HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-07-26, Page 6• ano Writer Scans List"of Notables WboMay1nspire- a's Future • • Sao4c.e Alfred Sze; Noted"DiWomat, C. C. Wu, 'Scholar and .Statesman; T. V. 'Sdong. and His Three Famous Sisters, ' 'Ail , a e.Long Devoted. Lives to Country , •••:ay,4:tagmlAH President..' Alexander. Hainilton'Inlitie d bet and expeneedThis,. in . iteett, tn.*: Research .protessior of Gov-. • ernment New. York - UnivereitY,. for Chrlat'len Selepee.'•MOuitor. ' "SA0,4CE ALFRED SiE: ,•Orie of ,the new China's younger state** who is serving.his`.eountrY With...dietinction Is Stmece Alfred Sze, .P1AV.07 VittraOrdtiaary:. ela.'141nieter PlenipotenthrY'• With ambassadorial rank, to. the Viiite.d 'States. Although , appointed' by the 'GOVerrunent o .Ifis:l- .1ting, Mr. Sze ,aPparentlY- rePre,sents Ptinally well" the 'Nationalist party, --4•thus-showing-unnegal-cocilaess,,of.judg-- Meet and remarkable tact. •'. • MY. personal acquaintance, with Mr. warmly and assisted me in everY way' Sze has eevered naanY Years. Whentpbssibie ,d'ering my brief ' stay in has marked himas a financier of nti- hetal a.bilitr. . . . - 1.1he ist a ,graduate.of Harvard Uni- vereity,and: has employed to Work with hint var1oesk•lit1uer1Chtneee whe are gracluatee of Harvard and other :Americaii univetaltieS, . Hehas hal an 'excellent" trebling in financial. inetheelai 'which, he la,s'...,applied with •ludgmeat. ane 'good, Sense; ;Atdee.. time lie worked with Me in New ierit, as. an ..iieiiratant. hi the Fer..Ea.Stern bureau, , readitg, Chinese wipers. arie frirniehtng ind eXtradts. toe p:ublicetion: When :17event---in-to see IiIm the' ether day in China, he' greeted Me most 1.. went to Chine about 25 years ago ShEinghaL He has servecVaa' Minister as adviser to the Chinese. Government, a Finance Of 'both the Canton 17:loV- , ot 'MonetarY 'Matters, 11,1r. 'Sze accona- eilimeet at'Nanking; and will undoebt- . panted me as .secretarY and interpre , ter,. doing an ,unusually gopd.pieee of Work. He was one *�f the meet re- niarkahle interpreters that I ever saw,- .• beteg able to felloW,e. talk of half..an ...,hear in length and then repeat it sub- , itantially , verbatim. in- another lan s'guage, tektng point after Sint: without .• %teeing. a single dimwit and.,with- out making a,'"note." •He., was also a. very conscientious and" tactful inter Prefer. If I Stated something in a ' rather blunt way that .would ,be likely to , offend the eueeeptibilitie.i',5t. the ChLeese, *oule. ask My pei•mission .to express lay, remarks in:a 'slightly different and perhaps more courteous "manner;' ,but he Would not _take that liberty without ',mY-feimission. '• • Alfred Sze walk's 'netive, of Hang- , chow, and studied' in St. john'ii7'Uni7 versity, Shanghai; • but he , spent good_ ag-ea boy in the Legation at Washington and ...was • graduated froni. the Washington High School with the dietinction of ...being' . head of the Military ,Corps of A.meri- tan students in the Eichool. ,He then werit-te/CeTritell University 'Where he , , , „ Walt the degree of Master of Arts he •—••• *1" • >WV:\ .1.•••• .. A Wis.!' TA* of :Speeder : FOX 'TERRIERS THINK THIS GREAT Fur'l • • . less rat, , .• • , e 'fter the trank- 'teetegktil They are .new 'vleing With the greyhounds ,in England providing thrilling raain.g-eveir hurdles --.3 , I • • Little.Chic .7. re. gxp`arterta7wtaspirkFacrothipisgeNt:441;); the Poultry Division of the. Central Ex, 'periniental Farm at Ottawa sheWe ,that 'chicks when fed even as ..early as, from twenty-four to thirt:Eiiie heure after , hatching, .• Were 'snbject „to no greater mortality, •and nrilde equal Weight ga.ins with "'Ante, of theesarne batch • that,' we.re ;:altoWed, teo".•,:e6:,• forty - _Postman in t Colleges • Gine colleges are More irreligiolla , than men 's, and •Ati both there Is an 'I* • •a`.11:ining ' spread' Of • .auti-Ohrietial1. teaching and . ''''hetb, • among faculties ,and students, asserts,' Dr..c.: . Leslie. Glenn; ',Secretary for; Cellege, ' Werke!, the Department,,Of Edneation • Episcopal :jog siclAel:t1/9r108:ve.een tiYn7th°e.h :1 ra, srlY•a•ffteedr '‘Web4lhel4a.n1%.4314.•h:ell'o'clf):°cr.oei.s:eentrt:°:.t.:sttblitl;nt ", haItriallionng; • be.exfPgreeri'InItniilt! 1ng to 1,1Clehnl'14‘cal;7' PiCtU1.. as he iy.liteewso,uaind4, twheeirgehrotr.ge71::6thwetroe, tt,ee0;91..s. see it f 11 g life It is one oetlie pens, In angther, reortality'was.slIght. sihle .that chick's ability to go for long period- without food, whlch inakes. possible litilliments. over. groat etstangere is merely' a fortunate cir- cumstance, rather than the : prate: method,, of chick . manageinent:' Cer- tainty, the matter ',eV:length: of etarva- thin .Pericid" for • ehinke,ends. itsef readily to .abnie with ' the result' that nies suffer , from toe a a and mortallt'y is,' ex- ' Perienc :,..fr inipaetiot caused by straw, slia rigs or Other litter nia- p cked up •in an effort te fled t cern° 'by 41 Per cent,. In .this import' road. • , •• .• . • . mallet be' a Woman of great ability aiid „ . I t ereit,m• g. Da .taite. a. premieent. Part, sp'ectineos.-of moclern Chime se weiman. in the financial affairs 'of 'the -hew hood and their equally famous:brother La -^ . , ; .. Mrs, sun yet -San culture.. I did not 'have •the pleasure ,-,, . 1 d / . .. l.anita an ncome in • -Equally 'noted ' with "T. V." ..are of meeting her.. She is certainly to be l' .4- , .. ,, ,, . three remarkable girLS in, this' Soonfl congratulated on hiving children of. . ' .. • • aclian mining n, . . , _fitnitee •cif elar0; usually beard •during . the'. •ebnargencement seesen,,. and,: Mt denroe,' D.j.:, .preeents, Only • 'One siapf the atery. • . • -* • A -099111111g to Dr, Glente•ilie tenet in women's cellegee, is t"Mere, :agnoptio And .more critical of 'religious lustAtu:.,,'. •••iinnii than ll.ie.in the. col1eges;7, end, ae he is'.gUoted- In The greUP..., the invested: eaPital. OC'vf' :4 WOrIc' bits alee• .been carried ' en . in contrasting two Methods. of ..,feeding . .. . . „ •I'".'''''. 14 the metal .Mining industries „ as a, IY7 that of leaving . dry Mash centinut; r,... : tnot2a7lsv•morviier,$:r9,0$050,09000,0 'oiao.e..dt .lia,lee117; ellielce as ecreinonte" Practised, •naree- whele;• ir-Ielnding the etaelting 4'0 re' ally before' the Chicks freen: the start, hes and .that . of restricting the ,areount• of ' • ' • ft' t. time 'ago the such. unesual gifts 'and ellaraCterwho k The itivestnient'iM Catialia's oPer. , •fidilig oPeratioes, capital inveeted f...m $641 000 000 in 1923 to mash consumed at any one time. by closing the hoppers for.clifferent pert - ods during the .04y, In c:iiie exneri- merit hcondiderably .0 -eater- gain per farm y, n best keown. of the three was the Wife are all plaYlnk. neteytoithY Part in tiling mineral enterprises' is now oyer Sun Yat-sen, the:. famous creator China 'o national . struggle of the.' ' ' anci leader of the Na.tiOneliet Party. Graccht, in the height of ran newer . 700 .millicins'of dollars and the net (5333,000,000 • in 1927, . While . net • In inceme -.minus:ilk from ,sales, of prod- ceme. from . sales in . he same period . • ... • oWn fr.om' • $69 000 000 AO. $12,1,- " Dr, Sue not onlv. has been well,keo-,,,ive in 'China. for 20 years hc has ..beecnne • an International figure. Honored aa. the.,fitst F'reildent of the Chinese Republie,, he. resigned this position- in • favor of :Yuan Shin:kill; on patitiatie :.greencle; :feeling that Yuan could do, more for his country at.. that ,ilesriod. than he (Sun) could do. Yuan 04; succeed in Bemiring the:ab- dication Of, the,: Emperor by peaceful means. After ,variosis changes of .fer- iknei Sum ..Yet -sen pease( ,away •in Peking *hither he • Fad gone in the hope Of arrangiels some • sOlutien of China's ,diflicuities.. To -day he is con- sidered the ;great 'hero of' „ modern China , In the city of ''Nanking the capital -the ,Nationaliets",., a . dollar monument is built to . „ tour years ;instead of five. Which will strtktng ,fea- . He wae at „home,' for a tinie trite otthe..eity:', • '• ' ••• •Chinese . politics:" ,incl then . he . e Mrs. Dun 'Yet -eel). shared most •ot jewels, this mother can give the Same'Chick ' and' slightly greater mortality, . ucts of the, mines a'kepeds one-third Pf . • add glory,,when asked wh re were her dthight.i3ra: Here ar,(4, thy jeiyete itthheattetal inVesit.m.eint.in4Analyisis answer while -Pointing to her Bon aud. _ alesova ue, s creas ng a an cently issued, offic141 'figure's 14v:evil. , . 0: .7000 in round figures. coal. m. tnieg .represente In the .non -Metal Mining industries,',was an invested ;•beforii chteka :cOnitfluouptlY. In experienced whee,"mash •Wai left One. Opinion • ^ , ,.. even more rapid nate the investment • of capital, ,says the Department of the. Interior, through its -Natural Resourees, '4itellig.encie Service. ' • • ' * • FarnoUs Book Offers True • Durwg.the paat'ilee year4e $126,0 e• Idea' of Life in India . oss has . gone into the -Inkling Indus-. • •.' • tries of Canada, the total capital ant- es ployed in 1927.being' over $706 000 606 .fered.'frOmVit'slijote:er oDt several ...travelleti shy. k t h' CV 0 ro#FOiT Ourean of . aatifitics. .,' , ..! . .. .; ,. • , . ' „ P , * •, Although_a.wareAliat his...oPtnion,..clie.., according to prelirainety Iigtirealssued who had expressed themselves regard-,,''rhie compares ' with ••$78,000,000 in, ink the. book "Mother India," LL-Cd1; 19.23. tlithia. Period the net inconiefrom C. Robertson,, P.M.G., •retir,d,. of the eelea has risen from 411500000 to Imperial Atriay; recalling 36 years"ee.,. $248,000,900.,.., 64406.10A last : year to • cilia itMo217{eLoovuetrie$d14t50,0$041:18,0,0000o,aono od, • • . • ,... .. • ,t •! 2 • . pales. another,. experiment of _one" week's. dur- . cePi- I ation • the ...chteke having • the. Mash atani.d:b4.601,nie up by two inlitiOn. dollar's always before .theni .made double the income ,from sales o 7' 'weight gains with less mortality to ten million dollars, ,as compared with, three „weeks of .age ttiliz.nane;.th:a.o.edeari_birldois ' tabtreereYeiasr;A:liatgil6e; cWIlhanigIC;:iiii:17tahle'l.n- Oillth414.-1,‘:cirefC'allirtiCeiiidger'17e.aLlielte::.for-the'.purimse of. .: feels font Preireee is beteg Macle,:, littlf•••:hiour pOriods, 'In:other werds,.the . . . . , _. in the natural gas indlistry'.nearlY'40.; preetiee. of . limiting. the•feedtng period' O'..04„.1.00a0r4ioslif.p.ntea_Wriena.Vte7SA.eoclo;:oao.nodir,E.itaplyeoesillarie:..eaeniitztlilti4ng 'overeating •wae, detriinental ,: and ''.growth;:..rather. than' ad- ing Increases •ever .1923 . in thee() , Par- IVantageous.:4 When ' the , etiotnablis tieulars : of .55 ..per.'cent....and .3/ ., Per. &menet 'of e extra, thne and labor 're, benOespectively. :,The petteleuin in- I quiiii0 ar$3. taken •intti.•. Consideration, thititry' 'aliOWs the,.4reateet '. Compare- if la ,withouti. doebt . peer .EiChnemY :to Church IVIOW6Onge-rrItt '-goOS- o'Whateyer May ..have ben• the, re,. • figiena inwilhiee• that to 'the found. ing of the 'greet Eastere college, the,.. have Icing ceased to, "play, any part the'peliey,of these in•stittitiens, tips, for ,,,the most part, •aie apt to\be • cleti-Cheisilae in the : fields.: of . psych!. elegy.; mociolOgy, •and There •cetion,:es, 017 , example,' the, teacher ef PayellolOgY: who theeatened failure in his 'eourse any girl WhOue'.. his. class to go to a,Geod.Friday, three hour ,s,ei•vice.,.,Rellgielis .conditions the 'American 'ectilegee aro more alarm•. ing than: napet people' enspect. Wok tors to :our college ,see -thein at Corit. mencemerit times; when: an: luspithig religious . service,: or at least an Mice.... cation and blessieg; are part] Of the.' proper Order Of .events.' ,Bishope and • protainent clergYinen. can always get a ..hearing and .isvalten atudent hater... e.ste. Parents v.v.hose •tote and dangle.. tere,return,.for the 'brief, lioliday.s .do.'. net -find •an,••••partichlat :difficulty • taking • them to..chuech 'SiiridaY. • • k , 4110.114kS: ',College religion is soMe. ' tiinee,jfidged these occasions, and • .its • more.; e.-notinal•-'-easPeete-is Stinnett.. Ruiners ,,do ••• beeaeienalir reaeh the..betaide. world of a Piete.:abeence',.of church ••Eittendlineer: .except .where It is 'ciamp.uisery,;,,,of a,.. geeerai ' lack, of . interest the etenary..,enterPriser.:•eXcept in. the less... siipilisticatede...H60110g0S, ' an' 8.171fta.,Zi4 id ealiSiti that; scorns al:priest ..•'. 311 , forma. Of', erganized. _general., however, peciple Ate. not to.. the seriousness ".Cif- the ,,probteiri;. There is in many capea.a.conventiotat Chriettaiiit, Which never teeichee "stu-7,' eenta ;Morals .at such Mg in .!'elcaininatiOns, ,tratereity poli- ties. aeconttasted With intense „Metall earnestness that rather look down on religion as -being sentitnetta;K•'. ' , • ' Semei. of the ,fault Ilea with the liertenc'e in India; ' lincriridittenally:. ever.; tho.....toi4i. invest- ' supported Katherine Mayci's book ana;;Ment. Considering. that • lues (teetered that it was a faithful Teere-• Prevailed 46r ...a -anniber • of Canada's.' rientation 'of the conditions:le, India. Principal Mineral prednete, particular - her husband's VieWs Vehich•Were form- Ile. had not :been •that country for .1Y. cepPer; • Ittad; silver, • Was sent --te. London as Minister in. ." gapittt 'of -.Canadian . mining, enterprise, • capital - haying ..iiiereas.ed from .$2,900,e ,06.0 in .143. to $17.,860,009. in. 1927: and '' ' 1914; remaining ' until ••1920, serving, ; a tom t .d eight year he said, but pointed cnit.natnrai gas and. cement. an . salesb..efrsotz,,$r4,512;n0g00isto,a$11a,5r2,430,1000.1) 6 tion 'during that time as a delegate the unioly andofwhPilCr seN•deed Tran:ifJ 'hatifeally the ; bon- sales last year cannot but be looked •• • 4,, , that social condition's are 'bound to of nearly - $11,009,000 in the net income' in that" car•ital employed by 441 'per cent.,th .' r 1927 'boeng l $36 1 e .• P . . 111713 81 '. ° Papa -Peace--Conference.•__Later he. • pante to: 'the 'United States, Where. he , bit now serving as lea unusually 'sec- cepsful Minister, on cordial terms With all and thoroughly well liked on in.\ count Of his honorable, ccinscientiois and fairrepteeentation of his conn.trea cause. . C.‘C. .(Wu•Chao:Chti) • „ , 'Still_ another prominent Chinese litetesman, who Is at present in thia: .•ceentry. as a' special. representative of the Nationalists, is C.- C....Wu, eon Of :the former 'Minister, to the, United; "Stites, Ting fang ,.Tbpse who •..khevt. Wu Thig,•fang•,will recallthat bilthent, WittynhilOsopb.ical scholar who • inacie-him.s,elf. Very 'popular in , many Tcieclee the 'United. States.. C... C.' Wu. , proving ' himself the . worthy son Of his famous lather, both, as a sable': and as a statedstatesmanThe , father was e4ueated.. In Hong Kong, and ',then afterward was graduated :from the Inns of .6iirt in Londen,,.ase. was the 'son, also, although the latter had hia „early training' in' the United When the •-Communists • were driven out 01 Chtria dueing :the pest year; she went with the Russians to lgoace*"; showing, her sy.mpathy. With the pom-, fluty:Liao,. although- net.; necessarilk,. be lieving thein entirely: .,'..FrOm Mpeeci*, she:has gone to other places of .intei- ditione:"Eilone- being ,.alteted... • • . - , • ° • in . - 2 t* . f to - _ Lowr - :„. 900.,00 for.eapaetal:o00 lor , •• Col. 'RObertecia, will:, spend Several ..Prices•, ter. nietele77:*-6-rri--- Pai417 effs".`: riet4ncorne from' i3A1e6.. 720-fa1e1--t."'elleaPna*P"'"bilt:theTP aro 1:4a" DP°Ple- •0 actually prefer it. to other kinds, Weeks' in Canada attending to pereonal. on the income, aide: of. the. ledger . iincittlint)einiiirneik4 , iii)irtzliwoiirtladhiationrip-ineretaiolliiitC....W. IStiiitoote would do' so. if. it ,was. not bueineea,e.having arrived' in '•,Montteal. , Canadian ' %mining operations , 1).• .•.in-, !el. e- • eh.. July i,: abeaid the' Ciiriai•der 4:11,CreaSed .P.rednalen, but mOre. eSPecl- Itiore capital is now 'OMPloYed than in, tar' its teed:no:a' to, .drrriesS: ..13ut .,:. e . dania froni. Liverpool.".. . '• ' , ' ,: : ,) 1,40 .12ir,. Increased .smOtiPg ' aild•••k:cehl.1.1.91a; White ,ncit income' froitil.'"ekles ,liaa. this canbe reettfied,tther by mix, tis fmkunatefeetnreth ing Of. the Metals' in" ,Canae4. 'M......•.1 .cteased,,.i; .y 4 3 , • per •• c'en., t..::-• .t..44A en ing it with •sbnie ',Moister •tobaseco :Or' a 'at:•"MOther . , ., ...1 ncap . 'tof 'feed: • . • ,. .Tobiteco Tastes.: • Secretary''' ,. State , for the Colonies .has recently. been'appe,eling to ''the bobtfo.16. emcike,mere.'Empire- grOwn tobacco • He, ..eriapliatzeit.'ita d tt are be- ' t • by plaeing•a slice of apple. Or raw' e . • , - • • . India was written. by a citizen of the: n 0411. . , .1927 gypaqm na n . potato in the jar or pouch where'you St in • Europe • and within a,' short „ unitea • States. and not b itish ing eipcirted to a • less extent with •$8 700 000 aiid safes to $3 20b 000 ' time expeets,to,return to bine. ,by way - • a r ' of', America. It is to be desired, and •-• Wc/man, the Colonel\theught. He jaid ; each. Passing .Year.•_ teed tbere is _most ImPortant." in „ the- •strectural• keep YoUr.finpplieS. , Proni :London , Mr:. Wu, returned to China,. where ;he:, served in various political 'peeitinne, Including that. of counselor to the Ministry of Pereign Affairs and. the Cabinet in Peking..in • 1917 resigned this position' and „Joined the .Canton governitenta which • . he represented two years later at the. • ParlieCctfireitte,' Heserved the Ca- ton Government as Minister of Foreign • Affairs, which position, he later held. With Ahe.,11atkiiiii Nationalist Gevetn. ..lent, formed by the liberal elements in the Kuomintang ,.whOciroye' 'out -the' • . RUSSlafl Coinxiiunists. • -.Itecently„ because Of a.:cogabiffatiOn' of Ideal •conditions and the desire of .the Nationalist leaders to have their. ease ,properlyi, presented abroad', bite,: Wiry with two eompanions; left .China; for the. 'United States and Europe, to .study: the , programa, of the different. countries 'and • tO leant what he. eould that , -*Old he Useful , to hina. in her , present emergency He is •rioW in the , „ , United States,. keeping track a the '• changes 'Ire:China and ' at, the sante time .ready to make any repreSenta, .•,.ttOns ,to,this' country fn. behalf 'of China . that May be rieeded. It Is probable the e will be here until the Natien- . 'Mist 9 heeonies more settled, ' that if . the latter etialifidations, were going fottli ?froth; 'CanOdn. •steadilY••matetiala group is cement -Menefee- •There are now an infinite: irarietY. perhaps, expeeted, that when she • obtainable, and: tb et:0, comes to. the Untted . -States she will': 4 ended to the it. iicnild have reised:Indr,eas.ing zinc..." riche. 1927: Aias - $40,669,60.6 • and: sales 514.-. tare; ,iti. which the•inves,ted capital te Of 'tobacees should'. be: s.oniething ti • su it every be properrje,reeeived,'.e.e a ,very di§tin- a' trentendons•'sterm of .:..Preteets and ' and copper and lead and : v'elem,e• et, refined , Melt. el' guiehed'Cliin'ese citizen.; who baS been ' been .,the 'germ • for endless', 'treublei., • ,I,operatieris of arreeithig and • refining 400;000, repteeenting a slight: increase :SM.Diting..'taS•te;. • Eve °. a , synthetic , t preniinent in .her coentr.0 , .,eelise. mar), .is ,net ,only a fine. wri- 14 .inetaiS..are employing a ..Ste.atiklY'•in'-' ' in cite t.el • arid • . a 'slight decrease:: in i t°h age°, was. -.. Pr9dueed i U ,Gei'man7; .y's Jii s 1Y Kite'. F.L.H... Kling, :.:'.. . .. 'ter, hut she, has.:a Wonderful', laaical,;.eneaSing'nurnher et• 'Canadian W.01,4t.e.rs••,sales.,eaiiie frone.i92.3,- *. :, ', ..:. " -...00iit eighteen,•:,montlis at, .. It 'con-, . „ •• ... ' ' k sister'. Of Eineelall' pre are ' aper int A second Soong slater, equally •We ; ind.a, d has acked her, ho It .u,p .with ,. . ,. , .• ... . • ,. , , .,... Canada's , operating mining enter-.. . . ) : P . • .P : . .. ' • 11•10. . h . 6 • , • . -0 • • • . ' and the net -income: ftom.,:thes.e o, p.ere, . • . ...... ,.., „. . . P11 atecl. Peitll ,ulootinP •ane chemi. I ' ' i I ' a d la • • -$12,000,000, . last known in China, is the Wife'oe amazin'g .array of :eoeineentery'eVi-, '.00m ared-- ith; live Years . • • : . • • • • • „ . prises in 1927,•tOtalled During P . ..-, • • celly stained . perfumed , to -give at ens . nete. se v Kung, a Very, noted descendant. of the. (fence illidwing clearly that she is .by 3r.ear. p _ .,w . .five years .the ,number bfesuch ante great ' eta:batman' • and philosePht.r; In° meine :talking through her net ,incente rnerei'than:..deuhlede • aeaea 1.,sta d, g, 5, , 7 ha's increased 2,106;, for ia.st year' :celer.'and odor. -Answers. • COnfueine,. •iVho' is cOnnted,antong declarect.' COL '13.ObertsP:n; n in at • 4 000 000 .in- 192 !com- :, alone.'an iriereaae. of 911 ia shOWn.,. the ' wineing inineral Wealth 'frein, : }teal' It? three , or •four 'greeteat religious that 'bee Inuit confeee ..the 'author • had pared, with .$?9,,40.6,000 Pti3..., Cape ere of all. time, 'and,. who' lived seine .soinethingi•Of a' :iburnalititic. londneeet,tal.hitereat•in these zion-fe.trous: the:rocks inequarries, the'coai ininea ' • ' • • • • • • . " • • Poliee.veimen,. abOut whem there 1 sm• but that it not smelting and refining operatiOna in and the oil and, gas wells' etc. over • . i 1927 t thought by most people to be a cote; 82,500 persons were .ernplc)yed 111,1927 a member of '..the abinet - of f the /in any way interfere ,with her preset.- the sam.e period' has increased by 39 • • ' . ' • has. been. seine discussion. lately, are 500 years . before 'twist •. Mt,. Kung is for eensationa i ,, . . •Nattonalists as Minister of ' • public ita.tion. Of an aceritate • and faithfel plc: .per cent. and. amonnted• ia,,, , ... o , ‘ , . and over $103 000 000 was distributed - , . h it.. ii,,t, i „ . parativery modern: develOpment, hi,- , liVerks: He. . has long. been one . of ,ture o India, , i . . . . .. . .over ,539,000,00e. . . " .. in Salaries' and 'wages.. Canada's min- , . • loegtng..to te a. • en •years, . ' ' . ' ' ' ' fwith millions ahnortt China's 'leading, men; ':iliterally. writhing in poverty. edger-. In the, _mining itself tomer a e ing entertneses.are spread from ceast. , But th'ere ;were PoliceW6rnen long particnlaily along •the lines' '.O`f goods,.goVernmerit.,stition. and ignorance, . .progeess .18 ' shown, eepecially. when, to coast,' every province taking.part •be.oie . . s. . , • . , ei . . . , , th,. e ieWomen were reavDointd dernfe`wirie.laistadematied- and of conciliation, and is now spoken, . . considered over .a fivehyear :period. In • excep,t,, the in attest , • PtinceEdward edith.eili ' ' • the, metals group, the Mining of gole, Niel -id.. Ontario; Brithile , Columbia, ,constables• age. Matter et emerge, 100 . -ens oil' caliital. last year. exceeding' the 'leading. Proyince's'in mining activi-: Ye.a1'.5..4g.b: 'In'llipse •da7.3 tilt/ ..v41.1:- DOwn in a garden Olden,, cam Jena in e. yillege „were.: filled in Just where; I do ''net .knew, , ,$112,000;000 • and .e net. lucerne of $35,-. 'ties and the siatiatice .show a big ' in- ' ' 500,00:•• 'I'he growth in this branch. ia cieasp: n ' capital •Invested in • Mining, rcetratailic. iiih'.11EirYiditil,°antrPlite.. twirr. octeculpiP1 eri e (is indicated" by ' an:"Inerease in. invested. enterprises in Manitoba' and 'Sage. . • • were. womeri, the' law Ceurte had, ',de- cided* that they meet take , th eir 'turn-. of" (eince Peking has. fatten) as likely t� become 'Mintster ef; Fereigyi Affairs. 'Mrs. Chiang 'Kai;Shek .' J The. third• of this groan of !iiitets ., A buttercup. all gOlden...,, , • • of a famous family , is the Wife of the 1 Chanced near. 4 vise to grow, great general atid:leader of ,the • Nation- Ana every' mprning early ' aliStei. 'Chiang .Kai-sliek... 'I had the 1 ',Before the birde Were ,up.,,, pleasure of taking luncheen with the A. utty,devrclroP pearly general. and his Wife, and her bicither;I:. ..;* 111 law Mr,'••Itung,. 'when I was in, Na . .. . : . .. . . Fell ha.'this little[eop: . king.... General ,Chiang 1{0,,,a11,61r--', eaidi..reets was the ciriek• of water that .he • was goieg. tobeih. Peking i : I The rose •had ., every, day;.' ' within . three or.• -•four inontlis, .and I •But.Ana one yet. had 'taught: her congratulate hfiri' on. fultillieg. hie own ' While ,41tinking i titles- :w0r., ,propheey. . . • • • ;• ' . ' .' ' • .. ' Siirely,• it ,is no rea6eii. • After ,the. luncheon • .I..'SaW Mrs :1 .4,o .8ay she.. drinks 'so. yet, CHO% egaiiiat a-tea:046n especially, For that May -be the:reason', • ; 14; V.- S,00nork , Leaving . these .twti: ptlerninent Chi- nese represeetatiVes We return to 'Clhina, where we -fled that the , fatrifly of Soong is at .the Present time hot only 'onc,o6 thehest known hut aleo most nationally itae- 'fel of all China. . • V.," is he he called 'in' 'China, has 1)0611"f:or some Yearsthe lent.litlff finaneler et -the t tUnti1it rintsi;.,•**Tro* . first' ureletteelt arid stiec;ce(led in finaficirig: tha,. 0113r • frig that i•Vitli'tlie•ilriatelrig. of 'tile (X- - j1it11fiofl fed by 'Goff; dating.. Mti.-:;11Hc; worUoti • ifa :wiy. More than.. a thousand inile fro.in.. rentrot riorth; Wat&ICIr.'iloong 13 Paid :to liavo • reased thero.viltuffii cif.' ("anion, ;eight.' Over Without increasleg 1h0. tax nitca, chiefly hy seeing to it That Ilte , titxoa Were prop0rly collected, eccoeitt... • The Rose s Cup - • , , , . • ' in •Iiii•iferOus quartz leads with an Quebec, Albetta and Nova 'Scotia are , Church,lbinka Rabbi Stenheri S. Wise, ,. ;Of New York, .who: asserted .the gradnaling Class .of • Bryn • Mawr •Col-• e lege that the Church is often `,;unehai- longing; :'.tinelzacting.' 'and .'••tineetnanci,• ing," so that".. modern ...yeetli;. h•te epee,. tire 'otereed,,have 'fotitid .much la the Obittch te•day. to repel 'them.'" 'In , spite. of. this Rabbi 'Wise ,Warned that n..rejectieg .', the' Yeti, rejee.t.''. • unholy • 'halide • have -beet !Jetty upon.... the '1:0Se:high'. altar; you reject.. that..altare'thea.even':• More unhelY,:harlds ther • By,"rejecting, you •withdraw the life blood froM. ;leaving. it • lifee less: In • doing that you have Sinned,' 'and'. sinned .cleeply...",'• .15r.• Wiee empha- . • . 'sized the alleged . revolt , modern yotlth againsftheMoral law and Pointe • ed • (int ..the, . danger of • a %Freudian tisetutoficieilef3, to tar. cult ,Of 'self eipressioti, For Ale. niikhty God's 'Thou he Fialk it Substituted "Thou inayeet'll, thee' wilt"1,Vho. are the great among uBr., he - asked, The; ,Messengor quoteS. him further:. ': • . • capital .since 1933.ef •46 per cent., and katchewan, 'Where the minearl wealth In output q 60, per • cent. The . Most • of' the pre -Cambrian' shield is eeming astonishing growth in Metal" mining in., for inereased attentfen' In 'N W is• 'however In • silver -lead -zinc 'enter- . Bruriswiek also mineral production is . . . . . prise In •10tell eapital• invested 110 rapidly Increasing,' ' ' trebled .,'from $9:2000,009 in 1923 to ,„ • : • , • '.'-'•-•••-•-e--:--L .„ , . . • surveyor of highWays the ov rs r. r iles.r1Y. $28,000,0011in 1927. Reffeetleg -It's the happy smile that sets' another • , • .,, . e • t)C time •poor, and the constable' wer•3' all ' the -decrease :in prices; net ,incernel , smiling, . ' • . , . . . - • , . fl. OM ge,les,cleereased from 5.26,20.01000 ' The happy song that makes another W9men, ....--- ' .-, . In 1926' to , $11300,000 , in 1927', never -1 - sing, , , .„ •• . ,. ' ' ,11.,_,,,tHew,...!, . es „your hearing . new: r, 'lleele,ss reVenue .from this source was , It's tlie, happy . seeds. we, sew; that. in Fiee...Le.w" bd., la pawing, •a, rpw r * ' He , Exactly a century .,EigO this lel to a' real • ..state ot "petticoat governnient" in' one. Cheshire.. village,' mihstmli 'Vernon, " Thera _the superVlsor, or more thin .tvvo ahd a. half times. he • Joy's. gancien grow • • (raising' hri teio0).-‘j say-..-howis for herhY ••the fact ty of GtiiI ng Col Her fps with de:w are wee • I; large as ' •••.' • - thrill us' with' their' magic. 446wr, _see-eve:hat Jtir- . . 9eY •cow.7 e (s outing)-- o, no! lege in ''elailking. She herself IS a , -Frank Denipster Sherman.1 Otner metallic groupe . show (lithe bloaseming , • • ,,N 'Are they not the mystics, those God-littoiicated people' who knew the, core'panioeship of the Spirit . to. the Uttermost degree; the aerials, who • • make their lives holy;•'. and the serve ants, then° who, .combleing' the ;quilt - dee 'of mystic; •aml. Saint, minister ,to • mankind.? 1 ain afraid that you will !rationalize ONV11 ihterpration of life; se much, he to billitl • up shrines of your ,own preindie,eS0, opinions, ex pressions.' and teactioris; .bet -Morel ehaos' will come if.„You revolt against the Shrine of' aed. Are yonprepared - reuitirkable,, prog.. ress,.•, Capital in cep-. .1 t '.S.k the'llappy .w,o.iqi 11;atfa;Tro,Yre,1`,-..14:h". 1 asked.how y.out. hearing . was?.' . She to toil; . endure,. and . sa•crifiee for. your .' graduate ' of . Wellesley °liege, as ate ' : ._____;--...,...e-,-,— . • * . r • her. slaters also.gradtrate's dr.Arnerieati A hai•gaia,,sale ie.` an. arrangement . .. .----",eihi•nauch Vett:61.v'; • /- . Shrines as the mystics the.saitts• ane . pergold-silver 'mining increased by. -445 • ed 'unspoken,. ..,. ,,.. - . The ahuailleispty,ala71]5.ht• .t.114, Che'lli' .t1!° '\.P.'.()' rOlitq; has de'ci.ded,,-'t'a Purchase. a Ilieirdt‘ I an fearful of v.. tat will hap- ' ,'-----:4--•-•- -----:, . • .' the servants of, the race, have done, for. . So, wheneiyerythifig goee :Weeps, ;just fie,et• of tumbled care,•bet .Whether or 'pee 1± you put 111113 that 'ere infinitely , AH-easet'lyke;ile'alirtl.1.:rhaatiN)cyh'asi:driina'1.C. Woes not td 'tilolewIer.w11)191.r:ItTle.°70uri.2.4,1111(1'.iirldr3' 11)10P11)16.61.0 '1)Bitierient9e11168a,;91181:t.,to‘l'o Yv7itrirpe.sleielee.s.s. TTol.i.e6re. . . , I ,. . 4. . , .,. . ...1...... Cenaan. The Mount of Law ever rifest ' Staild between, the . ihtid.. Of. 'endeavor . and the land Of acco.mplisimient... 1 '. lenplore yoe• that yon. do net forsake- , : 4' gl , the. altars of the 11 vi ng God!" • ''' i c011egde. She net only a Most whereby, a woman, ean ruin one. dress eharining 'wortau , and ' delightfel • and buy ,another._coreeavme teed, per cent, in five years, while income hostess, hut 14 .very much liked and ektremely pepillae.with linth Mee and: ',Venice. in Nanking, and alscrdn Shang hal, Where ,lier Mother' livea • • ' The mother •of these .thiee splendid . . „ iron). ineteased by 123 per cent. Mont, , knvested eapital in 1927; Was nearly ; "the barefoot lit -,e".• with face of tan 5,28,000,000 and interim. from Sales :$9, - now has a' sister Who re tanned' alineSt 100,000. In. nickel -copper Mining cent - everywhere 'exeePt her' tace, .• I till increased bY 70 per centand In. , - away: etdree I twt known, is • no', basy way through Egypt, • to ' Skyline snapshot of Plurnbago ka&ng his ad While winning ifie floa&oi Selling Handicap at Let;.;mo. Botihtic.„.9.s. .there 14 nitich jestifica-' ' itteri frit the 00iicern of thoee preitheifc " leaders,., comment% The' MesSengert 011- ,vo'rv1ng.eirthere: . 1:‘ "411: ltr011:,-ZilititiritOUtrat• • -eioae Otii 6.yee te, ilia ineriate contemporary attitudee that ere 1.).(1,13" int :eyne.a1, We'• 110.110 • • \ „ 1 tbet 1 is 'het .generally true thet (01 1.(,ge's fee woitioe. Ore' even Mete. ' 1 o0R1,Y Ititifigwitstitt rt liejon. than. 1 jos tor mon, Woarn have boort' se drstingtilshod tcfr helpful spiritual , 114,11'011ex tht thc ouiroo:k-woutil •seent'' ',',dosolat7':1triood lf..1hoy should ' r„..t.tat".•$,', A :generation 'of .•,gOdfoits „Rin doom, any. Trinii mi otirth, • " •V•O l•ruttor • how rich, anq POwergtil," .0. • 11/