HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-10-04, Page 7„ • „ Surplus Her4s for f ar North Transfer of Buffalo to great • Slave Lake to„Continue Indefinitely ' ROW tO•Jaite-:'.' eare of the' „natural 'itierease 'of •Genada's ,.buffalo' • !vithieh is 1.000f. streng, "is:beconiing Serinim probleni. ZeolOgICAI gai'0446 •;'talte, nfew bhion, biit the .market, fc,ir ,.,inick speciinenS isiextremely: limited, and. the G(iv1IirncI1t. lierd h5indrbas: Ing at an ,alaitatag rat. It Jia been •',.2;flecided therefore- to :ship...the4iiirnals In • large'!'ntimbera.:•frern, the...bullet() at•-\lenitivirigh* Alberta, ..to the forest :Wilds of the Far -Nprthi. A • reeSrit-bulletin of the; Departnmni of pettiral-•11,e'sonreek• at Ottawa . a1ied6 • light'on the. Amblers,- • In 111,7 according - to.; • Ottawa linlletin, the 4•Canad1an •GoV.,- .;ereinent. ace:0.04'4e' nueleaa of :;its• •.Pfokent .herf,tif"-hiOn; and 'encloeed • ' the .aniniale in a fenced area 13 by 15 mileahi. extent • near •Wainwright. • Afterward, hi, order,' to cope With the . • growth (4 the herd, It was decided- to • ' transfer as many as,pos,sibie to Wood. fluff1le Bark,..in-the forest fastnessei •• of the Great Slave'Lake region.' Now • there'are.about 9,000 buffalo ;at Wood Buffalo Parit'‘and about 5,000 left. In tho fenced park near Wainwright It , has been :depided:thaCthe :pao`ving of tim anitnals t� tho•Par .North will have • „ to be continued indefinitely:' • • • ! fiy . The story ,ot how Canada has thew. .. sands, of buffale,,..wliile..:the • United 1. Otateevirtually has none,, begine ,in 1907, when 'the ..opple. remaining; sPeCi- , lens' of *On were in •the pesiesSion ,ot. .a • man in Montrida, named • Pablo'swirct totaled 706: He Made, an offer to the : Up.iteir Statee Govern - int,! but Waahi,ngtoii. wae..slOW; to tako actlon. ,Ia 'the „.ntearittine,' Sir. ''then Prime nMiniater 'otc4n4.dg,•leartied of the •bion herd and thought It it woaitt be a iihe thlng to (Aiwa It for cp,i4da,...:00.,..thilt- the ' historic which had ',played such a large 'Part in the';ploneerlife 'of the Whole- continent,Lnaght he,pre: nerved; 'fOr.'' PoSterity. Accordingly 'be , authorized an: offer to .Pablo; which • the, latter. ttc4epted. The r'danadian GoVerbtrient agreed to ,pay 050per • buffalo for 'the efittre.'herd.' It -took Pable•three years to.rOhnd up ;alt 'the ; Anintals. and: shiP- thein.,,to EdMenten,• . ' Alberta,. -!••••' ' • •-•VoW.;,the +broil:ern, Seems to be .to 7 *event the; ..herd'S;,:bicerning ;too .•,nUmeroUo,:.The...';* transfer to, Great 701aVeTbake,conauitg.0,,ifi4.4.nitgly,s_wiii_ . ' mean a iarga 1 Tierd•.roaming, 'through ,iindeVelOPed :country, fer '.the entree:1e • tbriVe .there, in company. •a: 'OW. "woodland tine" :buffalo .whieli have ,•never :quite 'disappeared. • 'Ord Will. Outdo . st 20 Y.!:ars in ext Five, He gayi .Streeses Value of •Men Over 50.-Regnrcli Profits as '.Trust From Utibiic . • Detroit.—Henry For -4 :exPeet..o to do more -in the next five years than he hai-in,theLlait twenty-heltold visitert who came to congratulate him .tipOn sixtY,fifth annivergary. Atkr... 'Ford was in optimistic rn.(,*(1 antPmade it• dear that that he, had not yet 'fehrid his •• "age limit." •: ' : Mr: Ford believes the judgment and experience of men' over 50 are eosen- I „ tie]. • . "You take, all the 'vxperience!, ' • and judgment of men, over 50 out of: the 'world and there would -riot' bo' enough left to run it said. . • "Youngsters • have their place anif are ,necessary,'hut the Vicperience and' judgment_of,,men over 50 are what give purpose and meaning to younger .then'S .efferts. Mr.' Ford spent the. day as be spends „ • ' Baby has little.upseis at times. .All your eare cannotprevent them... But you can he prepared....Then;.Year. can do. What auy.experioneed nurse would do—what most 'physicians *Mild tell you to :do—give •a feW.clitips' of :Plain :easteria., No sooner done than Baby: is soothed relief :is:, Nit •a Matter of moments. • Yet. Yeu prve ()aped, your Child without use of a single'4oubtfut drug; • CaStoria Is vegetable. So •It's. safe to use as'often as an infant .has anY little' pain you cannot pat away.• And it's elWaya reaay fortheierticler' pangs of.colie,,,Or Conittipatr6n, or %dial': rhea; effective, ton,- for older !ehildren:. Tiventy4I've iiilhihii bottles;.. Were bonght .1aSt. year. • •- 4„zezztv2.4.z, CASTORIA rEclucattonal' Conservation Jack Miner: Calla Attention to 'Great 'Wealth of Ontario's Northland and Her,Lakes $100 frO'M Totrriat.s, as Good as $100. from What Wheat Shipiiea Out; Game:and FiSK COnseryation.', National Jack Miner • ' "Since .inakipg the: Staternent•In a• fernier •artiCle In the *Tort:tote OlbOe, that I etbod ,for edupatiettal conser vation, my Mail 1i&f3 beep -heavy with te9ueSta foi,a•full.explanationand in brief.'l will 'say that during the: last fifteen years 1 have been .leettiring I have no doubt .spokento EC mililon or mbre. seheel, children in. North' Am,eri; ea,..te" 'Whoin t. have etriPhasized-the' itenortanee:'of:c.iitillding bird ' houses: 1 1 can get a •child to bnildia bird house. he. will naturally erect' sane Ono a pole, and that boy .or girl at once becpmea a., Coneervationist •.More- over, he beeenae's a better citizen be- cause of the love kindled In his .heart, ,He. certainly will not kill the'bird tht is'going .tonest in a house that he has' made, ner. Is he ;likely te-'alloar. any other person:to destroy a bird in -his. , . . . . ' • "This 1 call ''educational cOnimiya-: tion t Biit we ;•inuit not lose .sight of the fact that we have got to ;have laws•; ----and strict laws—for experience and persona/ observation have tnught me that kindness without firmness Is a total failure.. •And we ' have got -to havequalified gattio warden to to' en- •toree these. law's.. There hi a emelt percentageles's...than live per cent - who are ciutlaw,s, atid.thia. ainan per- centago 'of people easliy can Upset what las been 'aceompljshed by the 'Majority: of People:, "Too; many citizens look ,at 'censer, -vation7as-merely-a-sitiartsinall'O-tre: pdaition;'''When the fact or the 'Matter Is it Is one of '.:Ontatie's bigge.st. as- .s.etsL.BetweetI..Bitdb_ury al,t(t•pott'. jJ liani there ..are thousands o square miles of 'territery, which has '• been BM= 01410•ONT THE greatest and most thrilling sport- ing spectacle in the,wOr d will.be the 3rd 'Wrigley Marathon. From the • one and a. half miles a. Canadian r UII ands will Vie* this gigantic .speetacle of ,Dimgay and H.M. Royal Air Internationally : famed . ,and ; Force Band (Englaid);:tx;'. English Channel Conquerors ' striving hihib from nearly every coun- for. the • World " Championship laurels IrY; 2.'Ycnce ExhibitioO • •• . • . Chorus; World's Lar A and the '$50 000 purse. • lies gm' . .'Cultural Show; an TAmaur To. w,tness a ,Wrigley ,Marathon is to Oritness Sports Program • rivalling an : a world spectacle that. may 'never be repeated' :olympiad; , auto •.racCis on the - in iltis•'couniry. Be sure to tee the Big Swim - Eft:steal dirt, track in Air:erica; , year—twothis Vents--Vitednesday • AUG. first Showing,1929 molor cart, 2.91h for women; arid Wednesday, , SEPT. and. feature after .feature every ' • :5th; for lx,Ph.jornen ince. . our o. • 7 hour every day 7 7 . • Send for literature describing the entire four- . •i teen -day ; (.olden Jubilee -Year, Canadian ' National Exhibition- Toronto, Ontario. ' ' • -i - \ ' T1-101v1AS BRADSI-lAW. , ' 111. W. WATERS President , - / Gersend Manager , . 'moat days --in making the 'rounds -of . • ' ' ;his various. Planta in, the le;•iroit area, '" • • , . • and Otherwise concerning himself- jn ` • the activities of his interest:4..11er°. Some onejtaked Mr, Ford how much • money he. 'had'. lost -itt making • the change froM..the'hiadal 'T. to the model A car. . ' ' "Whb said 1 had IOSI 'anything?" he cotinter,ed, ) • ' . ;."We loee what tiofvet, belong ,tte ue;" tie went on. .,41110.prnrit$„41%, . made on 15,000,000 niod 1 T ears. wai•::, . not 'Our nieney. The. public •paid it to us; . ' The fl1(}11e prOliIil rarni 'fq`inn. tfie poeplO .811(1 wO look•tipi'm them siMply'. '• an. a ...i)tibric:,crust Whiich must • ‘ptit • ha.olc the 71).:1:nufactiire of'..Ooere: „. thing titat.:Will.lio,10. 01(.11 arid vonieit. to live better' ..and 'mot-0 onujOliNiv • liteS,";• • A • , A. etjt1 p1 col; t.li(1071,fg op a ,Nite1i't108 'trip', through Scotland froo 1100! ly stop- • , tied Al, sarall farnilin'usys, tor' a tit ink • or mitts', 1110 charioi for which', wns ,tritrOnye. 8 ilia 4(1 fl1dtl13oitO, Iiittlay tiryfzir wr,2•'N • .Irtil!.!1`;"`: rertelvert'.1.1:y itrit,c;v Tliongly die- • talk 'ti•J,rii 110 ▪ nr.nrfbi 1.0p•p 4c.4Wan 11' .IHOd, With lOtol 14 'ail M4)1)11,1(14." a'S 1 , iliO linproliriely or. laryirlir, and irolling on roteli• a I10 'rho ytOMIX wOro nhTnTl i(r 1.1-mr „..h. .1m) Hilly 31 0011 Iiio mornari, interrupted aridariol.c licr 'inorrning clear. f'N'a. 410," H110 cried, ' brook SaNylra 1 0 foie titan sixitoliq, itt 011 seod ,vlitql•...ThVvry oolor, 11111 IpSir." ("ro'fonit•r"P.1.,i' 1'1N111)110i f virsioim 1001elyig 3011+--c1oyur follows, :,ultsto" T , Ontario Agricultural C GUELPH SEND, YOUR BOY TO THE OAC. 1,(,,the Farn, Boy if 'otters ri.trainitii that will better Ili him for the Occupation. of' Vanning and for 'Citizenship. F()i%It. 813Ait coultst Iae.alling to Op. Degree of Bitehelor 'of Science in . . . Apicultute. • lAYO VEAR COlJILSt , Loading to the ..gisociate.D.ipkoind, • SII010 CatiltSES11 - MiTri"'" n Live Stock tin(, Cmp , Poultry 1in13171 1-Iortaculture, Dairying, Bee. F4III)ENTS. 71/11i: YE1 Cotligt1:1' litisbandry,,• 11 1(1 Husbandry, lIo,rtiqui- Drainage, ItTtrrri a 911g. Specialize in :tile' Thirt and Fourth Years in 'hire, ..•D a i i•y , .13te-itee in n g, or }my „ine, of, tbe . Se,ielices br 8ktvriology, Botitily, Cherulitr' or ' .. Eiit(linoloor,, ',• ., ..., , *,_ ...., ... .. •••.. )P COUltSt. i : - • .. , ... 'Jilt, to,titi ceysi, for. lioard aml Roofil and Tuition • Fe., s for Pirkt Year." ,„ittl(1•011y) (1).0,s.110t,,qe,evci i. .Ast,i, for College Calendar 1.)esc11p1ive .ot Various (*oursos. . .•, ' - (1, 1,(111,11.1$,TiEr B.S.A.,..D:SC., A,,,ISI. P()ItT,Y.IR.,. :Presidelit„ '• Rpgistrar. • •.. -------,..—. stripped Of its: valttablettlinber, and at present practically good only for min - Ing, ome, 444ting PAct•Aohin.g.., 11:9, State in .the United States or Province in, Canada hap such, a vast sports - mane. paradiSei and if, we will take thp wolves out and let the, deer in- crease, not only by the actual money !paid out for licenses," but that left in the country by, tourists and '1Innters, . give, a bountiful return: Stopand thlnk..er,tild'''different todristsi leavootnento,,C4--rallwaye,. gap istatiOns, hotels; 'stores, taxiS,„.boat 'fares, rent of, ceittages,';'rents.er,hoatP; and;'nlost en'etiuragink7 Or: all, ',the.. Money he would leave with'. the kilides• and •• set - "I stilt' stand for raising the, bounty ufl wolires.. and at the same time raie- ing',hunterse license , fees? to, IPOOt• the extra beMaty.,paidt • ;Get'Ahe . wolves mit: Pf. the.'con,atrY, kiloW deer 4z) increase' and thus' bring more: tOrti, • . .ists. to • Ontario': We all know that ,$.100 ;;hrottght in by tourists' has just inueh PurchasinepOwer 'as" 1.(ifrtitre-• !ceiVed for., Wimat; shipped Det"S get together and; educate ea:ch.:ether hoW to make' Our lakes worth more. It Was told by one •Oi wpatonia'a• ailment officials' that lakes in Witi- . . consin and Minnesota were more valu- able to these States through •Money brought in than ' the same area' of cleared 'agricnitnial, 'land, and :we all know these States border herder :on 'Ontario. Such being the. case, .what .is the yalue, of our lakes,...wItich'..up ;to the present time are tree Of pollutiOn7 ' "Think it ..over. Don't let us get gether ". to 'talk laws.' • Let . OS get to- gether and '110 Something.'.." • •• : • THE UNTOIJCHED MEAL! People Who Go Hungry With Food on ,the 'rabic , "I simply cannot eat." Actual tragedy 18 suggested by these words, Fp) often heard, because ef appetlte the,beginning of trouble that. ecterter or tater reyeWls. 'itself • as indigestion, nervous dyspepsia, with violent' i.j911:44.ehei' and other oeriOno' .0YMPtoins.., Loss. of appetite, .whether laatt •itYniptout *You. 'tittre'.not•ignorp, If you nitich "silt" re, .4;17444 tnlitil; c '''Ikleed thO. :3ecret Ot. keeping lieeP..up 'the finality Of, the blOod,- BY enrich, ing and• phrifYing the blood 1)r. Dr: Viij. liaryis. Pink' ;14111B. Supply.. strength to .the ,egfeebled .6.rgeos or digestien, "and .0nahleHtherta tO digest* thoroughly the 'feed ,eaten Witheut causing. pain or iiietress';,;,:-1::roof • ;f Is given k by Mr,\V(ihiarn 11. kany,•.Kingstep,i'.o.nt., cannot- reeciraineilel Ji pinlz Pills 'too highly, I had.., been.'bethered With 'indig.estion in !a chronic form for. •almost ten yea i:'. Dverything weal!' eat would turn Oeur.. 1 feitas though,there. •Was a. hig' ball fa- stomach all the time. felt *tired :'arid weak and would often tarn dizzy,: I doctored and tried many medicine speriditig;nianY: many dol: larS, but to:no ,avail. One dayl heard a lady; praising Dr. Willianis' Pink f decided to, try, them. 1..ain more than glad Mild lot soon I found re, , and after taking' the pills' for couple or months the trouble had did- appeared,•ami now I.can 'eat ,aii kinds . ong :0. 1001 /or *rood. and 'have. again my old tirne ' health and etrength:". 7, • Sitmerion • Ladies of '4500 - YeOrS ; Ago '..1--lact.Little to :Learn:About jeWelry. ' :' • • • Lonclort,-The tr,easorea f4ie,CliaideeS,..fpund 1):y C. Leonird. .Woe'le.y. • and h4ea;seeciates,have hen Planed on. exhibitieh in EnTand for -the,-.11rat•tinie and are online interest at the ,British Arobng '.,visitors .,:.arnagernept • at .the art general, • and:genie visithig have remarked ..that • the. •present age "ha's•little thiS.resp,ect. to teach, the Sumerians.,•.• ••!` . • • ;The •c011ectifirt,' includes.. the heauti• helmet 'ef Ring, Mes-Kalain.,Dirg and the' headdress o .Queen Both are,' of geld:and !eletilsitely fashioned. exhibite 'shoiv that tYPtnen's,..,hair as then then., Worn coiled lnto,a_.bna number '' Of ,•vanity_3.30.70iii:_nOt greatly different . from,. those sold to -day in Bond Street and Regent 'Street:- • A''weithan's .-cloak • beronging. to : the .queen -gives of 'fashions itt that It is headed.garinent ,opening On •the right ...aide:: and With. a/fringe'ef , bugle' at •.the .bot•;' tzi;whieb- are fastened. gold rings'. it Wailheld together by • a, large. g.O.1d. pin." • ' 7 • `', • .. • , . One twist Of tee:hien In ‘•the Ponr,P;e of time shown 'by:the !tact: that earrings were ' .-the",ear y days • a . . • - male, faishion, and twine very fine specimens are shown. There are ,altio' A. *anther •et the :geld and silver ma - cots 'Which were fastened' to chariot hartiette... Mot .the 'rionreyal' leas shown date from !the, Sarganid Pee ,.."ahout 2700-2600. 'TheSe• 'itga,'-hrgeeTirts:Titrid4roi4l .y ,Stly Made, gold.',' ' • _.• LEA INFA •Chcilera infantum is one of the fatal ailments Of childhood: a:trouble that corries',ep especially deririg the summer :Months,' 'a.tul un leas ;prompt ,itztfori is:taken the little one may soon be beyondnid.• Baby's Own Tablets are an ideal medicine in "warding tiff thie trouble, They rein, late the bowels and sweeten the etbm, act), and • thes, Prevent the dreaded' summer complaints. ,iTheY are an .ab- soliitely safe medicine, 'being .,guaraii-: teed to contain .neither opiates nor' narsotics Or other .harmfal' drugs. They cannot possibly. do harm—thev always do goad. Tho Tablets atbe Sold by Medicine dealers or by mail ,at 25 cents a Mk ,.from The Dr.,Wililams Medicirio Co..; Brookville, 'Ont. The Nightingale , ljarkl hew thmtigli trimly „a melting . note •, , , „ " She noW prolongs her Mow sweetly. down the Veld they float! •• the breeze; their magic Paili attends; The stars ohine out; the forest bends', . wal(cful. heifers , . 1)11d1 let •the at ,eve, „ Time wanderiek all alone', Thy -*tender, coiltisel aft rapaive; 1)0(1r -witness ta thy pensiVe, 'And pity 'nature's 'ca'res, ' ' Till I tailset my own.' - • • , Alfenaltio, t - Custom in li,reig Cincinnati Custom Is :..WItat-nnr1ctv,l'trs'srf Ifirprobor-fm-lirtrc ,io appear iii co-tuna:try w ith ids sua- 1,01(10'S slteWing and perftwtly primer fo. Lig Ayfre td, ro 01.011114 with hor w„ • PattiC;rtr Thiffilo sum .• :';')*c•s, ant ' doing Wt41, nv.,,,Itc, triakeo Plettli'vti for them' 'I'airiter: '"Witit,,ine, 14'14 thtej Ito, 1 1)it•rtIrrOrt ribirot‘tholitl” •,' 'Se• nd for These -Health Boek*....,, 'Lliwo Useful .booke,-"Diilliling the , Elleod,'! and -"What to Eat and How AO Eat,"'Will.be gent free by Tha, pr. Willianne • Medicine Co,, . Brockville, Ont., if. You meption this paper. . Di WilliamS' Pink pine: are :Sold by 'all dealers' in Medicine Or will be sent by Mail,' Peet; pasid,, on receiptof price 54) cents, Per ,box... • ' Sun-Bath_Cures, . In Extremes Lead' o Serious Illness • • Sunburn in Moderate. Cases • Has..,GOod:Valtie AlthoLlgh • . ",.Care .8.1ibuld.:-8e Taken • has been so inforessed with the 'value and necesisty of sun lath In pre- . • • •, • . , . .v,ention and: cure. of ..,illness' that peo,, pie in some instances,- hate. gone, to extreniee and severe'. sunburn •have re suited," Says a, bulletin issued, by the .T.Y.S:".Public Health _Service.. • "Several cases . et, pet -Sena • who have 'beeome quite .111 following •exteatiiVo'shnhurns. have been .reported recently • to the Publie Health Service:, • . - "Su nbuyer lavgareas of the body zn0 be is Serioustasburne from Other , causes. ' Sunlight is ' of 'great ilierapentic VOW, to children and aduitie expognre, 65 the "powerful violet rays:should be giyealn the pro- per dotee. Exposure idiotild be :grad- ual Or 'sunburn Will .reselt.. At first. tbe ,habY. 'cir should he given di reef, ,suilight for, about" ten Minutes!. reir 'iiittY„...be,„„incretised4roM three, to 'live minutes dally Mitil the child., receiYeerttniroximately .one hour. In the .inerning and one; heur.1n the afternoon.. • This,' will': Vary in • some casee;'depending :on how the eitin•re. acts. . For.. adulte, the initial exposure • . . may he'longer and the Increase larger each, day; ; cage sunburn does occur It .stieulil receive .prOmpt, 'and,. 'careful treatment , The folleWhig.treatrnent has ,been:.fotind.effeetive: Take. ode - half a 'pint et: hot water and 'Stir. into It ,a level tablespeOngui of boric acid powder, then add tiventy drop's' of Carbolic; acid .and "shake: ,well,, .The oblation shotild,be :dabbed on.the, in- flamed 'skin IVitti a small piece' .cot - ten or sprayed on with an atoraizer. It • should not he. rubbed intO the akin: It 'can be ,applied every half hem' if nec'essary,If .no • medicine, is. airall- ble,.cold compresses :will give relief to badly ,bitrood, ,ar'eas,"! • Maid: "The furnittire nian lttare:". liAistressti !WI) 808 him .in ininitte. Toll ',him to. !lake eitair."'", Maid: ;'•'l 11.1(1,• but , lie' Said he, Wotild start tlie piano anfl.,railio!!' • • r Britons.$moketesfs Out Eat More Candy Englishwomen, However, Are Cutting Down on Sweets and Taking : to , 'Tobacco The t;a.de PaperS::Pf','Engligh gen: . . factiopery .and.tobacco manufacturing show. by. ststiatiel)•,-that, 'Eztgliehnlen are, eating more candy casdy and kin -1441g lesati While their oVernen are :Smelting fiva:eating less candy:' " .The causes were debtlted, in Len - don , recentlY at a.ieOnfectionery • ei7;, bihltign:' 'Organized .2.0Y. the., Pigauf-1 taring:ConfectIoners' 4111anee; heldat ' The situation- had ,become serious, the head.of 'Ole.. firm Said, be- cause "while girls had gfineOlf f3vireets. thio deficit. in consiimption has: not „been, Made' 'tip. by the men. SinolOng kills the taste: fOr: sweets, and sweets Ittils the cravirig for SznOicing;.". • 1?-Ve are •not. interested 'Men will return .te onioking.' 'Oui• problem, Is hew to indreaae the. consuMption Of 'sweets 'among Wetnen.". • , Another, on being 'asked to, account for the change in the •habits of tho. sexes,,, said: , ; . , "The War Caused it: The 'thanufae- thring of tonfeetionery wCri cut dpwln, that •of. tobacco was increased.. Cigar- ettes .Were plentiful everywhere. The best sweets sweets then made were -sent iCr- tlie front. In the. trenches invoking was very often forbidden, but the men could .all occasions the . . • milliOns'or pounds or sweets..sent over, While, tbe -women, over there end at. home : began, .t6 ansteke because. they, 'considered it ,morp keeping, with their war Werk than, nibbling:sweets, ,The men. brought back the:habit with thezn,,with'a particular taste rnIflavors. '- ., "You !ettn.'see,thein' chewing 'toffee; nowadays .:at horse •". and ,',greyhound. 'races; When. they want. etreogth of roind for a difficult 'niblick, •they•again chew ;toffee,. for the office, there is. Mani. a 'inan' tO.:day'*ho keep a.• hag et sweets beside Win ;on. his desk in .the' City. Sweet -eating has, AOY Titte7atrnibilatedr7tobeeecr-..-cheWing.7in the 'lower classes and snuff-taktrig itt the upper,",' Renunciation • You would renounce the fabled "•sea, Porego adventu,re and abide 1,nicioumnpeFeotiiceatfehidg;1/4t.'eantaYliseirde.." ' Youproffered twice •yOur allant , • drams , - T And left your freedom at py feet, And planned a chlorless career RUG YARN one samples free, Bioching 1 -I t PER PouNr) CP. TWJAINTY- Yao Mills, pent. 1, (Mills, TINGINI-.161-IN G001)113011 • „ST.PAM .,E4 traction, 20 horse. first claSs run- ning order, Prise ;409. (.fle.ude. Bolton, tint. , •, , • A tIENTS, ,ErritgR SEX' ..xx. orders for -Chr.istnias Cards. High - Rot Cern rnisillaft. No ',experience he eel/ Eery.. fiample book •free. .-Mithuractur- ers," -PO. Box 911, kiontrehl: , , 'tY PN • WeClOy for spare time at "me. for particula,rs.'s:TneAuto nitter liParqy eon4anY, Woropto, ,Partmeht, • .•. JJ1LLrti4 MOVii..7.g—PIONEPA P4s** TASCE•ltni)vro et, (anada.. Largest • speedy 'padded 'vans. New Aquiptrient.'' latereft rftettrocla. Two' experienced met, eirery frip, All loads. insured. Beyond,' • ,COMPttre,.fo,r air!il 'end Care.liefre you , , NazerIL,:,id,,,QtrjiCti'ilaanititgLYeJiltaki, '7" rannria, }fill .01r. Mover:: Blue.. Bloods:. for. Canadian . Calgary,,,Alta:epOnsiderahle •':inter,•••;., est irira.a, when ,the .Prince Wales,* heir to the Britlfili . throne, join- ed the metribership yanks °at the Al, bcrta•Wheat ' Peril last, year, 'rhe.t. popular Prince owns .the E. P. Ranch,. , Which is located -West oCHIgh `River, •• 'Alberta,: • • • ,T•ust recently 'another' British noble ifia signed an Alberta Wheat Peel Contract.. •This •personage George„ :Bridges Harleyi! eighth .Baron •of Rod- ney, ' who! operates ,,a thousand acre farm east east 'pi EdMOnten, ' • In 1918 Lord Rodney and hie wits' • •Came to Canada. • .Oxi;their 'arival. in Edmonton they hired .out as man an employees of a.bachelor farmer near Fort Saskatchewan, While Lady... Rodney did the :cooking, her husband worked as, a hired' Man. • For a: whole „ Otnnmer they cooked slept and Work,....' ed fre ,m few years later Lord Rodney. bought a farm in the .distriet and has: Since increased its size to -a thousand aci•es.., He is: a: real farmer and One as 'hard as Most of neighbors ' • . Another Bi peer who' jo..a mem- ..• , hey' of the. *heat Pool 'is the:i:Puke of Sutherland,The 7;000,acre..SUther- ,land-farm-at--,Broeks,hae-Llieen;.,4-elfer..' A•PO`cri, eontract'for hinnber f3T The 'Mike 'Satlierlai:ds. fa.rin' at ,i31,0016 one' Of, Nile,' show that ctlitrict.' Jim land irrigated and the: 'feria .beautittil-With iarge greveS.2Of trees.. Alice. (ac...idlyr "I hear that yoleve accepted Jack, 1,seppose he neiet told; You•he proposed to mer ...Ethel: "No, not exactly, Ple merely said that he -had ,done a let-eNilly thipg,s befefe; meeting Me. But didn't ask 'him What they were" .' 'T.1. • ••• • - • In s.ome. inglorious. retreat!, , •.•• • Because I love yen foolislily;' bid you musebe" Wise . I' could not bear the, daily fear Of anguish de:Wiling in your eyes. Because I loVe you all toe . I shake my lead make yeti geo',. give ..you to .the, seVeh seas— Perhaps I! shall not lose' you _so! , • • . --Alieeperter, The Color-• Problem in South. Africa . , • • . Round. •Table .(London): The na- . Smite Africa will slowlyjerie. ra eno e nigher ran .Thk'r7O a or. .aaci. establish it, equality .Of oconomic OPp-priiinity With the ;white man There are ,inany fear and and oppose the 'doctrine Of !ecthicrinic eipiality, 'ter theY :see, in it the 'road to Secial' anct7political. efinalitY—nOt. In - the Immediate futpre, perhaps,not .for .flee or 'ten :generatioese put, in the end inevitably. , With social equality the.V see the extinction Of. the. white race, .With,political equalify the disappearance Of white ideaie They fear that flVe. hendrttl years ; iroM•' boy,/ Johns'tort's ifrophedy May:have juStifled itself' and It Mai lia.ve been, shpWn , that the... calanizatroa of ,Africa by, alien peo pies proance-'a • cOsipteibise—''a dark; 'skinned fate -With.. a white.,:man.'s fere- tures and a White man's -brains," ' ' ' But 'what :the dim fut4re,riniy hold no. one eitii tow usefully "predict... • • . 1 • RtitiEt • cairrirsOCE§ sPotrramErsmsuvpirEs Cheaper oi‘ Ifelter • 'IVrilePrCataiotia THE •POTECTIVE ASSOCIATION - of Canada., ' Established 1907. Assets S289.15740. eurclus to policyholders over 8150.000.00 THE ONLY punr.r.or CAN- ADIAN COMPANY issuing Sickness and Acelden't Lugar- ance to Members of the *a= sonic Praternity , Agents In all principal Citle. and Towne • In Canada. • • E. E. GLEASON. Z. G. PULT.Ekt. • , Pres. & Gen. Mgr. Secir• Ancilityr. Head Office: GRANBY. nor. - '..Tearrt *Torn proposed lie. acted like :11.• fish Out ! of • Vcater". Peggy 'Why . shouldn't, ge. kneW ,he Was ,aaaght.'.' ••• • Let tviinard'e-Linitnerit ' Relieve Paini : the New' utftura •Shavind,,Stick . Freeiy,LetheriIng• .,Medieinal and Emollient . • • Stings an Bites. Tho Pain of 'trisect bites' diSail- pears enieltly .witli the: ajtpil cation. of WI in a rd's. Try . a betily. • 4t1Utre4.. t1ILLIPS cortAciav4, 47 eg • 1i:be 114otthiee, au d t6 Acid irroioEsTioN, "scup srcito.C.H • V-ICARilA/R14' • ADA,Ct1g As •46,4SE•A ?.,._. ,..... - • z.:, ",r,----:-''''''''''''' What most p ,ople rail '1111111;triit fen !St nsue Ily • ( Nt.,t•ss..,a yid in the ,stem tt ii: .-', Tito food 1.un•-• ,olryd. Thy ,ii• ,,i. Ltd ' n lut•UY Tt• 1•11:1 ;Tilt -ail 'water' nentt-alizes, , i • ,,,. ,:: . r .., rIT'idti• k Illit .clivill It'!:'y C.AttPit, by.lriA. i':,c, ‘% ha t your . 110011 tr '''Vt/1444'1_ it tiVit10., Hit S• ,•1 it*_'hl 11 114 P11111.11`01 :till% iA14 - 7iIrigiit r-1•1. Poi.' titiv,r,i,•vrat, ,,, 0 Otto ta stet sttoontal ' in w t• r reuirztlizes. 81 n1 'Pines its otattle111 'teitt' ttrfrittin., (11;:tcl!, with tex-inift ).001,1q1111 11F114 031 ‘11, i11 (1( It 1111' g 1 1 IT 1 I t: lelilt t•I'• 17t .4 4 1 le (.11“.0 nr)V, 'c% 11% ,:,;upri me, 11 • s 11(1111' *Pi*"14',. ;' • 1 11(3 1171031 it 11.oz- ren...1:‘, d t...:'..ialitid Milit*1,1 :0,1:1,1t.i“;;,1`q,lir'illo,l'I'r-3•'l ;1: • • , vi i't 11 poysn .ntn.,, ' 1 prz" )...:. tit :`,41,i 1,-,•; ;re, `v,;11,„: 1“r rr'' C 1 rt1 it; 3 1 't 1,3 3,....r. r .1 r r . ... . , , , , in,t t Ise sO ;tri•li .11s 11'4 offoet, so nt r..-1,4'.• it`„,.‘ I, b. • ri, 0 , ht„it,,. l' te,: (1,,,,,( , , ili...p.:. . .4.1,y "itt,:`,...',c.;„: '• , • A Friend to ,Women 1.,\;;; • ' • r,tv.Dicitsui co. ,Mioard's Liniibentvorsal• rernedy harrniesi so•etpcit!ut. • "). 0,