HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-11-01, Page 4,
.5oo W9onttow
mum:Arm y• ;
laoring *eager .offers a reward of
, tine+ hundred, thoutaadadollara for the;
retarn of.ada datiglater, Hope, who has
J:leeta abdiletedablya, bawl of triminala
• callea the "Ceanbiae,P. He receives
letter froin the, abauctora-anstructing.
him, where to leave the moneyBeads
"- 'ale • deposited according to inetrue-
- • " , •
:Hope held in a 'sanitarium con-
• ' ducted by Dr. Bristow and she Makes
friends with DraKelsey, another priv
• onar. Together they escape, but Hope
ie recaptured.
Kelsey Plans. with JUareia Charlie,
adeenturere and friend of "Ranger a to
send ;word of laoPea whereabouts to
be father. Alderman ••Higgina head
of the. "Conibinea,' tells Bristow that
Ilopeariust lie killed::•Bristew goes to
- the ;girl and'offers to help her escape.'
"At libetty., Quite. safe. Still at
. the old house, or all I know. I have,
rot seen him. I got, all this from
• Morton Wile ha's been in communica-
• tion 'with him.
"MY dear child, be 'took her. hands.
again; and , spoke with imperative
tenderness, "won't you; trust me? I
ani gOing to take you back te your
.•home. ,But We mast act quicldy, Yoe
• pee that nurse's outfit?". He pointed
.to the bundle,: •"1 Want-aou to put it
on• at once. Try to look as inueli like
• Miss Copley as possible." He was bor-
rowingIligginsaidei.- -s!Pix -your-hair
•taa same way. Then come out. I will,
• be waiting fer-you."
The Moment he Was out Of the room
. she began, to change into the garmenta
4a he had brought.
She had finisheda-and was auat • put-
ting on her nurse's bonnet and cape,
7111221 ,he tapped , again' and entered,
"Geod girl!" he said apareVingiy,
and even in ha, hate, admiringly.
The car will be waiting, Come."
They had turned to the door when
it fiew_open, and Anita fated them.
Dr1dflaining, she aalat-ii-med-the-
deor beldivaale.r,aandastootl, her vett-
,• , Omits glariees .darting .fromone to
tat Other, to fastea: at last an Brialow:
Bis anger was white hot; but he
Ips best tia" control it` • •• •
' "Let me *remind you, Miaa CepleYaa
icily severe, "that you should. be on
duty elaewhere. You'll, take my Orders
now, and return to your post." a
' "Oh, indeed?" she, flaunted her
• sneers. "I wonder what the Alder
man Will have to' say to that?'
ale ,tooked at her, a cat -like gleam
• •• in his narrowed eyes. ,
• "t think the Alderman will Probably
have a.good aeal- to say when he.
letinis-tbat 'it is you who arearesPena
•• •
' sible for his plane going wild, I have
nto driven the needa* 'ithe
discovered—" drawling slightly to s She had dr
tantalize het - lease of hisrain
'-"I have jest discovered • • „
", last. how Juarez Charlie got his tip
• • that Miss Meager" was. in this sani-
• : "Yen have?" She teased her. head to
• eever a vague uneasiness areUsed. by
. his manner • • •-
• "Just tliat." Ile inclined his .head
'slowly. ,"Throligh a small oversight,
• or, .shall we say; inexcusable carelessness -most likely from feminine mo-
• tives of economy -4i hat in which
• understand - a photograph of Mies•
•, Ranger was taken, was exchanged: for
•another 'to be sent to .you at this ad-
dressaan direct clue not, ti be per-
••vertti or mispreved •• in any possible
. • .
• ' Anita 'tottered and for an instant
•• Chased her eyes. •
'ller whele bearing and expression
• altered.' With the hot iron, of neceaa
. aity;she seemed to have sineothed out
•-„,aiera wrinkle of aassion „ She stead
before him her aupenor, the respect-
• ful; composed nurse. ' t..
„ "You're tight, Dr. 13riatow. • I for-
got Myself. I apologize. But 'I doaa
• believe you want me to go bark on
duW or even remain in the hesPital
under the circumstances. --
"If you will aair me what you owe
me," With a gaance that BristOvt,
rightlY laterPreted as meaning that
she demanded a heavy. stake,. "I will
lea,ve ataanee,"' . .
His lip drew back showing the edge
of his teeth.. • • ' • ,•
"Yea are ,asking me, to assist in
your escape—the nurse who foolea
me into :believing Mips Ranger to se
her sister who has imposed this per-
haps ineffaceable blot on my hospita1?
are spokeawith virtuous indignation.
• She took all this as Mere preamble,
Be Was talking for effect; shearing her
the , line be meant to followand
stiengthening his. position with* the
girl at the Same. time.
knevia I linow, tjobtor. • But yea
don't Altogether understand: I have
been a tool, an unwilling tool -a -a feel
of Higgins."
"You' can •go down and get Your
Week's salary from the cashier." • He
spoke with curt finality. • "Further
than .that, I refuse to .comaromise
with you" '
The answer stunned her, overtaxed
her- *carefully, maintained repression.
• "My week's salary? Doeter, 4'11
need money. It's too late to do any-
thing • in ,tovin, and I can't cash a
Cheque for a sufficierit amount in the
village.- You, always keep from five fora
tifoadatii-id iteteainatheasaf eran
Must have -it." • • • •,
• She waited. His face was like flint,
his eyes stone cold.' It frightened her,
and she cast her reserve -to/the .aynica
• "Yea couldn't leave, me hereaawith
• Denomin. atm' ns 1100
Write for List
H. It, BAIN & CO. 1,1TD:
350 Bay • Street, Toronto
• During • the struggle Hope. had
shrunk back. Tlien at its appalling
climax she stood, motionlesp,, living
through a cycleainu wend..
Hope's one idea now was flight. She
started ter the door.
• The, inovemeat light as it was,
arcased,Ariita. - She rose to her' knees
and c.lutched the bunch a keysait her
' "You -forget it'e locked!" alfialook-
ed it the girl withameli hurning hat
red, such evil intent, that a chill ran
,down Hope's spine.
Anita, mad to batter her,, trample
her, mar the beauty which she be-
-lieVed had taken Bristol* from her,
made. a rush, her hands crooked like
cleats to tear the girl's. face. Thane
caught her wrists and forced` them
: •
Look for
' 4014 the,
yet .
. dealer's,
for your .
•the' beet ;Peppermint
Chewing Sweet for
.94Y •mcd?',PI.•Orb
Higgins? .For your own sake, you
couldn't. He'll get off. He's get pull.
But She. faded. her, • artra.
"You don't de/v.". ;• • • •
"Yea will:have a -hard, time'
eating me in, any of your criminal
performances," he , said haughtily.
"Mho:fact' that as -soon as, I leaned
of Misa.liaager's•identity,.1 tookateps
to a-etuin her to her parents, 'ea -met,
• • '••
. She sought through het memory for
some threat .to hold over him.,
' "Kelsey?", she said suddenly. "It's'
notcertain that he's drowned.* Sup-'
pose he tares up-e'l ,
"Dr. Kelsey has turned up;" he re-
plied coolly: "He is alive and. aafe,' I
.• f
am happy to say, and I have been in
communication with- him. I owe the
dear fellow all the amends I can make
hire. Another score against you, Miss
Copley; ih aye You to ,thank for • those
doctored receras' tliat' iadured nie ,to
hold him here as a patient_ One more
teasot,", sterniY, "wha, I canaot .can,
niae at your proposed getaWay.!? •
Kelsey alive and on terms with Bias,
tear!' She was past 'defiance now.
. sacrifice Me? You'll traMple
Me in the mud? You meetrit? You
reallY anean' it?" she muttered,
' "Come,". Bristow Said; to. Hope, and
took her hand. , :
Anita stiffened*. .She flung;her arms
out across the door, barring the way,
. •"Meve aside!? Bristow, conananded.
There Was a brief? sharp straggle
between thenaSh4 felt. herself 'giv-
ing way before his greater. strength.
'Harveyt'r .she•was sobbing.. "You
wouldn't do ' it! :touWO.UiChi't. Not
after all we have been' to each ether."
Ile shat his teeth; aTici made an -
ether , and more saccessful. effort to
pull her f roMthe' door. She thrust
her hand in hero pocket, nnd ,jerking -
out the hyPodermic 'Syring she had
biught for Hope, jabbed at, him with
Ile tlaiew airnself Siciewaye; and
shifted ilia grip • to catch her. by the
arras. She aareated the right one free,
and reaching over his sitlder, &track
Wildly at the hack Of hie neck.
-Suddenly he irtirepleta fell befivily
ageing beta and. slipped 'through her
erineto tellbOta` (Me eliiiilee:Ont.
Of ahundred .she had driven the ndIo
into the base of MS brIn
She was on her knees besate ,hirra
thrustlng OrL1hreuhTn1et4 •
coat to Ida braiata
deadl" :she gas/tett,
, -Rhe-had iIte4 his head-on. lier
other arm, NON, lie aha Witildrew
oho tot.* a 1101c or two 0 illooti on-hw
• ISSUE No., 43.
• She bent herself te the task of' hold-
ing the mo.4 Woman off, teelading her
wild onslaeghts; and alipaingaway
from her brushing, irasp, rather than
to close with her and .malteit a test
of relatiSe Strength. •'
They_Were near; theibeCand_Hope,
tteeing this, did riereUri aside, but
• took the nurse by surpriseacaailonada
ing into her .with such force that,•
Anita rocked; her heels shot out, and
she fell backwara acroos themattress.
, In a• second Hope was on top offler,
dragging her. arms together, heading
down Anita's wrists withoaehand
and tearing at.the bedclothes with the
other. ' • ' '• •
• She managed to jerk the comitei-
pane free, and With difficulty, for the
woman struggled furiously,wound it
aronitir Anita's TaTadiZtridipg-dewnIter
apts. She began to scream, and Hope
stuffed the end of the Spread in her
mouth. It was, ala effectual gag. •
She tore a sheet into ,strips, •and
with thont, securely tied Anita's hands
and aaklea, Thia 'tteea•Plos4ed, she
Steed, up, •
at a-
, She was surprised to find herself
Pael elfid determine',. .
• She bent over Anita and detached
the keys froni her belt. Then with
;•aillid fingers she fastened up her
fallen hair, and Ocking up the bonnet
which Mita had snatched, from her
head in„the struggle, Straightened it
out sad put it on.
• Without a shudder sheatooped and
dragged 13ristow's body' from the door,
aomar the right key and walked out;
locking the door behind her and pat-
ting the key in her pocket.
A:glance showed her that the cor-
ridor was empty, and she walked aa-
watat tae stairs .• •• ,
She was ;-halfway down the stairs
when a nurse cease tanning up from
the hall below. • The woman stopped
at the landing arid waited for hor..-
•'(To be continued.)
• •
A deacon le .a.hea lowest ain0 „or
C, hatatian,•'
; ...A. Monastery is place ot mow
, .
Marriage is • a sacrament where 'a
priest' unates a, man and woman In
•fatal union. •• ,, 1..
. The Bible is evilest bigamy when
it.says ao.itan can serve tiro masters.
• False. 'doctrine •Is when,: a peter
Wee wrong staff, to a man, • •
• America . Was • 'dioceyered: by the
Spinach.- .• .• .
JPL.1358 the crossed ,the.
ocean, and this was known as. tae
Pilgrim's Progress, • •
- •
An appendix is a nortiOn Of a book,
•which nobody. yet has • diseovered ef
. , . .
'aay :,use.•
., An ibeta•la ..wbeae. you lot*. at the
back Of a ..hpoir to fina, out ,.antathing
you *ant. • , • . •
,. •
A grass widow, is the wife.. of a
'vegetarian. • .
.MInercrit LInitnint..for Every pain. . •
a An itinerant collector of old. iron
Waif trundling•ha barrow along a verY'
narrOwLroad. Behind him. was asome-
Whit.elder,ly.motOr car; .the impatient
driver of which *aa-hooti gond..toot-.-
irigniahle,anxiety to. pass he ola iron.
butte*: • The, Old area . merchant • leek -
ed around at the car. arid thea i?:ildross-
ed the , •ovinerz--:-"Orl right.' guvaior,
laa Call for that toanorreia" •'
, .
• .
• ,.
• . Ojai Model.
This style. is .designed in.sizea 16; 18,
'20 Oita, 80, $8, 40 arid ineliea haat
,meneuro. .:Size 36 requires 8111 ,yarda
of 40. -inch . Material. With '4, yards of
361nCh Contrasting, ' `. •
• No. 088--aEicqUisite.Linee, style
Is eite414010d efisea 16, 18,, 29 Year*,
30,3301 [aid 42; lathes, btlirttnetutUre,
Size 30,rectuireil 31/4 yards a' 404rich
'Material:With...11c yardirOf oriv.
tritsting and 21k, yards 'Of biatich •
Na, 181a-Stuaa log,. Coat, Dress, Th
style .1a: itoi.ttaatt .aitea 'Ai' 29
IteavirOtir.,86 thchwir-.hifir
meaaute; , Size 80 tequirela 84 'y*rd#
of Infiteri4 With, 14 a'ai'd et
voritralatiagal-'....:,_ • •••••±'
Ne; atifiaaCeialaii4la
tyla assigaea In Masa Sinai% Meta
quires 14 Yatds of 40 -inch ariaterial
with ,(N, yards -of binding: ,• •
• No. 6557-Schoo1 Dress. This style
isdesigned in SiZeil 6, 3; 10, 12 and 14
yearc, Size 8. re ire "1 ,T yards of
i3n6e-hineeohnmatmteytirlagl. with 1/, Yard'
• No. ' 064—Fo1 • Wee lashionablem
• This Style fa designed in sizes 2', 4,
and 6 years, • Size 8 -requires :6; yards
of':86;„incir Materiel: -
• i.tiN# TO ORDEIIII.A.'11.tRil.
.01.14,r0h640 whlut p„*.9". -Rio) ium 4U11 large: The medium size. rek-,
trim% 14 to the Itypedetmie whitth"
tellen„to the•..floori eud underpikod,
Vitrito•Yout name ahd address pflin
itt4. iiiteaef !Melt
patterns as you want. Enclose 200 in
stamps Or Coln- (eoin preferred; wrap.
ftddrOas your order to *ikon Patte-to
tiervite, 711,V/est Adelaide St, Toronto,
•Patferne Sent
fei14.aftNr4.3,14I.Y, • • '
• First -prep Japan teas are admittedly tlie• finest
• that cothe out ef the ia001 of blossoms. d'SALADAP
• Japan green tea Is comprised 'only' of first -crop
• leaves. ' •
Fresh from the Gardenas
College Styles
• for Girl Studertts
Representatives sent • to •gials' rola' ,.
loggiafrom fasalen magaZirieit and ,
froaa metropolitan :shoati• to scout for
, ,... fa..icrii:ila4:144tQu't.r::;.n't. t:1:111::.teyleo .00: Per entinialeaa ie. declaring the cellege,
• haps, thee any other consumer., The
PAL ... - college girl's...werdreheIs unique be.
cause planzied,.., ler a particular ..life, '
which it Must express. 'phe• has 'ger-
, .
tate definite .aeials and frequently 4,: . .
non -stretchable budget.‘_•If her clotliefia-,
express her. activities. Al.' are laecoin, ...
Ing she, is well dressed., i.„,....,
Standards vary in the. different in., .
stitutiOnS, but generally speaking, the".
college girl :must have three type of
.dreese737 sports or, tailoredclothes for • .
minimal wear; dress frockSaforinforra,
• • : al- efternoon and .eiening 'affairs; and-
• • ; Tfie wiscloni'ot intwisdom •
Qt' Wh1P' f8r2181 evening clothes; r : '
Ping as 'a means Of Macipline : anti '
. . • . , •
. SWesster„ Suits.
.1tfrrenepq:11;:ifn,g.tt:dlieheCeuhs$.1Lestiliorinit'.:.1.,a,1,601nrae 'h:iimiusbLtte,n.ytanii:14, „ii4tse,Tv.uhipteap::71:1..1,ata,tneoed„:d.:43,47317101thi4 ese u,:4:Iiitthrli;;tain.nisdal:aeoe:,.
..}11.7:.t:,,a/;Tittoieh.r,:tirtiae..rcetteh.relf‘etiela%hlie.y9cci:abiALudoins3:int';4.viaelda ., .istortifigea, wol,m;.ho4fd‘ nioeotsael.. t.hi;.4eoznw:31:1:nt.
"course "'featured for tuttuion weir, s A, ....
corporal punishment 48 st- necessity, With.the silk,-nad Wool, is in evidence, . '
but in the general ap'bringingof chil 'this autumn„ but the gold and !Myer .
-odar9na.ptahteienetni'l)yliniasplat3:thilietlret.,unalttarLanbaP-. .(iltestaiginsIg; ,i:Idseetliniinngst.,rthiPee_8.neacnkdliinbe .. bolder.viith
.ine. Of child -nature and the develOP, bands, showing insets at tae cuffs.
ment Of; good thoughts and 'habits bY Where ,the aWeateiaailit has no metal ••
extinaple, as. Well a is precept. Cala• bands: ,a new, *teas 'expreseedan the
dren are too etten. the victims .of atua modeinistie adesigns on the sWeater.. „
temper and Of .a 'hasty decision. They top.'„ : ,. ' .. ''..,, . , , .
realize • keenly the injuatice , fleaa . perhaps one of the reasons sweater..;
them and. their lilies, and characters iiiits, are. So. •centinually liked is be -
are enabittered and • hardened by It. , 'cause they offer 'great variety in Color •
Where aeverity,Beeint •
, and • treatment., •Withseveral; - sweat-
-"Forthe very yea, .
ina, ets and skirts,:many changes can vary ,'.
Periericeil„the first •
.. r* •
offender, the the '7-a--- -the-wardrobe, the colors are .se-Vivit,
.. .
that thea. ' can contrast with Skirts as
.policy, ,' of . kindness , and . patienee.
well. as. match them, Seaeria stores ..
shoula. he , the tale, but of -coarse
are 'disalaying .it new color called • •
there is a ,Bmit 'Wall this and; .there
Tomniy-Red; asAdashing aa One could.
comes a time:. when :seaerita and cor- •
. to,:.atighteri ‘A,:.!:1, :whiter, • dean.
petal. punishment May be necessary wisha
olitcheoteinenetigderivireilrolteirthaviatht than": 'tlionuechs,w,.ofe,astiel:eiril .intheta15117A:oru'th,tiagia.::,:etka:,,.
, line ainaliqued •with Silver kid . int"
punity. • One :boy ' who was . allowed 'Another sweater , • has a.* three-eelor
to go' With a Warning' On eight differl, eOmitinatien„ beigey-green 'and. brown.,
ent occasions : atinply Itioked naon :With. ft: a'. brown '•velieteen , skirt. ia • .,
the ,:whole 'prOcedute asa Joke where- ,
as if, he had: been 'given. a Smart ,w1110- Worn;• • , ' C '. •
Aidde from-:,-the-fact-,-tha.,iweater..' ing on his thitd appearance hewn
, a
- - -1d suits. do not an- ont, of ' style quieklY. s
• ..
'their practicality front .other points of
view_makes them an -ideal. costume for :. .
!Ike • eliege :girl; :they. adtnit. . many '.
changes and • maytie Worn .neatly an
_the,lyear .round:. • ',.. ,. ' .. •
.• LIght-Weight Ensembles,. • ....
. , •
•The, next feverite, type , of frock.. Is
the ensemble,itlightly :more format .
Tyusittmcvs. then the.: sweater dress.• • Theeniem4;
ble also permits ,sevetal changes-.
Minards alnimentacleanaescuts..etc.: ' AI -
.....1„,.._. • AnITTILIE COS.11, .. ...a variety efL,falirtcs inchiding ,s.ilk• •
''' .
Gicivernment : Defined . e,:).fartitz. . • ' . eitepe, tiveed, and cashmere jersey, re-'. .
Jeveathent from. ,monetony.
I Of • •
Old :nurse, the widow • of a aupetita, 13y 6 'I"'e'n Ill'n g ii-'6.17ve4,:filtarneet.dth.thateil5;:t94lteenniftnilotoltrotnilur:next to • nething,
'' A :young lady was Inquiring of her .
heated government servant howshe,. Ing woolens that • are warm but neitlif.''.
was .gettiiig elong.'-,: 'Badly , enough, dresses .tkoin last
season or the sea, erstiff nor beavy„.lest,413_.one ' to ;feet': .•
.: . -; '• ' ' . .
da.rlint, only . the govermint iateada son
before'e:an.1* confident that-'t.14.e• heavy 'Cloth .dress
todo.aomethingthius?' ' made a t aalih
of fotmer: years, donned with 'reluct
wh- .
And 'at's*. government Neter'. . a
again They ate,
ance,. la• not to 'reappear.' Tweed .ea-
,.... „
pat -
mint .1t"6 -.a . halaa-dcaen gintlemin. • PeciallY 10,to bealighter than ever,,ia
terns :. : disPleyed . by: • manufactlitere
• "iS :it .Jokite 'Ye ' are Miss? Sure- So, easily t•ransfornted by. .00.• few
iviry :child knows. What's the Geyer- changes in • lines und ta'e .quick magic •atabring. as' Well. as :weight. , The pat.' .
of home. linting.,ot dyeing. . • ., '' • '
an' the' Rakes,. maybe a that meets '..an' Anyonecan tint or dye successfully ,t'ilow peatel , coloring and indistinct
pear like magic, right °yet, •the, faded ash117.deirinsgeraii)h'i°: e:fe'f;rigtisCish. MS11,n.a-Ceeal.lre,aarrely
thenfor ns
thinks what'a bestfor the
' - a'naselves, xiw•ritihnialntrt76,8:ts,fiais4htliints.Dolarlii.:hna•%:e'.D4 .yal)ps.;
an asays that',s beat ..--aii'.'
out -�f -style colots.. Diamond ,Ity'es either entirelY• of tweed' or 2combinst
Or -.;.. '
pens, of that . • fabric :. ' with ,mtother, •
that's , the ,Oover"mint." , ,,- ..'• • •
spetor run. They never, give Wags • dresses will,be light as manufacturer , .of well as smart ' MOderasmart
A• ..• .'.
never cl.isappoitit„ they;: don't streak,
,, • ., . . _ priced. ,frecks„ offers .one model that
perfected byever 50 yearsagfd-ye".'
that ' aedaed look. • They '' been
Tinting :with :there IS.; ehay 88 Acta a .taelatia.betteneniumPer and a
bluing. and dyeing takes tufa a ,litt slightly . flared skirt .: ttinimed with!
more time tca"seta the color., Yon ca aatide Of the reverse. aide of the Ira.;
• k
• .get all the lfashionabl% Shades
. !anThe
coat Paired ,With 'a. Silk 'frock. .
,,terial; , a Another bee an. Interesting
.Self DisCipline
If we are te• improve, we naust dis
cipline •ourselves. The, reason , Why'
Most of US' de, not is that we4o.-day
to day doing the same old thing. iti -a
tontine way. We heire ,allOwed.
selves to pick up Waatever' ;ideas. We
equal,. absorb without . effort; conga.,
quently we'. have 'become .mentalla
lazy . and inefficient in order ate Im-
prove our • condition, we mast- neces-
• sarily discipline Ourselves • by •exer,
ciaing the mind,' making , it •subserva.
ent. and obedient to , the ' will. This
diseipline is necessary for the, welfare
of any business, ., • ' •
In, Great Eritaie., and,. Seatadinevia
Young men.. are :placed in stores to
serve an apprentic.eship, just as they
013 in any other trade, They are first
'taught obedience. to discipline. They
are , thoroughly ,trairaeda even 0; the,
minutest 'detail. .• lanfettunately, In
mericaano suchaapatentieeshipasye
tem exists. The *average young man
, • ,
is attracted to, and is free to accept
.the,:position which . pays the largest
salary. TO Bemire a position without
training is .decidedly not for hh3 best,
interest. :No greater Misfortune' could
possibly be his. More Young • mai
have been•rnined hY.drawing large eel,.
aries early in their' business life than
by any. ,other cause.
The _your* man,' generally speak-
ing; feels, that 'while, he is .Yeeng Owl
before he settles. down he -"mUst. See'
something of the world," • as"he
presses . it. Instead of, deVating hie not have been, so indifferent :and, tle,
• .
pare hours to, reading and • study tea ihuat." .
Improve his, mind, he -7often :pasties
thein , in idleness , and .disisitiation. "Darlingi goaarough• purgatory
Ere king not only has he acquired bad tor you!" "Yeti aay:i3o, but ho*_eau:
'Malts that, are hard to break but his prove It?". "Bel); wife:" '
health May have become iMpeired: It •'.
Is ' absolutely 'inapessible for tia young
mail to spend the night hi dissinitien,
and' be at his best•the next day.
• Kindness F'ays
Mothet=aI don't •think, darling,
that yeu shouldplay.cards on Sun -
.day." /Steen Son ---"But, mammy,. aye
are not playing pioperly, We're Mail
cheating."• •
• . ' InaistaronaDiani nd D
• • d, coaths eavelope pockets, •while
Oiranhnt E.ac2eaci ce • H.sariEe rr caeooefstrriNbe,artai.n.c istshi ty'n07..,Lcy,a,•
:u0:1 esmse
• • . • • • "Color Craft," -my big W be
dollar saving .ailets„
save .diSapPointment.wil.gl • be
..:ent;k:noout*' e' a
_, • • the , frock , gives an. apron effect • in
front.' Tweed le combined with sada •
also in-. an. ensemble 'having a satin
any,aiddBreosas orlalterter. IP6o4(11.1.1.bltiied
in 't°' 'FREE. ,Just write MaoM
, . •
r n, fagoted blouse • ' •
mond Dyes 'Windsor, n*
: aaonnursonas, ;. •
ensemble and diyidtng theit honors,
•,, ' between •the sweater'dress and the
thete. hive entered one and two-piece •
.dresses, somewhat tailored, ef Jersey,
'ombre cloth, and *rep. Overt,. .!these
freaks keep their aliapea. haying ,n�
tendency to sag 88 de aweater dress- ..
In adaitian'to that; they.are easy:. •
lo, don aaple,cidedly smart.
green was used for
ho unusual' dress. of the Surplice type./
An od.dolittle pocket was set in, at the
waistline, end. fine pleats ,fell at the.
left side of theskirt•-, The cloth was •
so shadedthat...the right side of the -
too of dress: to the sorplice open:
. ink was „of the darker green, as wa
the border of the skirt: '
• For informal af•teinoon affairs, the
• cellegt 'girl' way .deilireS to fellow the •
mode has at least 'one' transparent l vel •
vet dress, either printed oradahr, cam- ,
bined with other materials, or with.
'delicate lace. One afterneon frock is
of dot-Oatterned velvet with a V Peck- •
line of lace,' a• fagoted and .shirred
treatment in, the bodice, and 'it fltiely,,,
ideated Blatt. Developed in rinulcui:-
'fevorite color ` for dress
frock, or of, soft Wool -brown, Mie 'of
the street colors featured for alitumti;
the frock is, particularly lovely.
Informal Ftocks.
288 Yonne Street • - • ' r • Toronto
,Hoiti Many ,people you know ,,who end their colds with Aspirin! •
And howoften you've heard of itS prompt relief Of sore throat or
'tonsilitisNo wonder' millions for colds;neuralgia,,L
rheumatism, 'indltie-aChe's'and,Palris that kii.iiittilitein:Ithe- won-
--der is 'that anyone, still WoirieSthrougI.w-intet--withottt' these
-tablets t TheyrelievequleiV,-yerhave no effect vOliatever-en the
heart Vriends have often told You Aspirn is marvelous; doctors.
• .,ba_. dedared it 1latilliC5$,,E.V44.44Iggi§t. 1.14•SA-Wit,11•14.97100•44447-,--
eons., Why not put it to the test?• •
. .
• a • Sophistication ' Popular. • •
It hag been discbaered hint) that tho
college girl's' preferences crop out
atrongly in regerd .to ,evening.clothes,, , .
- . ----- ...
Anything, that -as -in: the-leaata,gialish
'arouses no interest, She' insists' v7oen :
toPhistiCatien in every line, The' Oro--
Aalant,,,Mode.,Jeeda,..itselt:•to -this -.de,: ,...... . ,
mend, since all the Stales are diStinca '•
ly - Mature', With thelr'hing dialing . •,
aines-aalirratireatcatiaaatheir • .' flutteriaga---,---a'--- 'a-
drtiaieries,, and theft tYPebf decoltet- -
age, aloteover; swathed • 'hipline ' and.
the .iangoteue.gaireofattansparentael. •
*et contribtite t� pleat), Modern eVen-, •
Ins Clothe§ .in the category ' of Ole. '
,tatice. '