HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-10-04, Page 5f I,d 'TOR LUMNOW SIRNTINM, TRVASP�Y, oeiliojano- 4t6, 192$, t . . ......... R AT 'George Alton, Tjleo'dorl� Redmond. AT I --n, Nely Todd Louise As hltima� ill Pair gees6-1�,(ta Taylor n.3 cor- I L, , � I'lAe '4 eek Lue 4.011t4st 1;1 oratory was one o I Jean Purdonv.Neply Todd, Willid-PLi- f ;be Most est- ri�g and pleasiing features,- - ' ' ' dqn,-Moirgan Kin', Blake Alton no, less than 9 Grace WoatherheAd. 'Any petL-;-Wl lie seventeen 4Qys*4qd girl* takini, part, Tpr- ARDWARE lin :i 6rp RED: FRONT" ner,' Pptrick 9 . Notui4ni Boyle, t -For thip:eoritest mr, g. Beacom, y lisp or p Neely Todd. $am, liionipson, ussel qct of ublic'.9ichools in West ever Farrier. jtidgeiP His awards wqreaa lows: First, Claire- Pentl of 9- VE4 STOCK fol L Ash-lield, whoapokg.eirk "Bet. r t-"Reli,. o. 8; aug4 -ic u Ititria �oi MAR� IN SENOU ,t "or, ki Maekifile ', Ritinage, Joe. .09,OUTS -tei-.Farminj�ll:,2nd, Etta"T son Falcoqer� v Foran' -Dick 'WeaWrh�Ad: B� 4ylor, of S S. "No. 12 ' West Wa*4nosh,. sftbje�,t esi hdl. It I ter bro) _W 3rd ",Wilma Troleaveip, S-. ken colt-LINele as MARTIN 8-.', Ashfi0d;. - subject Schbbl, Joe�'.Fqran, Rarriiije, S M-EDIUM VLOSS:..INmt E, 4t �, Lloyd 'Rutdgei. of' _S, h son FalleonerI. Market lgtub,�'uiider A We' h 0 A 'I Fairs
Poiqer, at Wawano$ tsubjec im. n: Ml ler,� Jean pupils''who t( Hejf?n,. Thom.' fl6; The' other )4 �;tld.Vorster,� Jean Thom nee_. pz A krt. in. thq contest. wqrd as"foll6wd, Iton; �B6st'Bacon,,Jid; - from ADorohy Xeal6,,subject "Doga;,, tan 220 lb�,__L� CHIL -,ET13- ING'Sl 4av, tlit 'Jo 'US -AN-D JT JlrogXess ejtI,, Best, beef ciilf 9 xri�, ne . a' life -�tho I'�N 9 IN 'lei McGiatten;.' subj�tit 8 killer Eld Altt� it was a �LY N 10 �y on Mil. ?CALL'% E It E of; -fed-W6ely Todd,, -"IVIcCLAI Y'S',,,.-, CO I' A ..the Automobile;" Arjoi.-y McDon- Wq4th6r lda�ahe%niade her fiieA lAn IIINA TER AND COOK STOVE. ald,.subject "Canada.41" Btirbira,Male 'ie4d; Bake, Murray*, Taylor,, A, J J, SIM Pby 9sephiiiptL 66 For; -on, ��est I�eef .V1. A D I, IN, It she -BUltN9'COAL I 1VOOD", I EIN ANP'484 4ubject IIS6 in Alt -N. "'The- Value. ol, tile School (41f, - 1, ta28- Neel�- ad' to apeak 'o.hOr OVE i i0ject.' bp'rn after'Jan. It y Son. IFair*" Maiy�Nichql4iD�,.�ubj'ec't"$Gard- Todd, Miiriav aylor, Dick Weathe' boore he w -abroadl -Smith, � subject ead George. It b ef e I F. Verna h- Al6n:' Serfor, ived1rom Sept. 'J,-4927 , to Jau�- a , opera. or. was . sympa- U ice, U fiti to be Der Soo"Fidis I I,' �629-L&-� Th" yo e
I O OdIrostie., sib)et! 'Tail,6r, A8441d, Foter, C tbetie, and helpfuli' She ask- ightingale,;1I Jas.".. Phillios, b- '1�ronald, Eldoxi.Mille N id Mrs,. Jones her telep�ojae - RONTQ. ROOF INGm,ITIS 'THE, -BEST-.A 4GAlfreA .'the Great;" ' Jea� Cameron, FRUIT F ULL .$TOCK A I., , WA Y f '5 .'t. ur a .6 s "ON HANI). '11P6 I' Hoiise;'?.� Annie Oollectibii �,varie ies winter nber, ainq, the.city and- r, 4 i 0 Y9 i subject'. , try_ the,41el Sprou'l, subject ."The .M;lPIe,;," 40j.. '.appl6s--LMay, 9UyIc,, -Allap� 'Miller, 3hope n of thd, e, e�n I d HFY ar-' ed, fojlo,�'p -e- - That's b,,u ulbert, .subject: "Progress of lex. Hackett, Willie,, Taylor, LaurinO A she, wished to reacIL COLVAIA& 9' AND'LXNT8RN.4.,: rne C P yJ the, reason why th8 pr of 'ballo,�ftt the elen hon), subje�t 'Collection of 5 ri. ones didn't Im Agriculture,;" Miller, Etta'Taylbi. -'P#st, and Present." ritrietieV'fatl appfos-Laurine Afiller should not. drop even three pound.�. ow "BLUE number, so the ope�ato 'Mr. Geo. Spotton,.X P... dorlated ]ter, Helen And(,rson, Pldo Allan Ali n looked it up for her. -public spepkipg m thb prizes for the Etta,, TayI6r,.'Doroth.V' Neale_ Under inflation means pre' a:tui.'e,,t�oubi -6 .Con �cs Lrave a i 'd ' lls n b 'ief,'addr�ss, �oiigratula- DQME$l :rc got cessive wear on si e wa CHME N, E, 11AR19TONE, se�'a d r 6,,* s -After. the: pleasant - AND C0.110C ALWAYS, t ex"ri- in the fab c, ihat lt�ad to blow -o ting tie, plipils on their splendid show- :'Loaf of -white breAd -_JL�aji ..cord ri :ON'HAND.. ,Otto A, uts treads
ting. - Several' bagnipe selections 4 werd. in. Willie TAylor F1 ' nc-'Cranston, enCe was. over,. trs. Jones re their e. worn -out bef& "I never kne�v it avlor, Potato S. exL i-�en bv.-M.k. *iRred McQuillin lit in- Helen,Thoy he If ternii6h. .1 . k, - Why didn't I "If A I 111,Y THO1PGIIT, 'COAL AND. WOOD FLRNACES. tervals aurinig; t Wilfred Pentland, Thpfii, was so easyl Prop in at a Dominion Tire Depot'once a we& The champion, upll MarjorieXeDofiAld, -Etta Taylor p (vinin-ing the Jean, do it befo re?s,, ' ', . I and have. your,tires in�pected., Tenniin't highe'A -number of points i1r.all clasg_� Camdron, Hilda - irinigan.: hlf-d-ozeh u e,F., ser vice by an xpert.',will, add miles 't ps:) Nitta, Etta Taylor. of 4 S. No. 12. ilrah, muffins- -Marie MciCr6sti-e Jean, o the., life., of :'There is nothing your 0 S -re warded* the 'r.' 1-n-CatileitiA, Jea'n F6 "t *r.' te say, P oz. Miss -Thylor had' a. 134,'poifit !$om Riittli McQui Ian,' s Ao her AL. Mo�'risoii`, ca 4 aWut it..:Just RAE ORTE and was a, atofi; Na rs e L Distance.'i! You a�,e, fc in, a -CQ, cup,-.Wi Toy a -toul.of the's tied for aref X6 time school were rera'Tayloi: Mark. n. anieron, re a in Luckn books." toul.. Drop cakes " plairi�Etta Taylor I-lecond place, �a�iih, s6ring' 61 point !-ie T��Iof, Ja -C d Phone 66.1 They' elre each it,warded two Mr.'t`G. R. Pate'rson, I a gricultural xe Jean Canieron,,Vieda Rintbul,'Geor DEPOT. OM ge 0NIONTIRE had chhrgic �bf the ..Argaret.., Andrews, Vera w a r. e' Qo, te�
rin m'' M f4 -k layer chk a 11r, in ormed the,Sigial reporter thid Taylor.. Dal' %'j6ed' Ett* Wa Pent- WD6fiaid, Lenore s. on.'of the� best seho6l'fairs T.Aylor IL held in county;,and luid:it not'lieen Sto6e, 'Jean - --------- for the* r4ifi -it w aniro, -nia e can y MER LOSE ould'undoubtedh iand. Jean C. . Honic d " d' V e' y� E 31' �$S: and tuiblitig over,its '2. inds' hat! pound-v�,gra,- y or.. lia' e. been th -banner air.- --T 'I ay -7, -URIOL, 1) -1te brqke'on,i bf,its, legg� LUCIKNOW stind"', "Am :. � A- '' rostrat(ld -Ili, WINr An, exclellent eoncert, was 'glv�n in' 11elvin,'C'ritig WeTaylor, Etta T IN ..0 TS W- "his' -unfortunate-.- 'the �,ning, t e program Thom,: Ra eve It beinigfur;� qf_�_Heleh I -Ing fol 'a 1;1111 r i, -Wo , . . I . . - ar'l 'I hi' on=6 t I rks. .'" % I '.� n a, ni -Jim Re.id 'Of Toronto.', lunch AT GUELPH shed"lly, niiL r,: H*elen'L A�de David G�a�ihani up iiiedian; M(ss,JLian Simpson.;Df Tor- ta Taylo rson, ,aulline !Iell, IRV -Iltit tL(I t nilisei,Y by 'M rs In.suranc -tinto-contralto- Billie be-rJohnst6h' a-Stotti6rs;zj -�ib xrter- V) Writi:n, e d6nll-AleX'' oc6ede I., to G1 A -444 the in. rgest� an -most' W do.iierich, ;�citer,-, anJ. Ja�., Little APPI '�16 -V�Iriia'Broomer,,Etta Tay- -Ha�k�A,,'Et S -an, D'onald Walk'�r ing horses. in.. a �,.�ry 6ubar and .,do. d ' complete e- g - "The Liftl , it Attockli the not beaidtiful desilgrii, loi, Fred -holn, ary ta. a valiiable'onp. and ft'Ri'litoul" Helen T t(i cloosi filt violinist, of Ripley.' . 1, William rson-..,., -The Prize -ist D Qw. TeaI6 Doroft'N --i� - U� - --.-6n the da- consi er, ome J10 ride the to Violet Eringtoli.''.. The list o n at,the a, e started"to d-6.his fall,pj9vvi ir EWING hat, f f 7 It ; SPECIAL -PRIZES. FOR _,HAMPION -SWVd1sh. and- an- prize win er, -0 'ki 'Eiiiil PUPILS -a tray dog lkept bbitheri-11- %is''t a,, liiargieii. Scot�h,., C : , is as ;foll9tvs: o�o d i ranite6, a, tali G s Q Ill, 1101,YROOD Sample of Etti Taylor F GRAIN AND �CQRN y.MeGratton, Veia-`kayl6r. Taylor, re a, �so �'that h6-,cP'uId 'not get.on -NN7,it e h -his Spring.', wheat', Marquis". quArt- five.falley sti We make a specialty of.'Family s bn'cotton-L- el Intou friepds. 6f- Mrs . 4 Wi llao.., .4 tch M ba itAr Ta�l' , Cecilia 8L 'AX 10th LOOKS WKE, INENDIAMSM Blak' Altori, :]Raymond , St.-, Marie.. FoAjo ,'Verd. or i rk. Going- to tfie.house h(�.se, '
G ured 'a forlilerly of the
Uoa tie t onald, '--Freda�.. Monuments and -fit,vite y9ur in p e-.; I � I . -':' PUBLT� 9PE IN
)pring wheat,�, Marquis;- sh�af--41tay- Ma Rintol3il, Taylor, Wli- :gti-nJhi' �Iki Qt n ng 6 searke Ahe'-do -to le ond, St. Marie, -XIton' Patkick' nl,. Claire 'Pentlancl,, Etta C.0h., a 1 e her.dea�th.�::'. A couplp- of weeks,. ago Lorne LairdFa, - Make ea� Thb . Henistitched. handkerchief 'Iialm'T,el�aveh Lloyd Rutled-&e. Doro- 41141crfptioas.',N�eatly. Carefully "i� Murphy.',Oats 0. A; C. No. 114; quart -Eilech 'Bro6mer,- -Velm.a ? I . away. On hi's ieturt to svinpathyr`-�- barn.on the 12th con�essi')n--6f Ho*i 'Broonleri ck hy .N g--wa , . y S
Done'., -4 -Rifttoul Dorothy-,NeA`I-e77M6Ri-n- red the week. Pfelmp(ly wa ,�ai4jhe t 0-0 a its! re ond -'�N 4h at G Y. fil i No. 144 dire�iion. Sea d'�6e st Ierrk Cranston. Oats O."A. C. in 41t and: Pre n.
hom. Cora Thompson. Matched atch .st Ta-ylor, FAL L: F_kIft righ . ' I -- a rry t _.heaf��Morgaii Xini,-Jerni 'CrAbstory.- ]lMa Mint, WtXL: t, ba-it-;iiso scared now an peliare, placing,- your'orde it 06-1pren'-fises' S� r nd r� Lake- v% o, o d, -k-,Sy , vi�ite recen . y V�hich tan. a ay w., deliberate y nglep. T , .. . . �h, the pl'V�- I �Vitll I'S. Joe Conley 'd tl h :13arley. O.�A. C:. No. 21;tluaitt Harvey He 'liom Alelba F6,.vIqr,'V,era hors set.o.n, firet . ci same n es w Sproul,, Margaret Andrews ',Joe St. Tayldit ave. tmilv.McOr�ttoin. Clothes pin the eircuinstaw�ps a very,. susple- chains broUe.buf the horse Will'ka�die and-1anii y A §P(itton The s M r.
bouglaa Bros. It. o e Lis Mafie Jo�n .,Aian. Barley C -'NO-' apron Etta Taylor, Web'ster. t* 256, kept**o .ai d' h"' of cu,lberf n -d Lorne il5qht -Sunday -ancej argare Winghaiii: fall fair will be' on Oct-. n roup a.ppai s:ays. the Mildmay. sh6Af--:-Joe' -St t' Slaridrie McDonald,, V ratia Ph.osie 74 Marie Rintoal t e field until -;oiie iniha ;'GatctW, Lair ve Tortiito and w ober 9 and 10th, them tripped-. a st3it, at. Glonannon.. ku d I s at eet.' Ctirli-. BI N�ale, D. Neal�. -Laundr'y' bag� ow _yr �iidrews, Joha�')P;rin. S" ungAnnon Qctober over e 'and fell n. 1) ace. is,, leased. by..Johh Reidt 'A Golden'Flaiit,�m�-Miirioiii�'4McWhitiney Marjorie McDonald 'Helen Thom,* E., 4 .4. ter Tu* I�rnest Ackert' an nd 56.' Teesi�a esday -diid' 'breaking one of its Tile' other r a rnier %N o ives'aCross e re ' R h W dne'sdak,.ot' this� wee 'ent'Sunday with It fends t- I i 'Alton, SlelVittf Morrison, Beft. ame. --anle -e Ethel.' ih e bors6, still excited, be- �tanigled P h' H d'. Tayloi.F da intoul,'Dorot, y NeAle� A nt dress- -He. - Whyard Allan Reid Ralph - Cameron. Irfia NiviTfs. Plain'nig' FLOWERDALE Insurance Company refused R06TS AND VfgOETABLE8� plrlfieurpbv,��Etta Tay- en Tbom,Jose to pay the iiisur ler�Anifie.W ance, nd. asked the' potatoes, Irish Cobb .4� lor, Velnia.�Broorner,, Dorathy'Neale -e.a thor ugh ini I -Cls F I ire 0 wn,_ Willie Crat r g� Willie Zayloro Edna 6 there It �veg on odthe o'r'i.-in'i'f the fire. A _Ao'ul,'Al6x Hackett a e tresbin,r tijaAl re& Rfi MANUAL- TRAINING' Plowman,, F wor inat or tile furinerz- A RoPL. balter inch'.pe,,j. _Ralph k- f Flower. yASioes,.'Gree,ri'Mount�in-�-ta�I Plowl V a -bw man. c Mole, Willie r, Etta:Taylor.. tMis' Edith,13011, of' spent. er of: oat sheaves' had Li 0.,.Alton, Harvey. Cameron illie Tavlo, he �homp's'-Ai,. Beatrice in the c6llarw' I§ ok'� ra�ck Freda theed, he�..Week-erld. with lid,r"flie0d E�iza'�. P 3X Hum�pbrez Saiia, .1 George Webster. .0 nid, seto on -fire Willie Purtipm on "Ace by edge. Willie. Taylor Zelen atch F, Spr6iit, Cliff. 'Culbert- 'but it was: il Kenahan- otAtoes, Dooley�- I Taylor, beth Madver.' �Marlorie lintou , Etta burning up,'. owing. to tl�e rk, 'Lloyd Rutl' E"tirybody ded Fail- ey- f 'ANICDOM ock Pal v _t e Robt. Irwin, M ie, Tay _'L__�_in a I. grain bw Etta Ta lor" if it - was I'Ti d k, u"Itt;,and.016se -citme, to wit-* ---- 4s6bel A 4 9 AlaniKolds..Giant'White Sugar. om, Vera or, .lurrav, Il -Helen :Th' TaFloii�! Mrs, Dunoign il isov. At-- n6ss the burning 6�: the burn, extng-, Mille .Taylor, red . a f d K a6han X. F-Amage, rij re , eild M,,Ci� I Rintoul., H-ty rac �not d 1) I . il 6 1 Jo�iii 0 . chie, were"week-eii visit r, e. Mr.-' 2 uished, the incjplent 1la Reidt Eldoi illi�r,.'Ron It i�n fL 6 ins., lon�Etta Tay- I-i'iboat. tvventy-five oads of hay, 'lor, Wllie I ity aw 'Ouite a,�nuinber' I 'wqualv '-�Gordon McDonald, George- e6st �r of th, .-to or ..NATURE STUDY d* 't. 'Salwe arm imp emen s. e.,. tw' ve,�nained.noxious :.pcople are planning on ttvii' Ing. no. Thompson,' Lloyd Rutledg 'Collection :of f t da Ge el .',Dick. We� Etta, Taylor,. Teeswater.. Fir tliis'�%%�eek. n therilead. Arnold. Oliver. eed,�Freda - Rintoul, .'NI I'S J If she �,ork� for $10-a Nkl e We are gl )efroi�, bark 7R4"-D6rothy Vel-ra' Broom�r, Willie Ta�i ad. t6*-r�llorf.1ht e k, that's, Beets, I or, George �,McMurchy'is. stry; if she ketipsh,ouse for nothoo 116bb, - Be 0 y II�th Park, 'A. Young, A Webster, , D roth: : 14cale. Collecton. Etta linnigan, 'Raymond �en..nativ eonim�eicial woods—, Flo�verdhle- lrenib6 -z, of �30LI[tli Kin- that's. ionian e. Anderson, Hilda I J of i Fill. .Dfive; Careif tlIv �and Save' Time.--: Ruth listen !to di!T, !�i ell ineni� - ' =. ;Cafrots. Chan A16.x -Neale,' - Ramage, hiss. Chu'le u tenay , Eltil Taylor 0 beis. every'Suntlay� now. Mil, in nuti�.Io'st at a'rilroad: crossing Katliteen Th in, AT G 'i6selih . St.'. Aturie, reda' Anria:' Irwin c eel Ir t r 'time. Velma Bittiomerp Gordon Finnigaw I ,Collection of s'ix "specime'ns . gan, o I L or6nto, will next may 'Tayl V'r, a yo 66ive all' t1i,e'rtigt' of, I . � arrien', Parsnips, 40110W Rintbu leaves, Etta or", Rwse 7 if evergreen,. Arnallf t. Craig, N avlor, George Webster,. Freah, ellie., *C Crow,n� Willi�,T. Md' Spioul, Grace Weath j6an' Cani-' ston. - Da er g.into)al, r Ralph'. Cameron, liead.� Charles.,MeDililald . bota StY' eron. Col,eetioh, of. aix mounted �and a Oniojis, Yellow Globe, Dailv6rs--��Etta injuriopsip*ect's Ett' Thylor� Tayloit, B Jean Freda intteiul Eu- IWebster, Ienila 'h . 41 Willa Irwin, Rintouli Hilda,-FInnigan,, May iarbia:ra Neale, Annie Sp FLOWERS Bokle. r' 'Chas. MeNtie plIAWING, ART AND WRITING Bouquet. of. A'ste sw� Haines, Anda Hiiie Quinit,,'Al ba i'81lroul, V�mh'. Aruk0n. 014P Ul e Fo,ixler, Cora Staley� Chii.-teiia int-, Titylor, Rakniond StI Maiie, Cecili Laun" e* Miller, Murray nigan. Bouqugt. of pblo-Billie 'Me -St., Marie,. n rold Purvis,.�'Bouquei of ' i 'k Clure, Ha z"1- Taylor. Ma'p of North A*Merica-Johll I " . , dpr d Aftred-Kinti'llan' I' - I ... i St. Marie-1ary Dow, Freda Rintou , Arnald Oliver, Dorothy McDonald, D,rialt. NLiaI6, Eilen trec'naer, Rus-, ]a MacIntyre. AT; El�itchen�r�.]Finnigan,-Al.ildrbd Anderson sel pi of Nverld�-Velnia hia- Oara Pentlah , dolds�Isobel Br66mer, os�ph St. vlarii,; Etta Tay� 3.ouquet', of African nial e' Fin7, Miller, Carman FAirrier, Gertrud ,to St. Marie, Willie Taylor An -'Annie WatsohI Bouquet of. Val nig Jim me"Ce. WiRing."Evenink A�vniii" An 'I, eifilifl.�-Rilph Cameron, Berna4dettL --li6n Forefter, eel !a Boyle, Fred� Rintouli Ruth'McQuillin', Murray Taylor. �F1rma.%TeDofi4ld,. Frank - 31.e.Qii illinl. you may,,s Lenore St6thers, Gordon 'Robinson. costs Aoo� nittich" Ay -But,, does it? Do y-oia,
-See ehrol*gh the whole Bouquet of French Marigolds'�G-.. Writin� "A Lullaby"' Roh�rt Smith.' installing. Ijm6 y6u can-havel.frLesh raft.*. Melba Fowler N eka Tayio,! CI realize that by B�rt Whiard, Russet Me' Lit .. e, P.. pa r. 1106h Thonts Eedy. Laurflicv' Miler Loi�'Trcleaven ning %yater tinder pressure ip .'tt6i yQUr.kitdhe O'com ttifyie; Velma. Broome n verbenas -7r. is Jos St. Marie. Bouquet of F11,11% plete,with fijaures, for approximately -125? cosmos� Gordon Miller. Rtiuqiiet of -fliaronce McQuillin,,, Eil`6eii roomer� fices ar6 low6r than eve Boy e arris sbn, Ruth' -F - .-h Dordthy-VV UURD a Doi6thy Miller; Annie Wat 4W-��Du -p r-capaci vi� Craig, Sam. 'Thompson, annage. riting 'tive 9 ate n impr0v6m nt C f n '��Lois eater- ref�nements a' have been Ma
A?on't poop throtigh a hol 0. 14fi Y*4�*Aftfe r -Florence - taiman F rrivr.' VeiInta Sni-Ith, Etta., W.Orld leaderiship.rnakes this pos'sib!6, tir Finnika', Bouquet tif'pink -Vehnia Broonier, V6�5niea �&4 Marie . e s
T eleaven, Glen Cameron.. mcQuillifi. DinifigItrotim t6bl-e.b6iiquet-, Tavl6r ls4bel Millorp. Cartoon'. original' d '-Jean 'CAme I -Helen h �-St. Alarie,Dor,' the buro" from 'home, gar en �olcr ro cons�lt'. Advisoqr, Service. We'll show,. 'ou 0AftW*1 Gordon."Miller., ieothy'Neitle' Wililia Tieleaven, 14ilda y n rt' i tile witef'sy9t. Craig,. Alarjorie McDo'a d, Allan Mil- heed'to meet �youe. j.eqqirda1eht& -This itSdMce is fie hbut obligation. ter IAI Webster. .0til"TRY x24"_Jc�n P il,tHelen Thoni,NVIorence liai Thvlo Cockerel�4AIlanli6ed. Marl s le- NelIje ay oil., Webster, Etta T. I �.dj 4---: t isirtil Iii Nee, Jean Welistero dedrge, 61ouk,sk-otolh of, n apple, tMIC146iodin, at steel ichas4id Cameron; HAgh M�erilistie; vmr , a weatfiv, phA �We : tr n y tally aaoii she top of the wisAbieAd fraim irty Cranston. ?allet�Alla�� Reedt Brootnet, Predl Wntotll, Rkm,401 Mc-* And �a eledzic light* have'supplanted Je ( is nvc ean WRb it, as A i Is by its own. motor sim& 1011111 stet, Geonite Webster, Jerry Tntro. D66thy Neale, Artloid OlNer, W. very p6werful,.endo sel the d. ;;;.d 1 k;rAuat9Tr, Norman McDontild;,Pen- of lieA an *a, carrot- tan *rhih ci*eri the,"oI Thio. ariatibe opost", �'Stonzt King Eleti., is supp tint, add dea'njm throe-��eock&el and t I�ulfets poberta M, U D I E so ell'othir win'dsh from the batteo of mny� metowbW -Gedrge KabI6eh'Thbfii I I i y1jj -Stij Ki.ig val opessitt whethitil dw- Webster .-Jean. Websicit, RobL,'Irwin, Kingcfatansci' St� eaTaylor., 181, cfr is runitig or semidiog sh% Ralph Cameron. Anik!trwin, -Helen Wa's diar vieW of the %Uk- Anqui Nichotson. Wrifing "Tho Roe- Iprov whe it. I � �. . , , � I . . I t A I Nomani.-Jerry Iki"a for Alt occulianu of er, en aI bog sr ee,,,,Eui)horri aw, Mid gives ihe driver, tau', ton, Hueb McCro4ioI.,Pafir, of Batted iriouth ltbcks� %vim 61 inussectio" Gordon, M,,Ikr' :Do' 0 A 0 ing 69'4 virti�st m naW. A, Jean'W Sii)i ritfiv Miller Alan,Rec _ebst&j, Veli, a R George, WeliiWri Wilfred, Pentlandli TeddV 'Louise r at
Pair"of.Wbite teghor, Oiiillin 6nee Mc0iii1lin, Dorothy nompson. no, essure, Wc r Syoiterns, O' V, IS, ILOCAL Ly, Eileen. 11room0toCh4. MeNe4d,,Dorothil (I Dow 8VILL ALLOW Andre'ula,'Gewrcti lton, 811M. Th�tftpl _Robetlk, 8nittli, tucille Eedy, STAIL8 THE Willie Alton. Dul Gu,aantees Satisfacioruw4fir Service #Otto AN- i, n I Ion