HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-08-23, Page 6t vue 7 R n 0 oyal Intere.44'..; Fishing, I 4�6' gueuge a I pests, 4". the or4r� -26. ThO e4iihIlaake. follows, and Pffris .aihions, OVOW, UP the doors that th W�Iy., No or escape, lies before th e4if the taWo fact is not;givj�n in i of THmininis ExIcie t f�rl order to show PhiYbr Was answered,, but. rather to reveal the 00 0 Drag and 10pil r n C()ats---�-The'l New Milline kqmson IX Paul 1" ,ret� t hour, when '11 w-ard 0miiftlt� bf niltl�.d will' Pr1rackit cts 16 19-3,4. 601- he could ha� '- I . atobe theata, Me diln 'rext-,Rejolce Th ail, at iS e Olt) ji In'th, Lord al q"tl 40k
6: f"', 4�t 41, . . vidnt I,#, ever
4wa onO 'by j'apd, f * former be .4�6 P4rlS.,f'4Shf6ns Thu e gio new for the" SrIm �hd r Jb' �grid aga 6, f ;P�xp "ejoloe.-I.- tb� 'earthili k' WIL qUa, 'do ittir fow the, e He §ees A1:r,qadh eb crown.- - The'prly ajitumn fijf&y)op WL4 a rr h miAg to the dog U coh -whieh,. an, rus es,,to,t a 61 US110 that ' 'th' NIS oUthe srho* 1*4 ae.. T .Pr �rs �, have than the�` Years,., have, ulue beige 4 )3 -34 this he PrefOrm _,Op y r 'JL T .. exett at, - tl�,#P fac6 the have in -
" ' r ' :R heeof. opqperke. d to tak6 Practic011v- ddn'e :uigoq ed uwHY with boning. t the ut�t"d
RODUMWN-.--�`J�u e 'doeg ilot &'their iXu.' ntly Pinphaiii�'e 'the jilt,"' mi)n: think lit., the xl� t1oh to' f a I Ornya open . i I dgs;., And .1tia0mytildug about the fQ ng of 'the rM �the,curv64 k here h," 'tell �'010 Own life, % 'Undi V '28 How ehiCraZi�ri, be&n" r0bpd 4111111.10, mue 1�6hurch �,at but' we leg h and--athis they. 14or' by' apP6. t,,,4.rb these stm of P aring, ri a f*0M the'lett-er which one vf h that- coh-gregation; 14alat! Sympathy. wive. V14,0.7:pOor ma y le: stillig e hat.', ThUS 4bSo.lqtely. c bid -of *ha.. blue atid were- very green, woulld,.Aot ��`Iearii tbat-'tbo �Pljj1.jppjjt WI be 'led to:�:- �biiti�te, aj th Satln,�Well'asred and b<-Jge pr at vo evoW. � j6. p ,mak' dk4th,beC4use tof,b�6,.' in SIDMG-'o -the ne,W., M4 and ready, to e 41,k kind4 of sacrifice io t Own -Personal AdVAlitiogei t ew Another no Among the' effeqffv6 tr4rx
Q 'theme: han-d- amarec y ar�' introduce& to three t
finterestixig 1ifiai�a6teral,, one, wh�m what 11 4%i,d ', I' ',d. fe�ther- AtreSS,ed In, these, n Pa Act -ion of the '6t S C -was- descrihed, in, the last, I ome by the: pad rane ab - such - Aot. Pr1soT hatheisThe co 4uCity 'of: ables'r as thi� wo'Instan ie" oas" if p "S $7 ven here, w!� �eD to .... . .. boUx,,And' Pitt� how'the godpall, ca worship.' F, 41�jiears that this *in�,' Thlwr'pad u�Iiially L me into c, ,yitA -V I tyr ' - I . I - I . 11 . , feminin ra. a., co cow rnp forces. thot'threitterfed 30 HiR 'que�tlon Is, wi reach.- its. goal aide the. chap( U'. . incipa y be. wanzo th Jer, 4`0ugh siIhot1ette,m4_..,,tr;j a
,iiijoll 6f?JeSUS. htUTAL.' The 9afety..whiell d was b6 p r rofection rom all narrow velvet- out rl� manipula� "t4 THE 'SLA'VE 'Qiit,� 16,24 'war - dange�-, but his' mied adbeexi tionig despilte tile' .sh-th"rIy,-4tpmn7 mmilings' d
fal.and ih6niOus f b Pu r
In, Otfitking, d the Uy fa .9i aaened, to *the deopor,needi of his embroidery --I. models,. all rot Lin- The�tendi�fi Spo r soUL Hadi�r� these men I with it. Bpi it' 'Of IThis r�S- W.9sea -as -been cont"' ued to 'a ly lees tdress h n point where ti Me'' than`� rii-amin portii ittfire.
-17 The� events the trial,, the d -i hvea I dressed as' the alds,bf into the P th whom� re' obtain her. Agan beliefa on the d Cut con91
bject o, , WQ manner"of-the-pris6ne. BU demonaloji. p t V� bias b6w
on. rs and'inoht- o,f dbeen. ftlticil�iated. It anythin oenP411 C!046,�- -however qui e (nitre but, sports w Much gu ft..ap lrs,:- There are, mb longdr after-. Lis Was broiight, ino; contact with Paqr Sn*Wed quite gospel hat'l-all the ftes"df-thi& memorale night' 9
rei n the we Is :wIll''ad f ut, afr4
-e w .1tho him that thei p6arli. The noon. dasunts. these evi jand.that he wa's "Ie thing whichb,6 needed Iprincipal. mahlf,eptatioli attended fn.' -et. Sports, to", f i�om t Of the, pelt, frock and - f 0 C I . I . bqse, first. Informt&.4fio NCE. OF WALES- 'ViSlTa A F S riminng At the, ind%nal 4eign.
tirimirive them out.. in. thL partl6uldr evil and., from death, PR V p ane� the, girt 'appears to- hi re'the. ":31, I HINIG gs IS' TRAWLER, aul's reply1as been:'tI.* an- T46 h-eir 10 t1i be'-&und: In ihe� l'ings *have very de falsed the vent 1 . OqUisit, 'an ,wasi sw'eirg"2' dr*f , S 1w* f .6 throlie d4ring huge 1ur cb,11hr f HI, d i�en --to, of awakened merchan -javy, and, Is - v4sit: to, G ,,p, er 0 which have L the'varioDa ty' ey. subject - �Q -.6tithursts of. eeStasy &I, ifr1nisby" a' VKeen appeare :on some of thb pea
nuers. - It k only i 9- 'ep esus who Can: ti;lateroa t sIs, a ratli"er happy, ges- n W,Ich the com people -reg it is tllrd-Iitild It comp de&as t�avP from, the -,6uilt, fear and. -7- 8 fital r ly of. 'in her.1 menit of r 4d, 'let
a"M,�irk of. the,� d, .14ttlitly discou�igea t6'
ivine presence an Will 110te tbat the - t t, VI t e0s S., Occasiondl 6porafflie- aftem S 'She gTeatly aniiio �ed'the * apostl d* 0 - can inipart Ain' n ormal. sh(yw to re ve Sica 06 by acei an, a.psV 6 Qj Cxed he I gnized ane M SM. ings reco a fojgiy� Ong,.,, Farm, eri : V! n 10*6�A% them -'6f .3 i-ble , that- I formal careless �hi
�s servaA a inn peg.� rofft* I- b lch-!)Te�.xited i -ted. I I I in util�izlpg, several Years ba�k 4, 'R ports I ...... I t. the. A& love cflnisor w ex
-HIg fro . . I
't. GodprWbo'bi6light, aalv�a th6r S it) ,n a heavy.f ur,i0m- 1 line d t sm -t py 'are afe* th mpve� V.- 33. Thli'necesm�y lnstrii�ti6n i's ra I.r Westei Cani Iae% -619 se
'ion, he belief ijr was rovigh ).�.aptj A P b d %da th,
JU-1 4� Wq PapTead, age, cpliditi6ils ron th Uffs, if it. APPliared oil T' �avloiikr 'God giveni. and 1h 'h that' in d to e farms, re comw 01.111i, '.and nient -th4e. really. smart aporf� 6q�stuoj, d. i -is, 'pro hble 6riven a mIttsion in th4',. chutell N1 met a'man Vilibse -buslfie PafativeIy's;atWactory nd tere'l� a' t --eXcept for the, active.. �articlpqp�-, t pp & O. the -at arfieng some O�JaDS th�-. God 'of oubt this man becme, on a T ca,-
of..tber.e0DUUU.11ty. ions ai�e that'.this. gn�ltive.r differen- hka thb. I'M in Ive optim- tiation 8 'beeh' t 'the'J6wo'Ww Adreiwd� st active lea ers, e, -. 4T th'e, m1iinufacturw of furnitt i�, ':And I 0 copy some -the' a an comm rit - 160 : The rest 'of ay ng, Is bbstness Ism that charac hroU Ion- which 'ar appearink, in' Hth6.%6hap,t6r- desc good ?" s.ound d�vei ela ir
quir d., of. -Ill Ipp- will. ti of ribes rniijor. sho'*Ixig come- out Of tbe gjr�. -and, 4: result th ArhiCh:'Paul, a:S ment,'. Before.; the end h are now taklirig,f,ot! I 0 way in, I a hit r*ghta r jj'. SertS. hj 4 1 -fie month I hit� Roma S answered, Irt. to P ace. -a yes. harvesting, en Spec' 974ts'al* lost and, ..she n rotten n, no longer of any 1. said, and e �-,Nrely.et,7 "felt "and. s,61ell will be the smoney value,t<> .her What is' C tho!n�rmal matter? ankilian..'weit -7-7 dd IwheaCcrop,of, s4els. aorics- for, 8 6 fre are. buying sy-ear% grain.. Coin sqme. and. Imi hatPUl),G0,0,00Cbu' aut -and winter and a f Smart once Anto ai, on brin a m nitil mate. TO Is 10r, the young' i
contubt,with the d in� a terest.§'-, of thegrda xile for -crop up, (if men pay will feq:tilie, 'about. 7.5,000' men'-. . .. .. .. .... ------ 'dil the I "Pasn of* Per. ps nstalimentr plan . I .. I r ests the r4er h It or.6, I - a . -S ou d Scho4 6r fri w o' ad" made 'a smal met it farms'will, to- some' U) And j - T iitcheis'Htolli eW dealer I A c out-' of: the mii6inek-of-1h t'nt, '.overcome, S, sna. I.,e.x e a gospel received bugllless-go6l:11 by 6,1 Irly generous tise,6f the 11* Child.. its firstattak,from heath And he4r1sweried it' ar- W., A. In the Lbdds- M&curyi endom from vestermcoffibine it indelliD6 which: 6utat Artific d I said' My; 1hey, ;tni th ' ' . !. . I ..,. . . th-6 AiIL"- Of:'Oonflneice.: - Men.'aro most What -is the matter7 :1-afid"th.vushe .5 iph e or ial Silk h6'sald, gra n, in oneippera mqI1 rb serMitive in-'rmatteri& of -Th 6 ood unfits "A the ..e People wiltk pli6uld , tion..
n r . ... : All -artificial oil sdcal,e of other- people' 'T y for aftbrno 1%4,6d or, :1 r � Es,' are being
11XV14 . a . 0 Duying pianos are buying, a- Meanwhile th woln� A rd-kili'these " do -M& It' , . . " '' wal more, t, annuaL b of'. thA resftt - th S h dre reic; 01
gistrates �payjng., f ar. -it ands'_ en, ho 14' wear ex- thp.,day' when the , ma expenWe -car d 'j -6f r-�� at wom tea 11 'e,� h a to.. a 0 meet-, this And t4tiS er me,' -of- other Year rofp the 8fltish,Isle the The loeliest,O dht pan Qgnadli', the" Ulifted' �tiites add t is arid' in-ai I b d' tern r os hava.
Patil and-�brilng L a h t the "iketp�lap� I or trial f r age. The9e::L:.crItf6' ROM tfity an ca oTly 4Aitoba SaA 91 to. deploreiotf cial sil r an', artifl.' .7 so b'dWil
crafts with an ewan Of. a baby means 'th�: wrecking V 20.�Jn'thfs .
exampde:of 'the cap een su'r7 i 'of a lld�ond,s4ids.There hath b lid 41barta-h 13111i egUn;' akfollowedr the' tafentelf: w-6 face, and the yj and it si li 0 and - bad two! �magivtrates. who iowe,t that, families a man's'. Professional life.. IIIli,ded rp S, ll 1'the,4rdffi slightly. da�kel% tone . r ..dyed e1ir:c6uthS.' Luke is v pait 4ith. almost, any,. 'I t� nIY re` p6rt They do not- st4'
0 c lerg;lled os cropq,-66COuraging but 'Y to consider Whethe" th.e,.fac'*e of r, itban, Wour, farmers, evipry- If th,e ear f& r ir . can'. get it;'go sesSion, thelr.-b6oiks rll,painti 'Where 'all If) nle cite in"' his iiska of the' ittl i I,
thait 'the 'V' ax to off 4t n. of live. -1i6t -be bett6r innoVatiQns, -,'aCCUSe1-$r rl hild In tile oand `ff h eep -Oothe& are e Shii shoue C' prdducti6n of the dftffi� not I ear st-h ne condition and Prices '14:.tBe end than %that 'for t e b' Th' I and their. Musical Instrument t A
that real cause of oftrxae� a as )lot tr thedlr haentlon.:, a tired -tw.o r Seasoup. 'They':sAy n6thing -aboou own UP . t h e, car'.'.-' tin Ike 'belle "g t, llot� '6xten0VelY: PODiilir. 'd eir.'o d neoura ng:, P tures I:. -v silk. voile- fe t nienItion: thbi an r ciat ha f:.i ti I o - ns , good 'undivided att ursel Wea., 1I encouraging, fertnity. amon A A4Lfj Personal loss, n6ir do'the��-mekion't 4nd I ' " ! . , he �sajd,. if thij5 66, t, ve . gb'.il�ien th�;t been -h6ale& rue, 9 the solid L -PaEEprn of'. .., - , oel' t fact. that a poor gjrl -rather sad." :Apd.' I 'no, a. SOM trou,U6 'Thiiy. aedus6 panki I SUSP6CLt at th k4ellectuil, �leixi6nts o . g were,beautiful an Iere- e Y, Th the C B n some 9, 1. am d I; penali ff!D.amess .aln1GSt,,` Wbd us,ing'ricit,- and diaurb- Neverthles. no ze the. inarrIgId wo.njjl� equal thof,/ a er. Mis oming . O r. oU, thi� abice, and df always, ihier6sted- And, a tri :Aria we t e. pu 1.
UPL,r .1 I fie. ikebti I ".
.0cl.0ty - I Cal whehr'l� fl , that mliy-bi6ak d, Voin-Cat.-w The! not 'Only tiinrl Ig .nlitl Imen $net) Qeribr4i Agree- in -.enpft-tb- aft-- c 119-b
of, ., 1 . orward
Inent on; any. qn�k Por 1 Judges that at Say jt ig to was di are Poolitars,--thus g1vi f8citpegoat'ffi the -lit honsenS ar mg a h11it'1h7 glie. - t1lat"nio t Story' of Isrd' -to 'cut ;bLe the fail to- aft had heithood all Ahla pp.ery.,q a�'L a' -Id .un'fits of th the grea -val e 6 th,e'tcomUf a 'Worill'all to'ba-v6. ebrge og ot er peopfe.s' -hard to y in :xvas e'xtreU I the ay* them-alves be ch:rg,qd saving �11' file I'll It e Y
of n t . e . trouble i n 'children faulis� hb*e out... thg� echo unfaihf uIrie6s' to thejnte;r��- her OWU.'r ve
ours., t AS Pquft- Y, plain ifo4se, r, have feien, oy0e9mo Ulan E' sins a aie Are -S] = r 7��;f t 118.19I 'not Dip"Ire. IThis Z'easbn better -way 'while' the'goa -t o. say that is. bbrfng bY.. the continental h . was baby The eiPected lesult t�ok heatdd not -let oil 'the artiflPlaI voiles n thig 'by, The' 'f y graceful is . were
place. ickle .mob is Ch '' I . 1. t U to thb wilderness, really of' his: due if his tohiad roused ariming a g . oat.As, the a f e,..but 13'ritish. hous' ad� 'o hel a' lid good, nurse, e -.80pervision IChester. Th I e threa , d . s'doL es in t
fury abod � the agistrh rnodish:, WAS -as, b 7 be6 Co4ld' frock. hAving a, gaited amit tjlC6 it each h
ML(al th wdre just.as. rij.Ank Sill, S the prisopers. ereL Bug ce, an �, a. wide crilished Jn t e our,, for thas�-:l The Wor& riniglit sicle of the bd&' d' e -h notsl gest r that' P these Judges ir or city a iliere 'Mal:16 alo'theA, . b in en:t'. th-j.r.r�o* elt fini§hid with a �chic bow dt, the, t,hat o�ll weiihi y D. a, the eopl� aAd ino.s' gns niore I P e
dle,cla � st.-mid I I eapegoat lei bit !.the, beautiku before a A: the - shaped -yoke and' lotv&, :on lifs-vacatibu. r,,c at peo .6 am.. rt nd Lss ped0o are Well;
hild"ren I . - ontriLst- -W "& , , . I hf� "as, f 11'.. . read' to. tear r -tither le'o �elof p1rt of the long sleeves: are of C said ea adapted to t On a �'i, 6twhine Pe6p hie4 hich ab 'View. 13, or the, Prpsent c n, their own;. artd hex thou arly tj U1 tha Ing rhateriali. While U.1, Sit le ViCtLims has.� 'the- ondition in 6 f, ' " . , � . -�..O . us ness?, I 1. as �o and Who the sleerv6s �lrutted.*..NO, 162 1, is'ui sizesr 'Add I said, exact Y'dly'r' , 9 Th n department are 1�9 .3(i *at !pcheS-butt. . Vie* -tit . I` thi 0 mot i-er' e! I ol�e buyer
i'TOM S, 'it eligi t �slze'SS Pere. Ighi,fie a b nt re t in R 00 on 'rPpently, Said,, to educq, b t 0,'Public, regardli the thm'n, .Y,. r�quires'2ys yards 30 -inch, or. de4 '-PlijIdsopily 6. - ' 1)9� taofidi�lng P"prell 'for the unw ment assign- 38.,40, 42 ind L44 A' trade. B n ed to to h 6fsin erns 'll The' ards- S4-hithtdaterili arid 4 th � -� - I L Thas, y 'are beabi3fn by the and:,,of -me SOP Isticated :m6d 0 th w o'., qualilles., of it lic- "he's, a ba400h't -t tx) ri itha spec�ial in contrastul4 Ch' rade t an. the unaiii' ar yard 194;� duf n, ison w _h g.;.,2y 1 dIsdain'fully'' nlaferlal.-g�d store and'1;6 2. �.arlli 39 DIOUS and' assur 'lor to"giiirlirtheM aa or.: oputented, appeal to �tr the - World -ilcorning. the'Orolie r to,the iaIi IN yirrds �4.7ia& ma Vie co ;gj,�� r, he as 'lost n6r6 . . r rnc at , , . 4 B -, j§ capegardt , I eds' awd that 'I W h interest L Itho.d of Us D 1. 1C, . enemies. U -how to disc ve House 'L I' I people. ashing it. a it e OL... V�st Tria im, , , . ?I 1?ri.ce 20'tlin i�tha patt0p.. V that 14: Ii L -fashi e, P 10 the' on y bid. oned. retain an tlierie Ing. th a, lot, me Po's It A'n d Cahadlina 'iriteret in religion, lml8t have 'diffir stance i . vbIch a cherMleal 'Sub. V. .24.. The aillit makes sure Of, T tRX8L . d' LlnOSAYL said. to bi Iri ilto the. . i liner i -in Said It:. Ihave Lin t slit) this by thrusti ng the HOW TC?'- (),RDFR PLA T, ii , *-' uch i6 be prQu( - of, n this- uld',be- added'to he ljk�ly a Write your name iind'add cu v in erp ainink �he Englisb ptay, of lig, ra.. It. IS a .vast treas- v� his 'Which wril 'said I `h b e Ct' 1�fi L , ' n Here is' . dIS`- leave th' ving, I number' size 'of. such d le, article.% uliJahlag �Mit of the' tk whe he also Secures ly, gi .19 - w
'th . , patterns as�ou -;�ant, CIO 8c ur6, bouse,,-.,.Which,,,.',ha& no y 1)11t.e 'bv them v i� on ni 6fQnDd,,,dIs ee l;j 6"rylltg of a, jellgion is a Dew pi 1. TAE JAILER '25-34' stamps or coin �(coiii: p7 0 e a in , �eferrlid; wrJirP[6j',Lftnk Pr a asy tapped, so tonliiarativel,�speaklng, is not: Itru.4t of* till ohda� nd' p " 8olutions 6 'rich a're lts'rodou'rc6s' wl licb, if ed,
IS o nufa 6blem; fio'rtr of "PopUlAtion; 'but 'that is a f 06 ina' It Is: always 44th', It Yet bectilDso., It will !rh is I �a'refully) for d to 118on"t arge n 11tr0du I* to the thh-ly fi" W., an Wh ell . r (�4 * r 1, I . in ttler. fc 1.9 behrg -' re be all added-fadtor, in d an- a U e"' O -atere&�`P6 medied,�,gOe8'JQ"- () roots,ot Ing the dirr. ultk the nia %pers6iiage k %narrh address your order to ilson Pattern Swer and re.lIgIoUL tradl Service 73r, the. suggeklori of t1lb *.I, i - though slowly, ',and pprhaps tiOns ikild' Iflitoric Altits It ls,,Svn�jenr a I so different' f rom Vvey West Adelaide St.4'Toronto'i,li e y .,terf,al. ither Lydia �oclainlod, pan ie acea, 'And do, �a lijtjd'� b#t(Ar, 6r -that sjp�e It, seenis to in-, 4 'see- that -lovely r girl. wa a,. jiir.obabl y a 'Pattern,5 sent, oc
or the slav He' �y,re Urn ma so thElt 14 -read b6r thinlilng, I -Alcate t' a'-bett,er.qua-lIty of - fm-,. 4pd 011oWed' wi () fill(] a- deePef.caffse iba' rough -1 . man soliat, wdth a strict selise Of & �Jniproverneli ir4r blu
lis respb, renledyL. -The L th Inte 9 zal t, O' biity, COE'ecioUs aleo that in I gran, t; I be Bti�t. 6�it- .411-9poilkl ' r .,
nisi s o r.1 'Und do YoUr an Otit I rli* wor d, 'Th6 -man.-L;El1' lec t L (>.'d .b j6. li shorthand C Chri, enturi, IS that, )eth Marbmur�,' any n L _. I . a - aide of - t1i nllrt 'will be im� Oupila'' do,'Well?" e, nier6 sbor peoiiIle-i moral verely.' 0uni.4hed.' Carlhd can hold'hor en rflilly. IDS head rno;ig th�'Jlje Ottelillam rmigi do of the '50 a sted 'to -da to'.
V' 24, -The; here pr�sent6d, . / Tla(IOyJ4 y er. In a wohian ld friends re .be h,tirlde -an a�stjraiice' i11iikt" t,hpi ls�c;ry fit tY61i I sent'olit ]as ye al r e .'O Is vefr Nvid nd .nla ki eliefs. and criow,
U. usqd 'to 'call'.fo' will -lie ,recogn zed: �against this .11 Pa 1 t Y� r. ng I-W-nJ. cnoriod 'their e rh r8., q,r ey, tb Oma D. Whis r hl ,801ellfe; tfie So;, tan W 6asle6t 'fo. his' !,I$ oe'L of tfi 'I*eL(I g '01ily that* b4ii-'tbey are . Su ff er! n." rleading, nationg 4)f ell I rowtll f unbe ' ]lot, file gigantic. is' fily a:i' -John 8b id, te4' den, joy 6retilc 6u to -day' What becaffil) 7,pf that, alluunjos A Ntrate, Was, It& the'Ps�dnls ol -cuoMi� n!it the world. Within * hot npanied' i. parlVr Q rlstiah%llymn, s . u( Stilt Matid Was r Hs, Aspun a lte� of. -wealth -811(i '.I)rl(jJIS,uI'0 allst, '"O'YOU, heard the gto�y. f� t"Ieso".11"tV6 t '18� b� uit tu r t See it B I i'C i "If N " dirie.4. she,bas �Il the reu1i h -.h as the -his:. Wea Itorian - Pliny Sr,cak9, of Jfi M6 letter '#Matid (Ildn t think his P-11i'll sick i.a world pow anadtans She had bo'on to, ,ihe'dr around b6lit 6�.' Let all,'C lilq( diAled 111tai-yst Ili God and esg'-; I I . ( st 4h tho ea, 'race: keep that, -ID'-'thefr mind t 1perflatl ral, dayR, r'lY part of t14 neXt cen,tury� n fact, sent It, Wk Their 'fel low I it Why,' ails, for It it to have. the voltft.go. 4� and, part towards Maki the Ifiat'it 18 �o ihiiiCt" drearn Coftla,,tVUe., Cit�a wa J( al.: W I I to:. .6-') me �AW Fisher long 'AND JE f of I W TIA I S rjl�oss..WOC�6 1P ey 'Get a t of Good U crogs Word P,
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