HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-11-01, Page 2k'Aiciowt . THE LUCRNOW SENTINEL' ACTOBER , 25th, 1928 4,DICITCE JAIL REPORT P011;410001 SliteWS Narked Increase -1COVet Previous Year Thet .the citizens the county of • and. order is plainly seen by ,the r4 - the yeaT 'etidea.septeniii "30th last coniParlioiiiWith 7g dining the•pre, Vear- Five WOrnen Were among; ..01050 ,wer(iviothpultigtty guests focd P9T,Prisoner per day was •whickis 1%c loWer•than the previous. 43 contestants in the variOuS everitg- 14eollarcl Scilinidt• 'IS Years of age Was the youngest participant,' and got first fpr boys under " Sixteen, This. fad' also Won.first in the match last .,year, Arnalti , Scott took secend. has a great deal' to do 'with the in; crease, sod no lessethan.:13 Were com- mitted for violating the L.. A. 'and 10' for being intexicated while 'driving a car Thus 43 or close, to half the '7 -prisoners were placed into the jail due to breaking liquor laws.: Common theft charges nuMbered insanity breaking 'and entering 5,, sheep steal-. Ing 2 and manslaughter 1, „ ' The figures as to nationality, relig- ion' and So, Pn May -be' interesting. l'ortyone prisoners were niarried and ing.,the, pet that there, are :restrain- ' ing influences in inatrimonY.2:.-but this dOeso't acCount for 'the fact, that four of, the 'five female priseners Were The regular meeting of the II, W. I. will, be held at the home or Mrs: Earl Topic—"The infinence of the in Stubble 'hy wee .,Championshii) went to, Grab* idt, Culross 'Ardor prize. A: B. Me - Port Elgio, Best 'crown, lIernming- ian Collins; Mitchell; W: Pritch-, ,Those .who never won p prize in the men's claseL,G. Moffat, R. mef7 fat; ,Teeswater: G. Yeo, Pluevale; ':.nuirried Women! for , doiog the: greatest wrong• the County Nis tieell.iW tim tact that 97 of - the inmates were native 'born. Caned, itins, the remaining eight 'being. coin - and 5 'other .nationalities. In religion. 33 Were, 'United Church, 32 /Roman 17 --Pxesbyterians,„„:8',„Angli- the list with 4. t far, s a el se second :witb .33 Of a:, renetentation, and 'the. remaining, 38 were of ver- b:MS lines of endeavor: P.Oyirli,d. MATCH. IN CULROSS.' . DELAYED 11Y RAIN The 'rain of. last Week 'Caused the .JSaiith Bruce plowing „Match, held near Tharsday of last week Until Saturday, - Mr. A. 4. Little of Agineourt who was judge: said that the 'Match. was ope4of the best he had attended, and AirS, Joe t Hanna,' Mrs. 'Albert Mich. 'are guest's. rnivievhenie. ,cegil:„wag with: Ohl ,lit'tber,'TiniC, the, Other isn% always: an advantage .to. haVe .yoor Mr. and 'Mrs, HOuston of Southampton were„ Sunday .vipitori. at Mr.t-Jolin , Mrs: „Ernest' Ackert; who bas been' bed: fdst for the, past week; wt4. are glad to. report, is able to be areund plows -11. Schnurr; Walk- erton; A:, IVIcKague, Teeswater; ..I.VIcKague, TeesWater; R. Kuntz, Mildmay.; CroWii, SA/Mir; finiSh Dennis, Walton:. J. Willits, Wirigham 'B. Schnuri, Walkerton; A. 'Thacker, Teeswiter A. 'Lainbertiis, Walkerton Stubble, .'19 .and Under—M. Ellis, Walkerton; H: Arkell, Te,eswater; W. *Donald, Teeswater;• S. McDentild, posa; E./Howatt, BlYth.; L; Schmidt, Two farrow • PloWs,'. three or -four herses—G. :Stnbo. JC. McDonald, R. Aitken,' ,MePherspn,: H. McDonald, all of TeeaWater. Crown and finith; Tractors.; --G. • lyfcGavin, Walton; Arrnttrong, Teeswatei;, J. 'Edgar, bo s ho took part. in it. There were • mAN to,gyr F04 DEAD, FRANCE TURNS la', 41:T ClIESLEY • Jack Van Os a Hollander who, e9 the outbreak et the war in 1914,. en: listed ter oversees - service with the , one morrupg to fimi, himself, famous. Was on his return to .Chesley. -Indeed WO •111:itile.iS.'first in. the orate -these, who overSeas. .to fight tor A.Iquiet and apparehtly•A Somewhat atilt;..nian Vail Os was greatly. fuss0d: abinit, and' name Was rnoch in the. rieWspapere the Past two. weeks great-' we shoold jodge. Little Wonder; for te one returnecl.froin the .!tapd. and net:. urally: his story, is an interesting oner - Following battle in the famous John Van Os ,was reperted .dead, his comrades having found bim.apparent- ly dead • On the •field: They were Se sure of this that they *took ' his ,iclentification • check .. :and turned it in to the commander, who reported his death Itc•Chesley. He• had been' Se- verely wounded in the jaw and ' leg He was unconscious when-,ehis corn- .rades left him, but. later came ..tor and 'was- taken, from the field -by- the- Gerinins who;fixed 'him up so -that fie 'could eat and walk again. At the first hie- native ,cpontry, lielland,. where hp firther recoVered and. later; returned. to England., He again grossed, the At-' 'antic but, instead of, coming hack 'to Chesley he went to the' United, States. in ..San •,Fraoscisco, he met Jack Van. Hees whe kncw him. in Chesley and whO also, koew that his' naine was interesting, so jaak to ,Chesley ,to put' matters right. °Ai-. riving at Toronto'. a' short time age he evidently was out of Money, and Miss Margaret- Collins of Purple' Grove, is assisting Mrs. E. Ackert. Mr.. and Mrs. Abner Ackert and .Mrs.„ J. Ackert' have rammed home after a weeks .visit with Mends in Mr. and, Mrs. Will Howe, of Mount Forest, and Mr. HoWe ef Silent were Sunday visitors at Mr. t harlie .Burts'. • Mr. Bill Jones was a regent visit- or with his sister, Mrs. George Dick- Scribblers and exereise hooks. RegL• ular 10c value 2 for 11c at the one •cent sale at McKim's. Drug Store. 100 Ihs.. Best Knitting Yarn, new:. 'Firat..quality' 'all colours at a Bargain. 'The Market, "HornellMnrdoch. •Co. ASHFIE p. UNITED" CRUNCH NOTES, . October is, Anniversary month --for ;o'mnany,Chi rches but it bus hot, seri- ously hurt our own. Church attendance this year A verynice company gath:-' 3red. at Zipn last Sunday morning and listened with pleasure to gr.' Alfred. Andrew give. a report of the Laymen's. Convention.,; at Toronto !At . Blake a ,imikax ,repot was given, by Mr. Erin, est 'Biake.'arol Mr. °Palmer $ilpittr ck', to the interest. •of 'a good' ;company.•. 'Eleven or twelve families ciinnot,`staY . A large number from here attend- ed the funeral of the late James Lane at Ripley on Saturday. - , Mrs. Fred Topp of Toronto, visited with' her ,sister • Mrs. James Cooke for. a couple. of days last week. . Mr. and Mrs. ' Clair Irwin and darighter 'Dorothy of Paramount and Mr.. and Mrs:* jack Gardner 'and daughter .Katiolleen of Zion Visite with-Mr:arid Mrs:, Sam -Ali on an -Sun-, • Mrs Hamilton of Lueknow spent the week .encl with her brot er Mr. NOVEMBER ROD AND GUN Replete. with' a fine collection 'cot ifinstrated stories, the Npvenaber, number of Rod and Gun end Canadian Silver Fox News is one' et ,niOst -attractive iSsues of .thenationai sport: ing niagazine that has appeared on .fieldS of, outdoer sport. arid re-. siories • and articles by. :inch. knotvit outdoor Writers as Bonnycastle woolar. Recaii.d. :or • UBI1C demand for Chrysler, products, aftei crating, new !gel records,montli, and spectacular climax. in 4epteimber. Usually a month when automotive pro.. duction declines,•• September' for the Chrysler Corporation e)f Canada, nr,, Limited, was' not only the month of. lugest Production throughout 1,928, but the largest also throu0out the en. tire history pf Chrysler. the demadd for new 11141,Iti PHILLIPS -7 mouth models, in fact, eiceeded every- thing in Chrysler exp rience and re- quirm- even-mare--tha the -vastly in- creased facilities of th Windsor plant tO cope with the flood- 'de of ortiert. 'decided to walk to Chesley. • irionediately 'went to 'see the Soldier's moriurrient te , make sure that ',his friend io San Franscisco had not been pulling of a joke on hini.; There .was his name ,alright, :He ,then Proceeded te Krug 13ro'sr ;factory Where he had. '''vorked before enlisting. , There." :he was reconized by Mr:. Chris. Krug who glad tu. see him,, told him., t� come • But he,',wasn't allowed to go to Work. at ence. The two sensatiOnal Star apd The Telegram heard:Of the soldier's yeturt, and seeing in -the both -sent- reportersand---. Photograph ' on Van OS. The Star •serit three and Telegraro sent .two reporters to' de the job. The Star fellows were qrst_to get' in touch the;soldier him ,money .for the 'exclosive right;.to ieterview:, Evidently; in order 'to' make doubly stire that filet). enemy (The. Telegram) would: 1,6t. get ..,any. thing. frem Van: Osi. the. Star mei, aethally, :toe* off to Terentet: Beaten. by this manoeuvre, the 'Telly' people bad ,te be' cootent with, what fhey .could..pielc up Second hand. TheHneWapaper. flurry being- oow over.. let ,tis hope that Jack- Will .1noW settledown to a 'steady job' in Cheiley where, evidently he has Warm•trienda. Chryster is,gratified by such an ,overvihelming 'expression of public • ,confidence, and appreciative of die op- portunity it offers to extend production ' facilities still further in•order to satisfy the 'demand which4is, •eNter sIer is firmly resolved to 'continue true to the Chrysler ideals cif .leadership—in pioneering the new and important ini- proveinents in motor "car design; in. , developing new ways of progress in__ scientific engineering and pr'ecisiOn , manufacture; in discovering' new methods otraising %..itility and thereby constantly increasing the pUiChasing - power of the autoinobile loo • TO ER Veteran Of. the Church and one of the pioneers ie the Hackett and Lane's :coinmunity, at the Ilackett:serviee on SOnday- The old gentleinan who 'Was taid Way‘the day before his 88th year had a fine unfailing courtesy that Was always' SO pleasing. He retained hia ' faculties to a remarkable degree ,.to the' lest day of his life. He will. be missed from the second left hand seat in the church to which be was so. much attached. The Parsonage about Ythen ,he was made welchine. To. his family our sympathies are extended. • The., Young „people- of : Kinlough on..Thtirsday evening of,,,..1ast week for 'the purpose of re -organizing their A. uy Your Fur Coat Here an Be Sure of Satisfaction • :Furs are Purchased; USually on Confidenbe, for there are very -few people who knoW the actUal quality and, \value of fur skirls; that's why' it is so .important to buy Furs from a depehdable source, where absolUte Oatisfaction is guaranteed.' Our long experience in both RaW Furs and the M-anufacitired- best Civality"and workmanship at the fairest of pric- es.. The ExtraNalues We have in stock.`cOuld no,t be 20.per cent, HIJSON SEAL PERSIAN LAMB. CANADIAN MUSKRAT. FRENCH SEAL FOX atia SQVIOEL SCARFS:,. ere arid Tliere The latest recinits, to, the ranks . of the internationality. known Trail'. • the 'three, daughters 'of Ramsay MacDonald; formerrt, prefilter of Great Britain. They rode from the .• Chateau Lake LoUise to Lake Agnes. to qualify for membership., , Qne of the sheep ranchers of the Coaltlale district is at present' in the ning a large flock of sheep om sum - filer renge. _This is the first year - that an independent rancher has moved sheep; to the mountains for the smite!' and the experiment is being watched with a good deal of • Visit our show room'S and see thewide range' of Exclusive styles for Misses Women' and Children Kayser Hosiery Watson lUnclerwear Nemo Corsets The nieeting opened with hymn .m-0 prayer,- the Honorary President Rey. W. 'A. Townshend in the chair. Ylinutes of 1927 re-organiiation meet- ing were read. and • adopted. Report the past years work was -given by :tbe'Secietary,-May Boyle. The return- ing preiident; Mable Strihger, briefly addressed the meeting : after which' election Of officers was precteded :With resulting as follOws:=- .:Pr'esident7-Bert MacLean; 1st' Vice PresidentAlbert Hewitt; 2nd Vice, THE STYLE CENTRE one 1Vieal 'or Cattle Tankage for Hogs Big 60 for Hens Robertson's tary..—.., May Boyle; Recording Secland clrnyler, Karl Boyle; -Organist—Edna Boyle;.. Assistant—Grace Haldenby; . Welfare Committee; Kioleugli ..,..Artt Graham; Grace Haldenby; and Mrs. Cliff•Hewitt and, "il,rts. Jack Cul: .'ver., Kingar-f-Muriee Hedley, Mabel Stringer; Lenwood Hewitt. Kinlough--May Boylt, :Oscar Hodgins' Hewitt, Edna Boyle waSs chosen dele- Windsor. on' act. 25th to 23th. .The remainder of, the eVening. was. spent in conimiiiiity' 8ingitig ,and con- test. Lunch was serve„d 'and •the, meet - The first of a new ' serlei of', engines, has left. 'the Angus sheps of. the Canadian Pacifie , and will shortly enter' paisenger service. MOntreat. and Tot••• loemnotiVe 'in the British 97. feet in -1000.h., weighing 424.t.,— „ 000 potinds, and bee 'eight great Ili diameter.. It hi an• Ontiroly' the' Ci-pveriithentii "plan 10 eheour.., ' mar. olubS 'are at present. '.being .one hundred:Moth planes are in use throughout Canada, Air Board timid:14 taanibits,ist 00 01014 or, WEST VAWANOSH COUNCIL The West' Whwa,n The rniMitea. the_ read and adopted: The h council held. Oct, 1st 1928. meeting were erbs all Herbs, Galla;her's Keeps You Wonderfully ivork, Play better. 'Mother. Naturc's own god herbs, rich . in healt111,iving poweroliCse are What make Gallaghert.'s , Tonic , and System ." Builder so good. It really workewonders for people who are constipate.d. rundown,„ .nervous, talk' who have skin. diseases.. EVen dreaded "'Eczema yields •to it. „ Try.a.bOt fle. It will keep. you clear of 32 :A. Lociknow ing and shooting on certain specified lands.. The to ow ng ac °tin w re read, and ordered, paidt; Vm. A. Humphreit-L-Pay sheet '$100. Michael Murphy—Pay sheet -$65:00°. payment for 'bridge $490. The enuncil'adjourned to • meet Nov. The spian content "to get never Friday 'and .,snturday Nkw. knd rd. Otierade field on WecineSday,„ 'Oct 31st. Halloween luierlit,,,prize will be given tO the best: -is- cordially -invited.' ler Free - Book Send for hand- aorne,.free book, It giveavaluable information ' on Gyprocandirite- rior decoration. and Alabsitine, ' Limited' Paria ro will pot on sale a neW 10C postal note, postal note•-fropi 10c up to 49c for' cdinmiSsion: The. ten -dollar note be Alsconttnued after Nov, lot; • Fircproof Wo -1 1 b.° at For Salo By LUckhow) Ont Ludknow$ Ont, • •