HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-08-30, Page 81 THE .;I UCKNOW SE3' TWEE ' THURSDAY, AUGUST 30th, 1928 • { •.I arva1u� 1n1lie lowe ConiP arison ' quickly shows the host: of . buyers' who 'count the cost of motoring, that the new Plymouth is definitely above and'.. ond:.all other ,cars: in the lowest -priced group in .'•' �Yits and in' � erformance. fullrslze,: in _style and • � luxury.' deter p r• Binh" .uPWAitos The' Plymoutli is Chr ster-built,: assuring years of depend - coups. � toarlaces (with ,+rablererytcewithmarkedfreedonfrommechanical trouble. Ne satre)41150rTo�►gi` 870e 2, - hla S,la. _ The millions . in the'• lowest -priced field find they -nee ,rte the new .Pty outh_for. the. quality. >w.w� ,.►.e). or; 4"'z>oor • �: seek• no �Irther than tong . y.. m :... �! tY ::. sedan, SM. to' which they„have to g been,entitled.; They. find that, All price, f• o• 'k wham,' Ontario, dollar �iv:.. as • at in this field, no. other';automobileg etr brebrdrMs rts,rdand jauory "Winne” .. �( rit&am •). r return as the dollar invested: in. Plymouth.'. �38s CHARLES BAECHLER;, ,KINLOSS:; PASSES TO HIS REWARD Mr. Charles Baechler, fore many yeais a proininel :t and. re5pccted:rest, dent et .4.1tlss Village, died at' his ileina re on 1'hursd.tv_o? last meek, August 2..41.1 !..itileath WAS cine •to heait trr a pe.s which. developcil, in acute, 1'orih two months a.go.• :aid was owed by'erysipelas and other troubl- es \'vhicsi, caused• the patient •great suffering; in spite of the best .inedi ibr care. and the tender. Mussing• of las wife ;incl children ' IIo was t{"u years of age, nuc(; had, resided. Irl Kin_ oss coptitiuously .for 44 seals... The funeral.w.is• on iVlonclay to i iversdailo. Cemetery, .solemn .requim. high mass bring ccieb ated ;by tile•„pastor,. Rev,. uoodrow, in •the i resence of a- a►ge audience: t.liich filled the chapel: The deceased haaa. large f<iniily• co` nc'i:tion and among 'diose: who art'- • ',elided, the funeral, were t`ha foliewlni relations; ' l+'rcdi .Baeei'iler,,of, •P,ii\vassatl; N Ont.;Ili . and Mrs, Louis 13aechi'er, of St, Cllenlents, 1•Ir.•.and .Mrs, Edwiard Ilaechler, of Goderich;Mr anti ;yrs. Ater J3aecluer, of• Godcric711;. Mr'and _11o. Joe•• Buechler and:son George,, of uoderieh; Mrs.' Ann I3aecliler ; ailcl •iaug'htev Mary,. of •Goderich; •Mr.; and Mrs.. John • Arnold, o€' Mildmay; Mx: and Mrs., Edgar Fischer; of Watehloo; Mr. and 1VIrs,-• Alex Zininier and son Elmer, of Dashwood, Mr. and Mrs.. fiQ)111dk11?a??el n»sd.son henry, f rBu1:- Palo N. . 14Irs. • Clara Bache-it:Ma Son John, of IKitchener; hells Hti.rtleib, 01 •: Kiloi heliel Mr....and: Mr.% Fred Arnold, 'of Mildfih.ay Mr. and Mrs. •Ai+_ied Arnlild, of•Dcenlerton;..1VIr. and Mis.. Geo. Sneide •, ,of` Deenierton; Mr. and•Mrs. -Joe Strauss .of Miltlnla y;.. • and iV11•.s. John Reitz of Mildmay. Mr: John: Coxon and:, son .'iii., of Milverton; Mr. ani: Mrs: Thomas Co.x- On, of 'Monkton; Mr. and IVIts.',,Win. „Aiken,' `of Milverton; ' Mr. and Mrs. ) d.\yard l'el3btt> g `tiheir daughter Bern: ice and, son Gordon, of Milvevrton; ., felt, and •'Mrs. James Atkins and son • John, of Milverton Mr.. and 1VIrs. An- drew •Coxon and •their three sons, of Miiverto i; rand '141rc rnel �4l s. Geo.- Uoxon,, of Milverton;:. . The pall bearers were: his'•brothers,. Fred aiia Louis Ba oeiuer.; his cousin, ',Edward Baechler; his brother-in-law, ,Alex Zinimer;;John Purvis• and r� lc rew Waeehter';,' with Franllis SadIo` as 'Cress ;•• . •f The. late Mr. Baechle ,yarns. boli° never; Kitchener, • Ont.,. Sept,.26; 1862;; 'being' a .on • of the . late • Frederick j;aech;er wlio''came. to Canada fioii A1t;ace Loraine, 'France,, a nd"his. wife•. `G'tizabeth:Mebring.' born in Canada but of- Grecian decent. Charles I was the' eldest; of a family: •of •thirteen_ Six sons, and; Seven c.aughters: Fred Buechler:; .of Pawassan N. Ont.; Louis, of.St. :Clements; iVllke, dace:a Seall oe,• of`.Chisholnl • N. 'Ont.; •and Henry. de ceased, 11rs. •Andrew Dalnner. (Christ-. iiia), of :Saginaw Mich.if MTS.. John • .Arnold• •(Etnnia)-of Mildinai;'Mrs. Joe: Carges (Mary Ann) deceased,.of ,St:'Joseph's Ont.; Mrs: Edgar Fischer .(Elizabeth) of ' Waterloo, Mrs: John Ziriinter.,(.Ottlda),. of 'Buffalo; N Y.; Mrs.• Clara :Buc'heit, .of, Waterloo and: Mrs. Alex. Zini ser, (Katharine) of. Dashwood.: Mr. Baechler'' was roar ied : in '•St. .Joseph's; Church, Stratford, 'in 1883 to Jane. --•Elizabeth Lotion, of;, Platts.=• vii.•le; her mother. before •her marriage being Honora ' Warr.;.. ofRuddstone,, 'Yorkshire, England rollowin`g his marriage; M•r. Baechlet:operated,-for_ clic'year, .•his . father's • sawmill, near Milverton, and then cable to Kinloss: Here he started en extensive sawmill- i'na••business, buying. a :1 mIl1 from the late T J:,:SteWirt,whe moved•to Ham= ilton,:and'later was a ineniber of par: liainent. He' bought•also.'.1i large tract of'basil•-land in Greenock; eight miles north •of `Kinloss.' All went well until' .June 1888 when fire• wiped out the' en- tire plant -mill, luber; .logs Wand `all, nothing Wei left. Recovering from this severe blew he built •a second nidi -and bought another .piece of land: -farm' laid and hush, from John Ireland, of Burlington. In his —sawn—Ail—re, and farming he w'as .very successful,, 'put . ting great: energy Into the conducting. of. the 'business. Tfe was at one time in extensive• hind owner. Ii it disposed of'all but. 5O `acres adjoiniiti,. the vi1- 'age of. ' Kinlo's.; . where•he had }lis home. In addition -,to liis. other netivi-: ties; of 35 '.years• ago; he owned and,. Operated ••a merry go'i'ottnci for: soneo.. time. -. ; - • In .religion; the, late•'Mr. `.Baechler" was a devout Po1nan Catholic 'and was' n Members of tileIi n srhts bf Colunihus' and 'Flory Natre Society.'Jn politics. he was -a Liberal hutw..s'ahvay5 incle- ,pendent in his views and actions For meth :Years, he. was a ,rndnibei' of the, ToWnship Connell and, was a tandi.I date for reeve, in 1919 but vias defeat-' DU NIN.`PH•ILTIPS, H :now, fO CELEBRATE .OPENING: OF THE HURON TRACT Towns 'eking the.: Provincial High-• 'way ,between?Stratford and Goderich have united' in :.a grand. celebration .of tine ", centenary of the opening. to 'settlement of what, in pioneer days, was known as the Huron. Tract; .The celebration 'will -beheld -on- 3rd; when -the completely paved: high- way will be opened. The program for • e day is 'outlined as follows: ASHFIELD :UNITED CHURCH NOTES Services next Sunday will' be at Zion in • the morning, at Hackett in the: afternoon,, and Blake in . the eve- ning: The. Pastor has enjoyed a:full week: away •from his. usual work and sur:' roundings, by' -taking 'a motor' trip to- ~"Cleveland; • Ohio. After a. few days home again last week •he went in Rev.:; W. D. MacDonald's : pla e to supply the ' pulpit on .the llensall United The proceedings are to commence 'Church, charge. This• week .he'°`is in at ,Fryfogie's, east of. Stratford, at ' Toronto for a few days. • 10.30 o'clock in the morning: Lunch- - eon' will be .served at :Stratford'. at 11.30. On the. route westward there ";will - be ceremonies at Seebach's,', at Mitchell arid at Seaforth. From Sea forth the party 'will come on to Gode tich,. arriving'here about .5 o'clock ..,At the unveiling of the cairn in Har liar Park -and address will 'be given by Hon. James Malcolm, • and Brig.- Gen, rig:Gen. Cruikshanks,'chairman of the Historic Site§ and Monuments, Board of Canada, will take part inthe cere- mony.. . , • Tattoo at ;Clinton • - The • Clinton, ceremony . will take place in the evening• at 7.30 ,o'clock, after.. which ra grand.• band tattoo will be held, seven bands taking, part: Clinton,' Clinton Pipers, Stratford, Mitchell, •Goderich,; Kitchener . and Waterloo; • There will also be a grand fireworks display. Baseball ',at "°Goderich For the afternoon Goderich *i11 have a big -baseball feature—a double- header between two famous semi -pro, teams, the Osiers !'of "'Toronto • and General Tires of Buffald.' A puvse of $75014375. for • each game—is ' held up by the local committeefor these • games, and levers.of baseball have , a great • treat. inprospect. These games • will be 'playedin the Agricultural, Park, ;and: inimedibtely :after wards the iiiiveliing' •of the Goderich .cairn. w 11 take place .at Harbor. Park. • Cairn Is Ready • The . cairn 'to be unveiled in Godo rich as a part of the ceremonies of, the day has been erected 'at Harbor Park, a few yards from the edge of the bank overlooking theharbor:.It• is on a base of five feet squ,are,, and the -tcltal',height is-fcw inrlres+. short ;of.. ten4feeti Space 'has been ' left for : a e . tablet which will be suitably irl'scrib ed. The cairn 'was 'erected by C. Sta- pleton 'under: the direction of the Decal; committee headed by Mi. T. H. Roth- '. well, oth'...well, Sealed, in• the .interior of the cairn is a tial container in which are a number of papers and other articles whidhl may • be of .interest to the pec pie of Goderich who may open the cairn one or two hundred Years hen_ ce There: are recent numbers' of the lb • `-cal newspapers also copiesof the Cen- tennial en tennial numbers issued ast year, a Map of the town, a, telephone direct ory,, Goderich Voters' List, the muni- `•cipal- financial statement for • 1927, tince-tables of the C.P.R. and C.NiR., a picture of •.Dr, Dunlop, advertising,• Mr George, Toon," of Toronto, is matter of the We§tern Canada Flour' ,°tienitlirg„h;is Vacaitinn with his cousin Mills and the:-Goderich Flevator Co.; M,r. John McDonagh A with picturec;of the plants, advertis inir:matter of the Doniinion..Road Ma,WHERE ED(JCA`i ION COMES'TIIGIT` • Successful-'anniversaryy services: were. held in Blake Church on Sunday. Rev.• Wm. MacDonald, of .. Egmondville, preached 'impressive ser'mons.:The lo- cal. male; choir •.was•.assisted • by Mr. Alex McNay, of •Paramount, who con- tributed a bass solo at each service. o=.o-u_ ASHFIELD NOTES Miss Alberta Beckett spent the week end' the guest of Mrs. -George Andrew, Lucknow. Miss Blanche Jamieson, has 'return, ed :'home after spending a week with' her Sister. Mrs. Froward Harris, Holy rood. . Mr.'and .Mrs. Cudney,'and Miss• AWL." nie ,Ketchebaw, of• Galt, spent. the week -end at the home of Mr's. A. Ketchebaw:.• Rev. Dr. F. S. MacKenzie, of Mont- real, took, the services ;in Ashfield Presbyterian Church 'dn Sunday Jest. Mrs.' Kenneth Campbell end light-` er, Marilyn, ' ifof • Detroit, Spent the. week -end with her parents, .?Ir.'•and Mrs. John Menary, Col), -i:. and with Mrs. R. Campbell, Con.1.2. Dr. and Mrs. dam MacLean and family • and. Mr. ';Gord'en Grant. left on Tuesday far their hoili in Evan-; ston;' Ill. They expect to stay a few, days in 13etioit on their 'way. —=ono ZION' Mrs: David' Anderson is••visiting her daughter, Mrs. •John hlelm diiring the. week. • • • Mrs. Ernest ,Marion .and .Matio visited Mrs Sans Gibson, of/.St, Helens: on Tuesday of this Week. Miss Grace, Ancleryoii, of London, - Miss NormaeAndersonfover tthe u'week-ends ' Miss Lizzie Webster;. of Lucknow, visited Zion friends during the week. • `Mr. god Mrs. Chester 'Hinton an yl' fsinilyrnnd MrJohn lVicKeith,of Cale - Vire, called •on .Zion' friends. ; on day. The August,Monthly meeting • :o; the W:• Mr S. was held at the .home of., it+• . Tsaar' Andrew, with a good at- tendance. -The little light -bearers, pro- vided' the',program... a . ' Miss. Annie 1v rnr,`"o1' VJa'wainish; visited her cousin Mtitei' Lane 'Gard- nerfor a•fe,vdays last Week.'.' • chinery Co., a Sunset Hotel • booklet, current coins, postage and; revenue, itainps, I •� sits in Cobalt. The rate struck by -the ,Council is 7 mi:lTs” 'for nu.lalic. 'school suppot'tO:i't ;'fief 718. niills for separate'schools.- One Can: imagine lib'W 'a taxpayer *Mild tea ' if ,his *child did ItOt pass« r `' " • �;... Education is an oxpet sive°.' neces., .telephoneooperatori iii hie• nt•a'rio. city •furan•' married tha"other day: All ' tier ecilleaguea iiiere•agreed the groom 1ve belt` top rx1�} ,jia4 of a ring. MAFEliING''_ Mrs DaVid ...Anderson wholias spent the past. six weeks. with The's. Ander7 Monday tiY. viSit Mrs. John Helm -.at • Mrs. A; Reed,- and son. Paul. and datighier; Mrs. Smith, of .CtiVen Senna And Mrs. -Paid 1Rwii-,--W'Li-eGc;v7i.cvii; xuests of -Mrs. Thos: Anderson 'Mr. Thos: Aiken. Mr Albert Aiken and sonsi. Gordon and Lloyd, of,AllenL* ford, visited at Mr. S. Blake .are canining' at ' poia Clark this Week...and Miss Alice Shaekleton- Mr, and .Mks. Sohnston, and :Cecil moidr6d to Watford Suriday V) attend Mr. Will Fitzgerald; Of Detroit, vis- ited his 'sister Mrs. ,larnes Culbert, A neither Tom here attended the 'funeral of Mr. MallOegle.. of Luck,-' now forrnerlv of Teeswaler, which toOk, place ,`.-laturday, interment being Catherine MacKenZie; df'Kinlosi, are. guests :of Miss ,Olive Blake. ,, • Mr. and Mrs, Hdrace Horton and. family and•the Misses .Horton of Lee. burn, :were guests of 'Mr, 'and, Mrs. Henry .11.orton Sunday..' • Rev. Wesley CoUsins and., sister Miss Cousins and Rev, D. Witt' Cous.:. ins, Who are:eninninir at Point Clark, attended Blake Anniversary ori Sun-' .1:ratulations on succesfelly passing, Mr. arid Mrs. J, Blake•and et. Bernice, are visithig ,friends at, WEST ,WAWANOSH COUNCIL, • The COUncil met on .Aug. Gth, pet 'adjournment.; with all the members resent. The..niinutes of InSt, meeting were read and accented. A valuation Seven'6ents per yard Vias• placed mi gravel' taken by the County from Gletr'S Hill, The, Tdwnship rate for was instrticted to notify Hiram, Brind- froin• the. highway. at once., "1‘,/le. Chas - 'Alton, of Dungannen,` wets appointed tax collector. • ' 'The Comwil adjourned to meet Sept, GODERICH , Mrs. Pc Thompson,. ot Goderich, an- ter, 'Mildred tri Mr. jos, Young, ' Detroit, 'son ot: Mr. 'end Mrs. PordOtl Young, Of Auhurn the marriage to rake place early ift September. . UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIP Establisbed 1878: Reorganized 1908. Three Faculties—Arts, Medicine:. .and ' ”, Public Health. Five Affiliated Colleges. Degrees may be grpnted in, any dopartaloatT01,' learning.• Enroyeieritleilimited.,- Only ,atedents having the highest qualifcations.and g leke,videnceof snip , ability will bo accepted. Early appiicationyfor entrance, is desir. ' abblle. IIntil the 'University is able to auguagntitsrevenues classes will' 'bo liprited in numbers. 'Without an increased income the staff and equipment cannot be enlarged f.ECTURB'S BEGIN=Wednno.:. • day, Sept th,1sse• for additional ,hrloi- ration: writel•- �: =.P.A: Faville,Pi1.D.� Registrar, London,'oattrio. ,{ ppm 1 j(�7I ' ,I'i C i "y 11 t Li ail 'In , ' . 6 + i .� aero': "i; 1i1 ri�`�', i_+l '';]°: r ;t' - D'I�il.;R1EI) •A1 ;15U TG NNkiN 131,ick� Frrih rtt)a Dungannon United r.,nrirch was'*tile' scene, a happy cyc it Uil; Tuesday. Aue. '21st, at 3 o'c lock: the occasion being tlu marriage,of Eva May.. youngest. daughter. Of Mr, .and AI•irs:: David S Errington; 7th csstieesaion of West Wawanoslt, to I)av hl toy Black, son of Mr: and, IVIts'. 4Vlluairl J. Blatcl,' 2nd. coneessibn of . `.slifield.: The rete- mon,. \vas performed by' 'ReyJ.. A. Walker, B. A.,,..Pirttor, of the church, ;ilt t11;;.�presety:c r't :'199 guests: The Titu'tli )vas• iri tt 1$ - t1.6 ted for the - occasion • with a pi al'usi rt of ..gladioli and sweet pe :., Th. ' 1)1;4.111 party en-. Leted the ci,lirz h c+r fife t1 ms o,l'• the Bridal' (,uoru . t. a Loh it0itr played '.+Ula s.r.;: ne beide .wag. eharu.n.ig.in:,t•'g,o1�`71 o. 'y.hii.e satin,. Cfril'1 G�; rite tr1 ai1l.—y�*trt�ette tri- mined' \, flit c ,stal beads ,,ncl satin ribbe i. lu• , i. :dal'. veil„ \rhich', was' •ix.aded. with l' tcneh•. e rt's, :w is. sur - G:uountoct by acoronet of Orange bios soin 'She carried.: a shower boutluct of O1)hc 11,t' roses and baby's breath,' Miss Colo, :Erin ;:ton, sister of the; • :hide, was bridesmaid, wca ung n cot al tussachine, with' coral uveidress of. "--gad gette---trim-med"-width beadS,.and 'hat, tto.••.nl;lti:h'. • She.' cabled abou,giret of .pink roses',. 'l')ie; bridegtoonl \etas. ;.rtt ndeii by• his biothel, My.. Howard• Black, :o