HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-11-01, Page 9-
Truth -Telling
f%dith Lochriege Med,
:"Derothy told, me that the dog grab-
bed her leelie and ter° itc j,u i sew
her climb 'the apple free eta isneg it
es she came down.", Mee Allen leek -
•ed worried eed resentful. let elle-,re•
• tated tier. trouble. •
.."Why de Yqu think tele 'told Yell.
• that. asked .Orandmether, who 'ae• -
Pearce Placid .and •cOrtfident, es. if She
might be 'tittle, to analyze tbe SituAtion
' from a mere eetaceedviewpoint titan
: the mother could.
"Ob, I know why she told the lie,.
for, that's. eertelnie what it was; Al-
though1 regret t� admit Such a fault
In ply own daughter," replied Mte.
"Why was tisked,grandreether,
,etill More ItheillY interested. ie : Belying
the eroblern. :'• , 4 ••
teld her...te I ever.fetind out
that she elirebed, that .screggly Old
tree I'd punieli. her answered M.
, "What reason. did she give for climb -
Ing '47" .ceritititied Orandinother...9!, :
l'Oh-, she. had -settle excuse-teeeut
'putting ,a 'baby 'bird back in the nest
.or semething of the sort,".replied Mrs.'
••• ,.
Grandmother was theughtfel • for a
few, moments, .ea was : ' DorethY's
• mother..,' There seented, to • be several
points here that should be ephsleered
before censuring •Dorothy too harshly
etr. unfairly. Grandmother was' the
„ •' 'first to sneak: • :. , .
• .
•,• .. • 'I...do not believe: Dorothy • *Mild
.- have told you this untruth if she. had
not telt' the threat' of, punishment
hatiging•over her. . While she Might
- hav.e---ere-ectedeyinir-ellefileasure be-
, ,.
cause of tearing her new ;dress, she
., . . .
.• Would only have hae..,that offense to
. tell* :about As it was .the regret of
; tearing lief ' dress was Sebntheged • in
the fear of 'having to. pay a' penalty,
. for CliMeing the tree.... I have:never
'mime Any:childeireblem.to. 0 settled
iieeleinnent," . ; :-. • , ,' .. .:,. . , -,
In e satisfactory way by ter •, tening
Grandmother had been 'firm and ewe -
*Clue: ' 'Mrs. Allen was 'rebuked,
, •'After all thought the, ]atter, the
.4leitl,e.a.,_t.._oesffthee,little,blr.ti ..wits -a-
: matter of, greater concern than. the
"child's:. dress ; eiad it Is not 'strange
: ;that saving the:bird 'seemed of more
' Importance te. :Dorothy : at that mo -
men than "ininditleher 'own ,mother;
Perlialis she , was not so ' .inubh to•
blame es': 1.• I was. Cross 'alma' the
, I
damage to tee erege, And frightened
. het., d She did •not tell, a premeditateci
Ile nor. deilherateliDlan to deceive
, me. • She was :afraid When 1 cenfront-'
.ed her with'. the , fact:- that she had
broken. a Celt:inland." • ' : .: ••
. •
..,This. ie•only:.onielnatance: Of Many
• • that couldbe '-elied to bring out .rea..•
sons for entrethfultiess . in :children.:
'.eoinetintee oviteexcitemeet 'cause if :a.
,.cliild. to ,tell, ininelitieely, loMething,
that is not tree. Then pride: forbiee
• adinitting. th fault andthe. first. state' -
.,•men ,is 'etubboinle adhered to. 'Et-.
aggeratthe ;is -usually. the result of- tt,
, desire to tell a bigger 'store than.. a
' •playMete. Many 'ceileren'etaire eotice.
and aPplauan. Often a lie is • told to
..get out of a difficulty ter, to 'awed, per
;forirdee: some euty,. :and. very often
'children. have heard their parents use
sintiler tactics' to. break engagements
That were •undesirable.• • •
At least; the'. teutletelling• habit
should he-etiltivated 'in -children. •This
cannot be done •by threats. of puniah,
' ment nor •by means of the 'hareand;
fast coniniand to be but only
by estahlishine,a respect for the spirit
. of . truthe :. • • ' • ,' ', • '
-5' :.---t-e.
• Fire Shovel: Mr. Bellows is an afful
. •
braggart. • •
fiediree:• • "Yes; be's &Wale blow-
ingabout soreethilig!
Debt, Settlement
.Jja1iax Herald • (Gone.): , • The Pre
deht .to the 'United States, °incur-
): rod ,during the war on behalf of her
.Allies, Is now about L800,006,000,, She
Jo jps•Ying this off at tho. rate, of g35,• -
000,000 A }teem) it: is net *Meted
terest to recall that there Is also A
United States :debt to. Britain Which
Is not beitig 'paid, Enght ,States, ,of'
• the Union are defaulters litirespede of
Meney,lent on theft tende bY British
.citliens. Taking tQ years as the aVer-
• ' Age Period of • default, And reckoning
compound interest at 6 percent. these
• eight States, owe 'British . and .other
• hi:lidera of the bottds:in question abut
• £60,000,000. '
' The teacher was giving a 'lessen 'on
41.110.•;...Aft-„Prder that the
Verne children he het- class Shofild re-
alize the iniPertatite of' learning to
obey, she related VerlOuie Ipettinges.;
--`7•••••Fna11y he' teld,,therii::ef' the ..(Ittfileh
ot Eden and how .Adera and 'EVe:
• obeyed 'after tieing forbidden, lei eat
the :fruit After- a.snitable- Pautte; the
teacher remarked t "No*, children,
„eati any of Yeti .tell Me ',What lesson
that teaches tei?."."Yes', Mies," rp1Ied
'• a peini-deura 'Oat tette fruit:'
"Do , you Otter bathe?" "I can't -
Moth hteeeaten my efeetineee ,
A " Condition Due to WaterY
13lood Easily /Corrected
Through the Use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills.
The Farm Among
English Writers
Strange to reflect how .many
ar'y men have held decided opinions
about farming.. About its pleasures
as .Well as its importance in: the
scheme of things.
Thin, pale girls lack the •power of We are all familiar with the, way
resistance to disease that rich, red Cicero and Horace felt •• In more
biped gives. Nervous breakdown iemodern days • Veltairs declared:
thereeult of elle blood. So is inee ",Whoever makes two blades of grass
geetion, headaches, d backaches and • grow y,rtere but one • grew beflore,
many ether trembles,Girls suffering renders aervice to his state."' ,And•
from thin; impure blood iieCU just the after he had 'retired to his country
place at Verney, Voltaire Was *leered
that thechange had. been the only
thing that could have brought him
"health and heel:di-teas."
Jonathan S.,14vift Wrote *beet farm-
ing in alrnost the precise •werds,... used
by Voltaire, and l- think we can herd-
ly charge either erie of these:writers
with plagiarizing. •.' Wrete.,.
"Whoever would. make two ears,•/•of-
health restoring "sleep. 'For sufferers eerie or two blade&Orgrass, to grew
weakness •or , peYsical
•Williams' Pink PieS•afe restorative exhaustien .greW before,' weuld deserve better of
mankind. and: more essential ser-
er the utmost value. This is proved •vice to the country. than the whole
by the '' eximeionee of .Sarah•••4, *race Of 'Politicians put together."
Megaehern, • R.R. No. Brule, 'NS" Abraham Cowley accounted 'agri
Weo *seete-"About, three years cultere "the.. nearest neighbor, or
I became very Weak and nervous: rather next in kindred; , to ,phil-
h" Pahl° in UTY Aide aad- back' 1 osoplik "'and `another English
also had frequent pains. In the back
of, my head and neck. a was very John Chalkhill,' ,at abijut the
middle of the seventeenth century,
pale and Very 'weak..-: I' had attacks ,
• wrote enthusiastic,a,lly about the farm -
of nervous irritability, and at times .I er'S life in a series of verses that have
was so nervous that life,aeetned hard, a happy Mt..; This the way., he be-
ly worth' living. While in Met conet.
•taee.Dr. Williatee' Pink pills: I began
tion a friend strongly 'aevised me to '..hilsi,,thti!ti.i"eC°,e.writ:tn,:iceSilo.triengt"m:e't
taking -theseeinilseateleritiedelhein. for.:LT_ _T4he. countryman doth find
lelee ' loe, , • ,
, . " •
about months with the result that ' ,
there was such an finPrOVelnent in my • ' mg!' .urcHic'lue ' • .
celditien that .friends would. ask. me ..Thett after taik of horse s carts,•
whet.,I was taking end. I•Was only of russet '.and sheepskin Clethirig; .Of
too slid to tell -them -it was: Wil- tillage and of changing seasiniS this
ikons!, Jens, eel now enjoying is the way he Otis:, "
. •
good health and ani glad to give ithis • qthiS is net half the happinese ••••••
statement for the benefit it plaY be " The cenntrYmart•enieYl
to intim othet.entferer." • '• High tr_ollellie
You can gee those from any • High .trellellie .lee......
:inedieine dealer or by mailat, 50 cents We. know how Burns felt Perhaps
biei froin.The Dr. • Medicine; •
we 'remember' how' lovingly Waehing-
.tonlrvingedeseribed-his -typical ,-NeW
• • York State, farmer, Van ,. Tassel .by
T,ht Engli101, Singers
Babetth DeUtSch name: .1 .„ •-• .
. "His steongliold,":seid Irving, "was
Situated on the banks of the Iludien,
one of these green, sheltered, fere
tile nooks,:. in which the Dutch farm-
ers Of nestling. A great
elm tree.. spread its broad . branches
over - it; at the foot of 'which. bub-
bled un a :Spring, of • the eoftest and
sweetest •water,:in A:little well, Orin:,
edt by a barrel;' and then stele spark,
ling away through :the -grass to A,
neighboring brook that habbled along.
among. •, Alders and thkari• willows.
Haid by the 'farrnhOuse•Was fast
barn that, _Might haVe seryed• for a
church; every wind*. ri crevice Of
which seemed bin:Sting, forth with the
treasures of ' the farm; the flail was
resounding within it . 'from
morning to night; swallows and °Mar-
tine:, skimined twittering about the
eaves; 'lied rows of pigeons, .sonie
with one eye terned•upf as if watch-
ing the wenthersome with them,
headC'. under their: Wings, •or beriee, in:
their 'bosoms, And others, '-welling
'and, Cooing; and hewing' about •their
'dantes, were enjoying the.sueshine on.
the thee" ' • • „. d.
Old Van Tasael was not proud --no,
net he; but it is ceiffetsed: that he
" 'Piqued -himself" ,the _feet...that
within, the beuedaries. •ef his farm
"everything- NVI'aS snug, , happy, and
Einersorelikeallegood Concordtens,
did 'some •cultivating ,c;f ,the 'ground
With his own hands, ,But•Einerson
found the occupation etiperabserbfi
that he Was obliged to give it up
as inconsistent with his ,literary, la -
Against the..eeinieg of the 'unending
• bora. Nonetheless his essayS are lull
And ;when they Ceased seaeme• of references to •the • Satisfactions.; as
never shifted'. • •••• . '
ThedEnglieh,Siegere are 'a -group
from, the. country, singing in their'
conderts ieerly•ballads and madrigals,
bringing the breath Of a' Hie that has
passed . away. Canada and :the
have , welcomed. theta in, ma.ny parts;
this tribitte appearing in The Virginia
'QuarterlyrivReview (Charlottesville).
After all, the 'man in. the' street
hasn't 'changed •mucle-•he us.ee to
wale, and• he junips.
help, Iltr„. pinit PIUS can. give.
.For. many years 13r.. Wllllams' Pik
Pills have 'been a world-famons blood -
"Milder it'd neve restorer. , They air
tuallY make rieW,,rich, red blooe.which
imparts pew. vigor and life to all the
oreans of the body Tleetrfirit effect
die usually shoWn by en Impreved ap-
petite:. then, the , spirits reVive and
restlessness.at ;night ,gives • way to
Wonder Did She Build it?
•- •
. ,
• die .exhibeed by the wineoree maiden, Verne Jones Of .roinona, th.
ConetrY.Fair. , •
frenir annenda, nervousness, eenerni• upon a spot of ground on one Los Angell's.
'Co. Brockville Ont.
'They. sangs,.. and the Wide hell as
• ', chargee.witla slow
"intinoderate 'gold-, as though their'
• voices Were .fingers =...
On ..the..eluice: that is west of Eden
Halt that flow, '
, Yet • riding •• the air, like • a feather,' the
,• ,
rediatice lingere, •
• They .sang againl. A ;white -flanked ler
land rose
Out 0! the mualcupborne.on tee,tidee
:of elteir singing;.:1',.; • , •
.Girdled ..witli masts, ,itsYereees and
towers and mows,' .
Gey with the .•isoutie et -eallors home
Ward . " ' • .• • ' ."
Theirlmei�d:ies were:mournful, being
wise '
As. a , *mean is; 'whese., lever. _death.
. bath :taken; , • :., : •
,As k. man who looks on his • work With
' ;-• .aged. eyes, ; ••: • '
Oh, and ;sWeet: as the: throat. Of a, child
,: • bylatighter shaken. •
, .
God give you good morning MY nuts-
; tere• 'peat three "eelocke'. •
• And a fair merning," they sang, Where-
. . • .
• •
upon inornieg
-.Pet off her grey wimple,.pet one rosy
. ,etrieek, : ••••• • ••• • :,
And made •brislCanswer to night's
• Seer •Warning. • .•
Mantherne ene. candle light, hang eta
•• mayee for all night,' ; •
They 'sang; ane their Voices. were aa
' lantherne lifted '
What h more satisfying' after
the bridge game than a cup
or two of Red Rose Tea?
- Millions of Canadians pre-
fer It to any other because
of finer, flavor, remarkable
strength and dustless pm.,
ity. Put up in aluminum—
the only material which com-
pletely protects good tea.
". . .
- • 1 • • -
well as importance of the agricultur-
al life. "The lame," Wrote he,'"is the
appointed rerriedy for Whatever i5
false ,and fantastic' in our :culture:"
'Today' ' With our .erbari, cieilzetion
`tending to gee* more:and' more i'an
task such a''remeeY. seems Mere
needed thati•eVer7-",
liavitholne had ,little good to say
about his labotions days at the BrOok
Farm, but when it ,came to working
with his hands , about his own home:
place bis mood changed. " Said he, in
the Min Of delights, "The American
'NOM Books." , • •
"i "The natural taste of man for the
,original Adam's occupation is fast de-
veloping itself in me. I find that I
ani a good dealinterested in our gar-
den, although it was planted before
we .canie here,. I do not feel the 'sante
affection for the plants that Lshoule
if the seed had been,s0wri by my, e*e
hands. It is something like nursing
and educating another. person'schil-
dren. till, it was a very pleasant mo-
ment when I gathered the first string.:
Make 'Your Winter.Holiday Pay.
Own a 20 -Acre' Farm In Georgia. • Grow tobacco,
-Early Veetables and Frults 'Cflo Crop, -Often
. ,Pays Jor the.Frrn....Send tor: •I:tartitiilars.
• Manager,. industrial Depti
Michigan Theafre,
• Petrelt, •Ndlieh.
• •
beans,which were, the, earliest men-,
'lent "that the garden .Contributed to
our table.. And I love to watch the
sticcessiee development' -of each new
vegetable, and mark its daily growth,
which always affects me with sue-,
prise. . One day, perchance, I look
,Iny bean -eines, and 'eee only the
green leaves clambering tip the poles;
tomorrow, I.give a second glance, and
there are the delicate blossoms.; and
a third day, on a somewhat cleger, ob-
servation, I diecoyer the tender young
bean's, hidden ainong the foliage.
Then', each Morning 1 Watch the,
•-ey-Tcelling of the pods- •anctealculate
how 'seep they will be "'bade to1 yield
their treasures.All,this; gives' 11.• plea-
sure and an 'id.eality, hitherto un -
thought -of, te‘the bizsieeSS ' of provid-
ing sustenance for my farnily. 1 sen•••
peseAdain felt, it in Paradise; and of
merely ite(reJielesiyely earthly en-
joyments, there: are 'few :purer, and
more harmless to •experienced.".
Two .American Victorians • *hose
popularity I :look to •see' revive are
Donald G. itchell and Charles Dud-
ley Warrier:7-Beth.wrote,...delightful
country' hooka Which 1 defy anyone th
turn beck to without getting many a
Chuckle •thereftern: 1 commend both
d"My Farm o4 EdgeWoed" and "My -
Summer. in a Garden," even though
there is never it Word. in . thein .about
either tractors or radios.. •T find Also,
among More recent books of a similar
genre, those'written under the name
of •David GraysOn'Wertie.while,
' 'John Burroughs hammered away at
his self-appointed' task of furthering
•an appreciation of the out of doors,
ericl....1-..a.m.,glad to believe that he is
not yep Shelved,. Ilis opinion.:en Our
subject -was 'a :•good deal like that ,Of
'Emerson and perhaps' it is evenmore
strongly stated. "Nothing," ' said
.Burroughs, in ',.`Signs And Seasons,"1
"Will take the various ,social distemp-
ersWhich the -city and .artificiel 'life
breed out of e nian like farming,,like,
direct and. leving.'contact -with • the
'see. If draws out the poison. It
humbles him, teaches hitn • patience
and reverence." ., •
For ' e truly moderreat • expression.
of opinion I. recominendturning to
the. writing of Vachel Lindsay,. • In
his Preclanaation-e-Of the New Vie,
lageiaed the NewCountry'COmmen-
ity-heer this: "The next -,,generation -
will lteothar Of the ernieent village.
The son ,Of the 'fariner Will, be no
longer dazzled and:destroyed-by. the
fires 'of the"metropelis. He will travel,
bet only' Or what he cen bring back.
Just _ his. father__ haif way.
across the- continent lor good .corn.or
nielon,seed,. se he will make his vil-
lage laniOna by transplanting and
growing this idea or that. Ile Will'
.,make it known for its pol tery. or its
processiens, ehilosephy or pea-
cock, • . • its
c c ss, -e ,
den'roofs or its great union. cathedral
Of, at faiths, •There- are, a tie:nisei-1d
MiCcellaithous. achieVemehte
the scope Of the eat:heirtia vtllage:
Our • aerieultural 'lend today holds tile
plough -boys who Will 'bring' these
benefits:. I have' tteltetl to these"bey.S.-
I know them, 1 have seen their gleam -
leg 11,„ in Christian Science
' .
.. -I •'
What can give, more j y• .to the
laughing eyes... It is only 'ill sickly
home than d. laughing, happy•.baby.
The well:cited makes eve.ry: ti happy
with ,•his tuneful gargle • en , bright,
hebY wile...Wept. a laughing beby,. for
It is. 'the littie, one's; nature to be
happy Whenwell. 4 :" .' • ......'
Adothers,Litz.YOur-babe is 'cross, :if he
cries a great deal atiO no amount of
attention seems• to 'make „hint happy,.
give him a. dose of Baby's Ovv,n'Tablets
and he will .seon be well and ready to
radietethat happiness .dthreugh the
imine again.. , , ' • , e ' •
:Baby's Own Tablets .are :e.ntild but
thorough laxative. They regulate the
bowels iiand sweeten- the •stoeuteli and
thus banish constipation and Indiges-
tion; .break en colds and simple fevers
and correct • those treebles, which ac-
company•the !entliag • Of teeth and•ite
:doing..tlfeSe things -and .doing them
Well4thee.Make baby:•happe.ahd keep
him hapey.d The Tableta'are sold ' by
niedicine dealers or by mail at 25'
cents a bee from. The De..Willianfie
Medicine Co.,.Beebe:Ville; :dint.' • .:
-'-'-.7-7,-.4...-.: • '
Research 'Work Underpaid
• • - • •1•• '. • , : .' ' •
,Saskatoon ' Star : .Phoenix ' (1,110:
(The American Government, pays its
tesarCh'•'*ikers.' tWiu6 As .n9ch as
. : 'C'aiiadian•. .er men ). Tiie e ,
erei .GOvernmenCletiniated at the Aiat,
Se -salon. ef.".i;arliantent that it intends
te',Iner‘ease• exiieniliture on research. A'
. „
.national laboratory•is.,te beconstruct-
ed at :Ottawa: A •perinatient• and paid
clialemareof •the Research •Co.uttell has
been appointed. 'Grants in,..:aid •of re
ee:arelt work are to be made greater.
All of these changes arefee the bet-
ter. Along with them there shenhe
he.,,a revision iethe salaries 'tif .6entt•::
dia.n scientific woreere:..• whfelt--will,
Wine them • e to something -nearer.
• P
. •... .
Parity -Witli.their American Confreres,'
. . ..„. .
• •
°se ,0*ange Pekoe
--Top Quality
M clean bright Ahsminuin
Coesereaffee •
'eine. of the most .coniervitively
capitalized •companies to come • trite
the publie eye for some time is the
Gold Rock ',Mining 'Syndicate:, which
Is capitalized at 4,000 shares of no par
value. Directors include Capt. F, C.
Wright, 'president.; L. Cote, H.
Leelithel, secretary-treaturee;1 T. W.
Bateuret• Dr. J.. 0. Robilla.rd And
Ryan. The Syndicate owns -*claims in
the Preece 'Ole area, Kenera mining
'division,' Ontario "
FIin Flen,MInei iteehingleNaterlais
• •to,•Power.Site:.;• • :
Winnipeg. "Supplies.-lor.-the-con--
struction of Island Falls pewee plant
of Flin,Flen mines are going into the
site of the plant.' at the rate .ef 100
tons a day," •states :John
president of Callinan•Flin Firm Mines,
who Is in the city from An, Inspec-
tion trip in the North 'with a party relined that it Was our colossal Waite,
of New York and 'Toronto' finenciers'.
...The freightm,4 , 41 of eopiike by And, that le tree. We, A.,re a,. careless '
barge tied porch 0a
tage will shortly yea Pebpiele Careless
we atesteaf 4lwasteful people.
.•400tons, a day, and It Is expected
' .. , 7 where
's, lire andrecklessly .Wburth
ne utilethppneepoint.
thit. 5!(100 tens will be At the falls
liefOrir7.tho--'feeeeeq.le7•736:d7allinnn- cannot go . On. , Our resources,, , con,
stated. .:
' •
• , ... ''',..
C.N.R. ,Earninfie:' ' . --.'''. This carelessness ane_e_astefienes.e.,...:.*
tlie::tr,yi'n'teoxheaujiestaipftieer;einannedr, orators,inlesssare we
•:Classified Adirertiiementa
11'i 15 PUIs
olls samples free. Stocking &
111111 3.1.1111; ,], ()rillia, Ont. •' .
CH2N02111.1.41. ,1641.8131413: ' •
per pair. Also Pbbl table. Jacob,
Wagner & Son, Shakespeare. •
irattrae wAlsTED; '
information. • lnter-national Realty,.
Cp., Windsor, Ont. •'
Farms eon, eAnn. •
dairy.• good buildings nice loca-
ti.on, Woodstock district: A'...Edey, 462 •
King St., E., Hamilton, ' ' "
' "" 15e, two packages 25c. Writs
today. A bargain. E.., ,Stilwell.
Raugernoilt, Que.- • •
Ottawa :Journal. (Cons);,We are
burning, tip our 'fereste at 'a rate that.
takes about $5-every.week from every
Canadian familye Asked some years„
ago what nioat struck leinabout Can-. ,
• Tee.,,grosa earnings of the Cariadia,n Mend' our 'ways, the 'titee:ntee' „soorte..
National Railways ,torthe,,Week eneed Conkwhen we shall '•find..our.,estate
October ' 15 were '$6,917;041, ae. ewe- beggared .itiroeih' our wanton seieft ,
pared :viith .$5,672,726 for the eorree Of deetrectiveness..
speeding. period' -ef. 1927, an increase of .
$1,244,21E; or 22 per •cent. i• ' ' . •••dereie WORST PEST
Tororito . Change Average it New
. . . . . The Sot• .WaS. chatting to an Aussie
.• - • 4.. High ' on a isit to the Granite City-
... •ied..o..eriimi • common ito.eic , conee: ,' .".111 tell 3,,e• What 'I observed, when ,
. _ , .•, . • -
.Oct. 20. are selling at highest on. •
aw•of ,1 was .over m• Melbourne ..and ither
_:. towns in ye' ceentry, Wherever I Went
tively on the 1041 stock market
trecer.d. : Individually.. there are .maneel.feeed , Scotsmen' occupying all :the.
. .
an average Of 20: listed and 13 oloi.. .
lieids o' departmentS, managing banksX '
peseetiorisheida o' business
P.issues..belew'the'tee•for•all time but high
leg the biggegt''. sheeP. qati9e./s; ,
a.•3., ;$0..f •,,..)oM e..r... , places ..oe ..%.;er'o,e .and •:filling the•.chief places . in . the •
Industrial common securiti e. compiled • '
.00verienent ••sairviees: I'reetellue.ye,
Aeove, the fignre for end Of 'anY month the Solt is-malst everywhere in Aus
this year and exceeds that of Januarytrad; ,..: „ . • • „ e` , -
• , e.
._..- -..--
'w.116 'the bull movementwas rampan ,
the'•average Price of 80 listed pa Oa,is the rebe
. .sie"That's Buts'ouro, Inaorat pestbe," replied the Aim
15 Was 79 90 at the end 0! 'T ar and. .
,; "' - W, -.
10 r 13 unlisted stocks it is•50•23, corn- , • .
pared With JanearY'e . mark of i. 48.69. I :etrenge hoW, radio , engineers : cen.
FebruAry'areaction: saw .a less of near:- time the' introductien of improved.
- i -
ly eight points. in the listed stock and 'Mode% to fit your last inStalnient on: ,..
'over .five id the. unlisted. Tie low .fOr. . the Old' erile.-Washi4e6n Poet- . .
.1 :
the year bY both. groups was Aotielied
for. 'listed and •42,75„. for . the iiiilleted.':; .: 'Tile child.:ie :fathee• of.'.the,.. mate -L. .
.. . • • . • . . . . •
August:. indicatee, :a.• slight improve Neeieesw•a•rtli, '
laerit-with- Amore 'Pronounced advanee ;
in September •and •a • neW.. high ' mar4! • ... -., • . . . . . .
set in the .first bali.•of October; 7 The,
average of...G0'.steeks, including itideS-; 'sent on Request • .
,,ANDesipApLEf, .p.0014 :HE4L H
..,.. , . .
- Doctor: Good health causes me a.
great money :less every year. , • .
i • Friend: , 'Why; i doctor,. r -shOuhl
ktitink you would ie -ant. good , health
above •all' thines ib order to Cerryce
Japanese , Finds •
, Way of •Dissolving- • ,
Lacquer in Water
Tokyo. -The discietery of. a PrOCess
•for dissolving lacquer hi water, the
resultant Ccineposieen +forming a ealu.
able. waterproof ..and • eYesttiff • for all
textiles, Is ,aenouneed, by Dr, Keiji
Oda, a grofeSsior' at the Kyushu Ini
University.' , The' diseoverY
comes 'atter many years' ef experimeti-
tatien. ' •
Lacquer has ..,bitherte been &meld.-
ered indissoluble In Water:" Dr. oda
610,1ins that he hateaecentpliShed.thie,
and that. the application 'Of thesolu-
tion thus_ obtained to Silk, yare and
other textiles its an efficient. Water
proof and :dye: •
The -rubber solution At preient used
for,: .V.4tOrAt.p.01.1.4g.,,grat.%01.1. t)*9.
drawbatkft,.h.e.Stits. He defines these
As not permitting air to pass through,•
as eafille deteriorating' and as making
It . eifilettit gaintents,. ,which
have been treated with a rubber so-
lution, • ' • '
2' A Lteidell 06:tette:tile theere'' thitt
.Motor crira eventually 11 denrive the
umn'fade M th'eitg4'-?61 141 gg'g
no notite Whatever 'Of the increasing,
•agility et the pedestrian.
Liniment 14'ittihing jainte,
-• •
yorir wOrk.. •
trials, •and Utilities'however
,ls •,still - •below• the.. peak .of • 110._3 for
touched ' in April. To -day, the. average 'd
Tells cause of caneer•titi, v. hat to do, '
•stands ' at 109.71 •end the • greates per- I .4,Lript:st61 ideb4dife6ndnallpileogittils:n•Cditeg.ee.etrht..eiHs' o
tion •of. tb:e deerenie is 'accounted for Indianapoli,*
by: the .bank stocks: In April •invest- • • .
, ,
ment trusts were. ecttve teethe market •
.and carried the• average:. fee the hank
iSOueS rip over .19 Points "to 425.6.2
amnpared with 314.75, ,as..'of October.'
' 15. Utilities are also lower at 115..69, I
octorgd de -bat not in y
D- • m
patients, my friend.
con'traSted -with a high ef 121.33 4t
. t'
• • • . . .' le end of M6'. ' 1
' The foreMati of the roadmenders ,1 •• •''' .
had been taken 111 suddenly; and his ,, • " -,---••--eee • -.
rielfthand. man, Patrick 0 Casey,,. wabl Veterinaries use Mitufrd.› Linimertt. I
duly promoted to thelebet,,temperaelly,' H. • .
bi i. t isho fOreman's 'stibsecluellt 'return• It,18N.Y.Cilldell;falli,,feacek)
.tal' i,e-e,fli•s.o
ae‘ctoiilsiiiotrii. /
le 'wit.: stirp•that6,.,e1iiurinr
rised to find Patrick the ,
bltlY•' mai) 'working'. on the stro,i9h. 0, t tuteil to, be.a profeund seeret. ante
untnetalled road, tied inquired .a8 to mystery • to. ,..every .• Other,-(That•les
•Diekees. .
the aliSetice of the' rebore,' "Where's
all tbe Itoys, Pat?" "Oi.socked ivery
man d` theni,"' replied the Jrishmah,
with it grin, "les, hot, often Of bave n fbethold. in 'japan," sa3 s. an ex -
'a, chance" of sheWing my \ antherity; Cliarige. Its • faeulty for„ gaining, a ;
but, :beded, 01 Made the 'exist of 'My foothold is its most uhpopular feature
oriportunitY yisteiday, to be Sure.", hi this cotintry,---Hoston Trauserillt.
“Alneilican ClieWinmini :has gained
P• f111.1.lPS
•e‘' 6. 4
'due to•Acid
• HeArroaps
itieteles.s Anse •iirrifilipak
ot'hiagtiesia in -water. this is an
alkali, eifectiVe„„ yet b,artiloss, It basi
been the atatela atitechtfor .6i Years 1
. _
among' physielans everyO
where. ' rte
'ADOOtiftti- tV111 neutralize.at donee many.:
tinthe its volume in afd, it Is the
right way, the qiiick, eleasant'and °in-
dent way to kill tee e-yeese acid. The
itdeetch. heooraes sWeetthe pain de-
garts: Ynti...•-•tert thitiffir again' ;
.Don't denoted on . etude'
emPloy the best •way Yet ii•recd- fir
all the Years, et' se:m.0'111:1g; :That F•
PhlIlIps MIlk. of Magee:Site • .1
Ile unire..th get the
Milk et eltigtiesia Pre$Wriberl. by •
1an's for 60 years in correcting excese I
adds, Each bottle scotitelits full
tett�fl-1Y regstore.•
'Rheum' atisni
, A little PA inard's rubbed ,Intii .'
Parts affected :relieves'e-rbeu-
nettle pain. Also , gooa, for
• brufses aud sprains. '
• .
.. .
.4. ..e
f '''s `ICING OrPAIN" '
Wornan Praises ,Lydia F.
• Pinkharn's Vegetable ,
Sarnia, Oned="I.• am Willing to
answer lettere from: other'weinen, t�
tell them the won-
derful good -Lydia ,
table Con.outid
elidree. I' datilletbefe--•
thankful enengh for ..,
.the-1.1aneli.V.:- fee •
ceived• during the
Ghetto. Of Life. 1••,,"
do horisework and -
my troubles.reede,
nth eat to work.
A' friend'advised
me th tiy•the Veg-
etable,NniVetirid.1 felt great relletat,,,_
once; begJit teregein ittylitiNtitro'itnd
tyik!uervee got better. I willrecome
MendT.OfirtiMildifie tti all -With Mt.:- •
bl liker BEN40N •
1.6g ''.i,.,•Chrtetirirc St i•SterriiaeOptance,r
ISSUE No. 41--;.!2$