HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-07-26, Page 3Sun
Ay School,
Lesson go,
tied On their Wetk talking to many '
Privnte. and 49,1Pg w'rerY 01V4ing to
etforth‘,Yestlie: TA.itiTenx theseewhora
th'ey met would he many 'Gentibee,
Greeks and Romans, and the fame of
Barnabae and Paul 'was- ep wereeed
abroad that 'wen Sabbath ame, the
synagogue was packed daises
of' JewS•arecl G.entiles, whhad POMO
;',IPIY• go. 1-081.BOn ',—Th First t° hear the word! of Ged. •
•V 45: Filled with envy.Th Jewish
. ;.Ferelgra Mleelonarles,-e-Aetelli 1-0, leadere, .are 'furious. and Jearolitt when
...13-16 4449 'Golden. Texte-Go, ys. they, epee 3hese Gentiles• receiving the
therefore,: and :teanh IaII natione 'same Offer Of salvable!! its,:thomogves,
. baptizing, thein In the name of the and they dentredict the thinge spoken
...rather and '-e,f the Son and of this ,. `PAW. • • ,
V " the Centileo This
• Holy atest;,. i,:.ol3?. eaew •46' 'W t to
. . .
'serve fi!i things' ''whota°"baeolitas .thits.°P• have 'from the` eyna.gogde,, and Patti tUrna.
Comneended',youi andelo; 1 am wlth tOthe,Gentelesy defending hit poeition
you' alwaY,, eVen. 'lint° the • end of witit'a"quetation,. f rain the scriptiire,
the wor'Id.--Alatt.• 23: 19 20.: Ina. : . • ' e • •-
',ANALYSIS Thisme that it .was the. ll of
1 TIE Ili'VITATION, * _ Gd rakiAtion elieuld, be
.4Iti.'r4gs241-rs,u,L'°,1s..904r4,H.P/AsI, O.': beeraea:Lih..litiatt7n'Tera.tne_tthlitzethGeeriwtiillel.E.‘ I:0110ot; 0;3;4_
INTIKIPUCrieele- -With:the-•13th•chaP wa s'o•def'-nite •as. to take awar from
•. ,ter we 'enter ttpen: the", Secend part a.ea.v.ly ,ohe PoWer, of individUal
Luke's histoofthe 'apostolia:' age, 1?°'leeeIf anY Pile Persisted, in refuse
.e...twhieh 'cohoe'rned with • the •narrYing elng the gra9e of .6:od, then the Will Of
Of the gospel to .peoples other thaGodwould notcendi•el .Such a ono to
Jews 'ittrd"e•ith the,Part taken by:paui, receive. the fres Offer. a :the 04pe1• i
Luke's hero, ' . V,49. All thO....rekion.•-•The entire• '.
. • e e • country dependient on Aeitieeli felt the
I. THE INtriAlri9N,', .1;75. eefieenee'0e. this preaching. The new
•This IG th account of one of the converts evpuld go out iute the. sur- ,
• most important movement ever tinder-ro,unding eand the, grewthi.
taken by, the church.; it was the lee- Was so rapid that the Jews became{
ginning of the world Miseiort of Chris- indignant., and they 'persuaded -Certain,'
thinity. fulfilling Christ's word in •leadiag women who: .bele..eged, to the.;
• •Matt. Tbe, 'following things Synag,ogue to infhieeientheir husbands •
:May be noted in (*inflection with these to drive these preachers .out of the
• 41. five e ,„ • 1 city, It is • qUite possible that, they.
.(1) The new departure starts; not were scaurged and ill-trekted;• 2” Cor.
drem the mother : church at Jerusalem, 11:25.
but 'fiem the churchat Antioch which
AS 4 self-deterMining cOrnmunity, that
• V.48. As Many:es were 'ordained.
feet:2s • justifi.ed in Or.lenating to. ;.
-pertant aattp,., • • .• '
•, (2) it'. was. due: net to •the direct
• actiOn. of the 'officials at ;Jerusalem,
but te'fiVe• piaphets and .teachers men=
• •:..tioned: in V. 1: •... •
• (3) . The: short passage' shovis that
tlieseenien •realized the deep signifi-
' cance of their acti4in.: ..They remained
.• long in Committee peribusly :canvassing
• the se•tieation. prayer; fasting and
-deep-Meditation they eenglit-tletiedireee.
'•tion 1v.1.4.: the 1-lely Spirit
which'is: now 'Iteadin.g therhete this dee
cisiveaetiene ' . • •
• (4) There ia an act cif eepatatiOn,
' them: and ,Sent them •ferth. Thiti
, ing pneof-hards.. was to the •
Jews, and here it prObable wee the ,
•JinpreSsive: entward symbol of •the .
sanction of the church. Some suPpose
• • ,this wee the definite ofdination of. Bar,. •
then ' would seem fis'..cif' no
•,apostle Was pretent at , the. time. • "If
• •.it was • mer•elvthi." dee7gnatien
new reisaien, the ilyenbel Of•layingeem
: .• h:ande niuSt have •been usdrfor
". •other: purposes than-etclination to an
• official neinistrY.. . • . •
. , •
IL TtiO„eteter.,;0.e.• 1.3451. .
The two men ielect Markas their
Cornnan:ienancrelirect their demise first...
• t� theleland Of 'Cyprus. the herneof
TWo :places- are mentioned ••
• " at the .eicene of their preaching; and .
•.• . one . striking', exathpls i,s given ; of.
• '••Paul!s• deelsion in adtion. Vs.. 049. '
' V. 1.$. Fraineevieru.e they go AO' the
, • Smith 'coaet of • Anil), Minor' and . reach
• Per.egeire' PeMphilia, but Card' on no '
• • mission.serviee. Some change teginse
to have come over their plans. Pere'
haps th•ey had intended to proceed'to
Epheens', alarge centre of population, .
and :Mary may not have approved'. of ;
• the journey intothe interier. But the .. •
diffef mice; Whatever it .. was, did hot, ,
e • aVect :the frierilly. •relation 'betereeefe
' Barnobas.enet Saul.: .
, V..14, His:journeY to ,Anteoch has
.01stip.FilNWPflg,TTY MARY'S Nida
t Might Have Been
The days work', was finiebed, The
last book" had , been dropped, lat
'scratching .pen leek "C•aocre
night, TeaChee", .'•eclenovele
edged , :and the clattering feotsteles
•aed awaf:in the distance, • •
stOod in the eu et belititYeef Ne-
. . . •
vada euriSet and „gazed leappily.tit the:
grgeetis cohering of ,Naturers own
, .
Suddenly ...every nehe. of My Wee
• •
quiverea. in syrnpathsr, as en arigarthly
Sereant f a live thing in •pain ehiettere
•eg the evening's happyttilineet.
" I .ran }testily toward the epot'frone,
'Whence theesigeniling howle•seeened, to
enratChin ;Jed •ClaWing., 'Was. a 'Tiny
leleek , ;with its poer heed 6414
-lase in.. ir dirge-ale:led, minion 'Can, I ar-
echeed, the'fte,ntic nieeeee elf: pain, and -singing Merrily all %the day ling.,
of the•saffering,bahrthinge•I 'reached She reittlY for all
,to help it, :but with the: ittetinCtive usually at bellieg' point or ,vary near.
fear of any animal' in Pain "It leaped thereto, :ready to welcOmo the in
into the air arid ran , sturtiblingeawaY •diviclual Members of, the faintly as -
from the-gerb;ago. heap of, numberlees they return hpine.at meal time.s at all
*jagged broken, bottles and • gaping lipids of the clay. • 'Elven the children
sharp -edged cruel cans.. •' • •" interest themSelVeS1 In the.. holnel3f
l'itter;e kitty, oh, let me belP.Yeu.," kettle, Lor oftirnes,. they may' •eb-
But no,:evert when 'with 'tender fm - served aCtIng elieirewell-khown nurs-
gors I caught and held the suffering
•.1cittea,• endeav'oring.to free it, beart4
• . Tending cries and seeetaing claws ree
'nth giows the . second operation:On. the ,:univers611.V •known Pick/dr& Warded Me. .
Videlcome tom
•-The Singer .on the:Hob- .
'She's belling!" sonieone .Oxelaims,
as we sit in. eircle by the fireside
awaiting pur afternopn cup of tea.
Ho* the sennd of the word e makes
oP' attar ivrtib:eie dthe el igehutp e'at;at' weehelionrati;
. .•
But why ,"she?' we. 15.1t, serelY
Jiiat beettufm, of her, winsome ;person-.
for unclou'btedlY thero; seine -
thing lovable about 'the, hbasefield
'fripeci, the. Kettle.• • , •
'..Among ell the'articleS of eireryeditY
eteeSile" Is the ;meet' indiSpensehle;
••• rt°4r;';'.:"•tse:`1:fia:.stl*hw'aablrehl3:13•111a ea'itr tetYtlY08°: ej3;:nf:..'11.1t!;:f;bi
dual's,* aree*thereare different tYPese Of
IsY'�uth to Blame?
You Can't. Bring -U.P-A,:---..Chi14.-7 '
•. 91,1 the 4:Srnack.,and-00d,, '
' 'die System 4-114 at OiCtOci:
' ReS1.11t8 .' ' . '
, floThe 'It:164ra • neenie en' '••to 'lea • .
:. . . ;13Y . NiA1-'-':.---Di.g. o.flo. p's'i,.g.'y
144alttg- ipj ,a, OrettY- denee.. Often, .1:
:hear ..parents,..coMpliiirtin4-. bitterly, ,of
.t1;..e,.Tiril•.•9e711,111.1ti,tdeori:,:sv:h.4,till• 0•...,v,v..a..4: t(i.:„. 46'.;,, s'
and they TWOn't, listen Le. their:: Pa'r.••••,'
ents.now:aAlaYs,7 sighs,•.rnother.-, .....,: ,
*oriiek.•• „thfnli..., /..heir ' hto,iir, ekerYe.
thing!?:c4eclarefi , father...heatedly,' e ,• '
Iritiall ye. "They think,. their ''Eatherir '
and .mothers are ,-feols i''.'hetl eperent.a.."
f3Tq91;:i;1; A.'ir.ttlitiill.:°s.r• o."Unde‘ :.v'ery'• ...tl' r:eaditii.,
kettle re. e,Theree ieff.e.the.„.9r.dinary 'Pilo hut; -altli oil Or I-, hplcir.-e.reo . • brief •-•-:fer '
il.94•ta the 1t1Oh.ezi,.61.**14.02O'ke• X0 -4d, theSe' out'Of-.hand yonageters“, now. in -
in ..her '4:PoLikahmea:..iila•SO:::OR'We lioi?;, their late . te.ene or. earlY'twentlett; 1 '
always reeletemptea to turn round 'en.%
theii ooinplaining :paint- ' gild' say: - • .
"You ;have Only 4teurselyes to, bianie!". ..`f
1)-.eop;:e. rh'wyTeh,i3e 'ego.4a,7rrouWg:a4iYli;p,..11:4; ote, .3,
.'itight, •roni ',tha -cradle 'these: young ,
•"etteier way'.'-,inetli§d,, ,
, /dint]. 'yen, ell Parents Ore nOt of the,
"easier -way" kind: There are, .I , Am: ,
thankful. te • pay, huatIreda• and thus-.'
ery .T'llYITIO—,• •
lldS 0..1) 1Q11did .fathers mid Mothers . •
, e •
•., Polik nut the kettle.'•on,., .
• .
.• .. .
.and ,fine ' and ..deyeted .eont .eied daugh-' '
. .,,A.ncl 'let's drink tea." ' ter, bearing witness to what home.:
, ' Theri.Whoedoes. not eherish.PleitittAt ...pan be, .
hig, rat• familY ...But tliere has 'Peen. PrectousAittle'...
. . .
the. Curls, on the 'reiid to bohd0:111 Vas.' done he New • trosPes, It WaS neifOrined. iiralleago a :few •daYs ago. 19 tlist euttieg Of 'The Peer little necic.lkas SWellen. an 'r'eeon.ae.tialis. .0 .6.11
. % '';' . .• •: " bigeding• . Evig?1.1°I. the little *nig. ont • for .:dut•YeenlY' en'lligh '.feative 'Pc'
had been' 'struggling for:bents. .D.es,. kettle, 'ali.,black %and shining brought dieeitune , 1:61. many . ie• its, iii •s•Gme, . •
henieS: ' , The :children - . have . ben
. • . 7 --,------, 77---7-,.--- 7- . -,•,---7.--.,.. • '.-7----* peratelY r,w6rkea,:a,ti4 t last ' succeed- Casionser , ..Seime. on , bat' ..hther. hand; brought • hp. from babylippd on What .1
boa' has
shermerv USe.. the trawl net and each ed in eettrie,atingthe swollen head and: :_.
. .
IVIymay perhana rePall.. Just • thatsamecell; the. smaelcand-eueele. system..
' N, ig-ht!a. • FiihiOg , .. , .. .: .. „ , . .
a ."aeiglibtir." . A. man wae. quieting. the 'vicious ;Claws, . '• Ie.. wee
.e.; very, sweet. and enddlesome and .anrus-
“eittaise".. kettle, .as being tireary„ and 1 • The baby. grows. itite the "teddler, ,
detalled...:to.,heOP ea . leokout for here jtist a little allek at, no heitie ne food,:. tiihnell,be.wstheonr her song
Oenngdeoanowreto h loos • ina
, • • • • .
, . . .
. 'ring ,,•and.• he lay On • . the beW•deck,i a4 110 One to cane.: Beet It aMply. re%
.. . : . . .. , , ...,
days- ' Ing, but just able to ,get. about a. bit • ;
A Girl'S 'A venture. :
• • . peering down . into the see, 4'..fter,.; paid •me for its adootion..and develoii- ' Of colirso We all krieW that 11 Ja not' on. his own and start smashing ;things. e.
• • reast..4er •I . spent mY, ,holiday, at.'•4' • half -an -hour, he gave the •.shont, Oak! ed into a sleek and shiniagebeautye . 'the kettle; lint the. Water. in. the kettlel .wno. happens'?.. ,, ektie : sreaeic:aade
• ...- ..,thari ,Sc9,na, lrelend,• between. Cailipho,1- tf,enet, ' Whilst .Our. boat ,iit the Mission of •this. little 'tale is t
es -7-'77'C e ...ell -fall fiehing yillese.on the Kilithran, .we. iiati eeMe.onlienting,-and..OUt.sliet.
.0eseribed,• .4 , Won't you; .:hoosewivos and :.aficiidi.i4a,. that . singt; . but that.. is; One Of; the ., 'Cuddle. mother lees 'hiln 'get .931 .wit,..: ,
things. we deer:wt.:want, to Understand ; etei aa..th?,ttsta.r4Y,at.tuenrst,i1,43.rhde.0!3asm. saoSmhe,:.•:...'
-town araLtaitret . on. the base -side, Of ;seeeeeti.dee., aieee••onne.,'.;neigleleor7.' boat. eamper,5, precis down the tett') of :those ..axight., ..,,,wae„,are„eajAaat,eia...k.ae. on ,1301.11.6tii.fiorb
• Ki ty're. .. I': iquild it VO:rY 'easY 0 .steamed to the 'hueY and ,PiCked„ UP st Omer,' jaigged-edged cans.7..It is miptia,y,
thinking Of the singing kettle, and .t0.1.:thiegethat interferes with the • Work
frie.nds • with . the : fishermen, the .'end. of. our 'net:. S,he .continued,•tie de, e habit which takes Orily a, sec...
'whilst, •the'Y were Wer.hing' at fthelr. ,iit,eaminjg. towards tie, ii'd • ...thns a 1.Oid and will more than ivijay yoll, 11,11;t:ii.frtc4otie;'ntc.itiannetiie,l..1!?gatnel!.0c!!,iece7asse.,etliciI, .:nctoee,,,e,Nyiebel...kae.ede.:4ipsf perhoiptiegreldi,:!: ..arrh.niroehe;
werism-r.Te•--'111arr•--;--willt-i7t07'-gusiver- :1,netgleFol"-'. s .;:m.r---tW.7:fhl—rr:71AIAT-Eleid77,enr\-qui:pp-rireso---2,fotind-.,T-PrfirT:.-henTe- -when
.: begs.' dcrivn in the harber,.. and :they ..
ring.' was • made renntl; the.aboal.. . Our I alight trouble .by ‘• a' 've' tir,m ;fee.elingeseof,
. I • . , t� fortissireoe movements .4 . ',
On .a •• sligh tly . higher: seiCial . Scale 'WO , Tibia ' isat."... the Mother'S .. tiervese.On•
' ' ,:j_e_eleime•ea..aniiiit Slin»•••••.11eLsets-aneeteliow.
.qa,es,tions."..as....to- t.heit..oectiliatlea., '. beat,' :and,. the ' herd,.... tedious Joh ;(lo. ' you remembet that. perhaps • you saved • . . , . ;
• : ' ' ' .1 ' p She. cuddles .the: child .iip• and • .'•
. 1, .11.0 oniy..beue: there. 'a few'. dee, paningew:se4reed.: e... • • . . - • ... .. 1 some . Of Nature' Children frota.i,nee,d...-,: .134047,ceb .6L!lbeatl?".;109; ._k;etntliae.'e•l!)ffreala.e.ri'liiati.hinaapya ..„geal:vg.: ,iihn,., a, halfpenny.. at ay anka : at
a mass 0! ',1311,V.ere•glittering,. ttrug., : A. chattering, „ appy: square stalled
te:....uus,siape, 'and • less eufferinge e• • .' '
' 11 • ' ' 1 or .ecepper. ,.. lt.• too, fills,. a. place as a . • . ' - •• %. • ..
. ,
.. • . What :a Rewarcil •
, .aWehveenr.al oW:fsa....the6111.1-e'l•riaitii.diti:ttneet.'entrOliirhh*Ig.t.i'l ..,,,,'''aTelie. iLl'et.'f°11. iii.bright and all radiant in ..alurniniuni •whatever .4 r.hendY. . . •:.' ' '• • ' '' '
4 .conlid: have :.•A-aight!.e, ilShing with. l'i..01,Nivn,q.groll.d!:h1.4.'..,tHc.71,14e.„1);t.K.,:el.'-`w;;:.,,,741.e.enkiii ,:ptlip„:97.1.7n,,.. jil.1511.egt;rigltiF6tylrigZi.:.knixgrigryill67::wood.,,i*:°' f.•:•tiatte'ettiirs.iPi...ei;*. itall,a`u•ist.',....s.1-11. er.; 'SS': f t:- ell- ' as• .'. bsi''‘e•Heiitd:.-th9,te, W. mix '''wiser•t eio.ultiehaye--,-
vorti,actrl; her •114:3ant. . ' -' ' ' li'ail.. 6. •••taill'i'hti.:hire' -"Why,
• tentatiVely-put forward the hone that . - • „.... e.. • . e... • • .
..' Lee; lieffered to give me it pliee.iie.his
light,./.ttie 'skipper . Of •the b9at iNanoY• The. net, :Was
„ 'lealie 'thatetery enightr. and ,,-1;„: eagerly . one of the bcias., TO my secret de-:
SitipPer • lighted a ilare to attract the your oWit .Pei-sian Or. Angora darling types „ og ke.41, ': , . Having ' ,-•ee.' .eeeie To...oei_h.i.,.i-ci.o..), 1 ..a,,..w. ...0;w61.1,:ci,cs..ea..
einpt,ied. into the'..:held of: our . liciat,iehuck. caiight in .the ..relentl.;s4.57....7
then. haufee. in,- and. the eof 'a •halfeoPened•Corn :Can:. Or;:lia5414'? reason' the. :, Worst- tempered • 'Of' all 1-1:4;
°.,w1.1: ..*Wa.;:; iett:ii.si.t-::a'rloi,•• . kettle • :is .Shifted ee'tle.beY .. Steal 4h. 'ai'il,le .1n.
not ' ha:e done.::"that . natiglitl'r ' -•• e
,:. aeeepted. fits ,,n•tfe,i,.. , .. ,•-;. .... ...,.. bnyers, .and .: let ,•:them knew ...we . had that ,deedaineel..t e -ne es
ShOrtlY after .• eight . O'cleck', that, ,:il,Sli.',to... dispose of 'Socirea ,buyet'sl,e'reani;•bitt eagerly answered : the. call
about from :pillar to post 'end. Ought
store, His iepther . saw.' him . take,. it;e;
I 'evening, 1.1eft' 11.6.;i6ilgings;:an4 start:- . . .. .. . .
;boat, -.wee ..elangsid' e,:. the .aualitY;and:f .t1.1.ce,w,..ild.',to -forage for Itself .'ne tile .ai,:;4-liy, to .hiio :thir
S'imilatilli'. : }To* but she•.. allowed .him• to cornea t,l'e,
• , * often is, Sheyeempelled, to. listen Ad all ' 7';' y• .
. .
e'd ee 'Walk -down ' to the harbor.: It.
,. ilqtnentity of _the fish • appraised, andi_dua. y twilight!
warm; d'elightfal ieVeifing,.. with
. • .,. ...Awe a' le..argaire.b,e. iag ;struck, , the .catch Close 1. he -can • .you tourist ,on your • •• ' ' thlfit-a. , 0,1,iiii,.:..i.r..9'N;s',Ip'',,ta.;i‘;4'1,..0, ilg•.; ' a
the latest.goisin 'as'it it, •receunted, .ey,
'prcibleirt te.
. . , . Wes.' handed over . tp,' the bifyere. Off. joyous care free jaunt across ,the con-
h,ihrio4se..idli'lienge.6.trhiyeeirrs..aafttieo•!:...lit'l: a. „..vexeatiesne,:
:.' one Of those. Perfect .sunsets ,• and l.the •
'Sky: iiii the. wet showed' :ctirrieen. fiad '' fnroo.re'iTi'lZiillsg'*
ents and the World,: if; at eighteeq. or
6 .-te4..thed: a:gle.in, a nd:' aftel.. an. hotteee titient when ' you rest in the 'forest '
. i oil 'Cleuds „drifting, abont, andj. felt
..1 '.At ' the herbal; - all • 'vas.''b .i.1 . il '
• ; gpldi. With elittle ..philc .aliclneerl;olot-
.i in. 'gteateftrite..1 fel. ',.m.Y....night"s ' adl,•:e•ii..
land.; tee ,rieetitig-liing •thit' time Was:.'it .Pa:tteijig' f"'t; will b sPeed;irirte Yel pres,ence ' by hissing ont very high'
sailieg, , 'w!. got; •,.a,.geoute that our; glade or hes. icle.-thetutoblirig•.breole,
very ,gpoil oile, which 'made the men. picnic 'ground - alireat before. thP h
saMe,,:e.nrN.iclis .were.egene.'tleroUgh;. from the treetops andbrarehles: Eager',
"neighber” :had' • felt :herring..e The Zager •Oca 'are ;stealthily weatching
, staccato , notes is it AoPPIOS.rever into
:blercistekid. ,uittile' It ...bee to 'prciclaiin
that the. Pew' kettle. gets tiek4.
lti the 'biarne•Alei-, generair.. W'tli'.'t • '
. These *yOling people. ' lave • .neiter'
g914.er andemether; Make n'o. mistake:.
. ,
on. such ..aceeeiorie.. -ie. eeneetimes! so
tweetyit '. beebniee the , deepait Of: ,
• • . very pleased with their night't : week: of eileilee covers Your &Pa./1;6'0e ' .•, • .. .•..•
.. .
the fire!: -
11 43 . ..-4•OOts. for the ,tialiing ground , All. tile i.g.p ;
preparat kin for -the :departere of the The'. Skinner told. me •that .Often tlfey
out night aftei hight Without gpt-
, boats 'Kee peweredriven, which, is. •a ._ e
hig a deceit:catch, and there is the
,great boon to • the fishermen ' hi their .
added risk% of, leering .the'ir, nete'on
. heardeut call i n g. . The ' Nancy ; :Lee .
reeky tee beds : The second -catch of
ee_e_.--e--L ..•___ Wes :a;, trim beate manned by four . ,a 1 s ,.
, the evening w s 1.,iu best, and whilst
.• , e, , .• men and of
,sirite)•; e.clolooica'e;tede in ..tne;,, It)lu'rey eis, bargainingey,ryoi'INeVa,IGvagsolii11.1gnolenri;v i tnlii :otohaei
• Boys' .-union quit • cepaci ,. . ,, , . . ..
. Soon' e,VetYthing i'on hoard . was
been the titeme of re.uch. diecussion, • lk.“,, lsee iron eight t sixteen " ." ' • and. a good deal of .cliafling and ..re -
, . . . .
g •
• ' -Seine sChol•ars think it may...have been.' ear f , , 0• ieady, , and. we drifted slowly cut of •• " •
willifeel comfortable . ging 'took pleae. ,
g he Warmlweather, if wear..", flie harbor toward.s. the.' entrance,. :Of e..eae• ,h00e. eo'' intere.ated in the
pickness Which directed then& to the years
c;!t.: age
healthier'regicen in the neith to . I .
escape ng . the athletic %garment pictured Lach, FYlie, and. arrivecial, the-il.shing- • ••• ' • • • ...
night $ adventure, that :1, had ',given.
malaria which was re dread disease in here, . It ii an ex t ' - %
. . . ac copy of the •
ertnid shortly ft ' '' ' I I ' it np th o tight to the w ea th er. It stert-
antiquitY., • The. road pa Antioch , was kind worn by 'pad," which will: bse. .a er nine 0 c oc c. . , . '• , e • ,
• sufficient recoinmentiation Of • it ...wet too early to :start •the night's'
whilst we • lay to, . the, , . . • : . . . -, .
,, .., • , • ed to "rain,: and a stiff breeze sprang
up which made: the sea very rough'
shileictkabi:rma'steerft•s.,.. :thw:Irtrip' a.' aelsiadd the time b.y giving. a last and choppy.' iSnoh.. 1 had cd .tanhoelti:,featalieolyps_,
• inlvaa°isitnshnioliksevs.onlNd Rbieric ,
hPattern-No. 114 is cut knee.' .
look .evo.r, ,theill ' gear, and getting the ninogti-ofeeetliiteig.4.,•aientdzIri•nces
len' .
St .and buttons doywithe front: ',oat into fishing trim... This done to,7;iiiiitsk
The shert sleeves. may be omitted their esatisfection, We. went ,(lown MAO • ' •• „
of ethe anen, ns they saw what had
the , ' fo•:castle And, had the evening.
,.. : happened to me; . but. I Was to ill to • .
the'al* It was . grey dusk.' when ' We care, so When the iltiimer 'suggested '
came on "deck .againe and I was sur- ' .
. that 1 should. go below, 1, gladly cofl-.
prised at the 'number of boats Which. sehted • 'Soon we .were; heading far
had •gathered 0..t, the givound:' There. rha harbor,: end 1 Was •a %thankful
were boats. from • Catnebeltown and ' •
person. when 4 Heard the throbbing
Tarbert, •and as far .South asBallan- ,f the engine tease It • fine
, .. . veas, to
traj6)._and drifting 'about I on • the 'fringe feefl "the 'firrri •ground uneleiriny feet"
rough, dangetous ,and. long. ,The .city
was in the province of Galatia and
•was a colanY, that. is, a centre of,
military. rule where western .efildiers
were the leading citizens. , ;• •
V. 16. Paul now delivers in the syn-
agogue a meesienary address Intended • „if desired and the armholes faced.
for the ;reeve, , it le neturally the Mer.. • Cut in sizes 8, 18, •12, 14 and 16
yeart. Size 10. years 'requirek 23i
'est oietline; but :caretained. the 'prin.. yards of material 21 inches wide.,
'bilges which 'Paul .set forth, and Luke
• must eften• have heard similar' sere ': rrice 29. cents.. '
• mons at a r e. There. is, a. de- OW TO ORDER PATTERIels•
• cided .diffe 'este.% in the seri-nen which '
'W"rite your name and address Paul preached to the JevA• and those by, gieing number and size Of such
•. with which he addre,ssed the heathen
patterns LIS yeti 'want.
audience : Arid „been when Lnice was Enclose 20e in
• ,net present tci hear these eerm,0113, ho
could. obtain information froniPaul
himself'who ,would" -naturally be
aware ofelailce's desire to write a
•• tory ,of the early church. •• , •
III. THE 4ESOILTS OF sBuivtoi/, 4440
The...Jews at firet. did net seem -be
• `, realize the full significance of this
• new teaching and they invited' Saul to
• speak again in the sYnaKeglie the fol-
lowing Sabbath. This leads tie a Crisis.
• V.. 44. The „whole City; During the
week ,these'epreachers Must have car-
.•, • .. . , . . : Is 0 peen .taught..obedle. nce,• • tolerance; Or • ,::
. .
i . Perhaps' • bur '.beat ,"recelleetie : f '
• NOT :By A- ONG Sl:Qt-IT
. • ..• all centre round the • seeirit kettle;that
I ..always .. think:, that. to be a.good,
,:tesPect: .. , .'‘,....• • . ,: . • .•
Most strenuous ideal: in
' familiar •eftiendS - of, . our .• travelee
• Mother,..:(ar lather ,is to attain' to the
.Then'glits efe-her Send .ite 'back into
- the- rosy. peSe E -t we trudged tin hill 'highe4-• 60. 76,11..halia .ta,,,e4.dure,.en.f.: .
.- and. down. dd)e ere. we ((Mud ai,-tesnu ii..,.:tflier'!4"6::.1di.6.k .e L9ndleee .a611es.,. alio
. able secliided eliot ' for , Our ,
, .. Whet JOY We • felt ;oh' these 'holidays -
'when, after Secceedieg in '•Puifing: in.l..:' it, /3 t.;-7-•hat,,a:,•,,.reivardi .-.: •
learn:and preettse 'infinite Wistiern. '
:iinwilling : fire of •••sytii teeige..to. take Ye'. ' ..,,liew They WiliTchooSe : ..,...,-...:.
- light: and . burri;...we.1..heard'the ...glad:, . Far ' '''fttnit . ignoring :'-,.'er Tefitsing.•
Eihout: Si e's : b 6 Ilingr'-', ' • : .. • , , • • .. .you'r. . advice.' •your,.. young -people : WR .
But, 'unlike •the brook I 'at. 'po.oti.a. seek it. .. They Will tell theniselves le
fam.e, a kettle,s :life dees, not 7.!go. mil thet,',YOu. aiwaye.leneW best; and 'knew...-.
for • even," ; There centee a day When, i best pew, The3e. Will...respect you, .
ii,hole. appears. ,.S.Itel.geta .patelled irD.,, I Tlicy, will he deyoted' to you. .•
once or 'perhaps iNviee.,. before' being ',. ThEit•;:hoy. Of., yoUrs';,...-.1o,olting for a.
finally, Wrapped !Up , in newspaper 's.nd life, Will ,Iiitincti•vely look .fot the • ,
relegated to the shelf ambug the ;an, girl,:evito, in . ber splendid quanta.; • .
wanted..pott .and 'patise-,eida,Itifilesle. • re:minds.. him': of ."mOther." • That girl
------.-— • • . •.. " • Of ' yours, vaCiliating, . • perhaps,- be- . .
kver'..... .. .. •' '. . - .•.tmwe6ne,n.wiihIle,.befoteemptedentreaties tch O Oo's fe not
. '
Too C
. . . . ,. .
A;..restaarant: keener, neticing: that necessarily' thee handsomer. In looks
tefe , of "•; bis ..‘etistomers Were eyldentlY1." or clierm, , or the .. better 'Off, but .. the.
.tryieig . to .eat their , slit:Mere ..in the • one •,•Whel.."so'inahoW putt -ine in 'Mind
. ' Shertest, • PosSible ' time, lest. .they of dad!' ' .•: '. , t:' .
, . ..
etetnps or cein (coin' preferred; ;wrap
it. eareftillY). •few' each number and
address your order to Wilson Pattern
Service, 73 Weet,Adelaide St., TOronto.
•Patterns sent:by return mail.
, .
'Ohl stengraphere employed by the
Polish government aro • obliged • to
wear robee' that . conceal 'their 'necIts,
.knee e and•elbows, Well, fleet's one,
Wey to get aomething• done areund
the office.
-A4UTt'AND JEFF—Bud Fish.er;
Twa oAt.) SKIT up Tele
NtOtect cAt.I -
uNTIL A.M.M1-11La
t15 Sas OP; Ab -MEN
tA4 tANI cRAvaL 110
•ree AV. e
Ro064 13.
t3ttoke JEVF HAS
A Nice ivAtem feboom wiTti
Re'EuSC. Apleft ALL
t.Vd• DoNd FPR•••
:She,: Don't you think. hive". at firat
sight is the best. •
' . He : Npt by a len,g sight ,
of '..the 'fleet; Wei•,0 the e'buYerS'' .boats'again, and "- althotigli. I had did° Ye ii` ' • , • . •
The /*ens Manager ' adVertiSed 'f.Or 'should miSs the hoet,. whteli :.was :near. .. 1 have. Met ...SuCh ' 'Yonne people
front ;ClilasgoW. and Ardrossan: These
. , my night's experienee very , tinich, 4 ' '
.• , , a'. thvair.. ' ...A.. Man balled to sey• that. I.Y.' ready to. Sturt,:thouglit.it Would.„be • -quite, latelY. ''lliit. the. youth of to-daer '
, caonot' say that I had 'nitwit inellea- . I
, boats follow' the herring fleet, and
he knew the very man for liim. "A.re. very feriey ....o frighten ; 'theme, He In.!. tote'. man y homes, - is head:strong,' , •
• rush. the, , catches 1141) - to Grepitoble,.. tion to repeat 'ite• ‘t?roVidence' evident.
Pairlieand Ardratseti, Ilith°. Meant ntto be a ailer et
yon: sure be is small enough?" asked tVelet int() a bark r0Ohl, and gave:P. inibleranti plea se re.1 eying,. iitok;h1g 'in,
e . "We°. 'ly neVer. •o s'
ema' :trete," to eaten ' the Glasgow a, lishermare.e-1111,1N, . .
. x this. inanager. • ;'-'4uite," replied the rettiericebly: •Iieffect 'imitation. ;et, .4e• respeet,- : - ' e , • ,. ' ., ," • .
..., ee
MarketMain; "WhY4 if he had toothaehe, he 'steamboat's 'Whietle,. e.Thee leice work. "."' 'Y'et, • is yo
'uth' ' ehtfrpiy ed. :.zblamelt .
,. .,,, '• ', ' . : . '
. • ., . would think it 'was' his corns aching,". ed. 'well.' -The men ;heard the sound; Think, learents.! • '' '
teeter darkneso had fallen, the
skip- • .
, .
pet cif our -beat gave •ordets for, fail Jiiiheia, inliiii-itcr,', announces that and rushed forth, bolnente,gandu rittl.ille sj:uoka: .,‘ : ,....4,hee. ,61.0. -;:;db., . ois.io .
, 0, ,
%ream' • ahead,. and wo; .plotiglied. elle-pee e'Vlio `.refirsee to • eine. for Hee. . We believe.that • eVentuallY the en•'• er laughed* loud and
'through the Wa:vet ' Making 'for.' tbO bort Hoover will Whf,t1.11V in hell, but tire ,. Arctic region will, be, explored denly it oceutred to him. that, the 'Pell .1,6W:ion 'Daily News and We'semiii- •
stretch -of .tvater. betveeen the lint& the Legfclii or the '.COlideifined .goe's lb.Y ' .4,111,11,tiltig.. for explorers1--Detreit ,lad gone' off 'Wlelnlut naYttig. •• Then ster itib,):,
.._ For tlie seCond dine • the '' •
, .
.., . .. . , . , .
. he stormed laughing:. ' ,•
shore and CoOk'of' Arrive: Loth 'Fyne. right patZlieering for'.A1 Sinitle , New's.' ' • • Hointe•.of' Cemmone ' ye eferday 'rejeet.
. • • N ' ' ed . ate . Now 'Etrayer Bnok,. ,. e, All
_ - :that has hermened shred the Bill,WAs •
Jeff's WHotri..AbOut His Bed Aren't Ended—Not Yet. ,..
., . I • tfiS i rOi e e te (I is that opinion. hat liarrie• .
....,-.. „ 'ened in ,the •Il0n:4e; 'end this, harderi- -
• Ing r'elleets almost nmiciubtedi§, Opine •
. ion In the i'otintry.,•• We Vieiv the 're'. , ...:
..' litilt,, Of. coarse, with little 4pieastiro, -\\
It: brings, as Mr, l3aidwin.: re:Marked., '
• Disestabilslinient, nearcee. . 4‘ ; PO the-
, belief thrtt .this • Is titet 1,1eqeining Qj
Jaw in the Clintett, iti;. t is to oe fe,d"fe,
la Pathetic piece. of optltnjern., it • is .,,
Lar moil.% Probably' the beginning of a
,i.ierlod .0f,..0.tproty,, if hot .ciV11War,,
;And . the, spiritual forcof. in th4 ;Coup::
,tr.g...Are: riot bo strong that thqeraia.br
• regerited With indifferehee.
.PooR t1
tJ TAG FLobk "
• Tot,31GHT:
•1)00, A ii-k0T Oe'
VACCINE, Qtit'Cle•.
1.`.1/ 13c -EN ,6/00seb
• •; WiJAT'•HOIVE.t.,
Ttro „hita.st with.111 oho nest;
Two. hearts witltiti one. breat.;
.T.ANIO' s..Piri.tei'„ oho Ulf
rtini e gu',ef1ot13 Ati(1 erftYeri
1 Together bound' for aye, lege:tit:or
ear tlim waits to ortteli
111 hand tipoit latch:
uS.top flint lia...zteneIs sweet rest to..
A word rif 'eare
'A word o'f• etrite shalt elite ..•
anid'ofbvp eh-lit:11e