HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-09-06, Page 8;'r1 k • TIDE': 1,UCK$osy' .$E2I'fIl1LL THURSi1AT, SEPTEMBER 6th,; 1929= re ofir or/oases a.efrom 1i=CIer"6rPrices—Buri siert Camps, s 5 ; Roadster jtvi Snarl* seat i3o,h-door edatMh.' footraed ,lf 1376 4 -Doer se 81,46e; coo, frith ramble. .. ,• swr� kgfta, War''iolpeels • New Chrysler "75” Prices— Rojo: Salary $r485; 2- aUti*gsr C.whe frith !loom* siaej, $198 •. I< $so q Sulam,' $a 4 R' r1' fiaU,iallews . oadster• tiiib ewe ole seat' r Town $3s4o. ore .1. wkds extra. AR -pr ccs f.... sides Oregano vselydiw Standard lest. _equipment ' ( j ia, fairs extra)._6-sly • solete Fas ons •AFTER nearly foot years' of imitation and. eninla- tiara ClitTsler now brings pa the; Vitt of the new "65" and "75" a lavishness of which was never there before. Thestyle of yesterday,till'. ' :, s wig ><a many new cars, • is .rendered obsolete because it is succeeded today y Chrysler so :completely new in • design that b . Ch . sler• cars g� they establish new measures of :beauty: and style. • • New • slender _ pr"ofile,chromium plated radiator, arched -window silhouette, the grace and sweep of its "air -wing" fenders, the' . luxury df fitting and ap- pointment pointm ent.'singte these new Chryslers instantly as the new style that re -styles all "motor cars. Surely' the mere evidence of the eye• -because �` . � orlllance >s " assured! fie : e _ iii . 0 . • f t srj► >"a s f oCbryslsr " " .. w roves:at once that the new. 65 and ppt`�; .ySi, have been lifted`' upto an intrinsi • intrinsic c value:'w►hich hund r of dollars—yes, even a thousand—more thantheir sellin rice could a'ot have secured before. 'RNIN PHILLIPa uckriow��. r. ASHFIEJD UNITED.CIiUIiCH; . ?OTES . r A 'famous preacher .once said about MB eongregation hat hapenedQn one occasion, to be rather small "that 'they should be weighed and not: counted;" The small attendance at Zion, on Sun: day • Morning made one think.,, of a rain. shower,,!n spite of all ourmod' ern etreetiire protections •against wet weather;; makes quite, a :ditrerence,to .the number present at Chinch, .; . • There was •a veryfair attendance at Hackett's ,and Blake., 111r. Godfrey Hallk visited the• •Stinday• School- at, Hackett and to'' the pastor expressed his . 'appreciation of. the' :splendid teaching of , Mr. Zinn' tri the , Bible ,class. ' This note• should' )noove' others -to share in this .good Bible ;class. , Mr, W. Ii,. Johnston,of 'Exeter! brother„of• Mr'; •Richard 'Johnston, : was; a visitor at •the, :Make' ;S &S., in : the ;afternoon} This ••veteran,. Sunday °'Scheel worker and teacher',of, no mean order, gave :them of his best yin a lesson, ' and talk full. of good things, . :Thee Women's Missionary Society are holding their anniversary, ser- vices next: Sunday afternoon and eve- ning at• Blake Church, 130 and- : 7. There are no' :other • services,- on, • `the ;,circuit except what the Sunday schools have arranged. .Mrs. ' Craw of Luck - now has . kindly 'consented 'to give the afternoon address and Miss McGowan of Blyth gives her talk in''the: evening on her• recent' visit to the Holy Land. Asshehascuries os .and Costumes to illustrate this,, and''fine experience to _draw _upon She_ wi'l,.:doubtless make the,:'oceasion very ,interestin'eto her' hearers •A special , offering • is asked for. �d NO GAMBLING, DEVICES --~ AT' -FALL• PAIRS - j. Loc, FAIRS` J.'LoeWilson, kie',``- WSuperintendent of A1 F l..,F8'Fairs, has ::issued the following letter to all secretaries of Agricultur- al societies. Gentlemen: Complaints have- already reached me 'that objectionable. Side-shows • Wheels -of -Fortune,' and Gambling De vices are being permitted to operate in,,conneetion, with Fairs .held' under 'the''auspices of ,Agricultural. Societies in "this Province:' I beg to_..call the attentiono c i . of y ur Officers D rest-• ors to the notice e ,which was issued ed on:this matter on' August 21, 1925. • which read as follows. "The :Officers of --r-the 'Society, shall' prevent` all'"iminoral• or: indecent „shows and all kinds of gambling ;and -all, ganies-of chance,. . including wheel -of -fortune ortune dice games pools, coin' tables draw, lotteries or im , tables, other illegal games at the place of holding the Exhibition. or' • Fair or. '„within ' 3.00 yards thereof, and,,•' Any Association' 'or r Society •Permitting such .Illegal'•• Proceedings shall For- feit ;all Claim to any . Legishitive Grant' during the. Next Year ensuing.".. --Now that the Department1ias given fair • notice, there can be.no complaint or appeal if,the grant, is discontinued; when the operation: 'of' Such •: objection- able Side-shows has been proven. I am instructed to 'ad•Vise you' that the Section, of the . Act, above' quoted; will -be 'strictly enforced', this year, and":I• am '.confident that we may count on .the' hearty • 'corporation of your Officers and the :law abiding. members 'of your, Societyto see that no violations are ' permitted in, con- nection..with the . Fair, in ,your charge. • START TODAY To : economize; en the ,ti ,n e spentf'in. 4 s i'. conpla ping: • o mix a ' little 'more ,charitywith your 'judgements. . To''spend more time getting the. other fellow's • viewpoint. p. To depend e p d m,o re, upon yourself and less upon others. . To l ok for, thegoodin ` the t e most unpromising people. To •‘do these', thin8s : and see how •. A soon life grows sweeter, -Exchange. b Your 'Tires are just ' .as : important as your "engine .. A tE of your tires repays you just' as' Ik+; well as care of your engine. It means , thousands of extra miles hundreds of dollars saved in;.a few seasons.. Whd tl at is ' exactly the reason for Dominion .. Tire Depots not just to repair your tires when trouble: occurs, but to inspect them regularly— to removeevery cause of trouble and to correct .' . l everyanjury`at its beginning. Make a habit "of `. calling at your nearest, depot every week to,have your tires checked.. You are never far. away from •a DOMINION,*TIRE DE Y�- t PROGRESSIVE. CANADA About $ 7'000'0 is 's spent $ , 00 pe .each year bythe.Canadian governmentfor. the promotion of theagriculteral:' industry Canada 'S • in 'farm products' .for the fiscal, yearelided ed March 31. 1928,, had' a value of $827,654,586 as •com pared with $818;212,187 in 1926- 27, an 'increase' • of $9,442,399 or 1.2' per cent. The great bulk of this trade is done with the 'United States and the British 'Isles the two combined\ accounted for 76' per :cent of the .total • in the year under review. • _T -third lar est- rodtic _ _ _an .: g ,p er•• ofplatinumamong the countries o '. f the world;iRostia :and Colom ia South America -holding firsta u , . g '. nd sec- and place ,respectively: List year, Canada 'produced :11,228 fine• 'ounces of platinum valued , at $17,613. The value of buildin 'g ..contracts. awarded in Canada during the .''.first. half : of 1928. 'was $256,000,000, while aurin the ,first•half of '1 27 it 'wee g 9 . $191,000,000; ' The ' output of dairy factories ' in Canada' in 1927 .had 'a total' value . of $133,927,256, , an increase ,' of about' ;$500,000 over the preceeding year.” The outputof gold. from • mines'. in the province of Ontario 'for the first ,six months of this year had. a' total valuel-of $15,977,980, ,an ,increase. of $224,368 in value over the correspond,. ,ing six •months in 1927. Eleven plants iii Canada made in 1927 ,over 10,000,000 pounds of 'maca- roni and vermicelli, • the value of which was :; $1,547,365. ' Clanada also imported • last, year over 2,000,000. . pounds ofthese products. There are 581,000 acres' planted 'to' 'potatoes in the nine provinces of Can ada -this `year. • " ' • • RIPLEY The United Farnrs are erecting a concrete )iuilding'opposits,the C. N. R. depot • Thisi structure wilt' be 0 :. feet long, 24 'feet wide and2'feet high. When completed' it will be usedas e warehouse for the' protcetidn of the ,several commodities •which they ur-. _. chase. as ..au _.association. _. Weird was r'eieived "'recently or the death of 11lrs. Donald McIver, of Lion's - Head, which occured •aftera prolonged illness.:Deceased' who, was' one .of the pioneers of • Lindsay Township was know to many in this "vicinity as a woman of noble Christian tlualities;. Who'sc hos`iitality to friend or 'strang er who called at her home') was al- wayshighly ''spoken of; She was a _sister of • Mrs.• John Idetiak ti# this: vll* • lsge and Dazs. J, 1 cpoM14 pt chs , ASHFI LD' NOTES: Miss , Annie MacDonald, R.N.. 'of it ' Ham to n, ',in •visiting • her .• old 'home `here •Mr.: ,James : Barnby' and Miss Bessie Barnby are spending spending a couple • of weeks with friends i r Hamilton Miss Jean Long returned` home last week, after a sit weeks trip. to' Cali- fornia . b :wa of Vancouver.d-. , Y y Word was 'received of the-death,,m , Chicago,, last week; of' Mrs. Dave Mc Lean; ` after' a long illness. Mrs. Mc- Lean was quite well . kn'wiihere as she ,used to visit here frequently, 'Mi. McLean, her. husband, • being a son of Mr. Alex.- McLean,. • Sr.; .Con: 12. • School has re -opened and the teach ers and pupils are back to work again. Some ;;of 'those who have gone: from this' district are: Misses Anna. Mac Kenzie, Bessie MacKenzie, Belle, Mac- Kenzie and. Margaret MacLennan,• to Toronto;`. Lottie' MacKenzie, • •to Sar- rra;• Annie MacDonald, to Dun- -lop; BessieGr�ntto Carlow; Litlra h MacKenzie to Port Albert, Ada Helm o Mr. --Charles 'MacGregor e to Kitchener, and nca+�--McRae to K Da Milverton. Miss Emma McDona gh has one to Loadg,a where she Will attend Tech- nical School. Some Labor. Day visitors: who were up from Detroit were: Mr. and ':Mrs.' Lorne MacLennan, :visiting.. her, par- ents,' Mr.' and Mrs. Jas. AJacDonald; Messrs. .Roddie' and 'Sandie— MacLen- nan, at ,the horne of their father, Mr. Rod. MacLennan and Messrs. '.Jas. and.. Neil MacKenzie; visiting their father, Mr. D. R. MacKenzie, ,Sr. , -Mr. Daniel Long; is in:Toronto 'this week; attending the Exhibition. - —o o -o— :FLOW ERDALE Mr. K. .C:: :MacIver, of ' ` Alpena, :spent • %Friday, with 'his''hr`other L. Mac)(ver 'He, was' on his way' home from' :Toronto ;Exhibition.. Mr. Ala Watson, of .Detroit,, is spending a few days` with' his par- ents, in. Flo'werdale. , • Miss. Cassie Douglas has 'returned to 'Mansfield; Olive Robb to Purple Grove; 'and Frances Maclver to near' Lion's ,Bead: ._"Miss Jessie-MacIntosh ;returned to her •work .as 'nurse in'.'training °' at Victoria ,hospital London,' on Tuesday Miss' Christena Thompson, started attending Ripley High School 'Tuesday Mrs. R. 'Martin 'spent several' days last week with her:,father and both-' ers at' St. Helens rlowe:dale school" started Tue`sday,.. with Miss Irene Morgan as teacher. ---o O ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and ItTrs: Robert 14icCosh, Iirp ley , Ont 'announee` the engagement of their elder daughter, Gladys 'Marg= aret to Mr. William •J, Arnold, son. of Mrs. Aritold and the late henry Arnold,' Kincardine,' the marriage to take.'place .early in Septelnber. WHITECIHJ'RCH' Mr. Will Leitch, of :Detroit, spen the, week -end with his aunt,. :Ifz•s David, Gil.l,ies 1Vlr James and: Miss. Merle Wilsor spent a few days last Week at Toron•' • to, Exhibition. blr Kalil n Pur ion, of-l,.eamitigton:. spent 'the, week=end" at' bti hoose, here.. The Ai inial Young. FeoX,le's 'Rails of 'Maitland Presbytery w1h be held' in the 15res•byterian, Chur ,h, Teeswat- er on Tuesday afternoon 5110, evenin , Septeml?er lith'. Everyi•?4dv welcome•: The Messrs :1•Iewitt, .of ltoclwood spent-Supday with Mrs • and Mrs. Jas "Wilsonfe. A. w'Yfrpm here attended the ball. games ,at Goderich . do .Monday. ..' l.Vl'iss' Scotty of Culross. 'v'isty,n;> herr aunt; Mrs. Murray. ;We are: sorry:. to learn that. Mi Wilmer Nicholson, forniei4y�Miss Ger; . tie:Gaunt,had,.the misfortune;to fall,, and :break a ` bone in. her 'wrist. GODERICH Daniel MacDonald, former clerk . of the, Surrogate Court 4 Goderich, cljcd' it. Sainia on August 29th., following .a few day's illness. The emains-were taken to• Goderich for interment,' on Saturday 'Sept. let. The explosion . of .-a coiloil, stove; caused a .fire,. one day • last .week, which resulted in• the' total destruction of a-d.iwehouse.-on--the.-point of land west 'of the harbour' and ' known as "The Island." The house belonged, to Mr. Robert Kerr. The' ire made rapid heading, .and although an alarm: was.. turned in ;nothing could be done other than \prevent the spreading • of.. the fire:'to 'other , buildings: Rev.Thee' Rodr e" ' ick MaeL od,, Who,� is here from ;Scotland, making a' tour of Western ,Ontario, preached, a gaelic 'sermon.in Knox Church heir on' Tues: day -afternoon; Aug -28tH =lie -service :was held :aa n -favor to a' few Gaelic, 'speaking people who live in the 'town and vicinity. Mr, :. MacLeod. had ':a charge in ,-Ripley for n number of 'years before receiving' a''enll .to mini - ester to one• of the. Free. Church Cong- regations of .'Scotland.'; The ,home of Mr. 'and' Mrs. Wm. Wallace was thescene.of sten .o ai uiet wed-' l • , ding on August 29th when . w en .the r daughter Emma b'ecaine the•`bride.'of n Mr. Robert Wallace Paton, M. A':,. of r i' A deur .,Ont. Rev. field, of St. Helens: officiated.The bride who.;was . unattended wore a gown of•• white georgette with trim'- pi ngs "of :pearls and lace 'rid -a ,bridal Arbil caught with. orange h:osson s. Mr. and Mrs. 'Paton will. • •spend their:. honeY' moon ` on •'a : trip ' through ' West- • ,. g 'ern: Canada to .the coast, "returning through'. the United States. on their return they -will reside at Arden GAELIC SERVICE AT RIPLEY . ., T .'_ren_. e 1 �2^• -On _hu s last a rthes es- c d�-y n gathering assembled in- Knox church .. to listed to• RevRoderick MacLeod'o'f Dunoon, Scotland;; an he' expopnded. the Scriptures to -them.. in the Gaelic language; says the Ripley correspond- . ;to The Review Reporter. .Some were in- 'attendance . because they longed to. hear a 'sermon in ,their mother tongue,'"others were .attracted:: through mere curiosity, The 'novelty of such'a service in Ripley was great- ly. appreciated: Times have changed considerably in 'the past'••30 years in this respect; . In. those : days • two. Presbyterian :churches considered, the Gaelic: service to' be the. leading part of worship.. Now it. has ,been almost discarded, save',Tor .a fete who; meet' 'dccasionally to study the Truth ' which is' claimed .•to 'have 'a greater power and deeper, sincerity in thiE, language. than in any other. • • Mr: Leslie Nicholson, '1 orth Bay, Ont,,annouritZ the engagement of his sister, EveIyn, to Mr. Eldrid I•Iar- rise lturbn Township, T.l?^::anarrifge;, • will teke place bi ` i eptelnkll T`' RIO•ROL fr Howe roofs- ,astug lneXpenslwe ROOF your houge or cottage with Rilb.Roll. Handsome to look at „.increases value of property...lasting�, ea•t. leaks ,.ideal for houses,.` barns.:sheds; warehouses. 'schoos. , churches, public buildings. Give size of roe; for' ' • free estanate«write • ;ipRESTON, ONT' Successor to Metal 131nngle 8c 8idina Co. - FERT'I-..LIZE�: GUNN'S BEST • BRANDS FOR FALL WHEAT CARLOAD 'Now ON HAND • Ro ertson- '' --� �e'o:. Ste• b _ ... LUCKNOW. . KINLOSS• COUNCIL- Kinloss C.qupeil diet on :Aug: 28th, All membe•rs present. The minutes: of .• last meeting were read And on.motion of Ross: and Carr,ithers:, adopted;•, 11Love,d h RoteYs ,-act:.-r.hyrLaiifutlius . What. the petition,=of• Sydney Pollock and; ut"liens for a Muni3ipal: Drain:oti tots.' N`o '1 'to 5, inclusive, 1st :Range .• 'S b It.`aid Lot. 1; 1st R N.D.R in the, •the;;Township of Kinloss aiid Lots 67 Lo 70 , inclusive; 1st' R \x;D.IL Kincar- dine Township be accepted, and that the Cl,erk': instruct M ..C. Ar Jones , .make Ari examination of the - locality ,and make 'a •report thereon. in accordance, with' theP. rovisions ,of the Municipal Drainage Act.—Carried Moved by Ross, sec.' by MacIntosh =hatler-interest- i - T t the, hillon ,Kin-... loss 'Assessment on the • Teeswater River. Drainage Seheine of $108.45 be' Maid, to. Culross,- Ca lied, - 1 Moved byCarruthers, sce..'b Mc �' . Queen=-Thar;the 'Clerk be• instructed" to. advertise Tor tenders' for the con- • struction of a drain about. 40 rods 'on, the North side: of' Con. '10, opposite Lot `'ii.=Carried. ,' Cheques issued' "ASD _14SacKerizie, printing, -$35.57.. Acct. • of .Lott. Drn, 44:20. •Win ghani Advance Adyertising $3.60. Cuiross Council, acct: of int. , on rive,; 1 8.45 J,•3.•JohoWtQ'n, Pay:list .9.6,:.,$38.75, ,. Beth ; Gaunt;I' ayy' list. 87,•1 $39.15;' R. Montgomery, pay "fist•• $8;. John ,Bushell, pay ;list . 89,. Lovatt; pay ifst 90, $20.25. Nsac `Pinnell,: pay' list. 91, $3.50. '.r.."A. MacKinnon; pay • heft 92,:, $3.00. •'Bur- lington `Steel 'Co;; Pay li..t 93,.$31.98:' Weiler, pay list, 94,; $152.55. ' J. A.. MacKinnon, pay list '95, $17.90 , it `�F, nirihal. Wor;,il,':sitl>plies..'$1.1'4 A Dy,-la�i was passed levying. the rates' for the current'' year. as follows k'or Coimty purposes 10 8-10 mills on the dollar, Special `schoi1': purposes .4,1-10 milts: ori the dollar, Township • `d pin Hoses 4 5-.10 mills • on wit school :levies in accordance with. the require: ments of the . res'pective; Boards. .of T1us'tees.. Council adjourned till .Monday the 17th Inst.. .GEO. G, MOFFATT, Clerk. • ...a. gli'ite , . for Free Book.` Send for hand some, free book, "Walls ,T h a t Reflect .(3' oo d .. Judghen't." Itgivesyaluable , information on Gyprocandinte- ' rior decoration.: ;G.s C!)psuni and 'Alaba;tine,• Limited Pari" Canada's • •coafi�ouiBtitilam. Fireproof i or Salo B Win. Murtha & •Son. - Rae -8c ' Porteous WallbOd rd' . y ' Lucknoiw, Oint. Lucknow, 1DnM•. :M'