Ithnt. Denfietatig eeedidate fote tely: eeeeseaper, contained scores .of .otheet tot pewee or for; party -and ace"ait,) e sorts centres a'ne. the•Facific -Coati fle,t, Ta_rat _trokatf .7011_ i.d4ricw. jittk„titorettitait.tiat_thia. Published every Thursday morning 4. Lucknow, Outari°' — A, D.: MacKenzie, Proprietor and Edit.or. • THURSDAY; NOTEMBER=lith, 1928 - ARMISTICE TEN YEARS AGO Sunday next will be the tenth 'an- niversary of the day on Which the World War 'came to a close, °forever a great day in human history: Only now is the world .settling down to an even course of ling. The war bad agitated the world as a storm sigh. tide's the ocean, and long after the storm had ceasede-wavei of emotion continued to roll ,around the world ever • reminding: its, of those four dreadful years : When there was rest neither day nee night; and war was the all -absorbing subject. }low peace- ful, prosperous and happy are these years,. to those who can remember. ' THEiBANK MERGER The Canadian Rank of Commerce his absorbed the Standard Bank of Canada, and the number of banking ,ihstitutions in this country has been reduced by one; There has been a good deal 'of op- position to this absorption, of Osman bank byeeie-hirge one, andfthereeliae_ been a good deal of, feelfinding with the King Government for permitting • We could never see the 'sense, of this opposition. If it is good hnsinees for the banks; let them go ahead Wiirb' it, They know e best., •Those opposing the merger assumed- that nianY banks means More competition and better service to the public. But bankers are not foolish enough to persist in a epolicy-ofe-entetlifortt competition -which ^ould only be injurious to a11 of If not. allowed to absorb • one another they -soon • will findother means Of avoiding comPetition; • 'There .is no' danger of a few big -leaks • throttling business; for that venild, beagainst their own, interests Besides should • they undertake tole Sum their po.eitiort a rentedy soor -an be found ." They are not a ve thelaw , • We agtee with Finance Minister Robb. who Seye that it !a better.tc have a few strong bans than a numt • ,ber of weak ones, and that it as bet to have bank manageri.thenbant allures. • • . TWO .RA'rS AT ED31ONTON1 . '1 In Eastern 'Canada eiheie the carn-. ion rat has ,long been a ,familia. luteanc&it may noee, he geeerall: 1estnictive rodent ,was unknown ii he great pritirie region fient'•,.Win iipeg to ;the mountains. . A few years ago the first tat era: een at Bran- clon, :Manitoba,' eniFthe ither day e pelt was seer. to eseapt eetom, a car of lumber at, Edmortton Mese likely carne from 'British Co} :ruble; .where rats came. years age ,way of, oceangoing ships. At ° Edmonton e determined t. am -ystematic ,hunt Was made for tht lair which, escaped frein the ca Is though they were Plague .geeme Co chance was to be given the Mar tuders• to multiply, but nhat Mean re of success attended the hunt not reperted. ' All over the World the rat has ac otnttanied ciValization every:Where ex acting a heavy toll r from the food tuuffs. which .7inap produces for .him ielf. The loss Caused by rat h 'ever.1 :ear, "runs into millions., and Wher rats' once become esteblished they, lefy all efforte*of eradication; Little owonder that the people of the Prairie, West view the first ra: Vith .alarrn, ,end• fight hint :as a pia rue, But the at will get there seen •Ir later. He always 'does, end, before nany years, like weeds and rest ane ail --wille-te Yearle. exactiag o toll oft; uillions. • ' are ,alegane which aPPeal to the av- erage man ever,ywhere. The average man is not, ceeialele'Otetheeesunttain thoeght neceesery to sec the falacies, ifivolved. The iirst• appearance is enough fer hint. What sorc of itetroin, only would we have if cur 'coaclus, ions were determinedebY a vote of the people, guided by emit light as they ,heVe-of thlhr-Ova.: It is safe .to say that the, earth . would still be •fat With the "snee nleen making daily trips around it. - What scat cif 'aiedicel Profession weld we have, if inedieal mea took thr orders 'from. "the' peciile"; and were directed by votet, Yet, that would be jest as sensible as •having a trade policy, deterinined by a vote. However, there it: no getting away •Utown t uMiI quite 'reeentlY the rHE'UNITED• STATS AND FIIGH TARIFF ; • Sp Wedded to o high protective tar - °elf as semething peceliarly Anteridan as the. thing which • has made the lettited States wealthy. ere the :pea ••••1e et the United States thate in the reeent- pre.sideetial election tarn paigo entli.eandidatee thenghteie pecesSary een-eeletitertherneelnes apeetree, of ,the There is' 'apprehensien lest, •in the eyelet of a Republican vietory in the United States the famous tariff wall may be made .higher and inoee secure than ever, and there it sonte' expres- sion of 'resentment. ' This is wholly without reason The people of this country are just ar protecticlaist as are the people, of the TJnited 4tates; and they do thern- selves ten times More haem •With their high tariff than the Aeletican.4 :do with theies. Here high tariff tends ,to confine etfade to some ten million. people, While the 'United ,States tar- jffs permits freedom of tirade =Ong. • some one hundred and ten millions. , . A -UNITED -STATES -BALLOT The experience of a voter here in Ontario gives bat a faint idea of the teak Which. , awaited electors in. the Milted States when they went to thc polls on Tuesday of this Week• :e . We nannot but think that our .com- paratively simple methods of securing out goveriunents and public otficie:e is much the better one. althougn ti may appear to, pet 'mere patronage eatetlie-disPosalenteeheepolitical-partee which chances to hold power. - It looks to es' as though the peolik . roeesptheetsgee, ca:rrilteeoPathblc 4iheavei,fin,desmoino; racy,' or the election of public seev- ante'. too for; also that the voter is- etked to. do "altogether _teo 'Much in ,one day. SO much is :asked" of ,lun that the Overage ?man can 'only have a vague idea of what :he is ,doing .e -hen narking his hallotfor it 4. some. ballet. .For" sane months we in cane& _ known that there was: to be Unit ed 'States presidential election. earl -e- lle Noeembere and we imagined e thc .41ectOr going to 'the poll and voting ,for, the Republican or Democratic eendiclitte as the case might ' be.. But ae 4 Matter of fact that Was but a sitter :tart of has task -just the beginning A friend in Detroit 'Sent us a OM" if the ballet to be used in Wain oun- • • y, Michigan; in what has been refer- red, to as. the Presidential- election 1, was in feet fee :more than Presi. lential election. But the greatness e the office of president so fir trans - ends atrotber ces-to--,filled that - it completely overshadows thene site - the election is diaignated a president jai election ' only. ,• To bkit, with: the names of the weeicleatial candidates ,q,i.not appeal M the ballet at all; 'because, as point eel- out last 'week, the voters do no' vote direetle'n for a president.' The 'Vote for a number of 'men who are •tc meet and vote for a president and r. vice. president. The state of Michigo• was to. supply 15 of these men, and OT 't he ballot were 97 names from'Whici the v....4er Wis. expected ' to selece': those *horn he considered" most fi' 'o undertake the • important:. matte- choosing."a president.' . • What could the average voter be ex leetod, to know of these \87 candidates e • ets a matter of fact he knew- riothme of them, .excepting that , groups V hem were nominated by certain pelit ice& parties', of which he did knee :toniething. The Repuhlicali Party ha? nomiziated 15elthe Demetitats 15;the. Prohibitionists 15e the Socialists. 15 the Social Libor ,party 15; and, el, Worker's. 'arty 12, _ e In order, te simplife" the voter'S tasl the names put Yotwaid by the differ erit parties .were grouped en separate. iolurnite. on the ballot, and oyer' coltunn there .tvae a cite in Which L f the voter •rnarki'd an X he votedfer „Jell the candidates pet forWerd lty the ,oarty Whose candidates"' 'pines oc- 'eupied," that coluren: 'But he celled. if lie those, mark for the earldidateisep- arately. • But hesidee these"- 97 names ; "15 'of tcliich were to be, marked in the ores.. -idential election; the leaflet. Which war: tors, a Representative in Congres, State ,stiSellatt:Preitolideaelterepreznetas:oivne: ing to our provincial government), And as though _that, were not enough there were county OffiCialSto be elected as follows: Judge Of Pro.. bat (2 of thene), 2 Ceunty Sheriffs. ee,County Clerk, a. County Treasoret, a Registrar of .needs, a Proeeeuting Attoriteere'n County Auditor, a Ceuaty. Cleceit Coda Commissioner, 2 COion- ersc- a Comity Surveyor, a County Road Commissioner, a Ceunty Drain Commissioner. That Was all, , In the Republican column there Wee! 03 nettles, and in the Democratic col - emu the same nunther..The four les - sere eartieS 'did not put forwatel full .ticket 'e The ,great majority of voters would those the easy method. of 'voting a sstraight ;party ticket, by, ,markiTig an X • it the top of the 'Party tolumn. thus Voting •for.eVerithing from, pret, ident down to county dramn. ceimmis- sioaer at one stroke. The newspapers ereatly assist. the -voters. hy publish- ing c6Pies of the etiormans ballot be fore thus giving an cpportunity for its study. It SUrele, is • iMPosing a needless task upon the electors to ask them to elect sueh county officers and clerks• Auditors and surveyors; Lid another mistake to have Fclerel State and ,COunty elections on the - sante day and by the one ballot: • CANADA'S PRIME 'MINISTERS- - • NOT MEN OF WEALTH • The ,OetaWs- Journal 'in an editor- ial, peers the following tribute -to the eublieemen of • Canada:, • • •, The move by Canadian., Lierals to present ito Mr. Lapointe a fund of 1.25,000 recalls other actions of sim- ilar kind in Canadian political hist- Sey.• subscription of $100,000 wits --eiVeneeloye-Canadian--Conservativee tO Lady MacDonald. Sir 'John,' his sal: ,ery excepted when he wile in.qffice, had • nothing; ": Sir. Wilfred Leerier / • eefis as poor The house oceupied", by a LiberalcPrime Minister:Was pre- aented to Lady 'Laurier, with :in ad - (lien a 'slim or .money; supposed tc have approached $100,000 for main- tenance. In recent years 8100,000 was subscribed .b.Y •Lilterals and COnserv- itivesboth for Mr. Fielding', who was a poor'holee ' " :Few' among the public men of this country have been n'ealthy, To attain prominence in pelitice, an early dart in life is usually neeets.s.ey; once in eolitics little time is left for an else. And Until perhaps recent days,. there has been no motley in pol- . ties By this. we do notentean that there is mortey 'in politics pow in any unfair way, but that in modern fin- mnemal , affairs it sonietinies happens that valuable advice fri&i", finanCial men; may. assist a public Man to in- vestments, which :miter prove profit- able. At any rate, such is reported to sonietimee happen, . e , If eneetosts a -glance-ever -the-Bet of Prime Ministers of. Canada since/ ontedetation, no hame; Of it 'man wealthy •by modern standards, pre- senth it..eelf, and only one or ewo who night be considered wealthy by anye standard. ,MacDonald peer, Alexan- der.MacKenzie, poor; J., J. C. Abbott. moderatly well off; Sir/John •Thorope son, poor; MacKenzie Boeell, hardly well off; Sir Charles Tuppef, com- -mratively peer; Laurier poor, Sir Robert Borden; rather better off thar ais predecessors; Meighen poor'. , Me - k enzie.King, not 'wealthier than Mem. ghen was: • Such is the complete Vet of ID.). •-einion Prime "Ministere. An examine alien of , the .Case of the 'Whole per- sonnel- Of Doininion .Cabinets Since. "'"..eettfederation would discover few _eases of ..wealthyi men; the same n'enild be the ,fitchrig .in regard to. •Peovincial Prime Miniet and,. Cab - :nets. :end •the great .inaioritYeif our pub: men lice toniederation haVe not nteans,eeicept salaries when in office.' butetliosee-who --have nassed away, rarely left lunch more behind theme' They were honest -nen.' The purpose of the :Jotirnal in • 'rehearsing these pet -Sena' matters le. to beat "tribute to the high, standard. ..the very high st'andatd. cf, our 'Can- edhan public, men in the matter, of personal 'honesty. Hardin ever, inthe sixty years of Centederetion,• has the breath of scandal touched the persone al honour, of a proininent public man in regard to inefieen anYenereorme 'nein ethet than office' and pdever Keen about power the' have been. '1 1.11 t It' iii4`:11ffif illiVIIII I ---. • ,• mum& 'ir 974 li• I-, i , r rili l• i CHATHAM ,e1t1 , ' ‘ flee • ,-Su.peptboeselietels 1? eeeeeeeeete, hae - tonere that' stated, t eiareee, of 41*.sh'i'th• th taffled Vtit“' , Mary .rtsik•tttS ('',;t"1.s :plan their itinetate- v.a. the Nerth Piellit cease. Thisbestny and teetnenghtan• character:. of 'Vanzottrer end viztayiv •Canediee fevoue• fa•-•. western. it. reit;* the. journey enjoyable and Interesting. • cten pI,ete !ref orrae.,w,. CalifOrrea ee Inc'. anten•odation and literature eladlv supplied b'y in* Con - 'idler,' National Itall!ent Agent. thatthe people of- the InItted 'States 'were -Out, there• ire one of the. lee'eties terinbeeeening mere and More attach; Bides ieting`for candidates which .. on elo le,y. ed ‘O the protection ' 1* were to select' a president, the elect. Let 14 close, this r article with r Iteis what.:raight be reepeete4 in t -...1-g tzolre, 41.,s1.zejto vt,Ii15 -for A State stery whi"th may it.3,ttstr5te- at lesY Goternor,, a Lieutenant Govereor, a be the Cage sometimes of a man *he State Secretare, a Stat e _Treasurer intensely give* his ate to polities A‘',qtate Auditor General 3 Justices and his country. Sir john Uacton• of Alio stAte Stipreme,Court, a Fireoit aid, s few' Sionths before his death dernocrao.',,c. for power, _party 'success is entessart- eeepublk„..eneenehan 'e.....ienneePrettYeefae. at times. But the inot.was, athbi tiore.not, greed. , • The tnajoritv of people tn.. all counthes are. protectionists Proteen tbe home producers; Proteci the workman; 'Protect hare, indlistryl Shut oUtwitais torwt-is ,eonipeti. Woo, , w • Court Ju4g2 VnIte4 Otitis Oa*. sant logtq t» :mita Ouit b. - , 4 • McCormick -Deering Chatham Wagons 14 STAND THE STRAIN. OF4HEAVY HAULS. •ON • THE :FARM,:, OR GRAVEL HAULS ANO•EVERY WHERE TILAT uAPACITY `"•Lcaps TEST THE FIBRE OF CON STRUCTION OF WAGON GEARS: WE WILL BE PLEASED '10 EXPLAIN THE SUP- 'ERIORITY OF THE PATENTED CHATHAM DUMPER SKE- IN, THE DUST-PROOF'SKEIN pox, THE IPCTRA STRONG IRON REINFORCEMENT OF THE GEAR. HUI3S OF SELECT- ED BIRCH, RIMS OF WHITE •OAK, AND SPOKES 'Ole BEST GRADE elIGKORY. SPECIAL. CARE IS GIVEN; TP EVERY PIECE OF MATERIAL. 0. ANDREW ii.GENTe L.UCKNOW .• - Wanted to see a certain • member of 'MANY • . the staff. about some currentpolitical mattee. The visitor was shown jet() the library at garnsclifFe. Sir John xas alone, seated. at a little table at one of •the windows; playing' a genie of solitair,e, with 'himself: Strange oc- zupation for the old ruler of Canada! Ioolting up, • and catching a stare of surprise on the visitor's face, the old plan, said,etyoueeniea bit:A*41)0- Let may say that you behold one side, of the rewards of public dife. Occas- ,ohelly, when Parliameet as net ill sespion-eewhen it is we getierally. have a cabinetimeeting between lunch and Parhament,-I to-nieuee my- self for half an hour -with a gaMe of Patience. it is practically the only re creation I have had for thirty Years"?' THE DRINK HABIT • The so called "drinking -habit" not compatible with the Ceeditione of our. present-day life '1Wenty million automobile vehicles on mit public' highways :provide tWepty million ar- guments against the use of alcoholic beverag,es, It would be Tee:better if the discontinuance of alceholoe stim- ulation could have conie about with- out prohibition laws.. The -railroads had 'pet found prohibition laws nec- essary for the maintenance of their rule Against the use of liquor . by men ,operating trains. We have . new however, to 'deal with the fact that rohibielon-paiets, and thateits -more, energetic'. opponents offer no subiti- eute except to set up the States themselves in the liquor business. In any case, the drink habit is doomed oa virtue: of the fact, that We;- as, a nation, have adopted other habits Mid customs that , Make drinking a thine outlawed except by the reckless and •-e-Amerlean 'Reeiew Of Rp,iews' INDUSTRIA h. A Ct CIDEN I S IN 0C7OBER The sefeguarding:of heitistriee has ,),•-• been-MA(16 a live tOptc'; 'by the press • 1.1 st fee; months,,!! says R. B. • Morley., ,gengral , manager, • Industinal , , Accident Prevention Associations "Lut . • hardlyenough attention•has :been -'ellnetneeafegeunding eniedeedeteen - industry"..lie states that October•h• established a, new -"Iiigle,'for all ewe . • • . :in total nuniber of aecideets reported to e. the ,Woekreeies Ceinpene,atel .Boaril in any ',One moath. ' October ' there were 8,278 aecid.en;s reported • • to the Ecterel, 51 of wnieh'were,-fieel.' • This. figere, tops the .total fete OctoLer 1927 ihy moee than. 1„0900, :reneetee• Benefite awarded• last, month, whieli incliiCled a number of heavy eost es, totalled $7e7,47e,31, of%**itieli $111; 05,147 waS for medieaFaid. • .. • ' Deatli casee have, reached 406,•. -in -ten inonthe.of 19eSagainse 429 in the" :whole .of 1927, This yeae's fieures are . of couree, swollen by, the Hollinger 'fire in the spring,. and the recene Manaseo diasteme the harid„ • Mr. elo.rley points out that:there • is , every indication that time fatality ex-: perience. .the clasSee' ef 'industry " am. the Ieduetrial- Accident. Prevention . Associations" slion- 'little if any changes in l92S. ,to. elite the re- Skhe'dule 1, (,ases, in ..'111')2$ against 39 '19.17.; . cord of deatli_.s in..0thLee elaseese which: ' represent about twen.thirds of the .1:ay . roliji The 'Family Herald end 'Weekly . „ .• . , , Stile of ..Montreal With its neederfel • improyements, is. recognized c't• the • greatest money mekers, fer, formers 11, Canada, 'while, its in:igazine sect ion , , is a gem inirivatlied. • . . Phone No. 10 is at Your Service . We Self for Caah--VJe •Sell. Cheaper Than The Credit Steri • GOOD CHEER STOVES The GOOD CHEER ,Oven Heater ;ls in a Class by Itself „ ITTILITY•COMES FIRST IN'ANY HOUSEHOLD' ' EQUIPMENT, THEN RELIABILITY; LONG 'SERVIOE' AND BEAUTy. . • ALL THESE c'eliALITIES ARE SU MME'D, UB IN THE "GOOD THE FIREBOX IS ROOMY AND BUILT •RIGHT IN.. THREE- MINUTE-SerYOU- CAN .RAISE Mk. CUAL (MATES 'TO MAKE rHE FIREPOT SHALLOWER FOR BURNING COKE' OR AL- l3ERTA- COAL: • --- • THE OVEN•IS 20 IN w11 1. GIVE,' Room FOR EIGHT PIE, PLATES --.FOUR ON THE BOTTOM AND FOUR ON PAd.'x AJIOVE , • IF YOU WISH TO SEE THE.,,,BEST„ AT., A REASONABLE PRICE, %E INVITE YOU TO CALL, ° EtON'T FAII. TO SEE THE "GOOD CHEEIr- OIRCULATOR" WONDERFUL STOVE FOR e$39,00. • WE HAVE A GOOD ,RANdE OF IlEATERS---COAL 'OR •WO0D, 01:12'0Wiel MAKE pp sToyyl.,IIPE9:. M.ADE 1'tt.kiA1 ,ENGLIS11::• PLATE-A:LW . ON A N b. , • • , • • c l.V.d.A.N• LAM PS-- COLE M AN 1.,,eN -ee,nae; TERNS', EITHER' OIL OR ELE • -SE' Tilt PEcTATI. Met:I) 11.,7•-‘sj It AT 15.,;. GUAR- , ANTEED ,`"AND'ek."13-A-RelAIN: ment • Sash Primed and Glazed: Murclie .8/ Son, Heating, Plumbing tuidiElectrie Wiring