HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-06-21, Page 49t.
As. the tinie approachs tri voting day, June 27th,.I find it. ,
:impossible to 'make n • Personal Call • on all electors, „ and, there-
fore' take this means of Soliciting YoUr.'support at,the.polls next.
You know the issues and l'am content to 'rye 'the,
matter in the hands of .the intelligent electors of South Bruce.
I promise you If elected, I. -will serve the. -peeple to the
best of my ability.
e. cial-inonfination candi-
date in the South Bruce by-election
was hem lit, wiake.rt;)ii Saturday
afternoon. The nomination' piedeted:. 'Finlayson of aterimmendations and , -
'ings attracted, little 'attention, and
only -a' few were present.This was
due the fact hat everybody knew
• *bat was going to be done -just the•
formal nomination of M. A.. .Mae--,
ProgresSive Candidate, and
-Foster Av., ,•14offat, Conservative.
Tilere was n� speechniaking, .0" 91e
audience ton Small to make that
Worth- ; '
H. Brown - of Teesvaater, re-
turning officer for the riding pre-
sided at the nomination proceedings.
. ,
The Mail,und EmpireJecently had
o follOwing: , •
-Acceptance last week by Hon. Wm:
jIishdevry ThursdaY sinOTaillg
',• At 1.4iickno‘.v.r Ontario.. •
D: MacXonzie,,Preprietar-
• 'En u 1{•1.)44,
THE ;AVTO.MO,AILE,'.'e.ii Ai ‘4.1.1TY.•
' LIST ' • .'•.• '
',With440 opeping . up• Of the. stun -
;net ,seaSdn,.city .neWspaperF.,have be-
un- .to • ahlish : • Week -end •,• caspaity.
.ists ',as' iliOugh 'Mondays were. ,,. ays•
"after a battle, ... inynrialiti (here, .is a.,
aibStantial list of dead rind injured -,--
and the half is neyeetold. ' ••
There is hope , for improvement;
., ,
hev,-ever; Those whi). have been', on
,Ithe main highways, ,wk..;re traffic . is
heavy, "say that -drivers' appear to . be
„nore. Careful' and courteous this sea -
.on. . Of 'course, w -e, still have the oc.,,
zaSional reckless ordrorike, driver,
and these we shalreViiiiiTt ' to"' have
while, fools ..arc burn auto' the :world,
riut there is improvement. "7 due; no
JOUbt; to the persistent publishing of
•Accidents: by, the newspapers and the
Campaign 'of edueatiop carried int by
he Bighways„Departinent.,_, '',.... .. __
The faSt:moving autoinobile was an
inifin for which tow "people were
prepared, and for which many: are not.
et prepared.: People have , to.';`.. be -
°me: accustomed to tht 'new'. condi.,
ionS, arid. this 'takes. time. Pedestri-
an s. -had to learn' to be 'more.watchfui
in grossing. the ;street,. or -in- 'walking
apon the highways. Drivers, too, .had.
tO cultivate' reitraint (simile 'are 'still
;veak on,,ithat point);' 'titey had to.
zlearn ,to keep a' constant •sharp look -
nit,' anelqii:exercisecare in apProaCh-:
ing . street.. and '.• railway creSsingS.
.fhey had to leap .to be 'ethisiderate ,
if the rights of others, and :that 3111
tiOier 'knOw. jaSt-nrhat-tite,:iielier 'fel..
low is •going to do. ,
. ------0,0- .
*Ince ,he was , taking, for before
. eiling she *We; to 'h.cr mother; "If.
..i. OcCeetl, all Will be well. , It I dial,
4 ,shail. hehappy tn.Pcip:Off in the
inidit . :of Aneli an ...adr6niiire."" • • Evi-
• 9 . .
lently she is,not. tke.Ordloary -sort of.
society !,girr----raPait: 'frons,;,-Possesi- Able to •arrive Without, nivitatiOn or
ng • 00 ordiliarit;lOie of faine.",`;. ' .. iren,..pre'l/Ons 'notice' an .hour or
it takes :takes patienceas well as! skiii ' 'iefOrt •naid-day. ...and:, expet"....te, stay .
A:tlantie. by air, . The plan ,i'ipil'which f.dtabialad:friericilY-peOpie .inke .the
.inel- daring' to soccessfullyross. the, or dinner and •the afterndon:. ll?1,4-
.iiias Earhadi'and, her two •men asso- ' lent. they an of the situation. . The,.
:tates, made the. fliglit . was detained invitation to Come :in and 4ay.. for
.er ten days at Newfoundland; ':,a., dinner is; aftern little polite dennir.
iiiiitiog - favorable weather conditions; •• qn$7.; ' accepted •,itricl.the , iloMe• mother
'Ind il4074.'Ahe , stare WaS Made,: xi- . With, lyliat'..She has and without: any. .
rtg Were not Very Satisfactory, but tietp,', does .• her'. hnal iO makg.a.„.meal
lie chance7;IS:Talten: ' •`.-. • „, . :-7-- 'for -all; even-,-if,'the4-shoph..14e-14-itt4 ,
Orslji;01'7iniPlie?iiii -th:sia,:t"in'' intaintel°s!tlesse• .•:.attlitilinY l,::en.it'io41,,e"i„ :, fl'3I: . tillige7tvl'enrii0-.1. gth1/..1.",: a sl..1:1-°rfint.i,)is°e
)'.1 hours, Oir' at'' a speed '9f '100'. miles loarty is gone; -late :in tho.afternnon,
)er ''ho9r- Vie landing was: dade ofi. the hostess 'is tired out, and in‘stend
Iriato•YtnY0 ;Ongland, between Wales 3f the, Sunday rest she 'Was entitled
goe:eorin.es Sound
4 esxutrria..
i lirdrhCiab' rflnilgvhitl, • °IlikuentaYil: • othe::r,., ,- O. li. eau. ..rw..PO'nriltte.s;:e, rat Ystra4ins:--'
iirplane flights, appears to'havebeer ../
)rompted by the l'ave of 'adventure.. . o o o -L-„-.
,' desire for ' Ontoriefki There waS
"iothing else to be.gained by it: •The
..:o,nclition.s which.' make a trans -At-
' ShI-C
antic' flight :possible are , now :fairly The. lionieoi:IMr71:fdra
l;rs. C.' cow,-
' ,.ell know n. When every care lf. ram, near 1-folyroOd; Wa: the seeneof'
. . . . . . . . . . ,
Aiken, much 'still depends' upon- hid, 43,, interesting event at:3 p.n.,. on .
' it :Alie 'matter of, weather. ' ..,: ' •' .Vednestia-y, !Time the fith,. When their
- . Miss Eathart's 'flight :made, ,. 410. inlYdaughter, Pearl •' became . the
rixth successful crossing of . the Al- nide: Of „glias.::A. Shielb' Son. of , Mr.
Antic froin east to west, by ;.airplane., ohn Shill and. the late MrSi'" Shiell.
Aim lives: ...•• • • . . . . .
,f • Witighain. The house waS pret-
Are 'attempts failed,' wjth . a loss or
,,.... Aly dedorated With Spring .•floVers
: • Dae to the fact that preVailing At that fern The cerethon -. ivas per
" -
antic Winds. are from ::svest to , east: :ormed in •the. drawing room, under a
.he. passage; westward has': provee , alOpy of, yellow and
wh4e, stieame
nore •diffienit than'that• in the opPo/ ?rs, massed With white' lilaeS: Rev.
.,,. , D., pastor .leti c...know . United,
;ite . direction, and. all 'efforts,' but .one, raw, . Lu
• A: a westward '6-nssiii.g,. ha*e. failed' 31)urch,'Officiated. The weckling•masio
...anished,...neverLtoLb, .,,e.„heact,...of;-_4k!-:--._. -..,:-.'tes,e1P,,la-TTY'.71.(lblbY4de,„-.1.‘:1rv.h.ollitaY S...,...:11g,Laviekri_a_...°,,,,._
3,erterally the west -bound, plane a , ,
*me •SUCCessful ' WeStward-erossing wavay 'hyher father; •WaS •vflry 'beCom::.
• nade in...APO' last: by .the :Bremen, :..., ingly' gowned , in yelloiV georgette '
....,lerinan plane; .atarting. from •Ireland; ;Atli, insets Of silver and. t; her hair
i ,1.:_ndf. rieaar,r,ytinhge . tvhi:oreme..0.temre;n,:ii,.aajor;11, Fi, thi::
amnrice, chief of .the Irish Free w_ore a.,i. ha.n. de.au of .siler. .flowei . and
lily of the' valley. The blidal ...pair.
arrieu a bouqUet, df sunt roses aucl
report from departmental officials re-. '
3pecting Bruce Beach summer colOt* a ehriouS and,a, fortanate fact
erton,',ii! the election clerk.- The elec-
tion will he on Viedneiday, June 27.
Two 'other provincial by-elections
• will be held on the same date -one in
East Hariiilton, and one in North
Renfrew. There are three .candidates
II n yiltri :Ye -H od gs en, -.Ind
pendent Conservative;" Wm:, Morri-
son, Conservative, and Currie Gard-
. ,
ner, Liberal. • • ' ' •
In Pembroke" it is a straight con-
test, between Conservative and Lib-
eral, Edward' A. Dunlop and • Paul
Martin being the, respective candi-
-r•-••••••-- •
,••,The eighth annual -convention of
••the Bruce .County Educational ;Assor
clarion ,was held in Teeswater, Thurs-
day, afternoon', lune In the ab-
• sence of .Mr. O. H. Green, kr. A. IL
occupied the chair.
' Rey. A. Forbes, D.D., conducted. de-
. .
votional exercises. Mr. Aiken gave
.. a 'very comprehensive report of the
O.E.A. ,conveption iri Toronto. The
following were elected officers: Pres.,•
G. H. Green; V. -Pres., R. P,'• Scott,
Teeiwater; Sec„-Treas.„ N. R. D.
Sinclair. committee W. S. Re..ariej
T. J.,,,F.entorf; Mr. Richardson, Mr.
-Scott:was also elected delegate to the
O.E.A. It las, agreed to send •,A
• message of sympathyto the Presi-
dent, ott..acteunt of the illness of'
Mrs, Green, Whichhad necessitated
his • absence from the convention.
• POO musical selections `Were given
by pupils from the .Teeswater Public .
School ; and. the chairman expressed
to the teacher and pupils the thanks.
of ..the convention : for ,the : fine treat
they giVen. AddresSes were giv-,
en by Rev. W. M. Morris. Esn., of
the ,Ontario Trustees, Association;,
W. R. itadhirter, Pres. of. ,that: ,asso-
• dation?, and Herbert Cbthat, 'Pres,
' of the Rural Section of the Trustees
• ,AssociatiOnr';44r,!--W,4.K. Riddell, -Ag-
:', ricultural Director' for Bruce. save
-an 'address On School Fairs, and the
• enithod of 'financing 'them. 14r.
J. Gatis, Pritibipai of Teeswater
Seboel; gave a veri's'ugges.,
4 _titre address on Puhlict Speaking Con•.'
testi. The Convention 'decided to
"-hold another ,county .contest in Pub.
lie Speaking this fall, and also to
r°nce a debate it as early a date as
'ncisaible on the citieStiOn' of Township
Scliao1;13oarda, arrangements to be
lefteS the haiefe,of the Executive
etnrinitte0; „. I
enda.a long • controversy.' Bruce Beach hat„otit "of all, the welter and. confa •
on lake Miran . below Kincardine; has ion of .poliiicS' the- United States,.
aeCorne a very** Popular resort .in succeeds in se •
Cent years, arid of sOinething like 15C' ecting for president. On
ot t a g e§-. erected On crown • landS few :of .iii'aiffyren.i. quality have
zonsiderable." number are; ciWned rir . ihe 'so;
• • . . .
occupied by clergymen taking .Vaga
ion ,
there.• 'There are nunaber Of
United,Atates residents amank, thi
nuatterS;ns well; ,When the depart
. •
nentA soine• thne ago attendel. to cOl• •
the basis of leasehold, 'ther
Vas a ,wail from the "sqUatters".,wb
had not been paying .anything for
heir beach land and, eventually .a.
:association Was formgd argne Us,
.iteue with the Government. Since tin
latter' had. no'. difficulty i -,i establish
ers have, been, paying up of late,, and.
one-third have alreadi. done so :
-0144 goes, back to. the -date tha,
first ,leaseholder "cilia); a.cres&
Nth his rent a couple of years ago.:
N.0 further, trouble is -anticipated or
':his point, although the cottagers arf. •
now, .calling for reed accomModatior
which the department regards as out
if all proportion to $1p s'o to wbiel
3 -has whitted down annual nrentAl
Allan .Ferguson, assistant to Deptitl
24iniiter .and J. Thompson secretar,
Of the 'department, • penetrated the
!astriess Druce, and visited the
601.9ny a few' weeks ago.
'good a d the; ":rireatiler fine.? :ei4e th
adYeni. of . the, ..aate, has. tbe cti,gtOm
beCothe „s," goinniOn as: 4O4be
b nuisance parties
oTf a" half doien, 'Mere Or' less,' are
• itatio- air -force;' and Capt. Herman tad no: attendants eXce_pt tlie nieces
.10eh1, the pilot.Alththigh this, plant pf the groom Helen ThoMpson• and
made the..cmossing, 4t.,barely 'escapee
lestruetiOn, landing .ainid. ice , .on • a
Shiell, who acted 'as.:2,flOWer.
dieSsed in green and .pink.gepr-
;Mall island in. the • Straits Of Belle 'oette and. 'Carried .pretty balkets, ;of
. gle, near- Newfoundland, After; •flY•klwers.
Daring the si'gring of th
'.ng-:ainileasly about for a •The -•:egister, Mrs. Ernest.. Aekert sang
was. wrecked, and,. Was 4-mgedy:.,ef Leve:),. :The: tronni,s,•-gift
Ile toproceed' to New York, itS hhi the:bride; 11 ,silver :tea 1,60*e, t,;.
e nded destination:?,.. • - ' the. pianist • and soloist, 'dinher rings,
tnd to the bracelets.:
FOrroviliii-the ceremony a wedding ,
dinner was served . to about fifty
friends and; relatives. In .the . -evening.
a' reeepti en was held, Whea, about' one .
'mriclred and fifty friends Were •Pres-:
ent. ;The bride and grOOM, „Were'
recipients, of 'nitiny beautifill and ns'
ful gifts. Later. Mr. and. Mrs.. Shiell:
;left on a Motor trip to T,oroilto, from
vlience :they 'took a' boat for the ,trip,
hrough the- ThouSand Thr
bride travelled in' pencil' blue en-
semble with ftst trinuning andrlilonde,
hat and,shoes to Match. On their re.
,turn. they will .take up a residenee on
the- groom's, farm 'near • Mringbam.
Out of town guests at ' the wedding
included, Mr.and Mrs. , Raynard
grandparents of the -bride, , and
Afrs. 'Hall,' Mr. and 'MrS • Dobson,
Ethel; .Mr: J. and Mrs', F.
Thompson and. daughter,. jlelen, of
'Vinghain, Dr. And' Sliiell'aryl
Cannily of ListoVel, Mr., and Mrs. 'Al-
-x; Shiell, Mr.- and Mrs. MeBurney,
and Dorothy,.' of Windsor.. '
mhis, y,:ey ;4, nominatjorm 1).3".. 1,17 R.e.
▪ 111) k 111.Parti* is aliiieSt Eria""
NG kl-Ei,-S--I;gitS6NXLITY-
'T‘he Deitt9cfatie :.Party ,• .
neWhere Ii., -labit.:nf Fibbing' and Evasion Eats
1 a --,prOspective; ciindidlle Who the Character.
• lakes ap-PeaI .„10 the •people as a
whole"' _ (By, Er. Louis E.. Biseli)
The Itepublkan .Party may well -bc There is no use denying the fact
..,:origratulated• upon •its choke of 111rhat prevarication Of one type 'or an-
lerbert Hoover. • To him "there Can )ther is fairly common practice. Al-
. ,
ie no serions opPosition orcept math • .hough we havebeen brought up to
:artisan grounds. For tWelve years relieve that lying ,shoulds never be in.
.)et.n 7-1-1
A .ready answer .to -the questior.
"Where' ,shall .we go for our 'hoar
days" is found :today ,ameng the
niany attractive :andpleasurable re-
serts thathave inadg' Ontario's highlandi and lake districts the mecca of
vacationists from all, acrosst'n,e- eon-
tinent. • , •
, from the blue waters of Hine tc
.he, rock spattered Stria:Mt the
Ottawa." Valley, PicturaSque lakes.
and ''Sparklihg rivers vie with each
ether as., popular resorts.
..kor the ardent fi,Sherrnan the Ka-
wartha . Lakes, the thirty Thousand
liland, of Georgian; BaY, the .Magan-
atawan; Pickerel, And French" xi; er,
districts and iniahd. lakes' Of Algr,n-
quin:, park 'offer the best .ef
maskirionge and troUt fishing.
For „sin -tie a holiday' is,not crn t.
;without a ,,carioe: trig:. For, these,' Ti.-
magarni, the iideau takeS and. the
.Upprrcanp-aJ kc 617
qtiu Parli offer .a 'thbuSand del irrhf:',11
canoe trips With, open-air .ca'rripine"
ancl cooking thrown in ter: extra
'Measure. '
For, genera l holida\ it h rei)rts•
Itfluskeka • Lakes Lake of Mt.'s
GeOrgian tay, Itawartha , Lakes,. ond
LakeS Cottehiching and SIfficoe Lee
Any Canadian „NatienalUih
Agent will gladly give y,11,.literat.;re.
and full 10°11'146" WI An of 1)44-, howei'er, .+she' evidently deelded
tario'41."11Perorts nid01,48‘t to make' thig bid for iintoriety. end
1)11)hltig Yout holt aY, . sheba�Weii, She well knoy --the
'.'ore the comitry,•.and 411c• thatnobody. Profits .
vorld; an1. always in a favorablc uch moral teaching and that: every -
4414: He is 5'4 years of •age. ,ody more or less Aies. . Some, • •of
. .
, raduated from „college as a civil , en. • -ourse, wduldnot class so: called
;lacer, and before he Wa's thirty hair 'white Hee as lies, Fibs ,and lies are.
..6curea• high Standing an his calling iot related accordrngjto others:
or a number of years he was con- Do .husbands, alWays' tell the truth
.ulting engineer With a large engi to thei wiVes9 And do :wives never
t ering firth in, England, and through: ie to' their husbands' Do children
Jot Inc war he was comitantly addinf ie? parents.. Preilaricate to their
to.his repUtatien as a; Man who conk' diildren? The list. of 'lies, we in'dulge
ret things done; and done right: :Breendless- Semetiines it is dent-
's not'a Pc,litician nor a "show Mate'. 'Irate./ Offen'it 'done wfth goad in
n any sense --:..just a capable • good 'tentons, like the ' little clistortjervz
.:itizen. who. has. been canl.,4it in the 'Thatdoctors bave,to tell patients for
ide .of affairs which leads on to the' ..,1"11. own good .
House at; r Washington....: -Mr:. If lying is So -Common is it nerroal?
Ifoover-i. Of Quah9i origin, and 'a *Lying aml,the instiuct' of Self-preser--..
e ' . • ' .,..„„ A j.,44 n' „ ' Vatioli- are . cloSely -ielated...EVeryhedY..,
Hiswide;,".ia•tqh..6;tih'el").7,10,(coet.-id,and.7his.".i,--;,)---;7.-i--17,-..., ,....ri.s to ;p' "rotect hirriself..t-:. im fact,. tho
lence in Australia. and:' in -England aet' of self ,proteetien is antoinatic.:
til Make!: hi m . a .natural friend of the r.'.•in is :a' variety :of self protection
, British Empire; and We,. May " look Tho indiViaual .' Proiects • 1-•thr'e.'lf -di.
..4'0.rward to a Steady development, of -V when euSed. of Sonething. of
r. , ,•\ the ',ty,.c whieh. he it; 'ashamed. ;ilk ' ''proteetfr
riendly relationbetween ,
4reat hranchge., of he triglisho.: -peSk 11'. if': ' direc' tly ' when • for . ex-,
imse. . ill, . . .• ,. , , .
, ,ng facd,;. „0..hik ,..,A4r; irotiver., is .at ilie zi:r.eripile,trybrIg.nitrtiepir.iesen..' t..S. som, e,thing
iead of affairs io the grrat• Ileptiblic, . Whether lYing• is ever' jUstifiable 'is
1°"''t know hat Baigst:rti!i. lls.:,,;:;fe. .";:•:side: tho "nC"Ant.- here, ,Whether, let
:Iiicagpi1?eptibl ..
$:. and • sworn engin k •of Kiog Sit or.0,,_ ..;,c.ert'' la
.c.ii.P:'ti50nit'ilt'aeniiii.4:' ParaTi:netr t
lle?' isa
'ill horo
l .ti,,nok.. ,of r f.lyils , noniina,tiriti of a -lying when all the -facts blie
ethe as-:
"r's>li'as' 8uhjeet to lertion; is ' a •nrohlein in ethics. • Like
the contamenating:;iniluence of.' life: ;A: cancer?, the habit 'Or lyin .4,spenetrat-
4 'England.. But Dill, of riiiCa.go,:is ,,,,4, and spread ' /t, kill's 'personality
'under -a cloud: and '‘,)".hat he' think' as cancer; • if not eradicated, will, kill':
, • .
.inakes no. difference., , ' . the body. • The:habitual liar `scion re-
✓ e914the fact in\ hs shifty eyes.:"Ly-',
'. . V DYING TIIE 'ATLANTIC, ' in - OriderniineS ' • -self -reSpect -- -and'
• , r
, . .. makes 'cowardS of .1: all, ;
'Ofice-niere,the Atlantic. has " been As AW(ither.: inan,‘;•PiitS,. it; '`foYillii.'
cOnueered- by air•Platie •flight,•' the -tea:, • re.tis :a man down",, '
tore thiS.,titne. being . that there we's a • •
.:w4imatt....a.boa.rel,,,,,,who,...gtiided,..the.,nia,,,. •••••;-..6-41,01-,-,--,
'chine (luring some . of the -stottnit4t
. , , *
flour-, or tne D'iS' Igo 1 Thot:e` • rot . ,addit.tcd to chtlreh gQ'
The wonui'm wiU;. Miiis: .8inglii Var. "rig ' Oft ,Stiriday; at A • loss to pnt In
itart.?descri(xed as, a. . ifnston :social ,their tinlie pleasuntlY, take to ..visit -.r
tel., l"he rVAS ferinerly tt k.esiamft.o'r itv.r. neighbOrs and' uentiaintances.
Iorooro, arid during the, rvar .was an hartictdarly jib 'the cbtrtitr‘Y.,; There
tiIstanf, in 1.->niklina'Illijitary.lfospi., are sq many '.,:ivoi•eey. of„putting
tit. ..$ite.',..1s, 3.0."yearoi of',,tige., and is in idle fine one ..liesi,tates, to 1ais11-
.111d An - lk. engaged to •inarriMr. any ObjeCtion to ..a.,custora that, if not :
Skortel i:liaphien, an eiLlet'rreal en. ebnqed; Might ..do meeh to. AvOrnote
or .ihieten.., '....: . qocial And, even spiritual:life, and • be.
ile,roie..),eittitri.t dea'n. la' matried ;alike, profitable {to both yisitorfi and '
visited, tut it: is,,eften*abused and
ba,dly abused, ,,, '• '
Partietitiarlir When thil. road $ :,,ar#
-, The:. hoine.of Mi and 'Airs. •David •
proud,. Dungannon, was the scene. Of
.delightfuCgathering on June
„hn npWards 'Of $6 gtiests :gathered.
o ce)ebpte the '50th wedding' .anni,.
..sarl• of the host and hostess, The
'ionse was ,.arthitiCally ilevorated for
occaSio,n With..streanichi. Of
aid -gold. ;festooned from the ceiling,
:rnd the table decOration'swere in the
;iatriel,..sliades; gold 'rfa-ne;•' arid yellow
i'oSes being used (4frectiv1y. : The
iride's, Cake Was degorated 'wIth gold
.11k MaiN~.../68/$6/•••■••
• . .
...sommourmamsoirmnimoomisamompimogrinoimporommougwomaseor, ,
. Frequent. applications , of barnyard manure' coriclida; the ..A0ii,'
. , • ,
, ....prefitahle,'. 'The. MeCourilek-Doering is „A. geptiine manure Spread- •
feeds the "eroPs, inereases, :the ' yield; and makes: the : land .. nfOre
. „ ,.
...e.r-zaot a -Mechanical on:leader. ' It. is';',4orerne %in ,., tte Kireader
7, iteli),, lidie:..1.-AbQllicii.Novg,o:10"Tittn-gc7-Tini.; „strite ,:it-'-irtill7v1160 ,,b14crilytoi,filt-ii%111:1111.1-,:slivleileil-4rn'ir17111ililzi... .
. ;Mtiehine, • ,,,.. . ,... .; , . .
• -
The driVer. can :insistalitly regUlate „ the flow while the •
spreader is in operation.
,. • Gall -and see it bore briYhig,, at
Phone No.1 is at Your Service
. 'for C,as.lx-We Sell Cheaper Than • The Credit Store
•• • , . • •
• ••
We are preParfed. to till yOur requirements, and would o:Ter tha fol-
lowing suggestions;
Step Ladders, Scridt, B,tushes Scrub PEtils, Mop .Sticks, Carpet Beat01
Paritone to fill the .holes in the plaster.
Mdresco--the ideal. wall •finish. We have it, in all eolcits-
Shm4in VviUiams'Paint:L-41e Paint that is true to: the eoloi.; and
. last long;er.,
.Sher'.Winacthe , finish for ftirnitate alKl flbors. Come in and we
• Wi11:4011 You how to. •,apply it
. •
,914Perior• ,satin fhish eil1'tnat.:17vi-11dry hard in -four
.hpurSjast. th riijtig you havg been looking for th finish .
.poi h urniture ond *inany other articles '
White Wash Bruslic.$;-*Moresco BruSheS; Paint 'and Varnish BruiSh-'••
es.'„ A full Stock.. We -have special ,gasOline for, ;cleaning. :.
It i11, not 'injure the fine.st fabric. ,
• . ,
Special Price on hed Star Washors and Wringers
' •Ideal• Ineuhators•-the.'best. Ideal. 'Brooder St.:svgs.:41M most
• ' " cient.
Heating, Plumbing and Electric Whin
Goderieb:. :Mrs. William "McClure
•-Dungarmon; Ai tui EllioL
)1. Ashrield;. Clare Of Stratford,: and
arng.in Ilarofd Of Davison; Sask.
'A pleasing, feature of the evening
.vas: a mock Weddih,,. can'. ied out by
nuniber of' the grand...,hildren 1,1•1o.
• • .
.:tre 14 in number:
•Dioner Was Sdived ;at 7 pan., for.
lewing:1'which. thCre. 'were, toast s and
, 'London; St.
-son, Sask.; and jf),miganncin. • .
, talked, abotiti,:thieTTSle."
things ,,,in.,the old day, T. hi. only dif
trendis that the'
What: tliu inotering., 'World ney,-
needs are detours around '
. .the de
The' ceremony Odell* united Mary
Jane Katon and David. Sproul 50'
/ears' agO• was performed •on June:
.1878, in Dungannon : Methodist
-.:hurch,,the lato, Rev. Caswell,
at that time pastor- of the_ church,
. the::blxdGsaijviii waS ,;411-
nie'ltitson, now Mrs, COurtrrey. of
who %vas, present 'for, the
.',(41den. tltedding, being ',the' only per -
;•QP; other than the ,hridq and groom,
"The • 'groomsman .Was George _BeedeY •
now. deceased.
1. Mr. and ;Milt.:fpi oul haa be.:(13
lirmotis ' re.sidents• Inln4aD11"
throughout/the :A yearn, ,havirig Lived
in their present 'home for Ili; years,
'rhe happy couple; wor hocrd
with cOng,tatidations, , and, gifts
througheut the .41ly, gitp*.
being A purse of gold from •their fa,a-
ilY, Who were, all prisehti ith the,
extieption ot the, youngor Fort) ilarold
of riavison, 'ask; The farnifY
eighto,in numben Robina, of Dungan.
non; $0itiO' arid Af. Itobort
• Prehably ;the, reasim Why one' (1°68
1'4, refer 'to' radio 'set aS' "she"
is :beetise,it C i be .4 1.1 t (,it at 'is ill
' •
• A Well ;Advised Holiday Tonic
From' The Maritimes'. •
' Spb.ncb this year's 'vacation • by the
seasliole. Let the scent, of the pine
'and the racy tang f the salt sea
.air help to.fYll. thc lays.:Wi.it4. Joyous " •
, Ocean 'plungeS every daL-r-golfilig; •
.,.noteiilig.,..,Loati..np,", train ping. -Some-,
bing to do every. „niinittn. Picten,
. .
well Tee-,
on] mended resort hotel. " Plenty . of
other accoinodation . too-±eosy, farrn
homes .4.ine,pehisve Woodlitrid resorts ,
dalighttul haVens'oa the
, •
Canadia National Agent will
:vivo you information about
Ihe_.•.holiday.mossibilitie of cni,r Mari -
r Ask for the illiistrat-
r!el literatitre.
,Fireproof 'Wait board-,
FOr Sale' By • • "i
Mutdie & $(;ei
• R40 & Porteous Luckno*, .Ontd