The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-10-11, Page 3-Wr 1
. . . .......
T ir
L Azores, Nati
e the asy ies
A Good Id a,of FlQrWa Storm Head
Roman Oppupation
6-r` 11'__d--_'.__'_
Plot 'is iscov�red-,ancl,. the F yers' 'oodok
M $ite o rt and Cla ifirlon iuvp,,,
NP orial Unv�ile f Fo .,.trip of T
Nek Ki 9, Zogu, i Ba
d OA
Portuguese Repe�ated �y H4
egArded a
est.� tip ghoj4l j, rrj;;
Permane� ca4ea 41� Palok cp
$1 Larg
15!�' Disa'ster� to irm
of Kind in iin A en,
Cru'sung- Atlantic
'EL E -N
',,and EV EX
4111b.tirgh.—A pdeyliQT;aj stone was Q _ � *,4
the '* 6
A .0-
a c c6an'
'r cupled..Iferhaps 'by, tt Wo by veteir-
li' 'King Zo,,
utivelled" .6004t V aV,',Ne stead near �ienna, Det gu, ieeeiit�
Its Or !Id. !it gubo
�h of the
M, 1'�
�k' -Pie' Of- the d6ad - Base. -
jele.tion.. They. were. able
Tionian "r ui6miiu�m, thic. is, close y,gu4rd0q.jn,I)ld's- palac�e`ai, erning y an,
to r6ponstrOpt. T
Ytmontlum,'the.'We. to
g, Tirangi, 'while, trus�ed, -,A-IbAliiiail 'i-ri
1�rg t �t stroOth6ld Of !ts w..jjjq.h'tfte.A'Idtors jjja�cftiu�jroqw, the,
.7. t Occii0ies Plact� �Al,
agents are , rying -
"kind, 'Which has beeR fo,und I it Great 'gofith"were gtbidedby-lb e j0 'PoRe no,6t M
,e triph pea 10 P-`;�
a, ,!v Wottqra 4gainitthe new ro- Wak 13�tween 'onTinen s
Bfitato-, The camp,was qst, - ' I C t
blished ,by of Eildoli,,: ' -, - I
gime,,,434y qn4 Wdispatghes w Ich
AgAeola aboi;' �ensorb
�.Sbl Aj)*.� gfid Newst6ad - lrfib.� plan" )(.,a Roma:n- - fo'�t' h Horta, Azorl�. S ma - ny,
lia, ve just leaked over -the border,6f t
(1, to- De'tne ulpest iijhdbi��, somqwbai�gt�r�otypbd,' and ii�t a - fe.ww OnL.
moti-nWn kin.g'd ft Atlanti�'flikhts ScIfe,&A-ed by,
T�te suredund- :jgitelg.d,:Kli,i))Ited'par4'lleis to.*tihe plan'
I dispathhes desn r
these, -,Portupep�, islands have m&
beP.Lutift1l; the nfn Of 1�ewsteud 9 t i; the'couilt
Y but he thou h
with"diiaAer that �he inl�abitant4j 1yo
rth 6,Q it -asbeing in 'a-staW of"itrarm,'. which in
'Tweel& A,ind,,.;ik past, o;.i the, no fai-rly' be 1 !10 8 0
U nlied that some' aces;approach 6e. The' Come W Wieve' the4W.In harb�d
the.'s6ulli 00 Brifiiln, had brdaght them Ir ui�t W,
00111s, 'we dex ipg in, A�i&tbr§' h66�:'
-T. ),I a �gte That 6levexi per
e ffioiin6)r. Q i) clearly,..4nto touclf with: the D great
t to id -st6d.
forme( e -a uraizoi, and ihiit)
I so s road J:� .6 -k4i,rlon, or'had qukg6 yest� ID. redi�ted
or t 'q, we,.
ra V A aft diatiop bas&, he
-to arre:sted fli�i
amile w6r e�` e'learily%. the' trag, c - h1a' otho
-Moll, nd 1�!arlsfon. qild: �bout
ose a o. at the �qra f
pp ilings , & , rayal,'ftgg'-�Ven, -of Z e eXedutions liar , r a�Ifiorttl,
w icl its
mj�pd. ogu himself., Th
Una to 4. g ose. id tohavetakoa.plaib lirthei, succeed. traged rs
'the-; fi t
-6asi of,Meli-6�e. q.j tt1 onee br6tfgl
-'.of Hbi 0 presided ,I . t 1he opening .,dectiliat gody
sp e -of the d lapid ne vis 't laWyeir'
Tames 4C aied sea WA ted-
mon and Dr.', Cufle uperiif- r
I Um� To Dr. ICurle -25, *e�t of
pQrt,. whichIis only mile� The Junke�r'and.Heinkel 'plane*. De:
tended the Cx6avatioiis,,_,�hich wer6
TII.g monument which, he had had piurtney, Lieu,
carried. iput by tjie Society of' Aiti- PfAedo, Ruth. Eld oo.
th -ca al..
the,' hent: The movement' agrainst the'throhe tenant - Paris, have all,beell,names,
to 'ut. veil rep�o
iiariese'Wben.1965 is'repored -to -be �ridespread,�The fact, tAilure,'acciditt, in3ury..or loss of air-.
the author'of that 'lliOnumefifft' t'. least, the tw
I, booW
hag reached -Durhzzo is k f tho. plan' have beeit.
Domi'damls, the' centuri. -.craft 0 es
RL0man. Pr litior Post and . th4t it
Its Poo` the' Twe it tie t1i Legio n dedicated there a s doofirmittin of, thi� beC4usef the Ogniag6d -.or oreed to alight on
pl. to Jupiter on these firdS some 18
00 ceAn bef6re� vaf
S: $ai ar�J. ..and have h
TIrab,e Outline� bf Fort.- enti re ituitioli i id to, bipZan: out .9
Y.9 4 r-0 a,99 9r6WthL'6f ali.'litprising whlch� be to*edLilPito 'the barbor-.
Macdonald, 'BENCH FOR STRICKtN �LAN`)E,s
Aftei emoving,the Union, Jack, with ljr� 'Ge6rgis p1tyl s: agp in the. mountains bf
-9 f dw Week
:w1lich, the -al)ed, 15r,, Curie i'-Sfriking tribute to'Ule Ire FLOOIDA -di.
sione was �d'i irkable Oows AS DrEATHIS T,O,4L FFWM U R.R I VA. N Nookhorn Albanla.` That u 'h d . Qth�rs�n sabled through'
: . I I I I . L � E MPL!LNT.S
-said that 5� ;I to dig, theile wor c" o, " I.. A -scliodne 1. PrIPP19 a lien they bbga; 1 9 D' . 4rie, aald, that through was I -near W
.:as tore. Ost Palm. Be4d, by force of the teirilic It, N 6kdniated tiiat' its' birth in,' the 'liriiirder,Of. 0110� of &6 n the :tie6-Fayal
in 1905 the- fields had been farroWed 111S.'a:dMirable they the number bf'Der ."0 I th6ir'liveg- lit tho.litIrri . ca 'ama -: runs f4ill 'mouhtai'n -b L hap ua y
researches.- a4 W IQ lost 0
of rty d
le Outlines lle,',iS over. 700, and the' prOpe, ge. in'to many most conspicuous 61'. aAd ave, , beel;l even
n. e Nvas rida to �tco- afid Wo�.� t I ng the -total into t . h6,tl i.o I u,94tj a. as f6u. -ad +r�. dhome,'� otlierr hve.risen,
'the' t . r, L ained Trim uni's trouble� lif Ilona - of�,d I alone., Per shlp�.e
by the,plow for Ther boen, alife" t 14 .1
ndian lostes: ch 4 tains,. �,ho xv
W -a Y� �b fall', in the tlanti' witfiouf
lotilipg,.to suggest, even to 6.. Atiout'.100.
Bis, folfo.' �rs attfi buted the ssassin 041.
separated Ats- first-19undati.6a' or,
liserve -thii-t-th6-grouzid ioli to,. men ire y the e i omp e,ing ejr journ as,
d fe� A a'
h L , , ? L' L ndthev -declared a bl*6I fe�u�d A become a befich on wichrippled,ai
-Fe Lah
Military- occupation r Q41 its' a I Britain
been the scene fill I ab4'ndonnl6nt: it t enerosit
G y and Rura
or' that -,there. stood 'there h Oman -intetvat;i om orV-16isgitudos
y SP P
the�.m h,.
,�ar nen:ar�d airplar'jes can rest.
-Cale- S Captain C�omurtrjey, the �Britipli flyer,
man .,.to eL d
1 ort of unu , sit y large: 'dimeltions. When Tri 6ndura WaS e vacuated,, for
ort re4e own0r:: -jjkPU' E.TO A13CEFI OW,.'
knew.of the site was that Um '�th t likely'jo, succeed in'
4ii tliey thelast me, it was �becituse the 0 d
seeme e MOS.
S ;1th,
on A full' rekh�Llent was sent.x)
0 wit
e a- r ut ire
-0 -9-P �Lp_ no. port� �,Aav4
i in ivas 'a JLplarle �uhhilit e;xcej)t for a broken blade
Can in:One eas
d tb
fo a 'd dd made 16'jan ed -h rL-
ther jingere' a It t, I t t I o' . ttadit Tlie otiti�'6ine, he
RiflausAi rolln, Nand I Natio w e', r wR4 liot'a w' keen. t 1vislons ."6f
Ailwak a.r M6rnoriaIA the:�o�dih- it,thiit two d OoPs,
ispovq��d 'whel-e no Ah 1�r fiave in 'theL *i4&dAven; generato , of he'�
me o. ailadians', becau's'e a indjority'
ary: -d
sense of the term. _'The avbnts Beautiful. LAnds'cape*s, 10 Be Harvesi6r Pool. -Savi and now bd,e-n mbbillzL -app4ra Us,' The bl4dch was
L�ake._,O.ntario._todka lando in.tlle�cori,' r ' wirekSl�' t
When- th diggifig came t6'.ar C'16s6, to -which, it relted liad,Ll(jn L p a . . . -1 "the northern -.A:115�niails to
e, . - I a g d$'SQ and Ciprfney set ou.
-e it d d due of tU 0 rM thd
Ust -and' defeated Under of Ld'& Buy Q6arter:'.&cti n Vd paired t. - , But the-,*
In 1910. th s e.h4d res onde'd to'.their, info'-the.'domain'of -history.. �ihe -in6n., Accept, Zogu as� king.,.' Mqst of -
W �C ;f tho.Azoreslollowed him 64t�
.imper ect q n<jrihern0 'historical a ZOL Ver the, Atla
t o, sw'Imining �glaliat6rs omm ttees hu'rfis'lf aie:�Itoman Catfiolic Chri hoodoo
f -Sti6ning and W99L was tia- rorri'.
!sOmbwliat W i OnL est 46hammedhirl. failed
W-116 e&�iledAli� e t
p h:
RD f: toricalL in two Dur
'had" rovieiled to lf,114fii� TH , a' It Itle distijict 'ways.. In --the. :tlans, -whilt- -is. a
tizeL mon.ey; ficcor(jug o, :Londoll.�It I roposedL,to,0S4bIjSh ani; L gu MbAL BA'S-t'F6R-'AV1A
Englan ;':t ingo'has.c4rae
fis� sect�t.;' Thby'were e o 't e y) I a e e the gi�di it MarkedLj)l d Ith--u
t -T; freir--Wacy--� U p=�Faaiff I
the -outline -of the: fort Its - ges o a, ponspieliou -IEW _ui, en� litdic;a that t ee rthodox�
q 111 I;W.— la he reservation 0 Y 0 fe he G . n the Waq left In the.,flands-6f,the donors -i- council for. not lost- Weirlith i
Ils,;. to 6 an, d6a�of. to 8ubjugate. their'countrk. Au. Eilgland,' of.- 'rq -for is L6f
-ditche's,'i 'Its enciosilig :wa ey ftich- Lo One and Sweetheart. of the dhi4stlans in South ...... have
e mind t' join t
denti-al .'he0quart r6 bu tlip s6coxid, the exploration, of.. that' itiol pre'gidoiit; .'uhd Prof: 'Patrick L Ab�r-
sw It i of traVel.L.
W4 Jr., Compan.y:,,�ud Cr4w Other'Vill C.6*me; �'6 tiaii' o the Azo* Rittzi6iPtegra part..',
1'. .. . . -Atlantic air T e
Xhib or al, plan -
flanked bv formed a` nt,, Na'.tibnal E the notth but'solp rs a
0 'gave -pool 'region 'a& with'.theii to�al,;area of 22
itoi-ehollg�s, if.-, I n Iffiel spo't ��ndnlark Ili. h 9
tile, B great organizatiofiq. p.mbie; 'the res,
barracks,- the..` batfis'.which - Iner, squ Are, mies; 'are .830 - rhi lea f roffi the,
too Oman L rktain. These two pbEgi, ifiii* of jrebelli&'
�ihe, hoiiorary sebretary. Lord Asl predicting the
Od e SL m a regiot
demonstration. -of'generos ty and. W1nn.iF-e9 tbr'ak' th t IAfso
tor" -h lo I f
w 0 a o, ng. een.c ose Y. a Roca,
rs -%vbbo canie a from Afi�i
sport6iftahship ;th'is Old neatest roint in, Eu�
pq�.t :In 4e6idink 'to ivide% up tbe*, Own Of PIYMOII 11;
ave adopted, the b.�nii f - ' Because% of e -an
ci ted �wlth- the t inada. six'w�ek t ' ll','Curbul6nt
dl Portt*al, �xI4 InjWSL
Gafin&u, Po r wa in he i&intry, -is siited.'that his iODO
is. taking all interest in, the. movement,, ago t
we U iia�ney"fourteen who. nion as 0 near6st Ainen4can -� headl
j � I remain in . 6stsmi'
U the 'furthei -and Made
t the:,best. time,
Successil* I e, at Du�ortli,.,di'.so'�dei�l'y,"de-'ern Canada.. 'as fa�ri
P 'Already oil parts of'tlie-* coast- as to,, hoifie,and will �cor�oftatin ptobably will Ve,'p�ostp,6 p
New�buixlland.; They'f urnigh all.,
augan x4mplel n qWmqrsj haing oxgeUdnt harbor for. sesp
cl! of -,them, received group, "have pbosij)le an
of ind uals: is ruining he -
No, ivid ted,dtiful. land� bought .1 seciibrf of I' d1fig,floidS foe
ce�ds�'eaTn king - in t
C scapes. In r e s ugjy� ed uthoile unat
.oni '.ca�e 'o'uld N 3e, 'Pi
ease 6ver�ofie -and natural lnes
Y untry ot lv both -the
It ei _W
Fl.. ong the,cofftestaqt8. and commi
Elm hai est�fields_
OUt pro
S 'fe ast-j4h,e're the -etgefitial -e Jack, Wilson,
eet. :
I ie of., '�i eh at and Fred
pa 'i!lie`juin� froir''li t
a�gpeak- of -All
n erna wl pi-atestaions The' ir-Walt ScOtt
P�P Subsidi- mahy'wei�e 1oud_iu',.jII6il
Afric t 1h. dia, S er
naryjo e lIv': e ri. 8 0,; GO 0 H. R w-ne8s, accom ph shed* arves 0
D ing ito an,'audienee which. o, e
-so D' -e is,.ot coui i noTey e. Uj ExiStS
t Ar
0 YeTY
d d harvest' gU
entirely je
pre divided. App
reat ned's. iling 9. to, H�dro- dnmffi&�Uy, f,buteh oIrigin 'Gen. Jan `.6ked ihe fact that e' "(jolla d1l pooln .Firi(Ca
ristiah le tl� ev6nshft an reatest. �a W"
jon--�o-f -1-and Tro I---' A:rhong--M
to. �eslllt o e !EhkjisIj- buying q ux-14��eext
m 'h . . .
C rest hydr'oL' peopI Wils
Ele tric h.1
s:�ilhne f_ th' p -W
ftif)ll in" d vigcrl n
1) o§ I tli)e a
no of �t lv : applailded," -t0le bell e being able to- mo��e ot16so,ea ''the Or 0111
he onti�ient's iar� IIa ipe f f, on bild
eve, therefor p.i,,e5
fljonj' the toNA,
61edric ower. plants coiiin,enced op -.L spe, and '6ieaply , . II;. L.1 ' ' iv�n had 2 2 5 apiea�
lito the The It Chairman
ions Olv.the 's.6cesslon 10, views of'the Du )R, --en rally� whqii, L6ntlon.�Jedbqih,� which. is to� con-,
a6Lnd ay' of ",th e to prqcu�e' thi n ;a''
0untry.' But in sim6n',. �er it. .'free(
er" -%vh,-.,i 'thii t his --'tlle-,dbviding one voin in base' nd'.'tlIL mes )3.47.t6,
tatibn 6f the. Gati nedu� P inexe, b
Owe� we safe. tl is 4ses .4fid Ir we Were. ',lot -x �iv6iideffilj s Theist; I MliediateO Ill I �eon �at t .0 A d�vyh
mass 111LON'Onlent
o gener was: place, �i, 1111x6d momoties for
WOU d alue of to --the, fai-me, alf�r S rWasiltiere 1*-,
leaves or ',India
lip. Sir.: NY Cott.
a' 's`6bswiai;Y oLf fial pisity and- sj�orttiinan, -9'-'of: the ga�`e �'rof�
't - on,', which
and ni ies .-I n s III
elivcr� o 8,,0jqG0 ndVej jCo"p sL oilier v it ti
totllitj,�� :i! t. mmissi, a criminaL
It d1d iot' �11( liei,e,: for.along �ame ,.Y.e nioi ghin to c argued his first C
hoise�o,.�cf of electric.-Onergy to' the. ji q6uA. a'�d ' suepeed
&o-,10 Aindrica or, ijinpe� 11, so
t'll 'Com- t tali� actio' a s to' back '1115 H d..,'Wells' Ifor vIs ed iii. Clearing is
t d: 11:. ettle',' &Um As itppainled.. bv- 1,116 'grifts
.of Ilel" S. tier
"Hyd -o E ectric' Powei��'Cornmi-go��n' trat1oli of I - j ., , , vagaIbond;,poa(, cll.ent�,',Who '4greed:L:.
:kei) 'cei� ain aileas It. Govam�l
pny, t it v t
�ge con I ion as -1.a uk� sbbundrdl" and
'�Au se ale, i �a, b�c6nie Canadi'a-zi -ditiz6zfs, brintient,, to d
rio 0 olt -mission jp, ndjia that.. heL
f aiiiI e the '260 miles, itn6-1 -h P�s w i Coo, ly p . rornI.Se
aKyy t I dy.yal'u'able Nvoxl� oil ilm�e Niles Anot er D*r'lW11 h i%ve sie d 'T honi h' d to �end his' dokelider'
could I.W to our 13 VUL ma 11 'a to. �oconrmqndlng to w t
ni ..,y�hieh.. point "it a- iS )eijlg carried 6ut bV tlie� qill4inb� Anilt6n is -re trVivil r 'fur if -mile caif �be gra,n..
'Air-, Aos,, h '' iac�xt, n1pra ng. A 6ther"Olieut
:fr to -day Nv4,- are not,
nd the oni- o. g ionic after t lei" LYtent' se a are n
Cir 'b6i . h 6,
A A,tr workin the li-ar%-Lst fiol� _1;�L$jou Snell
lidly.eircle N�-It I. t
teibUtod by the cbmi iow�iii'tho To- but wii &re, li -te of-, f our 'of'-- --kWr-96- -�ccused bT biirglax-y�ScoLtt
pany the�'gift'i I
e C lair a
jo, It b q�+' them $1 .
collfpatant 21000 t spr ng.
othe elp I inaii, 'and, in: �,Ieilt -by Wpst,� plans'to.returil, in tbe`,&ViIin�r )'fiilis%ln India 1a.s but th L' p - man s o I h wed appredmI
0 Nv givii
any inju.,,UcT is, pianneu..�qwar(U �bl and one 0111 W.
pening. f Cante-buri'. ves-pmiibiiiti�s of the �B*ritish Parlla-_
th �ers. for -rto's: 0 'I'litIt- 'And the NV 0 nyt, The' first, a al ays to. nieht -to the People of India,. es 119
0 e. need not. spend millions oil 'a a [ps—to re�:rou4ing
iinitial insta lation,'of,204,000 horse, fteet,' Silluts tinued tep it. w D pite 31 the e and a.little' yelpi
d0ey -C witho t � -haus
a survi�y', o f an :al,ea -and to: -prepare �'Treat the an4 Ile'll jhe Initial, bbyeott. elgh.t'�'bi. the�,n lle�
power,. marks the. completion 4 the 6aw colic 14' wondeiI Caniidi iis I .. '. - ; : I . terrier w,ithin,, and to eschew new-
entratd, rVoi*ojects of de o Of
nt. III rigt'�! d'eclartd, Hallailt q e
fifst stage -in. the -development tho! velpomelit-8 to mo.of prov jjl�o& had dd 'id d t 'fajigIeWid gteii era and- stick -to,
o,, necessary -their doulitry, ''their ad�vel6pnie' t 0 c9_Opo
tille U Ri vottlig -citizens,, and th tY� utionaL 6, 1LI, plait are xvll�3 llsQ. State tat e was. niuc sur,wfth,'tIie' comffils�' ri. '�s,. Orpterabl3'r with us'tY
`.of thb'Ga a 4his: genoi d tl' to T
resources Ater co'untr The Eingire.' is. not busine§s Can4da, "'The. i he ninth ad fitshioned Idc
�nd tht . pi-i'sed lie worked not. YS.
by 'the COfiipiftfiY�- a bond :ty. Labor Loader joins wit pos-sib e ieNy . rods t he n �ke' - the
i ng us, bit t 'is a helping yet fi � ally decided Its-lattit YeAr� aftbrwards��recalUng
The Centraljndiar� commit e
Ps,es hand., nerafly 46jeltitid4claied:
are' two- ther W 0' in' congr4tu ations �or 0
�'There po �r � It all uld!be,iwipt open. committe�o' �of-'.�ro v'e Iiiin thirt.y'niiles to a dance." b, CUOS
g e I thw
en: Dantly'by , e Council df States tirid
on the'river which have in ope'ra sa jileiii 'deal, 9i tdl'k about remarkaWe dem,611sttatioh, of gbiieroSl� for. Cornwall a-iid Devou, heiiii' if is. It'
forM64, will aN�L'no'tloubt pay opeOa : " I th� beli*jral
d nittent ve 'Tolping terrier,.
tiozi a year, *hich-have, a capadity of overei,gn independellice" 1101t, of d. spoitsmaiislilp � and. ",e'llamenge gusoh 'Gover Is fl Tartly nohlinate& from. rutty: key,
a :ty an e -pres r- T I . . ' . . .1. ll� Se tt'
sfalled and in i dependenee' I bvidgo�; th e � .-words .-of the egislature of India by t 8. Viceroy, '-V%7eie VValter Cj bes' J d
232 000, orse power, n within'the Enipire. No any- othej co'UntrY to, "show. 68" wherd attel't'on t , 0 and,', 4T th L s t e
mention; is ma -.:Toro;Ito- babp'-r '10 is. SoIlno hus�tY, 'eypecte
at of old. high- ille c i in
&.-t - f ,the charlqc(er
proceilis �iaking, A. tofal 'n il �a, burgh fee.
ns do -of 'the 'fact, acc'6ra-' ihej '7cain equai it d to.,accompany 0 MIS
of .436,0.00 librae power',for' tbei.411ree ing fj,'tlie e o t f the, Leader.. of a citint buildings. Ad' V011E . gS C I*,. ston th
'r rouili tfi�6 prov ces on the
fore- 'a com irig,vfsitl� Sit; Jobfi.Contilluo�d
qe 'C61i
'Yerth I y P6pu-
en6 and iietrol fillfrig stat-loui
ce, tliat the Ejnpire'fs After hailig ong b�2en big
five bull , tli�
'illonwealth.. for mutual help, Sup- ar wa
: , t. 'feel that an� ovel-donp,,of. sport is '06 also' be controlled d
an, Willie wo s told by dadd� th-q. 61i� fie a de6pjy iialne
'is Storage R 'bir, The S.peakor /sa d, about
the injudiclorusly_
Ovc, tn ihe. Company -f,� port. "In, one sonsewere freo, t , o do,res man of..tlie .5 is to Irdr t, dred e -been 1:tecelved w nt
.4b to alN%'av in moranffa� hive �h e
Ile 11,
Our 'Indepen I a r a -of th a 'short time beWro hfa death. to,'
as by. the 'commIssion � from' Ali 86"t
we dence f 6e 'ipd g�too ping -back I have not'-' 7,
a, dqm� which ciat�q 6no df�
S 01 a'geL nd a e So ving speak, against th 6 Reform' Bill, when.
don. Lco liptlies Iii India, a ri '01 Where'
"the argest arti cial t roscr�birs* there but it 'IS' judbl) -.1ce'd in, .'Lon 11 'Paudet. I ip"Lsace- 'A reaou r
endende withill% I9tonbs .'throw
The ditill back the yilver: ff�iei ug� ficid;.. it. is, le 601116k to* their virivi on the, existing
-in tl�e or circle. - ' ' : � , , - : , : . Ii lie %%-at'liiss�d and fia
ilia Tile 'obvious qol t The ayes.n
-a slain
1:absul'd 0 ltond_tht there; *,.110 he up a distaT g 7*
thd iplacd a:re IV their very
coillinol ld, The. greatd�t uiianiniit� -w Id. idly, ahI: ". I : , Wb afo 61eilda' helping oiib toth- icc'of miles, subm0g-'1
ing nine fills and,rapids nd- , creatin'gf�er, each. otlier in e Xa C t P'a hing,; a i�i i.,; t i e., 11-11 i Lil kr
a wq
A to bSir'.
at*e ihd J It
W ns e'A A R
0 n
a liglild -be licit R rmy ea
I fioad- of 1401cot. a p-9 �1�ln
get. e In 1); 1 .1 ar
iI4 btilklich(18 thlb !call. lJo jwtjtj� a �t f6i�g it fil
1" r
"k j�ftrnjll�� to the
long. nd its inxiniuni is 'ad Ul �s Bonds' Kn Soviet,
i in III ia lis'..wortli nothillIg"' e doetriiiLd Of The es-60he Sky'C th e M�3�re I 61kilti.. .44 -to
Shutil ets Ird's Record 13,
.150 feet, Tile q, 9111ce di I
-foet, inclu :for war was
length, f 5740'., is! the inteeest.q,of d i n Russian
hcad�', ind it 111axiniuln beiglit, is' ovitl Fo Pei eaoft& USe*'Lof'
aI A f 1, 1 ca,
(1101, will
atinfng�of Hawallatf pineapp q con, q rg,
our. e. C ssombiv of Red
tllluq� We greh-fest, piopqr. fllc6rs'. Iles lj
Ini elow -pugn is B r I it fle L tQ, ;e"Xye
Twenty Si. tll�
the iddent
Onate. anibunt 'of ng
00 1�ew, C nt lfght fdlloWi
h.61sea hydi 0. pl',
In South Rtlisla,
in the llinth nnua I. edit r
loll .6f: F av Co.'s The, (et,hnfqii6 of'6ur n'
Power Co,, and a 1,iflfo be-
tiou, 11 0ierinj Pri'L I it tlia.t of .
Hun'pry ZeS a* it it, I not better,. th,
asiii nuitt of conipbies, With. a.
o n f6t! a v Car, Nv th, th
been, n op4
16pnionts- "- For thib a q�opulatld.n of 830,L00.0, 1-1dwaii'last year. our be-* sa',Id., "We are
�peeation- of the thl�ee deve rgest Farnilies
or� �io (I'iftigo q00 tons �oi 'sugAr; Itntmr6ut
IM4 a $itg 'A ,consu mod
.1 1 1111dape". t 'departplejit for. la
rge .200A pouhds , per CaptU3,, With -a ltlg: a� t ivhidh 'We,,C'oU'id
tneau Pow' er to ihe bos't
ivb rl d 1 00, C011- fiot for'a moment
nut's C11 Q lno� atioi 6C 1,680,0910,0
al ice' with the C;OvePnme 8 $laee there, is
advaPtake th at 139' attAc ed at., .
of 1L puilliq4on -of d, 24, k
s'out iqm'ed ate
'tty- limesing the. population. ; .. 1 1. 1 1
xio seclij,fty toi.oitr 'being
'-Ri-yet for. a lstancc� of si. , , I i * ,
Y. niotiieftL
-And is do- dola* 1110dals, colfffleatel' and kfft ton alf*q'Tililes frolin i1s; mouth Tile. 1_�t"Iied: States, Wfth.lts 118' o� q
oping a)lo o'-thirds,of the vail- of mohe. GOO,- task, to Improve the t hili
Vol I ut tw Oi)l, be given -f
a the',niothers, 00 fig
iver. All thb. of the largest ]qUngfLrlftft.. fal.1111i . -!� 0 Inhab year consumed" as the the.
ablio. bdad 'on the whole eaDaclt,y of
5, 9 tons �bf sugar, Ahe' larigest, �&rm . . :_ , ': -
5.0 0 y
-teniainirig head which caty-he devdop-- Admiral Hortlity., has, aCcolited 'die
14onorary' ohmoun 'taken by aix),' 'one country, an
d' fcally t9 controlled by the
c econOmi
le6hip itly, averagoL jier: Capita. coliquillption,
Three: Volide�i
A prize was awarded to a '.peasant 112,21I.pounds. Cliltia, with IL pop6la*
tioti. of 406�00,000, used, only" 100�006� Tabl.� (L6iid6iij, At thii"'.
I'Woif is woman, tiio- I I
Novi that t04 to lj,6 lqottihi filother. of%- [*bh�y tons of sugar,� a per capita consui p t'sh Common -
III dret��-- I"ec"tures oil -birth CL61f.rol tX1 I .
its feet in t e .1116L
are y L, prohibited a14 do v'ern- ar. ra
tile ds'flor lite Y6' t Ii sed t6 havilig their faces o' )e'Colno matie uniiy, ��s no
ijp6l(en Of dS �,fUjt of Stltle,,L? i6r fail 'to! In 0 it t emissries Will tout the rilrl '%I or
1 j�. 'n 0 f
fun than -bar f pet
on the he 0��f d 0 &1 'pow Piter for gat, 611 14 Ift iledf 9 J� 64 dt A - tY i i l�posl 1011 0 JIT
H tb is 'to CC 'the loss n
........... jtlLqt beell; -filventod. it You iml9f t& jildgo Old, people by tin-etloti hotweell' 13TItaill's owti
ovorage.- 0 Do
t"hill -Pf
will now. be doubly In 1A to 6o 110.1 bolicy of of the,
4e4so V in Phelps! Doffi In loll As
to strike the ICL
tAli, Octoboe I w Wha ;and -ti up their Mobtos
o, c qiilffs has Poo I
file. mkar, :of p 6 tin
J�ojjldr a moderti- druggist Consider a
a ilaughte her,
Ill wor1c about; othi§rg al
Id e
on all !filter ....... Up tho# ftbAorll
that a Cailadian A.nd an,
If You Would, 'be �6ajjy iAu,%tralfan it 111.1tist
a N"G UW S' I N'; AuStRWA
'it, there Word ft,(>� ly a(i
a *rL 8
g.t I