HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-07-26, Page 5t
8,111t.: U. Olean:Up . ix 1.1
. .. . , .. ,..,. 4
*Id!: kar.l10:,SeipUu!..1:00%, Pure luslde and ,quiside Paint...,,, .
• .
SeriOnea. lloor Feint
.34610d.lac Stain for Plante, Woodwork and Furnitii0.
..• . __
.• •••• gale Brushing •Laquer or, 'Floors or Furnt ure ries
O ninnitea. - , ., . • . ,
gresto for, 'Wall* and Ceiling decoration. -
Duca 'and" Effetto.:Enaniels.,fer ,repainting the pit.
Full Stock of Paint -and 'Lacfitier•Oit!shPS.. '
. • ,
litikee, Hoes, Cultivators and Shovels, ,
JUST .ARRIVED—Carlead of Cali! S'in:ing, Wire, Barb Wire
.. X 1 •
•end Woven Fen.
St Marys .Cement ,aiWays on hand.
Gyproc,. raristone and, Lime.
!,103EBIRTS• •ELECT RIC WASHER; Complete . with Weer
trid Water Heater: built into the tub; IC:04ln; WaslieS.;-and•
wrings the clothes. It will pay you 10 see this machine before
purchasing... ' • ,
Hardware Coal Plumbing
"000P 0141) IT$ ColjNPtY
,• 1114:Now ,9vt, POP 1.100--
. The . Oshawa Daily Thees reeently
)rinted a; S.Pee,14,noniber .40
1,ucKNow stNivim "vw. oth, 1•92fI; :
1.1 4.: YR. 106. • rind .13. 40 44,13tuts
"Wr, 1 .4., • 0, 'la !,?1,•
1i U»J1
• • , .
• P..4,1,11
•» 40e;., striwbernies,:•:c.part ' '6
etnits; Plums and green gages. as loi,v
'per btlAllt•14 pvles and V.
1)4 4.1'sold . at,: 5.0e per..
tIn 1%111 )Wk
rowth ;of that isiewspapar, altd," .•\‘3;s:litt..... I 41. 4per' l'ioridred; and
Jr' ‘he toWn. Anteng the•Peela
.r0r 11L4irti,i. the same prlae. :
e:' for the;'•editien. one..Pn'..sterez likor their '341:11? Y. •
keeping in tho (.10S).
but; ap•A11ustrat1„Stlef,k110bI ljai:rei., -6f :teo:13„kdor,h1fli, °it.° Is°K
hange-..thaVibaS,••,1.)een'ex'perlenced.a,1), ca.,..:11: of .'11,0$4:sitperlor,
Vin • pa •. • : •' ' • • ` to go fisblitg, tben-12.
;er. the ' ,sfgtIi• trobt; „ so it' 304,14
:"ft! ter all, only a ew yOarg,', .The •$$otetn of ....Owe
ietween. '. the, "O'X-..eart..an4. the ,nt-otor «i wlfl i�w »a' otir.• due 'hill
• ar: An oltt-tinpv earl1iud1 1 y4temI;Vei)IcPp...t,(10.6 bill liPeks,'Whicli •
•Oheolc 11065, W11011-
sellia6.. dry ,g0("Als '111`al'.1 t1106'. to is 'Intl to.'• por,
.tr'e bOt.. eveity,. ba.dts 4,,00ds; nries •
. , " „.. _
,elSe-Lgrocerie. , crocl,:ery, 'boots .
-that we'did not carry; Instead: of
citov i;uotiv.1.1(7s
t raiely Imppt•-n.4 ,;•oits on
Jouditient, in.ne
Canada 41)..e. so fayurable :•!••.they have
toeei. throlghout the post _tWo months
Alta,vp, the pre.6t,tijqe. • Col-1(11,-
60ns Are :OA, and
they ale ..•cry 'gi)64,j,•iii)m. the
XI:16.114e te ttie '
•,., tIntavidi.ard 4pan1...es .gyeat,"
,ly'.iliteresti:d orP,p ;Conditions,
4141,T,tikir.,;t1. IiroVincs ip '!conditions•
• honte,. are*. tvO rhere ,rcaSormr •
are•'•inainy p1' fl
the, West; • ana• ''pro4periyus West)...
,,Oos rar, .to •rnalti* • , progaibus
East • •• . '
tie'velt itaVe.".'repo,rtsi, fr6nt
io VroyinceS 'been: `s:o», fa-
'•dt• abi e, 'o 'begin • v, II:a•rge...:ac re-
'age: wi,is 'seeded favo•able'con-
.ditions• Sading, conOla.:
•. • . • .. • - • .
rthicre: appears to.' have' been- kln.
abruidance of rain' P VO,` 1 ka•! gater
pltrt, of tile: ;grain -growing a reap, .sd
that In .the weekly repo.•ts the, •ex;•
• In!eslens•-• "excellent.' pv.6rgress". • and
conditions!' havljpen.e
Ivap,•33isrly...j.U.;41:ifit;(1. ":. • :•
• up, t4) July nth, ,compiled •
rj the Bank
esti'n and Nort,tIrn
Coiiflt 'are. ve'cy ' s'it,iSfactork;"
"kklbeVta c'.Outhern Area -Th e
.vonE,Ilitkes to .136. 'very Ta...yerable•11.
SaF,,,katOidv,•an, ortbern .At.ett--Con
ago, thee were more itqe- customis bro'llef
and -------------- ini...s,• ete,'',. • . ing Out- cash we :i'vould: r,r,ive a, 'due.
.. . .
"b. 0 men's .s.°r. in'' 9040.. '•••P14,4P wished. to do, husinesS, ;,,,tud he „woula .
deen •st,cW'es'eatering• t'o,'shoe•Wants ...chlints; nDso gave due -bills. tO, ' their ,
, and nen'S. go00,.• and .,.)1'4 ''w.'.6"if'"-c`, enstomerS on oar toe. These: citte'.
g (soda 'stores,. tend 'dray poo, (.,xQlt-Isive-. :hiq.s v,-dre esitallv'r. balanced '. • every.
..ipecialiSts °new. la.,thu 01deil 7(1Y..4) 111,,- the l'!1. -1t. aplenni. in .due hills.:
the Storekeo„pet . bought . his want$'. ,1,:as paid the: h,alance in.. (IA S) i by fib e
,out'. twice a 'year.,..zt.ncl'iif they . Ora': ' g.ore' will '..h ,oWect.it. to hir,, less 4,21,42.
,'. ell this,. year the .style w,413,, all ,l'ilYt. ••,-4,,r cent, Which:V:4S the,. profit P.n: the
£or nekt,, y.ea;r, i . There were ,,n( ,blk.•..0,2(16.kk '
lThirty,five••ieitts .ago.ther..9 •Wasinit bill on the nierchant 't/10Y,-
one Thy•l• 0ccent.' ,it,;like. a • eheel:, These mer-
. ;ladies' dry goods. It's,' a, day. elf p6iith;;; thp -flor?loiots
LUC:KNOW 'end wulonlyitt
onurnattal Work
. . .
the 'largest and Most torellote
ateek •the, meat beautiful' &Sign'
to 'eboose.frow,, in
' 'Marble' Scotch-- Swedish and Can-
adian Citlinites
We: make.,n' opecia10.:Of. Family
litontiments. and itlyite your lMpe
ItiacriptiOne 'Carefidly and
• Be*, mi 010d0g. 0r4eF-
.. Broo:.„-.( " R. A. Splitt4n:
:Efhorke-14 ' • Phone 256
• (Oren' • The, Teeptirater: News)
'We believe that Niles ' Mary -E
ShaOie ,teacher of the second chs:
•,the • TeeSWater ,Publig, School,. Who
fev wive' _Win- • ,
loWS": "chanOd abbot ife5,0s,
them, , • . • -Iee.4-tvater vS, keekitoie' •
-t-,p'•weelts,„and never any lighting in
• •
. • .
4 One II a fi ;VI n eh • rii,!k ( :P11,1 ' 1 t izky A FTERNOON
• The . Stores ,liatt:.C.oal „04.‘:la.reps
Were siCeated big 'stoyes,••• . The. -,cdc.•
'.1e,rk got, 7 or .8. doltiirS
ry: oe.,,of„
and .exehang,re. fPr rjl
i'annerS;hronght.',in. prodnele.',1,6
;has:resigned after -..tiftY-live--Yare of
serVice in One sehool, ha4.set a ree- •
ord. for Ontario,' if not rn" the'.whole •
Dominion: ' From iriformatiOfl,.. we,
have been able -to' • gather:: :MASS.
•Sliarpe first taught seho91 in Tees.'
water in the year 187,,I arid lint for
. .
§t. Catliarines,, 'WO, has '''qatight
'continuously 'tin Teeswater, evel.sinde.
Her resignatten., came as a emetrilete».
surprise to- the 13oard. last week,. and .
while ',Mention, was. Made, of , her „long
and veined. 'Services no dtier,,ite
was made to recognize her long
reer scitne fitting •way.: She, with:
her blind- siSter, ',Sarah, :3.nd:relatives ,
are „spending. the • holidasi'.".-en the-
shorea. of Lake liuroa, •hr
,she. has had the 'pri;iilege.pf teathing'.
:.masni • whet...have made 'a 'name
theniail.lies in the world, and many a
reminiscence could., she: te,t1 of :early
school days, • She • ..3.v..ould. • Miss:
'Sharpe ,',d,oean% •publicity; 1.)ti The'
News is. cittite. sere that many ..Woeld.
:like 'to, hear •a story ,:of•lier:We*
school ;teacher,' arid •nO.dinibt
she wili
;.give it to ...as at a later „`date. wte
but ' congrafulate her at the present
time 'on „attaining such a reqdrd,
hiing the attention . of the
Ontario Dept. "of-Educe.tion .1Of. tlid
,unique -record that has been aecoin,-
Plished in this 'selio91; „. • e
1.10,"W'4.4%311:4ETICS AVFECT T.1•1
.1.4ttitGali LIFE.
Much dlicession has been:going, 9n
on the question • of 'how...athletics
feet the length of .life, SO it is
esting to "'see Some 'findings .by
L. I. Dublin in July's lIarPer. *ore
than .5,000' Athletics from ter: leadbitt
'poi:loges have been examieed, but. the
Warning given that a little ;Wye
study tiecessaty.,to solVe one 'or
tvtto probleins. certain' tentlen-
elei•ere 'clearly shown, , They are
better insure:gee which tnay
he becatise of AO' being 'picked Mein,
On the, Matter of 'relative rnOrtalitY
it would appear th4t the. inetribes of
the 'football ,teain7 -show • the lowest
death rate, and those of the baseba •
'Ohm the Itighest.,iiirith the 'crew 'rail%
ing next, ertfl thee trark'
Nt.rDile'• OAS- diapPses pf the 'eothuron
belief that the nierribers of the 61 -
lege crews are less 'likely to live lotig
-er tient other: athletes. Dr. Dublin's1
figures Show that, espeCially before
the age, of 44: crew ,tnen4atik neid
rafter 'baseball: player:3 in having.' a
higher 'death Tate WAti the , aVerage
Xholit 45 both ratk
'IOW the ...average. • Than it is sho*kti
that 'the colleges•„milie a• -'•bet.
ter ,Slidwing than the large Ones. AS
to the causes Of *death,' there' are no
detaiWitVallahle PreSelil.t.- T('.-
DOrt 4010 .that,,the sult,teet • Is :o.oe
\Wort-hp:a more enquiry; auil-the
reaulto -of that wotii,4 wlthout
be a great vahte ttitatty way8;
Owen 8otitd „"Sut-Titues."
tristtdoblp, eereentad., 'hy • the
grocerS, the gro-cers 'them a duc
bill, on the dry good:4 stOres int(' 00
or .cashed,' them mouth, . less
,ten. per. •ceet. , , • '
• The i10,srlaperg. 12' o ve'r _thou $4itt .of
r;etting, any' inoneY 'for. their, adVer-
ing ..„.„:_spa.ce„-They-tvaded,e it..,•all'.„:-'01.1.t-r,
.. ;.:
.. .
Ili:. title StereS., Who, 'advertiseth: ',..:.T.he'y
1,:lso -paid tlicir one Dt, two emPloYee.'
Ibout 'half Cat•th and.. tha bahiwa- in
:lee 'bills. Which .was.:traded out, ..tei•
„ .. .
' lalaric'e; acCOVrit'S. ,:,,;--. ...' . '' '
. 'Thirty=flye: 'Years: ..a.go.;. .ei.,gs2. were
:•.1... pound; .the..- best beef .steak,'-' : 12. li:.I.
, .
•emts.',a :peund.,,. :t:tk:,. a ....: good-sized
ji4ssed. ehjeken ' \Vag. ;',','2e for ., the,
- • .Thauguratimi of! .: 4116 ,new New .
• On : thc Other . hand, 'yOU ,, ... .. ., .
WhOle' bird.; .' . y • .Yorkl-Ytti.e.totith',.NOva.-Seetti:..iiag-
.:10.0d.biiaVY• yard.,,,Wide.. i.r.'4ito,rv.. for . u. ' songer.' sh ip,-se ?vie 0 rees*tlY.. rellrel,,
. • • - • ,• . • ••c, uted. the. fiiI-t 'eat •-; ' • •
eould, hu
. ..• . , • .
yard and :flanlette sidjid Itrh'. ,. ,'''s,e'-'1.- ti,--(i‘-•-•*ii, tc---, 0, 1,14tc;,s,•,1;f1.1...,y1.0vittsc,
. ' • .
WIIAT.-Ekrorls 7rmis,Tii! OF
Toym Wgz*Ly PA.liEas AS '
. .
A striking exantPle, of .the maimer.
in which experts regard , the town
weekly as • ' wlyertiaing, ntedium
for retail meichandising .seen
the t,iolicy of *bariedian Departmental
Stor0,•adopted since they' were put.-
chaaed by the T. tp.t01.1 Co. lri everY.
town. Where' on.:0f its steros is locat-
ed, this .eompariy has been carrying
from- One to two pages. weekly to •
tiroacleast its store news , . in the
town's trading area: One. nevispaper.
• PuhliAlied in • a town not more.- than
half the size' of -1Barrie has a yeurs,
:contract With this firm /0;• two ana..
. half pagei a week. ;NO nierCliant.
.-necds to be told that '.Itatons • are
keen ridges 1. shrewd buy
ers And, thoroughly inforined- nit. to
the irdst np4O-date 'and efficient
merchandising ,tnethods. TheY den't
spend' a dollar without prettY
Well Satisfied that they are, reeeiving
• value and will get „rettirtis, The 'eX,:
„ tent to Which, they are Using the lo-
cal Paper Where they .have ;•, stores
Should convince • others in the retail,„
trade that the opportunity. afforded
by , the. home newspaper putting
"their-salea 1alks before regular and
• prospective ciiitemers in. their trad-
ing tert4Orir IS Oad that:should not
OVeritieked•---Barrie Eicaniiner.
. ,
, .141.E1) _TO IMAM. POLICE,--:
J. J. FiSAier, Of Illitdroayi win') 're-
' fused to stop his. ear nOar. Deeroer'
ton, ,when Volice Officers NOSpri, Den-
ton, and Walker. ordered hint to do SO
When 60. beheld Ilarv67 •Beeltor
Side the tor, ponying' liqUoi hrough
a. held in the.' floor 'when fritind he
had been with - the &ea on
hipi; iiieh#e4 guilty:10 eb4trueting
the pcilide,lh vertorhatte tit their
duties 14qtt.rniticted $15 and eoata
.• Of 0,tio ofteii-de 'whet be
police &Ant at *illteVfen;,
ere 13,11 .11.pre
. • ••- . ,
• WiLit- concrete. noNy up as :Tar , as
the:. Iir"st 'be:1100in.WJ-iLdOWS and.
otepI .0.14 ' tbe,, .tutirtil• tbe
Terente to schedule 'find
expeiited to,'he'coutpleted•
for tlie_iep.;,ntug ne,xt.
' •St..tn.ding. the. s'Ilort ' • t.Ue
,rstoel: n,4c1, building tvittleS:. •
ditieri$---cOntiinte: favorable.. Whott is
king excellent progresi. -c -1
eslik. te,rlitlev,:4-4.,,'L
New::00,co,,Liitav'dog0, oyer'yttiit4..
, yoult
believe it; It has all the, ioodi)oitits
toita Zia froti3:1?atteries• Heav141644:*
Autotttatie and IVatterlY $ery.rccf $Y•sfen*0,.:., .
Small start the engine --- Has auto.
. .
ektf;kealitclinAtic; throttipHatit?tnitiC
pilot balls l•rt the battery, • • etc....4c, ,,*.e.te.,
'thinkei• atia'cOttqaep.c. etO think about cotitittg...
• :in. to the new Deldn-Liitit that it;in.k. for
M. • T.REla; Pti•OgauOon•
1KV R. Litt:know: ,
• _ ,
inst: phone or. dro,o tne a card and 171 bade ,
Peiro•Vgh1.10 ,Yaar limnefor a meg demonstration/
:ELECTRIC . f -D. )04MR.
. . .
: pit.ovuvrs OP' ogNERAL momoits
Made and Guaranteed by; Detee-Light Ccaapaiiy
,iforms. :have 'e;iused. o gat ‘Aleiii.,,pf,‘ • . . : • - .
' 310Y '••1,)e , dut , the. et Y1.) ‘.11iogethel • , tetarded curing. ' .Root are
A.:acre strtk.e. 'do • a, ,
•,•ellent 1r01 .:Daina4e froin
is , • 1.'•ros•*.t's 'are • •sittis-
• .
• istIsfact,irre.• . • ..
..tno • '",..ro,,...incesA11.-'
./A. in u eito, ski . tient , (.Y • • •
pa 'sturet..„..''have Vecii g bed. •. "„i'be.• .11.), vet y good
cro.p . in ' Ne\v Brunswic Apples, are o
- Qoebet-(.1,rii,iii, i-out„‘..er.9 IP?", ; •
.'aa.nuigE2'• ba41 tt)1.”" eited Olt' rh r'ecent .14.'hIse • $1.',"„NliAi'.'-1.01,'011INC?r', • , •
1 ,
" The London Free • Press recently •
Van Val,kenburg,.. prealdent
!Of the Regina Doitill".:4 "rradei,,says •
-4,hat•liiS. pity. tied reititripee•ave dot ,
to 'cap-0:re n,. '..4'n-Lat.'ig one r:
•ii.'eti,Son• for. his vi'4,t tind
tbe. ;AO kke;01'0S:.•
initieritt,"y0nottr..ee .of tbe
rovine he tiev,i de- the -,--b
.•:..cf•, nmOer . of inchisti.jes, ea-. 42
Der cent or the proVincial area. Ilea
,Within the.. p.ro-eambrntn shiel.. • : are 'plentif.0
aking ti f cto ry • progres, 1,o c.
, There'
a. heavy,. crop:of Ole:Fries. 'Recent
heav-y • aies, arid 'warn) ''Wcather hgve
• scab to ..develop, tyr • .o.pule„.•
toe, r
:iorts . are. geed. read,: "Weather
'or hay; •grain 4nd ',toot' eyons has
.Atay..crop...will :he oie to. •
wen excelcnt-, .and yields' promise to
. • • .
• A-gal:ding, the intreasit ig danger .pf
,tinitoring* 1. ; '
.end fatalities continuei to .ipoont, ,
.nany otot'istS, theie • .
',days insteada
...reation • in the T1PW, St.) 1;orialar, inot7,
• -, •
.deve',0Ping raP'ittlY.-.0.1“1:•slro',Ood l'otatdeb- 659„. ; • small fruits': 100%."
aPPearly2(4'. T•Oacco :cady been.' shipped .,frani t 01(41.14'
r'oecl !,re..Vtli, anti sniall . fruits a•!:16 •44n. Valley.,.
: :good pair .rit .,'SheeS. f Or $2.:- and ;aIad-f, :1-itii•ber ,forthe.paSt• 20, years, tfhiS
. ., • A _ .150 . "1j mie ii 4 (Ili: vile is :.o1'. 6;900
1.1v,.5..\\;iiges. for a, 10r.boar (.1'4y..Wn..li ‘ ..
, . . .
tarIS: 0.04 ..110t• AtIll.ftit; • ecintlects‘ 'With •
"• ' S Oa ;•ea a:i a ..holidey, i.es,..),xqt.- •:
. •-k• .
.-TY.0.1,nit-ppr AVM --------- s:s ,a. greit.
a11:•:Wool ready-mo.de' •was _the • kilya,n gelinci„ of :t,b;e::
Eastey,ti;Stoadashili* carrYiasz
. t was wade in Germany.
per („IP Y.,' and Saturd yr,vi.ben they '• tb 6 DOminion• Ailantie Italiwity.,and"
'4- at :5 ..6!eloci, 'they . Oni• So:. eit0:bleS.,tobrists Nova
•• •
.511-11 , • . - •
,poe .for tba,.dV, Coal was
, tr,nat.:,•'sb,b()
Coining to Ontario:, N.4:01 of course, .
know sohiethiqg . Of 4, and the Bank,
• of' I\ tont' eal report ,has it a.146i.it .cOr-.
:rect. Just he' presen% ttine there
. . . ,
iS . trO 0 b18 ;V• i tilt he bay cfop, owing
iCo•---freonent and he_avy . .yahls, ..AlSo.
owing.. to the •be-ak,y.- ,sttin 'I of. .fall ...
;,wheat: ifitel -sPring:•grairisL7datS • .• and ,
haVle . . 'at. ,. bl' '' i .---' ' ' li'' ''. •
.' -- c' imi o. a e„.......c ain„,..ge c.1....
, . . . .. ,
'. been. dch.,. by' Wind,. 0401,..ivaiie; causing
the; dropS, i4) lodg'e,, • 'many fine,,,iiields
Of ,flax: are:, also 'hmilY'doyn, oWing..to
the::werg111-.tif,". moiSture. . 8ut . ' lie i
'liliunage ,cauSed in thi-, way s' plei•4'
than oil.'set.,b§,..(he.gaivrally .6..l.telleut
'otnlition, .i:f the 'crops. ., Ittirelit., ;if
0t.k11!,!. II ave., 1:1-k ', leroked: better 'in.‘; this
Pni.tof : the . Province. ..-,,, l'a*ttsreo,,
which,: o eN'ile; to the nigli• 1i -rice*: el..
:i..keef cati•le, ' is: an hnporpunt ,:i:aetor;
. 7 , , . .•
: The 'report already .referred.," '..t.cy -.'the trespass and they, r“..ft..c
aVe -been excelient. • .
. i • . ,
vends . :is .• followsi-"Ohiavio-Fall P.,.`1*,,ti to • prevent the 'Sante., tileY .are
.. , • , . . , . .
, Wheat' is,,riponlrig fast,: and .k gtiod, liable t(). 0 .penalty of $10.01), •:. '
average. cviip: is' • Tredit,flid., . Spring 1:iat suggestien ' that ., :the ' bent .,
. . .
deal of '•octiviiy, on the .part,' of
h h o Alewalics, ttS V. A.. ..0$
;elevators at couatry, points. ,
to tO lie- • care.- of tile' 'larger..
harveSts VAitch tve.eispeeted:.
• '',other comp0nyt Alas an.,-
11Ounecd 'it s • iniention to. enter • en.,
a corOstroatort program la ;the G11-
:to . J,Ohn. callespiei president; the
'11n1 plans ereet six new
'•-• to reei., th - dap aCity .4,0•,00y
VuShelS. , '
• Mostehuis :under the"leadership '
•.'or; .111g:tit • Lieutenant; , ohn .
Alters,. forratrig tlit. nand of the.
10y:it :Air Torso, ,13ritoirt:'.S. yOung,-.
est inflitavy bad, iitnded ftgehtly
'at Quonect, from Can,tdiati racifie'
' • Wherit:_r_tied.: eonsti..netion (:.• •
yell water; 011(1 :ever'y. spring' and ,
tlie;stt'eet .w0S .autid to •
'ineei, .;•• '
And ,We• ave a city. We I)tk:c
)Verything. any cit y !file rnev:•:
bent& have .3Pst:, 0.10 01.011
int lower. prices). They arc quite at',
M-te:410te thei,r• lightiag
drow' trimining- 'and advertiOng "and
!nside, tiiplays. Their Storc's are pron•:,
, lighted, heated and, ventilated;
Lheir 'service ille•140t possible and'
-.6mpetitiort,, 'at: bailie and 01)Voad, 1a'34
the effect' of rowei•ing pi:ices. 'It litis
' dav ‘6f
• Al'
heeeiri •
Thefc .1s• little. grointd .'.com,
•ditotit.iiii that.
Tho ;rept estion 'Is diked in
:AD •-woold like;
. • .
to. get 's•61;tie' legal aiiice° with ''regard
• . .
A.'. great. many motorist§ . have
.the conclusion , that :
. •
pleasu're is to be had from. Sunday:
gs; The croWded hiawaYs•inalce
. , ,;
driVing task., instead of pleasure:
bile--iten„-esSary, cinie'entration
fatigue. The The ever present, fear of• eat-
, •
aStropliv marS :the $ense . of.' Jr-.
, that shoul,t4,1 character-,
lzse a. heliday..tiuting, and. a 'partY re-
turns' lieme 'incire jaded refresh-. '
• ed 'bY. its jatitit. into 'the' open ',Spaces.
It is, an onfortiina.te condition. all
yound, for Stinday, . the :mile day in'
enjoY the • seciety.. of their 'family. -
ndighborS'.. fleas, .whieb spend.
_0 111 the :greater: part :of the•tinie.
Smellier in' my . g,ar.dun.i 801„
stire , it is needless to Aell ',their
asl:ed , the .oWner':i•
to keep' therli ;at' •honie they,
5101. ts • there • any 1•41.3, !against' ral,'
.1,Aving heni.to rouble the neigithers,
and what it?” Eer,e • is. the
sWeri • ')(„aS., 1.;Yoalitay have • the l hens
veer:lag; aty
.large and for If yob
notify yotir :rUiighbors ;.riting• of
• •'
the; Weelt. "11*"?. can
. , ,
It, is, th0. one opPortonity of a holi-
h t a lartv•trereentage
-day together • u . ,
I'lcal; owneis: Shrink. troth ekppSing
wife and children to the 'd'angerS pf
the road.„.: .
". The Init. w.3.4e.ki,ead...w niarhed. 1;15'
seripus accidents and •as •traf-
fie' , inereaies., With the ..niNance. of
Stitniner there will .prehablY be "Viore.,
-1.1140 safety Calnpaign , being condtic,t,':.
ed in the provinCe has •Scrved a 'use,
'a34:11ste.)5nes.10 6 s°ilifi 1 i
there are. thoilsands wno ill. go their'. .
w0y regardlesS' of" cauthn ,Pr .censid.
,eration of. others'. the ineantime,
th S0n1Ini lat); ygsell..Ckl i‘nv gin ..';..is°1;:tO.' rtelle8:111f:d2:
"...to:stay boin.'e'is
pian 's idea of :a.. campaign is
,ten'e• exclastve stork's; boots 1 . Ilnev'Montnitivn, foj, .
' .-i-uttt., :6'001 Coat' t -e00,st, ki8 •,(14(.1•
• C'oldst ream' Guards
•hoes. "only:!; ladies •ie,)
or•oeerie, end c‘V.4.1
Wtialdn't .wont 0.0.,b0ck to the old;
time 'ways any wore.» than we kvould
vani', drive; a' 811•.1
. Pehu
ople; pertutPs:, l'oner. ,in
be' e1trY, days, • hut 'they in.issed.•
.yhnie lot, 'Th?re Wee0 • *.)Vitri•
flptilqk,T \4110 1' "A',1,i)(1 Wer.44».4nd ho5
saVed; ln ore .41onoy• 1.1-tanenit•11
• 'slip tOdaY. are g:ettiii:r $5,00 'per
Stich is dit
life, itally of the ors,:
.10 the iiiereantile ga) 41 Aye* st
311 13.4
'ng town ; • rfi y 110v to
their; iT.tvard others. are creenhig
tovii.a.rd old. lige,
The 'rrade. With 'Farnierf4., Z
• ;Ati old..tlitter.. wit ti.nri :of ••,e6tTAIR1hlit',
15,v he i'etinit, thern in •Psluitetr 11,1" „tile
70'S, has the, Xtillewing. :l'oy1
!r:Moliey was vere seilt eti .arti el 0
In those (Jaya, Ae• 1111.kA tIlttt it
Oh'. only , -rew .111kkit.detk. raeli niptt
o 06nnt ihe gnionnt In file 110-,
•atise'tller'e' Kr.as .50 nitiv11 ht154:111"0.8s
lone ervait, tttl'et4.1ua ttud
'hat' Vekly, (1 43100(1
an'Y Of. t1,1 "tbe
, .
ffkilsoe•fp 'Inv
Peured hefote Illaglatrate, Walker in
. , flited
--?-0.00--004-000i0-tilt-vottv.--r•vtook- 10h0t10,9r_otliov 4..114111,
0# 14 p00 10 00 Vottilminoci ot. 10014$ ov of. $910111g,44,- "
. . "
• leaf year: Tills 'aggregation was"
lerrned, hi • ,41,41,„since
:then has fulti),Ird' engagements an,
.over • the- 11,0411-.11 Isles,. • The • 'tepid
plity fo sit 'the prinelp0l. c,•
)11 -
ties, military eentir and gro-vison
loWns. Caniula during .0,1,011%10er,
• .
"111.,:d e011 thy Alone:0.1' ...•at,444,
e0l1 • fay diarto.'!"!,,',Ille, • old •••move-,
tee des SY 0,1fit,,t, :the h gry tYO
'veller is a •thing i)rold past do the;
a :4..4:0 00 Mt • id nitt od „ P.. P...
.ti.ans•-contin'ental erack ;train front.
'INloetreal to Vancouver.. -.To:A-Q.0 •
.'intittly, 041100d:w1ite1. in white coat:
• unit prim • witli ft smart hlaelt how
• tie v,allts 'phroligiv the carts' ringing
:-.".efilines•"' on' it ditleinter, lipinAkt
•at once Ovit-Annt to Vile ..enr •
0_0411 nuire y ts) nitroct attention •
014101.1. • in Owe, '
-th...4c- tio t1e,63' 110
alloyeek-oti-;0:11;--flittlar- iittlna of-
Advcrth, tittp frotn•
grititrs,. ,she* exceptionally good be impounded is some 3o13e. ft.
'promise, cern .jS. ' rapid 'claipilh us.*: of 'the ,Old ,y01.1 -pe., :as to
growth, .but witr've,•• dry, how to cedk . 'Intre. (rithfittt)•t arni
eathe .ilitying is ,genc,nal; tilt; sk 11 if; began, !"First.', ; 1.0ur
0 1 -et together, .first to, tat,: Women •
13 ' g'et•togethf-first to, talk.,
Id rir-1:171a"Vifirst itetici: hare'
VP(' • • ,
, ap
Life Time.
ter. 1414.0 W4»41'
in le -pie ' and i'rearri,, tn.,
(1'116('' igt1"`;; ( ,s '11.), '1,,•'vVit.i.-• of 41;0'
• •••• •••.` • •
• ;.1/4101111"t n 1(1 -4 10 .51111,. (1,415,
t).,0 Pitelfle fvetAl 013`,1)
vri brae oct ex )31j11( 1110
.11443 314 ti'gilt.dIrty's.and Vtiven/y hOurs',
-Hildng• i'veOrti iitat, for 0 freight
lultwe' a the fiv•-y vor•tS,. '
irk"efftcl their ihmiteg. vn
()) i',AVItter.";4' • 1)11'1 .41. Yo•r4" 1.44441.1-tn ii•Ave
1(1 re
00 0111i VA) i W..1-14 Setti64l,1VIleT1' .f1.1,..• ( : itr z, Iva ro
q6),(1 the groin., usualiy. Octoh•er, Ft,9 f Otr,. •Tht,
aring. titn..yeer NVO 0t4'1 cd them
the tnedS 'they •needed'
AeY vioult1 Vring .
:1144 Igtge "VAIII43 Pike 11‘i Putrid', linv? r.01). ulnst Vesiolf•
bag pet30 po",. 0,-11 ilttt. La:44,.4*4 p,101„,
her 6y,, ThorriAs Watsop, wto, sa yoprig Pieeh•
ist, built tbe tirit :Wept, ono from, ttspeeifiestior,s prepo.red
its iihirentor., Alewitier Grehato tell, dropped im.,with grs,.
WatsOili te, the 13ell Telephone Laboratories- where many
perfected, NI?, Urs, Watson were sliown' tho :Appetittucbyt theins of wnich Television was SO recently
wonderful inventions in the field of communication are .boing
demerottattil,„ Jrbe distinguiihed vigiterc tested .tho MoChatthnt for xtbeThselvea stdieOressed th6ir
- *rattententiat Ole rrestt Dt ttelOVAIOno 4114U 4h. m
$ 'ta, hta. ttatle 0100 -00 4411Y, 00 4,4413.00,4
*V,* ut,'W4t,sou plo 4.5 tat
.• .
• ••••:k'•••