HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-08-30, Page 213>e
MR5W11;501•1 Wo;mczow
utuYtRA'ren r
'tie" Ranger"; Went UP be the, air. and Pflea were pueu-matie, being, In.
"I've get to talk to •you,•tonight, at, ,fiated by air pump. ,,The gasolige
once. We ean't get anywhere oyer ,stove, had tte burners, ana a refrig"
the .Wire. ' You'd ' better 'come out, erateir* basket permittee the Use Of
hereto the house." • .,. : i'Perishable 'foods.
TO. Charliete, 'ciek"ear, it seemed ' in additiOn to the suitcase copteln•
ate if there were a irlight'ehift in theeei" ter georerieS, the Party purChased
telephone connection... He imagined a ,W.allepeeketefor .toilet articleile fold-
he,could detect - trough their eonvere ing Mille, three 'chair* ax, folding
iation, the pound of, eenne One .else cendle, lantern, foldieg Water bucket,
-. • breatliine.• • , 4 . '.., desert Water bag, clothegline and pins,
• -
I3EGIN HERE TODAY I 11(14e11.17.: she Caine i?acit to the Pres- . epe le'. ' • •" ' ' '' • • -b
. .4e , , o en, jut , a .0econel, Lorry.. blanket: safety, pins'e foldieg ru ber
__e__ lent,' a mac' her blue eyes :venire rry• , • , , .,r, , . •„,, , , •
• ilcopfr Ranger, ' daughter of' teneng ..• , / . , • : . . ; . nave .you neara anytarrig'21ew IMP, wesnoaein,• whitn
sx-breo- ' , shovel,
Ilantge.i is •Thassinic. e•fter having lencle: ling; , ' • ' ' • , • h • •
• Priadelp iitl"' • ' e a ' -
eon wa -friends at the Plaza. ..A re- •Elo-koti ow, I ve just been. Innke • • • ...• . . „. , , 9 4 ng and eeting utensils . nested
V hundred hound dollartiinth lat.
tula..a 'k. abMit'•'at 'I,:.einel I believeVe . r ' e q e • " w.aa a.. eede warain'g• tagether• 'Ill u aPeee, the; size 'of. a! eille
-Ward et a hal
Offered, br thetatlier for :the return, of truck it at last. :Listen." • she ri,ede:irittnge0- 13Pc'vvq4.',i1.1.till to indicate: 124t,-,:eio,eirte torch rneiltele 'kit •
. that :seine one Was...bate-MAX in. e The' drivermay be' profoundly
little, spears at 'kiln With her. fork.'
•otop.e.,...itanger,e mat „irth,tiag at, all.t. , _in . al . ..abOut two minutes ,ignerant•of the Internet mechenlpin,ef
She' going ,tri‘t.3 Typoiotti. ,00motty. or •Patisedi. and then:Ranger snekengain.7.bie Cer, lint vibe worry ..if it he 4'ina4it
"You. Were Mistaken, •1 looked upy,wbicli engineers have endoWed with
the ,pictuve* and this hu 'is all '
ell, +he e'eee• 7., .5iii pet-- peretiemance, dependebility anti Jong'
a "YMbliCitY stunt,. I'M right?", ' ';"'". ---41elPlia;'aritl' il.e
" • • '
....4' ACting .. uPPil :•111-StrUctie rorn
•..tiel)e'a abditeteree .Banger depots••a
1147Wed , thMkgAnd MAT'S Wdrill Of
.bOnd6 411.04 SlietiAed PIOCS-4'
Juarez Charlie, • aciVertitree.:',ind smi who could have dene ayas- life; and eie Icing ,as cimirteous dealers . '
. friend of Ranger, fellows •the 'e'Weehine Charlie's expression conni,t-ted. him ' drop' pleg ,was pieeh; ., the xoetu.t.aaje dot . the, ootultrystdo., a.seaaier ,. to ren_ 1.„.., . , . . .
14anada's 'Municipal
:.-..which-collects the heeds for the crime to netleind •• _ •;•I - . .. who,Yeas deetsii f the h II, d h was der service as the factory itself? Be•
'Inale: He loies track. of itewhet, his "Yon .:thinle. fast, littl°' 641°' 6°'°11': twenty feet away from the Instrument PrePared by drIviPg-- an a4ioniok,19' ' .. , .
rolawgre'Yelei..iee'a:ails:etle:/ "4,-,..°t°,11s.flit !4' .anatvorth
'Ialitel.1,9'rytonac;v,!1,1'etl.ie,r 7.4:7, -°t4?-- and half asleep. 'Anyhow, •it's• all, that •ie' fleet on the pen e,Iii.g•hweYS: ' . , .
, • .
mg oo
. B '
. , .
' right- flow e "I'Ve- :Shift .or :la th$. powe
rfulul , oe the angling inclines, . The •etereenCfeiele of the: Qa,..neelean
hiinlh.el*a, e-lew116...intte.,4'. i?a
f/e*eiehee.,en' eglei't: 7 "Well'. 43.1 take it, *Pe indn't-lilte, SwitOes ekeelet this one, aedient Mary ' ptrorig einder ",''. tough road 'tonditiens municipal Directory has .ittat.00too•to
., aP,ar.d.,• 13:,,,Drlei.tew,4,K'oissePriyVaptelaniVear:..tal,,eadliair4i's,ihtle, her enaidi, elle' - the me,'osse le, ea.1 over ,: d Chlyrie, tTitoitirt_e,n.'.guAtd. Besides.e. there's ine, :arid safe . at; alli times., 'nee treuhle land arid 0,0.arnual.io of ,the grott,
,Billitzies car. . . , io,ireim :on it 41.1 in.o.ght,it badc....., lag ,sta.,..azir,,tlia.t `the- whole world isn't, Ifitelie te *Par •Y. 9.rr,'• ' pleasure: est. value as a work ,of 'reference: It
ou n t veer 0 People must believe that •Providence is s4erving aerneo aseeteupuepaee meet
" ^ e ' ,, • -
stipPose it Was the maid, althotigli Id ,
, . . i '
NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. , "Isn't there"! 'Charlie couldn't keep takes care of children and' "feele valueble Work of reference, as 'there
c • While they euegtioned andhave sworn - She paused, tapping the elated ring put of his voce: ,Well, nture forth ie a machine comment- hex. white 11, yown with a glittering when they yet
. . is no such Other, Pnblicatiom ad and advanced different theories, he , let me tell Yon, Lorry, that I've drug that they aren't sure will be able to serving a most useful peiepeee.
was revolving an .1 &fent which had 41sgethron'°Rai ug:r4Y8.`it.illisiereit.f.Pe'cl"r!ag' up a great new clue, the moat prom -cope with all the exigencies that can The contentsoef the boa have been
etvggeSW itself' to hini, as the best
Charlie, Unable to 'folio* her; leant king yet.. In fact, I den't;think it's eriee on a long tour :Besides; •it's etatouedieed :throughout and the
mean e of.teparating the Princess from
the rest of the party: , ' .. ' 'ed nearer across the teble.: ' ' . • 'th° Milch to say :that .expect ' to have 4 relief to : drive • a car which Yelir elplabetieal arrangement makes.' the
.110Pe' definitely located by tomorrow" neighbors in carnii can't tegard:tvith ineeematecti contained thereih ,oegsily
" "By the way,"' he appeared to speak "NO," aaeRanger stormed him with diesious glances' ' . '
accessible. • 'In. the introduction, the ,
' e uz14er shuddert, inspiration,. "Lorre Hill.
7 Inn is only a short di:stance from here, say a Word iner*Over: the ,
'excited questions.; "I'n .n4 going to ,-.' . Teuriste 'Speed $500,000,000 :.' point. is l'imide. that there fire 4,800
Can -
and you Will be held two ItOterSEbefore "But; Charlie; listen!" ',Ranger en- .. Motor 'wandering has ,b,ecome so
your car is ready:for the'thed. WOn't
coa4riadself-governingu76ttinhg 6°'thei) Clac7ff°1malrisillr:uiTlal'o:s!teshn'eg'is tle 4mCaannl many
you all he ney guests at dinner? . We
cities, towns andevillages. It comes
can probably get %some kind .of a eon,
ae A eurprive that are so Teeny
yeyance to take us over." • ' ' •.
indfivi'dual urban said ,rural commun.:
1314---gra..',Greenberg thriftily-pro-
ities and 'there is UndoilhtedlY- great
tested.."Na,'Na!" she wagged her
Credit due. to the editor, Mr. H. •Wisee
' \bead negatively. "That would be 1nt-
asp .
Park-sklivied.! .sunlight; --cool
niountafp:.tOps-,-great: ships ploughing 'through
• trOpleseas74heso,things all come to mind when
['sup offiSALADA".1s iteornIng betoie *AL SUCh
ifavour7.-sutiffragrance. ',Try "SALADA'%.., •
• "But. what makes you think that?"
','Becau.se I Simply. Couldn't place
that -woman as -anything but a trai.ned-
-nUtee, .She.ected like she'd been born
la a white Cap; and learned her letters
.populat as aneoutdoer sport that it
tpeated. eeete not going to play
.oii a fever -chart. . . now 'ranks in 'the $660,000,0007a -year
a- lone hand again; are you. For
The slight pallor a exciternerit
rerrieinber what, hap- class. : This.' seaspn. 'itis: .eatireated
showed -through, Charlie's dark skin., leava•P's saYer that •44,000,00,0,persons willstnake long
e ed ted Sh ' ' 1' tl : •
He treaehed for the carafe and filled
tlie , Princess' ' glass. • .•
'e . e •
"A' tall, Moe& women'?" 1 He tried
the rinse' he had used on the garage-
Posill" on good nature, 'lle. Wocizer.
'I've :heard how thy sting you Over'•to keeper- '. . • . ' '' •
'NO; medium-sized and dark: . At-
thaf Lone HillInn. Mk siker-in-law '
, stopped there:Once, and vile 'says an trectivie.: She Wanted to eichangelt
they had was,crabineet salad and
for_a..primjittle toque. Well, the long
and short of it. was that I 'agreed to
' for three,. and When the ‘checpie coine
ce•-.-3VoUld-You..belieVe.it -'-it was thir- ale '-°• 'du -Yet -YR 't°44iie made al). for
. teen dollars ' and laity reentse: Posit,.
Ive-lk. • Not v:44'11* the waiter. ,
'Net,•Nal 'If you went to take Miss
D.,4 oeta and go, it'S ell right. We'll
- e
motor tours, of 'which humber a, large
at least -come here to the house and 'percentage will camp :en route.:
talk it over with- ine."• : ' , .Tourist camps have sprung up like
Charlie's mobile face hardened as - •
mushroduis. ' ' Since this business' is
he listened. "Sorry; Lorry;", he an61141,,,,_
si y competitive there lees notice.
severed crisply. j "But this :requires] '
able absence - of gouging whielee'ef
quick action" „ '. course, rebounds, to the benefit Of the
; And deaf. th Ranger's .expest-ula- patrons'' Pocketbooks. There are ex
intil you get hack. And .You.
needn't Mind outu.: here: We've
g!?.t a_Luod lunch in the car.," "
The7Princes`g7leitniirea faintheart-
edly, arid Chatlie,.., who *Anted to pat
‘.re; ereeenbe s fet °Weer forin this
slioeVoi tiet..0.0soini4 COrnirion-Se,nSe,
.pretended accept her deeision 'With
reluctatice. ' •
"CO • •aheatle e Elsie," 'Urged Mise
.Schupp and Miss McCarthy. There,
was no question in their 'minds that
theirfriend had made the Conquest of
. • • • •
an eecentris emillorriaere,And they were
' gereereusly in4n4 To help
Juarezftlpg if_chal?
of mind, hurriedithe PrinFeSs into t e
P•regg Publishing Company Limited,. efully for each number•and
't c•ir )
. gai-age keeper's givve,r, and they drove
away .with the shock headed boy: act- at 616 Laeatichetiere St West, Mon,
mcdress your Order to Wileon Pattern
hex 4e.ceueeeeeure treal, and the price $2.50Servige, 18 West Adelaide Ste'Teron
. • •
F'atterns sett by retuenninir•
tions, he hung up the reeeiyet.
With his 'old ,confident 'swagger, ;he
"It's been lovely, Mr. Juarez," she
.Said; "but ,I'm afraid I ought: to go
now. : :The'11 be Waiting for me,you
With everything she did; she. in-
,CeptiOns.,. but these ara'frecluently in
poly, i 'entoyedr PoOdstliffs .are 'ex-
pettslye in remote ,points, and ,to 'avoid
paying,lanCy. prices; :the-ie.-Tit:W. must
beviatchfut to stock up inadvance
oVhis• ,visit Within
ly Bragg, for theekcellent mennec in
•whieh this Vast amount of Material
has been eolleeted: together, •and se
carefully Classified., 4 .
The emetents of the lebokeare so ar-
ranged As to give niunicipal men the
most \ comparative -,intineriatkne •and
cannot fail to be of the greatest Top-
eible , assistance to elected and ap-
pointed officialS,-eirabling them.' to
Compare Our community ' with others
of a similar size, and population, It
eitviiiiPed' .,,
the last .few years .numerous well 4 Is further a' book of eoniderable in-
creased Charlie'sgeed Opinion of ht..
camps have aateared, giv- Portanee in every office for
Itching' to/be oft on his 'quest, he had ing'iourlies the ofition of Betting up ne Other work of this !chid is publish -
been wondering 'how long eetirtesY their own tenth, of -renting a cabinfor ed in the ,Dornindete and no men in-
Wonld Compel.hfin to sit there before e e ..
5o to ,I5 cents extrii. Progres
sivatefeeted in "municipal nregresee can
.'ne,coulti suggest leaVing. Charlie -felt towns offer , spact" tree in their ;oWn, afraid to be: iviiik'int it.',...•
that he had mere than gothis money's 'municipal: camping g'rounds. In the It .is fintereeting to. notethat this
W , -worth, In,. his. large , and generous more modern camps,, upto-deteelaun- Municipal Year Book, ,is to be fol-
moodhe gave the aiter a princely
dries, shower baths, kitchen's and rest. lowed, up by the pnIrlicati,op, in about
11P• ' "°1 be. rernerahered liherallY: rrooms are icialleble.• ' ; :! ' ed up bythe-publieation, in about
the hat -boy, the doormenand the fele ' Rich and peeralike now 'leave their four Months- time,lbf a new Werk.en_
low"WhO9Peaed the door of the fiivVerel fireplaces to.play.',motoring gYpiiep." titled "Municipal Who'S'Who In Cate -
(To be Continued.)
: • . •
ada," which -will he an interesting beer
otor Touring ,-
Can be Suited
Around evening camp fires inthe tour-
ist grounds you'll find .raen- of alt
classes .from a'half .dozen.itatee rub-,
,bing elbews. Atthese times yotell
become convinced, as did one. tender-.
foot, that what cynics have dubbed
• graphical book Of reference, profusely
illustrated, and constantly made' Use
of in every :busy newspaper- office.
The publishers are The 'Wisely
. I 62 3 -
, --•,, •
. A New -Step -lir 'Chemise .
The woman'er girl who enjoys' make
ling dainty undergarments will .findethe
attractive step-in chemise shown here
nuite simple to fashion. View A.hes lace
wn around the straight top and at -the
ower edge,,extencling Up the sides, while
View B is untrimmed. NO. 1623 is in
Izes 16, 18 and' 20 Years.. Size 18 (36
ust) requires 14 yards 36 or 39 -inch'
aterial, and 5'yards 2 -inch lace for
, iew A, ,Price 20 cents; the pattern.
. , . .
, Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size' of such
patterns as you want. Enclose,20e in ...•
.waitsistamps or eoin ( coin. preferred; Wrap
.,to really a"
kinaly, friendly people, all ',demo -
His proximity and willingness to
, '.Charlie .begazi te consult her .about s. e • • . . • : , . • .oratic and .ready:;,to ,raecord: inrinni..
Club , Statistics' Indicate' Ayer- etable fevors: - Tbe seeref, Is to .1;?e Tio.Tra.ins.. ...
.,,overheat..everything that .. Was ,said
: • • Miriard's, .LIfilreent. for, Blistered Feet.
... a..e , •, Expen,86.. of. ..$3,2.1.: A gentleinap and the World .rs'. Yonri." ..
. . , . .
permitted nothing, but the reett casual . . .
,conyer.eation, .treistly inethe nattire. of her; and sena it to her at the hoSpital. '.• Daily' for Each Pas- . .. - .Calls Campers Decent" . • . . •
.. chArlie . 'lowered . his •voiceeonfie , The. superintendent .ot Yellimatone ...
(Written for -Thee_chrietia_nLSclenee -, . ,V.Iittie...'..._•'.... ..
• bandinate On • Charlie's • 33,..exe.:::. eee.e...; ' " ' ' Only"a sweet and „yirteque. Sea, •
....fOrgot -his Pale -nese. , Yet: e ..en: 'after • . -
- ---BartinderhiS liVeIYLbanter never
flrli ' Ranger. bas 'pot' been, .. • '. .r.2atilso.n.baa„Ispceereka•,r:tehhen,aellnaleilthe! 'olfast..ispitigolir.st ; ‘ m
,Ar.iia-Ound the track the toy • trains go ' -Like •'seaeon'd Airlinernever gives,
, Monitor). ,
dentiallYee.' H-7- . - ' Tt.-77-.."7'.- . ' ' ' 'senor ,..., . , . ,•
. . But. don't tell, eny one that she's. in a CairTpers- A. re'•.Coiigenia-17 *increase ' f tem' .50,occao. year, to neerlY . einphip and to Bitifavioe- r- -...-... ki.: '13iit .-though the Whale world turn. to,'
•• ... ,
• •
they reached the Inn. and ere seated hoswItaQ,, .,. •„,.,. . , , • .... . • , . ,
ge 1 Americans Spend. ' H if ' al .
a 1 - . p . las gone on record by : •
were carn erseel . ' - ' ' ,F?.a::16...Pg freight.-stOpe oil its Meeetein . eget,' .. • ' ..,..
.. . .
at a -serail, table,•the;gentle, flattering ..k"" '•''. - • 200,000 -Of whom. 60 to 'id per .cent. ., Thea...chiefly lives,. .
"Oh,' th't' •
. a, e it? .. Then' l'. did •' t.• 't ' ' • '
., • • ,... • • . ' in .havin i ' s • ..*----e '• '' '
..e. g her nreme 5 confirmed:. . . hon a: Year...On wandering .. - ' , •
. . .. „iv?... i . .• stating ..., lin. ,-, .6.. . - .., • • !To,..t.ekilea,•ulrtfho switch for the Canaan • '
• .third',degree, w411.ich •awaiied the. Prin- •• "--e-Ceorgo.IIerbert. ' ' •
• • right " She 'slowed...a natural pride 7.4 • • • :-' -
, • . .
... cess had,,still to be deferred: • . - '.. •.' ', .. •...t et pe, ple; as . a rule, are .
coreciously abeerbed• in her owe. iin-. . , • _ • ..
•. theme Miss 'De' costa b:o,cir-e self-
'perSOnation-the'• finielied 'cosniopolite
, , • . - - ' Yes,-• She • wrote it dOwn • fel' me* Star," , Ubat.. fellows • may offer you 'a
Doctor-Doctor-r;orriething's,.-- Sarae
. • ' tion holidays, says 'The Washington , Such excellent work in '. imprevIng .
modicum of wiadere gained from • the Ihiglewaye -.hag been done that ' e • ' , • e
. . e -Swinging along' w li its '••cers. . of . : FArnodm, e.e,,,,:,so.r.',.tio.idoss• dbeee,f_po.Eo.chya ,hixdi.g,,malifattrsik.:h.. a. in., .
. . .., ,
grPen--- 4 '. • Her tduch.ie a vlbr 1 a
. . . . Poetry
•, . . • pretty decent..." . One • -reason why • 1.3.a ••1 ' , '' ..
'.. In thatee,xpensive•enviroentent, with ..„ y.,,.., .,.......:...th4,
Wornan left' her ad.7. . if, yPtere 'one*. the ,fresh thourionde. motor etemping IS elm reasonable ,as it • . . • •
. ..... . • •
. 'groups end couplesof the •new -rich all ere,,,,,`Z., . '..''''•'
. . . He looked •a little ..worr' iecL, And over the bridge' and the river bed • She comes as huh iiiid:heatay .01, e
' We heve to be socareful about any- ft '.t. - e ,
'et greenherne pla'nnin. to hetin. Your '1.iffInaneially.. de,sirable. is 'because tilie•
. . , . ,
about them' and on of those intimate- '''' ' .. • „ , . . .
. ly •attetitiVe; WaiterS' „ho:vering '.evee .... . , .. . 2 ,,. .• . . ..• . ... , .. e re. long mo cell, o r during •e yaca, • . • ,
' ping is Unneeeseary.. • ' . • . • .. 'Glow.. ehe. lamps,,,Of.,.filite.'Llinitede •'.. • .6 the night,. • ... e .,.., •, •
tu 'th
thing, getting out.. •
. viewing .-the .realeitnde, through. anon- • '' • • • . ' g • • •
••'. e mirtutel I've got the name. Bristeve. • •
please •abouf.tbe matter • •
perience, even you do as Yee.; darn those ,of veri. 'five years ago 13ice.. • '
' ' 1 ' ere .theee, are scarcely . coinnarable Witli I:t''s th° °,,v. erialli,1- or ,!•,l,,ie..^....,W.,,.eli:erin,.e.
Shipping Petri- 'Writ •
tarium Barcelona Len ' Island. Wait ' , . .
- lug'. attention, and also to get rid of
exiStent lorgnette, '' • • ... ,'
.In 'order to recapture her .wander 4 19etor'BristoW's. Sanitarium." . ' . . eOne fact is that •thOse'whe,./ael the Pierce, 'automebile dealers, ..and. so.. :_
Charlie • felt • an 'insane. impulse...to' urg&of the wide been •spaces Can wan- . forth, . and the •I.92S .Autorriobile, %Blue ,.,May
04it,ona91,44e, club.s,. , ohathberso., of tom. 717 entitcleaofctt4hced•-stract.c.:,,Wliere, the. r.ite.. e• 3:139:376:crix.30 mg.ALIErcaza.;i2k..xzwer,
be anfi'vliere in a hundred lands.; Ntwr AN.1) SIALUHTLY. USED; $11) 1.71). °
get . ;up and :sleeve hie. arms and shout. .dee 'along the rear comfortably in.a' New York -St Louis-Montreal•e- • ,,E8t:
. . . . ,
. .
the irritation ef, a persistently buzzing Book indicete plainly the roads eon-
. • The Prince5s as a rriasebt. • ' • ,." ' • ' . e • .ditioe- and .afford 'other Valuable • in Or any place Cheese at all,
, fly, Charire began to consult her about: - .. - . . e motor car day byeelay, 'as • .. • 1 . . ., ' . . '.. " ,,,---Ceedon Hillman,
He Called .the eweiter,• and begg•ed they •
4 the. menu, Ordering so-preodigally•thet• can live at .home," thepaPer eon; - . • ._...._._.e._._._._.ee.._____e_, . • ,
hit, companioe ..to, order' something, tinues.. "Touring 'c'..ub . Statistics ind14. '
fOrraation. . . • ...• . . .... . .
she . kaiped :arid remienetrated. .• '. . To make. the • first exPediticin, run -- . .• '
• • • Elsie. 'Seemed to 'be • turning sortie- 'more, .pre-ing.'her- to 'think of . some •cate• that for one year tee. average . speedily arid -comfortably, lend. an . ear 'Sclencc.. See' ki,.doth ..'.. , . , :.....
tieing . over ' and 'over ,•in.,•iir .mino.
, arribro4at delicaey.'not on % the Card.',..; • 3.66. persons, alla'' tO* a . few, ainall pointers,' some of • .. .'' Tough, as Cable. Steel ..
•• • ..„.. • :There was* nothing to Much he could eL•°atiehri8etc.tahes'eeareialeeedpers. Spent an neer..
which. May eirdtkie a number Of ilia-. Cloth ;with a tensile. Strength, Cone: tt,
9 Thene-Withethe waiter suggestingee.
ete fo'r -the::.Prineesi. . • ' ' - • age of $3,21,•.a• day for foou, shelter,. .' • • . 1.3,:,,....i.imr, parable to. a network of steel cable.. • s .
. , • • .,
, II . " ., ' ' .4' sions about "vebetee going to .heppen.
. . . - . " • ' •• - - Ii ' .
thie and that edstly.bonne-boughe, he •e&eusenaent. . e ' • 1' - - ' ' -iti s •
,,gnera necess e an , ,
d . insere.ycenesleepivaeomfort more the dream aroused •by 'recent partiel,
running .6xpense.g.., , Por econoing, chasing beds ,you. c tolerate
"Your personei tastes and the eta:, of, siuccesset iii solving the mystery of :.•
made. anegtenee and hastened ' to the those 'figures Ap'ehli for • tliemselVeg. '.thee' one night. '" 'Take , plenty
blankete, frir, although you may need ctnaeuse.Se.ai.rhb:h-raY(01'llaete7i;e"hita°1.'eaertiriae.fige• Witsb:ift
etelepharie ,to.. eall up 'Ranger, at his e..... '...
country-hnse in Westchester.• , cleney de the ,,eutornobile You drive 'none . one night yOu'll be su.rprise,d into certain .relatioeships with •Ita tel .;
. , L • '. '1 will..'of course '• gr.fvOn whether Your .11(4 chilly It can be the next. 'Aftee love. to Produce' Certale substances,
.' CHAPTER, xylr: . . . •1 . , , ,, . .,..6 ,, , . - securing - your camp eetripe3ent, .16' and hoe; these Arrangements Can .be
. • • • t , operat,ng .expenisee-eeeceed.,e or , drop,r, . . . . . . . • .
, . etorry, they .. got •away.. with it" below nee eeeraze. of ee.,e,e,ete•day,,,.. .'relearsing"•voth it bon' wait ure,,
t.. proditeee by artifielal .menni:is'-'one.
' Charlie broke .the news, without Pre -1 % , ','.:
ambleassoon :.aS lie' had Ranger oni 4.60a 41 i ..$46'' ''''
til you roll. into camp 'after 'dark the.
iiret eight out and diecover. to your
t1-.4 wire: ,.}le/ believed it better to get:!- The cape .of one nitin who' made .a agitationethae,yoti,Can't find the pre, ;.,of the problems With .whieli 'Prefolitiore ,
eponsier. and• Professor. bore, of. thd. .,f
Rode, , , , r es , or. ,.,
his Ilnivereit
had t'idingi. over firit„ before. he', 4,F?(9.;n1110 i'"a4)0
-r•ar- •
with his wife. and. 4 eyelets. tbrongli Whiele (0 .rufl. the y of, Califorrateeird POW e.,m.' •
cerned. While they Are chiefly inter
gay,a hin:•. :
. et rf the wje eid4;rful new' lead .
. . j t j . . S,evc,B-.ye.rat.oldr, on ie. indlcatiVe "' of tent rnPee. ' % ,. . lc' ' ''oeted in the'selentific-pliese.of the roc- '
VpOri WhIttt, he had seurrIbled. • . ' ' . i hoe much can be aceemplished at an 1 Leave as thanycif theconventienal ., per mente It is said that such a
.. "I knOve 'that," • Ranger • returned' ast6niahinglY ,lew. Price, ' This ,teur,,elee. at home as YOU Can.; , Yoti'll;:soen covery, r Ei h 0 t1.1 d * be of incalculable.
.With biting brevrtY. "Tho 'ether side lasting 'five Vieeks and tae daysi, car- z, get used to shaving or having yout
- tion." ". ' . .•
has ' alreade'' fOrnisherl the,. inforroae,. ried •the party, teroto 'twelve states: tent blOw •over 'right in, full Sight:Of inthie to
ill"s?' ' ' . .
i, and • into thirt,yeilx . Camps between-, eatiVe.onlOokers,th the harnlet8 route. • .Purpose. .
. • . .;1'.. • , •
, „T.HERE ,61 nothing that has ever
' .....1Y York .andSee.Franclsee,.•:'their'eind l'ciyilized" raiment in n, tourist '"FOreevery purpone,..whether fir nee'
takett•Aspi i I's place ae an antidote • •
A treat in 'the Peeelermint-fiavored 'wa'i 4 l'au'''''';./jatd th6n '"anW''r'g vejk!'5 .
, ,.'r,(161ftlerl: "Th4ere 1:4; .114) 441dre:isf &Imp- • . •
w°ri direk‘et.e.ote r ,:0 f n d 0%. . ‘,,,, Kb "ti . rit,t,,,I.,on..' than $7 a day for ail . three, and ntet.ante. 'in rth. n .desert4. '• ,.‘...i
,, ., . .. .. . .... , . ... . . .
' eter and ITII, read. it to ••••ene. I lie re ; .. • - .
' it, '%11/:e. W.6 e..k-re 'Ett: iP'zinee.. Wait'
.. "u've: heard froth .them .again?."
"Ye,e; • A stick was throvin in the
- Mobile wouldhave• amotinted: to lit•" • eeee : eere--'-e„ ,e -Le --e, ..., '' . • • , wive to any man- l we.. '
„ • tie more than it coet tOrnake the bee- The UndeveloPed'Ptvire - 'iteedretti. rialet 'elf thenght - and eX:
o ; effort as made. li) 4:i'c'emlim iv!, ,
, .
!one,retfrig ,eneeneere, were $e,40-441es's. camp le: es •out Of place •as. fire ,hYdlre tion. .or sp Cell lation 4 ..holch, that:nitwit y '
The cot of .a return- tern bY auto- . Miriam's Lialalsat.,-A rifiabie. first aid, ,'vs•Iiich nature.' mutt slittere never IrPt
r ' It:itj',6fiiill.o°118.rt:ovwarin*P.1();I:r,r71::(1;e:In.qi:11151:1.e" ,tin11111:; , wouldn't Use it and et -idol -se its. •use .' . ;
,.. _ , „ee........,_ ... ...... ,........9-..a...arr,n'tlx- .diSdC'thnLitu-,g:rtti tTaii,en' rueianielAvari.Pfiltr:nd .i(nattaile03::
by, others. Sure,. or.'several million • .
drugsfore)' With. Bayer. oreethe box, '
usete tvould•haed terned,te.e.otnethinge
for pain'.. It is safe, or. pify:sicians '
luger-ebAtecf, jacketend "anther fa ly .thr(eelinee ef, tyre...et-jet:ft and . the. via:Yr-1'1P hack to es Y.°6• by th'i-i .;-16.11(14n- C).bssr/•"' (illa-):. l'h' re- '''''''' ' su'll k 'Ilt''''frir "D1T 1.!:,frntfinr'fit.t:.
. the Peppetniiintelavered, gueU;lesideee ' e'euril 'circle. and 'X' eignateire, It itinh: '81..1,t)riegt. rail route, The camp putilt.• conetreettori Of the Colonial '04101.1e Ono .70 flie. very ii it ay( e
. ' r hr( , 8 , VICC.40110 for many years, a corollary of the deaden of 0,16 Do•••-•LOrd 'Stanley, .. . . ,.. .
. • • •,,
utmost. value in !Ong 1 t ' I'll '11''' t"Yr'''I'hw' tr'6d:tri fkittble'i'v's l'is'' ' - - c.
r r•r • ' ' • ,
. ,. , , , • ap,sng r c g t •• ,, ., ,
teir,trafy ler (we expIieit inStrtietion.s.;', wee intrehaiied. ter _$20$) -neither . 44 franking „SeeretAty.shlin '.Fre1,4 froni,'teeeHeeee,e'.4, ,e-ree
Feet e ,4.1.00.,,•44.,.. .5„ u. e„,,hee ,..,h, rvieg ' nitrate= nor 6., maxinthin "fignre, " - i the -embarrassitient of. Thiel fitnetioti, , ../' • ''''',e'atiLY 6'1`6'..
Tr er/At two erendrerftheueend.dellarsi.'•thts eenileinnnt filled .three` dlifiel. the department can buckle , to Iti 104...fhoP,0 .wlui thoughtfelly.
In 1,,,,,nds eq. '1 d4 • a f tr,rivin game': liaise rind. 'overflowed, mite., : the toe- task ,of eleVelophig•eite ti opleal Tem, sider OP l'revl.tY .ot iii'i‘ rem:cline+ the
-, f"...4.,.c6, Etirrit tirn,,),: , Fai 1 upti tei coedpiy e re,rei et -41? ; sf•at., ' Two of the ' duffel pir'e:, T 11 e, , NV 01:IC ' is - neve*, the . right iyugill ' et '''forrii6''.- ' 11b• 'toll lic,:ii''
tele any:eurthee eureeety on .yeiur part; dlif f/Cic8 We're, borne em, the running men Will not be friend ere a day, tea
• boarde with the email suit ease in. neW eei•viCes. will ,eoet meneY. Ilia
ev:11 Merin "•yOUr •elaegifter'e death,'" I ,. • • • • ,-- • . , k . / it ,.., .0 t. m vo ,,.
vi-.1.e.e .s4rtplied thee exelareation Peln't,‘ , ; ir • , •Ceerled Twit-
; nTeee, feeneleee, itheueerej 4" Ghee:Heil •Wni eh • We re' packed t he. ,gretertee, , , . \ n. b min .,,,nn'tiye ?6, ,,,.,1. 1, n• , ,r,. i., ,A,ry
, -that It e•oted to tr,c ftLISP8t 'economy
et at t• nostpone their eatabllebniente.-
eThat'ce raieing 'this ante with a Vete', ".. The tent was Of 111(.1: trI4rqUe.(1 or' um: -41., •.
teerele, , etelle wiltit. 011./.1.--.?". b.r(flia.: variely, eight t eet vinare and ' •Wirgiti have to. colicellfrair on the eFifsts,ria arid o'od drtfer 1
"1 •w(ihrt,0 it I ,tran.'t raii5e that. nineli
". feet tgh, ,e.ettli jointed .. pole., deVelopinent of rinottlEl' 13r/11*1) Z4,34,,,ee, • yoNoe let,,,,,egiepoilervidn
te 4eiolite, .•;--r
' itztotiritipti ii*ny, e . oh* raolleritvA ,..rj!',P1 Nene ' ,bittakets. ',. Were. Carded. ',SIAS a, • terd .111ta-1111.114Hr":E1011:111' '' --;'"'At'4, lIfiti4"211 Per by .and 110*- 1
or Latest% thus -trilled
nieyeies end Acpessor.
len1.°REE CAT
Peo,riosa 'Bicycle
• 177ork .
191-3-5 Duzidal ,
St. 107.. Toronto
r,suE No., 34-28
Eat and f7510eD tit
a tie teitherthoic
roglAtk test ,fri 1"titilid0 '
111!(?)1,11.?,11_,11,,, Iri.if ideelit,a44-fete. Mlle .ft „ie. .
. .
ini!!It.jiii47,7e;k4 ATI.I:t?.iittit'l:e'llitilagtiteilltelg3;'
the "'eult.te wilt bti ittatitoccl wIth 4. thpir "rata' ..
Clt.b" tis.43 /444 •
, • ....