HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-09-06, Page 3*lerred •steck a bonus a nine ehereespt
Agrtcuitural Conaltione In Ontario:
' Quite 'Fairprahle ee •
” Agrieeiltural conditions in •Ontario
YQ been greatly improVed, by tho
•Weitent, Weether. of the • latit' ten days.
Cutting or all kinds of Fain bete been.
pretty Well COMpleted in !tiVetitern
• tIOXIet WM' theexception of elle Meat.
• Itertherly part. Threshing has been
/general -In distriet, a'great, deal
tit Wheat and barley" 'having been
• hauled', ta.machineS fiena the field:
Where whethe injury was not too ae,
Imre Wheat has turned Out well, rang-
r,roat :20 to. 45' bushels per acre.
-sorae dietriees .rust , is causing'
.!soriotis 7Injury to .late*ceep.: Oring,
to the ;very eel* growth of straw. and
'1)10 Continued weLt weather many floids
ePring graffi ere, ea badly down and
..1.44164 that: harvesting '1.0,''verir
?ttxres are in.g000*eOtuution 014
. 411. kinds ut 'tie stock are
The 'second crop of alfalfa is excellent
and farnaers are hoping to experience
pert, favorable ,weather to balance
the lapse's in the first cutting.
Conpidereble plowing has been done
tor wheat, but wet ',weather has Inter-
fered with cultivation and'many,early
plowed and :Simmer fallow fields are
quito weedy, and if ery weather con-
- • iliticiritr' continue -wine be-diffleult eth
Acciirdtng flintily revieed statie
tics Pest isetied by the Mining 1‘1441 - *Ne*.. HealthCame '1 brolig1.1.
lurgicel and .chensieat hrancle of 'the
Pe4110104 Bureau. Of Statistic a at Otta-
wa, a filetheete adVaneetiein ,cement- pro-
duction In Ceriethe Was, recorded iri
19,27e, and no a result a nnew high
mark was Bete ue, for this Industry.
,Shipinents' durIng:, the year regaled
a .grand total �t a 10,964,060 o'bEgYelSo
valued. tit' $1.4391 937 • as compared
With 8,707,021„ barrels at $1,03,28,
shinned. In '19'26-.
.Britleh .Company. Rumored 'In Market
• for Atieees of iiInduserlet
: Montrea1.7.4.ga-onipanying
advailge in.,,the.'tdiaree:pf Cenadian
Industrial Alcohol . were rumors sag-
OseOlg: that an attractive offer had
been made :for the pnrchttee of 'the
company by '13eitiPle dietilleryinter-
sits, e pflicialin,of thee company would.
not econfirin. this report.. Earninge,
hOweyeie are •understood to. he len:f-
eting at e high :level, and In pope
quarters there Continues :a ,dippositipn:
to leek for an:iner,eesed diyidend.'kete
or kerne • special .diehurseinent borer°
'the end of ,the year.
It is reported that 41ver-
' The picking .of peaches bag com-
menced in • the Niagara district, and
It is expected that '.'the harvesting of
early tobacco Will soon be started in
Essex. .
TOttal. 'Tra.de Was Higher, In July
For the month of July, the summary
• of Canadian trade,. ,as just' issued by
the Department, Of National Revenue,
phaWiia :eiub s taneial itierease An, fetal
trade,: When :compered Witlt enly of,
last 'year, standing at $228,934,00, 'ail
..againet .$170,63,708 .the ,eorresp,onde
. ;log mend' ,of 192e, Excess of e.xpOrts
ieiter initiorta areounted to 422,127,142,
'while in July' last year there .was
shown an adorse balance. of ,:$1,1,,973,-
Using DF. PiOk ay i
• Pills
Mrs: Casper Milier, Lourdes, 0N,S.,.
says that thet tWlee in her lifetime she
has• reason to, be thankful for Whet
De. Wellitines' pink didfor ber:
•Slee Sari:741 *44 a • very- deligathe
girl.going: into, Woreenhoqd, 'When I
firet ftinadehenefit
Pink Pilis. 1 Wes.. a .einfieren.
grantee and pelas .e'verk• *C,1041.••aX0
was haidly able to 'ineve; aeiniettl,' at
:41le One daY. when 1 was very 'sick a
friend game In to •see nee, and she
said eo m tiler "Why not:, try Dr,.
age for jUly was 41600 tons oC"$5.40
ore daily. No °Metal • etatement hes
yet been made. lf this report is cor-•
rect July wee' ahead„ of, jun° on grade
and about the same on tonnage. Cori,
elderable low grade material is. :being.
drawn troth the "sumnier,stopee.'"
- report- fretie the - north states -that
the doniagui is negotiating. for control
Of the Trout Creek property, the scene
of theerecenteeeneatiOnategold.,diseev-
ery. Samples of gold. from the.sliouie
'trig have been inoet spectacular and
the formation and geology is .said to
be similar to . the prodneing section of
the: Kirkland Lake ,caniive.e...,
. Por, thee -first •fonr,"4noetliS of t1t
fisc.at yetie Onded Witlenine, Vital trade
amounted. td, $S).5,328.,651; as. compared
. .„ with 1,733,201,169• in the: saine•four:'
niontli-period of last year. Po'r the
saine,fotireneintlii peeled.- of -,thieeyeat
. ...there 21 haviin balance of
-A3,468,391; as-•cernteatied'e-w-ith a 'raver-
' ..able balance of :e1.1,9.96,09 in theecee-
: resPonding Period teat year: '
The, Canadian Mines Inyestnient
_ „dprporation, •Ltd., has been organized
for time purpose of conductiogthe busi-
ness 'of. an investment trust.: • 'the
• nompanY. 'elaims, that' diversificatien,
• inasmuch as not more than 10 :per"' 'Flei3Ort Ankerite in Dealwlfh•Abana,
Aboncle Mmes „
• '/ .
.Canactien CharterGranted to firitis.h,.
• • , Ftirri Co.
, The .Geum,ont-British Corporation Of
Caeada, Ltd.', has reeeeeed, 4 cae4dio
Pedereleenieter.whecheinpoW.ets the
.cOmeany to produce', distrinute • and
preeeiat Motion e .pictures throughout
Tthet-poirritri n
, • •
building' theatree. The new conipaey
is closely. affiliated 'with Powerful 'Silt=
ish motiOn--picture-interestse.and this
wcArld.. see', mte.,merit their entry, on:
the: American . continent• in the ,verinus.
aetivetien. Of the motion pictiire iedus
The. Gemilent-British Corporation 'of-
COnatIne Ltd.; will have °he. .01116
at Toronto • and branch offices will be
oniened ate'SL-JelieieelVforiereal;,' Winne;
'Peg.' „and,. erangeneer. , The canine:nee
will•release from ' 24' to 30 feature'niq-:
tures eacli year These/releases will
not only he pictures produced by the
Gatuntent•ConneanY, Ltd., Engiend, but
will be ,cheisen froth the best. British
pictures "Met are.•produced „
Williarrige pink, Pills,e4 .lenew they
Witi do her a World et geed."- , The
result. was nty mother' 'got etx.box'
and I began their 'asp; end I' 89011
feund benefit from thenst. ty the Woe
I had taken 'them' all 1 'lett Sti-,eltd-
getter -edifferene ;girl and no,,Icinger
suffer,ed, froM craraPs 'and pains: .
, Then. a .'fe.w .yeete ago. 1. was at-
tacked with influenia, and, was sick
for six weeks, Again I started taking.
Dr. •Pink. Pills, and again
they; brought me gb,od health. L ani
the:mother of e temily and. do all my
own work, se, eou see. I have to keep ,
In geed health; and depend Upon these S'Ye* ' /../Thal's on Yen'. mind'
pets to keep me so. Ncm.v../ rtiwa3is Net wondering if a
recommend Dr. Williams': oPinmkayPiiles Nv"P landl9d g nettle, wenh.l the
wasp sting the nettle or the. nettle
to anY Of naY friends wh b
, , . pting ;.the wasp?:
' , 1‹:gBP.,0.1`115EE.P,ING.itiNee „
If the day eoplts 'Weida ,gloetny;
• Arn.. the ptesPect's. awful grim,
If the situetien'e • puiziiree • '
, Yer, chetiees-kinder,
'Are- perplexities presiiin'„
''' all hope is nearly gone,
,Test ,bristle au' grit your teeth
keep 94 Tteet314* er4.• • - 4
Newly 'Arrlyed. T.B. 'Patient-gbe
climate ',here salubeione, isn't it?
new •pit e'Nsweer-
'lag'', Mister: It'S?,, been pelted: every'
tieleg „pies .
;-• ' • e . • '
May, reasonably expect strong
.friendelelp ,netWeetietWo to last
,aa )0Og as two weeks peoVided, the
..sathe man, docSn't ;take to go ng with
• . • , •
• „ e, . • .,,
e Pekoe
Tot):' (214.
n. •
• • . •
Antelope and
o ays out of' ane w we saw
One firt aritelope, little scurrYing.
clouds of brownish yelfow Sand blown
Along with incredible sWiftites'a :41.49n1g
the dunes Many as we afterward
eawe I never finite get used to the
'• sight or loet 'the. tiu-ill a wahching
NOea. o woma.Theays she hasn't any the"nij seeeee ano s.bee tee beeeese aeet
thing, to wear, that Is, of course, an flicker on again, eecp,airie baste..
exaggeration, but not xnueh one.,
But the frosty Morning of that day
never be forgotten for sheer ela-
11 ev
•• tton. , We started ire hoar bef ore the
first peep of dawn• in the chill,' and,
when we got ,elear Of 'the little gate
leese walled town, there was a quarter
motel and heaven full of Stars.' Then
froni every side came the clucking and
subdued quacking of fat ducks and the;
wheal(); of wengs as our cart's rumbl-
ing ' theri. up' from the roadside
dithhee. ' ` • • ' • '
But the the geese! The world •Wap pone
pled, with geese,. bug/ling and calling
on1yfiftyJetoverr our leads and
gabbling as„they grtized in thestubble.'
-As ft', slowly. lightened . enormone
wedges of ' then -i 'eerne in sight from
every side, all: talking and hallOoing
.and :giving 'a,!:tvicer to, the leaders as
they'fieW.• ' the gray of early dawn
thei-sfigeneelhestlerWhite feont helow.
I never knew before, how many ca-
..denceis and/tones and modulations the
goose language holds. They talk •and
grumble and. murimir and they fairly
UneleeeiVell, my boy, youelook pen- e
tjOissi.604.Advertmeinepts ,
THE.litQVEft-4,10NEffat pf8.•
JUL 3.`A,Ngit: movers,of .Verzada..Larcest
'eneedy. padded, vans.. New•10'9,tufrient, ,
'latest. inethnde•-- TWo experienced men
every Air ;Nieto 'insured.- ti.eyonet.,
edmpare for N41411. old ;Cg,e, ; •
!MY% write Os or wire an reveAs:•ths.
elutrges:t ..Tfead office. Hammen. gritaree,
retinae, Bin? 4 11,.. 'Nfovp'r ' • • • •
. • •
try !f,ARs weeItly for spare time at
horne„ Write for -particulars., The Auto
Knitter Ilittsiery Company, 'TOrmito;
partmert 7, • , • • '
• lckly
If you are suffering iron2any con- '
dition-- due' to poor,-Wittenerfilieed; "PP,15°).tunitY-"Inetii°°° bus-. to kick
a man before it can wake him up
weak nerves, begin etaking Dr Will
litims' Pink Pills new, and note how
yeur Strength.ancl, health will improve.,
You :can get these pills through any
dealer in medicine; or at 50 'cents a
Vex from The Dr.. Williants' Meditine
Co., Brockville,. Ont.
• .
cent of its fund a• willbe put Into
any one ,mine, will•he obtained. Capi-
n .tal is set at ;1,600,000 elk per cent
, cumulative first •preferred shares with a par value ot ;5; '$400,000 7 per
cent non -cumulative second preferred
shares with a parvalue of $6;,' and
200,000 . CoMmon no realm shares:
With every 20 shares of first preferred
• stock issued a bonus ,of :three shares
of common stock will, be given And
with • every' 20 Blares' of second pre
en yam/ -
Children C
- for It
"Young. Ambassadors" on
Tie tour of a groupofefifty, pritish
°Schoolboys'. and .'ecleocilgirls acress.
'Cahadtte as ' "young athabaSsadors". of
the impire wiiJ include:ate/inspiring
• eTeiti'.Aleirdoilietirs-Were brought be
fore. the Police Court for being; drunk
and disorderly. During thehearing of
the cape thee,Bailie asked the. Prose
'cuter:But -Wheres the other .man?"
ei•What'etbereman, sir?".
"The MO Who paid,for the drinks!".:
• . •
" .
Tf you. think men are bosses still,
cibservefhOw feweitow sit on the !BYO
verandah without their shdes:
• .
'The low in:iee of hogs never alt
meeting With a eepresentativegroup the' high price of 'hog meat:
_of...you pi:froth-the-United- tates-earlyd .„. • '
to. Ilnd, your way Into
Septerribee at. Niagara •The It's easy
tA.rn groups are to 'ineet_ On eheeIntee- trouble-:-th bard Dart is /Wing the
national,Driciger-Which-,-is-:surely- , ,
belie of ' the building .of -the bridge Of
nederetanding hetWeenn Great Britain
and the United Staten, Sbford reach-
ing Niagara Falis, 'homeward bound,
the "young, ambassadors" will have
,journ*eyed throughevery province of
the 117.6i*.inion,' -from„ ,Quebec:,Ale the
-Maritime-proyinde6,- and from liallfax
le' "%rano:Meer; enjoying the glories of,
Canada. They, are to Visit. the ranch
Of the .Prince of Wales in Alberta,
stop Over et Jasper Park In., the -Cana,
dian •-Rockies, bathe in'e.thte"e'Pacifie
Ocean, see the harvesting of the wheat.
•erep.'on the prairies, attend: ehe
dian . National Exhibitien Tero'nite,
and generally learn •about the oppor-
tunities for ,, British • -eiiterprise, itr
' The educational ranee of travel in
. , , , . .
broadening the outlook has Jong been
the British Isles efid in A.Meriea...The
Empire, free nravel, and .scholarship
seheme; .organized by a group 'of
British .newspapers, in co-operation
With steamship and railway interests
In Canada, neest have served greatly':
to stinnilate^.111e. 'AtereSt .et liament
young leritishers ,he "the nearest" De
minton. The •poSsibility. of extending
'the scheme „to provide annual tours
to other parts of the British Coninige-
wealth-eSonth Africa, Australia and
New Zealand -has been 'mooted.
Whether the "young ainneesedorse
'are fedto return to the cinintrieS they
.visit, to make homes, for thent'sellies,
, .
or to be .satisfie(1 withopportunities
for service . in . the British' tenneland;
the •betiefit. of etieli educational tours
hi promoting unity • within the British
deintribeweeith I apparent.-Chris-
tian..Seterice Monitor Editorial.) • '
Timmins. -Members oi .the Staff of
Ankerite , Mines have recently Com-
Pleted"an eitteitshr,e, exaMipat,ion andf
,sanapling t Abena and Abone cepper-
einc•prOpetties, and It is reported that.
several Cempanies. are now in prog-
ress, if not: conchided:. The Ankerite
proPerty. has. been meeting .0,,ith con-
aiderible success in new ,ore. develOP-
inent• during the last few miinthi.
Alikeritia ,Mines;Ltd 14 the Only ciWn-
ing.'and Operating' .corinieny torxued
In Cairtd& by well known British in-
terests, and it • appears More, than
rimier that it will shortly become the
pivot of •much larger,operatpl
' Cfanada arid the. Etnpire- .
',.Toronto' Saturday Night: , .. 'tin an
'.editoria,l, the Post pi, Cairns Qymens-
land, rebukes Canada.' for being Selfish-
ly. indifferent to 'the importance of , the
"Suer Canal to the 'Empire • and- espeen
ally to Australia) Canada has Of la,te
gotten herself inewroogle more "epar-
taro .thane • one and , seen -is.' 40 hese
quite inne'cently managed to becenie
inisunderSteo.d on the matter of vbrp.:
dart policy, ‘.• • •, ' On his \ISM: to this•
country last. Yeatejlitn, StanleY,Britee'
privately enade it ether to 'Many. public
Men :how. deeply, his Genienonwealth
was eencernedlet the..mainteptino of
a :firm Egyptian, policy :Which ,. weld
.aseure' isecueitY ; to, the Simi • 'ertitle
route.. •The.misapPeehensien With re-
gard te'..drinadjair sentiment "on'• this
ouestien'IS ProbablY due ,t� tlia' geese
eess •and itieon,sequential chaleer ebbet
our ",staiiiS" W11411:t does not.'in aey.
degree reprePent'enteligetit opinion"
iii .. this country, Th ...'•eatioringS
Seem likelyto,.gPt us in eel .odot with
eunirest •frieeda'in. tho. world et.large
and tlic, SOOtier they eeese, the lietter.
Turtle . Fort:elle, litre tbe wheel, .end
• , hewer ' the,. 'need,. ' .-..' • . .
Tern 'thy wild ,e,Viteet ' ibiougli syn..
Siii)10, 'Ot9thl tiliti .10...011d:; '
Smile and:we erAlle, tbdierds,of.tianY.
• .
Preivn Auld we smile; the lords Of ottr
oWn heeds, . , , •• . , :
Pole Mail is roan, and 'Mester Of,'hie.
e tate, . , , .7 -Tennyson,
... . . ••••••••••••,.•44•4: ! ', ! • . . % . • :. :!
', leallY has little upsets' itt Meese All
. ,
your cafe, cannot eteyent them: But
you 'Can be prepared: Thon 'you . care
• da What ark experienced' Unite WOuld'
.do --what most Phyeiclane Would telt
yeti, to dee-give a few drops of 'nitrite
enetteteritt, Ne etiOnerniene then. 13nbee
'Ffi. seetTli4Vrelief la .jilst a Matter of
I '
ome" 'o. t. u"'II' 'a-s—eIy-'ou'r
' . child Without use of 4 single doubtfie
• Arum q4,Stots,4, is ‘vegetable. So: it'te
' • ' Safe to use its often ati etneinfarit Inte
ne! elittle pain you cannet' pia tiVa#-,
Line fter"iirviake, ready -zit. the ' &Wolof
, pazige. ot,eoliceer 'eonstipetion, or tliate
• Area; .effeettee.teOrforeOlder.children,
Tv/et-AY-five 'iniiiien ' ,,, hottles
. %Plight last': Yenr, . ,
Can anybody 'remember when the
times were 'tot hard , and money eot
,flearce'?-,--Aalph Walden Etterien. "
,' • • -
. A reputation of Over thirty.'
if,eati 18L.L stake every time
package of fied'itese,Orange
ioeltae Teals sold..., So highly
is this reputation prized that
the roakers, have.,.agthorized
your grocer to replace -cloy
package free of charge • that
does not satisfy youin every
...particular* ''CkA s'•
• •
"1 would liite yOu ea paint mY wife's
nottrait," • d
, "In' oil?"
but it Might be more like her,
perhaps; it. you .added a drop 01. vis -
• 4'u5t Married: "This 'steak. tastes
queer, •
She 1 can't understand 'it, dear:
It burned.et. little„. but I rtibbed.vase-
line' on It right 'away."'
Abel: :The wind Is rising; we must
•hug the shore.. .".
Maybeyou-will have nerve
'enough for that. •
Some Worried yonng,:nian.Writes the.
heart 'editor imploring her to • send
'hire re formula for proposing Marriage,
but we imagine a young man of that
kind ',Might ;just as Well save his
THE SECOND E/12E;•....
Tiny Mandate in
Padific Prospers
Australia Is Largest -Customer
for Phospliatesfroni Sixzalt
. . .
. Canberra, Aust': -Steady progress' is
.being. inane' With . the developneint...-latee,
:the phoshate'bilseeess OnNauru! Is .
land in the Pecifec underthe direction
tif .the .British phosphate .Commission
whlch is administering this former
1eerneri..-pPssepnion7under aMandate':
fretri 'the 'Leagne of NatiOnS, The.
CountrieS.'represented-on the. corn,mle• •
slop, are the United Kingdom. Awe
terms', •of the mandate 'the Untteci. •
Kingdom'. arid Australia,.. ar0,'. each en
.titiect to 43 .per.cent. Of the*putplit of
the ieland. and .New ',Zealned to 10
per -Pent:: • • " '
0,hout7atielAd tin45411-slaileiVs thrri a uetralla tied 'New Zeeland, :-E6i-v:;,-*
of men: 41441 womeh fitted withliaVe PioVed tonie'iar the largeSt
eveings,for__a.loeg journey, • enstomers inrUeet te the: deroar.rui
' All . tbia'; time plislaroiee of ertet for Pleniplinte'e and, according .tti ..the..,.. e
alighting to graze. ;Pixel', aiy;Ordered inniiseioners' renoreA
7, tietraiia „d.in- ,
wens crates. Were'. flapping .Over ..or ce
conitianY of ,them -woeld flapnineeenly ing,: 1927 :bought 69176 ,per 'Ceirt..
and theiesiiddenly fall lute .step; as it o....iutptii,' New ..Z.' -.;a1411 .2.1.tri pr
turned int 'high,' queStionemarics•• p,:• to is5s, wb.eu the:
- amounted to g'.611,(34,i,,,- .
The-hister.i-Of.' the • i slaty:. d at tee -.be ek-----
• , . , . , .
tuhte • : The ,ear
werein perfect unison for a thinute;: atoutl'i6toli4rppet611
()it.' tit•lileeS..i6ti.,126,7,11(pi efro,ere
then, .seeting their Wingi motdonlesia, Was. e9,..092 tens, of •which the reventle .
would. pail like gigantic platters 011
. .
they :reached:. -the • :ground' where,:they e't
•.Gei'rmeieGoveniner,nt :
big as, three-quarter begrewn sheep. I grarited to , a'Coientte ceMpany the '.0x-
Tliqe were • thumping .geose ap-, •
.. . , . .. ,. .
heavy as 'sWan, and when the sun
came ,up, &mallet .tania geese dres6ecl.
in , trainly' ,ted robes.. There was a
nearsh on either side of the road with
plowed land beyond:. ' The 'ducks fell
TO i3eiVii man .oirceeeis: a, small, affair,
Not ,ainatter for, very much Crowing,
And not; In 'the course of a' full'.
business yeare .
On your Weeks 'make a very geed'
man who is dr\n.. into a "dtrel
asks fer ecConds.-becansehe can make.
get -Away in iese than 4 Minnthe
• e- • ,
Let Mineed's Linlineet Relieve 'Pain.
Weitern Canida's Air Service
')3,0.---Watt.Orri Canada'seuxesnirede'lita41- and Pie,
'pre,81 serelge , has peeved et teinatk-
ahlee. gemitercial stiecetiee Iti Lite
TeeVA on ilie 12,
paisseniet load itiimetot.-ineeothito
or the BrItish. Coiteinbitt • Airways
Litlited between ylcbritla, Seattle and
Vartecetter bus tit eXeeeded expeetee
dons, and at its. peesetit rate. of
ereaso Will aeon lest tbe' ,ecireiento
itte ntmest, taiStieltY.
. • • • . • •
. showing. „
elusive right ; eepieit 'the dee:lees.
With the, aeprotaf the .GernranGoe-
ernine.nt,..40wever, the riklit was:
ti u
ferred to tho:Pacific Wiesphate Coin-
opy, conipariy registered in 'Great
Britain and in 1e19 the ilitereSt,
.to „the Marsh -land- -the -geese to ehe teeeneereeyeeye. were- - beught, ' bye the -
fel-rows and the, graiing. Then as •GoVerninents of Ot6at Br1tfl Aue
the light grew more alive I, began to
ie,ee'snipe andplayer and little . fat
ehrekieircepairs-a-i)art frore the -rest:.
tralia, and New !Zealand • at, a cost of
• . .
23,to,o,000, and the three comenieeieu;
era were 'the,1.1 appointed.717-te etetee• •
The* was a einipe-like bird, black. inisSiOn is .at present treated, in ,the
-and 'white with it erase,' which*Mied: same was as if it were a pilyate:c0111-
.Andl,raei beside, very tame, and 'there eenye. • . ' . • '•
were pities. of bigokrrleY, The area of the 1tltcd b5.400 'acres.
get:Ting about on 'stilts, •Wieli. bodies The. •population : fitienbere 2i63 .of ,
lit9• big as our tern, They 'Whistled' w.horn 114. are EuropeaUS0.7tti..0.1inoso
f.ainiliarly at nie tfll. 1 thmeghe of the -and .1.'s264 Naurtians:-.. of the laber
State of Maine. BY, now, from far- is proettled by Vie c'h,lqese sel.eete4 •
off farmsteadings, cIpp Were barking at ,Hopii. Kong, by:: a eeepreeentatiye
and, cocks crowing and donkeys bray- :of the commigsion: •Eduratioeral, se- '
keg till, with the calling of near -by cial 4n'd ...snortingfacilities are . prOe
'vete and the garrulous gargling of vided on the island einder. the" inieneion '
But to to sell bite ,again fts a far different
- thing-- 1,
*lien he comes, back .fqr. more, it's
'a • token • •
That your service is goOd, and 'you've
• , made your 'frietiii;‘• '
Sell hiin twice,he is yourg-yeaTnnboken
• '"
Eloping Bride-e-eHere's a • telegram
feom. papa v... '
Bi idegreom • (eagerly)-' What (lets
he say,1" -
Eride- Do net comehome and all
, •,
will be , , • '
•• It Yon Will; yob, can make light of
your darkese',treuble.
V. 1
GLLUtD BABY"S*.41E11111 •
The ,Ernyire Settlement
Saint Jeilne • Telegraph e Jenreale
With •tber best ., in tbeewerhrte
The.' serhiner menths, are the itioet help, they`, (flee;..liorninines) .)
.. : e
eneecoutitre .Vast. eesetve of wealth
.crines Tight eve -rhea& there seemed
a ''terrific ,dan
-',Withbroad. , daylight .there • was
plerrtio life with noisy flocks flyflg
by and fat birds f'eeding the fields,
but it was all different;' chenged in
.Soree strange way and „less Cieciting.
re It Was in 'tele, afternec,n, vehert the
couetrYside :shifted abruptly to .deeerk,
that we saie antelope, among the sand-
hillS. Farms' v.,ere no more; nor any
tillage., The plowed land ,With' noise
of ' dogs and men shouting at their
donkeYs in the fields stopped to give
place to a, deeert stretch,. as lOnely and
arid as airything' in Mongolia, though
we were:Scarce cloeee 'miles in eithet.
direetioir froni cultivat,ed•ground
1,...nOlon Warner,' in, "The Long •0111
dangerous to eltildren. 'the core, caohot affoiel te &lice alarge Portion
plainte of eliat Beeson, whichT aro; ot posSible'failueee. Even whentim
cheleritinfeetene, colicediarrhoea and 'ate, lifted in Greet )3ritalti " there Is in t,p
• .
1 •
of -the comission.. •
Your teliiper is Yetire, '.:eiwti.),s keep.
It helOw'',yoUr '
Blistered Feet .
' walking,has bliSterca eenr
feir,t',. 'bathe them -With
'aCcre:;.8tive la f
.dysoitary,come. endo quickly that
'often a little o601 beyoild-tlid befere Undid/timely eneelable.- The: Yetiltit of -• Rs R
tho mother, rlizes he' IS ,111. Tho. th6 Dominions is locked in their soil.
heather =et be en her 'in/1rd to . Pre-, Tlin.ee *he Win como end exiract it.
vent * these trembles, : di ..if they ' do ar es welcome as the Cute butenot Yet
cenie on suddeelY to banish theist., Is there' 'eeotigh, perinenently ,,iii. re-
ecrve., to be deeen, on at 'need by
finance ministers, to support failures.
The; betainione • just cannot' do, it.
They 'Must ._onquiro. faithfully, they
,Must, see that ;settlers are not iikely
to .bodeide' burden "th 'the now 'arid,
butiyeeerainti ides wliose,:buelfteee ilieti
a1lytt4y, Wai' long hears overtime en
their own. Soelal -problems, Let tile'
tight '..,.peoptlo - come - ;equipped ,' to be'
aseettie no. liabilities('and the .p.q.
tiiitifOui will lc tiom with open:
aeries: 'Per .the others,- theY have no
pl4a,,, eeieee. .P•to.:10. V :. '
4' V4'ire'''' ..,.........L.,4:4-= : ' .
..A. 1o0 .4441 1.1.is money' ,sitii thpbSse,ii
to be the two • things Meat easily
tertsedbut a le,Vie, retresa and
helnhand tuica pretty 00$(ttd-
o• .
, .,2---:----4:4-- ,,....,
Minitrd.'d Lirtirnente-tinEvereel remedy
NO • other medicine. Is of such 'aid to
inetliers duringhot weather,as Baby's
Owli Tablets. They ' regulate*the
eternach Reel bowels andare • ahso.
hiteli Safe, , Seld• by 'Medicine dealers
or by, mail at 25 cents a bet %freer: -
Tire DreWilliaters" Medititte:Coe Brock-.
vine, •Ont , ' '1
• •
It ie a goofi divine :tbat foIlbwe his
„titvn instructions, 1 .cart easier teach
tWentr. wilt wow; good to be" done
tlian. be ' Vne fzt twenty • to follow
ilk"; ..are.idice-tbakeopeare:,
Productf;f7tZTV'l ,e.nd -Sine
•pi:Odutts hi banada has inoreased
from *2‘).$1,000 in 1923 to e6,149,009, fie
1132t '
, •
There's Many it allD th9 too
un1tbe cup.
oe •
• .
After Taking Lydia
Pi:iikiliarti's Vegetable
Fenwick Ont. -J.1 qm taking Lydia •
Pinkharifs. Vegetable Coinoeteed
' ....dining the Change
of Life for nervous ,
feelings, loss of ap•-•
petite and to gain;
strength. It is, a
greae, tor&
beee taken a dozen
betties of it. It wee
recomnienelen to
Me by h friend, and
ntee 1 recommend
it to ell wanieti for
stich troubles as
romeet this time"
, --eMtte. W. V. ittliettLe*It..,I‘No,
Per i( k Ontane, '
, ,•• •1411.g 1••••• 1•••••0