HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-07-26, Page 1•
.$2.00 'PER YEAR IN "A.P,YANCE; $2.50 0,TH,ERWISE
LUeKNO:iiiit, ONT.
0 0 0 ,
Dill W.. M, 'cONNEll
• Physician and Surgeon
bucknovi •
Ilours 1 30— 80 77-8
• ' Phone 80 :'••
* Dr,. MacLeod will vstt iuckaoli;
• . every Tuesday, in Pr, Connell's
,, •
Dr. R. L. Treleaven, Lueknow—
Over Decker's "Store. ExtractiOn
'either by gas or local 1Vi11 be io
Dungannon every Thursday. Phone 53.
' Goo. A. !Odds% -- Broker
and Real Estate.4-Money to lend VI
tirst mortgages on farm Proper-
ties at 6 and 6% ,per cent according
to security offered ' Also small
, amounts on second mortgagee' on
, farm properties and On personal
notes. A few good farmr for sale-
• •
WALL PAPER—A full line of 1928
• Wall Paper on hand. Pries from fcc
up. I' am also agent for leading job
houses.—R. J. Cameron, Decorator
Painter and Grainer, Box 174; Luck-
Every graduate and several under-
' Bilsiness' College during. the.pait year
have been _placed: in excellent posi-
tions. Per twenty-five years this
school has served., this district
ex -students are to, be found
.in proininent positions throughout
' Canada and United. States.: The W.
R. C. enitky'a larger attendance than.
. most business collegesi, mail courses
without extra .charge; • individual
last -ruction; a situation guar-
ahteed every graduate; an 'unexcelled
" staff.' Write today for .particulars,
• .also for a • list of Successful stu-
dents from your district. Affiliated
with Toronto's Greatest :School., of
• Business, The Canada. Swine& Col-
lege, 274 College St., Toronto,
A very pretty wedding ,took place
at Calvin Uoited 'Church. ,St. Helens,
on Tuesday, July 24th; •at 3.30
clock, ,when Claire May, daughter of
'Mrs. 'Sarah Woods and the 'late Mk.
4. Woods; became the `bride of Mr.
Wilham•G: ,Dougherty; son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Dough-
erty of Guelph. , The ceremony' was
performed amid a profusion of slam-
• mer.floWers; by Rev. H. G. Whitfield,
pastor .Of :the church •
The' bride entered the church on
the arm of her brother,„ Mr. Wilson
Woods, to the strains of' LOhengrin'a
wedding March, played by Miss Dolly
Pequegnat of Guelph, and was a pic.,
ture of loveliness ; in a white taffeta
;period, gown; flowered • in rose and
blue, with rose mohair' hat and satin
,shoes t9 match. She carried.a peolon-
,ial bouquet of sweetheart roses and
baby's.,;breath. Little Robbie Phillips,
nephew of the bride, actcd as ring
hearer,'' and Dorothy Barbour, niece;
Of the bride, made a very pretty little'
flower girl, in maize georgette frilled
• in maize satin ribbon : The inother
of the bride Was 'gowned in navy blue
canton crepe with, beige trimmings,-
. and hat to match. She e'inrried sweet-
heart roses and orchids.. During the .
signing of the register,, Mrs. :IL G.
Whitfield sang very sweeCY, "Until",
Immediately , after the ceremeny
re- ption was at the lamie of
the bride's mother, a dainty buffet
luncheon belt* serited: • The bride's
. .„
table was carried out in rose and
blue color scheme, centicd by the,
: wedding cake. Mr. and Mts. Dough-
erty left on a motor trip to points
east, the bride travelling in a beige
caniel hair French 'kasha ensemble,
with felt hat and "shoes to 'match. On
their return, Mr; and Mrs. Dougherty
will make. their home in Guelph. •
. .
Mr. A: D. MrteKriniin of,Hollister,
Mid his son, Dr. Douglas
- UniveriffY,
Montreal, are visiting at Glen Doug-
las Farm ;the home, o Mrs. .11elen
Erowne,' their sister:in-kW and aunt;
: -respectively.. They will shortly leave,
for Torento,:Where Dr. IVIaCEirmon
will" be married early In August., FO1-,,
lowing the marriage, Dr .• Mackinnon'
and his bride will sail kr the Old
where Dr. MacKinnon intends:
-00#.4104u4to 'course Jo
Mrpoid'AitelligOn of Ottawa, was
barite for A .feW .days last week.
Mr. Price Naylor is sPeriding, , his
vacation...with 'Lnekriew 'friends'. - •
"MiSs.-Htith Mitchell is..o•
frlel3ds in TonOnto and Lake of Bays,'
1Vinskoi4;' •
- Mi. Ar,Chie Haniiiton„ is „spending
his vagation:at W, StnYthe ,
, .
Westferd. • • • '
• .
'IMrS;, Olive Treleaven, is. home, after
„ ,
for..-tWo.`,,weeks . with. friends'
in .burhain. ; '• " "
Miss Catherine G. Ha nilton has
been engaged as teacher in Rivers -
dale School:
Mrs. MacNaughtor of Teeswater;
is visiting • her •daughter, 'Mrs'. M.
Grant orto-vvn. f:
• Master' Bruce Martin is recovering
from in operation on tike nose, per-
formed at London recentlY.:•""-
Mr.. ThoS. Donnelly: of • Ripley,
spent Sunday at the. home of his sis-
ter, Mrs, A. 'Wilson Hamilton.
Mr W J. Irwin C E of Pittsburg
Pa., spent last week with his parents,.
Mr . and Mrs,:Win Irwin of town.'
Miss Isabel • Johnston has Secured'
the. position: of teacher zit the 'Shen-
pardton School, Lake Shore Road.
Mrs. .11. G. Sherrill', Vera and
. '
Graham, have returned home, , after
spending two weeks at Bruce Beach:
Miss Mary E.. Hamilton .is spend-
.ing,346,,holidaYs at the -home- ef her
lunele; Mr. A._C.Ha nito1, Con 2,
Huron. :
• . ' . • ,
Mr Cameron , Geddes took a /trip
up froni.Toronto, and, spe.nt the week-
end with his parents, tDr. and Mrs.
Geddes ,
ReV. find Mrs. CraW are aWay on a
few weeks' vacation, and Miss Isa4
.• -
oel IS spending two weeks',at a sum -
'met canin:
Ali,: Elliott !Little Of ' ,Chicago, is
visiting•his Parents, Mi aid Mrs W,
J. Little. Mr. Little' ie convalescent,
-renewing a goitre operation.
,Mra. Geo. AitehiSen and son, Al-
bert, and Miss Price Of NeW Toronto,'
Visited. a few days last -week With
Mrs.: AitchiSon's parents, .Mr. and
Mrs. F. .Malcolm,::
Mia'S 'Bessie Mudie is home,after
Spending. tWo weeks with -friends at
Waterfard and .London. She was ac-
companied:home, by her friend,. Miss
'Irene Rathwell, whoison vacation.
Mr.• and IVIrataec... Aitchison and
MisS Frebda made a Muter tip to
Toronto last week; -where Mr. Aitehi,
son' attended •the Grand Ledge of the.
A.F. & AM, :Kepresktitinit .0.d '.1,ight
, Miss Jessie MacKenzie has been•in
Victoria Hospital, • Ladon; the :past
two weeks, for a nasal oparation.:-Iler
friends will be' pleased, te • knew that
ghe is doing well,: and i1l be home
Scientific Palniist Here Monday.
Have yourhand, read', 'Have read
forhospitals and • specialists. Knew
yourself .• Know our i11hty4C no
Hotel,:10,a.m. till -9 p.m., $1. .'.'hree
'days' only. ; :•• • •• :
• '
Mrs. T. Watson left., for Winnipeg
Thursday of last week,. taking the
lake route .via Sarnia. She will visit
for a few weeks wi,th• hen iister, Mrs.
Pierce, and other relations • in the
. •
westere city..
„, • .
Mrs.' J. C. 'Johnston and Miss, Tena
Geddes of Saskatoon, and. Mr. C.
YOerge,r of Toronto,, are visitnlg Dr.
and Mrs, D.. Geddes. Miss Carrie
Geddes is also spending a few weeks'
holidays at home.
' Miss Lila d'aylor 'anti her ,sister,
Mrs. Holmes . of • :Detroit, visited
friend in toWn over the , week end
They. had unite over to !attend the
funeral 'of' their' aunt,' Miss Taylor,
who was buried at Kincardine on Sun-
, •$••••••••41)-,
The Prie Vita of ;the LucknOW
Agricultural Sad*, for the Fall
Fair of 19,28, have been printed, and
are reedy for distrihution. Copies may
be had at the office or tile secretary,
J. E. Agriesv; or at The Sentinel offiee.
The 'Fair will be held this . yea t .on
September 2'.1' and 2q:
changes .have been Made In the list;
and those interested shjuld precut° a
Ceps% The seeretary has adopted the
plan 'Of getting out the lists. as early
ao possible, Order that, intending"'
competitors maylutve thne to propez:-;
-prepae-thatv ,eXhibitts4 C, Q Ifu11in.4, •
• 10s-.1Viargaret •ar, eTaylv, a 'former
town,' 'pass0' aWaY ehOy Wednesday
Morning .e.f, laSt Aveli.,.! at the _home'
W.h3ThiPe4p •1*,an• • : • •
The late Affss,Taylor had,net: en-.
. , _
Joyed ;geed halth"fo a nuniber ,of
' Years. ,Sev.enteen; years' ago, she 'wts
,Alllieted" With .a,severe ,nervous tou'.
ble; and Was tiken. to rJelin Hopkiif
Hospital, Baltintore; .1.•vhere Dr,
dy .Cushing', ' a nerve. Specialist, per -4.
'formed • a' very' • skillful operation;
following which Miss Taylor. eati;lyejl
fair'degred of health. '.A little ever
a year ago' she was taken veryJ11.
with asthma, airrigiliTelliatAime.bad
net been at all well, . •
The 'remains were in:Ought 'to Kin-
Cardine :for internient: the intention:
being to have the funeral on Satur-
day, but owing to delay, en tetite, the
train , missed. conneetiou,at, Toronto,
so that the funeral had to be fep FSun
• • .
day. The 'Rev. • D. Parr .odiciated, .• ,
, • •
While- a resident of Lticknow, MiSs
-Taylor Inade„,many, wann• friends,
• who will re,....ret, to. hear ot her hong
illness and death:
• Tlie-Rei. IY.Ttr. L. .1\fir..,Kultr6117-wtro••
is:an vaeation at Bruce' will.
preach :in South ,Riniass Ch0rcliNext
paring for the Aninistry--in'the.,
biterian' ()Mr eh, is conlliikint.,;•. t)e..
Sunday- seryices. at...Whitechnrchf and
• Langside, inthe; ahseaca7-of,tbe Rev,.•
..Mr. Ijolloel l\ha 11, t,ii lIig a' 1:.n0-
, .'• •
•-• 1"n:the:absence of the 1c r. .11: ,W.
Craw, w 1 o is. -taking his i•innuatyn-
cation; the. servieeS in .the imcknow'
United , Church ivere 14k:cm :last Sun-.
day'fby the Rey. Dn. J. Lovel,.Mnrray,
•Dr., 'Murray. is sop 'b.f. the late Dr.'
'Murray, w.ho, for ;30, yea:q. wits 111111
iste oI the. Presbyte,riiin;_Chni,c1v at
:Kincardine.. Ile 'is now associated'
as instructor With phe..School Of
SiOns. at Toronto, a • Work ler' which
he is speciallyienalified, Ly haVine;
had: four years' eXperience aSa mis-
sionaryin India. The • Rev:: F: ' W.
. • ,
MaxWell, 5. ternier minister at Rip,
new' of OshaWa., have; eliarVe
of'•the' Services' here,: next Sunday..-
.Mr: MurraY and Mr. • Maxv,•ell .are . •
- • . • • mg', fhr.Alanitoba. Dayisen .had,
. ,
„ .
. JULY 26th,
• VICIN 'WAY i34C,K, IN.48.01
tirielA 'printed ilvtlie• 'spring. of • 18131;.'
the ifietere• of the printifig, press ."en
which the Oper..IS,.;irw.heing .prlateci,
Mr. Bryan,. the ,then' prepri oter, had
Just ,.made„ • extensive.additions to the:
pilting plant, adding -this new
latest improved CaMpbell;
:press,'.; a new 'jab press
:tity of new type,. In ,referring.te the
bang, BrYan said • that . the'
paper had been in. existanae about, 19
years, and had been under the .t,hen
nianavanierit ,some .13 years.
". A news note reported the death Of
--L-)an-iel-Rntiler-fort-'-wIto--nt one
'kept store at Belfast, l‘flr. .:Ruther-,
ferd had been' 11 ing tnsenie years,
In;INlicitigini, and while'ouNdriving Ofl
it Shnilay. e11enitig had d,ropped dead
f roil', heart htilure. .I -Ie ..ya,s but El
YQ1.1.111.;; •IITan, hi the prime 'of: life. •The
•eniains.-were_hreuglit'liere. for • in-
:er inent ni Dung,annon. .Cemetery„..
.4‘pother note 'tells .91, tlie,..departore--
"of-'.:Mr.: 111.1(1 ITranK:
'left on 1NlaY• 3lst for -• Calgary;
• • .s.• • .
. ,
.the issue:Of April 10,•1$91.;:,
*.•ead, indefthe head. of ".Married'',:,
the: residence of
the, bride's -fitther,!bi; Wednesday,.Ap
,by the Rev: k •Mac.Kay,
John 'to Mary, Second (tau-
- ,
gliter of- Mr.- .A.lex. Ross, all- of ,Kin -
1 o
• „ . . . •
Thisumber also;:tells of 'the c eatlir
of :qr. John 1,11eQuillin. of 'West WaL,,
Wanosh,.a,pihai•ently on the., 7th ,of AP
hit. waS 26 years of .age, and had
died of-..corrsoinption,,,leziyin'•, a'v.fidaw.
Ind. one. • ' •
, . .
A personal :note
siing, a..'0,1-10.‘iy 01 B1 ti,
GoTid Friday eyening,.and The Stand-
arfr. says ‘ishe was:. loudly 'applauded'
and emillored." • . , •
• • In this 'niimber there are ..thr co.
JULY 27-28'-'
Bob. Slpek' "
•tkM0,1A E KID"
of the ,1VIounted,,
,And 'Cnirterly:
• • Celleen Moore '
TO '
'Harold Skinner's
Wingham Arena
t Eery
Thnrsday , Night
„ •
,••C011iE To, pORT ELGIN
SUNDAY, plULY 29th
Sacred Band Concert's at. 2.30 p.m.
; and 1.30 p.m.
repreSentlaive -•ef the SuPertest
•Gaseline Co., .Lonclen,• Was . •in -!town;
;14t week, lool:ing-' over the, ground„
v-ith .view to establiShing a distri--
,thiction •sale. advertised,. at •-tation 'here. We underat'and
. . .
•Iolin Purvis...vas to wield, the ham- hat he :went so .fat.a.s._t'3... take an dp-
me-r. One w"a7sl for -,josepn Kraemer., Lion for two months on Mr. Ostrand-
tinloSs, one .for' iTh
JolCanieron, er's .property• opposite the,Fold ar-
'oszt,- and one fOr.Davill Hou -ton, also. lie--:corner.'df Campbell and oss:
of•:.Kinless Township. That was .37 Streets. The. proposed station .weuld
years • 'be for -.the supplying t • s. corn-,
auction sales ..John : .pany' gasoline and-o.ilA to, anPiiiiq• Vi jerritorY ,about • taicknOW., and
, ', ,
. on the i.ssue. efMay 1st \.3.pu1d be 4 iniSiiiess. of sop . see‘ import;
ae .find .an accoaneeTheSupert,est "vbiehwent.
unt of a .presentatien .
to the Rev,. Davison into, business only feW 7„"iears ago;
. ' ...:
•heS. made: vei:y •rdpid progress; and,
has hex:Mile:one. ofthe chief 'gas, sup-
lilying,.cOmPanieS 'in Westein Ontario.
Spending their vacation at Bruce
' DR. HALL; : mx.; • RECOV,ERING
Dr. Hail, M.P.•for SoUtil Bruce,
turned.to..hiS lieme at Walkerton last
.week, 'after .pending ; if,..3411i in the.
Guelph Ilospitil ec:oyoring' froin
the, °effects .of.: an ' automobile ; acci-
MacKinnon c'acnClcilrlIi:::ri,af:itnbesel:•ilorfj.):1,:a1;::.. bef°17''' h6•1'
dent .which
m'1i 11
in the road a few miles out of Thre is',r,091'te4 the death.
Georgetown, The doctor, :11.i.ss .Jessie kiIll She 'is r 11.!1, 111Wiff of Ale .11th con.,
erton. were' on their way'.to 0ShaWal INTiss7 Sai.a Mullin,.. and „had
when/the 'mishap octurred.' The• 'ear heeri -111arri,11,,-1)# a • Ph6l't •thile, she
• ,
was•an -Dal:land „corupe, :an ror Soule, e Of' "6,', Was a Yhl-'
reason the Doctor', who -was driving, 1.1111' OnAtt.inoLlon-
On 'I.ay..811.1. 1891, •The,Sentinel. ne-
.w`enfailed1, int7071abkeedtiit'c.,e,11:'t113:;tili'l, 1,1orte4 •vgrY Weather. for . a few
days, 1111,d Stpted that therelld been
•over, however. Mr, 111,1 ,Miss;• Map-.
Kinnon 'were tminjured., theTiOe': a• fall of snow 'on, the previOns .'Sun -
tor: was: baaly i sec!'1nd Fhalifen., Y.; •
and had his hiinds" badly This pallet; 'OA° •rei)Orta the'afric'rir
•froin the' windshield. , ' of OM new hell to, he placed the
.. A ehriOus co -incidence 11 11- 'that ':,:t110 01 1°‘\;0.1; 10,-91Y:the .1'01,1 whic.'h
, Mr. ,M, A. MacCalhim, .
, .
who was following Dr, being a-th Ot.1('•(1 rt Issue' reads:,
bout two 'hours behind, ran into the "torn.: ----;111 „IV,est WaWanosh;'on April
• 'and and '3,11.`s• John' :Slillor4
been , i !fist e r at Langside Pres131,T.-.'
(1111111 for ,He
P1 pesented .with a.„ purse ef $8 0,and'.a.
coMpliln.0)1tal'y ' address.'
'The' Sentinel:of tiiis.date, expresses
1.'egree.: l'cyr p4,bliSh• a
account. of the inr,"ri•iare of
11liss jean(1.; INIurray :and Mr. 'J.
•of hut:promised to de'•so the
diteh at the .saniespot. Ile
. • . •
neighbor, who faking a sik lo '(111•'•',
to Tot onto General, Hospital; esleaned ,14(.,(111;10Tilt,'".1(?i's pan11.11(11;iNifU Little 'in
:serious iniurY, althouh one of-Mitc-1) f P1 t1101'hip, They' had been *- furniture
way, When ,With the asqistance A liolyroed eoi.i.E4pbrai0fit . stated
They were able to proceed Oil 1)1'01e55.
men in, the vicinity, the ,car we's Put that.he had a call from Mr. T. 'Web -
back On .the react. ' ster last week..'Nfr':.Welbster 'evidentl,y
census that year. as "the-,.correspend-
ent 'SaYs that WeliSter:s • only corn -
Was engaged in 'taking the .Domini(in
HOG SIIIPNIEN1% ..11.7.tiE.
The numher ef hue% iiliippcd TrI1r nliont wji that"there wel'e 'too nutoy
Lupknow station during the iy.lonth of ha.f.oh htills 10 the vioirtity,, • adding
..tune was 435. Of' thSe. Drily 149 ,11.,at Conch iniineyn tak1ng
were. aeler...t 242 weri, "thie.k it three' i'OltS' P0.0"' •=1 Iterta,•'
sinooth;" 12 were hr.,..-iViPs; 1,0' shop "Ah'n tlicto Are only.mie
hoe;s; spa 10 lieht .feeiletT, • 1; ' •
"ri*Q111 itf6 Whole Of Tit.: ron CountY Thts ,11,01.yrmid eftnntiporident fun:
there were .shipped 5,080 1io (l'or'iriq tiler reports that „ToSenh lTod
June. . Of these,' 1811' -i•ere :eins or 1.110 10111 ebn.-, hag Aot.. tired if
'bacon, thick' 81oetlt; 130 . and, last' •,•Week he
vies eXtril heaVY; 241' slion hogs,. hrolight 1101)10 Os 11"is' ItItligtT
dto 68. Nyoro ifolft• footers, ',eldest &Ai:elite,. of Mr. and Th.s., los-
• -
eph SWItZer of Culrose,$i ,
-CITA,,N01-41 Or, IIIINESS 'There were fpw restnietions on the
Having disposed of ' gal age. lilletoP iratlic in those da..Y's, and this'
husluss to Mi' ir m. Parker, 1 wish Sentinel, of "May .8111, 1801,, gives .
to thank those Who Patro.nized 1110 tigt of those who •had iie,?n° granted
'While in buSiness bere,i•and 1 be lieonse•:: t(3 sell liquor in F.louiti 13ruce.
. • „ ,
speak for my atteeeSSOr 0flt)nUb to Lttekriow there were the Yormers'
tion.of ,tlie fasOns extOtidtd. to I1c1,-1-•• Itotel., Jeremiah' Flynn.. tucknow, Ho.
't"el, W, M. 11tOthingy Whiteley j -rouse,.
• Scientific Palmist Here' Aleaday...
. :Have, your hands .read. Know yeur-
self. Know your libtel;
10 aan. till 9 On. 8,4 Three slays
F. Cain. 'ShopS—Alexander -Mac-
Pherson: At HolYroOd licenses had
, „
been ,e1ranted James D Balterand
John Corrigan, and at , Black Horse,
yhe Sentineliof Mair ,1,5th states
that ,•the Re.‘"=.:Dunean Davison ;•-of•L,
Lang'shle, had 'sent, WS,.1 esignation Of
the, Lang,Side-eliarg,e, to the Presby-
tery..of Maitland, that 'ele 'Rev. Mr.
'McNah weilld" preach' at Langside
the following ,Senday, an...1.'that'. the
Rey. An'gns...MacKaY"..had ' the ;Sun-
day before preached hi ,kriOx' Church,.
,TONnte.." • .
Mi R ,13,rumptori :Tot ''Brunipten
-.,13Yos.,geqral merchants Of ;the vill-.
age,. Wa:s t•eported as, •havirig.gone.to
,I,ondon, -where he, had. •rurehaaed • a •
.stoek of .ready-niade clothing. :
. Evidently; the yo -u• 1831 haa not:a
NweiallY early:Spring.; .on. May 18th
there 'was reported', euite i SeVere
'frost, which _Made h.hlf•100)1
thick, Grape :vines and sinall fruits
were .darnaged„, but ,fruit, trees were
.not ' sufficiently ' advatie:pi' to !su,ffer
much. harrn.4:,
Inthe i'suO o12 ,May )9 we •• read:
"Messrs, Mitchell Rhos.: .elosed ;theit.
roller mill, here, last week, after . a
very • successful \ Season's.' ".busineis.,
They' have, shipped t On .,.01(.1 Conn
thy 40,000 .inttplp., largest,
numbet ininie 'so far .in .the nmii here,"
• Tire iiitI of ,lune i i'Port_s that
Meisrs.' W. J., Treleaven, 'W, R.' LW.Iite,•'
intosh, Liu.knoiv, and 4,fatties
Dungannon 'tArawartosii,); had.
won. thc1 B.A degteas„..at . Toronto
"University, Mr. , 'Treleaven -taking
honors,' '
• • . ,
' This' issue, reports att ;eonsicleralile
,._10/1kthe'll'eath nf-Sif•Jelm A, Ma c--
I/onnici, then prime:-inmister'nf Can-
•adIr '
Tlic;go,ntinel of Juno 10 states'that
ur'enarationi are heine,10Aao for tho
holding. of a monster' ()range Order
celebration 'in Luck/low. Vim 12th lxf
July that you eIi on Silmlay., aa the
.„, . • .•
• SINGLE po,P,IEs'.5, .czFra
• • .
'The. p,roodf.. • Bread',
of,41041th,• of Health
• . •.• .
Chelsea *pie' Walinit‘'T4rtS, 1.Ro'ck• Buns,- • Oatmeal. `.Cakec, '
'Dundee,Cakes;.:Ben Bouebe;'1Cream'Pliffs,' ReSe Tarts; teed
' •RaSpberry 'Tartlets.
Mod Bread 'Food:For, The Working tivlaa: Our Penitncti
•: „ , •
, , • •
• A re D,est';,:.
.„ 01:LYMAN'S. liAKERYPhon� 36.:.. •
. Phone 75
Lucknow, Ont;.
9 9 .
• . '
SEPARATE TABLE CLOTHS, 'specially' , priced .$1.65.,
• $2.50, $3.50, ._$4.50, $7.00„ •$12.00, - These cloths .range
in epitifity from pure linen ini colors; up to .that beautiful
. satin flnish Damask linen, suitable for anyi" occasion."•
• TABLE. SETS—Cloths with Serviettes to • • matc14. .moderafely,
priced --$2;10;$2.50, 42.95, .$3.25, $.8,:5o and :$4.50 per set. ,
DINNER ETS at $14.00, $15.00 and. $20.00. • These: are the
quality .which would, deliglit any housewife, and shOw. real
SpECIALS--,•Darnaskj?I'diVeiS, Towel Sets and PilloW • Cases,.'em-,
T—'---bo1dVe'Ti-,-*W-Trlieri.:-7- ;"'
lfred luswel
\ •
Sales that have been built up by the productioif
of a Quality Product:
In 1926 local sales were 850 lbsIn 1927 we
sold locally 4200
You May purchase_yoUr supply after' August
1st:.from the following dealers:. . •
W ;W: ;HILL •
No. 92.
• . ,
n ,Likknowt
ni' Lpchalsh:
• .1
,direct from Alfred Andrew• •
e sure' to ask .for, Honey ' frOrn. The 'Quality
or when buying BeekiSt, ask. for Apiary ,
Special rates ori orders' of 60 lbs. and over.
Honey packed' ini all sizes to suit your re-
Remember, Honey -is Nature's .Greatest Sweet.
.celebration was to:be on the 13th,', s.
Thereis also report therarrival in
town 'of, a• handsome new emnabui
for Mr; Peter McLare . This likely
is -the ,bus which (11(1 (1 ity in LuektioW
Until rillite .teeattly. On itS Orivat
it was -quite ,a graM ' atrait, "uphoi,
froin • Belleville; wher it Was built,
sterecl mid ornamefited like a: paiaee
enr;" says, the repoiter, Mr. McLaren
Paid $650 for it, money that would
now be worth about $1.000. It would
be% :intereating te knOW iliew niany,
.Arips =,,Outt, bus ,made -to "and-irowt #143 '
Stat1O0 befatt, reaChing 48 pOSOnt
setae 61. delapidatien.' , •, .
There is rekked also', a d'estructiver
tire which early Sunday nierning
Stt ofecf 'a large frame hai,11 in which'
Allan MacLeod kept'his cutters mut ,1
.-carriages., The -fire'vas disc. over4' r
,ftbOtIt tW6, O'ClOrk in the moltiin4t.,!
.T.he building. belonged to Mt,
BroWn, and svas not inSured,Mr.,Mac-i
Lood had about $500 on.his rigs,
It ,was it this tinie tnthG 3a1
of Hamiltonronened its- office in '
'now.. A Mr;J C Hrown; trIfo 'hat
4yeen•in Vingham Office,...for SOinti
dine,. WAS lri eltargeo,