HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-11-01, Page 517 .7- IV71 4. 04 A _4 2 G94 Af 04A e:Fii LevjOhainl of the Cl Reaches La-ke hurst te, A. akes nida Explo wes later Vast I lor e! o r b . .... . get HW 'I`-,:- . ....... . L' B and U;ies to Gold FW& by'Air e of:Airsh*' S ys i1it4obn $'tra'ts, Sea Rdute Founi Mar d Navi�aWe Int ",'December 01, T nti 'nt's M dri. Te-rmina -Indians Qet Their Treaty �Money by Plane Co no a Ali' With 'Plaiies, 7 1K ---Forests Protected, apa Maps Made Was d r Paptu e -War 'e in Pre orth of, the two Canadian trans� bay been foun the' Air patrol Days, continental r4JI'%.vay Ill tile 'land - Is to, have tdo 'fast a current for, f ties practically.tittexpt entirely fiee, of ored.,. Indians, a: few ing, over, and were, !-W hire trappeks and here. an.4, there ice 'up to,', December .10. Thak Is as .7 6 e4 Novelt Sky TiIpmpf y min' I tit' te t)Ye'only at. ll,*k rwlsoo camps, con es nea 4 ug $ -in, Ion gas the Gr� ';huge to R�ports. M`Ov6 cuts of habitants of ..this great les farther south Are, open., Oil �"KK. mineralized A I rea surrounding, the -Hudson Bay..: that a' gad' m I emb ice. pan, it Oute'. ;;Z;' 'v territory the alt-plawk, Is, now float! g 0,owm from lF4,x Channel, qe� er-a This all Cr6ft.E R W d: airs --expioring'. ,blocked. the entraq�q, to 'the 9�r Le, ho;rget,.' Franc. -A coW, pae- eV orth� Canalar,)RiAde sea- from Nottingham,'Isl t4 ture. when thd..wAr began,,. e avia- plailes, Awith two pilots,. two. surveyor mainlan era ... .. ..... ou t,. Uoh field e '13 ' rg4 " Ila&, 'become' navigators; twq pliot9graii4eir me - After, Ha' rvest hloolng,' Wheat' the draiid.Central.term'ifiell �of the air' a I ct e. more 11ian tQ ears. h phot6& fill and U. allies, a rAP41c, 9, tit Ia 4ere ag4iA, then, 'the a h n . . ....... a, yelooment. and Its. fame and A 6 a, cook, as.wc s a, it has it slong, spate parts,',,.cam- Proven of value to Canada belorig to "tit g t a rea nne, dow I @ear' �hatlt will bQfea4lble to ship, .,c, "less n, Oi t of a f'-. this -moving,' ast w at from, the West. via -tile 'Hudson S one tlle� middle Of e lige. 1AI ,omplet6ness, Bay and Hudson -Stra Septembef, when 'the foliage oK tim- its imme CQ: -t and efficlencyi tile air to itttiprr the Ila ieasdik mfoi A this. d , mtO 'b6r fa r, below wqs -iti_colorful line. . .. . . 'just '64itsid-6 Paris conibines many of show for how ng... a -s -gracefully on 9 "the - facilities' of a great stAffi (I period the Straits' result. will The two, , hips- tat dpo 'eat pdrt,'� rq open, wheth C dson. BAy II(,Lal te; oil tl ,om Apr they. wilt 'bb navigable fi h is a gr Railway,, north or Lake Wiunipe,i., -e'qfllcials' who goVerW the he Gre6t Lakes.. or-. tit usthe Within ill iIe *eeks the� liao com re of ......... arrival nd.Aepartu a, laned afid O-diiy 'the -question of eleciric which often come nd go 11 oblique PotOg pleted -one of vital -interest. forest' type su ve-,V� f �4,000 'sq--te poNvet of a dozen or 56an, liotir remind one - Wh6 asks about their field Ahat - It in link been on the -surve d forestry. 1)atol' inelibrthern*0 The airplait� 'Ili Canada. - his. been an sli ............ PI "both a - 8tatiefi an 'a port. ax sed 'chi t � ttirid 'and.. Quebec that, theie is an efly lit remote regions. Fores ve not -from alm Of' ,l abundance of water power Awaiting hrri on1v pet all -fire, prevention "and recQhnaissance Mail It y the cipitals of �tII6 C6u8nent,'.,connea& hose, who ca�e to thartiess it. ith .Parts* by rail,., but. they ls service; photo s t;,, have. gone uterprisink concerns unmapedt liffig Pf vast forst e me from ofdfseas-�rom A4rlcit, co it -and by orth, means. of airplanes, dia�:.Engl�nd A ode 404irget I regions to, aeterinineI t�e nature of nd 'of - )r nig tO'.hAVe.L 's.0 ve"4 and 'photograhed NL sites-. .1rafispora.tion'. of, supp ies bergh­sItpped--:down'on: the grass �0:41A remote districts these Are some'. of powei sites,,at. wh�eli'they'are bufld%, AAO'4h�kLIN ON ARRI LONG. OCEAN- tOVAGE'. t,,' thirty-three -and, .��one-fia the used of 'the- a:iiplane lit thg Do- Ing. iiu6, dam�,-alid power. houses' for THRqNGS CHEER'Q VAL AFTER -lie r to ours,qu o W. York.: r New Jersey,,�a 540 'Xbhday more nsn ootlflv, despite. a,badly torn,.haV1 � 't g1i I' t' t N sion 'oi jo;we"' ga ing fill, the ant'di 1&14 a Girat ZppPelin dippeq - to earth minJon., tran"ils Es also wltn6ssed tho, populated regions. - (Oc,t. '15th) af�tefnopn, , endin -w'of 40 9..'the.'Iongost,non-stop'piglxt in the world'&41itstli�ry. Th.'e"J�viathan.of the clolids; .'With 20.pass.0ingers.and ere �Royal Cana;lian. A r Force a Iva -of America's Round -the-' .1 ' I , . The f" aboard 'had beetfr111%,'J!oiir n tilia'air since JgavJng.TIiursdq (Oct,jlth), and had edveredl Or 'miles la.1ts efforts to avoid storm. 4onitifictio with' the.'.'Ontarlo Proa iiii�e-C-onor"e tustorn' 0 ng ap oximat , el�. 6. 0 06 Tile' atr I' World fly'eraL of 19 24, the de.parture. of 'Coates. 'kept -treaty motie Jo the Indian 't'ribe zon,es� on the Atlantie'., The picture ts.a striking photbgraph of. the litrigibi.e. taliop.-as it Passed over New'York where. vi ciat,,. Air,'Yorce, havie 'more amktid .,LeBrix for! Soutfi­ Awerica,last than 165,000',0.00 acres bf vifIgin 'forest living fil� Matiftoba. ., itlid,:-welcOmp the voyagers Of �the.air. Atnd iiidfore tik' im -a:q.tdmn,,, ... ,th t e gin Ba� I d d tant sui�vi6ifiiaiice 4n. the around. James s now one Ny P11 !�r -,`,Cons .7. farewell . of Nlungesoe�- and - Celli. whis*­6 't ling an ex- t4o�,' set out !for Xew York,' Xoth�r (�i etfine) -.-"'Don't mum- aces- )FOS-peoRti-g-pa- -t4es- -iAl . I . . est fires . are d I miw'L Helen:, I can ;surnmet. and... late -autlimn when for- r -sik�ang�o -4a,4ijht-Tesemb the. triq4t menacin&; Sea� agents -8et,-out,'fdr��i top. lAsAnk sev�- eq*liip an o�si ' -I? " rOni the.-st�inier. Mirach, bl�.ydur. prayers t 'BY Pi On --�-f mear' future, o see ma �a word yeli. say- I , . : panes sai a llvestigAfe 1, h -was seive al Iles, f ur- �,wasn't 'I way- for tIfe_1ieW' essi(ies 4 to Iie r liundjr�d m" more akinig, P -ther-wes"t- spe to you, Alummy. -6nadd-F-elL edinesda... now ght:.have' as t4,'� niitit� MacI), kelts s k at -rea: which n. the DiWd'�� plane mi when N iw York will"ta a %,on eve place on ield,-' cov rizig to r, wondeke(t., what Great� -.Pte-Camlixiiiii been -r'of -the two J)1 ht. I In Do'ard alongwit'li. London,: dceq If Vott had Rdthschlld',ii at. 6ithe. �the�lliul et" -,thirds Of . Canada, ai�d: finIes, m0ntibne(k 66k. off frorh you would do Berlin -and th6 other udarik, . two lie. t 'IN "bu ve 666 'CyWide' Copenhig6h Raibo.r !Grac� e, reg ell investigation has il 0 w s- �Newfoliri'dland, it there,ar" U it. lidwn to ;�6' Liner. Passengers', Saw. daily it ed Ndiat lie ould d ad cities to Whic' be4Vi1Y ininera ize-d,.- alih�u 9,4 a k h. AuLgi Objca"brop Into S,&aI -services lentil of, ouche Js no touger"look- ...as ypX been Travelling -by, .�alr e e 150, Mil -Off- 'I h. lor and'more plan. ha)f not yet ed on as, ek nove experiengg, ,or it, -spor ..an, aii.nour,a Le.Bouro '19 t'w -vdevel d. by the ww will'.be iapJdhr 00� Coast t d �1' 'reveaf:-* *11at an 'efficient wer allay, INA. k' L td s .0 11 -1 -lie , po si it minh g stle'rhat-ivith the�use.'OEi, bi iiy that �Jirplan6� has' of the ;'airplane. In Met. a-uttiprities 6 !Illeand of'Aranspqrt the,.iJ the airplane. 'the' C -rignder M 'Mae n6g.,leave', with the �iputonant ;Coilli anadian :q)Fotpec- 6 e a ble to: do more Ili., the Uonaldt youn, Briton' who rieiiijarity of 'tralhs,�'oh schedule ex. tot should -at emp i1g o from..Ne�vfoUt1U1Ul1U, LU next _ny flv'e Years, than- -he- has. done I cept wh�iCthe We'atfit'31rKiS d 'pa ears.- hy;;J��M. Ili The in �h�d 'When tte . t Engl. ally a -Science riva tis from -indi 'The- position 5f ',;ill Ilid big ��Iafie the lilkl� 'coast wtLs Cliri�A;ian' Vy -ers, and"crew� of the ' plied pas-seng equipped...'iwith NvIiel�ss, whidi fly "bq�; oS ck"F& Callad an' P c. e'.'1inlir - ntel4ire n Paris.., q -other captrals; Ou r. 6 which arrived: :in Liverpool - Sund y y -1 ifi rrilis Wiff s Mo n Brd' -nionient, WM-Dea rs -in Ala"s*ka- Thdy �ai&that AF6.1b limi., Tharsday,', Ili tile: Air.. Wher6'the' rail. they are Anctiorai -Alasl n heukbs'.- telegraph' ikht wi e-oen space . s y.had,,, FIVE MILES A:-MI,NUTE reahing -toward'Ahe d tele.. -81, a. trall of-Itani-e b�hindlf;." "It e,�13ourget employs' the -wireless rcy.' at' 300 of Alaska,. and, the big br6N%-n grizzlk, Gkelg or the . Royal' Ifly ing corps. who. at.titi0d. 'The Positio n of 'th'e' Mofitcla&� at one b - 1 1. ; . ; ph 6at_:whi'cIl turnibil, imilei all. liour'i1i a;fIyjiig_6oat frial ps amusenient or- the time iyas 150 miles lvest',,of ltoi Y: -its 'a militd!ry establ. n e ve It wa 7 -777 - .'advancing qrr that ' Le. Bourge .4ts' fledgling t r�,. iptist_gi wv' before an . . s he: tile v o live -stock ra-15'ers' 'Countv Uonqgal. I pianes-.arl li�ed throughout. . first it - f The - igilt -a s during the ar.. Avl.6' e T eral_ months. "to pay to s am�dbdutjoR pie-ehipt the'hao116 f. r a ere and It, was -country. which altmen NN'a t c h 'fiAbitants,.. of Canada tLeir rig-Kthrl ar to the goIfthwest tor the o re..#Aine.d, ih a fhe.We;steru islands.. Eg.; to we pt-brul'it I t, French lots over ahoundp and fiirerq treaty....money* No longer i� ednoe b.uL to its "nature.' f rom there hat PI pe�ciallv,iq�thi� true.: of. Kodiak Islands- 'HAN7 - �FLIG dir to- cha§e awa�. ­the:�.Gerznamli, cainp, equi niaking ideai*�'Iandiiig 11161d' af t . &xnoe� packed with - M�LY E 13EEN P_ HVS END uc of a �M Froni'this po f to ast sue a in h hie i4s ti kl�li' p un grrA2� mbnt ana.-pirovisipili' sition an the ritile o rly,,inq 0oats.. -flying, towardd,)?arts.-.. ilig.and homestead, I�a�e'.qppllyiittbn's �ssengers :-i t v6k of the ebun- the incident the Montclare`p tip. 14ow the nati families w The t heir Ab6ut:6,00, iII.Iiv6,,fhet."-- d. the end' f ee'a grateful Wrd far abov� t s planes, T�we ve o 92 sea f in.,a:. few ',yed' ory y u -En'4m"eRead S-grdiluilly edmp' 1PIos*er,..aIId the rA When. It.co o Ma:c1E).onal&'s single�handed'atteniot.46 H ,,,.operates S., 2L 11 hig'boati head these are'larie H. J q estion'of a'�beai .6i a Aheb 'takkng I' ai roar of enginlis' iells. �thtem it is 'the croks 60L-Attlafit -in,`&]ig lie ffos_J;On�the 9 -hand,, there. Js the�, report and equ pmen . . I . �f we , i _1c 'litindipecIly 'to an plirt-men d -uP­f0*dm-,On white, man ivith.'the r annual 'herl. the.r I t to, the scene df'a fi.re v h -s e6p. 'of a somewbat simila'r,oCCu)rre the S rain q -take. 146* t se n .peet' 6. farmers,. .1re:..,or.: e h he,' iplit ei. of"th6 fofes� 'The ther 10 planes . ate, light. De tty s'6rvIce- dome swdordag.i do 0 wn eaO s�dui' 'seaplanes, used M umn on takes 19h16EGRO6! Ne6ded to, Pr& -e 'EARL IS Precatt. ions det6eting �wolrk. ant nd: tit r was married at Bromp, f 'miles beyond t e rat way arquis Of Headf6rt, I of BecOve, hei Tli6 Eat dreds o h .11. �Ient.., Injury. by: LJO X-1 photography abd': sk qrk the'In ansl* being carried"but in se.. sagie to Lady elarke,: w.idqw 'Of, -Sir :9iipeit'C1arIke' of. IO'boll P C Maps havo to be e *ha t fiit� 4deen 'ha and c141lizadon,, to bring di .. � t I the ton.brator the Great W ons :promised them: 50`or mor years ko. 1YIth trost nip'ping here and here a hroe W s e pebtied times- it. Is - we 0 un x 'in s cond II for 'the itto EsIdnio A k �inirly hes6 we --re' done ma e. ol the 'G ild OW& Sho Cold. Claimed, T Test der'ihe 0 t. un mont ax;:serv- motorists, to at Canoe t was. tnese gb�yiirn I the f6l. s the only me4fis of getting s- an- -lowing precau, event, exr -.Into,the qo :T Ci S idec -41-ndi 1c;' that' showed. commetclal lnier� -N lood; remembi6r th ntry,.'eaci o 1 0 1.'Engliih Fami ttofis' ma , i pr ests the .vast u ''likh' the :ptalie u f' the se to w P rt -WO !C roled: i could: be put northland.� With sodi% *alile,l�kes had ty be. cl and r ornpanions in the or . Als Re-' Run s6liftlon. Nvaslitng ages Uad. to'be miaide,,,'carrylug camp English Eiplorer' R'e'v'e ih6: rush to the newly'd1scovered gold Jations ip. ariC Un- thfough'tho radlatdf.and cooling, ��y n day,, f -,Red ear. hi With �'M h equipmpt.'A d ristruments: To ,G.av� Up Hope. N' ielO of Lake in'll'orthert, On- in,while the -m6tor running- for flieg 6000 feet high 'above tario. in f 6,,,,�hre Tholon River te an of 1) f 'at leaA T mfiiut6s.`�Tbez ' t A'innipe,­ lie: bodies 'of three tile region spi,6106.p the, the ai&ar spring of 1926 e I h 8. a��;Re'sult f commercial air tkansport 'co e?s 41 , I thisti with.* clelarwa-ter to'drahi'dif the, plliiitogr�oher takes' - pictures so' that A ysis Vvil III.' 'One -..hundred au&. twelity 'hien-,beliored to, be- those ;of:'Jack' nt orm a scale'. and, rtlo t 'have 'icoll d Irom (I Ell-lish film- Rtiggle e f Y.-clon o osalc� liell all af-uns eldar tile when placed tokether 'they f t.nril6s, seliarat6d the gold -st'ri Itorlib tit Ows the. inslil radl. the neattest 'ra'iway' 'point. It onily aud noted AiI a ege. -LO1100 Y, 'htor and to I accurately jo'draw' his lid n UniversIt' ie ou IK, S"', �i �.l m10 X. -sent thing 11ke a wek�' mnfolls� I' tool, e or Conn "f t i6st Teturakl -to England atte ac- ilied tile 1, Ila$ r a OrfAvilto J, it record the fype','of for r 61 t I I IN,, k iidjat' dayk to'. glet'lli through file stitiWand tor Nv o tit the f, loexploration al'ong the 1,6t other connections tit g atu*tes fe hteam nd a400t.., for leks.� ]I(; qiwe drain, are Swdied, Sea� Rattte lfar north _iIIII)OSSibi�L, ' Vaiioe§� wore cloged, h askist, iy years, new sea- roll. e,, ]�A)t 76: Ni. made blood nIa4 t p.1'afie did tlie� trip Ili d littfe"I'll6t.ter lit, geaso citil:4 ;ktl putllij I g,iattd.i, expan. it the ndlans, - a�fi nd�c nhas'tilIll au'llo Ir. c 'I tjl6.LJI I1,, 1110, tory r�. %ht 6. NVI 1. t tt)lis 9r, the kl!'lling ijudsa 0 a paqseiiger. n tit,: The' ondon, )v,' itl. laif., hy ztlrplue r tile IlIk(Isoll I'lav, niotkilig, it ill �two: Jidues; 7`116-'eha:rg, a rk Olt, d' 100 'ed, I o., AO the, of In Meolto 1 -A railwy a part o lone iiearl,� be oe ol it"is 8 rlwted to roft -NQI�011. and"aboul 11 tons of fre ter tildt 111,11iin's �voro 7 tenipt�rajures lilt tun to Port MuMillf,. b6th, poilltq oil A wpotllld. livoll) tilt, lilost 1. -o t ill 1)�V iko ft!,�roti rogIs. wa" by "tit ';t I This the Ifu(160n ny it; JANI"I'llitob territo6r. Atj.o�lie'r 'goid field fil fir otri to tit th e, r, the graij tered by latte' [I, irmght�i:4 llo imittem had J bout the nine.tinie. c, d to poll lot ir gel -Vic f I ookirn it'_t6 I'-9dod1 will leavo' for mirope... Out roglon lit ill'o 1;'al ol. I b f t, t believed., that fbe., Hutton, ft'�, One flying boA car- CianAdib�n Autoists it solid most of ille . fi&f NG, .19 toils' or itThelon, 111vt1lod ot WAIII strulLs were IV" 4' g li- y6al-, � or ot �ivere' so, blockaded and 400O. -letters fit 146 hiurs dzetl bod es'Ve . % . 6 d 1, 1,; t,4 ill taking, a 4 o ot blood front, 0 ent tile IInditis seemed H 'nor-, Pres, f 1, 1 a pod iti'bl; a Voitll icebergs as to b� navigble for flying. time, before a railway, was run. t�v brin to tinle, to discoer. at, ilito Rouyll. tlisc�6vo g o only �'short tht tilt' tost was. '111 Silver Enibleni Is'Piesented'to first' hand, Ju4t what ',tile condition B tt I �Ohln,og An' his field were erch"which has .1 for'� kl�o of a for q tericolning little (lifIle, Wig It,,- in P 4 it to 1) e,,, a, s( re, oil thl' new route to, E or91, I X a it, In' prices. thus, 0011i e to Canida ..p of Ili I'. confe5 that"� even plan S� with pilot rest Ilis earl' da. .'Ili aflee t S.' more. a�a to llt, radio OpOators housing" oll of mechanics, eru. Ctekda. ,,0iiCh Als0. ran tile wflds of udrthern Alborl. r bettei oII , it recoatift-it, co-4'to the lals­,iInd 8'u'plylieii'to last f I) , lanes Into (Ito I'Affiong the 'ItOlMis "I tes e( were. hlotorl,44.4 'f� CaniiTf; Dr.' . t. Do fortun6- -,,i'.t - dnionton, liner Prior to-, the fatal Jouriiey fit ltas�. be Alta. little' ' of on el lik, stri 'lilt Od men ati(i emi(irtin f;om halt a dbten ning areas of northern adian -ill . ineli f FO u-1 i If "4 r I) ei. president of tw, na(ilan kiarallibbil (an Govei T. land 1. ome-, ..ipaclal, Let r I (I cturesqu tile closing carried witun n,.q Dogrlbs,, Xn Associftifou, a was considered ",I -soil '11ftlot-ath alffitial, Convention a ns us acilig&4 hi. 427. tinsported i4� tons -'n Circle. have ifew a t llplow tile Arctid of' 'freight iffid. cXpr6ss and- Ifew a' he It h' prjestiinio(l tit tii hesof cntains �X t6tall oi, for liis,Ifailtire to I,6,t 11:11 d. Ifartsr to'base, -their' it%,ere une.v iaIt froin 'the horthol'a on It' Doolittle L !, e,:,- , n n t NN& tronW-k I or AIIJ Y Nfa'na, fi the' nionth Avilich'. to colitley tll�tl o`IvII 111*081)O'c' loanq, d0tor's- tite 'It Joill'; tile Ahil �Itppliol to o Torortti, wa, tions. ''not -it oebeO fit Toro , it , to, III' )aseff a lallt,16 oil Qn �terrltoq and I o r "t The I11%, ro Ill ............. iq could ar, the tfilid t -tfi6- tikhern' OV'remity of Manitoba,' and tit' Hudson t Ito has cover- From, you nittke A.!talll thebo,,Dottits theg 0onv-ey_,An!u- : 'A'� TNCW1;19WLVA16E­CRA1FT Fft� its haI told efors and . dfrectorI5 tO. ctitmg - Which f ioiltiVl' INdson Strtlilts itortit, onst.and havo, A t 1, 0 Mott Lake,' btldgo,#A�t, Conn. X d1vtng' hora lit.4 bath by somo A,, tr m liarold 6t. Ili a daily iiah"I of 1200 11iflos. aro shoiving OosalbllftW, flying',thesd been' 1, sod 'before, nd-or the n00 Ijerfut6 dkerj 0'.w6ik Willi, thestr ati( hav6 onl%� ono hath, but ev ry ostor. Istit catiio I 1dop6nd- and it qiPC104. t WI'a engaged: t6 hirm PI16 �qtyajts aro from 50 to 100 46$ Inoit lit comfortable,. 11661od' cabin 450 Miles T116Y. Diatidi", That will, transport to. side the sulikon Vessel, Inset, all.' litio'Hor Vim nliero wkoi his acrosa tho It I 'It 0 vddth and ce u*