HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-06-21, Page 5Fli()N I)
Winf Martisi-SsnOUr.lj,6% Pure laSide ard Outaide, Paipt.1
SOnour'a PO int. ;
Wood-laj, ..for yiors, Woodwork and„Fernitare.
• ..
Itogers' Ilruslt:ng '1.,4,!per; tor. 1?leist3,. or .Furaiture, dries ,
in 30 iniliutes; • .`•
'Muresso,ter.:WallS and k'elling,.dgeoration.
Deco and Ea solos , for • repainting the cars
• Full S.tock, bf Paint and LaCquel:. Brushes.
Rakes, tioeS, C'ultiya's,er,i and 10 e1,
'JUST arloa a of Coil Spring Wire, Barb, "VVire
St. Marys U.ement veys.on 111 Id
Gyproc, Peristone an
, •
ELE:c71" RIC WASI1Elt,. Coinnlete with
t'rite* Water* Heater built' in to the tut's. . It boils; washes and.
wrings ths+ c.othess will pay ssni to see this maelinie before-
-purchaing. '
Phone -6
Hardware Coal
Premier Ferguson • has. PrepOpece
abolish the present B4Oardsgtf,School
1"1ustees and eptablistisin )1'113.4, tI
..;e0wfiship 'School ''..I3o0r4,* •;who have
urisdiction over -.ail the $,choOlsS,ee-
tions th
teachers,' 'transact all 'the bnUi.0esr
and ' levy the taxes. over ,the Whole'
..sis-nhin to meet the expenditutas ;
Plumbing TinsMiihing •
Lucknow . Wit;:ghain .
Phone 74 Prione z56
Nontimplit41 Works;
. ,
LutA.I...vow tealt wimaiAg:
, .
Ilitie the:largest and . Mos t Com piete•
' stotk, im...,ilw--Mostlyeautiful-7tiesigris---
to „choose from, in ' ,•,
"Marbre„; Scotch,•.'SwediSh" and 61.1-
•14;azi Granites ,
' We make a :specialty of Family
Monuments and .111.1i4 your inspec-
tion. • . : • ,
;inscriptions :Neritly, C,arettilly and
Promptly Done:-- r1
See"rie' beforp" itilteing your order.
0 uglis et.
11. A. Spottert
• ' 1,1orkrirtW, Ont. '
The World, is `,!Y'oer OySter. Don't
hurt ,yeuself opening it
.::Burning yOur bridgq 'behind yeti
isn't so bad if YOu can Swim.
a e is
now City
• Beanie' the irrithense change
in. conditionsin just a few
years — that the telephone
• has:helped briag about
The Store in the 'smaller
town now . carries pretty
ranch the sarne---uP-to-date:-
styles as the big city store.• •
'rhanks' to Long Distance, :
IVranufacturers' or, Whole-
salers' warehouses are prac-
tically at the storekeeper's •
' elbow. :The time required
to telephone.", an order by
Long Distance :IS new only
a; few minutea; aonneetione '
• are. now 'offet Made at !Ince,
without.", hanging N thli
l'itceilter: •
And the .cot of t.otg.
tance rtesstigeS
it \often quite a little less
than is generallr'suppesed.-
Call up our". Manager and
oak him ,the rate to points
yoU are intereStedip.
• Thig' bilf Cannet' .verY 'peppier,'
is it has been fUtresineed thiee ',times
and eaeh-titne it .110.4 been witliarAWn.
Mk; Ferguson because he
lot get his own:: SUfIp9rtera t9 yAte
.fo it..ith• • 1-
lisjytp School Board: are not
issiyablesliesause;--s,: •.• .;,.
centralisktion oy
.gcw:errop9iit sinstead Of .self,' govera-.
:nett for .each 'Schad + seetions, • • t•
Second -4n many townships there
are nine or ten acheol sections, A
'school board of pine or, ten trustees
..voaid be much ,t0e, 1arge, and if
.here were less in namber sorne
sabot'', • seetietis would have no repre-
4:lit:two!' on the Board., ' • •
Third—No • •representation might
very injurious •to a school s6etion
:is men ontsicle of it might not quite
AA.Ol'eciate, the local •situations
Fourth -L -N °thing; ',cornea as ' 'Close '
home. to 'people as. the education of
'Lneir children.., This is soinething,
. they ought to be. very jealous of,.li
a 'local' Board 'et. Trastees is siot pro--
iding the school with a ,g,cod, teaChey
seople can come out to -thessInnearl
Adheel meeting Rad .baye thematter.
threshed Out :and .elect new trukiteeS',,
nit it would be .a much more difficult
natter for parents to..' tryto cam- .
oaign -over a whole township to get .
,iew, trustees elected,
• Fifth -There ,are a go0•1•111aaY s10-.
• a:istic problems inconneetiOn with
't Public Sshool" fhd.t. can !le more daSs
ily, settled at a meeting; pr: lasai tiu
teesthan by,ihaVing to go to a town-
shipr eeting to lets* them aired.
Sixth—Every public scheol a
. eparsSe entity. It As an tit sanizatith,.
by itself ,arid. having, , a' Boards. of
sisinent in its very heat sense. There
Lire ...ape,eicif problems abeUt, the Ulla: -
ng• .of. a •school and engaging sots as
'teacher ,t1lat belong to the, people.
who pay for the building . and, the
.teacher's'ialary. • •• '. 7
Seventh—It ,svoala he Well- nigh -
impossible, ,to. have anifnarn,arrange-.
hent ter all schisel buildings,sthe 1.e-,
suit Of Which. would .be, disaatisfaS,.
tion.' • ' . • .
,•Eiglith:-.-It is sometimes Urged.that
•in the case of 'a to-wnship heard you
would gOt a better -class of trustees.
'As n -rule one of the, beat men in the
leighborhoed is ••Seeretary-Treassirer.
of the :School' Sedton sand cfiVC
.3xce1lent 'public service sfer little or
io reninneratien. , • ,
NiathConsolidated. Shoals hay's,
teen, with a .few exceptions" a fail.-
_ ,..
"-sre, and Premier Ferguson hasbeen
careful' to -:state • that this township:.
board system does not mean. consoli-
dated *schools; but as a matter of fact :•
:t would drift that way as. the board
:vo•Old have power to ,elose One or twe
s•beo's and convey the pupils to an-
AlslIFIE LI) UN 11'ED CI•1
, . • .
.A. goodly :c'empany gathered for
•Shat Was .to haVe been a verandah'
Ilnekettsisengue' • On
-;flystradgy. evening last; •at the .hOme •
'Of Mr. and Mr.s.',Jas:t1lagkett. But, as.
th,e night was quite chilly,,
;ton vf host and hostesS',the
.was held indoors. And a good Meet-
.ng, it Was:, Loth .prefitsibla awl: pleas-
Tit u 08,48
.1.st, 190; '
JUIDPING COMPV,TITIGN • Trophy—Reht. Scott, , Port
,, •t U.4.1:NOAN,• ,11.1r1i1 1,2th't 14:,seef Ereederv traPhY—,'
•-Russell ,,i,feEee; Tara,. wins permans
16.tituto, Dair lsastiessifedal-s.larri.
. titionss-$6 .Boys ortio14.0 Live Stock 111cgan; Mild.May; Sheep' and'Swine—.
••• ' , • • WalitertOn •trophy7iFied.
(Britee',;Reproseiltatlye'a: Report) McQuillin,ttleknek,Vs • " • „ '
VneXdelleit trophies • and medals-,--Ilors...
iefg of eepteStants and eXeeptietAlly .Ige4ean,•' trephy-Ts.Morris
!seep ,and d�s altinnietitien eorishined. son Eltis,W/4er011;.' Aeq.
te. make. Briices CoahtY"s, Sixth Mann- WcIPI• Wrn t.1,41drOilr, 7411414°W.;::
PPMPOtitioji: • E.14iY,-"Cattle-,:74e4,01,--LAiornes.-"Pyortsi
DO. At Luckile* Jun 12th, :''Sheel3174404.1.-4/4': .8°44.
# •
of the Outatandiag Junair events, ot ,Port • ,Elgin; ,SySine-s-iledal--We
the Province for. this ye:Err, ,..' .§42,011A-141.1.C1CtiOW,:'.:',::: .,
Walkerton . .Junior.;, An'stituto;• team - • The trephiei.'aild roo.dft'4 WOrglk*C-
•' Ikesstots E ' an . sol5ted.te the wino rs at the'4anCe in ,
Drilry, trophy •,ffir.biIti, "ieain , in the t 0 evening., r., ,. A-r-itair
ii.on, y‘...,4b, gii96 .;p,ointr,..'hoing.. only 4 •stishhle in the- Eruto County ;;.fionie
-„ieintsahead'W• ,he• thale;;T-.'.g.' irii,' in Plobghing "'Coinnetitioni. *kg - :also.
, „ .
ait.- and Mrs: Ilackett and. '
1.red served: a.16v,ely. treat, at the clo,,•
Ji the;little, sOeial tin,e that..follovireds
..sianey BroWfl. and iSlefville flackett.
moved:and secooded.in
vete. , thanks to •the" ,inist sand
' 10 (1 com palsies . gathered. .at
Ail Aurelius on SUnday .last, , ant)
, . .
sarticusarly se" tit' Blake.. There were
sinink. other ' :attraCtiong elsp,where.
.111 JC. :U.!: children reeelyed'the rite.
sirs. Stotheras after an absence in'
. . . •
the west, and • elSewhere for some
Sgliteen menths, vins:sitesent. at. the
al a ke.,
'c 'o She , Cordial') y
ssreetca4 by nAstor eongregaticin.
Ii Glen alaci broirght a mr.lead Of
v,ititors'..from• Detroit to eliiirch,*ith
• . • . .
ticilsobo4.1,.:80onse tr.PPIV,. for best ploughing.
second ,Plage; Mrs:, A,. G. Rirstineet Presented to Wilford IngliS Of•Walle.
Walkerton. Was. also : high 6Vt9n, and the Challenge' junior
in the ceinpetitien Wi 554 'points Farmers' Baseball trophy to . the
out Of a posaiblp The 'Tara: girls Teeswater Association. •
• c'en,. the :jUntor teams troph,y with Ten clas'ses of .live Steck . were
Tesswater second. ;ridged; 0tVP •being assembled. at the
• Tara 'Won: the tenn, . trophy for, the.. 7aledOpian Park, Lueknow, four at,
tAye StOck Jiidgiag .Contf.itt. which j: B. Rntherford'ssfarin, at:crone:
naeine-s ard relsOn- Were taleti st' F•Todds farm. 'ThroUgh the
1.!0 'classes of... ' LucknoW vholehearted. cci-operation of , fecal
• .
"earrk., waS second ,,with' • Walkerton; breeders, the:, following • eplendid•
t •
the influence. of liquor, gave the
list.of a number of cars that bad
gene in and. out •pf Walker's on the
and; 18th. '• •
• ,
Conetable Tinimpson .correlis
'orate& the', eviderier..'7,of Oonstable;
'O.00ksrhan, hikving • iceilit..'AN*01 with:
•1Mky 'SiMtharopt0iii19;
leers:Old; WAS the 'aekt,, Witness.' She
:had:been to Walker's, four times. this.
• :spring.. Went with her friend,,
Spear. They Went:to...See *Ifs. Geo.'
Gray, lived .at Walkjeir, Never
saw any liquor' sofa •or Atandled‘ in
Willicer!s 'house. TO ,the. Magistrate
Iw 'aid SPear.'had..nothing' to drink
there as- far as, : •
. .
..:A HOAile.""Witnesiti,"'
-Mtirdoeh..S.tewailt:of' loucknow. Who
• Works in. ICincardines tads': the , stand
, iext Ile: was at Walker's, a et:intik:of
'three, the. past .fevit: Months." Didn't
`criees• how many ,tirnes—might haye
'men. fenr, Or six times.. Mr. Free .
'tern: remarked. to the . magistrate
'hat this was. evidentlY, a hostile; wit-
ness, to Which the, Megigtrate '"ON.ped „
The 'lawyer ,had 'difficultY in7.g4ttinr.
...traight .answers from Stewart. •The
sitheis. said he went to Walker's ir
evening and ',. in the. daytinie.
krchie, "Sinclair went with him.' Did..
t't know 'Walker ,verv- well. Walker,
•vhs not a friend of hie. Saw Walker
sstshissh.ome.-Just-yent to Walk
it's far !fors never got any liquor
WalkerYS' Or tnever Saw .. anyone
:sprehase there. . 'When Mr
roreehern asked Stewort if ),Ie' bad nol
'';rrned3 t; st;iternent ]fo officers
had Won ..five soosecutive 21.asscs Avere provided: • Clydesdale
, , . ,
.NormanSals midt-of• kgar_.,'_*11eaVY. Draft horses by. Neil
:ligh•man of the canipetition and also.
..oac he'd the vionhip,.'•Sunior team: El-
a. Sheritien end Rtissell/ 'McKee of
Tara.. :Were respetiVelyi."ieconcl and
.111Ardsbipli;:sh: ;C:ftisa. "sasse • a. ral a selies
• . • . • • •
tiled :Pruce-Lensee .1.1seh8ll game
.between Lpcknow.. and ''Palleys. last
I/ear's ochan:,pion, f.:atured :the ,a'fter-
wevions competit.iwis, 'placO, :mires. by Ackert Bros,. and ,:Jame•s,
. noon.• sports;. while 1,n • the evening
>ver '300 •I`Yeople etLeaded :the dense
Catephell 'and_ Ernest , Gs.tint; Shert
"lam eows and:Oxford', sheep by .L
31ithe'rfard; .Angus heifers by .F.
Tedd; HolSt.ein heifers by. . Ewart
l'aylor; jerseys by James Alten
Robt.. Durnm, Geo. Androw ,,and T.
..',V.' Rdd;.LeieeSter sheep by J. Mc.
. luillin; - Yorkshire sows and finished
'-aeen hogs by, Win.:Hendersen:
. , ' ta.:•...-,e-o-o•-r-r-
ro-x.etc.st-siN.'=pive6 'or:iv,:,s-tya. , r- ---- .---..-- , .-.: ----,--
oi, whit,‘",i,, niu:.,ic wog liVON 1(10d .I3Y the
, 'The • HouSehOld S, icsie.: (:.:.onpeti., • ^ • ' ' ' -777 . .4. '
. • • ..
w as . Mille, ist,h e _diliesti on ofsMiss ,-- . • ' . • •
• Sviderice that _ Was'', Coniicallagis-
irate Didn't BelieVe It, But;
. 7-.' Bambild:cre f 1). 't' i , ' t ;1 'h
,, , o t• :to's „ssis s( y
'limbs and 'Mrs: .Shbres ski.' ,Dandas. Couldn't ',.COnvict;
:\li-is Shortrecd, of•duelPh, iniss ale -
For '•tli'e --
t--1;Stocks ,I.M1:sing Connie:, . A.I.O.e,..shtsssitich Alex.T. Walker of.
'days. Ile neverlic114°r °r. kept'
it for Bak: •
Witnesses Backed Backed Down
Mr., Freeborn in addressing the
-,e0titts sdid he :could only appeal. • to
the .'yna/tiatrate for a %conviction
the grounds of Oat the•evidet'Wwatt
•Vvorth. P*, Witn0Piles had gone back
, ,
on the *previotis statementa they had
;made and it was these statements
that the :coMPlains were •
. Magistrate CieasorSaid he h"td,"sat
• at.t, eases time and ,agaits where :the
same.thing had occurred. •It is a pe-
culiar thing that in liquor eases .the
witnesses, g� back : their previous
Statements.' "Don't 'think ;} have any
.iltd.sloCal.Represehtatises in. charge, dine' Towns Was charged'.with':hoot,,
?la:d,toasSiSt with ;,aricus claSsds was tried at .on
'::Sepresent'stiSta of' 'Alto Departinent lith.srAs','Walkers was thought
Aesricuitire as.....folloWs:s.messrs• be an old and tfrequitot Offender,
:.;o0per .and • Smith, of :SI:Irk-dale, 'case ',excited much interest, es-
'pss of Arthur; -.4 el; 4: Gf., 'Clinton '-seeially: by those ''who want • to aee.
.ftelli ono of. '•ho slaw enforced,
, Tenth—It is true that there •arsi
• zOnie sbhool seetieisa.stith very:small
ittend mice, • but f desi red • there
loth ing' to ' hinder the TroStee Board
"of that section :closing the, 5011061,
to the nearest'
• Ichool. arid paying th'ere fat. their -tin-%
•Idon. This plan is.,.not very often ad.:
and.more•thari the :fin•mation
:t•ionsoliciated, schoolg,Sbet it 'eats he
Cone, and the .tnos,t satiefac.tery. part
if it is •that it will bectohe by fin,
icluidl section affectedby the change,
•and. not by .any outside authority.
' • .Eleve.ntia-People priSe • all the.
rights', of self geverrmsciis they now
• poSsessi and, e-SetY el -tort te centralize
iciwor, and authosityl'iS.to'take: it out.
the peo.ple'a bands.; Thfo- rn
demand' from the. people for.. this
-hange, :rite dennindo conic fl.•04.4
sfficialakin aof the provfnce..nef
.be elegtors,' Which .in Should.
'sendemii it. .• •; ., • ••
, .Twelfth—This. :whole snovenigrit is
'an effort .ou the -part of offieials.. to
. get control , et, the public' schools out
t the hands .of the School .Sectiona
md :Vest it in a central that ;Inv-.
hone- will be mores aniebable to their.
••influence.. , s, • " • •
•Thirteentli:-2The soridinit'• of Ont'
'.•,arie's' public schools 'has been very.
' •,atiSfactory under the control of . the
ieople t,henmelves. There is' no. break
131 this Syatem. 10ea1 gevorn-
: lent. Thes:new SYstem of Toarnaltiri
36ords is 'one that helms imposed
tn the people. not a reform ithat the,
leople are. rising up and demanding„
it is • Alleged'
'that: the .sygteni ;Of 'Townsliin 13oarcl.•
working satiafiniterily. in the
(1 States, it prettyssafe to say tIvii
")ntario's rtsrel ssitoola will, compere
favorably with tialso Of nuy:
tate aeross the line; and it:AS also -
'roe that there. doessnet S'eeni to 1)0
.tviT 8)0(1 rush in the:United • States to
dopt:the systerh la a very genera).
.A vote for McCallum. 14 'a, vet,e
aipst Township Sehool Boards. '
Next . Sunday is to. mark the ecca.,..
' ‘of',.a Atanclard COmninnity Sun-.
S.1101 and -Service for . Public
ihip:it the .Zion • Chnissif. There
iJI collo:16116e :pi:ineptly, et and 11
111 Allefainilies are :urged to.
present and •,tnalce the oceasien Ille111;-
e and noiciue. Visitota .are Cor-
dially 'invited,
• "
A ,Word stetild be ,said 'these
;es sometimes about 114. ekcellent
hospitality of . the Ashfienl. Church'
peoPlc .to the :pastor arid family, .and
) isi Ling ministers from • time to
:The parsoinise• being sO ' far
away 'frein :•the churches and or-
. , • ., •
r Services as they are, makes
neeessary so:often ..:for meals to he:
•.,1•".011. away frpm bottle en the; .
-tiv day. No ',Sunday, pagsea hist
13 numerous kind, inVitathirt are
"Ali. and `,M.I.S.::Jas. *Web,
Enid Mr:'. and Mrs..C.yril Caton,
'bell did .the heinors of "entertainment
'last Stmaay.,
The pastor is..68 the pi.egrantric'of
Martin Pregbytery on Thritsti
cf this week, ineetitig „at Grend liood
to give the 4 deVOtion47 address for
.clo,Y on the topic, "That virtue,
10 supply of,*hichSelsions. exceeds
the depiand.!)• ,
The. Itackett'Shed. extensien is rap-,
'41v Tole 'idcPdld ('O
•Were.,,yisla„On Tharoday Ai,C1 Fyiday
, won':;c, Tbo
°he ottofilion frained 'arid 8(011
1,10 poa. 1)0 11(11)! in— It looks
..vbrY fine Shed is to be the oht-'
,onie, withlots -of, room ;and, comfort-
able The winter. accoMoaation
11Wft.YS. erixtpPed, eSpe-
ially Imeciat 'oceasions. One ad.,
1,1(..nt osearrect flint liave:hten
_rata.. Piero. .,-'serio011._r.h.er,!_.
811 o'e
ePt .thd post -at
,iwtP11 And Struelt, Walter Alton :WW1
(010 ftn.'C.e the' forehead', by whhth'
be sustained' ve3y. riaSty and deep
14e was rushed ti:to dootor,
Vibo. Stitched up -the MouiSti •
11)11 :• Toait: and sianaing sand • .The trial, however, proved to • .be
. , •
.rophy •wiiin erg,. .is eie s .10 llows soinething of a "fizzle, owing to
. • Household • Jud,t,iiig. ••••
lumber -of the 'crovvn witnesses, when
I;, the. witness box, going back on
+Competition. ,
• TeamsssWalkerism.. Egg' et: ,vritteri statements they hadmada,
palsy:7'1'T '15; al Sefton 2566 T:fie incident' -forcefully illustrates'.
• (Mts. O.' r n e, °trip.- the diffignIty, which the:. authorities
on , 'A•d Pin k • al; v eneounter enforcing the .laW when
snit Gm trade Cliegley 'sefenee lawyers. an ,witnegses stop
. ,
)547.; 5.th, IstieknoW 6tb; ;Port • the, •Kineardine 'Revie4z..-itepOrter
?5,12.,-31'd, Tara .2557. 4th, oeswater 'nothing. •
regard Walker" said the Mag -
rate., haven't dOri4 think mug
hira: at• all. ,But• must try .thO
sa'se' on:. the , evidence ,submitted.
Walker hadn't bought enough liquor'
on his permit to, warrant it' eoniric-
`ion for selling. There is no direct 2
eVidence of his Iceeping for sale. Case
's dismissed." • '
• Walker- is Warped. •
. , •
, Magistrate ..Crcasor called Walker' .
o the stand, "I jailge from what has
slime out and from what I hear that
fret, are regarded as . a bootlegger
-here:, -It .seems to Me `that as you
have yoUng girls itsyOur house it
ht Mean soinething else, too; 'A •
' c.aWyer MsKav ohieeted. The 1!44gir
"-rti.e. ruled that the • 9.1,qt.ionis ye-
'YardingLstntetrients_eauld Jiot.__.h.e
'-ered as evidence,
To the Magitsate SteiVa'rt :said be
lidn't know why. he went to:Waliter's
'toose. jest wetit„ out there for fun
went- out- tscr-S'aes-tisess1arirtS's7r7.'s
Magistrate Creasor—l. don't
Elgin 2477. . ,. , .' - ,k reported the. Walker trial in a NvaY..
he. following:;----,---,---,,,, - -- -'
A nnie TrelfOrd, , Edna ' MeiViulleh); At the PoUrt in Kincardine on Mot-
TeestWater .- 1525; ., 1...t.telenow „1524; de.3.s' afternoon, June 11th Alex ,ii
Walkerton 1507.; Per's, EV, 10 • 1500. Walker, an alleged' bootlegger;' of
• . ,, . , •
Iligli Individaals for l',..• E. Truax, *Kincardine ' Townshipr NtmS1, acquitted.
trophy and trip'ito -,l'..".N.I..'s;--3,11.rs. A.-. 'hy. Magistrate ' Creasor of Owen
7, 'Ki'S.St.the, ' WAkerisin. h5-1 v points, Sound, on a 'charge of keeping liquor
k F.,., ''f'•-•iinx '4).01;hv Permanents :for sale.' When this eake was •' dis-,
,-, also „trip tn C.N.".1.1. .1)y l'Olinty Ess.. missed "Crown .Attorney. Freeborn
c' \0, jean Seott, Port Elgin, 547; ,,,,s%ithd.rew the 'charge, again,st Walker
tkoh;tisestsse,.Cligsley .5;i:' -is• Marion .of' selling' liquor to :minor's, and. also
'.14;.\-41.; T.th'e.s 5'31; ' 'Sirs. , •`Che,ville, .the chargea against deorg,e Grsy and
tne.-,16,-;45:,,,f3,,..„ , " ' ' . • 17y88 Geddes,. „who : lived with and
• SCnior Medal's' in. each elass.s.L.Nuts work.Od• for iA,r,ancer''' • : . ,
,itien.--fitihr Foi.tvne, t:.'hesley;•TIouse . A 'bevy of Ilenee bf6e.er8 gave eolot
.:Furn'ilhins;ss , Kathleen McCbrdy. 'o the, , Court scene, the hall being,
*Chesley,; 'Clothing, • Auclrev: • Pinkey; filled with over ' 290 spectators. Mr.
Walkerton. • . 'vreeborn conducted the* ease for the
, .
• * Junior , Med als.— Nutriti on --- Jean " Crown; Campbell 9,1•01i, Walkerti?n,
- • . - • , .ind il', J. 'McKay,' Owet Sound, fer
Scott, „Port Elgios 110us., Pprinsh-• . - , .,. . • ,
hie's,- Tiuhi .11,Iolleor,'• '11.Ort ..klgin; Walker' . ' . • • ''•. • .t '
. . . • • •
• hnior :Erase W. .1. Tro: wbicli. illustrates .the :situation: • It liad
• . ;.• , .
.. a
:11who-4s bootlegging and getting
.vitnesaes' to say thingsstaey should-
s't 'Fr; diang. a dangerous thine-Soon--
lr or later he will get caught. 'MY'
idviee to. yen that if yo a are beot-
',icreinir, fret out of thRt business.
vet , wilel''iand, in igil ultimatelY. . If
,6u.. ever come :before 'me again, and'',
evidence is sufficient to prove yon
l'uiltsa I', Will .sena you to jail." '•
--.--Mr.-FreebOrt said that as the same
-illnesses Were to be Called' on, the
stlier , against .WAllter ,and al-
-4-'• against 'George 'Gray and Lynn
"1,eddea. in view of the fact, of , the
,Ividenre their had 'given -first
be ease,
, ease. the other charges Weebi be
le" a W(Yrd qq.7! Y°11 have r"34. 1 ivithdrawn.
'-heenistraigbt.in year evidence: I like, ,
'lie Provincial Polise' en. the case
.see a witneSs. after taking -his
lath; tell, thetssth. but. yoU are cer-'
shinly not telling the :truth in- • nry
Refused to Answer Questions...,
Misi• 'Gibbons, 19 years cid. Sbuth,
Smpton. had been at Viralker's'•place
severals• tiMes. 'Went...with :Miss Sol -
slims ,and; Mr. Spears. Had no 'reasor
or going there. They 'We're 'jtiSt ouf
"ars-riding:Land dropped in. . Spears
.-4(1ggested :going to 'Walker's.• Got
there at night. Stayed for Some time.
The :second tune they went she didn't
iso in the Iteases._„Didn't Want to s stay
:4.-lisre..1 She sat iii thecar.; "
Magistrate' Crpaseiss-s-Why didn't
von (,) ifitia`the house?
Witness --I .didn't'like the leeks of
George 'ClOuSher„ of ,'SVinp.barli, op.\
isared in pollee 'eou,rt sv eel( 'on
'ar„ without lights,_for ;which 1)e wa,o_
d ayo costs. and, for being ih-
:oxieated, `Ort charge. 1c wt
laed 826 Pncl. costs; ChltrIes.Ferro,
ttivtiAiliii„,*04;.firlett :`,.8,5
f°t ariYing h 0.at without 6
hiaffetir!fl *Mine 'C0nel'h1)(1.
af Winceilaim, paid a .fipe o 1.0,4and
'10qt's: for reckless „
Died -4n Geslerich.., on, 4turie
0284 Elizabeth"
••"'ate John Atli:, in her Sf.st year. Tile
eteii:i 11, d
ceniy te .ywro )1 1 oti oe ti
Saturday, Attie. ifitit, to Colborne
Provincial Of0ger' Nelsen Was first
Clothing., Mary MePherasn,Tess- f• , w—
• • • - • • -ailed., Ile_told o, the . raid on• aix-•
Wate,,iF.• ,Tenm ' to' , rearosent BrUce
Magistratej2You had a good ' deal
,ef sense, Miss Gibbons, kit. tell me,
-why didn't you 'go inte the hOuse.
With the ' rest • (No answer):.
Witneas said •she 'didn't see any-
ioad On the
,..essut, . as , css,4,/sp,t;:tp
. e,,epses ••''''s home on: tbo'Doirliairi
r;„ x;,-irStino, 'ip,a1-1 Scott, ,I.ena .E. v...t1.1). .,,v1,185r,
• . • bottleo of beer and a part bottle of
Vght ' of May 19th ;and finding, 25:
oalci: by Connty 1Xetititive—"Mrs. ,A..
.k0,.. Ethel .Alti.r.fin... :,: .: Several people ' Were rn he
. Live Stock '. Jud Sing ConniA:tif Ma,. • house with Welker. : While tapping
..T.T.igiii wan.t....i,oi,. ,,,,:,(liti,i..& ,,i„,i,tail, TI,116e. „the:walla in the, pantri Walker.ariie!
, .1.11,.(1,t.„.,,i,.w;,,t,00'.1.7....iFi.;,, .Tri,. iki . 4110 to and ' showed „them. a , secret . hiding
,,,hi.iltv . :0.111:04.11 .17.,,,11,1,111!1.1.1 ,.1,11...„0,1 Me-
tte.c4,,: nowaisl. NeatotaIlliSSell I•leil pred.ueed. wUsausas liquor, •psrielf,".',•If
' told'
one drinkingsst ere; neverany-
one she did. -•
Mr: .Freeborn—Were ,you' ever ap-
nroached by anyone .about this case?
/No answer): Di you no cornp ain
.,vere. •Constables 'Nelson of Walkers .
'on:: Denten of •Guelph, :CooksmAn
Ind Thompson Of• Kitchener; Inspees
or Ray of Kitchener:. 'Constables
'Viurray" of Southampton, Travis
Port Elgin and Walker of Tiverton.
,yere also present
•,-;-•--0 0
ro, Chief Murray of Soutliamptcin• a-
hout .being approached., (regarding
tbis Case? .(No answer).
' .Walkers on the Stand. • „ ,
. Lawyer McKay asked for dismissal
of tthe case: There was no proof in
4 -he evidence that Walker was Selling.
liquor . or „keeping it --for sale. The
.Magistrate Was not ,sure about one
n.oint. Walker had. got a 'supply of
.liqubr, and then a number of . cars
had called at his place._ . .
''. Alex'. Walker was called. The .tea -
son for the cars at his plaCe on the .
. . •
12th was that there waS a party
there. Ile did not serve:liquor at tfi'e
party Ile bought the liquor on . a Milskoka Lakes. '
.Oerant. The party was given in ' - ,ososo'ss..,_„,
.1,t Was arranged 'by 'Lynn Geddes and „ . SCHOOL
henor of Mr,. and iitirs.,George Gray.
himself. There, Were about 25 or 30 S. S. No. 4. ,Ilitiloss, 'Month 'of May. . .
guests present. His cars went. dowll• Sr. IV: T. 100. 'IL, 975. P. 780.—
spa bites:gm some of the people and L. Johnston 874; Ils Ceogram 625. '
*EAL'riti_. AM). :PAIlt0N
Whether. you enjoy a .restful heti- ,
day at a quiet boarding. honae Or all
- _ .
the gayety. and. sport of a fashion- ...
shle hotel, Muskoka Lakea will. sur-
pass .your fondest expectations. of an •
. • ,
ideal'. Summering place. .
Muskoka Lakes are noted the con- •
tinents Over as one of ,the coolest,
meetiieleadifol, healthful and happy
Sumner playgrounds in the:Whole of
1‘ Summer hotels provide
for - every 'type of apert.
Swi ming, boating, tramping, ten-
nis, golf. and bowling are but a fe*,
of the pleasures that Make. a holiday
spent in UuskOka never. to be fOrgot-.
Muskoka is the vacation land for
those ho have only ei brief holiday..
It is Only is ;few hours train journey
'from Toronto. ' Canadian NatiOnal,
PrOVidea such y excellent Srtfice that
Von may enjoy its delights and '
turn to work With fresh, energy.and '
enjoyment—all within' the space of a -
few days. . •
. ,
Any Cairdian National • Railways.
Agent will gladly. give yot fall ip-
tormation (includitig. hotel rat' a) and
literature on the various 'resctrU. of
Tr win. Vanc6.I•f, S .dupliCate; such aasecured;Nthen
3o8a;; ot1.0.1i•i7.1';f360.;, Pore , the original is. fined or lot. "There.
'1810; TeeSWitter )0'31, Paisley • 3021: '''.,a,S enough( room inside the, "hide's'
"Iii141.1- Individuals VIA' trio to ,Iloyal for fifty eases of tvhiskey.
Wh't'T 14'', Y (10"1'rY .1";):;Vilt,-„Iv°— . On cress 'exp.:satiation Constable
Nornisin Schmidt, Mild)31ay, ii91.;• FI L Nelson eaid. that gine tben lie had
'it!, ,Shern1011-.1'curt, S:70 ; "I•tu,s,ell mi:'-' learned Walker had ortlPtliv.ed a1 that
lice, Ta1h'4862.: WM, Andrew,' Luck...! ',Ouse since .lanutity.. Was absolutely
8R3oib;t.Ceoil .Johittton.-
tu,cknoWt oet.a.in.W.olker saht he "iised the hide
ee,•. • ,r StiT),4-( 0TAdays
" '8111* Oflieer, Penton correhor..„
et c
iaos, Port 1'1083,}Toward' nte•.:Nelsen'S. evidence, arid Was also
, .
TP '41; sez,nfIrr, Iker made thestat mem
6.44, for. this '
Junior- • Teritrer en i1ht hy nibt
"" 'Schriri des' ;
,i-harrn• :of rugono.,:5..lifIll'11',
Vogen AlphoilAisShntid
Of Mild:navy 22P,3. Nritl'.114111,
Slchiridt ramify T.."',,x1v.oltive trip'
. to ...:llayriL..
14.1.d5411,.1107t t'et,at
bs 1i ed'
'N.Tartin'I,12R1.; 1 ip n Si+ermati , .22401.
i43)'8 t3))1 2219-1". '..Wilfred
218;l; D'on S'1iWflq 21(3
1'rot-Alio:4 in1 riedals.for todividual
•blasses iterses
secrarding lisirig the iide in .0.T.A.
# • .
• A Stream of earti.
.p ov otisthb1 Oooksmanto cq,
Iceoirig Wallter's house under ..ob.
servation, for setieralinights, ;On May
1,th between 9 rt.M, and 2 ant. 16
tars went Into Walker's place ahd Pi
.gaVO,the ecnit.tiite of
eatg..-,,,00ming Ant .goi,ng...;,„ At ',11A6
, .
1. mit came out that had to lights* it
;which Were and ,Wotien. . 'Thelt
t.ere s*eating, and .talking loud and
had A bard job to keep the oar, on the
.took them' home. That acceunted for 1 ar, lvs T. goo, .H. 1.50. I'. 120,-;
.,ispgdoiannandngotihe,tveati;tntt there
ere ahries t.s13urt52,
r.,11.11i,ri,' ET
3.:694.11.Hotnis2i27 p(absi8T.)
so, rnam; Cara' Come to' my "place," L. 'Johnston 195; B. CasSidy ,132*.;„ ._
C. *.
Said Walker, Is' that in this -district CongrainT:104; RBroome (ab..:
I am .regarded as an authority
itiosebduy0aras.useW4 h:ani. ethnyesrbotlryinl; ..igteize. R...,TI,A..kletirt,t,,2/3.40sa.,,, !3ilii,rt22451.1!".1L1.180%.,ri,
. "
4-o rue ,to see "what' i wrong 'nth , it. . ston 1,98; E. \rated 178..
Tlii,1 statement 'of Walker's brought
Class II: T. 200. H. 150. P. 120.--
strolonged laughter from the spectas 1: s: .
. rivisf.lwistr.,ate ,creatar_you au, il t 13.,1C;a jsrdByr01451e; Tisao
,rt,urt 141; C.. Robb
tv.rwritelliabker.7,eakTha,v,e ,writt4,11 4one 1
t. ° 0:i:erkee.:1:0414Ta. arranged i
CrO Mr. Freeborn Walker Di iterison ' 'Frank
merit—Ktnneti e
614 Bolt, AtinieMae
Ctlrrigap, Bassil)a Cagaidy.
Jr 'l'i Lionel„tolinitoni Orvilte
.F,thett,:sobble„.aurtri.411.cquat4_Eddie ,
CasOdy, Chester ,Rabb, David 1.101i8-;
011. ;
No.ti roll 128,, :Av.. att., 21 a.
she -4;R— 'biteo.de
• •••••
wife -sandmg .bet atikay
lie-t."Yes, God knevis need one.
A. .
mong the hooks with tihi,?91).'
endingit are check bOOltS,
..,hadsliVedsiss-eliincarding town and in
Southampton. „Ild had not werked in
either. places. Ile viais premotipg •a
real* gState company, with ,beadeMer-
tors at TorontO- and went to that city
three' or fOur days "a week;'tr tore/ten
Ahliis health -would peritit, Had been
Promoting this oompany fOr last
We years. Oxpedted the charter to
f 4'
Ig granted 'inn few sas e used te
dividge the, Milne of the companf is
the, elititter-bad nett Yet Veen isshad.
4teenedirtg '-the niiie
road. JUstse4 the reOpie pert 'Odor,
tld not`stly'to the police that lie had,
aged it in .clays, but that it:
bad probably bsen used