HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-11-01, Page 7ITHE LVCK14OW SENTINIM TH11180AY, No�pmswt let, log. FIM, GF -7 ANADA" MFA ber., WIfAT �'C NS 'To. MANY AMERICANS. i Ile weii looked * Tier curiap D' Ail Anivrkan Tottrist)� TRE Spooll 1A.,you niouthi 'youii-, "40Y Art far. a4, Canada is Corice' . , I , , s e nit on to tell. her 4W lie e fte Wi wai mjpds f To ny'IA C eni to gilt 14Y a Ineri ans se a ipighty luckyKirl. Ship nA I run in a rut. Es ebially the minds! of 4e#, api)1-64chillk a, government au I P Co ED RONT HRDWARE, I. - - - 'M. pov. W ty i a, r, �;onieone who tLt
A.me0cans who bave'pever been. here, Lhol'i _t etective o io Only -niiltioh the word "Canada's t �N uuld have. ininiediAtely made trbu- o 1.4!,L Ly thepl, d'* �er. 4� it ba� in fact , and it is, imme lately 'ble for. li penedi, she had suggestive of' thipgg, to. drinli 'and, Oltelied two. who were T OOO/ PAINT FOR* IN -SIDE' 11P MA IN SENOUR- the customs, 'fixed- with permits Q.c,4rry a, OR OUTSIDE 1VORK, at. I only h Ve to s ate .certain all , iount of'liquor in their car. PL thr p, A Ketting .4ugh I find th .�.SMALL, COUNTS, that 1, have spent thle s2mer, in Can- Wry carefully diev. explained, to MART I i1q. '$FNO 'TE '1A SS a"� to Cause everybody -to 'brighten, her the awful, risk' she llud. run and. UR -N W NEDIU, )1, OSS IN�, Creep y, w sell li4u r lid 'say that no one. was allowed, t,) W p tibl ink knowingly , a NIEL 18, FURNI-IrI.JR1. XLLS.,AND i 8. )iCartfeit in'Ontdrio, but the ernnient. They sort 0 way. w me e in WOODWOI�K. ov t to RNM FIN inimmms" in a' env left 'hek sadder. agnd the.: a 'o��! s 6i'the wouder-flil scene 'houtrlit in Canada`you.."uld do,aly t6f PAM T in-Ciin�aa,thie marvellous boat trips -hing'With' liquor'' you '-,vajttted tos's MCQ4 k L- 'IF., CONSIIJERINQ A N' TIIECOMIN!3 Sir , A h i'�lle,A fis"hing EW STOVE FOR just, go by slip got., ri liatzllpl�y�c 'uS 'A 'CALL* AN1D,'9,.EE1',T-R E, ?r, t e 'th It'soems that. we Aiii6rcang, a e CHILLY �VEN!14G,�. PAY . h M Th r ch WVU the board with ey n AN D -COOK.* $TOVE.'� attention,* as' niug% as to ay. sue eN h do things G tremists. We can,.t . ( .M eneral ana6er,..sa AURN�S'�OAL WOOD, NIA!)E� IN.- 16 -in. OVEN AND: 18 -in. - Hurry Od,'get ti�i. the real part.of half --ke go'the, limit -like' n' your. stor ess, n)a Nklio iossed y soon, And wh6n'they fifid file 'rechl ,.OV Eli. 4 . - 11 . . 1. � I' .t, ere is'no'Keal part,.t at`that!s a] ;,'or 'dont. ro 4;A� all, Jik iy th )ordel: ere Was tc ans6JJ li6:. to tii6 thii th i my vacation, no exciting girl lricn.d..' --.im�runnirg FULL .IAANE,.OF.tQPEHEC 1IEA7 ERS. scenes on the -border,. ho, �It' Makes pie mad, though, every Wild parties or'.Xnidnfi�nt" carbarets. tiin�e 1 think of our American -attl- pportUftiLty W. fiiig. that they just 'naturally put me.down 'as tui:16 and over time.someboay hails .-HALT TH E BEST -A y T6RONTO Rbb.r, ING-- IV9 11slow.pf ni6 with, ."Weli, what did; you bring coi-Jiall wel we 1, come isinall FUL,L STOCK ALWAYS O'S H A.N D. I*oodness sakeg;there she had 5ack with� poti0s! opportunity 1 and nevej' they.1 niuch'fun- in Can7 Accoutit arall our officl�# One can bave *so # - the jlorioii� lak Reem to beAllinkin agai' i a COLEMAN LANIPS,.AIN6 LANTERNS. .1m ne spend- ada s�vimzninin-,i ing eight yeeks in Canada that, wa,k. �playing jenn' & wonderful i§. on And presentiv nourts 'and hikin throu- the ma -i BAN "BLUEBIRJ)" ELE'C,I'RIC- WASHERS. quite enthusiasticAl Ai Kpr-MONT in. jestic. N%, IV they regale, mewith i ie -latest story oods, siy' much more fun 'd I ki of. my fello'w. countryman who was nify ini.ild,than just',plain ri.n. in, no account is too small to CENIENTj L I A I PA, , R11 TONE AND..GYPRO(,`.ALW T'S diivinq Over the border the-otber day. ��O-0-0 A nd- vAo steered his Car right up to ti &Undlvijej at" tention rec ve .0 'HAND.' offl N er e,'Cpstonis 0 icer Aood, "Lis -i wh e th BRUCE "ROYAL, CQMPE1tITION" ten, old man."1.he.,qaid..:in a low'a'nd O iti of ri �.onfidential voice. 111!nt.. conling� do wtn cers COAL, ANDWOODFURNACES., -:*T?6rt-four Bruce County 'young, -mi-row.' Nvitb . . . .. . . through here Again. to between tile. ;i idrllier�, tges 6f-1'6 and' carL full., I'll hand- lln,.,e little $50 yo. ted n-thq. keep quiet at) e eWdy' t6 4elec O, t e next day, Ant to bi,�:word .rWti bn', f u A the 'ten i's sanio,fellow c6untryinan of pillie PORTE' US: 01 EAL i you 11 Judging co test k- n heldAn, Wal 0 �inncis -from the county'.to receive TR RA n. the same car.Arove, h' the Sallie -ee he'-Uo al Wi ter',_. 18't'. the .,ft trip to,' t y n uas. 7-� ? Air -affer;ao by the Oiitario Depal�t Phone 66. Luckjal:' rent customs. offichil.-theri!, a t�rce lien o r AisE4.!WCkCe3s CC. $860,000�600 t i Agricultu"d..;500 young men and befligerefit individual. who nchr- eleeted frouT every, �-bunty ai ad, diss- 6 hin 'f Tii . tore Ahe car't6 1pieces,seqrc.ing Or -ill the. b'y� these specla there Nvere non6`6n board. 'ger Hardwar6_ Coal Thimbitig'. insmithing _rict .%--REID,:. Ml XAna
'lie goods to' adinif in,; Conipetitions 'will visit To- egnto anti the Royal Wihter:Fair. rican The third' daj the same, Aniii �st- 'rt 24th. As gut of drove' thi6tikh'It the saille spot, . ....... ............. tile Ontario . Gove'rnind. the eeiiis avid found custoni�.offieek.nuni- Walk-,�rion.,�C6iiipetit'!iDii; in, the. morn- n [fiGHAM ri 'duty again. You're a MtKNOW 4id W1 her 9ne , oi I "Ivh _at'� 7 -7 tatoes ne ones, seed�... no oult7ry way;-but--!-�a Agricultural, Oft- 111onulne'nW 1' fi6titiAlly froin e dinth NOTI he leaned down,� con a TO AIA' S
fteriloan Holstiens K9 THE APPLE KING.. .,TO CREDITORS NOTICE. -Ta CREDITOR sea , "you, kyioA-. that, first day I while in Insuisdace r* s - t 1n.'thii.Atter'of�the 4tate of Ellen ion and I Yorkshires at the firm of Ab- hrough I,. diel."bave plenty -United St4- COMMA Irove . t i;owers 4 the Int 0 of the state of Mary so ititerestqd taiii: R6wayid- Walkerton, -'Shoitboiiis A e g of, 'atiohai. organ-, p
lloard then, but. vou wei t e VC Kirk late of Township, of Ashfiel
t john Wilton','& Soil. lai pianning 'a, n
afid. most comi)lete didnt think to look.� I'llid. Q�fo �a, -rio' Jane� Davison e oi the Villitge 6f lies �the largest 'n.niy story., you zation k wn as The-Ap'le-All. th�,C'Ount u pinster, de dilampy' nd. be P a the mosi -beautilul itiesAgns kk -iculturdl h6rses at CC Y of 11 roil, g It O it ruct!, e Pis . in w foi- Health Incorp 'ation.11 I s_'thief LutknG in" the C tin y.'of '13 attoc'k - A.lid the- scco�d, day I didn't hive a ir or ase Andre Schillidils,'.. 'Alild were to.chow., fro' A3 just 'wha NOTICE Is ll�f6by. given thi Andka-o�- at all Widow, deceased. do,- se0" And qliite proudly ed b-- -the coiitL-stants- Pollltri� -,is ured you'd'
rop.., y D promote.'trad- A b, Peter rate with.the Department of,. Agri--', persons having any clairils4",deniands XOTIC9 is hereby given 'that 2� 1 MarIlle, d Caur VO on Ahe a s -wer� suppli.', co ch�, $�vedish. an. �d "�.V 'jell Ilan steps, -!,,i'd t ioe Ellen Kikk-wh persons � h*A' ow-gountryl a inst the late o died ving claini or - d�,! Di -11 'piolgram. n 40k J ary. ane.," tes 1WRON 'COUNTY J.UDGING --ond' ic about the eighth day' Of Silly �niands against � the �e Ill J* atilan tir4al 'al: .easohs:,i�ulture in� carrying On - comprhen�-, I Oga starter., ppel',, Wailkerf6ii. 01 - I . lily
si�,e e. n), and reseay. ful given. oil. all ' lases 'a -apeci -to be an u ;�ere. ianization 'Will - also 11 �Or Wj.lniake a, jilty' Of A. D. 1928' at ke T6%-.,n§h1p -of Ash- Davis6n,�-'whoi,died on abOut the COI AT CLINTON 1�: There gets DonnelIv Pinkertoli,� tied,:. The org give ness i4er ay.rhile to: tbC-$e�,_st6ries of Denis special , attenton to standardiiation. :August' A.. D. .1928 . at 7:.:'7 M011114,11A,entai �alld �44V.Ate -h field.:ih the County of 'Hu'ron. are. re- sixth `day of ; 'Vitli. .,Arthur,. Nei!,' Tara, f6r'. hie lmnart-aleck-�" �lii�rlcan -. law break-' 9tid. imprtivement to mar -to, send- by -epaid o' to the "Villa; �U^ keting.prac__ quiied post pi r,. e of LucknOWL in the County
likin6' is'A Ill in. of the ompand.'alsii - drs.,' Much: more to , lily 6s�. Pi�otninerit: apple�,,gr6wers Afiru- deliver to the. und6riigilgili ipkecutors .of-Briice uired to,siifid bypost C&I�llty. un . d I ei I , are. req
'Of the said Ellen Kirk; , prepaid Or, to defiver-`to the im ersign- 'Carefully and ThirtY-six Hu�on. 4unior "M tions 'Neatly;. ed.-in'To-* won tbe�,C. N. E. Judging' Sbield;.i e -pro� b.ich happen ut,,the.6duntrry ie,%active, in t h e J I I d aw, j I . . wa r the Execut6rs : under :reai episode w ded to -the Contestants who 1140 t6
Dune. �arnivr e6nipeted in'the'secoild anti- reinto wh0e: I' s1here. moting thi§ new 4n prise. their niainei . and''addresses and f6l,]. e'd., Agent for aal �Junior R" al-,Judgii4 Ciimpieti- Two' girls froni Arkansas 'had &- never �revfously ceinip�ted in -a coni� parti6ulars in writing, of their. claims the IN1111 of, the said Maik, - Jane oy 't' tile -..highest scorO. Canada bas'ii. growing* p9pulatio me� aim before iilaclkilgyii�urordir- d' to Islibild illeii (lay and tbgir 4 Ation .in and statements' of 'their � a'c6ounts �and son, their iiiinies and' Addiesses'and a On te winnorg�vho, wit I g �ons.unVers and -increasing '1011 heid t Clinton October 26t pide �et � the Of an .eVer ities, if -any ti i of thir �-oney vint pow . . o' the � nature- of the 9ecur full particulars in wri ing n. Toro6to buying -furs. But, The I n bu. ei. how�
The tell 'bo . -: R o-* 'ti h - held by thei-h, duly verified hy am- *"Claims �and:'siatdnients ac-! ys. ni_akini� the, best ed to'drift into the gov k of t eir
they happen ins; in the Ord? ieores in * d li tock Mid crop, �vere I'll Donne ever, there is a growing appetiteldr counts andt Ppugla Drab. It. A. Spottefi ill -ing ive s 'rilTneilt liquor store arid' % D fl�r . Pink- davit, the :nature of' of the -,'se- el tandinz, are: enis gh�/ n shiploads fruits brou cts, wi I isit" '-diatelY enchanted by the -rows an -rto ara;,W!-n,: W that. after the'Ten- curities,! if any held' by.. them,' d d lek- !o eign 46kilim, nie d. the Roy. n: :krthur Neil T. tr'aihioA'ds'. thr6\u Canadian uly.. tario 'vows� of" iparkl-Ine bott '"Carlsmilie- hawbors . '.Nlekin� 'an day ve e �Luckhow kligniur. at th��, 6xilehse of, tile on les 'wiili their i'� ' bn.,, ports -and. over -the Canadi - border. the of 'N6' inbei Ai D.. 1928 th' verified 'by affida,At.- - d interes * I non 1doidon -In&lis� Walk said executoi-s will proceed to dis�: And ta e noti at r the rich -l' o -ing contents. -an tintr Thire is no --j6iid .. I � 'k . � h . :afiC imier of this, -free 0 thing" better than November A. a e i Roy. 116ive. Xiirtb-Bruce- Dan 'CAnad'hil ap tribute the assets. of the said deceas T6nth y. of D,"1928 looking labels pie, but erylittle is be. -utors will proceed to dis- s follows: possible'sc' am�nj �hii atitled there- th'&.taid kixe yip pi ore- 0 W -a- ed sons ei 441]rEtfiah. bring'me A chair and,let., Aleink., E)niwood-,'i1fred'.-P Ifuq' ing done* to.�promote onsum'ition in c
Ill ada o 'he. a�iks oi. the said deceas- Jew K'ind� To Irish '9504�David M -Seiforth,- 3 one r 11erfoll - - Geo�e R-AinbPri-, MildyA ' r �sta sh and maintain the� to, having, regard' Only to . the. claims tribute t cIntos. fi kally drawl- aN--.
te,fall back inAt." Call 775; 'F acbent to Walkertish.. 11rdee rLuckniowl. 1 756 ed in'ber0ft s6uillerril- er.,11&enes 5chnurr, apple as king of fruits. of Which, tbey..shall then -fiave had ..ed ahio ' n'g the. 'persons entitled, thereto "Ho%v hitich'ii yer filsh Air. Gold- k. -,,We zill -haven't seen. Thoinlinon. Walkerton- H.;lrr,V,.`Vo.ean., 'having regard lonly.to the claims "of" re 75i aqjonislied cler Grqwet�, hesitate'to plant new or- notice. and that the aid ekecutors- 'had otice: John FiosbeiinghAni,: Britic.'efield our hoIC lives., �.Iildniny; Will Mecartlrw, Cheslm7: which they shall then �li've n
�en much to donk b chards, or extend.. their.. acrbaeO, for -Will not, be- liable. for the' said assets 'h, , Seaforth; 3- 750;� toi;�L,Will MCIt6, �r It 'Eight cents, A',pound, _' - �- - -wq�alf come froill. d Geoi%-e� lklw,well. also and that the,said exec not Ot BA Vtrb d6wv where n fear Of ' over prodtiction. There is 'Or, any paif thereof to a. . person 'A, Frank. Reynolds.' gc:R'f�rth, 738; Cecil Y, t , the w.00nshine, -iliked lii,gh in the cor'luetition but' be liable for the'saf assets or �'any ,�11 the drink we Lre is -heartedn-�ss froni end.. of, %�bqse,'Olaili t', ey s all not thenave --�he pol whi for th' free half h pa 'W ose-
t 'k' Wingbati-i*-:5,, 735;. Norman -airid- tote ill front �o:. not e,lisib e e he rt thereof, to�,any.'person.of 'h ate two of t iiiii. Ow inugh.' C041kIt&, tej mak -Cnadi_ to�'�L t . other in the' -apple' received notice. growr ar '-Ridde _ An g districts largely b&au6e no This notice i in ant to th4 '11' flip - , _ab&milk. .11, and, A: D 11 `:-728; G-odonm. -s ,re- s give pursu arence I� ottleg.tv And' so ;e . r half D ted *_ Cd n6tiee: ..ig it Cl itatit-es of, �I' organi7ation ild - the. Statute' in 'that- be a Let's see, - E,,. ponds-eh',lit tel re thef Brife�:Denart is- behi .at Luc 718o' of %hdoning, for �e ' were � a. nation, �tiober A. D� e dav, inste nj lit. of -sisted no* this 15th do� of 0
ii ueg:-CighE it. 'Take trade, in- this. zotce pursti,ant tatil 4 theh fri]ift industry, ioniotin;t
'6in 'for seve ity Ve S Alrs* O'�,� D o s cGreg-. in. �tbe roninetitinn by Georee Pater- �rciilsin� �C'onsumption. spiirring in- that behalf. Dated,at Liiek- I 41 I-, 70�1- P" er-werly-' COT, .1928:' Statute' now hi�, -1 ' their WnL 1V Buckingham -ien.-" or, 'Seaforthp,l 704.� order in 'tile "zeln -uq -f Clinton, 15th.A'iiy,of. Octeber. A. D. and,iwritini. gua lat.ge eo. 31cKa growers. on to, pack anti' sel 2 fThank._ye. Gbi'ditoin, I'll do. 'WuS n -C�nntv Representatives is to inslire, a .9. It. 3 Lu�"ow O&., '19 8. Yhe coatest, -pilder the dit �, ernment store4 Jluro Tt S. goods in, such a a) gnew "'v I 'friend robner"of RPTw6-entative 'in -tile in the Kenneth'; Farrisb Jh, I-way goo tc. that. -You're ". 1. d ;,tile Irish- ion eiAtiVict. entative, Anierican 9117 a it -8 ,
f iltilkal' li�pres But, another demand for gre' sed volu Lilckiow' ' nt.,, strict little ptoijibitionist. of, Crev" "P. Overholtw of R..'R. 8 Oht� gay.tbat,.for ye. R. "Paterson and , bi� "aisist ialt.G. of (ine, A years to come. -'Fhrmer's. Advocate. -i gent`i�r the ald-01xie ut6 ninn $Ped e. 4L And Pie trade was- closed. of. the said- Egtat A Messrs herself ha& a 'Nvorle,.expewience. En- �he I)onil -Branch,. and A. G;1 kecutors MCimue. The, judges were. rQi kir'stinei Walkerton. te! thrbugil Toronto W K. ''Riddell and A. E. 'Donald. stopped 6 call- on seve"Al of heT Mud beats dust.. The passffig aCooper;' -date he PRONIINENT CARRICK MAN, DIES nt'' make I It'' it oil you but'"ca Walkerton,. T. Mark fri6nd9 pfore 'Spas CS And Wi -in the count A d' F -A ggins, 'Clinton. i�,for 6i w, COOK, you eat it.'. n ach.an .'' rv'4 NFor os e d eve' The village..'of one of th6,. with:th POPIORANGEVILLE. BAD. 31AN -it " a, - and the- idea of, Arhericah thirst. and �OSZS,APPEAL� Township of Carrick- lost one of, its -loneliness' in..a 'qtran citi her most Iwo nin'ent, an nil %ri�rg, d respec presented' her, as she 'left- The, actii6n'. of the_'First. Divisional tents h;5t.lveek, by -.the de t of -soniething'to drink, h bottle of - one Court of Appqa in refus!ng to -re- rnai'd Beingcssnei� v6to. suffered a There ; 17111 iind" beer* .. and for' believe. duv6, the sentence of 10 Years in the Oy..t+o ii -ht penitentiary and 330, lashes inip6sed paralytic 'Aroke�-When retiring*, you. -onie little narticiti can �4ve n,013ob'l Cook. the Orangeville, bad -the iii -lit on 'Oct; 22nd; IVollr r hotel.. when you meet con- cotiviption,on*a . Charge n -r, w.its bu 64 years !tes`iR1 frienft.!O -the,.- of a serious offerfg6,against little on e --- g tinii he el-- d of 1tlthou,i,h for A so not. know'ing gift irl will -ill( ApptoVal"'Of, -ishing"to`1 look !et ith, th6
S. d' Place in. and Triot, O'kario eueral o upied pron inen ' illotitil tile %,.! s , rad ate i)f in th the ibiven' Sound Sun-Tinles. ilis - in,- 1i s coziituunity.�-He a 9 u -her, sm I we;-ilited iteaqi�, with the iftF: for Aong-period of.tirite ' St College,. Xitchenerj And to.-thp -t-nd went. on. %`111 . b a Oi�f to, Oan!_),eville mild n n 'hii tpug%� " 6001 af tbg probably most of i e wh�re for the as- a ate. tWe Ftuff if _�he �urroundih- eOuntr_%- or __WAV heitel %% -o -enty ,-cars he has been Amblesid� and at F Later he ould appreci alni A 6N 'a"me co t .''13Qb 0 Wa§ nianag -the Viona na 6 the coniniunit �r Of the - Formom Fire IR,it it turned. olit, to be was. n -,- than a'vr aild die y or se othhfz'les Ins' all COIIIPA�' , to y is one of. tho... 'kind of- A bot0-
it he has, caused the authoi g r e. r �wlA�h'tinle thii" co pony, �,n Ofact with it,.tt- irIng. fto�i places ill f trouble - d ng� bi %,k�hore, iiiTn6bi,icing i'flo 011116041T!. no lawlessness and also a lot dif OX'len-'@ joyod gve.it, ll� osperitv�.,Rct: I .�S"ehroujh'fho-whle 4estri t undaY Ob- 'on I be toRk up insurAneg. I-avin " aiind Dint positi p g A plea was hide *h his bell, 77 �hqt ill l,fig-'the and, conveyancing ii, qe, 6 7 his Ov n', a c The 'L hnel Kee'P' an eye� on, your was in a qunildy oulli var, find no one will wint, to'deny c 8b A is also known- that P ian,t, aire'. to loave then ill ei �ove nd rnt.. the, fttleto but At �liltcaso to 1104, -0.0-0 p
while lie a nicipher of the Can-. C -tied, and jingled by th� -idian ExP'Qdit11OnArV'ForCc'ho created S cc' WINNtRIS OF waidg. �bot wKs toO thrl I caused dis8ention , 'Aniong 'EATON PR throw sent A� trotib e tin 'd�' f rogitikfi 01hafir, I " "' " it it'wdn't takb 0 ro onoinical . . lNew 'Englander his Ooniradi?s. He 'has �oniittnd inuni- HAT'Sth�goo o a spare by- nature ti: ay, '(She W W4 tternis rerZAentativd.di" ydu hotiae whert you need'it? -Pr, se�e,�t to . li�ig able crnierq VOU see, is fo��;omre of fil:§. ofrel*e,� ril, issued. - statement lirri6d 661 Scotch), So Onally' 'she lliel NValk0tod jt;st because it hasn't been on the road mu6'ls i' ber.btir6u, d b , . I . I n i2oAOXX44 r�;wer, Under ' her tin- In I the 'Conlil'u'll % nr. giving the inners of th� gatbn� tro- no guarantee th9k fi I 'work, or A iiian� ve. q. werie a zfnz lihiet,4 I . s: it for. The rain,ti2ay 'at, 'the, sehQ fAi r r0dently 'each ni'frbt. 'tdk� feat Tt �Xn&,* OI&V' Qr ill, ay. side, and'rusted,-the nm. . The dust f tile e run M picked up evid silk stalck and p6lif. �Tler roide� ofitronfie wbul"d happen p9n 'eM6v' Cook xvoilld,bei. hBcemay have crept in. The tire ma�� haiie
'An (if 'A 140.ri heed nail . ends dr-flinis -When you used t lagit, and,,a, 4, ouq. crinio� , in t muniber of pints tocetv L liffil In ; , , 41vot:-tr w-mor�-knilis--wgi--force-.--t-hein' through th
lubricated. Chaini'riss A CLEAR win" a U enclosed'in a sited hamel katAed Utimm- storiny w"thelt. ,he �jr�V two stranjreri� Casing.' may not be inflated UR t,itr 6t, ita Amb" th t6p of the w1odshiM ft*" it� r" fj+_bJS1 0 � t gi Veit torre jtist as doct�c ii�hts'fiawe sijkliiin ed'"Irl-11 Y.,, e was con tic It rbw* 'Acres it is" Jriven by, its aw,n, round, Hoine" ani F A other, forsas Of. die � 1, _14 irt d"_ A_J;� -tile le. Tbe� iiiipositio- Of' the W runtung. press'ure. .. wry power u - endo" i0 , storro 10ng E14ttric aean 6. rhunt he lie er it 440411dug - � ;jhkJ1 tovoors the "n. 7his s�sobor'Qptraw tWn n e- 0. that _V POW Ale R n r Qn"eld dtmerut -hairery o any im I C W1 ro in. for a free inspeq0b, o(r'your 6 'it jitom,the I , �"iate - t, Wd*"A"*W it - -,The st"'r-ingwin oper2ft whether tl� I I w 'Oran 'd iri h;i.Ar1w4. enurhei 4g -The Stoffn kingclew lina indeed Wt2hed", people tbere-ae but �fe' ncitidin' h6'§pait. '-r, Y" and "NI -lis 6fAl ackw�v"ofthe*1so(e n - n .1 . B 1 v_ enl, a B B the Wfunning or , ia, ilinirA on orta gives dr or� o"upants, s-,vinners of these Tin C', in Ki t -the ti,%,o of ivet, fid I ��, , ina &t* == , ) bet at that' intanC in, inow of . to at taia. lit is -Y A q the fweiinen strolled down t fjlfo ihnint of ieowl. Adlkm" The Storm lKing ",Ak to illsta ANeAlk. to their car she, ri r, then, coil, S. N 0. *im. which press"'finnty'agAlf" in thi s,SOMINION qtle, voi�o, ,I� havelilf er * , T, , ". #QW lrov� to by iii gin z O. 6_49. poll) 8 oth I t'. 1OW, M LOCA _,tilff if you'd, care to buy i gaV ler ttd,W. ', r. � -wni- ouietly. -40 points,, S )IJIT11, L the, ibat old' fkt '91A Js- 'V nte ttv I, 'it tUrned Ot ingt6ad f g6i jng� to flitt A' N'T,,,AND !N§TALS, THE Borb, S. 8.' bobind' file at Ai 06�jr lnnoe6nt '44t don't knowi but'l, tan. oil 43.00, �IN 9XCHAN68, *Ife'lo hinene 'Woods$ 81 $..I. ad. 14 �?As W1 Out, by Asking hor __r_1f__V0_U1