HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-08-30, Page 1• .
• $2'.00, PER NEAR IN Aiii‘rANCE', $2,56 crtlitawiip
• SINGLE' qopiEs 5 GENTS:::*,
: Dg.
Physuzan and Surgeon
phone '86' '
Dr lifeeeod t will visit Lucknow
every :Tuesclay;., in ,Dr. Connell's
Dr. 'R. L. Treleaven, I4icknow---
Over • Decker's Store. EXtraction
either by •gas, or local...Will be
Dungannon every Thursday. Phone 53,.
Gito. A. Siddalla, Broker,
, and Real:Estat Money to lend Or
firat .znortguges oi farm proper-
tiee at'6eand'61At.per cent according
. to security; !offered Ale0
• amounts on second mortgages on
tam, properties and on persona •
notes: A few good farnir for sale.: • M. R. II.*Thenipb,-on h.e.spending
e • • • '8 week with her daughtei• •Mrs. P. .1.
' WALL PAPER -04,1011 line of 198 • ity oli in Toronto. •
Wall Paper:on hand. 'Prices from 8e 'Mrs- John 11°`•ve and 'Miss' Margar-
et 131.itton,iire'spending the .week with,
Up: am also agent for leading job'
houses.—It. J. Cameron; Decorator ieiatiyeS .at. WindSor. • , • •
!...Painter and Grainer. Box 174, Ltiek-. Misses •Ilelen.and Donalcla:Themp-.
slow- --"_oit 'Ye r -
I rOtti TerOlto heye - they were Yisit,L
• NeNt. Mondaywill he Labor 'Day,
and a 'public'''. hdliday: , •
M iSS Joao Maec Whim is visiting•a!
Nehd..,at.01*id: VOIVZ
from.'WinniPeg last week •
, LS. Perley; of ,winT4pog, „spent',
last'week with friends in Luean: •
Mr. Di R. llaell'onaldt of Welland,
. _
visited at his home her on SundaY•
l'oblie arid high sehools throughout'
OntarM Wii1 re,open" Tuesday ,of 'next'
:week.' • ' '
,Mr, Alex. Ross,who•wes not ,feel-
tneeevelt Init. week is eble tu. be gbont
: Mr: jeseph 'Mallough, Of town, has
gOne to the West to, l'Ook" after his
farm interests,
• . le. Will boy a Scribbler far children
cinder 10 Years at 'The! 'larliet;--)Ier'7,•
.kell-.,Mutdo(h Go, *•••
Store .is
hick toe -work after..it 'two••weekse
tatiOn. in
FOR SALE—Durant'. feafr-passet-
ger Coupe. ;Splendid ;iir for small
family. See this bargain.. Must be'
sold-at-oncee—Applyeat-Sentinel Offiee-
(30-8-p.) •
FOR. SALE—Seed. Rye-e-Geod-'am-
ple Rosen' Rye for Fall sowing—$1.20
per besliel —I -lentil, Herten, P 7; eit,r's tt1 21i N... A... Olds. of
Lticknow.phitine': .Dungannon DCtOIt
, r-'ind Mis. Jel?..Mekee and son
Jeniming,of 'Worpliiiry; paid a sot
• visit 'to, Mr:: and Mre. D. S.
Donald -hist. eh.'
.1‘1r. Iiiirold Burns win') 'spent 'part.
of the, school .vacation taking , up
eeecial work it Qii6e,e's.
i*it lieine this neek.
. , . .
The '.`Annual : Woeld's :Pei?". known
:dee), as the •Citnadian.Nzitienal'Exhi-
liiticen :le.' noiv in full s'wing t Ter-"
onto; 'and dr,awing the 1.1:111fd is
. uos„
. Rims MaeDonaldehas loft for
a short viSitat Ttirofitci and. Windsor
lie fore -.10-0biefor-1,0---Mi7x1•=iit=13341&
44.. and' Mrs. .EUiott Miller • had
g•het for the past week, the
FOR SALEL-tA Piano that-has'been
used tor 'a shorrtithe, will be:sold at
Reduced Price, at'•W:G.'... Andrew's:-
' (20-9.Le.) ' • ;
53 Acres First-class land in good
state of cultiyation--Feame house,
.frame barn, both in gccd repair.”
Apply to, Mrs. Sara A.. Ryan, Holy -
(6 -9--c.)
. , .
eters' Lists, -1928--,- Municipality of
The:Village of .Lucknow-. County.'
, • Of Bruce
-4--Notice is -hereby -given -that I lhave,
Complied with Section.7 of the Voters'
List Act, and that I have nested up
, at my office at 1.4,ucknow, Ontario, on
the 14th day of 'August, 1928, the list
of, all persons entitled; to vote' in the
•said munieipality at municipak'elee-
tions and thqt.such list remains there
for Inspection, •
And that I thereby call upon all
voters to take immediate proceedings
to have any error's or ofiissimis con:
rected `according to law, the last day
for appeal -being the 4th day of Sep-
tember, 1928:
Clerk of the Village of I,ucknow.
• • (30-8-c.)
, . Came to the premises of the under -
:signed, Lot 34 Con. 2, Kinloss Tbwrie
ship CM or :Abut August .8th, six
• young cattle. Owner may have, same
on .proving property. and paying ex-
pens6S: Jaynes Macintosh
Mr. and Mrs. II. White, of tbridon,
visited last week at'Mr. John Mc Gill-
„ivray's. ,
Mrs: D. Memurehy it spending. a
\.•fevir .weeks in Cleveland. •
• - 'Mr. and .Mrs. • Forbes, of, Listowel
.../) are visiting with- Mr, end eNtirS. •S.
Wilts B..irarriS, of Ripley, is Spend-
: ing a few days with her sister, Mrs.
K. ,Finlayson. ,
elll/r. ;and Mrs: Andy Hamilton, of
lienfryn, *ere °visitors at the hoine.
. of Mr. Wm. Robb; ithe lirst*.ef the
Mr; and Mrs; Sandy' Nicholson, of
Saskatoon; are 'visiting at. the home
of Mr. 'A, Nicholson, before, leaving
for Edinburgh, Scotland.
Mr, R. SnelgroVe, of Detroit, spent
• the week -end With Mr. and Mrs. 1`;
. . . •
.Mr, and:Mrs.' A. Camerrin returned
to their home in Detroit, 7
• Mrs. Cummings and datighters, of
Kitchener, were guests last week at
• Mr. Watson's, • . •, • •
Mr. and, Mrs. Wm. RehYspent Sun-• ,
dav With •MiSs Mary and Mrs. Plea.S.
Strathdee, at Bruce Beach.
andBain, 4netit the
•weelcxend in London. - '
Mrs. Clarence Irwin and babe. 're-
turned home from' To:int:it°. vhere
the baby was undergoing ' treatments
mid is intieh improved.
visited with her sister, Miss Mary ;
Mee. R. Huston, of the 12th' CAnt,,
• MOMIltthk, the Ittst, of file week. • Treleaven—At Alexandria 1-Tosnital,
Mr, And Mrs. Wnio•Scrimagtilr. Of Oederich; on Aitgust 28th. 1928, to
” Pahneraten, Spent. Sundal, at R. Mid- flr.. and Mrs. R. TrOdaven„
410tOWa1 ` daughter, •
•.,Mie and. 'Mrs, 'D.onnelly .'and two
children, .of Chicago:: are. Visitore' at
Mr. Witten ilitniittne'S this week: Mr,
Donnelly is ]a: lirtitlier of
alre and' •.Mr;...Ketineth. 'Jeinteie.A
,aziti soils. Delights •And. Ronald, have
:retarned. to.:their 'home' in 'Toronto
a ft:: w1t4ee.11.1eLtonteMre.
S. MacDonald. ',. •
. . .
• DEATII OF w1J...,14.Alv. iviALLov..G4
'1r. 1,VilizazuMallengh OW. to
Imeknoef, 'front ',rfeeswatel..' 'only a
:raw Vio•Oths agcz, he mak-
their ',1tOnie.
'litre ' died ! quite Suddenly -''eatlY
,Thursday niOrnirig;',Of lest Week. He
• had sofrergit:4,fight Stroke :of ..:Ogrel-;
Yeis •.W,egne...,4$.14. 'bet “reeoirereil.
..8oniewhat:,On. ThPrtdaY morning' the
• trouble•eente . on' again ire'More, eerie
bus. forin ‘causine his. death "
.11Nie4;111allifesill;‘'We4. se:\\7, 13d oce!.'sof age,zcI a
ncl one
daughter,'„Mls's Ties'sle,, 8 sehoOl tdach
Pr. , early bonie ,was near' Thiti-
raititori but lie had the Kinlough: gen-'
erar Store for, a nUmber of years and
later 111 OV( 'to Teeew.ater. ' ••
'Tlie [LI !H• on Saturday wag. large-
attended,- friends being °present
from' Dungannon, K iiiios, 'I'eeswater
•end LucknoW. Service vas heldin the
Lucknow, 17'resliyterian ,Chureh..: In -
ferment .;.'was made.; in Dpfeeannori
. .
.CAllqvr.T.IiiiNvEs, IN TRE ACT,
,Poiet Clark,
wiro,.a few weeks ago was
t. 'victim e...f a stabb,ing affair,
• dentl3i :has. made up • 1lis 111 041 to ,get
ven;•if net ,with. the, thug who ,ttale-
eed priy rate: crinhi-
fraternity. '
Last;11,1onday 'night 'diseovered,
a couple .'of fellows leaVing Mr.' Jar-
dine's refreshnient booth, tneir. gein's'.
'est& Cenehiding 'that 'the- .pair
hieves,, Ruffle tired.a shot in the' air
.ind ordered,thernto halt. TheY'clid-n't
ieed, a-,tectind 'warning,' and' were
,'prentptly placed. -under, 'ArteSt.. Thev
Tfie,yeTliera—at.a. nearby
tuttle.got Mr. Jardine who called•the
at. Kincardine, Win' came .down
hridetoele the ,snepecte, 'bancl..; They,
vitt presently .face the •Cetinty 'Mag-
Istieit(e"We' 11' done 1\-11%; P.. tittle.: •
ring (Hog , under IO Year*,
cget 'Scribbler
•h.e.t.--e-.1IornelleMurd0ch ... Co,
wTos-CRA;:.;11 ON ,CAMPBELL,'ST.
••Caiiipbells Street, ..Liicknee.v was the
otele u.,ee.enuaer• eeeei.. of .one yee
tieet nas SO
eeeart-eu.eit..• tie
JIM: „alai .nis tic' :NV110(11881,
• 4V.V iug .NVY.:61, ill an 41:ssex..coileu,
'ititne\ than 'erotsed. tne
A.4111. Block Wnen Lile
toL 1 r. %'. 8L! Butek,s•.;keilei
‘tater reenretonaSitne*S, LO SU. e‘tr-
Bleck had juSt oacketi aWatje erem
n'i car vt.ag arinogt '.eross-
on.,e -toepavement," when .sr..Jer,
• ‘,..airte 41.14. 1 li pAVeilient .at tile
dettige' Ise:meter...repair, s,treet •
Othi:ICALtiAt way 'across. , 4nd.'
- • -Mre-and-Mrse hdckee.alicleMre•and- -Ibis-May-have: 1,een-:partly ,:the- cause
MICS, SWOckhamr, of Detroit, were of the 4iiisnap, Out a tittle niore caut-
Stindaty vi:iitors* with Mr. and Mrs, on anu '1i-cue:less speed would have
Alex. Rose. They 111 ide the trip in, averted the accident. Mr. 'Jeroine
one 'of .those splendid neW 13hieks. died ins:brakes as semi as tie saw Inc
'I he Rev kuld Mrs Nlex M other: car to.t.-k (Alto tbe street,' but
ount of whose ecent mar
:le elas pet 111 tune to Prevent a heavy
son an acci•.'
riage at Wadena, . . Sask appeal S ' •".
another • column, :are*" spending the 411 -._Week's: ear 'Was ...badly.' wrecked
week '.at Mr. 'Nicholson's former homee- _bs0' g". -)It with iamp
• • , imeed oue of viace:,:tleio, tient fenders'
• Ali. and Mrs.!. Howard h'. Parker,. : eed„ a •hroken, wiIidshi�Ill.' : , •• •
paroit• arevisiting the forniPr's • .'lhe tAN.i.rnien..coueetned•talked.• the.
matter ,over 111.-8 -.1.iusiness7Uke
and. we tiode.rstoncl;' detected that -mien
bare hie 'own snare of the te-
1,4174. •• • • •
%APalthetic. feature Of :the Mishap.
was .the preSence of .Mrs. 'Jerome;
a' verY7-914 lady, She, NiTp,' in the front
eeatteside the driver and was thrown
dean -let the NN:11111Silield Waal S.1101 fOrcp•
at ;het head sniaened the plate .glaes
eenie eulfered a Slight, cut (in the nose,
eut '‘eas very bra've about it making.
tight of the injtiry :to sympathetic bY''
e thedersihwho...epuoro
spoke ile7: about' it
#1:0WTH. 01.0:,:1'il.E ANNUAL.
• :IL 1 '1t,ritiVNTO'
brother,. II, M. •Parker. Mr. Parker.
wt.; with. •the • Canadiee army in
Prance: and had the nusfortune to
loSe at, the front:. - • •
The Rev. A. V. Travert who- some'
time age resigned as rector of St.
Peter's Church here had his house
hod .efieets ',hipped to Allegam, Mich.;
where he h'as, beep appointed to a
kh.ti7ge. ,Be is himself making the
trip by mitomohile. . •
'• Mr. and, Mrs.. Victor Purnin,- of
London__, are spentlihg:.the week With
Mrs. 'Durnin'S father "in town.' 'We
notice by London paper that, Mr.
Duenln haS ree"i5gitir joined the-
Oriereon Motors, Limited, iitoter
s1es sines co:tummy,. ;
-1\lajor :Wi S. MeArripi eoinniandant •
at Kemper Military school BoonviLe
Alies'opri, Mrs. eAleArron Mal Miss
Altec IleAtron, of Sanduskey,. Ohio,
eere Week.end guests of their cousine
Mr. IL J. Lindsay and Mr. ,Lindsayh
Following it very tvet period thro
.:July..and early 41.ugust, Which minie
hay and wheat haryestieg a most dis-
couraging business, thit weather .tni-
tlertvvit a sudden change and the past
two weeks have been fine,' dry and at
times tqo Waritr for 'comfort. This
has been ,a •great helpto farm work,
although at We beginning of the
week' about halt' the oat 'Tor anneal. -
ed ,to, be still in" the fields,. :This is
'partly necotnted for, by the grotving
popularity .of stook, threshing, -a "-fine'
-iirrangemeet if everybotlY. could get
It' done about the same time, A good
dent of grairrehes been disposed
thet • Wile and .all .threshineoutfits
are Working full time. •
.TreplrePorts from t-ne Prairie reo-
vinees tontinue favertiole and the
wheat ,crcin ljkely will ho,,,,the inmost'
over harvested 'there. rhore was frost
over: a. ,great part Of the West .t\vo
nights last week, hut the damage
elm* docs not ripnear to ha;ie been
serious. It 18 ;OW ..that some fort,'
thottsand harvesters have p,asc,(1 thrn
Winnipeg kifleP the exeltrtION start-
. As the Celt:Wien National- Exhibi-
.,i(oti 'its .11 1,1,eoh
11115 compti,isuu oe tile
eet eee4eett.00 tit WWI
• 01 111C01•0011g: in laity
were were- u2 Lie4es of ground. spate,
.woimon equafe
,.eeteof flehe tpace, .one•11148 of earth.
.OOUS4 tne attettuanCe 7iiS 10,veu eau
11 111411)15 U, 707) *1.0411,41( Av'n •flad
oOki ktereS 01 '0U1tllt:111.1, •1.0117.1,
1.00 iiiodern perinienetit build-
elle8, over 2,Out.100U0 eqattrie feet of
'1.70U1 SPaCei 61;2, 111I108 of paved roatis,
the. ati.k.rataheeof g.,0o0,00b $s 4ittr-
vipated and the' adinissiee feee arone:
site amount to approximately .$40te-
Cole -MacDonald e
• •At.•.the Manse' ,Packnew ede
1lesdaYe'Angttst 1928,. by , the
B,m'aeponala, Miss Icel,mblie
"Georgina, ,danghteri efeMie and .1)ks,
D. S. MaCDonald, .LizeicilOW„. and Mr:
Willianiegdwarct. Cele, alF.0.• of .Ltlelie.:
`hrfooiw:I.e'rlh'iteer.e'Y,o.ungc.on,ple'will make:their;
.On Saturday, Aughse'Stith, quiet
'wedding' took place at Calvin • United
Clinreh Mansp','St. lieiens,c'when'Rev
11. Whifie1d united huniarriage.
• nifrecl, daughter of MrS. Wopds end'
t,he late' Robert Woods, to Arthur
Whetlufm, 'son' of 'Mrs.' Whetham and
the late John Whetham, of Galt. The
bride who waS .unattended, Wore a be::
coming ensemble goStinne of . a blue
crone. dress and 'blue coat ' Of vela
bleern trimmed .with platiffuni-dtred
She wore the, gift of the, I -T:75 to II -66' to 74.
groiinist•ring of ,pearts, and carried , 111—J0to th'e', Ce --130 to pee;
a :coloured mesh keg: After the. core- .Reea .Caret.ithers,-1-Eng.
lieeity the • bridal ' couple • returped to • Annetta • isher—}hig.• Conip.. C
the hone a the bride's where Polg., Lit. 0; Fr. Au. 111;eFe. COMP. C.
4. Wedding' supper ' was'served. Mr., and 'Donald Grapt:---tteig, r on -fp. P.,'
M'rs. Whetham left 'later' a motor • Pearl Nixon—Tr: An. C. .
trip through Ontario 'arid New York :11olly'.Pepper---ereig•. Comp' 'C.• • .
State.' On their return ' they will reside T•ilIt3dliti,!nASubiiit;11-17-4,11e'.1i11(.11(,c.,:.6•Alilippd.eirinHi.
in Galt,
eLQ Out of' '.2c) papers written 12 w.ere'
• sueceOtil'y written, netking -a Pere.
5(211111'g..V.C)f 1P,7
, an, Prin..
. •
morto IS (ttA,LiaiTr.,A.N•x) s4itiotcE..
. Our "Quality" Bread has the PlattneThat•Delightt
• Home Made, 'Whele Whent and Illiti,Bread; Fresh Wery :pay
" •SPECIALS •" •
'Nut Sqegres, chelsea linuse.Ceeeni Puffs Coftee Cakes Jelly Rolls
Maple Walnut Tarts, 'Oatm eaPecookies,
Tea DiSeuits ''••
434LINMAN's 'pAKtityy
phone: 36- •••.fitekiiervir ,
f ilearth,
LUCENOW'.UltPElt Si:11001.,
Pl,r1 he, el: owing stri7.ient-lid..\'0' Obtliin-
ed. the stench -nit. indiceted'an the, Up
per. School lexem. • ,
.,,. A very 'pretty wedding, Wassolerene
izeo' at • the United &Jimmie \' 8(1088,
ebleetevrATexantier-estaieofin NteneL'Sofeel---Ytt45 V--.--3-1'47.k;t47±(3-fli'll:(1-'-dril'C'e-'4Y-R
'.;;•)11. ot Mr.. Alexander ,iy.ruho:f.s., . • '1'.•visitt.or at' :11r. -Rpinns'on NN oods.:•• • •
'i.s,,,oriaan.t.. .1.40,ssey4Liecame the, bride kaw.,Trld'.-.:,:ail,10.;:.. is.i...e:inlls.fteit..,11,\:tillsit.,40,..in.,51.i.(111.'..t:1").3.11:..i,l,..,hi:.,:1:....,Tiee.; tl..1e7-..
;,,:tistreiwaeuti.au.h.gungtuezt oilati.A111:.\y.
'LLIC1i0205N .. Ont. ',.tlie.'uniciattifg eiiihie, -ee•Ve -er. ..N.ei 0., et ,. it t •,. e(-
„Le,ifie,:t:v.: ei:ten:•,;,d'i '.0.1:tei,‘•ft... .,..j.I....41.1?.,i,t,i‘i\,....-;40'it'enii,t.iie7ioliti.,,.. -• illit'il?lict,i.t.ly,...th,e.. 1-.:•1). 1,te.d. C.Iitie.,...1..e.,.pul'int - or(
!VN.kitie,na.' ' ••: 'e,,;.'. .: e % ' . ee 'Mr'. ; ltintee; ,..of- 13r0esele, woe- tin-
, 'elle - (hiiich-i had -'been ..inv,;louSly: • •eeeet of ,; -The ao ilgy-„ii---‘,1i.,.;;.„ 1' 110)01•
'decerated eje• the -':elif.trieects of. the jeet week: ". '.. - •• • .-. . - : : ' .
;.:oride, • and, Was a , perfect .130Ver .0i. „.
., ,'1•erMs•.CIM
iiiabakofgteeh and
W0'0 :ref'ent, yisitor'e..\vith,:.:11r. ano
,white in the •:c#iitTre.Set etT oyeseasone ,ele's.„', Will, Tilylor. • .. .. .. -..
a' '-'"wrs'• .1`,T.i% .C...m;''.4ali:•prscled . • :i.,11.8 Ada,'Wats'an 'Of •
London spent
at. the. •oilan and in -addition to • the, :, 4 •
.bridal ella'71.1 4ise,°ai'sed '.`3°-f-aius'ic..- ;:l.all'ce.-‘‘a;i..ect..ti'isi'4(1-'til-Ile'l.e.iii;11;••'1,;`glite'.1°I.f. .,11.1s8e.:-.:;.
tvt.1.1hroon,,guialosntgitNI:Leen. c.'.ille,.ill'193nriS:i.....K.e11.1.,,e12-yblidee.; ),..J.91...: :Ed.., Meill.obet...E: andi ..)w.1,1......I.I.e.rb.
1.hompson and daughter o • • me lain..
'father. looked eharMing' in her grade- • ,. ,•
a Peeled frock - of ieory h.eto ,visrt•ore in thelericoelest Week,
. .
IChetiett crepe, with pearl- and satin .,: Misses' .C.elentys and C8 800 Webb
trinimings: the beautifully. einbroider :.ie 4: c'n ..110,hda'Y• '1.13- \. ay of.' elli.6nr'o• •
:.ed .Brussels net Neil caught with or- Ter PertAiiliam 'whew they will beth
enge blossoms ' fell 'over A .long tulle teach thi* . year. ..
'train. Sh,g carried a ' shower tbouquet , , Mr. and 'Airs. Will. Taylor :attended
of',Ophelia reses-and lilies.--of-the,e-a17, 'the. Silver...wedding arinivereitry of,
'ley:. Miss .Norma )itseey, sister Of the , ;Mr.eand Mrs: .Rolit..,Tayler .at. 'Attie..
'bride, Was- ineid of honal•'; she wore urn on -Saturday, - '
a -period ferdwii. of. blueegeptgette With. ' Itir.'and 'I.S1r.s. Bine and littlellapghte
Vreneh. flowers. and attire.) theture hat "erlielen, ,,ofeDe•trciit, are lieliday*Visi,':
tets ;and delphilnium.2thv_bride.smaids-. --Arrd-,-.--Airs7.----j-.--T:-.--A-ri-d&rs.onT; e -7-. - -.• . e. 1 t
,tio.,.ii.stevl:Ii4tthn./.tf,.1.,\::. :13,,_i-L'eu,:sei. '1.1:ilie.initasi:,'e:_.,.e.ile.l. i,..'„, .:,.,,I.i..;_el;'711Gille,vzilli.,igy:ctiet.:,.1.,:ain IT/;• .11.0(iji;.iecie,..oiti?._,eisi:"0,..111.ifiniofe.11-:_litli41iii.eicilDli!rs:t(.es)i.i.-2:,.....eee..
't&.inatch;', her .bongtiet- was;',rese as- •,
1,vere Miss Norma. ietiotson, sister, o
'the geoont, who was -,gOwneci in egg -`4
tor, .Mrs.:E,.. Ackert..Roll.,eall, a. verse
shell gedigettee.with nave :Picture
will °cell"- tile'. •Pulilit". IT"flt7Irl,f2 13.-ii:91ilr..Y.1•:•., ' t.st:'; 9n(1, and -3rd. prizes. Lunch COY.
Detroit,. Brant ferd ete.•Mr: Whitef teiC,i.
thine(' 'from. t two 'Wee's NV.L'ation, al
,..Nti.:ed houtioet ,froni youe owit gaydee..
ibout. a ..flower:• Flower • contest-.--- 'a
l'Owe ,I '1(11011 'and Mist' Roberta., MaSe '
hat, ,carrying mative asters eed Yel'
Mit.ees' Doi inc .,‘1,‘
Iiiilitle.elttircni, leiheni • etre -4'ex•.1‘les:-.. 'Fred iitedgies, I‘Irs',.
sey;'.tieter of the '.bride„ ingreen/ geor- '
gettee,with 'pale:.-yelieweeeeteeee. ceee• 'erv• .Pili -don •df
' heir • ' " ' e. Eckthswillere . Mrs, •charles, Pen- e.
ryipee. yellow- . snap,cleagon -and , babY's par-t-:'er 't „N aeatiqn wilth i1 111(7
Mr:eaed ...1r.s. A. Anderson.'
• . .'
breath: The .javentle attendantieenree •
ceding .the. bride; , were .elittle . Jean All 'the .childreie -are :invited. to at.;-
Couch, 18 a .befrilled..freck cif blue or- tend the tend Meeting, of - the.11ar-
eandy carrying a basket' of sweet ris 'MiSeien Band to be held in the
,peas., and 'Jack Rene, the bearer of [rifted 'Chi:n.611. next 'eSatueday ertete
the ring which \OS carried 'On a small noon: • ... '.. ' , .. • e, ; ,
• ' • •
..eusition of gilk and fringe from the • Florn-2-At Toronto, on Auglist. 23rd,
;Wedding dress of nearly Sixty years
'et..;:o, of the bride's grandelother The
.groom Was ettported by the Rev. -liar,
, 'old Pennell and: the'.ushets were ,Mr.
Nonni:in Bland Massey and .Rev. -Row-
an D.. Binning. Thebride'e" mother
. :Was beenniingly attired in - e, :limn of,
rose ,giew georgette and 'hat to Meteh :
With a corsage bouquet of'', ()phelia
roses. During the signing" of the reg-.
,ister• Mrs..!•: 3.: SmithindSOr." :the
bride's 'sister, •saiig Vel.y :effectively,'
4At DaWniiik.:',, ..:After' the eeremonY
,a buffet luneheon ,WaS served. at the
home "df•'-the:bride's 'Ohre -fits: 1V111t'e
satire' streemers;'. intereedittel •witli
Smilax, ,hung „frt-int: the ',lights, to the
prettily ..eppointed table, NNhiell'oas
centred with the three -tiered weddittp:
vake'; tali ping tapers and pink sweet
.peasin tiny vases carried' but the 00 -
or -scheme. Mrs. W. t. : Hawke ,pour.'
d tea: and 'Mrs. A. W. He.nry, sister
of the , bride, cut the :iCee: while ase
sittipe.' ih serving, were:. Mts., Roy
Peel,•.e.11iese's Sat:lie:Boyd.. 'Marian' Bite;
ning and .Edith'.Smith-Wincisoie.'‘
The happy', couple' left", oe: the even,
in??,'-- train for a brief' .roneyheomi ,it
Ontario. after •Witieh . they Sail. 111SepteMber; on 'the ' S.S.., Antonia; for,
F.dinburgb, where the'groom will emi-,,
tinue hit ttidiee andalsaact as as-
..._.,. --o-0.,#-,-,- .. .. Chureh,frhe brfda•travelled in a grey-
Sistaot, , mitietere At 'Ste Stenheri'e
An- Kiddy under' itt years can .get. 'ed peach 'Riislia 'coet With Rtissian
peaeh georgette
it Settuchee for le. at ille. 'llarket-'--- led
tex ears: over a
:ierpieleeeurdech 'CO,- e ' ee -e. - '
..: • . 'clreg's:'-'110e- *at evras-a -Trenoli-Deative
illi, model of felt. - burnt atict :stencil-
. .•,- .
''.--le•wei--e= : -14.,paStel sha&S.. • . . •
' Tlfo otlt-Of-towh: gheSti. indliittek
MiS.S.N.orma Nfelloison; 'Lurk now Opt:
' ANOTIIER DIG 'BASEBALL 'EVENT". get?. 'Mull :Ars., Smith-W.44ot. and
. For 16Y,
daughters, E
Lal.?o,i 13ay in Goderieh it gaeat idith tOc
'il, .'Of Cupar.'
. •Stisk.;• .Ntrs., A. 'NV'. lienry and se'n„
,"hloubleheader"- for a purse.'of , '0? mo-forf: Mre.'' Roy Peel. .13ethurirst.
ilawkee'Mr. tifid Mr -s. A. .F..; ,..-rairris.0
j'ohn, 'of tihnoriton Alta..W.'t...
, ottect It .feattitie ,has-uech•aerangeit —
.,;z4 7 50, itetween the Osiere of Toronto, ' IS.te.:, „and Mrs: A ....Tate,..C1Aire Tete
eenii-prie cluet-Pione of Oiitaribehtfal gild ieCorirml Tate,' Of, ,)Toose. ":Taw t
e,.eam,- These% teams IteetY ineti seven '' Mi,ses Sadie, floyd 'Ao.a, mimon.:tvil...
`(.it.,1101.1 Tit Cs, fants
• us Bu 117110 ;
nes. this ytfary General ..Tires , win- nine:, Of Monee Jow., Mise'.11-elen Mane,
' aneg fear -Reines. First game Me Mere- eon; or Saskittpot ; *Rev. 11'.• E.' Vet:-
, '
i day aftetirome at g &dock, After. thd ,
ithit of Mose ItI,W.
il0ii of Tnetleforti. And Bev. R. D. 1351;.,
:etcond galhe the' eereolOiiy. Of UnVeiT, The bride and groom 'are gradiiates
ing the indaorial. ealthi ,ete,... ed In Otectortner having' heet on fhe 406(17'
Of the,. ilniversity , or Saikittcheian,
frig' sttft, of Molfort :High Sehool for
three years, %vhile the latter is a Inertia
Of the Vtited Chureli Conference', in
sk.- HELENS.'
AuG 11st and sup,r,. ist
uz Barton In
Bolt ,
1 1l(,Sereen's .Gree teete17.7701)110
' Western : •
Coltieg—Seeeitle"A efeeas- Steer"'
'ties at,t-t;y: Cox, 71170 ligs been holi-•
tlayi pg.` 111'1:w7den, h58 vete:riled 1101170.
7.77-M77.7Cu11ert Lva ...eral.•Lorne spelit
.31Mi. n'y at .'.117 ..1.1. .Alcl'hersdies..
Geer:lee, aed her niece, ;eine
Y.'.lirismap, et h,:eises C.ity; ' Aloe aee
gtteste at the eeirvie'lloioe. -e .,' ••. ..
.• , ..1-i:. and '1:11:rs. Joseph Kenney --'aild'
ee tte-, 'of 1' nepstewe (id! Id On : th1.
fi'iii'vis friends, Sundatr„.e.
' • l‘liss.- Eh. eie ouo e.dee-e• ox Wi oxetei,
end ehets.'e!etillere of .1)17 '-.1s ‘yere
, -euent yienere it Me. N'i 111: Eadie s.
, Rey.- Ptiitoe ;Irwin, of '.` Centralia;
ehed un llie'e'• old. ix -Musters
A..tner and .Erriest .7.. 01 this' week..
....%ir. and -.1s.. 'C'athers, . 1-6-kil fau•kily
41, .Wr6xetelt, ..ancl ..31rS,'Eadie of Glen-, '
iiii:,ou, I spent 'Siiiiikty : .at _qr.. .vv.fil
: , .
Ladies,' • •- , . •
.o.r. and :Mrs. Quest Dobson E0171 • .
Of Pethel, eereeSiniday visk-
tore' at i‘lesSers Cherlie Copgram's '•
Etuegi. Ackert's.u.' . .
M srg. 'Al v in K•raemet,' Wes.;.Mcf
('11115 >0 and HouStore'liki've gone
Eo the West, by the 841Ve8ters ex,
conneetion with the centenary of the
'Huron Trat vill talt'e place 0 Mi..,
I:36r tatk4
:1' be . Aucrt:Is t icetin ,of the
tine ‘-:.1S 110171 at the lionie .ort Mrs. . •
1-1,0(igius,, with 1st vice presi-'..
,ierrt :Nfrs. doe;• Ilanna. iti. •the chair.;
Ali . Mike Gnib1e -gave' a full.. re -
7)1t cal.,den .Party <and. AIrs. •
. ,
1.02', 'to: 31r. and• Snitth, a. t.
ga.-voYa talk :on -School
.400. Mrs. Smith, wa§y forlheriK,Ptat
Wol;ster infant"; diett I'vh()".71,11$4.,(04..!2. ,,./;a01;,ide..ei'ig
'l i)aar‘t?;„
.2,7th.l.: •
All ',the •niefibere ,.f Bowen._ ,
.(".lab.800-i`equesteit 10.•811.01(1.4.1 meet -
jet!. 07)' ierelay. 0 eping, Aug. ;31.et,
.• 777.11 130'
1ZeY4 Wm. 4111(1 31r4 ...\laAltitesli of '
Mflv(rtOl3 7'cgre visitors, at -etr.,('Itirk'e
lest \veek. plies. Annie illotorpd.
with fleen.' to 'forento. fey the •niiiee-
jinx of" •,
,Meesre.'Reg. Mid tiitrt Laois John
ere 'Thies, .*Nte,Plierschi, Peter 'Mel)oniild.
-and Keteestli Ptlrvk vvere, eftiong tteise
who left for 'the Weet on7311 - •
Ptardc- 1177(1 -4017 Te271, loft
on, ,Tue,al:ly for the Titteetto
itee• tt;10-ng eattle.
:slitter is tit exhibiten^ •(),f
.."P,Ieeinetttit Ihneltry thie year teo.
uish. thenY all e.,.iteeeles„ :
,The regular, leeeting of tin', •IVoni-
s int:Mete will he 110,1 07(117.' 110171'
or ma: Thorns on Thursday Sept,.
llolt -ollinte' ori• 171.01111 tealc.-,
ileinoest on "lion -
mg. 1171(1.Dressing in 'charge
of 3fr1, AV. I. 1100,tesses".:3trs.'
Mrs, 1,1,0
'N'tril.4`.01i'Ve"4:eittehik; efleertreWhitv,,
snent the' week. eee with ht'r.
frier:a ..MISs.,.1.0ena Hackett t, :
Mr, and 'Mrs. Rey Altoil and fa:1111y
eeenC.Siindav afternoon 'with friends
near'Pnrt Albert." '
Mrs., Hamilton is 'spending a :toe
'day8 With...hoe brother,-;',Mie''',Hitties,
of Belfast. ' , •
and Nirs nf near ('71fl'-
rorrio.rs. Siindt,afternoon'
:Ma.' and Mts. 'Wu'," Siverwood.
Mr. and MIs, * Mttl;:in Spent,
aifternoon with Me. and Ars.
T11•05. ,
Mre.:Win. Hunter, of Teteknow.. 'is
spending a filww-'47,44tV her Jai:Wilt,'
e0„i3:1,•31,r8,, Alex. IIm.:kelt Joil Mrs. Jas.,
' •
NtisA Winnie Of, Tor-
onto, who Inis.,beeti spending' a few.
days with friends here, is visiting her
sister, Miss. ga,rv .Cut.10Oghatn, of
Ssskatehowatt.• •' Port Albert.. • 1
plenditl 'Taper ,on Pllealth Habits • •
rev •Girls." All 'enjoyed' conununity
11 111.., 711(17 11r. Daisy
In7irtiniental':•1O087e '
Mi:Ke11,;,i0 of Bi-autford and
77' 11171 117,11144;,,,,hy :\iigs •'
rl 10(10170 Anert, \Vete eeey t711ah.
l'earcN' gLIV('?
'011(kingt*, "'710squ1t0es4 .11h.nre,»'
Yte., quite Imomroue, Rol1. call an- '
47e7y,i1 by -.The \\817 1..1,•,1e' Bost,"
1117. \U7.Ilu1)Sale of.„(loni:ted aetieles
:11e02:1104!. 110 three loll 727 LtmJ
was 'served ity the host.iss. an(1 con
. -1)1i.-i.:: Fi.lincer:,: .'llat:•iver spent , the
7e.:f71-e11(1 tit. IL- ...Nti:Nee'e,,Deilgannen.
, .
31r, and Mrs. AleX, t'lihieran left.,
Pritine- inoeniee fel. their. 40010 111 i)'-
IltiY:i, l'iley wert.‘ arcoinpitriiiei ley, 'Aire,
Pan Mai -Denali!, of Purple Clrove who
e•il .visit tt. slioit: tittlein Detroit,"e
Spi iict :and , Alpena, Mich. • , • ,
31 1s, ...les'eie MaCintosle of Viette•itt ,
•'1.On:viig,ht ..ter a 1i ((11 eisi 'NwLhile eei-e
4ell):in•aif t?ieration for
ok1 1e we weti -oo1:0 i eat
tire.' i517*,ii,,•., p11127eT yo.e•Otint.; held iir Rip; -
'e.y' I.Y.,', t.'-,...byterihit. Cliti fell last 'chars -
day ef torn:0(m •and y7t2)71:14':;ed hr 11(-v.
II, NliivIatod, of' Seotlaid,', . ' , '
'271 i's .\',trna Stevta:i,.1.1 f 1...0.1tilo0.
is tAsiting. her'inn:Cc 'Al rs.!„,t.' Tlioin'p. .
,' *.‘117i; A''''''flifff,eS.,, 6na mr.s,t..• W. ,Stt`:-
Nt;!EIVI-c1:4(.'..;11:11111..'`Ilir;; 1.;11:141.1.,.V3.A.litl..:111;erTse, t'Ss \tit'llitiartY!'-'.
afternoon, • • ' , , . '
27r 1h th ivlul f'a,,s•le Iio‘fizlas are'
att,e,,,:•.:;,no; e....e.'exillbition:at 1'01'011t0„,
NII'S.IV, • 1 In rrililttoll is en tchaini ng, '
• her ilain.liter and belie fir -int Detro,'4,.
' Fl.owerik,lo farmers ai.:e t ruiY than'k-
tut for tko .'eauttful litiree.st tveather
to.14 are Ilial‘ipg,good tise.of it, ./
There aro, two kitids' of /WiveS,
Those think tjieir buil:ands tiron't'
wziking” enough,' mid 'those! Wim thinIN.*
theit htlih011dS Aroft‘gditing endugili