The Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-07-12, Page 4let 7 See o �b!4,ft Of, all, $aol m4st, c tif �x.Rgnchin - - ': - ''. 4: pqrWqtQ J) Tiacte es and 0 A "A' -fillion0k 0, Me in. 4-' Oq� Ananias, Thp obaxapior -lovers. vil gree ihat MIR f iiIi v�,en in, -brlof b* ou �Koat be. e W Man is Argely charm ', toe olo,; bee books "to I of "Th go$tive woiib- EvidetiAly. 6 W" 8� J I lea4er',amor t4e, %ristians and �va�' 9 , vor and tba� wing 1 a p their, Tomantid 11 ree xidIllon p41* -44'i Many, 41 aWo hold irk higo regar4 by- al -11, 'th clAsslos,� en4. mod,lovaf'�be' .t 0 W4019 00 04tarlog, pro n, c6iitalped Jew& , Froni the other acconte, - we about th.q.. wipe and, jp�rjnpq �Rdvyar are th irn_o -a dread which A� ffit th -creatures. wearp,still 09 f4i from, bo 141p, con=SM a.# Or, fae!po stgrvation-At e,prepr.it, 410;. -nigli '92A, q-1 PqI0 q under -standing. Well POW ul rAerAt in tb4Q:p�6vj1kri6 o IS -in �qr) To*t "A ux 'I fame -4 -clo,�,e of the.. sevehteinit c the ArItung, IA -40 f4of �q,4 , yipg,, �And, this, Vvi It enti;rY the bin! 4 , P bb?,,1ovorq China,. and Q ..rcliHion, r4., t V, 14 God;- of vur'fathqr�� T�e V. mgqj4rpl6cQa, of ihose great are WorlO. to Y�.- Anqtq. the G04 of t)ie:.C1i'xis8Anq 16'". -saqi� do4,. 'Virill-' an*. -P. Werp. dom d'�61. �d$s Wo 'OR4, reach' Wal handt olts ng 1W, to, I X pe" TIM, who -,h' i4ectapt as�od.Abtghimj stud.led,' As prp�ct 444 th ad p this God,' . 1, ry the 'dxdufslto� poetic fafictoo -(0,,11110 era, who have�beern, ovor. the4farrdry_-�,�, oostoow_ 41sk g'ra P ;�t kw Ian wrlt�ri Wh-ich.bnrlQti the st]r1clMri t�jio. A co upon 444, 1 At, older I'. fD dMZQ, r.Qb- ts too op. 04P 4plv, Ac -1 fou� �a!�,'wero n Paul! bDok,of the ­*Gqorg!Q 4W Will W; L. Ureo,*. ALL: t IM55 Un eo 94 -,6ut.Ao wi —3o4. 4 J"I" �Jye in a�cepted, Afestioii by- 6.ur, -old 1h 'd red VquV;tT- nflJog.. ot tekr1tOrY,,',';4 is the, righip6u4 as 'be t4o, Bq't t .Qliq�Trn, ',ap Death valley 0-M. OP RAV4' fulfil e m" he grqatost., now as, arr.err art, boqks Is in Califorr 1.1$ Roe m"t ne riegdo'_6t ahld'a-d.7, 5. -W60 m"Al of li6p�� of'ImAel' and, o ��. .1 1 '' . . ... - 9 - �sul p, An T m W h' shinep Iand in�,4.gpec-I known pable rrm the. :*i qrs' givV it' 3 ­�MxWk,� . :1. , �-oughjxrolr.plkgos and %A4, �,� % . I., I : A io lth�, MIC46 Daily N QA4-; Of th0l' n*Pt fill, -for, We Work. 4.. Tho'great world! I.' ews. One nriq� ig g "OvOnts -,W T,44� hl__WTy of' the. 4"deligit in' the y a yer'Ld the, J6ww,wiJl;aIs6 hear. of rid glamor o Wi,� of the thr'014,: lie, th k the mosk a can- manage 14'keep aou� ancil',body + thAW wouderfuI salva w -the' At, I tA 06. 'A4*there 4" V. 1,4, ]3e ;kp his Jsi to gothor -r the , , . : '.. unthe isadrnisai X y'rnbo es, of &A%, Fjagligh bee U.rliW St�ates,'.,pto*oded It �at -of the -old The, rat Ti books Is - yll's slerider littkp lrolilmO, ug 5into.,the chilreh, H� he qext Or, fouir monthm -in ..�A-proa striieti6n Js dou i tahle 56i4 an, this. ht into her ione, -of t W dftsFl=pes,� iiii Y 16, der, Ver task M AM MA','. , 0- FOX. I-,$ calo-d-, The Suffei'lnli w kbe -FOND in P T6 sA ordeting of.. *,hfch' Was th-lid. can got, Bee's hi Bt. i" ,yasV At :I- L", , , ' 'I ", be -ad' W- : 572, with H a -Prolltab-10 Ite,: 1*01 j)o ­ ' . _ tbt�og . : . , oey,-gre aliver .6k pu urn ';I ta va� ''takeeL her many ot�b rn�, em - 4W I ''I" . - 'very serio Ell wh Vas lishea r. o. lq,'q hrte gar g." J�,v Partlevlar area a ced. at the di u Y. 06't)614, but. th Cop d 7 ry Edmund Sout., - d -h e did' 6ttlr ely, th, 157% -andt -'In this orm. f e;1 aW�X by h Scisk :Isl.a �6 rare.,book. t of the A16 c4mv, b,� -nipg the 'right roug t is the benthi erfie!§ Trehtiso concei tIlDphe TO a eetudd f4 - qdDt Mr, S* r rddring of Beef; t a riffie' Mi' $tpr's At _H _.. eq, i a A, P, ni B ish,t6Exte*nd H: h 'Aw.. -p- ne Ond'inature, 4P. Give ird u5ei d:nd o Is t6 almost e*quaIly )rajrq and_�', far, more IAI ti1r.e. true Aid Agricul ors Fa and% shrub d HamlItbn;.,:0 t? a aveiy �;,31 Haf M6 for' 00 Of Cl tei6sifhg book, in k 'that It is an, original es id rC Whereas I yll's h ln.All om mons, gnuop, Ryg" D I oP6 fk*d--Tor the nlfflio�,i'dtlfbirsg (te- t traiw�L While h b' f an e b th''d 'a 16' 'lad, .pTittitiLite the r,,, y. is n g matillia 60M ­ o IN 'drtt� : I Ub Chnadiad e a ra or art 4y 9 rast, . . , .1 — I . . -most. fascinating of. the �earller need pilh ;0 spai lvgfyo�r the n. from, e la a al wr tars. Society bere ri 1`066,ritly aftp board had�., Cona� gd Ime..''Min�itdr, -Bald 14 �;dat t' -o, th f h� The Ild fi no M It its nbt t C6& oK> much as liot -th gdom. of n ve not Che6 - 'R�pr s undoubtedly' ven esentLL h Irn ureaue �be books, however, to say that these �Alliona§- a go, ntimpe� of cases of -A (if I B C4,arles Butler's "F mintne herolsin -throughout, Canada Ri�lm t d. -the mb in ri:�, nan, Explained', to� e ha se lance,of a rai'al. in G I . lm ricans , iYU od earth,' an a c o; oe i- Treatise concerning Bees r hi is declar tiori 0 pas, year of Yare subilmo fifth In hmIlions have left -the me ert I here- b�Sir, b G F tho" see rid ime In 25 j�a�s th ble, as, a, "bigh re g and the due ordeking ot them.'W P'. sor an 0 e a cent supip ow this` Robert BI h6lp.� agaiii', 6 bring, gr for dillgdti� observation d2covereth, 4ame, h, for re . vals. , o the Boaxldoof Ag�ric Scot- )1� jQlf�n Y's� Ift, - was., grant he, atten- �ric svi . ago� �4rouglii h 0 pp al, highest award In'th ! London,�M&nori,6s, - of, explOslve1!,,*hIch bs bel�ped- und Will S�w. in the, trut found " ut. by experience �v-16 gol­d,med �G wg, ed eat vi Londne"i W9 neoss thi not vdth.� a 16. & hich e. as to't t t the 13,66k Id -Gonq�lpti w voted to. Alb!krt J E ri of Ay6rhurst, who werv�forl- f6.. 64& 1 n bu parcage from 'I 6x 'JdL , y pu ying th laA has just in, Ottawa to 6a u _tunaite� enough 4o--viAt--H-jd I -Mr. �*Ids, aen a T l'-Sa.sk, Mr.- Ewen- was, wo gtas'.hlred- e4-Park­qti- -Put, n- hlgh� qcea.- a uubJeqt" itanyhave written-Anentthl In, was addressing the r6c Ja.lwem ppe 'a rk6ni-puns'lifify Jdhe ind ent, annual of fidaN foi the. lriau&rati of the I ng 71- tarro Of it. Shantu , province has, a-, �944 on 'the J Sk�66h rning to'see.'w, on Ch ih� annual first the 06adhing-ml gn *r� iWt'161vt etiftg' of thd q ook, .,w n hearin; screams, h'o, rushed to aud. For I plan of he BAIA Golverfinjent for An An Interesting feature of th b' a e*'hduse 'h, i 5hining, ith Bible 96cl6iy J� t -mu a the 0ays been n6torioui; ae, r It north' a amine area, Qub6 =who ho,gave Is the "bee sic" dso6fated with vep,coac...e , i xtexibive. ch�aln'of ..6Mqul. ural 'thls- year is th� worst -in tho� natimts. votes to-Ahe, faith -that him. rnat-1,6n, bu*au�s, -The author grav IY'060 I Mrd.,�§ke6ch's doth bimilliamt varnigh and brig to the ren-te­' ing mass of.flaines and the house, op Speaking of thak "universal it ' XpIosIon4,',,JIe Y isien in gray -r* T Ureuue-, wh ''I h the riaiural f rni flre., from w. gaso ne e atwr and p.h' appeal to forWl the' notes, which. strikes o o'ais -v A*, an z&_ ti- pwr into. no wibh� the,(�rg�'d, I ggrAvated by the.1366 �M severe y a ed," '4'%lankei. 'Suff6ring frock coats, '%�>iniod manliind f' typical seventeen a century conpeit, a. pictdre:'which 4) the,, perso4ality :of Mon work- is obinpleted,; will bq� locat,6d a t 'We AD' nd� aeo? ma eal .06hditiorvs andl tfie­fjj;�t blik the A 4n the -f obseirver us th, rible burns corriedheiJo, one accurately called "a Lord,!! which h.e,e 04A. Ih In .623. edition this �'b -*)f6 read, _1b B rs -UrnikiAefi '--zhave-been-4-urned- Anto- YM safety and :then rpturned' escue -1ble, pot no )B Ae-, t67i ng,, InUseunr :'Dicken -VOOrIA 'Sir Robert ea�id. resents- the, Natl lj�s sian battle-fie!Aa f�>r. na t k1w I ''con" ut 9 -Ory. k6s quotes an t; t, 6n�is th rhuoi6 with thetwords; Butler'fialvely d ih 4W,' b k1b n. e� London Tfix ves rum 60 Britiah, lAnde en Oimoverwees. atuial Research 4"Wa 0 cW4 " u accur� yppo, ,Y UK atmosphere n ontusadk P, In Londorn,..' spell, a lifige §W Old' ling was thaf iluieter anj. r�ab, a erAe�d,, the A164 h ditr�, locusts, -f ortheori. forces. k o raht hre-,diAldre L4W , , " Aire The tire ot *o' ch'ior It' ban th 't'ant rnia't'es th COU-ferOnce at. which the re At tkith, a a6y '%ecatkao.1 %tfiiWc a We �Bi S0,04ty, and It -is In thdt� faith I I bus been, left. - in warfare, these The, ­swift motorcars,, nAX, dmth- leisured 'aje. b which' th6.buzzing peesf _r_fqr_tbp__hurea py. MY, e, -par a tnaE-tn -Book otit­l t=4;6 thaii this nie-cit-thi6it,�d-opa-rtipg��d6eF'nMk6 ap ng' aded an . there *IN Im 44 n dull n� 'St Oed With-ShuiAtifig'y -r Naiti t6ngues,to all ieop es. of the, worli un1b,, hearing. could: not perf ectly - ap- ftal' Ki lig ;of' b pera t'�Thi h ri-odern anadhrmisrn�� -A view�,:Appat­ n IlTtmus 00.'0 WW &r. thv P0,111tieZi ently' shared,, by Lohdon!i traffic police nd so- I come back 'to What I:sitd, at'th, prehd6d, li so that. I waslaine to, ma a 1W.. IMI rpm, due, a"u uM ilt of It In Geod 40 Etir tmXfle-wh�ile'ibe ho, that as I' doul&."' whO'halt6d at _n W,6rk. thi� I nforaw dhe',i§trickem. , tion t 6ginning, It'is al'hiih'e�plo'siv6,.I,additi�n,'to-th��pir�.�.w ��re ditwiftd and ;�"nw Che;5 �9, and no, The- 61d boo:- mastii.radiffered gr'eatly Strange4a ,�qpx. pm� new .:pam iinj marlLeanAell or know, tio b h mas"Aftereforo.. '106W g1t.the park'and Ahen toAta e_ ur!5tv W Co-_Ope=t0'W'1'L- exploited throu h61W hat on 'the merIt,s'f the) picturesque cus par.Z similar -Book tn-lta-!,outneyin&w-thr6ugi4��4e. tom -of "ring ng: , bees; f ou erne mo ern.; ithepi,-ovince Ugh. f tou�h. was gver7�ment; of of he staTteo, th brancli �e "Individual' soul, �ountri�es "Whed -the, awarmols up it. is a t the, �eq o % vq; -b the worn iih gueh`de en gues a, th�usunds 'to f6ftake, tMir . mea an gro, �elling 'T t not good to ring h Ch partrnents�.` d Dms being attired. practic� in t ousaiid t'.�ia�e''Jnto!l em, s-sy�d rist. 1. I en I :dlff6ren 6 ti�e life, a, new boll' ally "a" 1Y Would haye jhrqpgh,th6 work. of the bu. ua Y-' m n think,'Where the . 61mes. Tb�L New W na it Is A, Oo me 7 as eer� a n ef,_.a. new, con- .,and with th,6 co- peration of other, L. to PA on, an a new! �'ajls -no experience to -keep. A 4tirre'and were ntotplant,�& Tfi�'ii year -L the se6di' h on he'Mount, 9 Wta6..diig up, by the starVing- millions journey -been, made- a tentury.:'ago. coptl d faith. Theiii t4ingi tions alroady pivnvised -uTe�bidderi,until a e, man,'60me -peo- lay on either hi t 4e� only. sury ,, farn Bason- Kettle. or wer ]V'inkL ep�t�)rin' to a is h ithi '41 ... W , ", n. th 'nxt .1-0 years will, fiti-ie ac - d pan. ta anthi-til la 6 -t -year --there YP, cess to A fuli, a domirion. and, eaten 'bdore,they h,�d- a club�'in'J.Qrkden, touched:be' ndL'�Il this, by 'the ryn Mng: �as Wore'two. Enkland -clings tightIv, tD* J)'Iviiie 'and the a. one of d of inf6rriiaii' on. on In hie sube-quent torultpro erb _k, ea a. and., haire',� .1190A 11housan&,: �eaepful rpsi-� par with.other strieg pa no ose, great rev an which - Akes;, for by such means *they ;of - Tsinizili acuateE, 'x1jaL ci.uy 1, 9�1 of thiv-'rivanifesi,, ;;e - traditions aft'd, it'z picfuims�que niern- th ivikls'*of rellgi it Robert little. tha . op . eat vast research division.s.", S -an -�among, r centuries. d thp, OneS-an L a more e,- '' d _jb to, th-9, Japanese oceupaion de - d* ntg.,ag ­YPPAM - dY, -Totigli,, 'the Make the bees angrte,: and. go.'furth er an depending upon1ho.stakrving hini the,, have, stirtl; d lo�-gettle-�tlieii-.othe'i.*is6�-,they-*,.o.uld'�, village there e manyJij H�deL as b the AS aU in iq park 0 -supp he Wor d and' stimult- a -piat, he ha& to or th ches set.off'who izighdid, r' as w,4 Purchas,, recto on In Tegti d- monkind,4nd Which, Samuel Suti, �tfully e, f'' for the'�r motai. edys when oom, will..Occ Wi u vision o; -it t L h a An' nfrtUriate' are, bleetl I I :uri� 'Heov. Essex'itnd a4thot.of that quaintlittle Ice. There �r. nd thi terivay ear ve eatre of'-P-611tiCal Flying- hard-wtorkiri-j: fail- f61lo*6hp,, distiniiished again.' Viria Colonist Tb6 no ggibi grimli'to hang ity and, voi�m6, ;'�_'th i:n\tho,.: thr transp�orta . fion and, the mlads I'So. much our -time In this World M- Inse6ts." , alla�l 'candemnB,: the tusibin. 01%,,4rui .6.4 -*Vrvea irr Aets',9 - 149; 22.6-16'; inatidli of �'dr,, 116Over hsa 4'.sPecial ivp o . I urchas and j3utl9r- quote seem -to -be ca�ry ur-st'rug both, their, little biti of holdings :no '17 explained -iratst -d w -,6 in�essant' i' k interest 'anada. lie is'th� chief tit cith, t A- i.th tb ushL And, w ing.0ii 0 ''Ut �Inuch diffict t inful iA .011� W211GOO h1ty. Saul, d larnicill. of,a.ktr,6I eriaot 16 in tNklijht-�r lu.46g ' ffle dz, and ancient -law'of Christeridome v�here. better oudcbk Uari a Slow, pa Drotgonist in th�- Ifnited t-Ates� of by bee'aneVA w'ere allowed t I o pui , su 1 0 death fr'themselveg and, Tarniliesy� In, - h A, men, who, Ought,, to be frlends_ hitting The club will have. tw(Y other meet,�,_ Zafion d the iluelition. that' 11 ' . I L . I L . the iwrernation,ali -a the PiCtU it b .a, .6 166*4ongue,, an 'm6le -and -wounding' the SUMmer' ends. The. blindly. nt the% -e 'Lawrence wtterway.- 111ii.eboice as their -boies� 'v�hen, they, her. - such I 'I §earchhig tone' swarmed w YL aw e :to be- their .4 AW drivers �:find. -tha' b * trav,61" .;,in rd h, W110 are Or qortt6spoyident - 'of ganchester - ev6ry they went., r'Th14. ben�ftf t1jem y President would'undoubtedly. give that is. _Of' P. of the :1 ringing," n ta'� rn4tot-'L trip. _,_L oil they av but utchas; "that it brotb�rq. L. 14othin' filit says Guarclia h-, Ypr�sOtutest thoV ma? H thote-Anembeis of his.church groups,' oi.d m4ch%of thi) diffi project a,- fillip and' lead to , kreater k 'can lghbqrrs. near, you that c S0 p cii Gly wh comes f�orn - that Boo h the: trick ar"ea betwees-i) tttick 'm, Christ yeAri by he r4a teal monop ye nd ult L en 'f the country reads, by motdr cars. that twilight -bj dispel 'L that P bees, you -ma� g ve, notice there- e ing ­ an mteld. a P ki ad Nanki 11,16averbly o' iWW t on.the C being Press to -than evei b6fO-ie L o. O.0 nwqent Wh lighten I, lig. 1-f is' esti f6g. L t0' ilie are �M�d, "It The Kingdom'! of ..G.Gd' may. be tta*a by to prevent. wiArigling, utt 2006 .0,60 siirving ppopl;e kre flee� if some i'oi u SL WL ay -of Sha&uii-K kd en -to .1 ------- 7- works' to. 1;hnetiok what water Power. users %theirs ah6uld rise at' the',*�aaime. e ng r, ldves out iick' Against, the: far o I if, but­ihl ocfet�, pi, th r But I ey, w.11,'not be stayed- 'but L ere - ey. OF real.'L joy". M, PL, times, afid%through. the T-ThIted'St -A Republican vi if 'nd 'was 'rot at ransportation interests *an to T FROCK FOR THE'GRO ant t in mi. Olt thir0ugh f th into tK&nchuria� wh h to 'CUIfiN ate, -"the $.�UehL ruin, in wish. this soc-' hastening on find lifid t6ffJ6 - c d' still, go 'beyond your test , in epporaL Nov ftle-t]6'pdi�nt The .,distinctive, f4ature'.of. these two -and'i, would say tory L in. ember next will bo warn- bounds,, the ancient' law. of blirisi' -niigrlatim in th,� world toda j6tk all thdt,'l8­go6d folk Sr;",thu.. I � ing. to en. 7. of the ��AiverI13 muL§t ha:,�e frocki is the-'eirculai flare , . I ... I Ca�ada, to 'brinig"...lublic opi.n-, '6 --them 1 Introduced before'41- close that if I did dome, p teth jo to 'Purau Dw1ork_T4rnes From. that. oin giving the.required . Qre6n p6pliers,"Allowing to..to each n tthe' GoVeenjneA t at' G't- hirn.� rmit hip -line,.''' ion to bear 6 u lkqiso.n, are to.ba V. any-. ces ion to thi fUlne$ �,et m6v_ pot leol. that'our. Work, and th work withersoever, but oureo Inch law,18- paper ie. get ila"a further facts'"d.. repared by're h at ining a graedul It t�. pr�vpint ',81. Who -'att t ou,, Lor b Ing line..'.The popular t�vi k fffect jig the sapd�'.�and� White.'veins,' and:'otf all of us w 4 lictld - the: , e-, faith morencivil, and yeelda no- such privi- figures applying. to. the 1arger United LStateg f ri-ghts,'*hich- ueAi lids often, be6n, Mpked - whe 9-pipce and idea'l, whe her In. politics, or n ah6bld lege,,6�.!0r6ttr Bees bee' i,q ion the� �y. a 'few, ml dink..; Pil I 0d;1 , . out.*of k your a Inutes. of'sc�l bring, and which do, beIrg; to thi gro duringth� awOrjq,In Vie' 0 ve Paul: had,.e*er seen Jesus w civic rk,. whe ay f4e--if I yo6r prop1brty 19'losti. it yoj, - Three'Years of �bad Iti m J -A, although Do e§ ;, and Vera& in' m_w t a mixture of,, chopped ireal rS Of' hiA fl ' h' pxac- the.', I h jap in this instanpd for skirt or po blouse and did.noC1eel that that work'waSL ot more -courteous." quptod, "Thou fflone, n. .5:16, id, gh'l- have �tical purpOies rk,and ricei chopped' dolori. and 4ffloiva- merciless, government, bandit� ocusts and Aack'.of ta n ehat-at some 'in the falth'and tho'hop But In the whof6'range of be� Maya.. havla' - -the i - �u ed beneath the narow belt, paralay 00,61idd together In. butter only fasetnittng ,book. bw Mg' ture r�litbo ruo�tL 14U�t 000 600 Th f,at peopldl to' a eVen long,enough 1 en the -pep- At ght is were the case, r6sent e rourid: collar fits Wcomingl� t� n of 46d, would spre Is 'that datnty� litt qto 0 "as man the e , put one tab pap ul slone was qui ce Jesus neck, and the long sleeves at sin Ki I gd6m.. a(! Th '!The PariW lni)wn. Christ,!�after lleshl�- t are join o.'Wh oday At may. be 1,000,00,0 years hence, T -he', �Iarcjeaj, 11' pers are. fill d' I oonf e, hardest, thing IV starting work; egather- I;U6 wh6le',w6r1do 1 'could, have I,' the" ment, of,Beoa,,W1th 'their proper rin''ore 6. &�titutiont Tho'Tir�cs cor_.: over 6d riien'fivni'l the diaad and. aseefidbil, 'the, of cream, qver each and' baike, gently time We, fiddle around befdre d into markow -band that this wag the i�- for.'brie hour, the, respo, 1 en a. collar could, 0 no. -under vo actdrs, Or, 4 Boo�@vp.furnlsht with w n, View .13'anK 1 the short W9`rkr and fl: getting w4y.Ve In ght -ha d' 6 rn6nth aga e4ni Aim -of the glorified 6hrist. would We my office over ILhI morn- moat difficult Job lizilt Th 'Twelve, 14011y-com 00, as Pleasant its thait gS' 000,00 mple 'in that - regio -done. -in b am L OSIM 4 speye�.finithed, with- a c fl!". The. didw to il­'' rolliablo 11 ng are rarely as�b�rCto dOL as esus was I Nazare it a y on&'WhoVould take It P BY Jolin Daye" -(1641J. PiCtUkE ty ..Of,.I)at_L -think were.'suffering.* C6:nditime gr4�w. a,6wi utniong" his enriies ag'the Na m,06:�implici . . M.L'."j" 1, we', gran. t4 R(ibbing the ai s theyare go ng to 6i haract�rs, With �fhb � exception. inA.M-tist continue. b at' All the c to co until ar�. kt*nia, And he th us usel;, thiSL tei'm to n 1175,' We suffer me Toronto n m betou,: ire beds; nosa of oth�i crop ponies'.unesa outside he P. which isAn sizes 6, 8; lj%l really the'sweet", I - th he 11.1' !the -and 1-2 years.' . Size, 8 y�argjre4uir ' 0 An antibipatIldn., fear that IS.- E veii-J -esu h' 2,1/2 yttr�s-bf 32 'the' Union Iney MQUIsItei- and thro es a, n �, ':The -re�eiv6d �6r the inhlabitan a whom f6;�Zrl� Sa Th su'bee'saful hold�up, In' Jftkrnigration'� taktI 9 ater iigh oneM ul w en We, get least pain ngs. -inch, or 2Y8 ax& �6f seems to.har th mgat&-d, with' u ahger �,an- con-, atlori h IldhChat ot'llik wl -to where fodd can be hAd."Y d'' 36 -inch' teri Toronio to Im 'The .2b as beet a: revelation to -most legrAni (Ind, dons.),: The, n nts. Mp . There was an. idela -that on. investigation at 0tta.wr� comes �rhbn e plunge. The wind Is There -is no. �ecord to show *40ther. Anbtlie'r cable ispatch, quoted y be t' 41. Price' ..de ament of' Boes"' has ever ti THg S�URRENDER.OF Si -.10-16.' mail coach loaded with"treasure wotd d. re'l st,�pha'ses' of colon wh6n;'We '�da-�dlo' alc.ig 'tho �a Atlanta gives HOW, TO: ORDER PATTERNS., people. a Immigiatl "The, Padi poried 6n�'mo 1�4� Ide eo been'verfoi-ftwd, and It, Ii 0 Mrlto.y.our. name 'knd-addressptaint. iik�t appers y. 8,86 V.: i4, Wbat sliall 1'�ol x,, �be e. with1oaded'g�ih ri, but ba delicate' deta,; .:This e t16 failed to an�swer, the," one ee IY,'.giving, number 'and 'size of,such that perhal)g it, bf'one-over_ The publia are arnambd to learn thi.t,'bur He* are we at -fflng qaostlon L Imliossible. Hlb�ror is blended ith, Olty� 'hile we we �would L,Enclose 20c. in 'to wag In that, mail 6acji- litindreds in's6ttl I erg, w tr i V to ee Jlnied. witli'the,gtcat Change -that attprns,,as� y w n the k p' li *e -wanted. tO_shlrk arden- tales of sttong sone. who have Strang - t stamps, or' coin (c641n..pr'eferre.d- Wr -ra r ,has coml "0 ft ill the'Bible- and Other B,68ays.�,' ed bor'uftion,6f I -rAs - in.ordltw to. ke6p oaiA' als�'tbe '16a Z thousands of dollars to" be thadl.�Jusf' TTntil' this pr6blem: 'has organize a; la' runners and' their ag�d pma�L energy of this man, who �henceforth aeuyfor each' number -and wo . rked 6ut t e mm1gratlofi will qay that wd"wouid-cut dow'n't them fro,ni -_tkd, parjgs� of starvalan., he e gtibmon would, beerf hQ race Nv-hq1e-fi:wrt_ address 'your 6rd. vatch the garden f9r, the it I t 'taking.' %rill ibiow htmself. vith oWilso., Patter'n, 07 e so guece.s5fil eftess into the n4vt duties. '10 jod not b I 'f the Government be lal�orfni und'er. a.,handlcAp second, to five Iles and we, would.,Idaf,77 14ct st ed,the�i r'parenls. and the�_r.;tArb which be' Service, 73West,'Adela-ideSt,;TOronto. vLqlto�s. A'bug in tim'6 saves'nitIO, ed-af,-o-A qnl the n 41, . I ' �: P - "' . . . rny has totace.* Th�x-,- I -to be done, Patterns sent by'r were not so slac1c.aArustee, Only lo Its .,p�esent. head, 1arenee De'ma'r'. srnuo , , . I an -d ft saves the g etur maj arden, too, the free Man'chprii. Ifitanti- cidlo is baw geerally practieedAn-tho".',' I AND 'jEFF--B Like.. thi F oor gain W, Fisher.'.. Looks A f6r, j cc rent� who eiinr.,o b a r6ly kee:themselves alfive, (it who.' can, not endiure to see their; ebilten r ing of slod star ii6n. Ev�ry AT 6 MAS the w6men of u.T.,vi bring, in 'IYN 'BOUGIA* ':A tiny babes who' have been, picked upt TIMa r wANT �D '13' R'nd frozeri blue,' f -,IT MITI A:BIT ALL� lorM DO ."Me wayoldo'-and from dkchesv. Sortie di the ..... ... IS Arr ACK withn a few,,.4?ua Of -it t&me." 1_64 A- WIMP- A&AIKI! At\)b oM -ACi -SQUARE A'' OL, ONDON t CL IN S60N TO 8E OSED C_ t� !A," L:L London.—Thtee Orowno- 84diire, an an of4thp Bo-i�ough Market,,,Sout hark, is� f to be closed. Th6mrA's laynds, clerk of ses, was 61,,enod,i 55 and tl .. .... .. .. ... 'To fdciliitate&th'q diattibt t ­ft' 01' plodu�o 'it Was propose(]' to sq�are,as'a firi ath, r&d, 'gr ftYh& 1100016d that at one t1m4 a gt�Lt u to�d v ovc i vtchho In +,hkd oqaa� 4