HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-11-08, Page 1• 1/41,
2,00.' PER YEAR IN . ,
LU.CKNOW, ONT., THURSDA ira..,ATEMBER 8th, 1928. ,
DR. We M. CON101.414
, Physician and Surgeon.
‘Hours; 1,30-3.30 7-8
, phone 86
Die MacLeod will . visit Lucknow
every,Tuesday,: in Dr. Connell's
Office.. ' ", ••••, •
, •
Dr R. L, Treleaven, Lucknow-
Over • Decker's , Stere., Extraction
either bY gas or 1oal- Will he Ir.
-Dungannon every Thirrsday. Phone 52,
'Geo: A. Siddall. Lucknow, --:Broker
. and Rettl Esteee.e.-Money tO lend oi
first mortgages on, farm proper --
Cies at 6 and 61/4 per cent hccording
• te security coffered Also small
amounts on seem* mortgagee on
farm 'properties and an personal
notes. • A few good farnie for sale
WALL PAPER-i-A.fall line of 1628
Wall Paper en hand. Prices from Sc.
up. I -am :also agent for leading job
houses. -R. J. _Cameron, Deem. ator.
Painter, and Grainer, Box 174; Luck -
now. . •
FOR SALE -Solid Walnut Vdetrela
Cm-Igire :IVIodel,- with good supply: dr
first . class records. - Information at
' The, Sentinel' Office.
.• P.••
.We, the undersigned,, are open to
.buy all kinds of timber again this
-winter We will .pay you good prices
grades for your logs delivered. at our
:saw Mill here. .
We believe it is to the interest of
the farmer to cut his own loge and de-
them, " but 'anyone ,haying stand-
ing timber and wishing to sell on the
„ stump, 'kindly, dee ad _before you de:
anything and we will be glad to see
We will pay you Snot cash for any-
' . thing, you have to offer, and as lumber
is largely manufactured into the -fini-
shed product here, .it helps our own
province by selling. V; a, coneern :like
(Signed 'The Lucknow, Table Co. Ltd.
Lucknow Ont.,: Phone 25 -Box '206
1 • I
Monday y of next week •Will be
Thanksgiving. Day, and a public Hol
day . • ' .y. •
. Well! We have had a few flays of
real' Indian umme Mal there be
". There 'was. a big crowd at the U. F..
0. '"At Home. held in the Town Hall
_est Friday night
Jan of Windmill Land, is a Dutch
operetta -to be presented by the Girl
Guides ;,on November 23.
Mr. and Mrs.. Cameron MacDonalA
art ieed home from their honeymoon
trip, on Friday of last week. ,
Friends of Mr, Tom Watson' are
pleased to see 'him about again after
icing Confined: to tbq house for, a.
Mi Angus MelCienen who Waacrit-
'Tatty ill with -pneumonia is-ableete-
.9e..out again, For a man o± Mr. Mc-,
'ICinnoris 'age he has %made a splendid
FOR RENT-f.:Ccenfortablecottage
in Lucknow,„ electric lights,,
living -
room, , kitchen and two bedrooms:
Woodshed. Apply to Gee. A. Siddsill
.(S -11--p)
dwelling in
7 Cpmfortable 'furnished
Lucknow-Apply to Mrs
1 Vallekbattei y charger -charges
A and •B batteries,'..1 ',W. $.• L. 120
ampsix- volts B. battery, 8 new 261
tubes . ler' $45. This material' retails:
at .$9.0.00.'. •• •• •
, • W. Hamilton„ Lucknow
' • • ". CATTLE. ' •
Ackert Bros., liolyroOd will have
an auction sale Of 80, Young cattle,
and: a few milk cows at 'their ,farin,
Holyrood;, (e, miles N. ,of Lucknow)'
on Thursday Nev. 8th, commencing
at onel o'clock p.m.' All are well-bred
• Ontario stock, and good quality, ,
John • Purvis Aue"
(8 -11. --Lc) ' •
"Mri.-11:111.) M, ,Sbe,nce id 'speed -
ing this week with her -daughter in
Oshawa. Froth there she ,xpi go to
..olorida where she will spend the win-
ter, months.
- The Lucknow. Eire ...Company will
put on a .dance in th';‘tarriegie ,Hall;
liAicknoar on)ThariltsgiviTeghtNov-:-
12th.:hancing from .9 to 2.; o'clock.L.:,
• ; • • ;
..ionpie gaiietyy 25, -Steeper s
"The Werner's" Instituz(i Noeinber
. , ' • • . •
meeting wid: be .hei at the hoine of
:Viz's. Wm. Fialier; on Friday Nov. a
4t. 2.30 o'clock All are ..reqUeited to
'attend this ,rneeting es. there ,is busi-,
'ess, qfireportanee. Contest, pumplciii
. •
Messrs Denzil Statters';'and .Alfred:
Andrew. have gone to Owen Smiti.
where both, will work as salesmen for
'Beatty Bros of Firgtis. Mr., Stattere
Will look after sales in tee' city and
Mir.;\ Andrew will work the durround-
.ing.:country. Evidently . Beatty Bros.
know geed men.: •
'Herbert AlcQuillin, Lucknow,:. will
have an auctiqo sale, at the 'Agri-
- cultural Shed Lucknow,', on Saturday.
Nov, 10th ,commencing, at 2 o'clock.
There are a fine lot of young regis:
• tered Leieester • and Oxford ,Down
;breeding sheep and owe lambs; 100
bred to- lay rock, hens•1 yr. old; a cowi
and calf, 3 :Durham heifers, rinple:
ment tools &c. :
Elliot Miller Nue.-
B. M. Gaiint will have an Auation
sale of his farm stock and implementd
at Lot North -half I,ots 21 & 22 con.
1, Kinloss, on Nov. 14th, commencing
at one o'clock 'p. m. The Implements
on the sale are 'nearly new.. •
• John Purvis Aire.
•. (8-11--ja)
,Of Young Cattle
FOSTER G. MOFFAT; will have
' an Auction Sale Of Yourtg Cattle at
Let,425, Con. -6 Kinloss,' on
Service in the .JUnited &Ira Luck -
now will .commence , 10.50 a', rn'
nevt Sunday, Nov. 11th, .
Presbyterian pGuild'.
'Ishe regular meeting .ef the Guild
was held Monday_eyening. After the
'usual devotional exerciaes, readings •
, .
,were ,given by Maudie Fisher, Mae
MacMahon., , Miss :Rena MacDonald
Miss' Clara MacDonald, Isobel. Doug-
. ,
;las, Miss Elizabeth MacIvor. •A most
interesting topic was given by Mr,
EL"- Km:ch.:wit. The ransical num-
bers were an!irlitiniental by auglas'
i,MacDonald and.`a, solo • by Miss Mary
Aitchison. The Meeting' Closed with
• Cernmencing at One,,:o'ClOcIf 1:".1 M.
-36-.Yearling, Steers
' 26" Calks) - •
'14:e1lerfei:e' 1 lc ,
-yrs. .01d
TERMS -4 Mos. preilit „on approved
'joint-' "rietea bearing. bank interest.
: • • • •
The church' service last "Friday af-
.:ernoon, held, in connection with the
,tuneral of Mrs. Brown Mallieugh,
-.those sudden 'death we reported last
week, was One of the. Mostlargely
attended eyer held in the Lacknow
Presbyterian' _Chureh. • •/'
, Before her :marriage the late Mrs
Mallough was Miss Etta pen May
Donald, a daughter of Mr,' and MiS.,
Thomas' lY1achmiald. of town. Of a
heerfuland friendly; nature, she was
oved by all whom she met, .and her
untimely death has ceased universal
Mrs Mallough's Oath was dee. to
!gime from a gas range, Which cvi
lendy:. escaped into the •rooni. befOre
;he entered. On arriving honie from
4chool her little son David feund. her,
3eated on, a chair where he ,had evi.-
.:lently passed away an hour or so' be..
Ore. . The little • rellow was himself
overcomeby the gas, but later. re-:
.;;.overed, and' thinking that his. niother,
xasbutasIeep.Ji_mPCePaed to pre
..are supper for his fathee,who later
irrived4 and 'discovered :the true state
.4ffairs. . • •
Mr Mallough, has .retuined ;to hi:-
•)ccupetion at Peterboro; and little'
David is Staying here with- his grand
p'o :
...In the -Unired-States---presidential-
Aection held ". On Tuesday Herbert
zioover, Repubhcan candidate enjoy.
. • .
something •ef. .a "landslide,", and
Ras ,chtisen 'by, -perhaps the :largest
iajority ever- giyen a Candidate for
the office: .'" " . • •
He won Al :Smith's home state
New 'York, and at least,, two of tht
'orinee: solid 'democratic South... •
-There were scene, 40, Million bal.
lot -S counted, and. returris are
• . • , . "
cotccomplete,-but Hoover's vlctory .
• Ackert Pros., of Ifolyr .have
wen receiving •congratulations " on the
splendid success they had at .the
zreyat stocker and feeder show held
At. Toronto a fewweeks ago. •
The exhibits at this Show' were of
•iir:head lots and groups, and prizes
vere given for the ',various breeds. '
In the exhibit.' of 'Hereford groups
Ackert Bris'. had three, entries win -
dug. 1st, 3rd, and 4th, aucl the. re-
_erved _graaCchampionshle, for group
There were 63. :groups ' entered so it
was. no walkover. ' • •
. They. also , won 1st, end ' 3rd, • fpr
?,ar-load, of Herefords -eleven_ .ear-
teads being Shown ,in thin. class. Their
'oad of Herefords also won the grand.
edempionship' for ;best car -load lot
exhibited. There Were 61 in the com-
petition.' ' "•'' •
We May add that Mr. Jobe Joyae
-it the same she*, won grid for car-
load, .of two-yOar:old .pplied .angus
end1st for group pf,'5 yearling pol-
led anus.
• Together Messrs Ackert and Jo,ynt.
•certainly put this district on the map
as,.thainime. of fine cattle
, y , ,
United Church. Y. P. 4e,
• - The Young People's Society of the
-United Chureh. met Monday eVening.
with a geed attendance. The officers
are pleased to see some 'new nneinbers
and hope they continite t� tb 'the,
meetings. The meeting -opened. with
'a" hymn and the Lord's Prayer
unisen ',The Scripture lessen was read
by: Whithereine . Agar. Audrey Head.
-erson'.and Margaret Ritchie sang' a'
,duet, and Alex Smith give a 'reading
Lovell Murdach played a cornet solo
accompanied .Mrs, Newton. The
tepic",Social Standards, and Ideals,"
:was taken by Gordon Statters..,•It is
encouraging to see,the Younger Mein-
bers of: the' 'Society., taking active
part a in the Meetings, for it is front
the S. S. & Young People's -Society'
that the future pillars Of the Church
'usually come: A volunteer commit-
tee' was. organized to" decorate the
church Or Thanksgiving ,Sunday. The
meeting closed with a hymn and the
Miepah Benediction. •
NOTICE lierebY given that the
oartnerehle heretofore y subsisting be,
tWiedit- tre, the feedersigned., as Her-
nell, iliturdoclyto. in -the. Village of
.T01 -1N PURVIS, Ana-
PARIVIERS tee'..1thy . not, make, ypig:
. old 4root 'pulper as good to. neivbi
installing, a new. Set of. knives/ We
stamp Mit' knives for an. pulper
while you wait Bring a ql,ple, with
you -The Wingharn Machine shop,—
• g. NitibAter, . ,
-,LucknoW- y -Of .ruce
had this day Beett,disselved by mut:
nal consent. All debts' owing to ,the
said partnership are to he paid' to
Willibnt Ilicirtell at Ialcknoweafore,,
said, and all claims againkt tlit said
tihrtnershin are to be presented to
,the said William Hornell, by •whom'
the Seine ,be Settled: Dated at
Lecktiow, Ontario, Hite' let day', f'
NOveMber A. D. .1928., .
Villtimn Hornell
. ' Reid -Wilson ,
The: home of Mr, and Mrs, Win.
Wilson, ,of the 7th . concession, of
West Waweripsh was the scene pf,:a
uiet but .pretty • wedding at 11 a.m.
an Saturday Oct. 27th; When their.
elder .daughter, Jeep,' became . the
bride of .William Reid, eider on *dr
the late Mr, and ;Mrs; john Reid of
the 6th, conceseien. Of Ailifield. The.
dricle„ who was ....Unattended ,looked
very' charming in a becoming cos -
tunic of brown. Following the cere-
mony, a wedding dinner was served
only immediate relatives uf the bride
and green.' ,being present, The, happy
eouple left later by motor for a short
..honeymoon and , on their return' Will,
reside on the groom'sfarm in Ash -
Reid, whither they :are. followed.hy
he best wishes ef hosts" of friends.
Sparling_Moore, •
, .The home Of • Mr, .aiid Mrs'. Thos.
A: Moore, Whitechurch, was the gene
a very pretty .Wedding athigh
ao'on, on•,'Wedneeday, October.: 24th
when - their . only , daughter, jbarin
Irene, , was united in 'marriage to Mr.
1-tarold II: Sperling, Rey.'
IL G. Whit-
field of -Whitechurch United Church
officieted. The bride who -entered the
'drawing renm, on, the arM of' her fe.
tiler, to the ,strains.
misic, played by ,Mi -s. Browning ef
• Kincardine looked7dhannineriv-d",'drese
,Peuder 1:hie...georgette with French
elk chantillylaCe, bodice and. skirt
.of tWO tiers, of , circular . frills .ejid
,.....arriect a. bridal bouquet of -Butterfly
•oses,,and valley. lilies.: • • , •
' .Immediately after the ceremony the
wedding .perty,:coesiating of y the ii -
Mediate relatives, repaired te:the
ng room, which was tastefully dec-
orated in mauve and. white; Where,
they sat' down to..a dainty „Wedding.
lejenner;' following which the happy„
coupleelieft.:On 'a motor t:ip. for •Det-
Cfevland and Buffalo. • :
• For travelling ,the,• bride chose a
dress of crepe with
broedcloth eoat, and accessories', to
.match.. •
- 'The committee y in charge of the
eteetiou Of the community shed, at
Lucknow announce that the work is
noW well under way and the enter.:
prise . now .an assured; fact Should
there be any person who wowld-like
to have the priveleges thias shed
and wii4 have net. been approached
regarding it, such may Make the.
necessary arrangements at the hard-
ware stOre.orWin. Murdie & Sen.`
The Ladies Aid of the United
. . •
Church have made arrangements to
give an entertainment in the Church -
on the evening of Monday Nov. 19th
following the anniversary services' on
... .
•Final notice is 'giYen .of, tho.C.eincert
-Recital; on Friday neght of this week
by Miss, MildredeTreleavenand IV
Walter . B. Craw assisted by •Mr.: E
13arry --Davey'. in the .Town at
8.15 O'cleck. This is ..something new
in the way Of Cencert-4ecitals.
Eyerythingis in readiness for a treat
You not want to Music will
be furniShed before the programme
.and intermission by `the :Milted.
Chusch','Suriday School Orcheitia. If
yon like good, music; good literature
and plenty Of real humour .secure
Your ' leatS right away at MeKines.
•Driel/Store: Admission thirty five
and fifty cents. '
, o
• ' • NOTES "
The following. is the report 'of the
weekly exaniinations held during ,Oct-
ober. ' • 1 -'
1e-75, to 103%; .11-66 to:74%; .111
--60-to 651/0;" C-:•50. "to. 59%; F. -
Failure; a -absent
Teats geld in :'=';"
, Form decira,;. Let Comp, Fr.
botrip.:; Alg.; cep.- met:.
2 ; n Anderson
C;' Blitzstein-1 C; S. 13rOwn.-:,
VIII; 2F; E: Burt -ill 1111, 2.Ce
13.Uswelll III; 2 F, A: Cameron
-2-F.A. Colwell -2 d;- F, I. Craw '
III 3 Margaret. Graham -1 Cf
2 F, Mary • Crahairee-el I; • 1 F, ,
Hamilton -1 HI; 1 F,• A. HaSty-.--4
M. Lane -el C; 2.1'; C. MacDonald-.
1. HE; 1 C, E.' jaaeDonald-3 F .
MecDonald2 C; S .1. MacDon-
ald1 C; ". F) M„ MucIntyre-'-:•3 F..
1111acIverH2 jI ; III; j}: E Mac-
KenZiel 1.1I, J. MacKenzie -2 F
'Mar...kinnon1 le 1 C; a, F. Me'
C; .2,F,, Margaret McQuillir,
F, 1V1ildred Ce , 1 F
MacKen7iel..1.I; M. Mille)
F, E. Ritchie -7.1F; sherritr-
:Liu; ;3 M M
,Watson -el 1; 1 II; :1 III, M. Wilson -
2 II; 2 C; 1 F, Wilson -(not, ex.
E MeLear
.Form II -Report foreOctobei -
iexeminations held Iettin• Phy
-lography4 ,Arithniatiely-LFrencil am
Zoology •
Arthur Andrew -2 I; ''1'II; 2111
.fack Brali§en1 II, III, Lorratin...
....lrakon-g 1; 1" ; 2 q,. Nancy ,Browr.
II 3 C.; 1 F, Will Camphell-1 II;
;Fe 1 a Olive Farrier -31; 1 III; 1..C.
Last beautiful Sabbath morning the
icifks from each church gathered at
the Zion Church for their Otterterly
Communion Service., The seats were
nearly all Oiled. It was a service of
glad , expectancy , and realisation as
well as of happiest fellowship. ".
The Hackett Trusteds were at their
meeting lest week.considering Making
. • - •
their church shed ' more Water
proof and comfortable fOr winter shel-
: 'John Ritchie and Will Hunter gave
a &lett last "Sunday' morning ,at the
Zion dhtirat -Wideh was 'pleasing and
helpful: . • •
• • •
•Gardner --2 I; 211;'1 C, Clar-
Greer --3 I; ", III; .1 III, Ton
..denryl I; 8 II; 1 a, ;Myrtle , :John:
tone -1 1; III; ; Bruce Mar
3 C; 1 F, John 'Martin.3,1.;
1;II; 1•F;1 Douglee alacDarealde.72 j,;
2 II; 1 F., Finley ; MacDonald -ill;
C; 2 F; 1 „MacDonald -
:1 II; 2 4, Lloyd MacDougall -1 1; 311
IF, Carlyle MacIntosh-.----4 I;•• • 1•II.,
Ruth; MacLeoil2 i II; 1 III; 1.
Jessie 'MacKenzie -1 I.; 1III; 1 F
Evelyn"Nixon-1 II. 1 C....I-Fe Elsie
RitchieL-2 1; 1 F, • Evelyn Reid -2 I;
2 II ; ;1 F, SteAvart-751, 'Alex
Sniith.---3 1; Eleie,
HI; 1 F, Norma -Andersor1
Margaret Graham -4. I; ,1 II., Alden.
FIsty--1 II; iO; Archie Hanailton
1 C, Ke.nneth. ..Ross -1 F, Arabel]
CameronL-114; 1,I;ean McKenfe--,4 I,
Margaret MacKensie1.1,• Isabel
-Craw--1•II,. Margaret '
September -October
• ViT7' Ackert-2,1; 111; 1 C;, La, N.
. ,
'Anderson -:1' Li 1 II; III ;. 1 C; W.
Armstrong -1 ,2 fII;. 2 V,, B. Blake
iIII; 2C, W. Blake -4I;
3 F, A. Burns -41 C; 1 F.; qt, A. Cain-,
eron-1 HI, K. CamPlieil=1.4 I;'. 1 6,
B:barnochan-2 1; 2,111; 1 C,,, Cra-
.ndton-1 III; F,, C. Ferrier -L2 I; 1
II; 1.C.; 1 F, Finlayseu--:2 1'; 2C;
-I V, M. dranain=1: .T. Grant -,1 IT;
IC;' 3 F; M. Hackett -T-1 C;, 4 F,
A. ; IC; 1 D. Rend.,
erson-7-1 II; 2 C; '2 F, F. BodginSH
,2•C; F. M. Lane -1. 1,, W..Lane-L3
F, MacDonald --I I; 1 H; 2111;,
1•F, 'Ce. MacDonald -5 I, M. Maction,
ald-5 F, -P MacDonald -1 F; E: Me -
C; ,3 F. K. Machined -5 F
M. .MacIntoshe-2 I; III; 1 III; 1 F
A. MacKenzie -4.1; 2 II, J. MacKene
zie-1 1, I% .MacKenzie-2.ci, 3 M
IVIacKentieL4•11I; 2 C; F, M. Mc-
Leod -2 I; 1 C; 2 F.; I.
MacMillan -
11; 2111; 2c, W. Macl'hersen--1
4 a,, G. Middleton ---5F, Phillips -
1111,, E. ,Nixon K. Ross 2!; 1 C,,
E.Smith '1111; 1 C; I', S. Steward
Ce 3 V, H. Swan 2 C; l', ThPin-
pson 1 I; if; 2C; 1 V, P. ThemPsori.
III; 4 F B. Vint. 1.1.
•Th'e Hackett League are :having a
social eVening for the League the
Church basement on Thursdaly even-
ing Of this' week. ,
The Blake • HalloW'en
well attended thotighethe people ,ar-
. rived late. The programme and the
,SiAtiday„„the ,Tho_Rese,,E_Edis mes were'' much eniaYed and s°
-Plarbaiin will give, his :splendid- vieWe,
-of Newfoundland, and • gra., Munn: „like Oliver .Twi•Ot•eas'kgdeLefg,'.-
.aritt Mr. Ora 'CraWford and other Rip- -""Mar?""'• The .°'°atunieta'were- "wl.°11d:
, , .
Joy talent will assist in the musical .tttailget grb'teaclu°; e°111-1L'aind '116
part tif the pregranti,•.'• end ofy adjectives could be used
"tO de
scribe the get 'ups SO Wonderfully and
, • .
4:KUJItepride.- And. the, fated!. They
S1NGt I3 .5 ' CENTS
The Bread:. • ‘.,
of Health 0 , . . The
efiBearelhd .
, •
, OUR motro Is quALrry AND •-SERVICK.
Duality. Produces good -Will, Our Goods liave Always Been A Qual-
ity. P,Irti°datact made From. 'The Finest Materials :With . KOWIedge
Yea r's7( Of Eycpie ri ence And Experiment have Gained.
, Crea.te.. PU,ffs, Lenion Meringe' Pkes; Raisin Pied..." RnsberrY Tartlets'
. Maki Walnut Tarts, Iced' BOBS, Chelsea Buns, Coffee Cakes,, Oat-
'meal'Cookies, Rock Cakes. •
PhOne-36, °
Thinking of a new
Suit' or OvercOat?
Yes! then the. most
logical thing to do is
visit OUR STORE,
inspect the Made -to -
Measure Out -fit an
assure yourself, t at
the Made -to -Meas.- •
ure way is . the best:
Guarantee Of.
Satisfaction goes
th'eVery suit or
ercoat sale..
:Your "Business
REP . Maynard,. In
The ' following were em•olled • last
Friday, evening tit' the regUlar meet-
:Ayr:the Girl_ Guide C.en2nanY.'
, -Canary Patrol -Quid; IVIyrtinriiT:a:
ilton, Eagle Patrol -Guile Vonalda
Them p"oul
-The 'new parer is the Eagle Patrol
affd they are cetedinly . living up .to,
theiratime and doing, lot of flying.
.Luelcricier will en: had to be seen . to be -apnrecia e ne
tertain the members and ,their wives very odd Teakrog character -eelecrityciked
or lady -Mende; and 'Rebekahe On -Fri- as if he hacl „dropped out of the rn ddle
day evening Nov.. Oth at 8, , of last century with his bard and at.
--o o.o---
A Hard 'Time Dance will be held
at Lochalsh Hall, on Friday Vvg.',
Nov. '9th. Everbody comp and look
the hardest. Prizes for hest hard time
lqUrdoch costume. dood -„Music-Lunch ,Served, I i!nr study lit the se'rviceil .text Sutt,
Emll T. PlaYs otarting At flake It pi9rtang,.
tirr6 was no less a person aftet a lot
-,training or the_Unst
'Class 'IreSt-and ',the 'Suomi 1Clast.:
Guidesbuildingfires, '
Quesiidra-When :does a 'Guides
Of etedying, than our esteemed :attendance COMA 21. •
of -Cuckeo. Valley. , good sportl AneWete-...4hen she is the,Only,ofte
should Say, of the Patrol present
b antifid gate *hose •
A beggar eta e
faith clutched at, a Name that 'brought
him power and newnes Of life is to be
nojlts—Igiogli Agnew otstglipion 90e p ut tag,
7.,•k y , ' •
0- •
Call at Armetrongs and hear, Ore
sixtube DeForeet, Croeley Radio, Full
,eabinet With speaker. cnclited. spec.
In! pike $1.6a.00.'
Comedy , ,
TUES: and WED.-NOV: .18
Buster- Keiton„ ,
'('01 LEGE'
.Coming -'November 16th. and 17th
• , Richard Barthelniess, In: ." •
•• 1 • ',THE NOOSE"
e:ra..!. 14
The Diamonds are chosen by•
expertse-they.have that excites:
ire blue white color and
distinctive beauty found only
Whatever the size Diamond in
sure at its. superb quality and .
you inAq-buy„,-ItSaywhere.with..
implicit confidence.
Prices 'are vete moderate. •
l'k fir she name
Princess, and I, safe.t
Guitramted by
P.V., ELLIS & Co. Limited, Toronto
. ,.blicootallneportete Tits!): 1877
Jeweler and Optielan
The Variety Siore,
Thursday, Nov. 8th
Friday, Nov. 9th
Saturday, Nov. 10th
10 per cent off al Din-
nerware and China..
2, 97, -Piece Dinner Sets
at $25.00 each'.
Circle Bar Full Fashion-
ed Hosiery in Extra Good.
Quality $1.49 pr. •
Large Glazed Milk Pit-
chers, 39c each. "
Assortment of Large 'Cr -
earn pitchers, 25e.
Extra Good Brooms
Each 39e
Teapot:s 59e
Hats to Clear at
$1'.98 Each
St. Peter's
M. A.
....spsnAy. NOV. 11th
40.45 of :Coin
ation of Signing of lAtmss
1. no P. M. -Sunday School. •
1.60 P. Sf.-Peace, the ,By-Produtit Of
:** ItighteOusness .
. . •
Rammed s'oldiers spcially invited