HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-11-01, Page 1$.4.09,.PETt ygAg. IN. ADVANCE,.•
. • C • •
physiettie and Surgeop1Lueknuw .:,
Hours:e 1.30-73.31) • le' -g
:.;•Pheite 66. '
. eiaeLeoll will Visit LucknOw
eYerA, 'tt)esday; . in :Dr:, gprin011'i
• 'Office... • ,•••
Di; R 'L. •TreleaVere .i.aicknowe-;
. 'Over Decker's Store.. • .iftlxtraction
either by gas ' or: leeal. 'Will he in,
Dungannon every Theieday. " Phone pg,
. •
lime A. Bidden. Lueknow,,, -Broker
and,Real Eslate.-ieloney to lend oa
)1irst° naortgages on titian proper-
ties at '6 and ees per cent accerdiae
to security. offered Also sniall
, amounts on second mortgages on
farm . properties and on. personal
notes. A leer good fariur for sale
WALL ,PAPER --A full. line of 1928
Wall Paper on hand. Priees froni 8c
up. 1 am also agent for leading job
flouses.-,R. J. Cameron, Deeorator
eaineer and Greiner, Box 174, Luck.
, MOW. • • •
,.T.HVRsp..A.Y. • .:NoVENI.BE.R 1t, 1928..,,
:Expert Kodak finishing: •Developing
e5c It ke11-0314s 3e .eatei, 'post Paid--
„jai:keen Studio, Seafortia„ Ont.
• .
.8.‘0,11;,;SALE'e-Selid Walnut V.ictrOla
• Consoie• elodee., weth geod supply at
irst class reclords,-e-inf.oemation at.
. The Sentinel .Ottice,
. - •
eA.1,3CTION: SALE e •
. 'rho as. liid, Lot ;32 God 6 •Kinloss
• ici Itilk-"Srd-ereeVillehave-arreatic.tion--
.. sale' .of: far*, Steck arid . iniplehaeets
On '' Monday Nov. •3. oniieeneing at.
.orie • O'cleide..P.10.-• • ••••
• :. John •Purvis, Atm
'LUGS. AND Tieneteelft•... ' ' ,
We, the.. Undersigned, are- opento
buy all kinds of timber again this
• winter. We Will .pay -• you good prices
• and give you liberalineasurenient anti
grades -10r' your logs delivered at Our
'saw mill here. '
We : believe it is to the • interest' of
the fernier tncut his Own logs and de: -
Byer them, but anyone. haying stand-
ing timber and Wishing to sell on the
, sterepe-ekindlyesee.. us befere You , de
anything and we will he giad\ to see
o LOCAL•Al4 Ggi4gito.
. .
?qpw Cretens •ChintS:8z Curtain Dia-
peries-The Markete-1-lornell
dQeh. '
Mrs. N j, Jaiip1ie1irethfledhOme
on Tuesday, liayfilgeesp_eeet the Past
two weeks with Ir and ',Mrs",k,
Naylor ,of Toronto. , :
The 'blanket.of sneWwhich cover-
ed this end oefe the province Monday
Morning, according to Weather reports
Was quite extensive -east, west and
eiorth. . , • •
One cent Sale this week at McKinia
The Itexall Drug Store.
The next meetiig of; the (ieucknow
Iligh School Literary Society, will be
held On Friday:, Noveinber :9th .iri-
stead :of on the date preyieuily an:
nouneed. • .' • -•
Mr: and Mrs. Alf Armstrong and.
children, 'motored from LOndon on
Saturday and spent the week end
with Mr. and Mrs.' Wine-Arnistronge-
. New Extra , Long Ibei Blankets-
ftedueed price -The Akirktt-Hornell
. •
. •
'1I and _Mrs./ Jessie Button, of
Wingham were gusts the past week
of Mr. and Mrs. John 4Eutt9n and
Lucknow, friends. They are: preparing
to' go to California Where' they -Will
spend the :coming year , and may .16-
, •
...ea.te_there, pertnenently. Before going
tbey will 'Visit -in Teeawater and De=
Scribblers and ,exereise Booka, Re=
egplar 10e yalite....2 ter tic this Week
it the. One Cent Sale' at .1lAcKims
Drug Steve.
We win pay yousent, caeh for any-
thing you have to offer, and at lumber
is largely Manufactured hito the fun-
; shed product .here, it. helps our , own
province by selling to a einacern like
. ,
(Signed) -The • LucknoW Table 'Co. Ltd.
•Luckneev• Ont. 'Phone 25 -Box 206
MONEY ,'FOU,NE,' . • .
Found, On 22 ()et. pear Kinleugh, a'
s'em of money; owner may have same.
by proVieg propertt. and paying ex-
George pettigre‘V :Holyrood R.2.
FOR SALEL-11/elf.p. Massey 1 -Lir -
gas' engine, nearly new, in good
condition, apply-
• Alfred Andrew
'MacKinnon -,- In. the . ti. wnehip of
.:Kield'es, on Wednesday Ocober 31st,
1928, Kinnon MacKineon-aged 93 Yrs,
"Grandmothers Quilting” wits
;held at the home of Mrs. I. Congram
.on, Tuesday of this week. There was
a, real, old • fashioned good time, and
the . . were taken out of the
frainee,and bound, so e the art of quilt-
ieg is not lost in Luck'noei yet
• , •
4$, slict mApI4ouG1Z •
Rarely iuiye, the people.of;LuelttleW•,
recei:Ved'•'Stieh a ...saddening shock as
On. Wednesday •morniteg , when-. they.
learned that: • Mrs. • Brown IViallougle
:(f er erly Dtta. Belle '1VT. ona Id •
• "... Room 1'
Sr.:-ePoesible rnarks 5p0. • Honors
e.412; : Pee's 330.--Jeinee eCollyer '.505,
-Jean,. Swan 461.e Margaret Rae 455'
Orland' PatetSen 453;2',13,eulah Black.
Uiss A n F'' • •
hicel lied "at her ,ebonie •peterboro n lilaYsen. 449e. or'is
the' evening before.'' Aceeliate eine '.445;' Etta Belle MacDonald ,420e>
Joete Parker''364; Harriet Whitley 379
-E, Whitbere357;.M..johnstop 338; Jim
Ward 31.5; Marjorie Allin .291, Rus-
sell •Buttore • 278; Donald. Finlaysore
• 273Helen Buswell 267; MOtris Pearl-
leescaping and both were over, men 2e5.; J. C: Arrnstreng 251;. J. C.
rnation as 'to the eause of her death
are not available 'at tin of
but it appears that she Ind her little
-eon David, went into room which
was heated, by a coal stove. as had
come by if. The by fell unconscious Johnston 227. „
near the 'dood, a fact which perhaps
saved his life. Mrs. • Mallongh ap-
pears 'to have been suffocated in a
'very short time. .
Unusual surprise attended the sad
Incident due to the 'fact that ;Mrs.
•Mallough, apc1 little David, had Only
gone home. from Lucknow •oregatur-
jay, They: had spent a ,conederable
time here with her parents„ Mr. and
Ars: Thomas McDonald,' during which
she had greatly improved in 'health
id -Strength `"-- -
The terrains ere being brought here
for „intermentdthe funeral to.• be on
•Pr• esbyterian :Church at 3:30. o'cleck.
Friday aftern'o n with service in the,
• Mrs. Charles Stanley, whose home
was • a few .miles east of Kinlotigh,
was • last Week given, a • six -months
term, in 'Walkerton, Jail „ler having a
whiskey • 'still in/ Operation on: :her
She had just -served I, twenty da
• Wien for .obatracting the police in the
discharge :of ; their duty. , In , court
Mrs°. Stanley did not deny having the
:still,and the magistrate imposed a
fine of $75Q and costs of $14,• with
the option ,of a .six;inentns term. As
&tete was no Means ofpaying the
;hie, the wornan took the jail terin.
She appeared Tittle eencerneti about
the ' gourt prorflil or aentence,
evidently' beid Prepared for ,the
It will be .temernbered that, Con-
stables • McClevis and Nelson visited
FOR RENT -Comfortable Cottage:
in Lucknow,.. electric iights, living-
,. roonee kitchen and two bedrooms,
: woodshed. Apply to G. A. ,Siddall
e , •
Ackert Bros., 1-lotyrood %,vill have
:an ,atictiop sale of 80 youngeeeattle
• :and a few cews at their.,farm
Holyrood, .(5 'niiles N. of ,LucknovW
on Thursday Nov.' 8th, commencieg
at one o''cleck ..p.in: All .are evell-bred
• Ontario stock, and good quality.
elan Purvis Auc
..FOR SALL-Good hand eked
— winter Appls at 75c per; cwt.
G. A. Greer,Lucknow
cnvRcii NOTES
J4i.ted ckpre.k.,Y, 1> 5.
Inc•xoung'Pople!§ .Society of the
.e,lpited• CoUreli met ,Monday • • night
rith a.:goodeattendereceeltrneeeneeang
',Pened , ith a . hymn,: and :.the Lord's
\river in iunteon. '1'he. Scripture lea.
was 'taken' ttoM'Matt. • 13:' 1;e-9
Aiss': Olive Fairier gave a reading,.
.*Litt e Orphant Arinipi” and Donalea
.hoinpson and 'Eunice Newton,.eang
duet ; "Geod,byeTe Sunimer.7 Alex
Smith gave in .interestiege.tallt, , on
' IVIary Wilson ..played:,a
Aire). sole ,a, Mon:a,Steky Garden,”
„erances .'rleneipson,:ga:ve a Halloween.
...ecitation. *Ss „Isabelle Cruetsang a
olo "Jeaus.Will..R.emernber." Wilfred
eriderson gave aehi t talk oree"What
eeallY Constitutes ,a. SuccessfUT
...Riot Swan gave hunierpui read-
ing 'and. groups, Were :formed for a
mublcal contest.Wilhenaina Agar, gave
4 very intereetingeHallciWeen..reaad-
ng and *candy Was served by'the sece
..al committee.:;It was. ',Welded to hold
he meeting of Thanksgiving, 'week en
rues. night .13th instead, of. on Mon -
„lay. Mei-fibers Willepleese keep thiSla
, 'eel( Pnrker'S Garage, Lucknow.'
Sheething, acentling, joisting, and,
Material suitable for stabling. On Sate
urtley aftertoop, NOe. rd at 4 o'cloCk„
• -Elliot Miller, Atte.
(1-11----p) •
° Geed buck 'reeidence on Ross qt.
•Luclopw. Apl.t0 Mrp. T. Aitchisen,
• Lucknow,
W: .Todd Lukn�W, will 'have t fl
iiii`'aiTe'ofe'-his!Lhotteelieltle effects.
• -
iat his teeideriee 1 udPO'V on Satiire
day Nov, 3rd coniniepcing at two ci't
' tlock p.m: There . are a 14 of, geed
articles, on thie Safe.
the . Stanley ferm, and ' that While.
McClevis Was searching the swamp.
fot a ;still,'Nelsori remained at the
honse. to see that Stanley:- did not
leave. ' Stanley inade a run for the
swamp. while .his wife endeavored to
hold Constable Nelson, arid when he.
btoke away she set",a couple of dogs
after him,. and these eo,' retarded
his: pregrese, that " Stapley ,escaried.
• While , this,. little scene was being
enacted at the Stanley home Const-
able McClevis` was 4, wreAing a -still
which he had discovered in • the
seramp. ••
/ In passing sentence 'on Mrs. Stan-
ley, Magistrate Walker ; intiinated.
that' •so tar is he WO' concerned,.
the Illegal distilling of litpors
Bruce' Ceuety is going to be stamped
• -
Herbert 110Quipin,. Lifeknow,. Will
:htiVe at the Agri.,
•••e'oltnrni, sinfd i•tieltnotY, on Saturday
Nov. 1(1th ,Cominencirig- =t, •iSieloek,
There are' n 'dna lot Of 'young regiS;•
tered 'Leicester and Oxford Down,
.• brooding .sheep and ev,telarnbs;:
bred to- rock hens 1 yr. old; cow
and calf, 3 .Dutlitim. heifers.
' -
l'resbYterian Guild ' '
The 'regular ' meeting of the Gnild
. .
''as held Monlay even lig, wit he.
irst Vice president, Mr. Horace Aite
;hison in the their. 'rhe, Scripture
lesson' was : read by 'Miss Donalda
.DouglaSe' Miss Hughes gave a most
nteresting reading. . S0111e.' most de-
ightf,u1 letters were read from, oirr
eve foreign missionary • Miss Doro-
diy Douglas, giving in her inimitable
eray, her first hapressions' Of the peo-
ple and country of Forreema:,The top -
ie was taken by Mise Fern Reid.
''rank MacKenzie gave 'a piano, solo,
..VIrs. Philip Steward and Miss Mary
Douglas sang a duet "
At die morning service in the !lei -
%tea Church, next Sunday, Mr. Denzel
Statteis will give a report of his vis-
• it /to the La/men's Missionary ; Con-
ference which he repently Anded.
A.nniversary services will be held
in Lite now Urtited Church on Sunday
Nov. 18 '
, Possihle marks e00.; Honors
150.Pass 120. -Jean Ward 196; Flor-
ence' Drennan 19/6; Gorden. Steward
183.";'FIVe Twamley 182; Jin v Webster.
182; John ,K McKenzie 1771, Helen
Hamilton 175; Louise Gteer 174; Da -
yid Malleugh 167; Jack Drermen 173;
Fred Black 164; Isabel Nicholson 162;
Helen McDonald 161; •Mary :Fisher.
158;. Margaret Salkeld Donald.
?Wilson 157;, Jack .Henderson 157;
Mervin Solerrien, 154; Jean' Havens
144; Keith Collyer 137; .Jane Heinen
136; Muriel Paterson 1.34; , Donald
Johnston 132; . Evelyn Taylor 129;
Ella Whitley 109; Derothy.Irwire105;
lack Cook 98. 'Sammy 111cQui1lin 84
Reissel Whitby 72. • •
,tTjON- AIX ' •
" •
..M...,Gaurit, will have an ;atietiop'
fain' ,t("ek and initiletfients'
at Let North -half 'Lots 21, & 22. "eon,
1, •Kinloss. on Nolte 1.4th,'eommericing
et one O'clock .fe, me The irnplenienta
on the stile ute nearly new.
• • ° ;Purvis, Auc
• The Faiiiily Herald and. Weekly
Star Of 'Montreal with its wo:nderful
itliPtOvenAhts is recoinized as the
,greatest MEMO maker for 'farmers in
Canada, While its •tnagatine tettion
• Room 11
Sr. ll:----Possihlemarki 375; Hon-
ours , 281; Pass 225. • „.
ExCellent.:Meriel • Solomon 332
323;" Arlene Jewitt 320; Denald
, •
31.P; (Mark. McKim. JeSsie Henderson)
309; jack • McDonald '307;•-• Christena
Havens 204 • Marion McDonald. 301:
Gitvin Reed 299,.Joy' Henderson 294;
Hildi• TWarniey 286; -.Jennie Pearl-
man 283; 'Jack 'McLeod .281, Pase:-,.
Harold Thompson 263; Pearl '8Viein
259; ,Avlmer •Aitehiseri 246, 13elow
_Pass:L.-Eciwin` Whitley 2.1.1* Grace
Webster , 177*.
. Those Marked. * miased an exam,
i nation. , •
,Jr Ire-PoSsilale markS, 356; Hon-.
ours :262e Pass .216. , . •
Excellent: ---jean Mclntosh 320; Clar
epee 'Swan '315; Mildred Ritchie '311;
Hareld Allin -292;, Helen Jnhestpne
273 Edwin.. Buswell 266. ,Pass:--Zy,
Ida ,Steward., 260; Donald McKinnon
246; Bruce •:MacMl1an 222; Mary
Struthers 216. Below, ass -Jean
Struthers 208; Billy Jewitt 205; Gor.L
don, Struthers 18, ;leek Butten. 160;
Alice Drennan 155; Dave Jewitt 117::
Arthur Tra'plin 55
•, r........,4••••••••••rr•••••-••••.•••••‘••,41,,..4,....rro,r,
. • . • • • •
A cou.ybv 01 PLY •
:3•rit.i.A.41;,1g;t1:0411): nes!. ;rYaotile
; • ,
• jpnioe Fatinera, and. Junior. Institute
;organieatieeis :of• aear Teeswater; pre-
eented "NTrespassing"in Catne.gie
here." Thursday eye.ningeof last
week; eeming here Under 'eitspiees Of
the Local, Womeria'. institute. • The
troepehad given the ;plaYoa couple
ef thnes. at „the :TeesWc.tter Feiretee
full lietiSes,• and had done very well.
For some r,reason, the .affair did., not
draw a • gposi, crowd here,'.the Hall' be-
ing only ahOu% .half ;filled. However.,
• the Institute mune out witria few'dol.
:ars to the- good:. Ito the enterprise
evii`e not entirely a feiture. ,
.Perhaps play -goers were waiting.
'Der the R111cy Drainatic .Club which
schedeled: 'to present "Be •An Op-.
.• . • ,
ly favorable.
thnis,t'eeeee on Tuead.aY .night of this
Well there wes no •diaappohitment
Week, report o.r Whi'cli had Leen highThe iIaflas well filled, andthe per.
• "ermanceewas one of -the-best--which
has so fat appeared on the .Lucknee
stage : Jewel ',Rebekah' ,Lodge whicl.
irranged forethe'appearinicP Will haw:
lone a good stroke of butinesS; and
-.1ifie Ripley; Club .will be ahead some
tiOn.ey" and, much glory, for it is fair
N) say that the audience. Was Wel:.
2ntertained and well 'pleased.:
Air. Eugene, ,Martyn v.YhQ represent
-d a JeWish-tintiquere is Sure .some
ertiat. end was the high light of :tie
ot w-d-shoul -01th r -bouquet
too to Mr..,T.,Kempton Miiis 'Mooney'
•Irs.. Thornton, ,Mrs. Bryee, Miss Mc;
Miss • Hughes, and the noel'
eggar„ who Was, Converted , into
'inueminii and 'starved entil he win
?,•lad to 'Pat .rneat :left by the .cats.:
' The, McKenzie. Orchestra enlivened
he cen3ngwith a titimber."Of aelee
gOris and .suPplied. muSie ,for a .danee
following the, play..13etWen acts Mrs.
D. Munn,Miss Mooney and Mr. Ora
Orawfordgave vocal ..selwition§; whieh,
were heartily applauded. •weto
aecOmpanied by Mrs, Newton it the.
This, reminds us that at the play
given by the Teeswater troupe nem-.
4i:ors were °given. between' the acts hy
Miss Isabel' Craw; a • reading; • Miss
.Mary Aitchison a solo, .. Mrs.' J. Wes
ley Joynt, Mrs., Iti.,,ScObie ai‘i Miss
ReLertsene a trio, and a number of
boys and girls were pretty and. pleas
ng 'a dance. :
Room 111. S • ept. and Oct.
S'::: tIon'ers:-J. White 75; Pass
• McKenzie 73:: J. letalillan,73;
P. MeKeneie 72; B. SOlomen 72;;P•
Joyrit tO; Pass;, --LL. •Hoine 66;,, J. Mc-
Call 65; F. Agar 64; M.,Jehnston 62e
T., liamiliOn 61; • Veibel •Douglas. 00:,
BeloW Pass: -C, Finlayson 59e C
• Jewitt 57; D. Thompsen 56; V. Stew-
ard 56; A. Meintosh 5,4; F. Miliie•54:
F. Webster 44; E. Webater 4,2; P:
MeMillee 36; E. Newton 32. '
Jr. in Honors: -E. Johneton 80;B.
Brown 76; F. ArniStreng 75; • A.
Horne 75. Pass: -K. McIntosh;M.
Baker • 65 II: Ritchie. (34;' R. Parker
'3 G. Shetriff 62; A. Henderson 61;
M. Fisher 60; L. MacDonald 60; G.
Whitby. 60. Below, Pass: -C. Minter
57; R. Ostrander 57; B. McKenzie 53;
L. ,Webeter 45; V. Johnston 43.
• „ The October 111 ipg of the YOurt.
Wornen,.'.". Missionary Society was held
on 'ThUriday evening at the manse
With a good attendance.' The •Pr'esi;
dept; Miss D. Ilenderse.n eonducted
the devotional exercises. ,IVIiss Mary
McLeod gave e an • exceljpeet/i,/ paper oil
MsSions.• The Bible ;Stetly and elisces,
sions, were •Ka. by Mies.•D: Hentlet.
eon, Mee.'Philip SteWardsang a solo.'
A. Very 'interesting, letter from a migl
sibnary published in the. Glad' 'Tid-
lugs was read by Mrs. 'IL jewitt,
Extracts from three letters recei`ved
feeler -Miss. -.Dorothy Douelas were
.readeby Mary Dangles, One letter
'writtenwhile still on the sea and
two frern, FA0Sti. Thee proved very
interesting, to all; tThe nteetink'eKeed
-With -Singing andeprnsrdr. The next
erieetingewill be held at Mrs. Ile.Sher
uftT!-shell*°Vnije.totia. MiSsiori Reuel ' 'will
hold their Annelid Thankefferitig' On
Friday. evening NoVAnd at p11
in the haaement. The program con:
-ists of Clioru'seA and recitations by
fbc memberts, .There Will alao., be an
addreSs by Misa MeCtiWafi Of: Blyth.
..recOtit, •"
• M. MacCalluni
• • Room IV. Sept., and Oct..
• . .
Sr, Collyer 94; MacMali-
,, on 92; D. Nixon 91, G. 'Webster '88;
J. 'Henderson• 86, M."1Ianrilton 82; F.
Steward 82; C. Johestone 79; H. Gre-
er 79; 'R. Mullin 75. Paas:, --W.' John-
ston 74, E. Bake . "4. D Po gles 69.
B. Thompsoried9e McLeod 66; L.•
Irwin 65; P. Cousins 63. Below • Pass :
• -W. Armstrong 59; K, Cameron 48.
(C Finlaysone absent' account of
illness.) • , ; •
• Jr. Hon -E Brown 86; M. Rit-
'ehie 84; °MeDonald 79: Arm;
istrong, 76.e 'J,„. Wilsoe 7(3. Pass::" --13.,
•cip:rk' Collyer 12; D.- MeDon-
ald=72; C.' FinlayScri 72; Horne 7.1;
Hendeteoe71; j„ Fieher 68;
Nene KeeFetris 65; -M,.' Cousins
64;, M.; Johnattone 63; Canteron .62;
Piss --r SOTomen. 59*; W.
• 'Walker 56.;..A.-Wilaeli „H. Bute
. .
ten 44,
*.inissed one 'test.
•.• TheBread Creak..:PetTe, Leinon ',Meringe ,Pies, Raisin Ties Itasherre' T,artlete
, That • Years Of ExPieriette -And Experiment Have Gained, .
.,Pui:16::0°e(lartjA4:11:4:4:'1:1VI:g' °Fp. :7r4),;()72;t111Shr e0Q111.utj•nAeLsite.rdllrma.•'au.
Maple Walnut 'rafts.' Iced Rolls,: C!ietsCa Bung. • c6ff.4 cagei.
• §PiCIALS' " •
• meat, CoOkiea,‘, :Rock Cakes, .. .. • •
-. • r •
Phone 36. Lucknow
One of the old residents of the vit..
lege. in the petson of 1.VIrs..Neil Mc-
Donald died on Sunday last at the
of 71. years and. 7 monthe. Before
her marriage Mrs.: INTcDcriald• was
Miss' Margaret' AlcPhaile. Her /
?land died about nine years ago! She
ie survived.by'two sister, (hie in To' -
•onto ,(Mrs. Murray who has been here
eonneetion with :the funeral) and
one, in the 'West The funeral wa.s
Tuesday afternoon to Kinlose cerne-
' 0 0-0
, .
• ' That greate• interest is taken hi
plowing inatcjies was shown on Thuf,
:sday .9f last Week when, in spite of
most discouraging weather conditiens
• quite a eumber-,g-athereci at the fain
of John ' Scott, east of LucknoW•.
Where the Junior Farmer's, Match Was
held. ,
On account,of rain in the forenoen
part of e the 'program . had to be dis-
pensed with, so there was no stubble
Nev Fact.oey-Knit. Woo). ttna-Vaill
Co -The Market
'-G. -01D-t). -14 t- •
Fol Cong11,, Wloopin
Congh, Tonsilitiqi Sore Throat an
TonSil ..uffers." "(Tee Mra. Sybilla
„Plowing'. • '
:Competitions in , sod' plowing Were
carried. out in the afternoon. M. Me-
LOWteY. of Waterloo 'County being
judge. Awards were •Made as, follows',
Open. to men 35 and. Over - W. J.
Pritchard ,won the three awards for
crown, 'finish •and. best plowed land;'
second for .t et ploWed land, Janice
Forster, • , . ,
Onen•te men 35 mul under -McKen-
zie 'Webb won for crown, finish' and
best plowed land; -second fer•J'hest
Owed; land,. John Scott; third,, Fred
•IleeS;',16 `and ander - orown,..Elnio
Waltat :-Vorstei;
best plowed land... Elmo "Pritchart4
second, Walter Forster,...
Best Work by Vdilkinatiti-elloki;e-W.
T,:P.ritehatd; 11(;./'4.ndir'. Fred McQuillin,
tot work'ii4.14aisek-IIiiiri;if''AziYi'
-.Tobn '
Best 'plow' teani-McKtni7:16 Webb.
• ,
INiew Flannel Q. Plettes4Keduced
.e •
At the Rexall Drug Store
hursday Friday =Saturday ,
.OUR ANNUAL SALE wi-TRE• scRn3pLtrts, ExErt-
cist-IlbokS; • wm.T. INe.;11).%kps-,- ENVELOP.ES): VPF
. .
OVEMBI3R lst 2nd and 3r
A. E. I1IcKim
TheReX.alt Store •
Phone 32
Luanow Ont.
YES! your whole family will wear underwear this
winter, and there is nothing to prevent you froth
having the best, Canadian factories have to offer.
There is Fleeced Lined, Heavy Cott-
on,Wool and Cotton and Pure Wool
for-an.y member of the family, Mod-
erately Priced according to quality.
When in doubt about underwear visit
We will help you decide
And Your Eyes
Will. Look After,
Timely. 'attention may wive vou
from untold disinnfort.
Many people make it yule to
look after their eyes just as regp-
'arty as ;they look after their •
. F. T Armstrong
FRII)AY SATITRDAY.-e-. NOV. 2 &3 ' •
SeS M 1 LE 1112OTH Eft 1,S MILE,'
'With,1.)orettly 8,:7 Jack Mulhall '
Contedy ;
.1Misse.s Nteggie Slaith of
town had word last week of the 'ileafj.:.
of, therk s'ister,-Mrs, 0ee:1prd, who,
'lied. at Saginaw :Mic:11,„ Oct 13t1.
'MTg.,41)rehaird Auld ‘biat, reeentl y return-
ed ?ton' Califernia.eSliteeeillebe
• ombered here as haVing spent some
teem with Iler Sisters, tWo years ago,
Mrs, Orchard waS 78' Yetft$, nf age-
TUES. and ,WID,-;-NOV. Gth & 7th•
Itin-Tin-Tin, In
1. O. O. F. NOTICE
• 'All' mehib'zre of „uektiow Lodge L
'O. 0, F. are •remtested to be present
at the regolar 'meeting 'Friday eeen-
ing Nee, 2nd., at 8 p,m. Iiefeottaet.
business .to• he dealt with; • • ,
`SIkkhes Tonsilitis• "Work•s. wOndert, 11•Ittrilikh. and is survived y one 5011,
weicoput, and is naetanteed.--4„. E, rim Market
ii gem tint:Walled,
' r4.
' Lucknew Lodge ;I. 0. plc;
tortaile the members and their, wives .
it lady friends, and. Rebekelis on Fri-
(tageeteeeing Nov, 'flthent '4 yii
Gnu, GLIDit• Nditg. • ,
The.. followifig . were enrolled tta
geidee in their Ve.gular Meeting it
Friday eyening: Guide ..;Toin White; ,
•duicce leethel Ilairtiltorq. Guide' Thitbel
• , 100144 .04 tn0 ,sittuiliet hi; SargrIAAVt Douglu.; Guide. liorne,
.• • •