HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-09-06, Page 1; • PR_YEAR fl, ADVANCE20T114111/JS1 pCKNONITi, 00T., THURSDAY SE,PTZMBE-440th; 1928. • 0 ,AiROPESSIONAI. OA*P.‘ ' 6 04-0 0,-0 0 , ;Ott, lv; PIlialcian, and SI4Fge°,4.- . I.,ueltrioW Lours:1.30-3:30. Phone 86 • DENTIST Dr. MacLeod •Laclinow every -' Tuesday,. j,i Dr. .donPell's Office:. • DENTIST . Dr. R. L. Treleaven; Lucicnow „Over Decker's- Store... Extraction either by gaS or `local. Will- be in. Dungannon every Thursday: Phone 53., letrIllaYBODT'S COLUMN. ,0 . . . . '7Geo.7117-Siddat-L-acknowi'"isreser and Regil Entate.-Money to lend COT 0114 mortgagee on farm proper-. • ties it 6 and 6% per cent according to lecuritY . offered Alack amall j, arnouate -:on secotd'.mortgages on ,farm properties. and on persOnal • notes.' A few good fanny for sale . • .WALL_PAPER-,.A full line_of_1928 Wall Paper on hand. Prices from 8e up/ 1 am also agent for leading job houses. -R. J. Cameron, Decorator Painter and Grainer,. Box 174, Luck - stow. • ' FOR SALE -Seed Rye --Good sam- ple Rosen Rye for Fall sowing -$L25 per bushel - Henry Horton, R. .7; Lucknovv-Phone: 77-r-4,' Dungannon .(13-9-13.) ' .„. Experienced housekeeper wants dm- ' ployment on a farm. Capable of -talc- ; 'ing full . charge,- Information' at The Sentinel Office Or it Peter Carter's, • R.. 6, Lucknow ° ' % FOR SALE -LA Piano that has been used for a short time, will be sold. at Reduced Price, at W.G. Andrew's. (20-9-c.) •- •' - FARM 0013. SALE • 53 Acres --4.40 7, Con. 12, kinloss- ;Misses... Mande.' and•- Dorothy 'Cooke • urePeeeeeceng a few'elaye with iriendee e ineToeotito:e • , f:'ir. a.nd kis. Ian '1%lotinee Strath, reY, wpre week-ehd. viSitous and Aslifieid friends. 4 . Mr. and Mrs, G: W. Taklorf of Buf- falo, were guest s' zand Mrs, Todd, Over the,.eweek,oed. ' ' Mrs.. G. McDtierpid and Mit. Arthur Cooke' of PeramOutit visited Luk - now friends the first .iif the. week; : ..,„ The .-educatioeal. machinc1y of the, Country is agein ir jell swinge and teachers end 'pupils. all 'are happy • again: Mr. and Mrs. enner, and .fannly, Marie McCauley and Mrs. Vina pain, of Detroit, spent the week -end with Flo and Jelin • MacDonald: "•*. Mr. and Mis Go fl Sinith made a week -end motor, trip to North Bay, taking ' With them ,Mise Marien Mac- Dougall who Will teach school : neav the. Nerthern city. ' • , Mr. , and. ...M.rs_llenry Clarice,__Mre and Mrs. George StOckbain. Mr. Clark 141.reshburti and Miss King of Ifietroit,. i.vere visiters with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MaeDiarinid over the week -end. • -.44. • .1.)1VEI;BING-. BELLS, compbell,MaCDOUgallf,'-,. . • - A pfettytWedditie was seleennieed, :t tlwshonle',Ot st..„ on& NI,ic!..'Robte 1441cnowle pw. • tonogoaty: August 29th, when Etta'. May; daughte • er , of -Mr:, 4Ohn'keeDeligalle:2nd,elni. Kinloss; became. the ',•bride. of , •.Piat.k.r Campbell, only Sen Of. Mr. and Mrs. NeiI CINI-Plsell:711th7:Cori.. West WaWaneshe The bridee:giVeit in mar: eriage by her fathere.Wore dress of. shell .,pink :egeorgette,..elve. "carried 150uqUet of" roses. "The -weddieg' march vas played' by Mr. Harold Burns; Rev. Ce. H. McieDoneld, officiated, • After the ceremony :the . guests- num- bering about .twenty-five, repaired to the dining room where, e dainty luncheon was .served. In the evening receptiOrt was held. at 'the, home of the groom's parent.' Mr, _and Mrs.. Campbell were the recipients of many f valuable and, useful ,gifts. The fol- lowing day the ' young c,Ouple left on a Short honeymoon. Mie. :Jim young, T.e.d.:CollYer and Mrs. Collyee last. week coMPleted a 'inetoi. trill as far as •OtWva: ancl'ieto. Of •days at . the•-big*ow Toron'te. •:The local ..Publid ,opened ..giteseley4noiaiing. wet:I:Lew .changp. in the teachlog,staff. re of couise many. change s , the. classes-esonie. twenty beginners .in the eirimere 1/4 Mile West of Village of Kinlough e school" and church near, also highway; good young orchard; good well, frame" house and barn bethein „Owl repair, Well :drainect7litnd in first-cless :con - &ion. Possession at time of buying, .Prife-reationableLLApply Mrs: Susan Ryan; flolyrood R.- No. 1, .Phone Rip - Rabe 'On Sunday 'and -Alonday fur- Ojer ..'delayed ,the . donipletlori• of bar- vesil,:ng in this, part., There is still a • considerable' 'quantity. •of .oats in the fields, most of it left with a View to iteok threshing. . . • Most'. of :us . have short ,memeries. We are eeCcaiionally asked What. are: the. dates , Of the Fall' pair. They ere Sept. 27th and 28th. Get a prize' list froin the ,:secretary. That will refresh your :Memory: .• i‘Ms Winnifred and Miss. Grace Coe an: left. Moncley MOrning efor'411,:extepded-ViSit.to Hamilton and 'Permit°. They -ivin ettend.the Exhibi- tion at .Torcinte and- Visit' Miss CA- . , en's parents,• Dr. and .Mrs. Cowan. - -LOST-A num's -brown overcoat- ' Finder please report to or leave at . The Sentinel Office, • • LIE MAN WANTED By Goderich Rural Telephone Co. —Tenders will bo received 'by -the'under-- signed • up to September 20th, 1928• : Duties to commence October lst, 19231', 'N.: Whyard, See". Dungannon•. • (13-9-c) • HEWER ASTRAY •, 'Strayed from the premises of Henry P. Bogen, Con 10, Ashfield. A 2 -year- old 'heifer. Parties knowing, of its whereabouts notifir Ambrose ,,Hogan, • Kintail or phone 76-r-9. Boukannon. TO CONTRACTORS . -Tenders.. will be, received by the Council . of the Township of Kinloss, fcir .the construction' of a Drain,, op- posite Lot .1.1; Cob. 10, (about 40 rds4 Speciticationis as to depth,' furnished by J. W. tol*ell. Tenders to be in the hands of/ the Council . by one o'clock P. -M. on Monday '17thof September' at Holyroode' , George G. Moitato Clerk.. (13 -9L -t) • NciOiriE STREETS TO IIE-• • •OPENED • HipTbRic EV -ENT IN uuRoN TOWa and County .Cetiebrate Centen- ary of OPening Huron' Tract s' Manday'of this.:v(%eek ••wit's.' a great, dor, In Huron County. it.1-..-as the: day' ;elected by. the residents - of the toevne villages and rural :distriete along the Huron Road -now No "8 .Paved ' High- way -for the celebration of the first opening of the road :from Shakspearo to • Goderieli, one .hundred years ago this Sommer. Incidentally It marked, the -formal opening of, the. eompie'ted paved road'btWeen Clinton and Sea - forth -.a link which,•enables the tree. A C'HINESE FAMILY, Mr, Harry Lem, who- has had the Star Cafe, here the 'eeet few years, has seld out -his business VeMr. Char- lie, 'Chia. Mr. Chin has with him his vife and thee children, all ,boys, and _be ventures the information that they have, in all six• boys, :but the three older Ones recently returned to Chine with •theie grandfather__eeho4will -look- etter tho:r ediication.--Mr.e-0hinrewho_ Iike :'the majority Of or Chinese. eonies. frem Canton, has been .in :Can- ada fpr nineteen years. He toOk six enonths a'chooling this ccuntry and Speaks fairly geed Engliah.. Harry Len' ha e;one to Toronto.; • • GOES TO MISSION FIELD ' Big Sale still' under way at Blitze Stein's. Store. Quaptity. of -yard goods Still left arid. Will; be :dispOsed of at Sale prices *bile it lasts: Ladies' Coats, latest style, best: neieerial, just inwill be aold'ett,..reciacedenrices.•_Also_ Dresses., Calf and see. -:-At Blitzstein's Stere.. ' Miss Dorothy Douglas, who for the east year has been Preparing :.'toe en- '•er the foreign misgoriaty woik of ,the Presbyterian Church, , left On •l'hUrsday ,last, for Vaneeetver, from whence she will Sail for the Island of • Formose, to which field she has been assigned.' Miss Douglas's first work Will be to learn the Chineee'and Jap- • anese languages a task which occupies. the . 'average easterner, about four years. She will have a privilege of re- . turning home. 'in five. years. : Miss Douglas takes with .her, to her •new •work the beat' WiShes of many yeller to vgo bj hard-surfeced7ingh- wey ell the WeY frnm G.ederieh *thrit Toronto to Montreal and we don't know how far into the United States., Many ,people from a Wideterritory on eitherdideof the great .highway gathered intothe tOwns, or. at the points' . Where memorialceirns were erected, and precession 'traversed - the Toad from., Fryfeigle's Corner near; Snalcipeare, a. Ifew mike • beyond Stratford, to gbderielie-,0a the shere abfeLake Hurcitie-eee Memorial 'etijrna with pates suit.; ably insbribed'were .unveilecl at Pry- fogle'e, at Harmiehey near Seatliforth, at CEnton end 0ederich. . Speakers Were :Brig. Gen. A. lil:'Cruiltslianks, of .Ottawa; Louis Blake Duff,' Of Wel- Dr.•,'S;'SlIcirX, of Str4ford Noie, G. • SandoWn,---Me-•P Smith A century ago * leg cabin occupied TeF'S-ebestian Fryfogle.,wed his wife, Nis oTitbrml,figr'prdee-forthase7 • Kineardine is preriaringle celebrate .the "ke-opening of the streets, no nearly Paved. The principtit Street has been closed the greater part Of: the "sunimer and no doubt it will be a greet relief to ..have thein, open to 'traffic again. The date is 'set for September 130. '• 61URCH• NOTES Mr. andd iVirs. Geo. T. Aitchespn returned home on Monday from a motor trip which took them through North Bay and on to Haileybury. They also visited Toronto, where Miss Freda who had accompanied them on the. trip reniained to rest:pile her du- ties as teacher. Recent vipitors at the home of MrS.. Jas : Miller were: Mr.' and Mes. Park-. er;and Eileen; •Misses Flerence,'' Vie - let and Caerie McGee and •Mr. • Bert. :McGee and Mr.'' George. Hood. and Frank arid IVIr. Jim ,MacFailane, and Miss Edith ,McIlroy; Miss. Copeland and little Betty Allen, .41 of 'Toronto.. Ree, C. H. MacDonald and' Mrs.: MacDonald:were at Smithville, 'Ont, over the week -end where they attend-,• ed ' the fib -weal of Mra.' MaeDonald'S 'mother,. Mrs, Joseph M. Martin, who died in 'Mount Hemilton".: Hospital, Hamilton, on Sept. .,Ist, 'following long and 'painful illnees., This the \econd death in the family within the ,year, Mr. Martin havirig . died some: what 'suddenly a .few incinthS ago, The United chureh.cengiegntion it -TeesiVater,..' is making' egtenaive hp, -tproVinents • in their church' building,' fernierl Methridist Church:-. -A' .4ree thousand -dollar 7pipe organ has ;been installed, and to "aeceinedate,4this the building had to he eXtended.The. whole interior toois being renovated and decorated • . A" HOPELESS TASK • • A siotiker ieltatliod the- °Owl' -day that tett Christianity cannot flebrish ,ein'texerooneyernad Onceinay as, will bit to oriatitii* •buildtoir ppti soct9W, fouti,no t4tir Opole*. „. • , , TEACHERS GO TO WORK .7/ . With: the oaskning of . the sehools the following ,local teechers have gene forth to 'teach 'the Young idea how. to .shoot," •Freda AiteheSon, to West- ;. Harry 'Alton, to Walkerton; Sena MacCallum,„ to, 1-lamiltun; Catherine Ttimilten; to giversdale; Mary ,Mc- Lean, to Tituntin;„1)..011)LOefige;..,t0- 1•Iatristiml. F. Thonipeen, to Tore Onto;C4ordon Jblineteie, ie. St. Helene; Olive Alton • to -Ford 'OitY• 'Airiia• Al- ton id Innerkip; Johnston, tn Sheopardton; Andrew, Thoiripsorif.;. to. Kiritail; Marion -MacDougall, to North Alay; arace .teckhOrt; Fordyce; Mabel McClure; to Toronto; Bessie Mallough, to Toronto; Clara McqUile lire to Niagara Valls.; Verna rytquit,,.. Itti gondwioh;. Alicis;• Mitchell, to ..1)undati.; • ThomPeolle to. No. • 8, Flora to'•146ndOn;' ci164yE# gOdginl, to East IVAita.gOati4 Lticknow" friends • • o ROY DROWNED AT •WIN,GHAM accident _diStressing its pecineie occpred at Winghaiit' on Saturday-..0',ening of last -Week, when George. Bertram Elliott, a lad of nine lost his life.: He and, a chum Were on• the 'C. P: R, bridge and the two were amusing .thjenisaves by , throwing • etones... into the water. George put extra. vigor into throwing the ..lest stone. Which . he, had and in making the effort he , lost his balance.. and fell into the water. There was a drop of about '15 feet to the *water which 'Was, six feet deep at ,the place. When the . chum saw that -George did not come up he ran for help and Edward Blue ' who was deliVering inesSedes in the neighborhood 'and the chum • rettirned, to the•seene of the accident'. Blue' eueceeded in taking the 'Elliott boy frein the pater but he had been under aboet'etiVenty 'ininotee, so that all effort§ at .recussia.ttionwere with- out .fesult. - • •' • . • SOiy . .• coming into the woods. The log cabin neer the viillage Shakspeare was „ succeeded by a brick building which for many Years -was Used as 'a tavern, or combination hotel arid saloon. This bilikling with its -large flienlaCe which gave ceonfort' to many a pioneer, ria etill well,. preserved although urioC-' cupied. This historic building • which once marked the entrance to the Hur-, on Tract. as selected as , suitable elace to .begin the celebration, and here a ceirn. was' ereeted. Near this caire a small Plot:of lied has been fenced in to kerve as e last resting Place •for the, reinains of the , pioneers of the Fryfogle fetidly., The descend- ants' of the, original couPle ere known to bwidely scattered over Canada -the - United,. ,States and 'Australia. , The moininient at Seibach, west of 'Stratford commemorates the nanies of , • .Andrew and Eye Seibach, first settlers in Ellice Township.' They came in 1829. Senator Rankin \vas the 'sneaker here Colonel JOhn Hicks :Ind his wife- •Elizebeth were the first at NN,bat § now Mitchell and, theirnames are ou the:, anointment there: The memorial at .Clinehn is on the grounds of St.ePauls hurcli, this be, 'nig the spot here was erected the .first church in 1885. Areubishop Wil- hanis Was' the spealer, and John Ronsfeed unveiled the, ironurbent; The cairn' at .09derkli. is in Hart?: our .Park here the :Canada.' Company erected their .offices hinidred Years ago under siidervlisteri of , jelin Galt, .1 ,SINGLE COPIES 6 CENTS . s* „ • ThO The: Bred. " of, IjOaIt4, • of.. 01. -JR cato is",()U1A141T Y, • AND ,SER,NICE-,'. ° 4.;!" gQ,adk.has Fravor Thht. • fleP1.0 Made,. Whelielyheat and Rafsen 'Pread;•,Fresh.Every,pay • • SPECIALS. Nntt-SqUares, Chelsda.' CreamPais, ceffee',Cakes, JefiY ROT'S, , Maple Welnut Taits; '(5atin eul 'Cookies,. ' #tieberry Tartlete; , • Tea- Biscuits B8kE.ity, one ° ..Luckpow . , • . The -dead boy was the son, of Mr. and Mra. W. B.' Elliott,:of rPleasant Valley a part of the town neer the scene of. :the droWning. ,There • are three sisters and o'ne brother Servive 1 inv. The funeral was, on MendaY afternoon. „.„„__,o-04)-- • • IN MEMORIAM :111eCharles-.-In ,meniory my'dear'hiisband, Frenk J. McCharles. who'died year ago to -day, Sept. '7, ile is one but not forgotten, as dawns another yeSr ' In illy lerielV hour Of Thoughts of .hini are always near, , 'nays of stnineSg will cOnle .o ('r• us T'eaceful •be thy test dent #atlier-. It is sweet tn. breath thy name. In tile" wt.:Jolted you 'dearly,. - In death we do the Same, You were alWays trite and „,.patient ThrOugh th.e'Veare -edit etrilegled ,Atel those- faithful hands that rest forever Made the home that now is gene. Sadly. riiissod hi jiis loving .wkife- arid 'op0, Oliver: , ' The safest place On Sunday now ia either in church or at honio. NO, fatalities yet reported at either. The rnan who is likera and knows It .troii sets sieeorMtsi can nak .1110104 itroei4411 • CARLINE avement Opening .ursday— THIS WILL BE A GALA NIGHT FOR THE, :OPENING OF THE NEW PAVEMEN",ts,. epreentative,s GOod.Road's;-Departniterit,4 and the CdUnty, Council Will be Pieser-4. • __TWO FINE ORCHETRAS‘ FOR...THE LOCCASION.--BRASS. BAND_ • ID ANCING 'RAIN OR , NEL-Th rough cetriee,.."'; of ° - _ S.: Wittig, BeactiZ'aeiliee will he ellen for usl'eif rain.; Old And :New Dances Come and Help Make a Noise and Have *a Good Time 1.° • „..Miee 'Beryl 'Johnston left On:.MOn•-• ,deyfoe •Latiark where she •has been 6 •.°..1" --• ponopar o a Continua- eneege tion School: • FinlaY:Shacldettin left ori say uedey spend „few. days 'at TOronto' Eehibition ."on. the .way to his eelieol!. at Germ ainia..MrS.' Nor.nan. Slvtc kb ton glee in ,TerontO. this 'Week ':vis- itin,g her,Siseek, Miss ' We'swish Mias Aliee Shackleton suC- gess' as she. stares out op .her. school:. .teeching:.cereer,' Misses 011Ye Ander, • Grace.,.Hiake.,,erel Mr, PalIO:k, Kilpateick resume theirfdrities in the same scheels. 'Elmer, JohnSton. attend. 'Wilig- ham'iligh School this year; Ton'eHene'. thrns• to .1.,ilei0oW :00ptinuation:,_ and • the, loll OW ng . enter. „1st. I'tni, Misses', Winnif red ,Brnic ,Blake, . Meey Hackett, Pea*fl. 2home:7 traneten ' end ' Franees Phulips C:' Stothe,"e' • who e'ith liis wife ande haeC .been irtg.his..hbnie here; eeturned to Lon don on Monday. i‘, raster Toni:. 1.1. Aieleeemr, who has so. ittiniately associated With the ear - Spent the • last . three. \t 11- ,. it ;th jy.clays of VeStern Ontario: The cairn ,h,olue,,of, mr; nee Ths s. wilpatrioz hell whe ..iii 1.1839, came as „a..child.. was Unveilect,:by MT. Vtlilifrit. Cathie- Goderich...Among those on the•erpT..\i‘s , followed bet, 'form.. was John Celt' a grandson Of .Tames Maleelni was ..the •:..prinelpal•• 10leatrie,le, •., The ieee..ee eeiele.ateee„eeiejeetee .tereoen with Mrs: Johri. I telm but it was enthilOostlealler taken up .Margaret, wile:. spent the, st. miner en" the great pioneer. betsiness' inan, Hen; 1.6shes...°f 1.1 ho -1 of frie‘tetke Oh ind sPealter: • ' . • , Miss Elsie' AnderspP sPent Fricheef- Zioti With -the Stratford Historical Society •Mr. and /and; 'eliste Dy tbe, conetry side. Prizes were eir ler m here rota r ti.cd i'ngh am' of the day Was. the beautifullY 'deco- : Miss leernardine J11'0.11, of Beifest rt:oautrrethde oh.dfoamtyieles% apa$re,,od,ric'ies:tes:tiooeinwiatiy: ba,;ostn,,gntahhel spent last• wb(.1;•,..V.-itii her cousins hie -e, hm Ileneye'who hasebeen 'serious:1Y e'We nee .glad to rePort etliet Mrs. .f in' the Morning and a street dance ..kb....1.0•11•16:1111111611 FA1YIILY THEATRE FRIT,' and .SATeSEPT. , :Johnny Hinesein -1"WH1TE PANTS .Clone• of Comedy , • CO nied1; „ . . e MON. and .TUES.-SEPT. '11 mid 12 offered, for decoratione,, and a feature this weeke Jinni' tattoo and firewerks anneed for at Clinton had to be called off. • • --o-o-o-e- • FOURTH CON. IONLOSS 0, • • MiSS Rena 'Carruthers, spent a day of last week in.,Stratferri., • ' MieSfCassie• Douglaeeelias',.retirned to her school near ,Aliiston. Mr:4; it': "Martie spent „last „Week with her father, Mr. Woods of ens; •• land Mrs. 8, - Cortgrain „were •Visitsitson the .Fourth recently:.!, Mrs. D. MeMurchy after vieitiiig . With friends in Cleve- - : • : Mr„ and MrseWin, Roib, and femily, epent. Leber Pity in Wingilant, A. number frbiii here took 111 the Celebration, at .Clintoit on .MOnday. gcheol opened to day with tene,hers., and scholars beck to work , . . %IabDoMild, spend:, •'infi.n Ow air In Ppi.t. attinioys, • far recovered ae to be bonw • 9ent Stinklay..atia „uxin,a.ty itt• .their, • • Rin Tin Tin in "NN HILE LONDON../SLEEPS''' Ceining-Special"A 1".'eas Steer' '4 Q N. feW of hell zii.1 friends"!.'31:dndAy af- teiioon Mrs,. Samdel:.Reed, end ,IfiesE e1 11 'risited ToeoritO last week. also • tending, ehe. ' ti ° 1)e. and -Sfrs. tJolin Mai:Ritmo/le of "'Metered here.: on .Sunda, tak 1:•Zi..4k With' tlieni thelie daughter,' lean' •anit' Ylargaret, Who h,enN spending 'their.. e,iieation ' '.1.0t, ilobt,;"4ndr0 \v. .eetend. congra:tutetiens, ta • ,Ilee do u ;id Gardner', 'dill pe 3 sing 'On ill ilia. Subjects in 1.:epe.r heel, Edmund '.etetrned.,te .:.A.Vinds81. on Sunday. Ile i11atteild Seneol- at Londone thie. ' leevime Zion elWeee: for •1 cliffeeent schools 'al'eerAlies „ ly Peeper."... \\ in 1 ligh School; ;• Technical' il 110(41 1(1 don Ada Heine:Mil-, on; 'elies'&s ElSie Rifehie, l\ In Reed; Norma Andersen, Bei'yi ardner atel. 411 111' ItI fltb01'son; 1. 0] Oli. tiraintion SAlocd. isses Jtiiui And: (1ti/v.4 Uitchic frontthe hospital. . Mi-. 1 Alidereen, li,,`,1e;.e, Jean and 'COrdo'n ind Mis Th i Blake alai .01ies S1ent'1 hurt4t1ny..at 'Point t'Iarle Miss 'EvelYii Reed;. e•lio ,hae speet NV1.10):"$ :VVithher co,Win; Jeen An- derson, reterned to hIL home' at WhitccheirOi Saturday, ti' 1t11l 4t1W...11, 11. 30.11nste1i: ot EXeter, .1110.re *Visitors ;it ',.Ste: 'Re John.' ston's. • and , Mr. Tbos. pekeee leFe week:-elehnStolic 'who . eseivetal . , gifted as teachev, taught -;'the Sun day 51:1)00_1. iessenAnd ab,notkt‘ -the en tiySchool,levho:einited •in' ono elass fnr the pi ivilege of he him: , • , , ' ENG A G10113NT ' * *NITS*, Davi& 1til it11itfl4100i eligAger,ilAt' of • her; dAttgUtdr,' .t.A.hgt -th M, Alvin 'W. • BnWles. o tonden, 'theMarriege‘Lei. take-111'1:We iotly„ 0114 inonth.• • •t:1(.1:1111ii y .:7° 1:4.i.:,...ed ' .on, Tnee(lay :With -..gi......... ' "elle. joiln.Siirklv ahd Mr. George , , Riella'n.t.•tlnyttner.,....; • . ', • " ' '•• ,. , '..vte."iiild Mr14. „Izis: (1 ii ond faniily • ,isited on S'unday at W„ T. (1111.4tier's, '. . .1lr. :.mt 'Airs,. Ii!rhest Ge;rd tier,and rnIr .11:" .'',:. It cd NVe.st ti ;Id friou.k 011 . "trul:tv la:.t,, • ,: '.. : ' , .. - '-• Doi. I'Zit.•Ilie, :of, Gteliqi, ee•- eeres4i, liOUlii..- • ini.,--8:(11-t1,-- I it 4--et7.to ti i1 ,liv,vs' visit ‘Nilli Zioli"frieticis; ..(18...:::y, .v„nk 41 vs, ,,Clras: I:oq.t.,,,r,dii(•,...1..i...4.,.. , .11.one11.11. '.i'.iithel".1iIii,' '' Ur TUN,: Jo; . (Th I 647 ,..-ill'ii:gf on 'Air. Win; Gardner*.s 01) '11 .. • . • .. , f)t_''1`11 At 'a ieent 4)3.006114 or 1..4 Son h Assorintial , the .datti, fee. the. 1028' plowiti,it- match- vi.••••as .set Ocitnbor. 28, The' ninte"‘i h!..qd in't'Ill'o.g.TOweihIp, the" ipeatitol to estl tet set / •••• ••.•,44 1. ' :+1