HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-06-21, Page 5Fli()N I) aint Clean Winf Martisi-SsnOUr.lj,6% Pure laSide ard Outaide, Paipt.1 SOnour'a PO int. ; Wood-laj, ..for yiors, Woodwork and„Fernitare. • .. Itogers' Ilruslt:ng '1.,4,!per; tor. 1?leist3,. or .Furaiture, dries , in 30 iniliutes; • .`• 'Muresso,ter.:WallS and k'elling,.dgeoration. Deco and Ea solos , for • repainting the cars • Full S.tock, bf Paint and LaCquel:. Brushes. Rakes, tioeS, C'ultiya's,er,i and 10 e1, 'JUST arloa a of Coil Spring Wire, Barb, "VVire ...s.and-WeveniF,eoce," St. Marys U.ement veys.on 111 Id Gyproc, Peristone an , • ELE:c71" RIC WASI1Elt,. Coinnlete with t'rite* Water* Heater built' in to the tut's. . It boils; washes and. wrings ths+ c.othess will pay ssni to see this maelinie before- -purchaing. ' Phone -6 Hardware Coal IH LI,YC,KNOW. SNTflEL FOURTEEN: ARGUMENTS,. • AGAINST TOWNSIIIP. .s. • Premier Ferguson • has. PrepOpece abolish the present B4Oardsgtf,School 1"1ustees and eptablistisin )1'113.4, tI ..;e0wfiship 'School ''..I3o0r4,* •;who have urisdiction over -.ail the $,choOlsS,ee- tions th teachers,' 'transact all 'the bnUi.0esr and ' levy the taxes. over ,the Whole' ..sis-nhin to meet the expenditutas ; RTEOU Luckno Plumbing TinsMiihing • Lucknow . Wit;:ghain . , Phone 74 Prione z56 ' Nontimplit41 Works; . , LutA.I...vow tealt wimaiAg: , . Ilitie the:largest and . Mos t Com piete• ' stotk, im...,ilw--Mostlyeautiful-7tiesigris--- to „choose from, in ' ,•, "Marbre„; Scotch,•.'SwediSh" and 61.1- •14;azi Granites , ' We make a :specialty of Family Monuments and .111.1i4 your inspec- tion. • . : • , ;inscriptions :Neritly, C,arettilly and Promptly Done:-- r1 See"rie' beforp" itilteing your order. 0 uglis et. 11. A. Spottert • ' 1,1orkrirtW, Ont. ' ••••=001111‘ The World, is `,!Y'oer OySter. Don't hurt ,yeuself opening it .::Burning yOur bridgq 'behind yeti isn't so bad if YOu can Swim. ountry a e is now City trade • Beanie' the irrithense change in. conditionsin just a few years — that the telephone • has:helped briag about The Store in the 'smaller town now . carries pretty ranch the sarne---uP-to-date:- styles as the big city store.• • 'rhanks' to Long Distance, : IVranufacturers' or, Whole- salers' warehouses are prac- tically at the storekeeper's • ' elbow. :The time required to telephone.", an order by Long Distance :IS new only a; few minutea; aonneetione ' • are. now 'offet Made at !Ince, without.", hanging N thli l'itceilter: • - And the .cot of t.otg. Dis- tance rtesstigeS it \often quite a little less than is generallr'suppesed.- - Call up our". Manager and oak him ,the rate to points yoU are intereStedip. toy' nal • Thig' bilf Cannet' .verY 'peppier,' is it has been fUtresineed thiee ',times and eaeh-titne it .110.4 been witliarAWn. Mk; Ferguson because he lot get his own:: SUfIp9rtera t9 yAte .fo it..ith• • 1- lisjytp School Board: are not issiyablesliesause;--s,: •.• .;,. centralisktion oy .gcw:errop9iit sinstead Of .self,' govera-. :nett for .each 'Schad + seetions, • • t• Second -4n many townships there are nine or ten acheol sections, A 'school board of pine or, ten trustees ..voaid be much ,t0e, 1arge, and if .here were less in namber sorne sabot'', • seetietis would have no repre- 4:lit:two!' on the Board., ' • • • Third—No • •representation might ie very injurious •to a school s6etion :is men ontsicle of it might not quite AA.Ol'eciate, the local •situations Fourth -L -N °thing; ',cornea as ' 'Close ' home. to 'people as. the education of 'Lneir children.., This is soinething, . they ought to be. very jealous of,.li a 'local' Board 'et. Trastees is siot pro-- iding the school with a ,g,cod, teaChey seople can come out to -thessInnearl Adheel meeting Rad .baye thematter. threshed Out :and .elect new trukiteeS',, nit it would be .a much more difficult natter for parents to..' tryto cam- . oaign -over a whole township to get . ,iew, trustees elected, • Fifth -There ,are a go0•1•111aaY s10-. • a:istic problems inconneetiOn with 't Public Sshool" fhd.t. can !le more daSs ily, settled at a meeting; pr: lasai tiu teesthan by,ihaVing to go to a town- shipr eeting to lets* them aired. Sixth—Every public scheol a . eparsSe entity. It As an tit sanizatith,. by itself ,arid. having, , a' Boards. of sserastseassfor•seatbsssenoess*-sssaeffsgos,-., sisinent in its very heat sense. There Lire ...ape,eicif problems abeUt, the Ulla: - ng• .of. a •school and engaging sots as 'teacher ,t1lat belong to the, people. who pay for the building . and, the .teacher's'ialary. • •• '. 7 Seventh—It ,svoala he Well- nigh - impossible, ,to. have anifnarn,arrange-. hent ter all schisel buildings,sthe 1.e-, suit Of Which. would .be, disaatisfaS,. tion.' • ' . • . ,•Eiglith:-.-It is sometimes Urged.that •in the case of 'a to-wnship heard you would gOt a better -class of trustees. 'As n -rule one of the, beat men in the leighborhoed is ••Seeretary-Treassirer. of the :School' Sedton sand cfiVC .3xce1lent 'public service sfer little or io reninneratien. , • , NiathConsolidated. Shoals hay's, teen, with a .few exceptions" a fail.- _ ,.. "-sre, and Premier Ferguson hasbeen careful' to -:state • that this township:. board system does not mean. consoli- dated *schools; but as a matter of fact :• :t would drift that way as. the board :vo•Old have power to ,elose One or twe s•beo's and convey the pupils to an- . AlslIFIE LI) UN 11'ED CI•1 NoTE§, , . • . .A. goodly :c'empany gathered for •Shat Was .to haVe been a verandah' Ilnekettsisengue' • On -;flystradgy. evening last; •at the .hOme • 'Of Mr. and Mr.s.',Jas:t1lagkett. But, as. th,e night was quite chilly,, ;ton vf host and hostesS',the .was held indoors. And a good Meet- , .ng, it Was:, Loth .prefitsibla awl: pleas- Tit u 08,48 .1.st, 190; ' JUIDPING COMPV,TITIGN • Trophy—Reht. Scott, , Port ,, •t U.4.1:NOAN,• ,11.1r1i1 1,2th't 14:,seef Ereederv traPhY—,' •-Russell ,,i,feEee; Tara,. wins permans 16.tituto, Dair lsastiessifedal-s.larri. . titionss-$6 .Boys ortio14.0 Live Stock 111cgan; Mild.May; Sheep' and'Swine—. ••• ' , • • WalitertOn •trophy7iFied. (Britee',;Reproseiltatlye'a: Report) McQuillin,ttleknek,Vs • " • „ ' VneXdelleit trophies • and medals-,--Ilors... iefg of eepteStants and eXeeptietAlly .Ige4ean,•' trephy-Ts.Morris !seep ,and d�s altinnietitien eorishined. son Eltis,W/4er011;.' Aeq. te. make. Briices CoahtY"s, Sixth Mann- WcIPI• Wrn t.1,41drOilr, 7411414°W.;:: PPMPOtitioji: • E.14iY,-"Cattle-,:74e4,01,--LAiornes.-"Pyortsi DO. At Luckile* Jun 12th, :''Sheel3174404.1.-4/4': .8°44. # • of the Outatandiag Junair events, ot ,Port • ,Elgin; ,SySine-s-iledal--We .,.rVal the Province for. this ye:Err, ,..' .§42,011A-141.1.C1CtiOW,:'.:',::: ., ,. Walkerton . .Junior.;, An'stituto;• team - • The trephiei.'aild roo.dft'4 WOrglk*C- •' Ikesstots E ' an . sol5ted.te the wino rs at the'4anCe in , Drilry, trophy •,ffir.biIti, "ieain , in the t 0 evening., r., ,. A-r-itair ii.on, y‘...,4b, gii96 .;p,ointr,..'hoing.. only 4 •stishhle in the- Eruto County ;;.fionie -„ieintsahead'W• ,he• thale;;T-.'.g.' irii,' in Plobghing "'Coinnetitioni. *kg - :also. , „ . ait.- and Mrs: Ilackett and. ' 1.red served: a.16v,ely. treat, at the clo,,• Ji the;little, sOeial tin,e that..follovireds ..sianey BroWfl. and iSlefville flackett. moved:and secooded.in vete. , thanks to •the" ,inist sand hoatess. ' 10 (1 com palsies . gathered. .at Ail Aurelius on SUnday .last, , ant) , . . sarticusarly se" tit' Blake.. There were sinink. other ' :attraCtiong elsp,where. .111 JC. :U.!: children reeelyed'the rite. -.'sf-st-spti4mrsatj-thes-M-pritia...-setwics'i; sirs. Stotheras after an absence in' . . . • the west, and • elSewhere for some Sgliteen menths, vins:sitesent. at. the al a ke., 'c 'o She , Cordial') y ssreetca4 by nAstor eongregaticin. Ii Glen alaci broirght a mr.lead Of v,ititors'..from• Detroit to eliiirch,*ith • . • . . ticilsobo4.1,.:80onse tr.PPIV,. for best ploughing. in , second ,Plage; Mrs:, A,. G. Rirstineet Presented to Wilford IngliS Of•Walle. Walkerton. Was. also : high 6Vt9n, and the Challenge' junior in the ceinpetitien Wi 554 'points Farmers' Baseball trophy to . the out Of a posaiblp The 'Tara: girls Teeswater Association. • • c'en,. the :jUntor teams troph,y with Ten clas'ses of .live Steck . were Tesswater second. ;ridged; 0tVP •being assembled. at the • Tara 'Won: the tenn, . trophy for, the.. 7aledOpian Park, Lueknow, four at, tAye StOck Jiidgiag .Contf.itt. which j: B. Rntherford'ssfarin, at:crone: naeine-s ard relsOn- Were taleti st' F•Todds farm. 'ThroUgh the 1.!0 'classes of... ' LucknoW vholehearted. cci-operation of , fecal • . "earrk., waS second ,,with' • Walkerton; breeders, the:, following • eplendid• , • 74-------7""""qviato1777— t • PAGE ME the influence. of liquor, gave the list.of a number of cars that bad gene in and. out •pf Walker's on the and; 18th. '• • • , Conetable Tinimpson .correlis 'orate& the', eviderier..'7,of Oonstable; 'O.00ksrhan, hikving • iceilit..'AN*01 with: 4.. •1Mky 'SiMtharopt0iii19; leers:Old; WAS the 'aekt,, Witness.' She :had:been to Walker's, four times. this. • :spring.. Went with her friend,, Spear. They Went:to...See *Ifs. Geo.' Gray, lived .at Walkjeir, Never saw any liquor' sofa •or Atandled‘ in Willicer!s 'house. TO ,the. Magistrate Iw 'aid SPear.'had..nothing' to drink there as- far as, : • . . ..:A HOAile.""Witnesiti,"' -Mtirdoeh..S.tewailt:of' loucknow. Who • Works in. ICincardines tads': the , stand „ , iext Ile: was at Walker's, a et:intik:of 'three, the. past .fevit: Months." Didn't `criees• how many ,tirnes—might haye 'men. fenr, Or six times.. Mr. Free . 'tern: remarked. to the . magistrate 'hat this was. evidentlY, a hostile; wit- ness, to Which the, Megigtrate '"ON.ped „ The 'lawyer ,had 'difficultY in7.g4ttinr. ...traight .answers from Stewart. •The sitheis. said he went to Walker's ir . be evening and ',. in the. daytinie. krchie, "Sinclair went with him.' Did.. , t't know 'Walker ,verv- well. Walker, •vhs not a friend of hie. Saw Walker sstshissh.ome.-Just-yent to Walk it's far !fors never got any liquor WalkerYS' Or tnever Saw .. anyone :sprehase there. . 'When Mr roreehern asked Stewort if ),Ie' bad nol '';rrned3 t; st;iternent ]fo officers had Won ..five soosecutive 21.asscs Avere provided: • Clydesdale , , . , .NormanSals midt-of• kgar_.,'_*11eaVY. Draft horses by. Neil :ligh•man of the canipetition and also. ..oac he'd the vionhip,.'•Sunior team: El- a. Sheritien end Rtissell/ 'McKee of Tara.. :Were respetiVelyi."ieconcl and .111Ardsbipli;:sh: ;C:ftisa. "sasse • a. ral a selies • . • . • • • tiled :Pruce-Lensee .1.1seh8ll game .between Lpcknow.. and ''Palleys. last I/ear's ochan:,pion, f.:atured :the ,a'fter- wevions competit.iwis, 'placO, :mires. by Ackert Bros,. and ,:Jame•s, . noon.• sports;. while 1,n • the evening >ver '300 •I`Yeople etLeaded :the dense Catephell 'and_ Ernest , Gs.tint; Shert "lam eows and:Oxford', sheep by .L 31ithe'rfard; .Angus heifers by .F. Tedd; HolSt.ein heifers by. . Ewart l'aylor; jerseys by James Alten Robt.. Durnm, Geo. Androw ,,and T. ..',V.' Rdd;.LeieeSter sheep by J. Mc. . luillin; - Yorkshire sows and finished '-aeen hogs by, Win.:Hendersen: . , ' ta.:•...-,e-o-o•-r-r- I.1..HGE1),*. BOOTLEGGER ' ro-x.etc.st-siN.'=pive6 'or:iv,:,s-tya. , r- ---- .---..-- , .-.: ----,-- 'ACQUITTED AT KI,NCARDINF oi, whit,‘",i,, niu:.,ic wog liVON 1(10d .I3Y the , 'The • HouSehOld S, icsie.: (:.:.onpeti., • ^ • ' ' ' -777 . .4. ' . • • .. w as . Mille, ist,h e _diliesti on ofsMiss ,-- . • ' . • • • Sviderice that _ Was'', Coniicallagis- irate Didn't BelieVe It, But; . 7-.' Bambild:cre f 1). 't' i , ' t ;1 'h ,, , o t• :to's „ssis s( y 'limbs and 'Mrs: .Shbres ski.' ,Dandas. Couldn't ',.COnvict; :\li-is Shortrecd, of•duelPh, iniss ale - For '•tli'e -- t--1;Stocks ,I.M1:sing Connie:, . A.I.O.e,..shtsssitich Alex.T. Walker of. 'days. Ile neverlic114°r °r. kept' it for Bak: • Witnesses Backed Backed Down Mr., Freeborn in addressing the -,e0titts sdid he :could only appeal. • to the .'yna/tiatrate for a %conviction the grounds of Oat the•evidet'Wwatt •Vvorth. P*, Witn0Piles had gone back , , on the *previotis statementa they had ;made and it was these statements that the :coMPlains were • . Magistrate CieasorSaid he h"td,"sat • at.t, eases time and ,agaits where :the same.thing had occurred. •It is a pe- culiar thing that in liquor eases .the witnesses, g� back : their previous Statements.' "Don't 'think ;} have any Towriahrii-r'lfear—Kinear:" .iltd.sloCal.Represehtatises in. charge, dine' Towns Was charged'.with':hoot,, ?la:d,toasSiSt with ;,aricus claSsds was tried at .on '::Sepresent'stiSta of' 'Alto Departinent lith.srAs','Walkers was thought Aesricuitire as.....folloWs:s.messrs• be an old and tfrequitot Offender, :.;o0per .and • Smith, of :SI:Irk-dale, 'case ',excited much interest, es- 'pss of Arthur; -.4 el; 4: Gf., 'Clinton '-seeially: by those ''who want • to aee. .ftelli ono of. '•ho slaw enforced, , Tenth—It is true that there •arsi • zOnie sbhool seetieisa.stith very:small ittend mice, • but f desi red • there loth ing' to ' hinder the TroStee Board "of that section :closing the, 5011061, to the nearest' • Ichool. arid paying th'ere fat. their -tin-% •Idon. This plan is.,.not very often ad.: and.more•thari the :fin•mation :t•ionsoliciated, schoolg,Sbet it 'eats he Cone, and the .tnos,t satiefac.tery. part if it is •that it will bectohe by fin, icluidl section affectedby the change, •and. not by .any outside authority. ' • .Eleve.ntia-People priSe • all the. rights', of self geverrmsciis they now • poSsessi and, e-SetY el -tort te centralize iciwor, and authosityl'iS.to'take: it out. the peo.ple'a bands.; Thfo- rn demand' from the. people for.. this -hange, :rite dennindo conic fl.•04.4 sfficialakin aof the provfnce..nef .be elegtors,' Which .in Should. 'sendemii it. .• •; ., • •• , .Twelfth—This. :whole snovenigrit is 'an effort .ou the -part of offieials.. to . get control , et, the public' schools out t the hands .of the School .Sectiona md :Vest it in a central that ;Inv-. hone- will be mores aniebable to their. ••influence.. , s, • " • • •Thirteentli:-2The soridinit'• of Ont' '.•,arie's' public schools 'has been very. ' •,atiSfactory under the control of . the ieople t,henmelves. There is' no. break 131 this Syatem. 10ea1 gevorn- : lent. Thes:new SYstem of Toarnaltiri 36ords is 'one that helms imposed tn the people. not a reform ithat the, leople are. rising up and demanding„ it is • Alleged' 'that: the .sygteni ;Of 'Townsliin 13oarcl.• working satiafiniterily. in the (1 States, it prettyssafe to say tIvii ")ntario's rtsrel ssitoola will, compere favorably with tialso Of nuy: tate aeross the line; and it:AS also - 'roe that there. doessnet S'eeni to 1)0 .tviT 8)0(1 rush in the:United • States to dopt:the systerh la a very genera). .A vote for McCallum. 14 'a, vet,e aipst Township Sehool Boards. ' Next . Sunday is to. mark the ecca.,.. ' ‘of',.a Atanclard COmninnity Sun-. S.1101 and -Service for . Public ihip:it the .Zion • Chnissif. There iJI collo:16116e :pi:ineptly, et and 11 111 Allefainilies are :urged to. be present and •,tnalce the oceasien Ille111;- e and noiciue. Visitota .are Cor- dially 'invited, • " A ,Word stetild be ,said 'these ;es sometimes about 114. ekcellent hospitality of . the Ashfienl. Church' peoPlc .to the :pastor arid family, .and ) isi Ling ministers from • time to :The parsoinise• being sO ' far away 'frein :•the churches and or- . , • ., • r Services as they are, makes neeessary so:often ..:for meals to he: •.,1•".011. away frpm bottle en the; . -tiv day. No ',Sunday, pagsea hist 13 numerous kind, inVitathirt are "Ali. and `,M.I.S.::Jas. *Web, Enid Mr:'. and Mrs..C.yril Caton, 'bell did .the heinors of "entertainment 'last Stmaay., The pastor is..68 the pi.egrantric'of Martin Pregbytery on Thritsti cf this week, ineetitig „at Grend liood to give the 4 deVOtion47 address for .clo,Y on the topic, "That virtue, 10 supply of,*hichSelsions. exceeds the depiand.!)• , The. Itackett'Shed. extensien is rap-, '41v Tole 'idcPdld ('O •Were.,,yisla„On Tharoday Ai,C1 Fyiday , won':;c, Tbo °he ottofilion frained 'arid 8(011 1,10 poa. 1)0 11(11)! in— It looks ..vbrY fine Shed is to be the oht-' ,onie, withlots -of, room ;and, comfort- able The winter. accoMoaation 11Wft.YS. erixtpPed, eSpe- ially Imeciat 'oceasions. One ad., 1,1(..nt osearrect flint liave:hten _rata.. Piero. .,-'serio011._r.h.er,!_. 811 o'e ePt .thd post -at ,iwtP11 And Struelt, Walter Alton :WW1 (010 ftn.'C.e the' forehead', by whhth' be sustained' ve3y. riaSty and deep 14e was rushed ti:to dootor, Vibo. Stitched up -the MouiSti • 11)11 :• Toait: and sianaing sand • .The trial, however, proved to • .be . , • .rophy •wiiin erg,. .is eie s .10 llows soinething of a "fizzle, owing to . • Household • Jud,t,iiig. •••• lumber -of the 'crovvn witnesses, when • I;, the. witness box, going back on +Competition. , • TeamsssWalkerism.. Egg' et: ,vritteri statements they hadmada, palsy:7'1'T '15; al Sefton 2566 T:fie incident' -forcefully illustrates'. • (Mts. O.' r n e, °trip.- the diffignIty, which the:. authorities on , 'A•d Pin k • al; v eneounter enforcing the .laW when snit Gm trade Cliegley 'sefenee lawyers. an ,witnegses stop . , )547.; 5.th, IstieknoW 6tb; ;Port • the, •Kineardine 'Revie4z..-itepOrter ?5,12.,-31'd, Tara .2557. 4th, oeswater 'nothing. • regard Walker" said the Mag - rate., haven't dOri4 think mug hira: at• all. ,But• must try .thO sa'se' on:. the , evidence ,submitted. Walker hadn't bought enough liquor' on his permit to, warrant it' eoniric- `ion for selling. There is no direct 2 eVidence of his Iceeping for sale. Case 's dismissed." • ' • Walker- is Warped. • . , • , Magistrate ..Crcasor called Walker' . o the stand, "I jailge from what has slime out and from what I hear that fret, are regarded as . a bootlegger -here:, -It .seems to Me `that as you have yoUng girls itsyOur house it ht Mean soinething else, too; 'A • ' c.aWyer MsKav ohieeted. The 1!44gir "-rti.e. ruled that the • 9.1,qt.ionis ye- 'YardingLstntetrients_eauld Jiot.__.h.e '-ered as evidence, To the Magitsate SteiVa'rt :said be lidn't know why. he went to:Waliter's 'toose. jest wetit„ out there for fun went- out- tscr-S'aes-tisess1arirtS's7r7.'s Magistrate Creasor—l. don't Elgin 2477. . ,. , .' - ,k reported the. Walker trial in a NvaY.. he. following:;----,---,---,,,, - -- -' A nnie TrelfOrd, , Edna ' MeiViulleh); At the PoUrt in Kincardine on Mot- TeestWater .- 1525; ., 1...t.telenow „1524; de.3.s' afternoon, June 11th Alex ,ii Walkerton 1507.; Per's, EV, 10 • 1500. Walker, an alleged' bootlegger;' of • . ,, . , • Iligli Individaals for l',..• E. Truax, *Kincardine ' Townshipr NtmS1, acquitted. trophy and trip'ito -,l'..".N.I..'s;--3,11.rs. A.-. 'hy. Magistrate ' Creasor of Owen 7, 'Ki'S.St.the, ' WAkerisin. h5-1 v points, Sound, on a 'charge of keeping liquor k F.,., ''f'•-•iinx '4).01;hv Permanents :for sale.' When this eake was •' dis-, ,-, also „trip tn C.N.".1.1. .1)y l'Olinty Ess.. missed "Crown .Attorney. Freeborn c' \0, jean Seott, Port Elgin, 547; ,,,,s%ithd.rew the 'charge, again,st Walker tkoh;tisestsse,.Cligsley .5;i:' -is• Marion .of' selling' liquor to :minor's, and. also '.14;.\-41.; T.th'e.s 5'31; ' 'Sirs. , •`Che,ville, .the chargea against deorg,e Grsy and tne.-,16,-;45:,,,f3,,..„ , " ' ' . • 17y88 Geddes,. „who : lived with and • SCnior Medal's' in. each elass.s.L.Nuts work.Od• for iA,r,ancer''' • : . , ,itien.--fitihr Foi.tvne, t:.'hesley;•TIouse . A 'bevy of Ilenee bf6e.er8 gave eolot .:Furn'ilhins;ss , Kathleen McCbrdy. 'o the, , Court scene, the hall being, *Chesley,; 'Clothing, • Auclrev: • Pinkey; filled with over ' 290 spectators. Mr. Walkerton. • . 'vreeborn conducted the* ease for the , . • * Junior , Med als.— Nutriti on --- Jean " Crown; Campbell 9,1•01i, Walkerti?n, - • . - • , .ind il', J. 'McKay,' Owet Sound, fer Scott, „Port Elgios 110us., Pprinsh-• . - , .,. . • , hie's,- Tiuhi .11,Iolleor,'• '11.Ort ..klgin; Walker' . ' . • • ''•. • .t ' . . . • • • • hnior :Erase W. .1. Tro: wbicli. illustrates .the :situation: • It liad • . ;.• , . .. a :11who-4s bootlegging and getting .vitnesaes' to say thingsstaey should- s't 'Fr; diang. a dangerous thine-Soon-- lr or later he will get caught. 'MY' idviee to. yen that if yo a are beot- ',icreinir, fret out of thRt business. vet , wilel''iand, in igil ultimatelY. . If ,6u.. ever come :before 'me again, and'', evidence is sufficient to prove yon l'uiltsa I', Will .sena you to jail." '• --.--Mr.-FreebOrt said that as the same -illnesses Were to be Called' on, the stlier , against .WAllter ,and al- -4-'• against 'George 'Gray and Lynn "1,eddea. in view of the fact, of , the ,Ividenre their had 'given -first be ease, , ease. the other charges Weebi be le" a W(Yrd qq.7! Y°11 have r"34. 1 ivithdrawn. '-heenistraigbt.in year evidence: I like, , 'lie Provincial Polise' en. the case .see a witneSs. after taking -his lath; tell, thetssth. but. yoU are cer-' shinly not telling the :truth in- • nry seititnatiow, Refused to Answer Questions..., Misi• 'Gibbons, 19 years cid. Sbuth, Smpton. had been at Viralker's'•place severals• tiMes. 'Went...with :Miss Sol - slims ,and; Mr. Spears. Had no 'reasor , or going there. They 'We're 'jtiSt ouf "ars-riding:Land dropped in. . Spears .-4(1ggested :going to 'Walker's.• Got there at night. Stayed for Some time. The :second tune they went she didn't iso in the Iteases._„Didn't Want to s stay :4.-lisre..1 She sat iii thecar.; " Magistrate' Crpaseiss-s-Why didn't von (,) ifitia`the house? .‘ Witness --I .didn't'like the leeks of (AdSertiseinent.)..' 'GODERICit George 'ClOuSher„ of ,'SVinp.barli, op.\ isared in pollee 'eou,rt sv eel( 'on 'ar„ without lights,_for ;which 1)e wa,o_ d ayo costs. and, for being ih- :oxieated, `Ort charge. 1c wt laed 826 Pncl. costs; ChltrIes.Ferro, ttivtiAiliii„,*04;.firlett :`,.8,5 f°t ariYing h 0.at without 6 hiaffetir!fl *Mine 'C0nel'h1)(1. af Winceilaim, paid a .fipe o 1.0,4and '10qt's: for reckless „ Died -4n Geslerich.., on, 4turie 0284 Elizabeth" ••"'ate John Atli:, in her Sf.st year. Tile eteii:i 11, d ceniy te .ywro )1 1 oti oe ti h Saturday, Attie. ifitit, to Colborne Provincial Of0ger' Nelsen Was first Clothing., Mary MePherasn,Tess- f• , w— • • • - • • -ailed., Ile_told o, the . raid on• aix-• Wate,,iF.• ,Tenm ' to' , rearosent BrUce Magistratej2You had a good ' deal ,ef sense, Miss Gibbons, kit. tell me, -why didn't you 'go inte the hOuse. With the ' rest • (No answer):. Witneas said •she 'didn't see any- ioad On the ,..essut, . as , css,4,/sp,t;:tp . e,,epses ••''''s home on: tbo'Doirliairi r;„ x;,-irStino, 'ip,a1-1 Scott, ,I.ena .E. v...t1.1). .,,v1,185r, ,1d. • . • bottleo of beer and a part bottle of Vght ' of May 19th ;and finding, 25: oalci: by Connty 1Xetititive—"Mrs. ,A.. .k0,.. Ethel .Alti.r.fin... :,: .: Several people ' Were rn he .ru . Live Stock '. Jud Sing ConniA:tif Ma,. • house with Welker. : While tapping ..T.T.igiii wan.t....i,oi,. ,,,,:,(liti,i..& ,,i„,i,tail, TI,116e. „the:walla in the, pantri Walker.ariie! , .1.11,.(1,t.„.,,i,.w;,,t,00'.1.7....iFi.;,, .Tri,. iki . 4110 to and ' showed „them. a , secret . hiding 0 ,,,hi.iltv . :0.111:04.11 .17.,,,11,1,111!1.1.1 ,.1,11...„0,1 Me- .gontiimeel'ieli;y1i.stinitnhvaintgit.nolth,.nAlf:idaWy:11110: tte.c4,,: nowaisl. NeatotaIlliSSell I•leil pred.ueed. wUsausas liquor, •psrielf,".',•If ' told' one drinkingsst ere; neverany- one she did. -• Mr: .Freeborn—Were ,you' ever ap- nroached by anyone .about this case? /No answer): Di you no cornp ain .,vere. •Constables 'Nelson of Walkers . 'on:: Denten of •Guelph, :CooksmAn Ind Thompson Of• Kitchener; Inspees or Ray of Kitchener:. 'Constables 'Viurray" of Southampton, Travis Port Elgin and Walker of Tiverton. ,yere also present •,-;-•--0 0 FROM :QUIET HOMEY .BOARDING HOUSE TO THE ro, Chief Murray of Soutliamptcin• a- hout .being approached., (regarding , tbis Case? .(No answer). ' .Walkers on the Stand. • „ , . Lawyer McKay asked for dismissal of tthe case: There was no proof in 4 -he evidence that Walker was Selling. liquor . or „keeping it --for sale. The .Magistrate Was not ,sure about one n.oint. Walker had. got a 'supply of .liqubr, and then a number of . cars had called at his place._ . . ''. Alex'. Walker was called. The .tea - son for the cars at his plaCe on the . . . • 12th was that there waS a party there. Ile did not serve:liquor at tfi'e party Ile bought the liquor on . a Milskoka Lakes. ' 1 .Oerant. The party was given in ' - ,ososo'ss..,_„, ., .1,t Was arranged 'by 'Lynn Geddes and „ . SCHOOL rt—EPORT, henor of Mr,. and iitirs.,George Gray. himself. There, Were about 25 or 30 S. S. No. 4. ,Ilitiloss, 'Month 'of May. . . guests present. His cars went. dowll• Sr. IV: T. 100. 'IL, 975. P. 780.— spa bites:gm some of the people and L. Johnston 874; Ils Ceogram 625. ' GAY RENDEZVOUS OF • *EAL'riti_. AM). :PAIlt0N Whether. you enjoy a .restful heti- , day at a quiet boarding. honae Or all - _ . the gayety. and. sport of a fashion- ... shle hotel, Muskoka Lakea will. sur- pass .your fondest expectations. of an • . • , ideal'. Summering place. . Muskoka Lakes are noted the con- • tinents Over as one of ,the coolest, meetiieleadifol, healthful and happy Sumner playgrounds in the:Whole of • 1‘ Summer hotels provide for - every 'type of apert. Swi ming, boating, tramping, ten- nis, golf. and bowling are but a fe*, of the pleasures that Make. a holiday spent in UuskOka never. to be fOrgot-. ten, Muskoka is the vacation land for those ho have only ei brief holiday.. , It is Only is ;few hours train journey 'from Toronto. ' Canadian NatiOnal, PrOVidea such y excellent Srtfice that Von may enjoy its delights and ' re- turn to work With fresh, energy.and ' enjoyment—all within' the space of a - few days. . • . , Any Cairdian National • Railways. Agent will gladly. give yot fall ip- tormation (includitig. hotel rat' a) and literature on the various 'resctrU. of Tr win. Vanc6.I•f, S .dupliCate; such aasecured;Nthen 3o8a;; ot1.0.1i•i7.1';f360.;, Pore , the original is. fined or lot. "There. '1810; TeeSWitter )0'31, Paisley • 3021: '''.,a,S enough( room inside the, "hide's' "Iii141.1- Individuals VIA' trio to ,Iloyal for fifty eases of tvhiskey. Wh't'T 14'', Y (10"1'rY .1";):;Vilt,-„Iv°— . On cress 'exp.:satiation Constable Nornisin Schmidt, Mild)31ay, ii91.;• FI L Nelson eaid. that gine tben lie had .. 'it!, ,Shern1011-.1'curt, S:70 ; "I•tu,s,ell mi:'-' learned Walker had ortlPtliv.ed a1 that lice, Ta1h'4862.: WM, Andrew,' Luck...! ',Ouse since .lanutity.. Was absolutely 8R3oib;t.Ceoil .Johittton.- tu,cknoWt oet.a.in.W.olker saht he "iised the hide ee,•. • ,r StiT),4-( 0TAdays " '8111* Oflieer, Penton correhor..„ et c iaos, Port 1'1083,}Toward' nte•.:Nelsen'S. evidence, arid Was also , . Cl1 _ TP '41; sez,nfIrr, Iker made thestat mem "t'..allrtitrin“)..1 6.44, for. this ' Junior- • Teritrer en i1ht hy nibt "" 'Schriri des' ; ,i-harrn• :of rugono.,:5..lifIll'11', Vogen AlphoilAisShntid Of Mild:navy 22P,3. Nritl'.114111, Slchiridt ramify T.."',,x1v.oltive trip' . to ...:llayriL.. 14.1.d5411,.1107t t'et,at bs 1i ed' 'N.Tartin'I,12R1.; 1 ip n Si+ermati , .22401. lloWard i43)'8 t3))1 2219-1". '..Wilfred 218;l; D'on S'1iWflq 21(3 1'rot-Alio:4 in1 riedals.for todividual •blasses iterses r secrarding lisirig the iide in .0.T.A. hys # • . • A Stream of earti. .p ov otisthb1 Oooksmanto cq, Iceoirig Wallter's house under ..ob. servation, for setieralinights, ;On May 1,th between 9 rt.M, and 2 ant. 16 tars went Into Walker's place ahd Pi .gaVO,the ecnit.tiite of eatg..-,,,00ming Ant .goi,ng...;,„ At ',11A6 , . 1. mit came out that had to lights* it ;which Were and ,Wotien. . 'Thelt t.ere s*eating, and .talking loud and had A bard job to keep the oar, on the .took them' home. That acceunted for 1 ar, lvs T. goo, .H. 1.50. I'. 120,-; the0 lac'.e!r .,ispgdoiannandngotihe,tveati;tntt there ere ahries t.s13urt52, r.,11.11i,ri,' ET 3.:694.11.Hotnis2i27 p(absi8T.) ...... , so, rnam; Cara' Come to' my "place," L. 'Johnston 195; B. CasSidy ,132*.;„ ._ C. *. Said Walker, Is' that in this -district CongrainT:104; RBroome (ab..: I am .regarded as an authority itiosebduy0aras.useW4 h:ani. ethnyesrbotlryinl; ..igteize. R...,TI,A..kletirt,t,,2/3.40sa.,,, !3ilii,rt22451.1!".1L1.180%.,ri, . " 4-o rue ,to see "what' i wrong 'nth , it. . ston 1,98; E. \rated 178.. Tlii,1 statement 'of Walker's brought Class II: T. 200. H. 150. P. 120.-- strolonged laughter from the spectas 1: s: . . rivisf.lwistr.,ate ,creatar_you au, il t 13.,1C;a jsrdByr01451e; Tisao ,rt,urt 141; C.. Robb to tv.rwritelliabker.7,eakTha,v,e ,writt4,11 4one 1 t. ° 0:i:erkee.:1:0414Ta. arranged i P:dero 00.rs-Johtit CrO Mr. Freeborn Walker Di iterison ' 'Frank merit—Ktnneti e 614 Bolt, AtinieMae Ctlrrigap, Bassil)a Cagaidy. Jr 'l'i Lionel„tolinitoni Orvilte .F,thett,:sobble„.aurtri.411.cquat4_Eddie , CasOdy, Chester ,Rabb, David 1.101i8-; 011. ; No.ti roll 128,, :Av.. att., 21 a. she -4;R— 'biteo.de • ••••• wife -sandmg .bet atikay lie-t."Yes, God knevis need one. A. . mong the hooks with tihi,?91).' endingit are check bOOltS, ..,hadsliVedsiss-eliincarding town and in Southampton. „Ild had not werked in either. places. Ile viais premotipg •a real* gState company, with ,beadeMer- tors at TorontO- and went to that city three' or fOur days "a week;'tr tore/ten Ahliis health -would peritit, Had been Promoting this oompany fOr last We years. Oxpedted the charter to f 4' Ig granted 'inn few sas e used te dividge the, Milne of the companf is the, elititter-bad nett Yet Veen isshad. 4teenedirtg '-the niiie road. JUstse4 the reOpie pert 'Odor, tld not`stly'to the police that lie had, aged it in .clays, but that it: bad probably bsen used