HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-07-26, Page 4• •••ts..AQ.11, • RIC T CE1 IOW SENT PIET r Tihilta)A.Y; JULY 26th, 1928 " A. MODERN TALI OF THE SPA. CHILDREN'a AID SOCIETY, a• --a- • ' • • CC/UNIV. OF PRUCE, '.0114.-0the Strangest 'tales- of the ' _ Sea, We hoo ever reed Was that pro: 'aided by the eight' stowaways aboard Jervis Bay, an Ahstaaliae Com- nionwealth jiaer, whieh was eeperted in the newspapers a',..org:t Wo do AO eeing cern-7, aud, Infer that Wheaelthe '4.ieWaeditors tat .the..ead- of it they WPte either .taeharned of 'the' hulleha,v Ine 414 the first e aeaera created,. ' It -wise soinethinge Of an anti-elitaaX, and • yet the aatiselinutx . that , •,eeta Op.'s Hew 60de:eight unarmed Men .terrorize a vessel of tiearly. 14,- 000 tons carrying 604 Passeaaerk tkad a ereeaeof .1.2()e,many of ththn e.,;:"' -"zerviceernen7 TheY'''`..wrought -such bavoc that the captain Sent. outcalls , of such desperation as .ruight haae: been; eXpected liad the hip heeie, on :•fiee.air *reeked on an iceberg.. Our • only explanation is that' the nerves •• of the captain are net what' they 7 • altOuld. be. This is only one of two or three incidents in the past few months Which suggest that with the • British seamen abandoning:grog in 71 aver of lenimiade and nut sundaes, •':atiniethiag'ef the old sprrit'. of • the Seel/ice has departed. • • "Save Our Ship." ;All •the 'world Was thrilled by the first calla: sent out by the , captain, trouble with -who said he was having , . stowaways, and asked if there was a warship in his vicinity. He was then: •• out .pf Fremantle, Vest Australia, "and. heading across the Indian Ocean Golumbo. He was informed that there Was: "hot. a ,warship handy: , There followed a period of silence and 't was feared that the stowaways had We are in receipt this week of a •-i.opy of the ariatial 'report of the in- sameter of the 'Bruce County Chil- dren's..- Shelter, at Welkertalls'-.14V. R.'13•Miiee, The report ,conteins.,rauca ateeestiag: irfortnatiOne and in 'COP:. irectien2With it, the •iasepeeter. Makes some -pertinent remarks. }le.eOhunanceS• "The. year which naidast. closed has been the atialeet :Year in the his- tory �f tae. Children'AideSoCiety• of aleaCiiiinty. of Bruce.".• . , , Th5 ,iaspectorai duty is te' leek af- ter neglected Children • aniechildreir eotn-tb .utimetried parent. He says: • •qh there.Were 47 thaestigattons.. ands...atesecutiOns, • theresult being. ,that More , and more the 'Parents- and enardiaris are bee'oniing convinced that there is a law for'the'Protection ef childrett.a.. • • ."In the disposition of these cased, 3,771 miles were covered, :a great a- MOUrit' of time and laber. expended, and'sometimes we have had to suffer personal abuse." "LILA year the number of children in the she:ter Was '20 for. the • 12 months. During the months Of Oc- tober November, 'December 1926' January and February 11921, there were no children in the shelter, as :no caies of inegleeted children were re- , etarted: During Mere'swe had 10 children in the. shelter,. April 9, May a June' 12, July 14, .August 12, Sep- teraber 16 October 17" "Once a year, during the month- Of - August, I yisit each Ward in the coitus sy, and make a report oiieaeli one to 'get etniteol Of the vessel: Some: pee, th pleianffd#11-theatiggestion triatathe dren undeeeiryeeare-in elle-comity:a aovernmeat. Thera are 126 •chil.. stowawaye, were really Conimunists, ' Under the heed of The Unmarried and :were .abont to start up a world Mothers Act, • Mr, 'Porcine. says: • tevolution: Later; on MI, ,auxiliary "There is no improvement in the fleetevesselearryingesteguardeafearm 'state .0_01e county in thia• respect. •0.• • eti ',marines picket' •up 'the Jervis Bay I have had 2(e eaSes wider this act. and .the, matines, evept aboard. Ten 'A timber of the men _concerned • of them were all that :were required evade their responsibility by going .there was no further typal:de. to the States. In these cases ..at. 'ffi*hen the marines went aboard '• the • stowaways were below decks' but ap- peered.; when summoned, and , beheld the marines on deck: •#11ere come the 'Boy; Scouts,"a yelled one of thein not without a sense ef humor.' But there was no. fight in them and they ewere taken -ashore ,at Colombo. TheirAavas yer tried to have ,the ease vvith the, ,.prisoners transferred to London, on the-grouad-that they were British .subjects and the offence: had taken place on British territory, but, the • Magistrate preferred to ,try them 'immediately, with the result that they were giVen.five:.anontha arid two • weeks iMprisoament; a sentence , as curious as- the rest Of the affair. Refused to Work- , The • stowaways Would neve scored -a victory all down the. line . had they received .this . sentence after arriving ains England for their main idea was to reach England' without either pay- ing their fare or Working their Pas- sage. The leader of the ging was Arthur Jackson, a ' Cuban .half castee The, others numbered seven, • thee verifying the agitated. captain's orig- inal count. They, were discovered a few days after the vessel had left. :• • Fremantle, summoned before Cap- tain Daniel arid ' reprimanded. Then they were givaa Cabins like the test of the passengers, supplied with food and ordered to work. They refused ,to clean the deck; eeYtng that the feed was not • enough and the decks too lone and broad. Thereupon the captain 'ordered them evicted from 'their: cabins and • sent ib the ship's hospital, where their freedom would' liniited. That very •evening, while concert was in: progress, •the cap- tain . was infornied that the stowa- ways were loose, mingling With the passengers, and causing _great annoy- ance by 'Cutting in on the dancers. One; of their' wes reported to have seized a small officer Whom he whirled about in, a highly ineubordinate Man:. • Ti -M LotYCK.N"ONV SENTINL Poblislied every Thursday, meraings at Lucknow„ Oritarica A: D. MacKenzie, Proprietor ..,and ttlitor. ; " '111U1t$PAYS JULY". g.fithe' 19287: sTop RQ SGS • The alacing of • stop • stills, at all pints where highways croee reit- tiled (rack, , strith, an order' that..., all autom'obile ,driaera'atep liefere croas, ingesis, beiagladvoeated. slii'yieve of' the Many. tragedies which: heve oc- curred within tecent weeks. at tall - Way crossings, .such • an order egenee Imperative. • - • ' Will .the', driers;' --eh;, s• tep signals? They wilt-Walie-Yalenew that, at may Cost $25. •‘1077cross.- without stopping. It Would be necessary to have traffic • Police watch all S cross- ings Oceaeionally, so that . it , conld never be known to the • drivers • of autOrnoMles 'whether the crossing is watched or- not. An ,ocealonal ex- ample would be enough: a'• Everybody recognizes the advan- tage of stop rules an city, and town streets. , They will be 0! like benefit at . railway. crossings, and if heeded': will eliminate all danger. The rule cannot be introduced too • Pee- ; ple 'are' not really in such e hurrie but that they can take thile ' to be safe. The reckless drive . endangers not only .his owialife, bat the lives of others: lion can be taken within one year af,. • means e long; residence there, as: l• ter their return to Ontario.", Under "Observations on The Pres- ent State Of Affairs," he sayse "That there is something Wrong an the present state of society is admit - ed oztall Therenever was a time in the history -of the wesold when there Were .mere Child Welfare. As societimis, and' Social Welfare Leag, lies, and _other oraanikatioas for the betterment of young life than at tli -present-time. ;. Is the condition .of affairs better?:• i --would: hesitate- to ,ay it is I am' afraid the social or- i'ai*ation are beginning at the wrong end. • One of the best known mottoes is precipice than a dozen hospitals at .Danlei in Judgment:: After' a• iftruggle they were cap- tured ,ari4 again sent to 'the isolation ward. This tithe :thy were ' hand- cliffed as punishment ,for using bad language in the 'presence of ,ladies Early next mor,ning the ceptain was': infoeined th,at :the 44towawayi, !had. .broken their handcuffs and Were gain roamig the, ship. wo • were f band • aeleep With tae handcuffs in tact, Theri captain eeini seeina to haae beeneaetly eithferl,,ere tiered that all the handeufftv should. .he rerneved, since it would net be fair' te, have some or .the „hank,' cuffed while erhere !Note nohe, Even this Sainceision• teeeersablenessard 'Ogle -did • not soften.. hearts and. shortly, after they had been again •eanfined, and .4e lieteh Put •aeroeS the heed of the stairs keep thern from ,getting out, they got hold of a bat- 4'1"ng ram and .•vnete trying to get' . . lietter.bitild a fence. et tne top of -a. the foot': EGYPT AND DEMOCRACY Egypt had: long been more or 1 „ , under .sonteol Of the British • Govetn- mint, Lut at the close aff the. World War the country was.: gate'', ite free - done and 'democratic form "of govern - Ment was ineUeutated. 'This has new come te'aneend;* the king of EgYist. holds his peintion: ua- der the. military force of Britain; he and his 'esseciates in the •goaernment. take their orders from Lorelon, and he country , again becomes, iii fact, ehoughe not in form; a crown colony af Britain: '• • • The. people of Egypt got every op- portunity :to carry .on • a, democratic eavernmeat, but the 'elected retire- e sentatives ofe the people formed into ;o many opposing. and ncorapro - ng elements that .they could not the necessary bueiness of a govern- . ment. Left to itself, the country 1.'ould have been torn by civilstrff,e. It is a plain case of a people being , Unfit for self government.• In order LO enjoy security of person and property, such must be under some mea- ure of outaide control. Why should outsiders interfere? richest man in tae world; and most of his weelth must .haee been eecuirs- • eilated singe the World War. Loewenstein was e a•Belgiaa, and since the 'war the great Mass, of the. Belgian., people •antuat , be NerY :Pear - For four ',years they Were robbed oi. evarythinge they, had ',or earned, lend it the end of :the .war, the ,natIonal debt meat have. been crushing. • 'man 'like LoeWelisteiti, v'seittltanany Mallees of dollars, • and every *-da'sra' making Mote could surelv,. have fouad aippettitnitY' SHOWING CANADA ITER .OPPORTUNITY IN • WORLD TRADE The various EstrilOng, advertises meet* of the Trade and Commerce Department at , Ottawa, which have appearedain: ceeadian • 'newspapers freni tiMe.tci time are .celeglated to. create 'an export trade' .consciotria isese". throUghOut .the rnoninion, It w4. 'decided last by the : Hole:nimble Jam es...Mal:col:al kinister .or the eaercise. of, helpful chatity'sie, .5f the pepartnient'in qu'eetions ' that: 1 eteede of cenventratiag 'upon •eelt-elo- . Canailleos should beceine mere .Inti- rificetioa. 'Oa alleatiat "bee :been said I.:lately acquainted e With business pp - f.. hip,- so.: far, there la: nething, to lioetuaitteS outside :their- own country. :iii:sgg,oettiit.trhya:e.:naoerTidtoiaeainiYeltheinth.;•. 'etep9liN,;.evIri.:. '1:1>lligo,:dewrtsQ:e'Sthetie;lirikneliiishil:i3t9linl..s. the ' demi- of the, Podr.. He. alipearaeip hive •• Canada!s eidernal trade: hasegraiien 'ieen. indifferent evento• the welfare,- mica .proportions: as „probably fase. af fam ly. His ' suicide; doubtless, :Canacilarie realize, • 'Rea elestehee,',in was • piehiediteted, a and 'earefully. :the laetafiseal year; ended March 31, .planned; bat, he evidently.. cared no the Disininion!a; total, eaports were thing for those whem, he left behind-. valued at more than a 'billion and Had his body not' been fouhd, the qnarter. (loiters, or to •be exact, $1,-, 230,356,297. This represents: apeea- yort ttade of more than, $130, for 2.VOry*,111211',1," Nlionfan and child in Can - 'da At the begiening.of the Present e entury Canada's export trade , elm:tilted , to less than 200 million dollars. • Another method of geughigCan- ede's. export trade is' found in ' the 'f.ast that ,Idat year the eountrY's' ex - mi • . . ta of mailafaetured produets altane- imounted to about the seine as ' her eotal .proeluetion et' roanafectured, . •itoducts' :1900: In ether _words,. aariada is expotting as nnich in Mans • 'ft:a-tared article's to day as/ the total e Utpet of every . factory in the ath- :•ii.nion t,eehty-eight:yeard, ago. These e w .figures , may give .readers., .soma .etriprehension of the ininietise in sreaee hi' ..export buainess: • Meet. public ,Meh and huisnese men, no rnatter what. their politics may be, eeepaealtateaexespetele enclesas.. peseibli • sae enost 'valtiable' asset the Dominion can, bave. Canada's natural resources se varied ahd, so ricii that e it . • • Nyould he impossible for •Canadian's 'ecnsume them: • Take wheat for eaen3ples it le• reatifestlyaimpossilale fpr 9,000,000 people to coileame 400,s 009;090 bushels of ,.'Wheat annually Canada 'e future:''proeflerity therefore beund, up in seeleihis markets as. broad for her: seaplus 'Production. - taueo -ere n t fel ce the WheneC-anadienabasiness men -seek walk end •• suffer injurYe, the merChant: to ' sell .their products • in: other lands, business 'worries of his ° wife -and heirs would be tremendous, and much of the great fortune would. be seaeted. Evidently, he 'cared for nobody buts'. Loewenstein, •and the "game wasn't worth the candle." • • •, eee-0 0 O ----se ,IFIRAUD AS A PUgINKS$ facraiun.ddstex:r1t.a..it:ocre;aot:ba.einr.sytis a .gboYod.fiti!ieinogri t it opens the way to a let of number • of robberies reported 'from Torepto (and the like occur in, all cities)eare known to have ' beep fake, affairs -the 'robbery' having. Tbeenacommittedamithatheasceriseet of the rohbed. In such Cases, the .money stolen insured; se that tae insur ne compaay, is the loeese, , 1 A ' somewhat amain e scheme' for beating accident %insurance ocmaa-:. riles wee •pncovered, in Nev. York .a ahert time ago; when thirteen law.... years and five physicians. wereenemed. as Members • of a, ring that made . a business of .defrauding accident in-.- serance carnmeniea: SaPpese that •a merchant. leievee seine weighty article on. the sidewalk that e man hole cover la slightly ..it of ; place and that either of these 1 ••. _ . , McCO,RMICK DEPRIN OCIWEIIS are se 'Widely used throughOut Canada that. ,alutotit any. neighbor' can tell you of! his , . , . . pleasant exPerienee . Their. reputation goes !seek. nearly: a century, werthwhilt• conaideratlan, when iniiing Moavera Call and let us ' demon- : strete the New Antoniatie Pitman and other; points .of suPeriat- - , e• • • •ityof theee inachises. , . . MCCORMICK. -DEERING AD- - .JUSTABLE HAY -LOADERS save the work, Of one Man in the busy hay time with this New Adjustable Top.. • All stel Frame Hey Loader. 3 -Roller hearings on the carrier shaft and 2 on the main axle make eery light '. (haft.' The forecarriage hileh and top ad;ustmene, are. conveniently, reached from tae load. The MeCermick Deer- elpg, is the 'last weed •eln Hay Loader construttion. • FOR . PARTICULARS .CALL AND. s.g 'ANDREW &GENT:- •LUCKNOW I kith -4i No: .0 islat YOluil. Service We Sell for Cash -We Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Store • • or Owner ef. the property et the point where the accident oceurs is ehel elae by the court's , and may be made . to pay damagesatn the injured party. There would he - Malang wraag with that if the accidents,svere all eal, but crooks Scion . ftiund. , that they could. fake an eceident, and be reasonably sure of getting, something is :the-cot:ale (especially in the Unit- ed States cities) aia erally favor the tlev cannot hope to control prices. They have to meet competition front' thousands: of ether 'businese men and producers living in. other eountries. Their are:. faced with fierce Worla rempetition in tnaintaiiiing their hold on eePort bueineSa.. To:maintain this :liens sliest become acquainted with • • , , . • • • trade of .a billion and a quarter:dol- lars a Year mid. to, increase it, Cana- every egi imateexnet od known to .ncl Why do. other countries placid. "Mier" man againSt the hu Property s ne,ss Theymust learn how to "Tie. hese remedy 'as poineed Outin ook lon, While Britain cooly takes ow.ner; •: . •pack their goods ,the enaimer de - previous years is an . amendment to ever the job of governing . , another .In view of this, property owners sired. by the foreiga buyer, they must the Marriage Act 'Which will prevent •Countrea-dePriving the people of all inure against accidents which maY l'''Inwto ship ..liohviithese.atoiceligoodsconatraythemostetdateS the ' physically and nientally unfit ?olitical 'freedom? * happen pear their property, and for " . . ftom ' eatering the marriage • state The .reason is • t at many c eene whin they may be . ro ! ecenomical • and 'direct • reutes. And • h - •• I held res o • aad breeding ;candidates for- the Itia: of Britain mid of other- • countries 'T hat •is a .good• arraegement, but in sanesAeYlums- ..haVe business interests in Egypt arid a generation •of erooaS it opened the • "Another help weuld he to have a iesire to have the privilege of living ,Vay to 'fraud. , fully qaelified, 'nurse in each district )atie travelling' in the country with • 'Here is What developed': One creedt wile would go into the hernee of the reasonable safety All ' 'Interested -known es . a allePaer", liaving ,dis- leeeping and the duties of , mother can caaniloW!).ethadto,nizd,eirhiBleritdt.eaientr;yli•;ttihains. revered a defect of• eeine sort in tae sidewalk, .or. an7.articLe on the eide- Mothers,' mita are ignorant of houie- hood, and by . kindly -advlee and in' de0i0craey, or any 'scat Of a geVerna asala .th'at.' should not he there; at an struetion make the ' hOmeala fit place ment Which the pebpje of, tisipt:ar ,insilifa . buildin ,- .; t • 5 himself for -children •th live in." "flops" on the Walk; and claims to be , capable of setting -up,there woutd be "--0 0 0—' security of neither•life nor property. • , , iejutera An eccomplice is generally By and by, e's under the influeace present to take. down' tae•nalTleS •of Attending to Business. .eerheps, most important of all, Cilia-. (Ilan goods muat always be kept up to the standard of the .sathple sub- Mitte.d. The *Department • of Trade and Commetce, at Ottawa, is doing.every- thing in 'its poWer, to further this ex- port trade.. . Yeats . ago a CoMmercial Intelligepee Service Was established; and trained -trade commissioners sent to. the .world's trade dentres. In fact. Canada had. the .firat trade 'commie- sionere.abroad thus inaueuratin ' A • , 'parrister, to ted'absed ' motorist i of British rule, the people' of Egypt :esithessee of the . "accident", a law- evateni'• Whieh -haa been widely Cog.pied. aCin the night an question did erm grow in Intelligence and: become. edti- yet, Member or the ring, and partici- To-day , this * country has '24 ' trainea drink several large whiskies?" anted, they will beeeme fatted . for 0,ene in ,see • frilit4i a tee sruee is era trade corrintissiemers in `strategic iansinese." paged to eater an. actioh against the training., to go to other places, The Ree_neeed hieeeeiee: emee,e ply., self government ...Liberty for s,lieh business 'centres. More men are now , • ... . 'People as. inhabit Egypt ,. end India insurance eore• pany, •aedea doctor,' an, •en '• • Barrister:. "I kriceer. it's your buei-, • ' '' ' ; • . means anarchy.' other inembee of the ring, mattes out hes by. sub§:idy,,and otbr government • --.--aeo-o-- , THE DEATH OF LOEWENSTEIN a false seatereenteas to the ,injuries meane,•obtained.- first-clisa shipping. ?leis: But Were you attending to it?" suitained, and the insurance 'come •' ' • facilities' to • these business Centres.. pany,..knowing that it has. np chance ., The- trade Consinissioners .are con- • • that over the' roof of the . hospital through which they Were trying to 'oreale were the electric' wires waich were -vital to the steering ofe , the ship. Quelled by 11040: , ;Had these ben ihjured either by . . crOwbar or fire, the 'Oda would hew: oeen sibsolutely helpless So *more. hatehee' were 'sot up, and 'the hese was turned. •be the etovvaways.. Even the eleettic light by, wbieh they had .se.en enabled to 'proceed with their ;Crowbar work Was t Off and they were left in terrifying' darkness Neverthele4S the stoWii4eits found roine matchest and soon ereoke ,, wee seen einergieg from their litt$een- 'earns-in-lent.• There was ea ieh spaces lation as to what this might portendi The StOw'aviays did riot' haves the 'cap= tain long in suspense, They arts • * • 4 k Captain • fetewenstein .• loved . the speetacelar, and Made hie deatei. great a sensation is was hia•bueineas: cereer. • : The 'average Men, ' to get et...living, 'wonders, why a. multi- Milli:tin:are,' "free freiii, all the wor- ries and .anicieties which he (the poor ,inin) *news, •shoule commit, seicide., Iiit Loewenstele was not the . first millionaire 1;siiicide.• .'A enaiher,'clin ,readay ba•reealled., Usually it is „it matter an ' overworked nereaus eystem '•eiaaiiaointed enibitien, It 'goes to show again' that happiness does notselepend alum ,the-PoseesSioa of Meterial wealth, • , •CaPtain Lneweneteiri had been working at tremel'idone high -Pres- *.dureaetiravelliiiga. hy eeroplane, aita • nouriced :that their .sinecite, .-purposewith hini, Evidently, it WAsMore was tosa re' t?) 'the hos. [,(1,an . he conl it • st ana .enil ne'rvOild was.igOrt tarred, on then 4hd. there lianstion_v;tis aeroin pa aled hy in,e04t; was no More trouble. That, and the depression, tiaving'"achieved arnitv,- seritenqes efefiae,-rtiontlis` and two ing biisiness ,sticeess he', .discovered weeks are eu PPOSIII to 'constitute tin th t the " aune Was, net 'worth: the out, again and Mingle in a .boisterous end, to the story, but eak private and' didredpeetfUl: Manner withttitt titiutit is that Capt* Daniel live , peosengers; -St:One Of *hem were of ',1olv enough to supply an Adetittate —04tileirl)telustve-diaspoSit,ion4 Jr-his:A/mai antAker.,A.0....the dui taPtiiin kneW yeg thr.14 th#41 0460047" po4 onoOlihp but eiihdle" enrf decided te ;rid it all. It may be hs,erved that this ,deed millionaire WAS 'hated ',ter nothing bet foe epecladtiltir,Iiiiiiihess itucs ceile, Ilia afi said ,to iii court against a:'41)00E' man (fl Wernan alto ha', been injured, usually makes an easy settlement.. In a case ' whic.h•teeeetly get into the New York courtd, men by the name of 1:/tnier,l,aulich and Irvine Fuhr were ineolveda; Both • were The .narno.i. augaest the elees •active in this line of' fraud, • . , 'etantle oe the alert, seeking* out op- tan4ueities` for ' the aelline ,qf Cana- dian prod:feta: Whenever they learp ,that there is a chanee Of a Canadian order lacing placed, they "immediately aeitamenicate . with, the Commercial Tatelligeneee Service at Ottawa, giv- ire. ell informetien they possibly can. 'atria ireforinatienln the possession 'of It le estieetted that • insu-einte Sprv.ice Ottawa is a he dis- ' • • • t t companies ,ultim:itely the gee: ease1. of any .Cartadian prodticer or tial peliac) ;ire done out, ,of three . menufaelterer. ,This sYstere,the re tflhIIU)fl'dollars annuallee by ahis . line stilt sore years eitperttnce,, is of fraud •• ahnroilefile iseg •working 0,XT A Rif) 1929 NI A It Ell After a Setiee of testa, the, Oftterio rt.lp.Ecrtment: of. II iallytiare hes deeid- ed to' change' the solor. of: the:motor' niasitees for the year , *It was. intenaed to 05' the saree. eornaireatiea ef, Name", that, evaa iieed blac*alettere 'said; Taiseaas. on e‘ ye,1.1Ow Ifar•lcronqui. Part,her axe ..ntrimentS have: aenvincecl the •lies partment, 'however,. that 1. dor trar. fie . conclitione, a• tloW. color scheme e.01i10 "i„ettel., vi;•1- • 'hility, •As' restat the markets, ,for .1920 v./3h he composed of- ship" "battle- greY baelground with black: , , Ditteres and gthiress= :emoothla,, TO -day Caradian inane. ractilrqr or prOdtiper earl: fried Out with, littlettoubl, and. no eXpense, pf-oducts .can he 'profitably 'rime-, • keted in almost -any part of e..„ th •World. `• • • : 'so. .exiouraging have results been . . , f rola • the-.eXo tirt• system ,:ailopte.d. by. ' and. so well have Canadians ' ii d'a fir'frle;e. i V'ed-Abre,y,•4' -hat--it is:- fairiy ,4propheitiedt that, within "A de, earle ("ansibi'S .egports wi11 ittoilnt Jte .present •figete. Hen. •Ma. ' Malenhe aa the. reaperfeible head • of (hish partafeht,- belleVee fl Itdepink Ceinsidianta fully itifotmed Melia bp.; port11n!tieh,;'41)A4d, :„T� AO this he is reaching . -the peep1 throughnewa .,P4nOr."2Y.illagaziniA anOra40•40urn414,. gititTitivt41-18filt---grOttyoug .9 t . 0-0.0-Daf-TIrATL-'ireflraWitie 11.EQUIles BERGERiS POE PAIS GREEN. ARSENATE•OlLEAD a . . SAMSON, TURNIP 014. FIELD HOES7,---These,ire made of first . • class material, and are the best that We can procure • SAMSON •HAY FORKST-at Old 'reliable; which have been the • leader foe yearee Correct in shape. Selected second "growth" white • ash. handles. ' BAY FORK ROPE TARRED ROPE for hay .loaders, TRIP ROPE and ROPE fofalings. • s Now is :the time of year to keep out the pesky fly by using SCREEN, DOORS and SCREEN WINDOWS.' We have%a complete stock in /all sizes. ` • n SCREEN WIRE to repahathe old doets. 'BRANTFORD ROOFING -See us, about e new roof -fou r styles • of shingles to Cheese freer,. Also roll. toofiiig, ,in three weightea, ' SPECIAL in PAINT A limited quantityof good Paint.' 'in two .colors -Dark ...Brown •and. Dark .Gteenjust. the. thing trine - ming; at :$1a50 per gallon:, • •. • •'" HAVE YOU BEARD .ApouT THE NEW itAzdii:j--=.Foi; One • Dollar yeti"get .ten :tutu Atop blades Mid' a Teeet 'free. s:You-•just • ' , ?ay for the blades. • ' A:special in POCKET KNIVES, at 25c. CEMENT -LIME -PLASTER --ALWAYS ON HAND. Mu.rdie 81 Son • Heating, Plumbing and Electric Wiring e ' •DISCOUNTS HARD • Form Journal Editor Says Farmers Know No Distress Such as CitiessDo. William s Jolibsdne editor of Farm' Life, believes that tears of feemera for relief are of the croaotlile vari- ety, Wised More On a desire for add- , ed luxuries than for ec,oncireic aeceas; ities , Addressing the coriventiori of world advertiser -at Detroit, Mr. 'Johnson euid real econoiaic distress' existed in cities, where there is a mar,ked ab- sence of "eroaking" for Federal aid. "Farming iney produce no Million- airea." he said, "but it has no bread line, neeflop shop, no, aitiable Wretch in - es livg on charitable niakles and dimes. Agriculture has been drearily pictured EC scene d much 'an hepelessaess. As a i.natter of fact, the modern farm today. saould be' An cated,•hy the rise of '•International . Harvest -stock from $99 to $289' a share ' in eight. years. MR. , LEVI MORGAN ; • • • . DIES AT RIPLEY .• .1C1r-Levi•_Morgan, for • the . past : twelve yeaTs. a resident of died at his heme. there on Wednea da Y Of last' Week. He was 64 years, of age.' Since early spring he had suffered fraite heart ttouele, and for the Test three week was 'confined to Mr, ,Morgan. leaves- a widow;- ,one •ndn and one:ilaughter... The son, Oli- ver Moorehouse, has • been attending Western University, topdon: . The . daughters Mildied A:, is at. hemp. , The late Mr. Morgah was horn in . Huron Township, a sen of the . late Mr. and MrS. Joseph Mervin', in .. '1.a:flowing his martiage to Miss Agnes Braden of Culross, he agricultural. , •heaven toe.. grahddad. Settled on the Ninth eonceSsion of Contrast ,:t'be 'bare drudgery {if 20 Huron, and twelve -yeara'aao sold outtYetirs egfeaiwith Ate „ modern .sott, til4 tetued to1ipley Ile -was, . „.. highly reapeeted eitiien of the village• ,aeca took ati steOve part ,iii afrairi, being tt Member af the .firat • village ethnic:a in. 1925, Two' bro- ehers, Thomas and Joseph, 'reside in Ripley, ',John S., in ' \Nth:10am, and s On the '.family homestead in , "Pinwale Mrs, E. Nola a sister, is in ;Sahntti -Kering State. • The ftmetai, n F,riday. arteraooh,- War3 ,in charge of Ripley Lodge TO ot which the 'ddeettsed ewe* fl I ighted :Sad' brightened- by poWer, ma- chinery, radios, auto e and other things. ' , ••• •'"Probably the next generation' will be hard up for theprice •of hero. Planes." , '. • The discontent of the ieemer.„ Ma: Johnson kilt], is thd ferment of pro, -geese, working, in, their, midet. They 'simply are out for incomes large eatiugh: to ply for, the standard of living they haVe tasted iti teWns and Cities since atitomobjlee and ',hard roads took them there, . he said, P.. B; Niohois, itott-giog: editor of. the Clapper Farm i!ress of kansas, paid 1,0 felt the farrnets' fifl. member. interment was in .kinear- dine. Cemetery, * Some, people- never liPend• the eVen-, . IA the Ititeheh Ph& some have —