HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-11-08, Page 301•141.11•1•011116, • Stin and •Earth "Calories" • -The Sue . det'Oere. one billion. neteors a .secopd. • , • - This 'represents 1,000 ionsof free, magnesium, Silicon exYgen and other elements, " • The earth, "eate hetween 20,- 006,00Q and 30,000,000 shooting. stars a•day. If the eartl" 'weren't surroxinded by Protecting blankets of atIncos- phere, which absorb theWhizzing stars, life liere would be destroYed. Eighty thousand photographs of the heavens •have been taken by D. Harlow Shapley, ,director .of the. Harvard observatory„to'ileter-• mine the above facte. • A TOad.:Story •'Oee 'day; My 'father, Sistel and.'I. •were .ont in the garden; wat hipg a little' toad- ' MY • father. took 'a. little tiler, and 'very,. very gently' sciatehed on „side of the toad and, then the other. • ' The time seemed to like it,kir he would roll from side to side an wink. "X was so interested that when they . Went In, 1 'took; the stick, anddid as my father had done. . I thought it he rolls 'Rem 'side to side its' I touch tibia, what' Would he de' it I reit. the Idler down 'ais: back? • , ' 1 did 'Se; and :what do, you think happened? His skin, wbich was thin :and dirty; parted in a neat little seam. , There was a tiright, new coat he- Then my quiet little toad showed . *ow wise he .was. -He gently and carefully .pulled off• his outer skin. Ile took it Off the body and els legs first and then,- blinking Over' his eyee, till a -here lied it gone?. He had:roll- ed it into a balland swallowed It Sea Birds • Genuine- Westinghouse Electric Iron Buy Big Ben by the Vacuum (air- , tight) tin, which keeps the ptitga in ; the same perfect ,conditfotkas they . • were when they •Jeff the factory., 1711....fi • • s.W :The,' question 'is . Often aeked, "Wbere .do see biresobtain fresh -• Water to slake their thirst' ..• But it Etas never been satisfactOri13,anser - ed Anti; ..reeently..., An Pld, skipper • .hasetiikeelitneelivelut-eeenetlieeeetirdse-e- - _ . et, 'sea, far from any leed that could furnish them •waterhovering around „and :under a saitneclettd. chittering like• decks. on a het 'day 'et apond, ; and drinking In the drops 'of rein is "they fell The tee will titian a rain Biped' . 'a hundred Miles, • distant „or 'even further off,: and . selid, for it with' almost inconceivable swiftnese.., If your. wife ,has always I wanted, a genuine West- inghouse Electric Iron, here is your opportunity to obtain a fine. (MP for her, FREE. A "Poker Hand" is attached to every plug of Big Ben ChewingTobacco. Enjoy this rick full -flavoured • 4 .chew -save only ten sets' of'"Poker Hands "-Land -Ding feet-showed-his--effort.to .efface_ the, Electric Iron isyours. himueu. •' 9 • '4 • 1928wlis.2. per cent. 1:313 than Or the King ,amt 'autdiali Builds, 14:67.0th. ter9044, 1926 and 9 Per .CO#L1‘ rvio.de7 Afghan otat „ "Periodicaladvertising, in National L .&oxidon-The new Afghan capital • PubJlcatlons In the first 10. menthe Of CRY, Pertilaltelan, wbiele will replace 1933 Wes 3 per cent less thanin. the old Kabul, is nearing templetien on first 10 Menthe of 1927 and 1 per cent modern and esellleletelY Western Mote than in 1926." says R. S. 'tel.- lines, say Afghan, nes spapers reacle logs, secretary of the ,NewsPrlet Serr lug eere.. • Tb e city is the. Jespiratien of King ,Amanelleh • who • recently visited European •couritriea :and is ambitious Of transplanting Western ideas,,..cel- tere and methods, of . living to bis mountain kingdom. The. ;melees of the new pity is the official eltertert This wilt' conelet of Modern palace, equipped with the latest facilities, 'and', a number - of 'ElfphantCharg • • e huge ve • will heigui9earnIll'Ilsetnatb te detipllatigstnmentgr.• illeh lee Bureau, • New York. • . , Pages priptee' innewspaper ot eVer , 1e0,006 circulation: •• ' Average' for SeptemberDaiiles ' • Dailies Sundays • .1928 _11 108 • 1927 • 30 •• lel 4 urnnig an GREAT IJZZLE One large elephant .in ete rage is A P enough to remelYee the bravest pain- ' ter,eut when seVen of the,..monatere ' • • miraCle .that saes the melt. .W- Se - :- TO CAP RM charge two lone hunters it is, only a Chadwick recites his ono -earl, only elephant them* eifecninter In the No- vember issue of "Field and Stream.", "Then the native behind uscare- lessly trod upon a rotten; stick," saes this article, "and: af the sound the two bulls and five, cows came inti line, facing us. A moment they 'stood with lifted trunks searching for our cannot get the 'sleep so necessary to scent, and then with screams of rage the growing child, the parent is in n they started toward us. , . quandre. What is to be done on such "'Stand steady," I heard .Beit say. occasions As often as not there Is at the centre bull and give him net a suitable medicine in the Mime. all ychi'Veigtit! Work your bolt tate The puzzle 15 what to give him.to set hell!! . , „ him relit quietly. • ' 'Prom' behind' Us I :heard the native It is to meet see!. 'emergenclea thrt. .cell: 'Look out, master. They're Baby's Own Tablets were designed. going to flight" and•the sound of run- These Pleasant little Tablets .quickly • teduee, fever, L. break, .preleolds,erelieve cobetipetion and Indigestion -and allay teething pains. They quiet the nerves One of the greatest .puzzles to the careful parent is to know'just what medicine to • give .the little ones. When 'the child falls' ill with gripping pains;•is seized with sole on, teeth., refuses- food, or ,vomits what he has taken, when he cries a great deal and • , "The net ' two minutes ,are tattier blurred in my recolleetion. 14 felt as and ,promote restful health restoring a beetle might in th shadow Of a great sleep,, . They. are guaranteed .abso- boot. or a Mae bound to the 'Altai" lutely •harmless and safe for. even the front of an express train. It eeemed impossible to , epee' that mighty' on- coming force. But I worked my rifle bolt bet desperately and placed shot after shot in the chest ot the centre animal of the line, whiliebesiee me Ben's ex- press roared uuceasingly. • • • centre-- ant nialsee:ee-=-Yetele--e-bullennd_i_-al..A0.3_04.4....Arto.....dog...„.rooiceitortoue and ct,ix the youngest ane most delicate baby. Baby's Own -Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail' at 25 cents a box. from The Dr. Williatna Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. , • .At .• perhaps thirty yeeds, the 'two... i . A Boy ,and. Pho Dog: Teck Deep Program Well: Advanced 1 : .tt: wilt be about six montha : before Teciel-luglies • starts: the actual non.n.1 co' -leaned drunkenly against the . . pair: • • , • • .. . • any - ng 'UP of . its: ore. zone. on, the , , .nix nenlatitieint, ale• en their right, The. two on otaside, left elOsed. in, and • like .',te weere, . .. No. better •Prientiship, found 'Aill•T-:.;. levels, 20th to 25th, feclesive, acearde _. ' • '' me to the Northern :Miner. • The 1 troep of rldiers on parade they ,,. For they telk'and they .walk and they is .now iliiitio., Ii.e,low. -the 21st level, , shaft wheeled the riga. into the forest ' _ 'run .and they. Play.„ :! • ': •. ', , :• large:: 40.eiet: station hare been cet; • - f ,.. ' ••••• the' left :flank aninials passing, within, And they lia.;..e. their deep, secrets for at the 20th•and 21st leveis' and at the • e._•___-... twenty-five paces o us. , • Many. 'a. day Why Did. London Carry Mend UP •• . • . • --e.=---e . • , to 43. Aed, 'that heY has e:•,'.coitrade, wile . . ., i present rate .ur progress the first stage . gat water is Only a niatter•Of conjee- The ,•.bUying ': that. carried:. Mond.' should be completed ip, five ..nitinths. TO THE MOTHE , . . 'Who ••walks ,deti-e. tee 'reed 'with a deg .. , . . thinItS and Who :feels,' • He* king sea bikes' can exist with- ' The buying that carried Mond Nick'. of the, er.eseet still& siekieg...prograni be looked for lese than .100 feet hien. He -may go, where at his heelS.: •,' . . • :. • •• he sill :and his dog tare, put ,fifrolu,tbiy their .powers • ot Nickel .up to 43 -when the itieh in On .01 the: leyele the mine ean.largely enduring thirst are ; increased by the market was on is attributed to 0 P . will be„,:, there, • • • ' * ••'' - habit, 'and% possibly they. go without have :conie from London, In -view of the shaft •:.,et the 19th level the ore etrieeted tha't it' will be about 200 if _your pau .May reVerin. Mud and his .dog Will was ;90 feet fromthe shaft and .it is . , 'Watee for many days, it not for ewe; this, -the puzzle remains ensolved, ;as . with International at around 175 The ghter- ShoWs-:Sig-11.5 lao' 9are:, ' . ' ' eral weeks. . t why- the stock has sold Off to 31, , • . - feet on -the 25th• level. The 2,5tb will - . , • • Faithful . he'll etaY''for the elightest • . ••-',. . Temper Sign Board . epparent answer .. is :that Mond and deritli. ' , ,. At, Anaemia a TO le is Needed. . ' .. , . , . , And -bark wite eelight at the touch command ge .. • , . - :be A little' over: 3 000 feet :. vertical :. - International leickel Will get share and ' ' ' '''' .' ..kneeinia is eimPly a lack of:bleed. Share , alike in the new company to • ed , .a., wooden frame. tined in with be formed,....'after International elickei lens. • When .a . man .„ Is'vexed with .. , the shares have been ,gelit 6 for 1. This e ettity,oile,".litatead of going to 'harm weuld Mean, • of Coarse, that. Intel. -- person, he PAYS the priest' a 'certain • netional Shat'eS Should sell at ,a price. . , six times that, of, Mond.: . • , . : • V. leternatigeal shares are.beld- ing to -day . around 175,. Mond shares r ^ ood-ted' Oraagp, Pekoe" at a little. , . • - extra cost, 18 extra ,. goo !tf,e,co, bright Ahuniqurit . • k• ginPire'..SetfleMOIlt Gehriel. Wells., the •••Spectator (Ideld011); ' lette; headed "I.Tn-, eltipleymene :And ritigretion.") • Near enterprise an esseetitte element ot the. :Prehlellie. Netliierers-,ere aeeeed betore..employnient•Can• be had. :To increase. the: miMber. et • employers Is pert .ot the transfer et labor. What; I would suggest, .then (speaking with deference -not tieing. an Englishman),, to that the EngliSh Government turn Itself 'into an agricultural and • Indus-, trial. employer on an extensive and diversified. scale, beth in Canada and the: Other Dependencies.. Let the Eng- . Ilse Government. In those places buy tip tracts of uncultivated' lands, and eetttelish thereon farms; Mills and cog nate industries; even to the :letting upi of ' new' eentrete of PePulations. The Gevernment, nfather to his child, ren, °Wait to take aons and deugh- (era ey the hand ad effectively heti. thorn to helOthentseeres; and not sit • them- adrift. upon, the uncharted sees 'of.;petentleittles. • , . Weak' Colds with., Miearces Liniment , , •'' ago' Seconds. • Agents et geed character and above', the average' :in , ability, to sell an en, , tirely • lie* •Latid Meet 'IlbeialOiee. 'ot. life -insurance policies for elilleren bee . tWeen .ages elie and , yeara . -Ad in .ap, Arkatisas paper.•;.. • -In a Japanese . leraple there f'filt.: tion and loading facilities were pre lt is one Of the most comni' en and at his handi* , s, , which nobody steals, ' • , Below the 19th.level a crushing sta pared ,fer during snnft..ninking. It T, the same ,time most dange. rous Ohhe owna treasure calculated that c'ele-tlairci of the work efee from :which growing girls 'suffer. Who walks down the road With a dog • It is Common because the blood , so .eum Of 'moneyfor a pail and erives '11 into the frame':, •:In this *ay' he re- -heves his. tenitier -.without doing much arm.„ It would be a ',good •Idea to linvn frames „fixed ...up in our haye been eiovinge tip gradually And • nurseries, iO . that when: little boys went aboYe 23 r,eceatlr. : If ' Lon and girii xrero, inepned to be a trifle •:den interest* and theywere impert- mil entirely fooled, thee they entlid lake some nails Ant.: wete and hamtner them Into these, frames ' till the bad temper diaPPearetl.` • Pie„,y. he soinething .left unsaid.. , • •'' Stippose that . when the baste ot 'the Merger hs annismeed. It wee, foutid that Alone" shareholders would be given Pie shares in .the ho1ding, eom-. , The limger I iiire. the more deeply pany • for each, share held and Inter- • itin I convinced that that whiele leaked notional: shareholder's e wit. .share„ the difference - betweenr eiteinan and e. Ibis Weed mean that Mond ' shares ' another, .bets een the wette and poll:re-should .have a .valuation of 'domethieg . trine: the great and insignificant is better than 43,, energy, Invincible ' determination, a The =mer ei a tmete. f,r the, mere 'Purpose atice termed, and then death ger rases : another questibm U In- ter victory.-Fowell, Beaton. 0 tetnational Nickel as it steeds to-dey. worth 6 times as much , as Mend ' • 'Belief by:Self . Ntekel, having, 'regard' to physical as- . To believe in Oneself is the mark Or sets,, earning poser net cintrent as: a 'wise man. , To believe only inane- Sets, elant•and capita], etc, .. self Is the mark of a bore. To belieee „. ' only in others is the Mark of afatile The London Hunt and . . . _ idealist: To helieVe neither in one - Ciiunte y: Club is widqly :belt nor in others is the mark of It known for the excellence of f"1- . its afteroon teas. For sev- eral .y ars *this progressive 'club has usied no .other tea but Red Rose Orange Pekoe -a blend that leads all Others in &WM" and fullbodied richness. Put up only An bright* clean aluminum paekages. . -, isiiv , • • Elie.rgy getting from: the 3.9th to 26th level is alteade depe. ' , • • eevelepra often be feet south of the present central shaft Shaking Of the newshaft600 Odd :. , -47a4u:d is.udvi.going Ahead .at a, good rate,. eimraeee The first,leteal Of, this Will he the 25th tic:grow s and the second the Adth,' 1,600. feet mg girl From the 25th level and inclined tihatt esete fallow Abe zone to•Ahe..10th,,be,, Itas-bsee 011ie to w ing more :or.lees a coetematimi of the in , eebui present central Shaft. • ' . Newsprint •Statistics • . , weilceerid Williams' -"Newsprint prodUctien in the -S. Miss :.cia and ,Canada and' Neweeendlaad ,dur- ing the first nine inontha Of 1928 was 5 per ;cent. oie 'than for theefirst, nine months 1927. • e,itImports 'et:newsprint intr, the us. was -continually weak and tired; my Were 9, peeeene more .thart for the appetite was;P9or, my sleep unrefresh: first .8 months of 1927.... txports ot :newspoit from the ,mg and. 1 was troubled s with.beekaches U.S. Oa:muted . to 7;406 tend for the 'w.Toithti!aateull:itatPt;le'seY'dit;Fiisies •'e.:da!talitetagl3k:/'d- fleet 8 menthe: of 1928 and 9,5.86 tons .atio'n' e k d ,-Expotts a newsprint bean Canada 'etate, . my mother, 'learning of ihe value of Dr. ,Williams? Pink' Pills,. had for the first S months Of 1927. 17. pet cent more thee.. for .the .first for. aPihe nie take them and- after using them . time I can say the result for the first '8 months of 1928 'Were 8 months .of •1927. • • '. • was, simply wooderful, as thee cone porturaty •occurs I etWaye just how to meet it. There is. e real comes - impoverished' :daring ' . et his heels. ' eat; when girls often ()Vele No.'other can iute,hiln a*eY from his ' „oieritudi. It is gangerou'4 __,_ side; . . . •• : - „ ... . . of :, the stealthiness of its' HU:S proof against riches .• ancl . station • and lie,cetise of its tendency'. .. and .Pride:. teadily worse. Every grow- Fine. dress does not charm him, and ,sahifiouolod tO4ciscaisaligindatolluys. ttre.okatici, is, iofisatttoenrt;ts4.ebrcieaogth; i.,ar • iie,.a. fait•h-fa-i: hasn't . , • allarfo,etarleiheoailasrdehacafarredel.aynataeavreirahot u.Aistraloaciatiaii:-tt.fih.vaieft ese ef their pewerful-action to death; • . ' 'ding .• the blood. that Dr. He' sees : the great -ion'. which • the there are children In your fianietil-thye,t are Sullivan,. -Pineher Creek, ' At yeer peels.? • • ei .reptitation. • The case , of Qh, it's great tebe young .e.ith k dog. Ica.se... just, a ,,fleA.;., drianpas.y, find you •tt.r-iciaut , Pink pills have made a body concealscvretaielssLet i , „ .. le.. ,t?.10eerrity'e'ts. h. innildnidesaa:trytd:eatilt:7h,:teea dba•ot2tki.ts :Cam-) , in ."‘Vrten"DaXs is colic or constipation is relieved; or Done." ".1 . ' .Classified Advertisements, 9 litAt TARN PER POUND UP. TWENTY - it) one sample's free. Stocking .11i • larsi Maim. Dept. 1. Orillia. Ont, " Probably Bacteus ' Stage Haedeei:Sliall I lower the curta,in?" •.• Manager-"Whyr -Stage' . Hand -"On ot,* the livin' etathes has the med. Blood-letting cannot be healthy,' 'It • hail 'been abaigioned by the surgeons and 'let it be abandoned. by the: nee tions.-Fleld :Marshal Lord Allenby... • MIX YOUR LOCAL DBASE's sea Canadian. Artist's Series 'Christmas Cards Beautiful Hand -Coloured Christmas ' Ca.s•tts designed by Cana.da7,8 Leading --Artista. Twelve -especially attractiye: Cards with Charming and appropriate. sentiments may be purchased at a. 'considerable saving in boxed Assort- ments at 50c. ;1:00. and $140. • P • • Itublished by -.ROUS !LINIT,ED1 172 ST5ACOT. ST. T0LVII'z5r0' TENTS List or • ''‘Vanted ins entiOnS",,. ,and Full lnfors.satioft .•ent ir'ree • .• on Betpiest. • . • TILE RAMSAY co.. neat. V. ' 573 Bank St., OttaWa. Ont. Preveritilre f17:;;IIPerrevepnairiinfrsetiffitill.e:psra:inni!: and hurts Of. any leind:41.1,e M inard's. Ors en your ildren for It Alta., amply proves the eaitie of this Medicine, •Misi Sulli4an• sayst"During' my school days I suffered a great dee'. from thin and. watery blood, I OMAN SO ICK COULD NOT WORK • • diarrhoea .checked. vegetableepro- ' .• duct; babytereedy meant for ioung Helped by Taking Lydia E. Pink- • folks. Castoria is abotit' the only thine ham's , . • .Veaetable Compound Mistakes, you have 'ever heard doctors advise • Sask.s0T,Ixtsle.aMtghteitalaid.:Ecotl‘uhrad.t. heard Of that golicidailLiamdicadEiciaPeian14-` I %sill -not „be with-,' not work: at all and Ould not sew on he • machine. My aunt told me of Lydia E. Fink- . ham's,Vegetable Compoundandnow / ern telling all of my friends , hew good it is and f will • • answer all letters t get from 'women."' ' -IRS. MARY ScnutaIES, Graieland; ' There- are about three things, a fel- VeindgailthgerinofolPts. to sSta-ono tiny ea mieted‘iveines lew . can •do : when he makes a ' IniS' harmless they May be to baby. take. He %can. reSelve .that he will Good old Castoria! Remember the; never make' :anOther,., which is fine, 'same, and remember to buy it It may, but impracticable. Ispare yoolev.a3aa,..slre:afidleySie,alawrialestisoantieghtta. He may let that misMlie, make 'a!It is lisp! in, emergencies, or, for ,everyday coward of ham, which is foolish; • or ailments. Any hour of the. day er he can make up his .ruind that he will night that Baby becomes fretful„ ,or -let it be Is leather and'so profit by t•restless. Castoeia was ..never more : the experience thAt • if "the situation' popular with 'mothers thee it is today t estored: my health, and no* 'comes his way' again, he will know .Evertedruggidt has•it.„, nthl Cepadiatt pointe' amounted . to.5.2 a -hen op -eletefe r "Mtn stocks of neWSPrint, it U.S. days' average :production ',on. $epteM. recomtne bet 30th, 1e28. and 4.5 day a on Sete girls euff teM el* 30th, 017 • , • You .c , , '. dblishere stocks on •hand' and in drtiggiet, trapsit amounted to 17 days' supply on 'Atigust 31st19.28and43 days' en •AegeSt 319. 1927.,,,: • • . "Newspaper advertising-, in So :lead- ing cities frit the first 9 Menthe' of mi.• these pills to weak; pile Lwsdom. hI teig " attitude. . Think It aearingget s frau; ocr ytiur " Etch of 'as: nittet decide whetherbe r by mail et 50 cents a box will let his mistakes reniain his en -I e Dr. Williams Medicine Coe emies or become his friends. Why e, Ont. , • - •NVe let a mistake,, Or eVen twit • , •• • .or three. brake .ctur spirit and sap tint' • fighting 'strength? . • Mrs.' White: Haye y,ou ever bee' In a peedicament, Mks., Green? Mrs. G.:. Why -creel:. den't think . ' X have t White, Is it a roadetefq or liblousine? ' Job for a 'Virtuoso An e:itegelist and Violinist wishes a position as caretaker fet a city ' patty. Poultry my delight, wife wile, do" 11011SeW0T1t.-RAVelitt • paper. . „ . • if. a. Carnegie .-er. a Leveibulnie.:hek got a family of sons Who :Inlieelted of the world. l'aigfit soon be, in a Very" fen fitutd4. D. „Beresford. A etteeessful monopolist is a Person who oticeee n occupy ng. et arena, ot theatre seal" Gladye: "When you told Dave that you'd be a sleter b hine what did be •• say?" • Exeeee'neld ,Abe,common Mime Of degettielte'reenitie.;dn;eltictitteand tourneseatiOnt houra. after'eatig. The quick correctiee Is an alkali shkh neutrallies.adid. The best torl reCtiVe. 18 Phillips' Milk 'of Magnesia, It • has. reirillitted • a:bidet& with phsb ,clans in the 60 yeare sine() 'its invem Ron. ' ' One eptietitaiet Phillitis' et Itiagneein neettalites inetantly nitiny" . timei its volume tri.,nejitt:-At:is beine• -Iess and.tasteless -Re action la qUIcl You 'Wilt never reTrOtreleid metliods neter, eufter.. When, you learn hoiv' quitkiy,, how , lilieettlitly this ptemier. Method .Acfs. :Neese let it shoW.you-eirw. , '1Insure te get, the genial:el' Phillins' Ittilt of Magnesia ptetcrieedby: plays!, done 'tor 50 'ears Cortetting ex- cess acids. • Bach bOttle Meta:hit full. 'directiOns-ail' .d.tostnte:; from .Th l3rockvill , .0 ,s'e.Water . , . , , .A lad, who' slioitect•that kind of dise • S 0 pf:sition, on the cricket field or on the to Remove Ru t . t, tbeh ground would meter make : I ' the fearn.' We all make mistakes, but It's a fact. Gun dope tfropi A marks- if we let theta be our teachers; coin - man. ' Edward H. Protitheen ran. selling us, advising us, admonishing , across an Old Bellar'd rifle. R, Was I uein due nine -WO shall •acquit eur- , a. terribly ,rusty Condition, the action seivee alt the better In the school ot would not work. He proposed. to life, • , ; • . , I soak it in kerogene, but Joe said 'tie: , ... • ..,---..._, -, "Water put him on, water take him, •Fetid for Heroes . • .0g,; soak him in water for tlaree .women from the endangered earn. days.."'''' ' • „ •... munities inatched the heroic work of nersItil'Saod,v'ieeteiebi.urtettOevitnthehis.stbottl,tvlitfottilles9114/i.,i8e7VgiliregatC°, ffileildaincadps,Baallnd : . . Mr.- Proddman soaked the barrel in even saiitibegs.eeteew 'York Times water for . three days. Be. Wale sure prised at the amounto ?rust•that, ma . Proof of Valore,,,,,,_ • ..„,., -1,, I, oft. The action-i-vaifil-as well as, wife--"Whenewe were married, I ever. Ile then °Bee it up and now' , , , . ,, t ' 0 K __Fr thought,you e ere a brave man. , declares it Works , . . cim... The •Husband -,- "So didsa good Many ' Americen Riflemen. . - •;-otber.,PeePle."---4eanses City lirpe,-.. 4zezz4-02>%2, CASTORIA '•• , Man held in -Miami:Lifter Sheeting.. bee, FlOrida TbaieS-Unien0 • am epposed to the return oi the saloon as Much as I hin in fatter at the banislinient of the speakeasy., Norman Thomas. Mlnattrs Liniment tor Backache. "&riee: t"Ile ASIC ete ter so he' ednid tak'e another girt o,nt riding • ,The ptettiest•-,weinter. in the world. eeera„ to be- :iti on. r Wlulaia Ornon. ISSUE No. 44--'-'28 A • • DoN9T, . DO THIS! ti Improvei Oeariagi, Relieve.* Head' Noises: • Niue out of ten cases of DEAFNESS and HEAD NOISES are, .0ausect by catarrhal mucus (matter) in the Eustachian Tubes, which Connects the nose and the ears ..• Lennard Ear Oil removes the. mucus, ,;OPENS. UP THE 'TUBE and .THE: OTHER AIR PASSAGES OF THE'HEAD, and the result islinpriiVed Hearing and relief from Head - :Noises: It is -not -put, in the ears, but- is 'INSERTED IN THE NOS- . -TAILS"-ip'na-x-Ruatito in BACK OF THE EARS' and special- in-` • itruCtiens by n noted Ear Specialist in each package , for different . kinds of Deafness ,:and Heed •Noises tell you exactlyw how to take care of ;Your own case. Leonard Ear Oil is.not an experiment but, has ....,.a%ihad a,meryurgetd,ueutirtpirownrsince year it haareiyegLaisandottonic:f- their Ear TrobJ'pmatter how long you have been deaf, nor how deaf you are, or what cauaeJ your deafness, or how many things you haveaetuevreaeddant y tiendysuch se which tailed to relieve you, Leonard tar Oil has r - at your ewe. Why not you? The price it- $125, Leonard Ear 0i14:- fet.iele.et,Druggistso ortdiract postpaid Upon receipt of price. • • Inoiesting fOklfr sent oe reipriest Leonard, Inc., 70 Vifth:Ave.;New York