HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-07-26, Page 8a
• Eitteitn.
' c •
besides Air in
our tires12
• wants to be
*tamped into them too.
Because they're filled
, is no guarantee that
tires are fit for the road.
,They mustbeproperty-
filled to the correct
pressure for :their size
and load. Over that -
Pressure, is uncomfortable — under it, is expensive.
If you want good mileage, come in here once a
weekl List our tire man test the pressure--gagge
it, not guess it: Let him examine the casing for
flints, metal splinters and nail ends. Better ten
minutes wait at the Dominion Tire Depot than
half an hour's work on the roadside.
Mr. and,Mis, ,Frank Patterson of
-Detroit, Visited last. week with, his
, . ,
father,Mr: Ken. Patterson. .
Miss Sarah. Sharpe of Tee'swater,
is Visiting with Miss Kate, Ross,'
The C G IT" went to the lake near'
Kincardine,'"for .a weeks camping
trip... Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Mwbray
and children went Wi*b , the • We
hope they have a plehiare- holiday.
' Mr. and Mrs: Alfred TClark of
'An.therstbure, visited-, last week with
her parents, Mr. .and ...Mrs. Robert ,
Carrick. • ;
.•.• Mrs. Ogilvie and children, and
.11,fitss Jean Ogilvie of Toronto, are
iting the fermer's parents, Mr. and
Mrs., John Club)).
Teeswater • is.: Lucknow'
.TBELLiia7.7146.:*CSEfii.!,-fig • Ili ORTSB-0,„
" A§nr,ILD NOTFS visiting MrS. 'Wilfred "Hoffman, •Mr.
Mr, S../titehie of Toronto, is Visit-
ing is brother,'. Rey, G. Ritchie,' at
the AsbAela Manse. -
Mrs. MaeD.Onald and, her daughter;
Mis I.05inse IVIttOD,Onald spf toreptpi
640lei. gii!4.ts Dtae-
t. . , . .
Dr, •and -Barnby., and
, .
children of Hamilton, .are 'visiting at,
'Dr.. Barnby's termer., limn(); here. '
, • ,
Mn. • rind MI'S:Watson 1nd dakIgh-..;
.ter, Miss Louise, :have retlirried ;:te'
their •lienie in Chicago, : after spend-
ing some daYa.yisifing their'.consina,
Mr, and Mr..s;- 1,.and
Mr, - and :Mrsi, MeGill.
Mr, andwMrs.,IL ;Hogan motored to
London- on--Sunday,ad were
panie4 home by ;their daughter, Miss
Irene; Who had undereone .a.nsopera.
%ion for appendicitis Ahem. , We are
. glad ,to say she is'•improvinenicelY.
AnniverSary,.-serViCes will be held.
,in Ashfield Presbyterian Church next
Sunday, July 29,1 Rev. Mr. MeDerrnid„
of Goderich, will be the special:
preacher for the day.. ' .
. The; July meeting ,of the Ashfield
W.M.S. was held at the hone of Mrs:
...Roa Ross, with a good.' attendance.
Dorothy Douglas ri LueltneW,
who is Sailing for Formosa the latter
-part of August, Is a Missionary, was
present:and gave an n'iteresting and
instructive talk on "The Work of the
Deaconess Training School in .Teterv-
Le." Other items on ,the prom:Mine
were:a reading by bMrs. D. Simpson,
on "What .Shall1 Give, This Year,"
and a solo by Miss %Vfargaret Mac=
Lennart., Mrs. ,BrOvn led in prayer.
At the close Of the meeting/ a dainty
lunch was served by the hostess.
, .
Recent v,isitors of , Mr. and Mrs.,
George rwrn1ywteMi.nnL_
Mrs. Eldon 'Twarhley and dafighter,
• Audrey Beth, of Chatham, who spent
ZION A, week' under the par.erital. roof; Mr.
. • .'.. --. lrid Mrs...Ed:Illiggins and son. Alvidy.
. .
' Miss Lorraine Andrew . of Milton;
is at present visiting, at 'ion...,.-..
-• Anniversary services will be held
at Zion, On • August -5th, when Dr.
• Macintosh; President of. the Confer-
..ence, will preach. , •
Mr, and Mrs. Earnest Gardner and
family visited on Sunday With Ith.
and Mis ger,q, Sannders, Mafeking.
Master, Earl Foster of Toledo, O.,
is spending a ..fevV days . with , Sid
Mr. john McDcalagli ;has returned
to Milton.. •
Mr.,. and Mrs Fred Topp of Toren.
to, aye the guests of Mr. and„ .Mrs.
Charles McDonagir.
Miss. Doris Ritchie of Lucicnow,,
visiting ' her friend,' Miss Doreen
of Brussels, IVIra. 'Jake Willits and
daughters, Viol anLe1en of .Bel.
grave, -Mr --and Mrs.','FrankFinnian
and three daughters; of ,inear 'Sea -
. _
'We congratulate Mr, .Eldon Twain -
ley on winningsa' trip to Banff, Alta..
through pi§ successful :work for the.
Sun Life Insurance Co-
Air. and Mrs: Isaiah ,Kilriatriek And
sons William and 'Elmer Of Chicago,
visited IViessis:' Milton and S. J. Kil-
patrick;F,riclai and .SatOrda,Y•
Mr. and Mrs: 'John Petrie?, Joe and.
Miss Elsie szient..FridaYirtfternbOn at
Mr.S J. kilpetrick's;
Mr. „Paul. geed Of Locknew, •spent
part Of last week with hi daiighter,
Mrs:. Thos. Anderson.
Mr. and 11.1rS: John 131ake•and Bei-•
i"lice). and Mrs. Wm.. T31alce niotored :to
Thursday, • where they. are
‘Stizitc4: Scothznd Whete::It Did?
ye Lcidclie!'
• avomo
nagpipea hO hair played even
longer; yip •again tesound i,the
•canadlan ,;,totkleo; Making Izianif re-
senal:111.Ate namesake in Auld Scotia.
.inttlated laat yetir tinder the pat-.
ronags- of the Prince of Wales, this
flstiivid hen quickly natal -did -led .1tie1f.
as ii.ltienadien;iruititntioti. with regi
Mental piping donteels;. athletic.'
gaintan; t&l:ebngif and 146;11164d nonce*
aa Old as, SCotiand herself. •Note-
•ble .mmonte .the InusiCal features at-
ranod by ilarold Enetabe Key, mus-
ical ..1:11tea1r.‘0f the ,Oanaillan Pftelf1.•
Raflvay 1i the Special 0i-t0nne:nee Or
rh Jofl eggars a, co.ntabit witb •
text by StIrne and in &BIC 1'4'. Sit Hent
•Bletti1p, At the daily., :oonCerts 14 tbe,
110t41 ba1ioont•notaine 4.3:o.oaciiiii art-.
iste Will ging the fOliteorige Seot-
land. • and Seottith. Canadian , 'iassiea
will fe.1.4 Their !addle* 14 the • 1118h7
lotui fling. the **Ord donee., the nail:.
or! liornPilie, the StOtCh reel abet the
graceful seatin triublias.
• The prograhr of Sdottion raneie are
-dreecild up-i/ChistOrieet ettltienee, be-
IdrinIng 'with the Old ballade of tb0
.11ith,'I4th• and idth-denturlois,
Oa tfiroilpe•froi thrJ�d-of Nary
4tteen d± Scout,. the ,$tuarte, and the
Jacobites. • selections „from the sotign
.:turns, ;titVVIriter rtt,lady.
'Olathe, Old blitliittilitier
as the Hebridean Music reicentlY
Made 12401110" .)4/110-08i; gdkinar
..StariczecoXanQ wheie it nuir
Tee, except &siting the" period trom
•4tugust Si •to September 4,, when it
will se�i totime, been trarlisple.rited
'overnight' te i, ne*4111§111and
the. 'Crilledlari 12rock1es, • the ne,
ettelon fis 'Ttighland 'Gathering and
Seottigh .":11tut1c .Pestigni, '10 lOire
second tIme.at Setoff. Alberta,
with lieltiqUartefli at the "Saul
8ptng 1tt1 ongii that tile Scot
ssorvi• 'tor Mv.441' 400t4.1.,441.1 Anti
) •
P/P/4/Qeble'40fxrPVo/AekP ,
At the earns' tirrie the Alberta Arne- .
tour CliaroplOnehiti ineeb will tieWn
tho ,letorgs in the hat and hurdie
itices.7 Wei 'grit-thititging, 'tugs, rif-war,'.
high arid broad jtimping, tbse1bg the
4abpr, atiOt putting" .lind ,,,,•dlieus. And .
javMilf throWingl The. fefrntsi
pipers . trona Mt eper the porninion
wili compete ter Ali. prliCe Offered by..
Blake's sister. • *,
Miss Beryl Johnsten returned from
Toronto, 'Wednesday.
,We '.eongratidate 1Vilss1 Alico Shack-,
lettin on haying successfAly passed
. r
at .Normal, getting her 1St cities:
tea:thing•. certificate, And on .haying
se,curecl a scliool, in Whwinesh,:aa,the •
9th etnteeSsion;,in easy' reachrof home.
We will ,..aPpreeiafe:..haying Alice
• hOnie, Week -ends. ' ' •
Quite a nrunber .gatlisted at tile
;.liethe of Mrs:, S:' J. ..Kiipa4iek on
..TharS`day afternoon .for :the
, meeting.- Tho programme whi given
by the Circle' theinbers; ,oVer, whenv:
.Mrs.' Albert "Alton, who pzesided, is
superintendent. „
„ .
The next mdotin& will be at Zion,
The junior ghis, with ...MO.WiU
• Gardner •as superintendent. giv,..0
• the, prograrnrne. Weare looking for -
Ward with interest to this mecting.
Miss • bprothy "Curran Is visiting
'relatives in Detroit.
• „
Cr' -•
• Rey:, and: Mrs. Traver:se and 'little
sdu of •Lucknow, were: the guests. of
. Air; and Mrs. Jas. thiruin cltkring last
week. '
-)Miss" Marion McPheisou of Kansas
City, is a visitor with he 'niece, Mrs.
Will .Rutherford.
Miss .McGregor of New 'York, is
visiting her eOusin, Mrs. Geo. :Stew-
, „
Mr: and Mrs. Gray of Cargill, and
Mr.,;n,nd Mrs. Will, Ta,ylei. arid daugh..
. •
Loi Of Guelph, were • the guests of
and lVIrs. John Webster and other
Mit: McAulef qf McAuley,
kind hei• mother, :Mrs. ,MaKnyi : or
..Guelph, called on.; Mrs.' R K.Iyiiller
i and Mr. and "Mrs. Areh: "AnderSon .on
'Saturday:, '
,Mi ,thd MrHury-Mc@ee••
- .
'Whigham, and '11Irs..' 'JcihnoM&Gee, Sr
.pf:,Bel'grave, were..callers' on Mrs..:
Miller' and .Mit.-Gorden; recently.
, . ,
The 'regular Meeting of the WOni-
,en's 'Institute' will. be held • at Mis
MCKenzieWebli's 'Tlitirsdai,after:-
noon, • August , 2nd, Roll c11—Sing,
_Shy "or. 'PaY. Subject--"Dariger of
'Luxury in Modern:Life," in .charge of.
MiSs. IVIary ...Murray: .Hostesses—Mi,.
"tiyons,,fMrs. W. MCOW1lin'. '• • :
Miss 'Cole ,Of Kenilworth, • Was a
.Visitor with lick friend,. Miss... dindys'
Webb,."duriitg. last 'week, ,
• Miss.'111iiriel Miller Ayas. home .frerrl.
London . tor ,.the
MISS' PhYllis.. Macl)onaid df Para- .
...mOunt„ is a visitor .; With bet' friend,.
Mlis:.Margarel Them, this ,week.'
Service ;irk St. Heleirs.Unitecl,Charch,A
'-,on 'Sunday, July 29, at 11 a.ni. and
7.30 p.M.: The evening _service will
talie the form of 'a song se vice, sec
red selections of 'solos, Chietts ' and
*quartette's'. suiting"the,: thonght.
passages. 'read fizilin ,Banyan'i .Pi
'grim :ProgrdSs ,be rendered by,
mew:herr' of the choir. At -alp eve-
ning..serviee ..two Weeks .ago a 'Short.
,sketch Was presented of the Life of.
Bunyan, whe thxeo • hundredth .an-
niverSary ii, celehi'ated, by ' the liter%
ary and theological. werld of,•teclay.
To" seftball Dengan-
non. last week i in which:St. 'Helens.
Were .'rictr?rious,..completed the
schedule 'for the United Church girls'
softball ,tc im Thc faCt ;that., they
have not lest a .game this 'seaSon,
speaks Well for •the gnis Their -noxi '
league garne ,will he playcd at ,Set-iL
fbrtli on ,AiiguSt .1fith; when they com-
pete with;t110:winn,arS,:efthe othei.
districts for. the ,cliaranionship of the
county:: They defeated the-..Lucknew
.girls at T tickno* MOOdaY night
Our loPys! team, top; ,aie winner's
in' this district,.bOt Whether' or „not
they go to Seafortli. depends • oppr•
.twogaznes,";to, he played with team
frein •Gbderich in the near future.
. •
4itid Mrs, CeCil MacDonald of.
drOcl Rapids; Mich:, Spent..last week
with. the former's. aunt 11/Irs Thoma4'
Re:n.11. •
A Imby hoV strived 1 the tome of
Mr.„ and Mrs. 12ickeniori,Congratii-,
Miss Joyce 111eKenzie rif 131;a:itiorel,
i, 1u)lidal ing:with hat frientl,, weii
Messrs.:. Fred Aciccrt, Harry. and
• Will pf e0l, palled
on friends, W6dnesday,' •thelP. way ,
, • , f
Imre froth Tobermory... '
,.. The Purvis's haveopened an ice'
:Creamparlor 1117their.store here. This
' will meet .4 long -felt want ..of the
'younger elerhe.nt, ,ITOW handV. it „Wilt
be now fey' to tree; 'Miss—.
and ?uhs AIIm 31eTCeozie,
artlin' Poach,- ringSirs. ,Tolin 'A, Me:
Kenzie:. were guests a(• Almer Acic;
rt'S 011 Fritia-g.:
Mr. 'T. lavig,. Iletroit'.,. Miss 111yrtle_
M'creey . Auburn, 'MisS Foster; God-
er.tch, are • .guests.,At '\ti Thornr,ti
'Reihch'S. • -
1,1"r: i,trici 'Mrs. P.: M: iinlinstonof
4ttud airs, .Jas...VAind I
spent .Stinday With Mr; and ' Mrs;
'Jerome Cassidy, at Cargill:. ,
Mr." and 1Vir3. Sillib fDue:
. Tenders. will be ",reeeilied ..ttp-te the*
first of August by trustees Loch-,
alsh School for painting andvarnish-
ing interior of school, work to .be
completed,, by last 'of August' .
tiler information from Atex.
Donald; .See...1.'reds. R.3, Lucknow.
iarinon; :yiSftecl..JOhn '11449's, Sunday;
Miss Kate Kranier Of London; ' is
hinne with her mother . on vacation. '
, Miss Theresa Cassidy is' spending
Imp holidays with . her "grandmother,
at CheiistOW: : . ' . • '. ..
- .„ ,Mrs... Anothy.Dbyle 'and little Lilli7
sn of ',Detroit are visitin . the fo '
filer's • sister, Mrs.' Rodger 'Corrigan.
Mr: And Mrs. Alfonse Murray and
_Mrs; Arch.. Mekinnon spent the Week-•
end with; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murray,'
westford; .., .z.., ' ; • ,- ,
,The .regular 'meeting of the Instl-
' tote will h held yVecinesday,. August
ist, instead Of Thursday, at the home
of Mrs, Jas. Ilodgins. Topic,"filealth
Habits for Girls;" Miss' Marion Hod-
gins, Director, Mrs. JOe , Hodgins.
Roll cafl—The work I like the best:
Lunch Coin.; 1VIrs. Wm. Hocigins,. Mrs.
War. Pearcy, Mrs. Joe liodgins, Mrs.
•"Fred Ilalidenby. We are holding an.
auetiOn sale of donated articles.' at
this nieetinif Try to make it a suc-
The, regular -July meeting of the
Institute was held at the bonne •of
Mrs. Geo: 'Bell. The. Meeting' opened
With the different officers in their
place. Miss,' Grace Thompson gave
an excellent talk on ”Relation of the
to the Home." .Reading by
Mrs. Fred •Thottinson,. "Send them to ,
bed with a kiss" ' Instrumental duet
b\ Mies Marion Hodgins and Grace.
Thompson; 'solo by Miss M,argaret.
Campbell; instrumental by Miss Lan-. ,` Mrs: Mary 'Emel; Wife ,of Sigmund
ra Bell.. ...All join"ed in.' .community Eme'l who .resides in Carrick Town -
singing; .meeting closed with the Na-W_s i
asn theenteclendtyjato :sioi;rvhi:!
tional Anthem. Lunch' was served by ' .9-mm'Ponth
• tie heitess, assisted by. the lunch istrate F. 'W. Walker; .upon convic-
. .1,-A wide range Of excellent courses
• ilit-uur'2*-46"Nee''WM.S,bd1147(11.10S:.4bi:Cd:11:;P!;lici.r.:d'a.1112:10.
. .
istidpmill12... • ' , , ,
3--Spleliidid library facRitiee.
..004.--;;:tii:::::if,9erloopooryd ., ,- '
work hi Phylical Mducar... ,
student to take,. Dart in:.' •
e , , , .., - • ,-
z, gam2--.11a digestive model ins.
• .114;Clese notepad contact foe
,_ 2 --:Al systematic effort by ' OS
" to get placed after madmen..
7- -
Write for hiforroo-'
'nen to:--
L'olidous Canada
.Flovverdale tnembers of Soak Kim.'
loss are. pleased to. know that .Dr:
T. L. MscKerroll'••of • Toronto; WIlb
preach in South Kinloss,Chureh, Sun-
day, July 29.
. •
Mr. W. ,F, MacDonald entertained
omMrToronto . MacDonaldiaSt'Wee
LileknOW, were callers at L. Mac-
Iver's the"first of the week
Mr. Russel. Breckenridge and "sis-
ter ,of Detroit; and • Miss , Gertie
Breckenridge of New York, are shalt.
ing hands With old neighbors in Flow -
We are glad to report, that Henry
Hodgkinson is able to . be around a-
gain, .after•his serious illness.'
A large number from:•FloWerdale
attended the funeral of the., Jate
David Campbell, .Monday afternoon.
corn.' tion of keeping liquor for sale. •
n this case, in which RTH 'CON. KINLOSS
' • '" • evidence was taken a couple of weeks'
MaeGillivray Of :Proton:. agIV•was
given here on.. MondayA
to, spent last week WIth.her mother,
::" ,
M'rs, similar charge against Erne' has
been withdrawn: •
. , .
Miss Dean Ma,cLeod visited •With . • Mr. Cambell Grant Of town; cOun-
friends in . Stratford and Mite1011 re- sel for Mrs.' Emel, has given notice.
cently., , . ., , .: , ' of an appeal, to the County". Judge
, Mr7 and. Mrs: p. McKaY, returned from the 'seriterice of the.Magistrate:
totheir home in. Detroit, after "visit.-'.: Mrs. Einel is outon bail of $4,49(10;:.
ing with relative g here4' pending .hearing of the appeal. ,
--,--Mi'. K. MacDpriald is busy these ;
days, having 'a pew roof ' put. On ' .his I
. .. . , According to the evidence, of Pro-
bappvincial Constables Nelson •and De '
. , ' '
Little Betty' MurraytOli they found quite large quantities
of London is;
of home-brew and wine, , some . goir-
spending her vacation with her grand-.
ernmerit. dispensary spirits,- enapty
isoi:of bottles,all d
ttlille.r,, .1.VIrs... J.. Sutherland.' ': "
Langside, ere 'reC8iit 'visitors on the
• Mr., and Mrs7: John CrowstOn- '
- , chen, upon„yhich, were empty drink.:
men sitting ' 4t the table in the kit -
over the place, and three
ing glaSdes;, when they raided EmerS
Mrs.) W. ,Mckerizie . is. spending
house; on the night .01 June .9th. Sig -
Mi -
few ddys:in _kincardine. ' ' .
4,Jas. Bottrell of London; spent el.°0 0na' Mari : Pm' were : s,ub.se
.qUently . jointly charged With keeping
a few days at Mr. J. McGilliltraY's...:
Mr. A. McNay of Paramount; spent liquor for sale. '
Sunday with, Mr. and. Mrs. S, 'Carno- ._. _ • ', ----''° 0 0----
chan. - •'. :- - ASIIFIEI.,D UNITED CHURCH.
Mr and MI.'S. W.m.-;Mizidieton and NOTES
family of Forest; visited this week . •
.-Long -may the custom in the sum -
• with the folmer s father, Mr. George mer months .prevail 0 holding :the,
. 2
Mr. and Mrs. , Alex. Mcflonald and Quarterly Communion Service --unit”
• r, . ,"
son, and ' Miss Myrtle Netterfield, edly fothe three Churches atone
lace '•It was a..fine sight to see last
wls:; have been visiting at the home
Sunday morning ' the 'Hackett Church
of Mr. A. c onald, returnedto To
. crowded with a worshipping congre-
ronto. :. - . .
, ,
Master Melvin Smith is up; frOm gation, each Chnrch on the .circuit
, •
being very *ell' represented. The-,
Tpronto te Spend his vacation with .•
liti4ti,ve• .011 '.the,•Fouith.. way the e'ongregatienalhymns' were
of taken up and sung:With such hearti-
- little boy arrived at the . home
111r:. and _
'. Mrs; p. . Thonipson. Con- vi.rlasss tWhazoulrh:o;:...0e.fii:j•hoy°..e.fd.f.beli:heuerivniin,
Weare- Sorry to, report this.: week re
grattilations. '
munion service! was Made impressive,
about 140 ,people• :participating.
the death of Mr.' David Campbll,
which occuited at his borne on ''the Flowers gave a touch of. brightness
•Fourth Coti of 'toren.• The funeral to' the altar.: The. choir rendered two
which Was -held on Monday, 'was, very good numbers.
'largely attended... Mr. Campbell will jarries Hackett broke a long 'red -
be greaby missed in the,liorrie and',by ord Of 'Church a• ttendance- on Sunday
'MS friends, ,which Were many. ,The last, and. from Quarterly service too,
faii;i1 • hlve the sympathy of the as it happened. It is very seldom be
community in their sorrow. • is missed from these gathering. n-
, Tlib`• July meeting of the U.F.W.O. avoidably, he was a . long. Way"; from
-,fias dield. at the honle of Mrs. .1. der- home. .
. Pothers,. wheh a good 'sttendance was Everybody Is:: pleased to see Miss
' present. A. • Sutherland presid-, Tillie- Sherwood back at Church :and
ed, mid opened:the Meeting, by ,sing.. S. S. after her king sickness, . The
in Ule.' m'a.*'" Leaf :1'd .repeating SundaY 'School class ,she teaches, the
the Lord!§ Prayer in 'Unison. The 7,11 choir in 'which s• he sings, the League'
' call I'vP• 'well responded to by --". of which she is President, are feel -4'
Beauty Spot in Canada.", The bkei': ing pretty good, to have -her 'back
nesS part of the meeting was taken
. Ne.rtlier.n... On.tari.9.., , When, i.r.. W.,as :4e..
athghe 111W. IVI''S h 't h• e:: home last . Thor: -
up With deciding on what to send to ..:. ,... .:_.
Mrs. sant xilpatriii entertained
)c;64e1 etettitiiothsitetiti.)ity,qusi litlist'arin: „jvciloi.:115ingt.liAzaf: .:da.7 •iiiier•ii
;on- ..a goodly..nuMber..be-
inPresent.' The yritirig• ladies pre,'
.beth Rollinson sang a' :.4310, and Miss '''ce . .
. • fre• vided the programme.' ' , ' -
,isabel Chesnut gave 'a reading; 'm ' ; .
§aritly Frhser.. Miss Bessie Carno- fo, iTioh,we,ss:!ozviicoens inn etxhte
SmuonfllaiYngs., '110 actik's.
a"b:l'i:.e.ta,1:1".:tind13.1Ililoctibri'Walinit;feetilttedtPlaM.Y::, eetvtenlieng.t,h,e, 4 '1.lifgtoeordh pori,
attendance Blake' inih
s, : tr.ee.
R.INtirlteiptiilineentitirld.MwritSicVa mdu.el,ttpobabriafa,iyoisrs-
qUeSted ateach Sunday School ses-
,. Rena* Carruthers sang a solo", ait of sainodil, lotilwtgliultlealfin'onreexts,6 uhiSithreecenntelityr;
ivniltric.110.s.Vvett:wil,fltlifich:ntljageda..;,',IT'hgt'vfneetehte- : future; the regular ',meeting Of the
iting, arid .ri vote of thanks to the • tSeurrundapytio.treh000lbeha:vithharlwm
dr-atos.uffer in, ,
liostess:' Lunch was then served arid '
-.T.t' pltasAntrtinie-sPeliti-,:Vh0 - August • ' keep the date in initid,-L August
mooting is to be at,"thi hollii' Of" Mimi' 5th, Zion ' Arthivereety,'Pieeeher :for '
"Jessie Mackay, when the Poratneunt the day—the President Of the Lon -
ladies are to be the guegts. '' don ,Oenterenes.
Miss Ethel:Case -left recently ,for .
fortnight's holiday, nwhich ;will be
- spent at Atlantic City, Philadelphia;
New, *or'lc, Washington and other'
places of interest. Her friend, Miss
Reta Wi8e,accompanied her froni
Toronto. A trip up the Hudson' will
be an attractive feature of the outing..
f Ichoem'n rrge ee r a no fd/ tt hh ee, sCtaziact:dai ar dn tBazinnkk,.
•Annonnced recently, will affect Dun-• .
gannon,' as : the • present • Standard -
Bank here will become a branch .of
the Canadian Bank of Commerce.
The present staff of the local hank, '
will continue in charge of the 'office,.,
as it is the policy Ofthe united banks
to . retain , employees . as far as
,possible. •
• Mr.. and Mrs. Wm.. Gollan held a
Wedding reception for their . friends •
and neighbors on Friday night, at .
their' leme, (R. J. Button's) Gravel
road, • ' . . ,
Mrs. Donald ''.Stelirt 'returned home
in Hamilton,
Mr; and Mrs. .Jardine and children
of Chicago, returned to their. home,
after Spending, three weeks' holidays
swith the latter's mother, Mrs Alec
-Mr. Jos. England of Kincardine,
Spent the week end lit his: home here. •
ReSidents. of the fishing village. of
l'oberniory;. at ' the extreme northern
Peak of Brice County, 'have So... fa
been. Without the 'services Of a resi-
dent professional, Medical .doctor..Un-;."
til a few. years ago the nearest doc-
tor was .60 .miles. away, at Wiarteth:
.but at that time a medical man "
was established at Lion's Head, thru
efforts, of the Red, Cross: This cut
the distance in two; as Lien's Head ,
,is only 32 miles:from the. •northern
Three year's ago the 'Women's In-
stitute of Toberznory started 'a move-
ment to get a doctor settled at their
village. The trouble was that, owing •
to the `smallness of the Tillage . and,
• _
the sparsity of the country popula- •
tion, there was no chance of a doctor
having a practice worth vvhile. The
Ontario branches of the W. J. have
set aside. $2,700 .to meet the Tober-,
mory situation, and the doctor will
receive $1,000 per , Year from this
fund,. in addition to what he can.,
make by chargingordinary fees for
his 'services. The W. I. w;11 also fur -
lash equipment and supplies or the
doctor's office, from this fund. '
. •
•Applications for the position of
Tak .Collector for the Tawnship
West Wawanosh for the 'year 1928 •
Will be received by the undersigned ,
Up to Augtist 4th, 1928. Salary $75.
Durnin Phillips, Clerk.
Fn theM'°1ItittEtel7of ILETt'a6teliSOf Ar- •.
citioald Barbour, lateof the V,iziage
of Ludknow in the County, Of Bruce,
Section Foreniani deceased. -
Notice is hereby given that all per-
sons having any claims or demands
against the late Archibald Barbonr.,
wno died on or about .the eighteenth'
day of April A.D. 1928, at the Village
of LucknoW in the •CdqptY of Bruce,
are required tO send by post prepaid
or to'cieliver to the undersigned, Ex-
ecutor under the Will of the said. Ar.
cbibald,Barbour, their names and ad-
dresses and f,oll 'particulars,iii writ-
ingt of their.Olaims and statements of
their accounts and .the nature of the
seeurites, if any, held "bYthem, duly -
verified by aflidavit. ,, •
And take notice that after the
Eighth day of August, A.12.-1928, the
Said Executor will proceed to distri-
bute ,the assets of .the • said deceased
among the persons . entitled thereto,
havnig rogard only to the claimsof
which Ile shall then have had notice;
andthat the said Executor Will not •
be liable .ier the said .assets or any•
Part thereof' to any person Of whead
claim he shall not then have received
notice. •
This notice is given pursuant to the
Statute in that behalf,. . •
Dated at Luelcnow ,this fourteenth
rio,f,.E115reivi:, at otAt..;Dn Lon Bof tho esttrialiee4iatorithtol
said Archibald Barbour.