HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-08-23, Page 31
bli....-r-t., ----.--...!,-- ......._....................,
. Pirefki of Caribbean Is Lamp
to Natives—Zeebe Tries One Top
Military TrairAing Good or Man and lEttekst
mu [smut i 41111ittissiittimilieVA° ..6' ""linitsilli umactitnistit asitILII.L.e./*/ ffe, ..... .
i !IMr: 1:!'eneY,.' Wbetht ..'94.0.n.eaiShOe, in -a,B9tEler-Pr,,FlYa 0. :.,,.....1::t4
.'Nfrce:-.4btl. „....7,1g.p
'. thaiigit0..tiriy Pngliiht Arose. 'XnPrA set
•-" 7.1rS.C'',arriong , Oelibett's• Vir
relir AbOtit,' CleaffIS iii- TrelpiCI PoteS4,.. " ,:g
able to, rty giVen '.4s. P: " Pattern.. in.94, „•;',,it; '
- '. ''NVii4 Hip: Aixiazing .Fiezifilighto!---' --,..--,-:-7,-,-----.
, .
Ininvotttlie.ilte,•:Iti,Ittlevaeitir4ditl....ilj.,.0,rr4!;(1tt ' '' • ''' . .
144a.....e.f tita,.0arlhheali:‘110.1tnind the . ..'" 14 ti. 4'3' 'A : Fond. . '1.11.et11 '''
.11;p1.0,0a 14.44.ed,.•.'••oo.,..the,..hefottrei'le.: are Per,fectly.:hertrileira;,...,„ : ;,.• .
. rclo hundred: ear egtti.Whett Co-• Ing wood 4141'.'Veg.04016..:. :Matter
,. a v.„s reo . : ..,. . •
Civilized '.c.7tintry;) ittv-s,!•Per•:- Cent ' Of , ..$•.
,...110444.14.,c4.0.ci.:,,b.u.ts.,....0..th,e. caob ..;47. • -When the vnativeS.' 'Wlah. tO, .IttCh.'
.:.talloel.).fie9.11,..;'•I'll'7/-1,tiPinallifti;g'I'v;I:97;Pil%,'IiViril,,,ir.f4i;ir'.: .
themth.ey Walt. until le to" dark. Then .
: aolille .i intlrecke(t;.- vlgorolpl.. a Oil .; 812p.:
diens, lighted .at-nightItY the. trepical:
lighting •the•ead of. a'..Sticit they go
pieheautifu '. , Ile .knoWriastinctive. : ..,.."
. -i
14.60 .4.414.'tlie' 411Cllatis ,ceefined ..,itt out of.."ihien'S andWIfte it above theft'
ly,:not nly 7tactly what .,b ..,...
, cloy:et:1y 'wrought crigea.or palm' iihie, .ead.e.. n a rqw. nitnnents., dozensett-•• o.6e yhtrita40
Sat, 'lint: alpx the .words :Mitch. yril; '.', ' •
.goiliiiN. but traveler's, in. the' interior 'of i
To -day,.. the' gen lo..• Carib Indian' IS 14eeties,".e.-a's.:gticis.7. ttehde):1.3:491v'thi.e.:::.;adt:.1 i
.. . , . •
1 lighte: will '. be. flying. areand,. the •stiek,., . ..,•110.1404:nliatotu,;asallyn'inarra.e,1•:,. h..ft.fr.11:tetn•elettuosilvyt;-470'..• • !.'l
= ,.
tho, Wands •iriil find the '..fp'-egneYor I Wheil
.etICifio,said' the. itatiVer'calr the nre-•
_.• 2. pleasure by ,gplicking. .10adli,-ahcr "0
-,-,i • CL119e11:41f; i: 8.style P. . el 'sr 1::C'e'extt r,a4,4.0 . I i 1 Ili 1 j°(tcr 1Y. 4:t' It!t i rxlaie•I' :.
..fiS'':. lighting.the...hdts tor 'hi kilOn. Taeo
- 4110.,a 'northerner ,'the. . traP!Oe„f Otefl),". grel*)8.t afTeeti°11: for the!4°4114111 11:-1- ii'l
= .., er 'go..giieh; P.TOse-writerS, ..i.1):- 'be itt;.••-, -
vigorously. . The natives !haVe the . =
E lish..';.There..iire; of .coursi4ar great
. or .bi.g.,olkter .beeli‘e 14 ..4...neyerLeeole; Sects and no 'eliild•.Or.gl.:OW.OLIIP wotild.,, =,
" . SetirCe.. of 'de)tg4t 014teter.eo:. :.ft• -is. dreain`of lia:rtning•one., ',..:' :: , '-' ,';.,:. l'
.= ten sentence's which, are MOre'perfeicW
........A. 0 hut no One; .1' belfive,... htigt: Ord* Writ" ...::
: than-,khe pageaat Of dancing,: flashing,
.0.01 OR' ie,;inlitgine..'anYthing lovelier ..tthe d.r.4•47!4' IfOt je• :'''511e'' of 't114i'ae:';.,
Crete natural scientists: al:e.. tdIng, to • -
.." .:
ii: of the ,Englialt lang-u'age. (It .,la Ine-:
'fatrY-like lights .,preSented by native solve. .11dano.can! fly;. tunnel through ' r.-..., .,00;:•.•
-. •Paase this faculty la natural .and un? .
' 'het • &unpaved . in briiliancel, to. that of duce -;--light. by candle; '011,, gas. and
(II 6 ' .::::....,
you read a: paragrabh of 'Cobbett,qall ••
Q,•44 = 131,1a.keeping 'with the peculiar •goulua
mountains 'and. tinder riVers; lio....enin 711.!
V. coaScieus 'In him that I- say that in ert. 1.,.
1,sTorth .. American: -lightning-bugs• on :send,' his .voice .: thousands o miles ,' =,
English 'Utopia' we ordinary •persons, .
. :and unforgettable as this is It cannot
warn) am/tier eyenifigst, lint beautiful
without the aid .of wires, .he' Can pro- ' ...I
-I ... 'wattle' all write like^ cohliett..) When
: the tropical fIreity.• The northern fire- electricity..but fie' cannot do what this ..•
12 you can eay'fit: • •4'Well, tbat•Sitapik is
little beetle does----prOduce:pholsphor- =.1
= :Eligllahe''• vcin cann-61..say the Same.o: .
fl gi. e said to be nature's .can, es
„.. 1,
without heat! • • I ;74'
, ..
..." • 'Sir Thonnin Browne or :of IVIiittin . or -7
- sent laing.- 1.400king down upon. a .val-' ' ; ''. .., - •:. -7--4-1.
' dlo; 'the' tropiCal. flrellY her Meal:ides, '.7".'e`-'• ''''4t w ' - •
. .
ii : of ,many••feisa L'Attinized prose -Writers.
: thee° dancing fireflies is• like looking r
.ley filled 'With. Countless- numbers . of
A:Wild Beiit Drive
.. .•
-" sentencen aemethilig. Of the atrnes„.. •
..., ,.. Cobbett tee., ms to toe to get itite hie'
Zng I is h: clintete aa',,well' aa .eif tbe. Eit
'., With. Afriea, Ablaze'
•, ,.. ,. . .,. . • . -
_ . .....,......:.,..„,„,,..
- lish 1.1angnakeL-2antit the-nfigliih' 'Oita
3. here Of the, Ilhigliah country and, tIA .
.. . _
Cobbett's I
pan the starry- heavens inverted=a
,scone. never to he forgotten. .1
• " The lamlnosity ot our North Amer!,
cart fireflY.corites from three Seginente
• or the7ettaiernen and is only visible
when the little beetle ralsel ita wings.
, It Is this ,raisink and lewering nf the
actor. Title la true of all his writings. .
The weird 'throb oftemtotna seanded
all ntght,through the lVfashakUlurabiwe :••
clualitY! 'and 04atIn t0' his deseritIOne
but . Is what giVes a peculiar •,
. ,
village; and in the niorning•the natives
of Englishcotintry and so tio Aural
:1111011111111•1111111111•111111111'4111111Ur•1111111141/1101111kOMMIllall I III 6110101111401111111
half:section limping
CoMpetitimil at the Imber Court Hers? L„ShOw.
winga . that causes.. 'the:intermittent dangerous Spectade., 'In Africe-the' ta! . • • • • ' • hts
left4ler the, Weediest, 'most • .:•The',WfUning" pair 'the •'1tideS. ,What'.conld be alinpler• Or
'fiash The. elater:• beetle of the •WoSt!fan'nual genie drive... 'The hunters took• parditly .more.'..easY te..write than 114R,i.
-.:.Tediee and tr0P:leal South .4-therfea1t'i's their' positionS, Presently,: billoWing fallen •to the deadly thiaiwing a• 'gered' shouliler, or. even •Ity. 'being.; WOre 'slutt,... 4.14 .04t, ail Oar.. adOPtett coilld• ride out on, a Janitary .
feur Or flye,t4rneis the else of the north n 'of ,;•aebSe', Smoke . - ;'itollOwing,Pasiagea; Yet lio.W.Mantpeo:!''',„'.
. rose froitit were „Olen bugs and .killed. • . : I. bhildien oeinIerhie,,,TOr. the ing'from, KenSington--and-retera-tithi•
given..ottt 'by ,twe.ey_e Mtn.' itheitg ori t'hA. •-,••
11,girtaing,'-nag its .6 the 'grass. for: several .milee.,around .1•zebre, :Mates farther' on a Awe -them-, .The Itig cats, stidh, at7lions-and leen, I" Welk' ' heti to . have ' :WO this in.' their:Anita-books/1,
!ongue �f red; leaning game. played sand -Pound. litiffaloi -then. a. leohi we _end ards,' ,we..' eaieh' .fiel,;•yr trips; goOd-Oglit :Word' and; rub,..and we ."Evennter •. the ,Colmices .ere .
s •
, "thorax. ...There is else anether'aree, underneath. :The -Valley \of the hunt Wildebeeate, eitOngh 'me• at and! skins made either- of lii logs or• Of Iron bars., too, went to bed:, ttirningNeVer the re- beautifei to eye, Titrhite
they coin.
tut'Ahe 'abdOmeri but: this was '..ot 'gre' from the 'rtY:er. to the 1..rei eyersr•laeliii; A •few• and :heavy besins.: We snare birds • spensibility 'ter. thegif t i I p- fort:. , with the idealof shelter
Cannot. be seen exCe,pt wIlea . the': Ia.'. edge 'of the encircling:hash; A Vic:ions nials hail been I' : when ,they . come to• ain! on '.te '$‘44dY:. '. •
NV-arpith In-,spritig"---.theY7CharireTtbeir
• seat te .°1•I ivtag• :• cita.ckle tird, snap' drifted dovin Atte Were :taken to the; vola.gre..... jrth,Ahe,ke-ver),---,i)eissible.:,-fre• eofmr-chut*-.g'.ime--1 : • '
Tyie Readlights. . • witrdas7:-.41-6-ttinder-,dry7giit Of the 'lions; leonards, Jaakals I with 'dogs; 'A .goOil of digs ' • •hue trem. day to ClaY daring wiled°
• by the natiVes to d h t
. , • rive , t ,e game , o- arid smaller cats' whose skins. could I tree a leopard in short order" or run i • two
NATURE'S TEACHING , Months, which is about the, time from
the 'first 'appearance of the delicate
' the intermittent .gleato of • •
. the northem Area!, these twci•thoracie ward
the hunters, flamed, Bait not a•I he 'aged as skirts ter the wamen, •or a warthog, denvn a hole within a mile.1
.,. lighte ..glow, steadily and 'continueu I . I ',. 1
sear.:,.- cettie • . froin '• the, • Watchers to nieke bags and...."potiches• tor.' ti' TI . ' ''' tivei.'.on their, daily rotinde Y. •
ultitnate...bal triWard whieh bola tra- .;sion. „Of theie • of : the :neh; and evert
1).,felf,:lias ,b.Y. tie 'ingaint':reacheel • the :', •-•.'
:.,..'' tng: ' W.Illiaq.1.;1301"%.'ttie.,nater.ettet,!.:elutehed in .-'his.. land, , Wes ' Wyjnenti plaCe in- maily,.pa.rta Of 4frica.:all; dur.--,hOle.a. ' of" tree. , 'yonag!...,•1!4h..O...e...n..s..........or.1 .te!,..e:f..ef ...0erseiv.e.e.,...-,,p1.,..egros, i . • . ' .:
S'of.lineling.ene that cnrried., the II:.,
',' Inston-, se, 'far avietualiy to Shew,a...)ef • ..1 :
. .. . . . . . 9 circuses. , :This drive; trent. which...he . ark interest to :Me • as the pitfalls,: do : Ale': .of tit-. night pia:. eliseover, One •Of.„' .!
,reil. taillight! :.!-"TO 'awaken...in' the 'inid,' " - ' , '' ' . - :- ' ' ' • . : .
'',--..1- ?tan:ding', , eXpectant,' ;with.. his.. rifle • a smaller seale the Sante, thing:lakes 'eiOgs' they often:chase. sinall Oats -into-- -; '• • •.• -•", • • • " ''' '. ' • • f bespangled with- primroses and' blue. '
hoped • te :•eittain some' speeitnena, lie. .not..lieVe '" tO.....lie iiseil.' to. kill.' 'The
DeVieHnbbard;,,a-lioae. butineas •iS .0141. Ling4iiiy.,, Atighlt•Yend.:SepterriberL ,. menkeys .; , . ' '
CaPtUring wild 'anirnitis for zoos ,and \'',.. This'''. eeirl've 'wds.:•ot.i'Mere. t,b,11.• ..,etch -e_ ...All.....the..,....animal.S.;.,tiircia'!-.-ami,tanakeis
• • ..I .- ' ... .;. , •• • .... , , . .• • - • - . • • • • • . , ••• . . , have.. tried tb 'make', them • into' a Pat- .. ,• -. • • . ! • - • . • • • !
caught are. brought. into .one • centra11 .
1 :-Let' them -drirtic.in. all that is burs.. ill
siblee.,,,and...b,lature.s ' aim, . by . se,: much. •! leaves :
Steps' aS• they Come. to 'ittanhoo;71Ent ifi:pwse.:1'b":1::.sr9es'i.°.:.,:tit;e.:°::::rio5..:::ca.cilli:.gm'::. ,.lit.:fttt.rei'9,,.ale'afti,silue::nikt1g..(:1;'0..rbl'i:nd111.1.:•:;',...-..,...,.... ..
v.. hserigiel", ;•763.4ortobw,e Ifii:c1;t8.11.r. I;
-: •:tindirr.,e,•tlark'' racial their . reinnblancermrQ• e`.e . .•
• • . • • . • , .. : .... - .-.- velling,-and the greWing children. are''/ '
1 d tense; •waiting- With ' their. Men. •••• ' .- • ' • ' • :.....' : ' 'I, , ' .o. inspeCtfon -are ceitStantly mi.:the': • • " . • , ,,,., '
• . . • . .• • ..,, .. ,-. epenrs .to loll Whatever • anintale, es- ; This yearly 'MaillakitIttinitiwe drive : leeltout fOr tertOiSeS%'' tuilyes, Young „ t,°, ..enee'. 3,‘,:rhe - 4.4.t.. •e,.ke.,•Lt,40. • fe .,w.a.7.1•• fctiet..tt thilVeittiv, iefithe.t. ..b...d...isreo:_deiight:: ..
. Je. the eleCti4ibeaangkt or.i.tlit.y; .t_OY I eg bd the-pIttalts ivhich lad been dug. Is: hele,te. secure Meat and skins'. ,..... On ,,b..irds ..or'; baby ' ante. lefie., ..U.Tith. .their....
- .
.auttnnobileishOtii: Star nd a . us
o ,, o. . as e, , e. et . a:coppice.; ..•
- ..-•. these ' living, toy .'..'inOtor,;•eitre'''' gliding': • ' - ' - ' • •-••'•
• .. .
• , • '•camp, - where .:theY are!' tamed. end ' ' ' - • • • ' • ' •-• 7. . ' l'illSf :when th.e'oakitutitt, 'begin •to 1 ' k • 7,:
, •• •
describes: .for. ei. in The Elk's. Alaga,•ranhoalS .trappeti in' the*, eau ,be:taken !Studied. ,liaaddition.tet. the••specimen. ki.
dish„,...,ett .. net. a flay';he`for-e,.:•1,7171...
awillly . and' surelY a res.s ;the • e..1.11, ;.' . ,.'....,..... .... ,,,...... ,-_-,' !, . • •
. . • . AI/mentalism, ..o' .. ' ..dogma ' „down' ..
whole tribe ; of finches: burSt. forth ,iii.• .-..7.
. , . •- . • ' • 'and Meet. don;t %stuff...platitudes t'isieet.-.i...,r,ed, •
.Its ...heitellightalighting, up the...'c'elling.'. . •''-'••• • '... ' ' '• ' ; -. •'... '.. .
'-' . out 'alive.. Very . eaSilY.,' With; 0.0 • .,Itelti, 0-Ptared. by niernherk •pf Tthe • .can.11)...! tbi:.0..-H'.
niniala-a•re.-.-hotight 'fre.la' .frighten, :them. either -of dark 'Corneral
. . • . • •
ate and ••Whatevet.• 'yen %do ; don ti
songs trent. , eveLy- ••bough,.. WIAtio'• the ..... :
. ..sotrie thing •otiO ninOt eteperietiCe to':itp-,',1egs ie'
,''for ait .' inCh , or more .,' •aroutid tt;,.. •is', I, Pl6thren.,in • my.. Mind' the" haPpeo,7, ef ' a.; few 'nettives;,. and..th.ei,11...se.,:•.0.t.'-r.tf.' "Ipeaa§tcalelif 11-•
the: grass hi:trent-Of US.. Herds Shekel and some relie, . -.! ::..- . : ..-.... •:•• °eller"' White men, and end there 'hardly., :
'in I:the bouse :Or •Cf. 'a,. dark corner I lark, '''..
ill) ita.ting •,thern .alr., carries . the
• . '. predate, Int 4ibu arty If 'one :lies not'. of,pukty; leohiwre, and,Wilde'beeSte :ante,: „The --17-heittomed; - pitfaildfi - a d.eadly ,pasSeS ,',....e,...day dating. Which. village life !...: .... ... , .,2 - . . - • . .. . . ... , •.:.:.-!. [ joyeue,Acurnial.to. the', sley."--tLoonard..
had the, plLasure f .making, ':111r.. Bee.... ;. . • . . . , . . . , . ., . ,,t , Let.. nature !tea.eh Them-7Mo. lessons ; tori p•aliti.es. Kt,.,- ,,,. • ' ' • ' ' . • . -:.
ope wouldbe, tneVing.•slowly ,ethead .Pf affair-. The. . apex of the -;',V.:Is about
. • ., • . • natives do -riet bring animals aild.. .. - • ••• • • •'' • ' '. .V • ' •' ' .- ' ''' I Woolf in Essays on ' Literature HIS- •
''''t-T.:.,.'.°•ni3y`,s., iteOitaintariee.before,, 't he' firet:1'. . • ,. .. .. • , - .•'., ..•••
the adVencing five,...,Bufftiloes ousted:..011r ' lik•he „wide, the . Width..of a.'n4.-
r._ birds for sehi". ' .. .. ,.... '..- . -.,.• ...:•.i,... .......'ret god . old .piv.o.ri el. living, Put. ,them. ". : .. • .. . , - .
• . •
. • ....
fm:ijuise....14. '..te ,p•trich• • one .".4eif.• te'.• be • front,: ••th,eir ,•'dooling;:• muddr..1wellewS1 tiere :: hoe ...., An• • axite1ope,:;.„ltuffale,.. Oi.. .,.. Oftell-:•Mt..:Hubbald and his •fatatir In touch with the best c.hilit,racts! Ton
. , — •
. . , . . •
• • ,• . • .
. . .
0,0e. bare li'ffill:dreanling.•• :.,...„, : • :„..:..„,....1• Wetud.:_be.,-sulleitlY-getting.to".tlieli feet' -iebra,--.- falling. i'through • ike. :coVei•Ing. inaile .friensiO _with their. captives.- . P7..be ...kaiovi,, ,',.jet ' them. absorb., • truth and
-, .• .• • • .
. • . . • ..
• While' Onlj'r these two theraclolights
,.. -.•
..t.o. • .filul •:!1,3.9,tet;reSting-PlaCes. .:There i!ferna, 'its 'legs., .one •behind- 'the. 'other,. example: ' .... • •,. - • '.' :........; : '-.... ' '..._'-i• heeitty, and ;human ..lii•etlierl_ica_d_y '.,:t.t.s. the..L...
.--•••• .are visible .Witen the. beetle Is at rest,... Would be sebrail And attattinga;. iadt.' I NO, matter 'he .wit 'Struggles..it. 'cannot , ".$killam," 'et ' fell -grown leopar$4.Wha- plarit:.:dees-suashine '' and .. dew, -:andl.
•.:,;, the light is .strong,erongh tO''read 1".*:;.1. 4.1i; hyn.eas,:. ..0.11d,-. :perhaps4.-'a ' roan very ine,se,•: Dirt!, :loosened ''frern the a gregt.' Pet. •, He WOnid lie 'Pr '.!hOuts.,:in,os.4 chfldre'n Will grOW to be the best •
,,Several: neetles. placed under a ,glais •.atitelope; lindonitteillY ikinewhere be- lett' •th ''' -1 1 ' '': ' - ' ' .
• „ . . ,, , , ng in .a. pj,t, Str t I .(i•i,i :.. .. :.8. n..on. to -p: of..hts•, men.and. worntn: Lilt er Burba i.k in .
, •• . • • • ,
Itivgni.le frequentlythe. only :light used '.' twegq. Us and the firethere were liens sides falls own Into the • :,.airti, Nfore i-eheite, p(-.1 4eep. watch over thlVe,amP,.• The -Harvest:. or . the ..Years. . •
'.-.; tells. e..nsing; theni
by the peoter„ natives and 'br.. peebe'' and leopards .sliniting along, ,aVoidizigl its Weight,. resting.... on ' its "chest •and ' Whenever ..either •My..' Wife 91' laYaelf '' - .. ...'..' ..y..• ''; ' ''.', In
in_...thia., way , in..! .tne beffaloes,. angry at heing.diaturbedi.bebr, .witif.,;.te :3e10.1 nil"! .11.04, in....a Ii 4po‘oed,. jf, ,wouid "timplf•'..and .4:see!! ..: , .. ,.7. ,.., -7:7%, ., , ...,
• • . ..., • . •. • .• . . •.. , . • •. • •
Uolonial.: Status •
place if of his electrie flesh: • ' • •., • ....•, • • . , • .. ; • • • ! .. ,.
, - L.. . . : • .1, at Such,. a time of day. As yet the mass of oft compact ;clirt:' • ' ; , I .an.... dcall nntil..4e .cntne•'.oier.,4 toNVerd;. : .; .',... I.:, ... . . • . .
."l” • : '
.. pit One, ..•leceasion W,lien heani
.::.. was . . , . . ...• - - afro': , • ' They . • • .•
• . •• - • • nials •Would .uot he, ' .' y I : Three, inethOtht ;of 'catching 'enithaiS,, hitt:L..' As ',Amin ..ne„.he.' aaW. that :We' • •'. Reined • Table . (Lend:gni:: ,. 06tontat
hight7staliing,withhis Indian. guide ..,r,.
'i he: eati.ght •,ene 'of the big beetles eau:ere' •Itsod.:to..'.fire, .•ofteit . feeding . Chisel pittalle.,.-.nemees:. and! *nets, , are used by were ..'t °illy ..ceniing 'he.; wituld,:•boond' Statna la... an indifferent graffiti): -fe,- I
- . • • •
• . . . ..
..,r.,a v"-,
• . .,i behind" it, to get the fialt 'realdtte' ft OM._ I the; it •t* -r .,• ' - , ,,y !at e. 9, ;'ette.' (Awe,. down from, 111.e,._ perch: end. steed 'Strain-. 'pAptigtootioh. 141.. the, '..‘veriel,$,. affairs
put it in glees ial basidehis trinis
,t1".m. 4sh•Ps. 0! t.he... kurnt':gilk.s.s. .)lVerY !that .white'.4hieti•,'ilay„,o adopted!.? them ing. On his Chainhis back ar.died and. 1:1t's Americans 'fennel. it de' after their ..',
• '. titenta 'later --he disceVered 'that hia,,t,..,'
.er Pocket.:..:,, Glancing....,down I a ,few.; Mo.:. year ali•-Afriee. "bnine..,
1 o bone-dri.Weither • Mean •but.- one .- natiVe Mann '• ' • - ' f:
..S.even.litontha. and use :them 'ainteat..eiectly -iti.:.the 'Ida tail, thrashing,. waiting ,for ann.... 1,1e.• •revOlution. the. DeminleinVareniding ,'•!,.
., ,
. • . .
,• trouser •leg was :brightly illitnibilated. I. t. „ , . . , . . . are other .knew. that he-..nittst alwaYa.baek on to it SO ,Se nciiV, H.They ' are ' n't • 1 . '
, .
, . tningre, •,., During August and•. eit-,• meth.oels .. besides • these • three,;, the us.- We: had taught • hfrn • that, . a's, • a...a.Ay404:ing to. the. filet that. new: privi,-. !
• • . ,
• .-.'ile. ..realized that , this Womid.' betray
. • . .
litin to the Wild folk , he'had"Ceme , cat. 'galls, 111 l.i,l' 111, 946.7 ' , .1.. '.' . . • .. • '
-.ternbtr, all Aft ica•Senth 0.010 equator Writer 'ekplairis . : .' . • '.. • . ' .• ' •Ittopard'S::.pawS •and claWs •are tes-e no.- '1,.`:g;ietpeo.li.iiVetpli.•hel'Isli'rar'et..itP1.17alsn'ild.11,1lii.tiJlel'ne:.;:i:11,01;!
• . . . : 4'' " ''. o m e. ailinialssuelf:eathel-elenitant
. 'tentially. dengereuS tO,Yrisk .eVeti 10!;'1 i
. •
. • I. ' in
' . ' to .iitudy, but the beetle :waseepartictil ! • The sun was • well UP:. Its het l'neYS a
. ,larly,.. line ',specimen which he ,wented'i.
burnt comforfingly..,into-nty. back.' The.; calves: To ''...;',' capture a. rhinor
, . we hoot ,Wenld. ub hia..*:ohin, .scratch • his eefrs.,
v Ova hhIng- hold:. of :bie 'tail,. we pf•on.ini0i1,70,;•attailled ..onlY ,by.,•a, ' Chinese.'
coin Mere:Jai a hiqgation Which,
, nd .rhiatieeros; . can °lily be caught 'as. Ple- • '
Peak .be •feiiiidn•titielt-piecOof,lietper •
to -koep; _So feeling.' around in .. his
. . hi e mile •of tia, Acrid 'ainoke swirled 1, fiCiently smell. for tie' to handle, • '' We
• , • . • . . . , ,talked and grunted 'and . Strained , in
and".: tieiele... hiS .. ttinitny, ''Sltillittn":, theY are not prepared •:.tp adopt and •',
. their neighbon.i ,can....1.tardly 'he expect'.
rear aad, cradtle .ef the. ilre were :with- ! .Untii 'we‘;•flitd.. a co'. I(1 '7 a calf'. entf-'
in Which,
.. •
ital. and .roplaeed it inhis pocket'. Rat: 'it,: lievered.Okl.'ileli thollOantre Of titi'd ,•csiI •On... the- fiat •.'of. CO feet.
he •caretair - ..vkArtoped- the over Dill' 4qads. • :ThrOugh it And above ii, Shoot •the-, cow gid take' after•the .P.11 tcstJoY..-.0.--Pli'aslire.,.. He' Was. 'like. P(I,':t() '9'ffer: .
A. calf .40. l.eneurntotia tabby 7cat, .. .... • !
. ...,,,9.40io Ito: , yvs s. • se, • t arrie,.' that : 'S'''On.iel• ..i%. ,...I.Iti,•:r..,..ts;;:r..tert.La-4iii-."'-ferie*.:..:ig7i12.:Stat.e
' . It entithined. ' to . atitna• onditnnipd 'Petlii."dffql.t,.frorn •ceVer,.. by the •Itee7t..triother's.'hedy..', We chaSe it back, dud • tiniea.We, ;Would: take filln. rot-, a ,wsik
' the °beetle .refused .4-, "hide Its , lig4"... Of ail. .:*eY" intent..en% Patching the '.111:•.,':•elephant, 7 Or. 'rhino'. will not ;leavc. its.
threugh • pa per' ,- , a Od .kliali • ara /jr. of the Are; ',suo.enly a. nalta•.al.ftelope ' fattlt .and., ail eventful • u.ntil !Sotoiione nt la ' inclined to, be rather ' ''
, 'lleailte.w.akr foreed;nuist.roltiotantiv. .tei api)Olited. fol.'. a Moment tit, ' h I I • ' ' ' ' el) the end of a ,leit.sh. • Three .b.i. fout•:7!..., - . ..• . ...
,GE,13UT I7D
SAwED- ,
. .
BAC:;;;MR.GRIt40.- •
' too'NT HAVE TO
tapit.Motor,'. Ship ,
' astaniSliing '.exp.erienee he had' with -117116.re '."1". .
-' But Dr,' Beebe relatee an, :even Mere
give , the' niarv.ellous .iiniteCt.' its free- '19.4.s. '., T1.1 advance,,guard... 0 a.. .inla,le; and,..• ant.; Ei6:: i ntse ..ult., :With ..ii...
dem: , • . was . close.. : • Three, spears flashed, is the most dengerous -form of. captur- . 0. ',0.. ,I . -'!,•,, 10, ! '(-•, l L. , .1 .0 the driver' of .the era in ',Was. asked; to z.'.. VI:i11 Tali...'1.13.,• a,.s'.seii:gers..,
, . 0 ..., . f.., 1., . .. ges t .101.,,.?f,) Ian •,ciefr,
throagh • the ,..eir, abeve', the. ,grast.: 'inE,'. TrYing to ley hands on ,a blIffal0
3 leg 'ar a -tail ft,i,in7sii,t3e3i.s, ,.,,..‘ ,,.1 .. ti,,.., . k...t lip. 0 b 01,. .g.iiii‘g:6 ..fae:.t,iiii. 6, ti...yolori. doe„ft..io,:lii,111:01...1.1.,01:4pdp;e'linead''4,,,l''.7.• ',."'
Th.j.s , get loose ' Tlion III'S •one' idea .);vas ,• • ', ,t .., •. .• . ,
dints:la-room. • •As•..we had t wp. Yeftng, , tO 'CrOSS.Deserts.
eolv- etrayed , •-----..— ., .. '. •': .' . .
•conarg or 'wire broke and h- On. the line and- Was killed' by..a -pas's- Luxurious'1•Fo4r-Decko,c1...Ca ..
• . . . . . , . •
." Vie.. elatera. TWO Of4., the luminous ; silenee., ' First-hlopd had...becti drawii..',.saY:tho,:.least; An elephant Tont .feet.
•ThO 'S1'.110.ke,• ge.ow, • denser. and ..liotter Walt. 'cati-t-,break, trees.' six- inelles • in
a' startled. bleat.. .Then ' calf 'or A yeintig: elephatit..ii,; ris.k.y,, : to ,Children,.. the e,),,c•..,e,tikiiiialetliettis,,,ontecli..eisr.gtipseveel ,-;•offit ai al!. ,,.cos. f f thp,, train. iiii:d. bin ..
.to.,worry, os, but. ' "Well." 110 . liean, •'"11. ."Werell't II1Y ' l.Pli•irt -,,A..°,gi4;a6fitt: satadn6indsoc.iii'.0 r6t3exii-..., - .
beetle:a- WC to placed •
iii: an inseeit ber. Several- etreeiffge lite roar of the lire increased% in Vol-. , dianieter. as if , they' ,. ivere,. ,rnatefies.-„-.', ',.(
the • ,slightest.itidicatios . of, vicions..rons.41, ter. iwons,r tfv.l,. .if the brakes . 1.1:)ilelol;'hi- (i:ns.l'ogbili.le.1(t:ii..11,501.`ers....iy„Ell.so'Ttil-.'4`vtr' able,e')IiA. bylia]ei . .
' . • ' •. ' •'' . • tmie. • ; 4 lensettea8. gripped' the wait,' 'May Can' run faster than an herse..;,•1;61-411g1::171;1;neri: MS*, 1.','.ife .a..n..d.
later -the netura-list . Opened„,,the box, .... . • • ' , . . . .. „ ; • . ,• . . . 1, : wt.:. '?1,;',1:istrl,kg,;,:(1 li)airic)il.t..lifetir,.13;;;;;;Iii:111(1)t.e1::ii: _..1:‘,.,1%,:,.1.10ln;e11.8('.111ciiovirldi , .. (1',i ei,ain a. n, , ongi n t:, -,e, ri ,.: If (r.'Itl';'.S.,ohtitt;t tiet;,, b.•e.
, . more, , inEl•ects,. „a rid: ,wae 1.4 Hoe 0 f s. earniett., ' •I'dy.liands.Were 131)..t' erVery',no.w end • .then We ' do, .ean-*•' ceraDea:1,0(.1:.1),Y. • ' ' elh'Iote .1:irlfPeeel:t7 1e011f17;; '2.5.:fseetsliwide,• and
..atici I' brenthed 1(7110 ., the:m, although; someo.rie ,ilearly,:v,ia!olliliNi'w. •
-- of the dead elatet's ' atilt
`titnased to find the liftle .."lanterns."' wet %\ 1111 excitement,
gleWifig 'al• In 0010,d,g. gatips.• ,ta4lenlir ,yells and :',alwayS• Pays the pride ,in , broken riba;'' tho eage4 to. , ece that all
shouts bt•oke ferth front the natives . the•• doers whoa ,slie 7% IB killed."' ' " '4 45. feet iiikh, - 'Its ' wheels ' %villi he -40
wuo ti . make: the rounds;:o.f,.-wobiap't 4a,\-(1.• 40,01 iiilsrea...ai ..an;
Most as brilliantly. as when thei• Were '
..,.. • '..feet in diameter 'and 'it will' he !able tit,
alive, - lightfpg nty all :.: the. . Other in- following the line of fire. - They WOrd,..: ,
sects in tho .box'" ...with a ''"gliostly almost on 1:1a. ',itinnithg 4ninidir.i, ep.. - • ., .
: carry '150 ' paSSOOgot'S ' and 200 tons of
,.t4iite .,14,,,ht-,,, . ' . . .. ! ,, . . . ••pearect ari,if .by Magic. ' Through •the ' ! •mer(liandise.,, i' , , .• .
• , . - • in • „ sWirls bf..einoke i. caught •glimpse.s•of ' . . The • desert -vessel will. be nropoli,A
. ,
. !fighting ',TroPical Forcate.',. . • pultu dasling Mltdly inward the line '
. , y, '41 ,1)1.0801 c..11gin4 et 450 ltortlepowor :
Tin trolifeal •South. AnteridatraVelere of bush to ebrinitiy tlittapDear Toni' •
., ..• . •
. ,,, :a.ntt.a ..s'ero.nd engine will be on hand -
who are foreed to, ,pass thi.tough.. thii Sight..'ati ; their., feet, .Wati( thro'ulth the 1 for.. eniergetwy. The ins:chine, . It Is
• ,f6tosts ,at night, it Is Said, attaell, the treatli6rone : ceVeritig on „the ..plifells; • . ilaiated., )011.,.be able to cliiiib, 30. per• ..
' petit, ter hein,', avoiding In: Vila Way' the' hies:. galloped peat" and I fire& at olio... . •
• fireflies; to ..11teir. beets to light tho.".:4 be.,lieWing, grunting herd of !Atka-,
. !dt. 2f,..kiloniefere per hour.
, ' . .cept,' grvide.s. lts speed Is estimated
' dattger ot . stepping 00: intakes:" . and . Sile",ars, 'lashed . lir tlie 'sunlight (br' a ' • '111(4 four • ,0 ci-1..,kA. . N"rifi.,. iirovicle: cal);'
Certain Kra8 .faiii6n 'them to the clay' 4nOment. ',then dis'appoeved , in: the. ' ' ' ins, Promo males, sit t ing anti.. , re,icking
Of :which' their nests are built,. tit litz-. 'grassy the. long' shafts, quivering trtilq•!' ' l'iparts... bLiggage MO' store' tOpniS .ancl- • •,•
Ing their light; peIrltaps, to !:011.-,Itten: the: .f twee. With '4 1117 „ they wero ,
away . prodatoilt animals, .. But ))LI tin. owii,.. ifiehilul..n.s.,' tritittle Yells' rose ' '': ..perettii'd • *Ill. be .• atLtiallY . ol;iin,.: ••
. a' Pconling rootti,"' •whete!' a tow, t:ent, ','
han04,„....tlie Strangest use, to which tile in a crest•felidti' of' exelteinetit.; iTlie , ' tained, • • . , . ' ,
bee titiftll inse eta '4 01(7 ever pia was '' boottfli*, throtitY roar • of .....ati angry N1;7 (1> tif... the' road veSsol;;•.
.' .at la fancy dress ball.giVen MO1110 Ygot'S ' lien told' diet 'celiac . Bedlam broke . :110 .
, ft . is exphilaeti,..,ivishod iii iti)eitt n'.•
: wife.. appeared In . the darkened ball of the fire; and tbe 'grunts gntl !Squeals
. rooin with 'hindreds....iff the beetles. tif..-tbek. trapPed and speiti'ed'animals
age In in, Jamaica, whe.ti . the 'OeVoriliti"a .1o0Sei, :.,S1irlokk.vybits, curses, the roar
. el
, 4•••••-•
1 g:::, 1:1: : ..44:W:::' ; t,'''‘''''C.,:,...": ' :t high folinagz: on.(loserfeivitere oilier
„”) .a it :I . of t IA n s pm r t ;ft ion •,, 1 hyul ve .1111,
.ve,i1 fele which would lie abio•loyearry '' :
...,,, .i*
,, )', >•AlliPlifx „...,..`t..'4.. ,,v,„,:)rranieri expense. . •• •
gleitining .briglitly..under the,'gosaamer swelled, foto a deafeang pand4.,.1fioni.
, •
, gently . in.,plae,o told as seen as the , Stained apetirk end kfilVes,' if _was,
. NI • taciting ,of ,the tulle ' held thenti. along tiro ;line of pits. WaVingt,11141(7.4:
IfghtS WOro tOrneff on the .boottea •Were ',1ilie a acettatitroin tho Inferno,
like" Wile of lieve,iling W.Oitri ,.. Mall; tun, Naued -natives. toro whooping'
.., •,.
, )e.'• t
l $
' '. .• .,.i. ,,....,:ik
• ••4:','''':io'i•A,
4t' k,k
-...,N, sil''' •
:i,.,.,,•,, . '''M ,,
SlittO's-SPiiii raci:-+ for '(*1,i.ss II '4 17
. ..„
..r...hp..11f1Mi did TIOY NV IO, the l'ulte1F ..,
. ,
*;;;37., r,••' f'At. ..b. htft',1171 , liP11.0.1`t‘it t Ili; ror. 4111 1,4,4110 : 1):sr
111)Ora,C0(1 §,ttite unliartnett. - " ' Just in front. Of the Pits • tho , (fro ,"
••• ,..4...
: .,,..
„ ...;,,, .,,11,,,,,,,,\;riplil:itiltlittv.11101:t(lh. • ,.-vils, ill .(11iristopher"
• By day: the 'beetle leeks' like the niched a cleared space.... Tile 'iliitneit ... 1,- le: '....tr
••,:i•,:.,• . - ; • *A, •,' ', • !
ordinary bileties. ef, the' northern lien)* die& .delWric and gradottliy4thi. kiitliAct,
' • isPliere. .it nteieSttea. front .114, te 1% aild dust eleai`ed a WaY• ' Tile ' drive lite.. Indiattap,lis:. Nt., NV 2.4 ; -;•'-,h4---trt•fitrittetv-t--7.
s '<Am:niter ..rtoe,l, (It' tho Itip,$;;.,,:I. Actr,,,,:d
,;'. ine40.16. Itlegthi 04. is inkY-black. iti .tvas. over, • . • - , :.,
*: :ibat • Wilt ronove its .hiY,tti • ttattes,,attd" • '
. ebiok, , 13of1 the tintio and ',female ! .Nently 'ovary oft bad defined its
.boolles,-„,irq tamiboas...as„at,o,..4iso .theitt.: 'v,ictini. Seattered in trent and behind, ..
'.... , ,
-t I
.....,i.!.............. , v41tirr,Y "f hen) 0 0 i ..'. ' That lin) y I
.,..,.• ,n;.;„4,,,,,c.,. •,. , vi...:
.0,ggif 4nti Itlyao.. .1cii40+:;.litro on decay.ley: the bodiea Of. thatio aniinals' which.
, .
A BROAD:616E , tot a: ItiwnmoWei' thli wlil.'slatVd. it'
.J.,.. ..........,,...,
4.,:>. Indiana:11611S, bill Tip' hero the" ery la
..-. SOU ktt.:..11