HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-10-04, Page 285a• Never• 1)400 lies such, cal* been used In lkelarIn teas for the public" Never before has such a bleu ef hitt quality teas been Made, as In 4,SALADA' This Savour, this uidallIng, dellciouisriess Is bring Ing pleasure to millions,. • . • A ,Sniartly tnEile :Frock This one-piece frock i.s.an _extremely smart and easilv:-fashioned style.: There are tucks at e.arnshouldea-a convertible- : collar, long dart -fitted sleeves, or short sleeves with cuffs, a belt, and a trent ,band adorned with. buttons. NO.. 1620 is ' In sizes 16, 18 and 20 years. Size 18 (36 . bust) requires 3%.yards.39-inch, or 23 yards 54 -inch material; g yard less 39 - :inch 'firaterial for short skeveik 134 yards , _. additional 39 -inch contrasting is required - for View . B. • Price 20 cents the pattern..; ..,. . . ' , . . 'HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address Plain- ly,.. giving i number and Size of such patterns ' as you want. Enclose 20c in stamp's or coin (coin preferred; wrap ' It Carefully), for each number and ddress your order to Wilson Pattern eriice, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Patterns :put by, return Mail. , ... ' + '. 'gallery of rum:1.r, . Amateur :Talks • to Africa by RadioPh " . .• F L Carter Converses kikkx)utzow - atarfRewT,t, 11W.54viref#01-LDI BEGIN iii?..E.VODAY Rope Ranger, daughter Loring Rangeri.le missing and a reward of a hundred thousand dollars is .offered by her wealthy father for her safe. re- turn„. ;AsSiating in • the 'search for Beira are her , father's two :friends;. Eustice HigloY; attorney,and Juarez Charlie, adventurer, • • A vizi-ma/id comes from Hopi's ab- ductors for Ranger. to deposit in s Specified place •a hundred'.'thensand dollars,warth of bonds. This Is done according to instructions. ' At .Dzo, Bristow's sanitarium a • frienciShip arises between. pi. George Kelsey,who is detained there, arid one' VaraCopley, patient, who is register- • ,. ed as Nurse Anita OopleY's sister. , Alderman Higgirtais making his home With .at ',the, hOspital. and Dr. Morton. is an ' assistant there. : • Station • at - Caineroons, CA., on Picture Seria- Ing'Set For, what Is believed to be the Bret thrie In the hietory of radlo, direct Communication' by radio telephone was established with Centra l Africa recently when Frank L. Carter; Long !eland City, NeW,Sik, amateur, pick- ed up the microphone Of his short wave transmitter at 4.30 p m day- light time, and carried on a conversa- tion for a Solid hoer ' with station FQPNI, located at Camerons, Central Africa. • Operating, under a"special license with the 'call, letters, ,2XIIN, granted by the, Federel ROLdI0 Cemmisirion espeektIlY for experimental work arkh Picture taansraission,:Carter, who is;a member ofthe Institute of Radio ,Engineers,' is seeking to -perfect a method of transmitting "still pIc titres" _mi,short,Lwa.ve lerigths_ The channel granted to him' for this work is on 8.185 kilocycles, or approximate- ly 36,6 meteriii.' • Finding that . the'..eler•aph cede r..-Wasaidefriment,te;thaquicke-esponse necessary hi making . adjustments ,from' reportO, received when .communi- eating with, . stations 'While exPeri-. NOW .00N IVITH THE STORY. • • Sho. was sane. He , knew it., He could not be deceived. The idea that e person of her self -Control, her clear perception, was harboring a delusion was nonsense. i• And if, she said she was Hope Ranger., it was so. He be; herd her.. He required no proof tie- yend her simple word. Doctor -like, though, he kep,I. men- tally. ;buttreasing. his deci.sion, with arguments from -the books; and it struck him that he had 'read, only a day or two before a passage which seemed to have ii-direct;applicetions He reached Over to his book -shelf to take down the volume he wanted, and at he (HI se, a folded, yellow piece rif newspaper dropped out --that frag ment of Sunday supplement. Ile had thrust it in there as a bookmark. 'Spreading it out on the • table, he Studied its array of portraits. There. could no longerbe any doubt. The hair was arranged differently, git.: the features, the contour, the 'expressions were the saine as ,Verna' Copley's., ,• ;CHAPTER XIV:. . I .0 Throughout the ,night Kelsey sat 3n his chair. The thoughtof going to bed meriting With the tranomiaalOn of Pic- did not even occur to him'.• ' tures,Carter-Installed"..a.naierophona _4/On iily qne point conld he think In order ;to use vette tranamisalonclearly,:er come toadeeisioa-le Must Reports on thetremendoire: strength' see the girl , withOut.,. delay; at the Of. the .carrier, .wave ,statien,,'2XBN, eitrhest possible :.moment. fle•.muot: indiCated, thatstations within a rea.-.warn, her to'be,on her gnard,.te.'ques- Sonable radius would, have 110 trouble tion every -move or suggestion of those understanding, theradiophone, but about her„ 'sifter_jthe Installation et themiens!. iphoae, •the results exceeded Carter's greatest eirpeetations tenfoid. One,Sunday as. 130 ama. in the eariY, MOrning, Cartersucceededin. "rals... big". a French 'amatemr.. near Paris whose 'call letter* Were , 'given as FE-OEST„ end after requesting,the foreigner to standlY, he plugged in .and asked', " "Hew are You receiving this: radiophone? ...Can • you • under, stand what :* am saying?" . The Frenchman'ti-,report astounded an pleased .Carter so inuch; that•On the sable day, in the .late afternoon, when. the efgnsL pt a station ..signing ht.,PlIk were detected„ he turned On transmitter' :and dent ,a -call fleeting across the .Ocean and into -the depths of Central': AfriCa. The African im MedhitelY responded, easing that ho was atemet, overcome with 'isUrprigh7 et the novelty of hes ring a voice' come filtering. Mit Of the air .calling for Min froni such a .great •distance, instead Of the usual telegraph signale. Other etatiOns•whe have been coin- niunieated .with recently rind advised to listen. for the picture transnalosiori from 2XBN are 0A-5DX, In Australia, .halfway *Mid the earth, who wasln, touch, with Ce-r-ter'a Station at '2.30 pan New ',York titne; 'while: the After: noon Min. Wee atilt dilgh in the 'Fiky here; and An amateur Sigeing.0148,' 'wire ..gave his ibeation as Gdytirken, Seirth. Georgia island, which is More than 1000. mile; 'midst of itthe sOuther- lY tip of tiouth Anierica., • . • Using' the Cooley System, Carter 'Conducts his picture transmission ex- Periments every. Monday, -Wednes., day and Friday evening at -bis helve at 3678. , Avenue, Long Island CitY, on the 36'.6 Meter Wave. Sev. eral'ether crystals Make available channels' at '87.5, 30, 41, •alid' 42,125 The Mexican Muddle New York' World: The next best , thing to a clear understanding of a poliUcal'situation 'tato realize clearly, that you don't understand ft. For our- • course of events in M1331C0 City since the aseassination of General, Obregon, The Correspondents have no doubt doriettheir best, but it is .plain•enough that they do not Understand it either. This is .not surprising .in view of thel feet that, as in Italy, there is no in dependent press to which correspond... • entscan. turn for 'nevire and interpre- tation of 'events, that the real leaders df the Obregon party, were away from . Mexico until Wednesday attending the 'funeral, that President Cellos is difil- . Cult to interview at) a time like this, , and tliat Mexice 'city is a whisPering Look for it 04 the dealer's counter Moi or i7otii; money: • and • tht„hot' Pcppertnint • • -.Clovaug Sweet lot =1.=.11 Fast, Light Craft Lead . French Naval Program As the day broke, he eagerly .scan- ned the •morning 'sky, and thanked fortune that it was 'fair. If the wea- ther were rainy or threatening, she would not be allowed on the grounds. The sun, though, was rising on a model lune day; rare enough for any poet's praise. - • Ho knew, that there was no chance of her appearing before ten o'clock; '1 and so after breakfastle wentto. the office and pretended to be deep in his research work, although his eyes were conitan.tly seeking the clock: Ottthe stroke of ten he hurried out, but only to find her closely attended by the mita° Who had been with her the da i before. The sable thing wag true 'at,eleven, and again at twelve. But when he made his next recon- naissance, his heart leaped. Hope,, as he:called her by now; was sitting aloilo. on the stone bench where he had talk- ed to ,her the day befere. She was writing on her, pad as-esual, and tlie nurse had turned her attention' to a more -,difficult patient. . '• Kelsey sat down a foot or two away frorn'her and pretended to watch the .inen pulling down tho wail. The girl Went on scribibling, her face turne(1 a little way from Kelsey; but as he seated himself' she began talking low and fast. ' -."Let me talk first," she Said,„"P.ve got to make clear to you my plan for getting away, While I have the, Chance.' 1)r. Bristow is going to town this evening?" , • ' ."Oh, yes," he answered., "I' heard hint on the. telephone „this morning telling the chairman that he would be at the nieeting without fail." "Then We can manage 41" There was 4 thrill in her voice. ''Listen.!' , And while she. Scribbled; she •unf- folded' to him a plan so simple,' and yet so, saprentely audacious thatit took his breath. Before she had half finished, he had caught her idea' and. was on fire with it. ; • /.4 ' He drew Ilia cap dawn' over his eyes, and clasping his hands 'behind his head, stretched his feet out lazily. _ The.nurse came toward them, arid Iiope, witha swiftineVetrient, slipped her pencil beneath' her on the bench. She,looked nervously' about and then as' the woman steed '.,before her, she glanced up with trebled appear. • "I've lost my 'pencil," she said. "I was writing a beautiful story, but *hat can 1 do without a pencil?" - • Kelsey, as if he hadn't noticed her before, took ta pencil from his pocket niitt haluded 'it le hsr.: 'S}ie. thanked hint and 'began to write 4 g n • "She'll lteep that up for hours,'', the nuyse ;twilled, at Kelsey, ."Not, a word ii4if6f, rtqVer retevingfront the "All' right, Miss Busy," ,calleditire nurse. won't ;speak to *y011.. 1:11 rightthero and protect you." Sho•turned'to the giri on the bench. "NOW ycu'U stair here, dear, untiLl eOlne for you, wnill,t you?" YThen she hurried away.- : • • ' • "There's only (Me' fling that bothers Me," 1Tope,reaumed the discussionof ,their „plen,", eed' that's the crestibb, of, tinier They force us to go in at SIX o'clock, you knew; and you May not be able to do year Part ea soon. If not, I 'mist. stay behind." •••• • 4. "I will never' leave Without youa. 'Kelsey declared, fir7IY:, .44 • They talked a moment or -two loager,,and thenKelsey, giving a tart an if he had just awakened from a reverie; get up and Walked back to the house. . . . • His sleepless night the -full realiza- tion of the dangers that. threatened !lope; the feeling that. he was about to embark on the most momentous ad- venture of his life lied left him hag- gard and 'pale. - Back in the,offlee a.guin, he worked steadily for a few '.minutes .i and then dropped his pen and Pressed his hands to his temples with an uncontrollable "Something the matter, Doctor'?" Bristow's secretary, who was.'work- ing across the rarm, lOoked up sym- pathetically.- ; "A touch of my old enemy-, neural- gia," , Kelsey' answered. ' 'Slept in a draft last night." "Why don't you lay Ziaf?"'Urgecl the secretary. ' "I'll explain to Dr. . ' • "No," sal& Kelsey drearily; "I'll Stick.. It's' rather important to get these notes offthis afternoon. •I had a pretty had twinge, just new, but it may pass away." ' But again and again during, the afternoon he writhed in Umnistakable -frain,--4fterthe-Teeretary-left-atfire •Paris.--inforniation obtained .at the •Frerich .naval ministry has disclosed that the' naval pregram, designed to give •Franco a powerful modern •fleet.„ will , be augmented this Year ly the constructien of, three 10,000 -ton ere's- ttyeiVO: leaders, •eight de- stroyrs, twenty-nine submarines and qther eraii.. • '” • ' The flotilla •ieadere-Of the diratroYer typo .fi.ro the largest.. afloat.. Two cruisers'huilf .last, year have recently ;proved by tests to .be the fastest ships of their OiXe In the world,, lyarit!niq, trep.A. nu/ ebSti.rescoCil al the ..kfrnistfc8., ern replaced with. ships that are fast,lIght 'ee'elgt9p.r,:614 ,tsti0x4. to 4u4iir nines of 1;a: ."cOnt- wipleittlet# between: the 'homeland AP.6t: tuctiy for t06.- l•tei*.:Sigfeir. antth.emplr,e. pvdeseaii. Sixty la'.ison thoaick 1IO-1111t1.--r-v0 sgd- /tonsq50,100 nvo lit' thog dolonje$3 and 'of *Verna, but Thy hands are full this the area ls inany Ulnas, that ofTraiice: .rffftmlu(ti' gliq • 1)Q1):; !She's 1,.!-AA,,-.!nr.'`..11t: I.:A .1.001) 1.11 Jr° VIMPIrtYl'r (t.0 butier). 'Vim+ Thad() ?4,i y you 80 Wel" jintlert tor ikwit...11,1%., •• obtits, sir." -111,0,t ,ottalit net to , • , , jrt t • !,",:t. at the negettenieue BrititeW, •Kelasy 'WOW Out of the office and leelced tho d.7.Trhere.wildsehiPIX:erle. chauffeur wan not in '110* left the big, gray Cal' in the roadway, While he strolled around tetbo side of the house to engage in bendinage 71.KtheloslelY%°feytrs' Att;tdathnet8.4we'. RePe was nowhere to be 'seen. For One tcn'ible second • he, thought the 'game wa up,r-e.nd then he daw,her.., She was .clinging to .one„of...tho' porch,.p117 lars,!obstinately resliseng aU the ef- forts of .the nurse to disengage her.. .1Celier 'took -a 'step 'toward .them, rand the nurse BaN:tr„itiBL. • "Do help me, 'Dr. Kelsey," ahe,beg- ged. "I don't know.. what's,"get ;Into her. „She's itattaliY• So .anieeable,'biA MOW'. ahe refuses to go in. I've,sent. for her Sister; ,lut maybe, if you'll' speak to her; lister4", • Kelsey ''Wftveti the •Woman, to:stand Aide and laid: his hand on neFel • • . . • LOF0c4 1(00, It removes the hazard of stalrWaYL It alloiess freedom of action Of the eyes.' !Gives' greater comfort ,In', reading. Does , not Imprison the ere behind i blurred field, . • A British iti.Ventlen- „ •• •Ask •YoUr, BYe: As if yieldingtoresuperior will, she let go t:he pillar- and with the man- - • • •ner of seething her, he led her along the verandah., "NOw!” he Said when they reached the steps leading dovre• to the drive; and catching her hand„ he rushed her down, and swung .her up into Bris- tow's big car. As he leaped in -.after her, she 'grasped the starting lever, threw in the gears • and they were off. Across the lawn she drove, over the. flower -beds .and low .shrubbery, head- ing straight for the *gap in the ,wall. (To be continued.)- • Kelsey' snatched' tdriii and dfove the needle into Brittew's arra Mlitard's •1_,Inlinent for Bliatered Feet. British Broadeatini • • , • • Earns- *$2 000 000 Net ..Londent-The• Britigh! Broadcasting Corporation's./report. for 4027 Shove- a total income for the year of $4,508,- 136, Of which ,$4,604;766' was received for licenses The ! sun' 01 4,436,646 ' was spent o.n 41rograme. • • ; There Were:68,0001119Mo of trans- nifealen Miring the year :with only 'about , twenty .hours of ' breekflOwa. Meek .'Occupled tweethirds. et • the Pro, gram. , • , , • An increased :intereat In . eduee- . , tional hi:bade:eating is shown;:. the port eays..'' Four thousand •schools ,viere known to iiSteir to •London and. Daventry, aiOnedouble. the .nuniber of the prerious.yeer---and.about.1,500' adult ethicitienal '*bodlea 'co-operated In the distributionof the seSsional talks Prograin.' , Thetotal number ef listeners in.. _creased by 217,000 during' this year to 2,395;174:.- • •• ' The five-minute charitable appeals on :.Sunday were hneyve • to have reallied 1200,0o.,:,th•tiii.o. • the: actual stua Was •considerably.. larger.• . . . nterTiewer . (to' bigbusineits inan).! 1, have •-called to learn: the secret 'of yoer. unparalleled success Bust- ness•Man: "Just one Moment,'Please. 4re you from, the : press'. or the ..diri- trkt.attorneY'S ofliee7" 'o'clock he Made hardly any pretense at writing, but sit with his head in his hands, twisting about in his chair as each freshparoxysmseizecrhim. . ahout, ten Minutes to six Bristow came Wearing a cap and a Motor coat over his evening elothes, ready to start for town; and he at once noticed the condition of, his collaborator. "What's wrong, man?" lie staked quickly. "You look done up." • "One of my. ghastly neuralgia at-. tacks."' Kelsey tried to suppress an- other .groan. • "I'm afraid I . haven't been able ,to accernplish , much' this afternoon. • The darned thing:has been growing worso .and although I've tried' all -My usual. remedies, I don't seem to get on tep. of it. I'm wondering if you will give me a shot of morphine,-a;gtiod stiff 'one?" , "Surely." • Bristow laid down :.his gloves, and passing into 'a lavatory just off the office, prepared his hypo- dermic.. , -• At last the doctor was back. Kelsey had already taken. off :his coat • and rolled un'hia shirt sleeve; and now 'he apathetically extended his left arm. • But . as Bristow 'bent over to apply. the needle,. Kelsey.'s 'right shot up in a quick, ivieked smash to, the doctor's jaw, A , good boxer . in his college days, he had never driven to the but- ton With a better. aim, pristpw.s head snapped back, and lifted fairly off his feet, he went back- ward to land ,across a leather 'conch several feet away, where he lay dead to the world, , , Kelsey snatched the hypodermic from the floor, and :jerking Open the cuff of Bristow's shirt, pushed it lock and drove the needle into his artii.- "There, I pass that :•Will•hota' yeu for a while l' As. he straightened, up, the clock' raS• on. the st,zolce ot. six. This was'. 't6 hour whorl and. 'tendents would . be shepherding in the patients, and the ''yeiandqV Vihnld be 'deserted. -',Viiih.-roaci vindialve..glance. . a • WHEN'iN., OKONTO oya 1 Cec 11. ote 'Cory Jarvis Duteltts E ye ry 11-60t$1 PriVate . latsS5140 uP GM'Age at Hetet, let•SiioPtifn0 ' -.0i1trici. • ' „.. taken yeti very long," .: • I , oguk. Min,ard's Lliiirtient--0A reliable first Aid IUE 82—'0 gar,.m. • sr• zeZallrcxx.ms 3131.411L3E9.431-iX191/99' NEW AND si,JOHTLY USED, $10 1JF. Rhipping Pal& Write Est, tor Latest Illuitiated, 1901 Bicycies and. Aecessor- les FREE CATA- --EiRRJE.7- • ' reatiests ZicYcle Work., 191-3-5' Mandan` It. Toronto. . TONGUE TWISTER , . • A gloWing gleam, growing green.•,* The wish that was wished was very well v,eished, • Five fine fish. for 'frying.' A big •mixed, bisculttin. • . A. big beadle placed a body in a.lig .black box • Wilful • Wininie *Went , warbling to WembleY, When Wily Willie whacked WIlful Winnie Peter Parker • patted' poor: portly Percy Patrick;'' portly. Percy 'Patrick panted. . ' • • • Progress Changes of :Fifty Years From , 1878 to 1928r Are but- kr• lined --:-What of the Next Fifty . la«scanning.newspapera printed,ftf teen years age, and one published to day many interesting changes are ' ' noted. And sfor,,thOse whittle ,memorV ' cannot wander back to neWsPaneY reading of forty,, fifty'or .shtty ycara .ago e 'comparison of :prices, •habite;' !Style!, customs andgeneral- manner 1-01 living then and now is worth. reeds ' 1E4. • •..:„ • Goingback to the 'market pages et newspapers 'printed in 18/8. We, find ,Turkey; 7 cents a pound; :.,chicken, 6 to 6 cents' a •pound; butter, ,11 cents • a pewit"; egge.•,,ito 17 coals a dozen; Milk; 3 centeea Pint dr 5'. cents a•quert . and "no ,staff ot chemists to see as • . to 'cream . content," • • ”In. 1878 the ..buteher gave away . 1 * NURSES know, and 'doctors have declared there's nothing quite like Aspirin to. relieve all sorts' of4 aches and pains, but be sure it is Aspirin the name Bayer. should he on *the • package, and on every tablet. Bayer is genuine, and the -word genuine—in o very , box. You cant: go •wrong if 3; will just look at the box: Atawirba le the trade mark indlregbicatertItteadLrayerCanad-,ManatiaOtatra- . Whits; ti well known that .Aarilrin Means Bayer owns- .• ufacetelareb:letsto aurowilirebetbsetamoubIlvede aitavitkinsttbimieirti.saywas,is Chnose" trade nia k., - •). *corraoe. the finest 'tissue rat money, an try. 3000 sheets. *NAVY „ It weight. 700' beets. •••oreiv.riar, , Vett, bat'Ida•-•tro, . ..eompod.i 0. t , gto‘te tisnt,e. retre4tok at a tiin6 • , EvENon' tile strait:Ix issue Or price yeti gec more for your Money When P;All buy V111TE , SWAN...TISSUE ar 15c, a rolL • ' ' • The hig,WHITE SWAN ROfil. gives you more', per -7730 iheets,•full'count-tuoic -than tlir'cc 'imcs is mudi as the ordinary 5c. roll. Acre -ally' enC 't1/1-11TE SWAN" Si 1C'. is, a more, ccori4, etniad fourchise,than duce average 5c. rolls:- • wbcti you purdiase VIIITB SWAN yotram. settings:Paper of real quality, i tissue worthy of . your, fine be-throe:al eppoinitnent.S., Ere.ry'roll'of'` It is comidetely ivtappct.t"protected against taint . (hitt, guardcii 4orn all unnecessary handling, Ask•-rec. &Oct- ter *1-1.1111 $#A1'.'4...,:tfie„Titstte of 412ma4ulatecle.ahndsi and big valu. EDpYS TISSUES 1"-Ii‘iEgr2e-4'La.E.1 iW CANADA e t.t). t.DOse'CiO, LI ;A Ckt•IA0A. 24 4,-ar , liver treated the ehildrento belogna eirt the bone out of %the .,steak. hefere. • lie• weighed it, and contributed- enough. .ecraTphs'etgorolece,oih edr.awlfl: the e hosuj;0e1:10 ld pets -,,, uaually shook a few extra Crackers into the.. sack, and the geed old lady ,at• the bakeshop knew that a bakers dozen.. consisted of thirteen. • At home the' can 'opener. was not. ' known, rather the ;sealing •weit was tapped oft, the can with the knife. in th everybody three 'square meals a day.... .. ff ecellar to . • h.an...mdlot:ha,erird othide. r4e0 uaatiltny .eenstionuegxh hoine-madestui . t talnt and the •kids grew' liusky,Z pected news of company for the noon7 day , Amon -gin -others- and daugh- ters the word needle meant something.. besides part of a phonograph . . ."Long skirts , swept the dusty side.: %Trine and street crossings and long . lair was I•still .,n- woman's crowning glory , Cosnietics,,: were privately applied and vapities 'were7 untieard of' . "Nei.. 'Lades did not vote; nor did. they 'smoke,. -drink cocktails 'play bridge, shoot. crapS, or do tite.Charles- ton.; If the young . chai. was thigh, on, Sunday'afternoens he hired a .spright, ly' naganda rubber tired bUggY 'that . was a tight squeeze for tu o,. and took his hestgirl out riding: . "Ir there Chanced to , he: snow, they ioite• in ri• .sleigh, and the jingle 01, bells timed the trot of the steed:.. "There Were. no :Step' and. 'Oo'' • signs, and, a fellow became . an. expert' ' at one hand driving. ' • • The -,young 'sport Wore a t.wo-inch • 'Choker collar; starched like 'Cast Iron.. • The 'sblek ,Of 1$78 did not. know'" • the feel of silk socks, and his shirt did not rnatter 'much, for it was „Usually eclipsed wii.h a fancy deublebreasted Test and, an ascot tie' • Tho typical Man of middle, age were whiskers, or•Creeping sideburnsi.., and had. his hair cut .once every „two. or three Months down at the veterin- ary shop.. • , • , I1e. usually worked sixteenhours; and 'never heardof the wor vaca- tion : • ' „ ' no , golt but when-a--la- may have played shinny." : • 'PBefore .,breakfast he . Curried the •. tinily horse, and after:, Supper . may hazile,optlwag y:d s„-eveonc;ziorie'ha., ir_w• ttk... -4 chain when he saw it. ' ' '"On Sunders,. he may have smoked a geed 5-cem, ctgar alld for the sanie,,,• ..partedB.e,' coul, good sized can 0t u In those...days; five , mileS' seemed '. a. long ,WaY frOm home ; :fifty -Mita journey'. was a never-to.helorgottea experience: • • ."ice cream, was a inidauminerlux- • . ury, and an eighth oftDay pageaya Whale • of an advertisement for even the pik. gest .merchant In „,r'een 1'48—Fifty Years Later—We , have .antorriebilesi. nitaviea,: golf,' • bridge, ...cafeterias,.:. rnechiiies.,.. canned, mealo,. bone-dry laws, bo47. leggers,•boyliaedita;.horaelike Prieoai1°. income tai, surtax, estate taX, signals, 'paved roads, . ehandoned,- fa rms„. fomintam, direree',” bobbed lutir, 'beauty 6 parlors, faee. paint. jazz, stileke. shbas silk. socks; . Oxford bags,. StlxriPliones, hat 'eheckes.,.`clialii stores, ..eoal strikes', 'maSs.'preductioh histallenent Salo; sanitatibia hyglen health , seryice, iirOderitistn, . :serums; safety trizorS,. daily Slittves,. --rubber hoelM ele(i.tric washers, SW.eopetS, ice maehineshotand cold 00 .fants,,nia.%s- age, violet rayS, X-rays,'radium,' . Inni tophisticatlen, • pSyClie,ariztlysis, • 4.)-: insanityairoof 'gardens, bullion with - Out • the bull cotidenSed milk Which never saw n COW, illf111011Za,' app6ntli. citiS„ Jay. reran, ilapPers, •lipstIcks, Chiffon hose; satin sliPpers,•gieeveleSs and ,'neektess dresses weighing- an mince and worn in the dead' of W 111 ter, furs. itt Aug,It `Iteletsh Antes, • Government cads with.beildmtleth trousers dreggingitt the intik tong torikitots slicked hack with, vaSelital,.. incipient irresPonsible outib.ndish ties, 'cooties, ..fillgetits,' takc6eaters,” jazz. babies, ',community steeplti jaeks, -concrete-mixers, eintior 1,ie(ksj(i()(r honicu ii btllOt's•, dope Z,,al(rS, fipt)-- • types,. creasing wrecks, oh‘Vated rettdS,' Subways, motor , basica, ..flat Wontefl. vtilers, she.hosst's,• gas Mr F(t i 1 4,1) 'Ot•frCt leqtters, and ley wailt- tin& t6e"I‘c\l;T::21;alt;ixtv''''foretell what W Will."°\ • have 1111107k -