HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-06-21, Page 2' T•s•• ore Sheils 11 Odd*Tales ectors Seldpin. Know 'the Pries,'Sometimes TiNille e the EnitotY, Conches : .Cocklew; —Mussels • Yield ' Almost every • Seashore visitor col- lectrs, ehe110,Yei few of them Imes* any- .0„%ing.abautthe_curious little Creatures ' 'thatbuilt thak On aline:St ittY Jer- ey Or 'Long; Islandbeach- collectors -cari7flinkshells-of-oonelf,:, eon snail sad shellsiof,clame and tpusseliTairiV are :pierced by neat round holes- that cause idle wonder. These little per- foratiois really tell an',4intereatin,g ..stokY, • • N' , The smallin the clam shells are Often made by the moon snail. It • inhabits tileapirsilly,.• coiled whitish shell, known among children as , "the ' Itwalkson an enormona ----,;foot,•.totingits-thell on, it back along the edgeof the water . until it Scents -4 clam. Rapidly approaching, it grasps the clarn. iii, foot. They re, The hisii Excell Breedinft.Ligh Horses „ , • < ""•,' ' 9 • , ,,,,..„);z.$ • , , 4 .4, • , , , -4,)•••<•• . Azr A poLo"n'Arsat ,IN P HOOD(' PARK, DUBLIN'. 'jibe All -Ireland Polo cub opened the sean with ,a series of three chukker matches and pro.vided scaie 'exeiting contests .in:whiCh much skill was ' ' Main inimobile for about an hour; 4181) Sunday School Lesson , Ontario Warns Wet Tourists • 4 • "; ' EaSk ,0 . Qet, Liquor Permit, , But They Should Study . . • '.. .:' J4n.q. 24--rxeson.. xiii,..74- elfus . the . ,,.;,- Regulations,...,.. , , 811,4914r,zeop„. 4; •14-17.: ' Golden The .advance .gUard. att14,1948,:fn? , S'TOCV0hOose:i- yOu.,this .daY, 4 *hop? flux : of tourbita •• -Miro:the' ' -United -''ye.' wi I i sei4.ic,,,loili. 0;1..14; •' ' .. ' '. State* a.vaa. 'arrived . in •• TorettO., . ; ,•• - ' - ''- -r"-` ' ' '''' ' ' ; • ' '. _..,,t.. As.; dining •their stay,,inanYOf.,thefie'.^ • • ...Airn-Te...cliallerige.„ the, 'Class w4th ' „i,,,,,ti..i_, i re, *Hite taking out ,,permitS .t02.! • 4eeept wit .;,, their, savivr. and crown enathee,th. em.' te‘,pnicitase,,' lignor, It is.. ..,, tht.,:ginims•.and...appeill',.'of • Jesus tO. •'"'. ,; hita. 41 kilig . of, thvir , •11,3mK . . •• : • . ' " • , urged.... .that . 'OW, • faVI, . ',HUTU? theul,... ; ' 'Introduction-AbOut wheinhaVe ell solves 'NOW, 'the ..: .regelatio.us gOV,.er_12,7's, our. lesson. this .-Qnarter Centred? 14 lug eoneniiiitiOn.„ . ' ' . ,.., ....., ., , '• `which Gospel have we: been "studyint :,.; The.Star Traneeript, of,...Peris,'-011t4.. mthrt or diedfil4olegsuet.C.?biliiWimhociwi.w.edUgs;lylkertrio?. 'giii'....^::-! 'Partietilers Of. 4 Case 'Where 'fall' life: of Jesus! :- ,Where ;in v:the: life*: of 1.11-r...0„!.t9vis.bdieo.r4.‘'QhLeg,shlitl..tr•hoi.attit:,:flh‘wilicey .. 74:-14"-liutiger(14-*,, .. crlie.:gi-n.74,:ku,,t,'-'::,sti4:41-'7:t.h.i,rand•-'40..-.''-bett-le,t4.-of--.-wine - 1..r0Log,...111: he..„- . •• .Preeentation4:-baYe an 'olitilne:MaP.:144a4.F vas ''44,asualed at a Imo,. 'caaa• before the' classandAheriCalling'for tor,' and. the, rest kept. ih, the ' teeter . theplaces ()fin:West, shell' 4is cresarea;1' oar •in^ Which the- man ..and. his •wife 1 .Philippi, The.' Mount Of Transfigure- : Were travelling. • - , ,4„.' • ,, ' troll, The Road to 'Jerusalem, Bethany, . 'AS there 'were evidences of intim!. Jerusalem,. The Meant of Olives, Geth- catkin, the . Man was wriested and the • ,.sentarie, .Golgotha, ' have, them' marked . _1 by •the scholars on the map and Oa . , miniiisum)PenaltY imposed.. ' .... . '.' These people • are .now r9aentful azi;. What they. Itelle/ve is the injustice of,, Canadian law; lint they . should liaVe made themselves' acquainted with the provisions • et the 'act.. ' . • - ., , . ' The Peris„,peper Makes' the ,follow - Ing Suggestion: , •• .1 .• , • .., . .". "thinada is, known all through, the Iluitetd ' States as',a land flowing not , only with Milk, and, honey, but 'beat., 'wine and hard .stuff. . Pertiorts' are • handed out, to alt Vis.itora wile 'apply - ' tor thern, and the natural inference ES that a country in whlich .booze ie. s� , . . . easily ,obtained will not expect one to carry ,bottles around 'nuoPened.. - . "It Is said. rules are, posted up ,on; , 'the l walls of liquor .itores.,, but %few, think to read . them'. If a Card Cede . -tatting , falt • Instructions,were hand-' eV 1:iiit, to such ,..purchasers, „partici'', cifirYr-tottidts-;-neucir-trouble and tit , ,. • teging might. be prevented." ' Sir Henry. .Drayton has gene one. better and has. Printed- the .laws right': iii_the-fate of the 'Ainerican'perkilta. . • - event int,erest aseociate w • theinvtold.shortaccount of each Ofthe layed.. . follewing: (1) The Transfiguration' Gie a . '• (2) ,On the :Way to Jerusalem; (3; afteir 'Which the snail upholds its foot and saunters off; an' empty, ,pierced their•-thiciats coiled lingual • ribbont • shciwing that murder been' arnied. with chitinoUS teeth; „ DRILLING A HOLE. , 'While the snail's foot held the help- less Victim, the radula or toothed ton - The limphet, commonly known as "Dutchman's boat," is a' shell dear to bois. Its curious' shape, round at one end and pointed at the other, 'an& the little dianbragin on the inner side, re - pebble -covered bottoms. If- one if fer- turiate 'enough to find a bed and rest 'above, it on, silent oars, one .may see the very interesting sight of .live wal- lops zigzagging through the watere, by putting a plank between the stones. But now the Plank had • fallen down too, and there was a' hole big enough for a cow towalk out "There's the cow," said Dog Wow, opeting :and shutting their shells as pointing across. the pasture 'with his graft, tit, the. snail, uncoiled and its end though they were winge. -- paw. "And there'S the hole.: If that was used to drill the -hale: ' Then the ,senl .1111g the recastleo d u tless.Win It is fitting that the- heart' shell cowfinds the hole she will walk right turned. itself inside' out as if it were of this shell uses its, teeth to scrape should have won fame as the • cockle out And then be 'Good-bye; of • arY, ay q* t ," In Cow'•'' ' „ Probesis in Which the tongue is located for it the name of boat: The builder the'fiaier of a gloye-and-in4erted a together its .f°441-1iviag organisMs' life the cackle is most intriguing.For - "MaYbe she won't find the hole,' pair of sharp :seisears_ijke jaws hits frau, the rocks or oysters to which it tunate is the heseheoroher who come; Said -Little Cat. the, Clam and chopped it up. Alter fastens itself.. The little creature that uPon cockles as the.tide is 'Coming in, "5he might!". said .Dog Wevsr.: "What's she doing in. the pasture at thatthe-snall sucked out the juice as builds this shell has a homing instinct for theth they hterallY sen to ' leap , 'though_the_,prohosis_wereia,44ravi:T. like' a- Ca-rrier.4dgeon-and-'-,alwaYs-re7_,_ia_joi,_,_frerci _ the.:_..earld:_to_ireet ...the this time Of. n:ight?" said Little 'Cat: to s _ • .Thia same moon .snail is a geed and turnto-the-samer-spOt--on---the-• :.woy of obtaiaing-,teakitast„ On al- Which are fastened, to the reek.-, "That's pia ir "-Said Dog -Wow msta lig mot in--„spite.".of her rock. T e eg • are. in bags, -most-any, June 4..w3 lyday-the-heach- ; • C()LOAING_CiF__•__SCALLOPS 'Aside from look pleasure", fertilizer: ,_ .and shell,' for ' State toa.a§, the shell `./irinit!s-a-- -very -smart -cew, She's go creatures provide man with 'other i..11'pe.. out of the barn,i and the next thing ful. inateria.liT'The- :coiniriont-'hlatk: YouT•lcilow_:.sheat_And-,--tbiat.-401•1_:an mussel, which dings to posts of piers get out of the field. We've got to ' stop that hole up. Little Cat;"- said Dog Wow seriously, knstt 14 don't see three rosy hchildren, Tilly, Milly and The Trium.phal Entry; .(4) The Trial Willy, had looked out of the windows of Jesus; (5), Tho Story of the' Cruel - they would have:been/surprised,: and llxion. wondered what Dog Wow and Little:rhat ill Jesus teach about the fol..' Cat • Were doing; But. they 'got the . Ilioilv3111SeaGrZltr;i8r3a)11,TI% homielif :(21 beard at last to the hole in the wall. Cost of Discipleship; (4) About, Him- ' "She's Still there," said:Little-Cat. sell. .. : • . . , tt,, I see her. " , - - Fill in the blanks in the following: , "I'm glad, you do," said Dog Wow What Shall itprofit`.a man— .'.....:. between his teeth.- "If she'd got out Whosoever will, come'after nie......: it „ wl ouw1c1hhayvoe bdeesrit 0. `pG os,oadyby eg, . Co,Gowo'd." ( wS uffoesro elvi tetrl ewei IT lbderegrn e. a: ... . . . . „ -, .. n - ^ • C" bye, Cow',' said Little 'Cat./ ."It wolf,t. iiiiehretrone unto\ Caesar. : which the builders... : ' be T"°°cILbie' .Cow' new° because we'v° As they did eat, Jeans took bread get the board just N°.116* °'e eftn!t get ' General Questions on the Lessons- _ outwithoutjee.11135-t." , ', TI What .dikiples did Jesus take'. with And so they, had, .for theyhadhim to -the Mount OrTiiifigarlition?" ' h No Treepassing sign exactly where What did Jesus ask the disciples at t--. _ Cinema Philippi? What did Jesus . teach about little 'children? . Who d. •-:--,- „Comber' may :fltil 'a "Johnny cod's Scallops have sovariouse'coloring wanted sit at Ahe right and left " ;lease,' as the children call.' it., and So fanlike shape, that imagine- hand' of Jesus? How w :did-JesuS ente ---vlanksAilte-a he f.ro, ra.,.•,Whielr the bat-. lion_ makes them mermaids'. ans. and lives in colonies, fastens itself to Jerusalem? 'WhY•? What did Jesus tom haa,been knocked 00; it:Twill* , T. .#I , children turt 'them into its anchor:by:means of silken threads. mean by cleansing the Temple? Why tdid the JeWish leaders dislike •Jesus? 'th*' inatitiSteithati,the -matter ;dishes 'and.,make. tea partieswith their hese threads have been succesSfully hew- ' •catetli4..haek that Plank." "Let -me think,',! -said Little Cat ' snail for hitchh*ber liilifren." a' id: Scallops 'live beyond the surf on used 'for; making silken 'hoSe. How did 'they ;get Jesus in their •The;bnildhig-ntlhiS:egg2,Caseis :an • , • power What: was, the charge they builds - , hat. And by ^the time he had done --- • • •- • - . •____:,,Little_Cat stood' leanin on his cane-. bmught against him? On What charge %the: mother • covers them' VIOS JCOTIS put to death? Where Was all day, Undertaking. As fast, as 'the . . "Let me think." ' Ilttle Cat • . I Jesus -buried?-- What- three _ wOmen nd thought. Dog Wovilsit dowri arid ached him admiringly, ;Wagging his came to _the tomb that, first -taster morning. that I.,ittle Cat had ecine out of the wa front leg, and had stood ' up .ot his _ ' her •,•aheiViintil it has ,tia4eled Clear hind,. legs,' and Was leaning on his I ', 7 IS IT A It11:2D1.;E? , : around it, and_thitiiipTocese'gives it cane and looking at the moon like a '. "F'have it! Ah -ha!" cried Little ,shaPe....,-'rheri,1,7she leavee it' half bitried little gentleman.. 1 , ' • ', I Cat., "How de people keep other peo- ' - the sand. ' '' , 1 '' ' 1 ' . Iple from coming through a hole. with- ,., . ' ',- The Lhabiqn . begin to tacubste, at "What ;• a night! 'what a night! ,. " - , .. • . ", . ' A W NDE ^ UL,NIGHT ' - „ out stopping it up ." , , • . 171e.ea0d,- hatch sin about e..menth, If thats a riddle, Little Cat, , said crambling. the shell. The waves help said Little Cat. "Oh, those people! Do Wow, "it's too ,much' for me.'''s the process, and soon the little (met Those people! •They think I'M asleep I . i. "They mit ,up a board With letters - , • . st,art it search of food- - The waters „ . . " ori. it,' said Little Cat. • • in my basket, and here I am, up and , . either crumble . the eraPtY . "Johnny out enjoying the beauties of nature! • „.. . . ' • ,, -d • ... I i see •wnat you mean now, said H.A.witli,,agelatinetias, mass that gradually window; with, his 'cape under his left - hardens. kke, tpie caseclose .to , BY RALPH BERcIENGIIE14 ' :- It was a beautiful spring night With a Cute crescent moot, . -but nobody in the house where Little Cat lived was awake to look. at it. It was past the time of 'night when Little Cat Usually got up, but there he was, in his basket. behind' the kitchen stove, sound asleep With his head on his paw. Tho kitchen door. had, been left open that evening, and when thia happened, Little Cat was 'able to hear the radio, So he he'd sat uP till as late as, 10 o'clock listen- •ing to the muSic. •Little Cat•sometimes • , - • • • • „you'd have Missed i.t .if .1 hadn't D : ow "It sliVs 'No' trees as d's Se 'else Wadi- it upon -the aked ou up said Dog Wow. I , , ethin like that " . • '"I know where one of -those boards beach, where, it. tarns a whitish color ' „ mg, or, som g . w y • , CO, • a , "Farmer Jenk's.liest cow-- • aficl in- time is ero by wind and S- it has fallen' weather or becomeaa `child's toy. "I ,was uP lath," explained' vfas pot on a tree- and , . • . . • • " sang hiinself; ao he hie*: geoid . deal o . id Little.,Cat. . The snail family is large one, in- • eluding the whelk and the coneh. :There are two conches on the Atlantic -coast, Buctiziani undatum and the the same species as the whelk of mEnre,Pe; which is mukh sought after Cat "listening . to beautiful sounds. ff 'd THE SNAIL FAMILY. about =laid, and enjoyed •it greatly. There was a lady Singing who'sang So Little Cat and Dog 'Wow hurried The - night was:: so.. mild that. the se much ' like pie, Dog Wew ,that lc.the they had c kitchen wind** looking Out on the simpli could net :go to sleep ' Until Shesbae till they 'cameo to an olcl Wood ,road. along e way eyo porch had been left part, way open.; had finished It was Wonderful. YOU .There was a tree 'tear the entrance. Aboat haif an hour after the time l have heard roe sing?"Of the Old road dnd a board with let • , Little 'Cat'ttsuriliy'woke-uip_,• ,fti..have,t, said, Dog • Wew, "But W.e ters' on it that -said: - • as a food. . . The ,Fulgar is known to children as the pearreonch. The -poet speaks of the whelk as • "Neptune's wreathed. horn," and all children at some time or, other learn .to hold it,to their ears and listen for the beating of the sea - waves within. INCUBATOR OF Tilt SEA , • . Buccinum undatumbnilds a curious ubatot, • a mass of triangular- Little Cat. "Bow. -wow -wow -wow. ' • Row -wow I" stood on his hind legs on the porch have no tizne to stand here and talk and looked anxiously in through, the abont , singing. Farmer Jenk'S best open windovi. He had his hat on the side of his head, and Was very Mach :. • . ' - "That is the third time you have excited. When he saw Little CaLasleep in hfs basket Dog Wow barked a itery small bark, for he was a thoughtful dog and . never barked in the night loud enough -to wake People Up. "Bow -wow!" said Dog Wow, a little louder than before but not loud - enough to wake anybody. up except shaped, parchment -like shel s, wluCfl The Fulgar lays its eggs in ra long and jumped out, of the basket. He ' are sometimes 'called "sailors' soap." This time Little Cat really Woke up, string of incubators' that , resenable came to the window. , • " parchmept-shaped pill boxes setono. "Oh, it's you; is itl".said Little' Cat. on top of another. ' The string tapers "D thought I heard something?! • like a tail and IS flat , at :the end, by "It's me," said Dog Wow: , meats of which the mother fastens ."How many times,", began Little . tightly to a rock. , The • little* snails Cat, "have I tiila you-" , .: , ' in the back •yard and So. Cul 'past tie , and pointed with his cane in the three- , have complete, if raitiature, Shelia,' by "Well, ..:it's I, if yoti 'like that any Perkins's . house and the Robinson's 1 man that Dog Wow Ought to go back - the tinie they ' leave the case. , 'Children 'better'," said. Dog Wow. "Sat we house to ,the pasture of rehabod Jon- . -Ward.' Sp he was some help after all. delight in these empty incubators, and haven't got time to hother. with gram- :athan Jenks, the farmer, which was.1 ,,I hope that cow won't find the hole . before We get ,there," sAid 1:),Og Wow ., pretendithey. are necklaces. • mar. Not a ziainute. Farmer; jenk's jtist beyond • the hOuse where 'Farmer . NO' TRESpASSING • Police Take Notice• lay at the foot of the tree.. said `Farmer Jews hest eowri "rt works with People said Little said Cat, "and_ perhaps' it -will-work with Little Cat. "What is on your mind about' Farmer Jenk's best cow?" She will get out of , the pasture," said Deg Wow. "She • will run away. There' is a .hole in the Wall, and if that .cevi finds that hale,' 411 can say is that it will he 'Good bye, Cow.' You comet With me, Little Cat; and I'll shoW • Se Dog View and Little Cat hurried along the street, . past the Sniith.'s, sur - house, where Dog Wow lived. , a a .cow. An3rway, when we've put ,it where the cow can see it .we'll have done the best we,can, Dog 'Wow, and that's doing much.", .. . „ . • Dog WO* lifted the board with hiC strong teeth, hut the beit:he could do . was to lift one side of 'it. , Little Cat woolen, with the:stripes reversed for tried to lift ..tiie other side with his the front panel.. The belt is attractive . teeth, and then he tried to ;help lift slipped through openings and tied at side. It can easil3r be madeit an. hour . with .his paws, and hen he tried to / in But he was really to :help at all, and 40 -inch get underneath and lift with his head: -°11"1 9blY requires 3 yards of material for the 26 -inch size, Two suf.- I: house of his own in the back yard, Dog wow had to vvalk .backivards and faces of crepe satin, Printed and.plain ' arid p,ast the Jones's house, where the i drag the ,board 'after 'him ' Little Cat silk crepe, and georgette crepeln twom Tones'i pig lived in a pen of his -own I . Walked, behind like a little g,entleman t°11e` -- • ' Pattern is obtainable in sties 16, 18 effect, are. lovely combinations. years; 36,.38, 40, 42 and 44 inches but Measure. ' Price 20c the pattern. I •• PERFECT SIMPLICITY... • , A spells dress is smartest of course -when it simple. Style No. 837 is ex- tremely popular. It is particularly fetching -made of striped novelty sheer • On Peace Tour , ROy4 .W •Ish .1,adies' Choir • ----.-Startori--:.---Three.--ear • World Singhig Tour . . -Wh,at was the impression that Jesus , London. -The Royal Welsh Ladies' made on: (I) The disciples; (2) The Choir of 40 members, ,which recently . people inteneral ; (3) The priests and Pharisees; (4) Pilate; (0) Tbe, Cen- swig before the King and Queen at ' turion. . • Windsor,' has given a farewell -pep! life? Would, you, follow Jesus if it Pf°rri'olnra.tnoceitsadt departure ullre.°Yoanl a Athl breeret-YeElaaral! world four -...' It will be "a singing -- meantjeAsupspisic?atipoon.-"Tieto dhoirnyognovsparny 3,,c?,thiarrt t° lose Y°Lir P°91t1" or -74:111r `drive' for universal peace'," an effort wealth? 'How ' beim you. answered ' s Pilate's question of what ito do with to 'ink an the wizarcly of song. ' English-speaking, peoples . Jesus? Will you accept Jesus as your i bY, Saviour and crown him the king of The choir will have a repertory of your life?' , 4 Angro-CeltiC folk songs, which Mme... Clara Novell() Davies, its ,founder and , -conductor, hopes win lead to.the pop- ne coW. dould Come out of the field with:- ularizing :Of community Singing. • out stppPing over it. • ' , "I' have been planning and thinking said -Little Cat "They think' you're said Mme Novelle Davieg. in a Press ."Oh, those peopae! Those people!" about this: tour ,for the 'last 30 ypars," peoplea in . my' basket, and asleep in your: house' and I'm. asleep Interview. ``I helieve th4t by. POPular- here we areL-of aaYi:AP_ Oztinthg.e°.BrigirintigsianEdmpgiirertnsgonithee an& out enjoying the beauties tare -and- keeping -Farnier_Jank s_hes . • • cal from • getting out of., the pasture: What fun! What fun!" . , . Away . From ' pit); . Pests "HoW Is ,thatrcni have so, many. beautiful itoWers and ahrutra growing on your "Gentlieran Firmer: see I'motl'o main,h.ighway!" , lenkS lived with his stout .wife Sarah his teeth. "If she does it the rill be 'Good-bye, Cow'." - the lttle holes in the shells of other • 'Wait a hit trill get 'my cane," said and „their three rosy. children, 41111y, ".We're clang our best," said .Little creature's, suck tot only the shells ,of Little Cat,. "and I'll be with you. And Tilly, and Willy. Farmer Jenks' barn pasture, Which i Cat ' •"If she ots out she'll get out, the clams and nuissels 'but also 'of dco put your hat on straight! It's way was at one end of • The flerceSt of the snails ,that drill best , cow---" ' 1 , ,. • 110W TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name ndaddtess.laifl- ly, s giving number and size of such patterns as you vianL Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (colt ;preferred.; wrap it carefully): for ezii-h number and , or Buccinum maY caPse the death ef 54 D4g W° , • ' • .• ,It -took quite a .while andiar,mer ,Vdress•yeur order to, _Wili.lotn Pattern it wont be our fault ,• imanY of the ;univalves. Thus 'Fillgar •over yeur,left ear. , . had a ston wall around it, and in one bu w 'took his paws off the place the :stones had fallen down and if • Service,- 73 West Ade.aide F.) - Toronto the moon' snail. All hav,e hidden' in window .ledge, and straightened' his, Farmer Jenks, had mended the place Jenks and his wife Sarah and their , Patterns sent by return mail. . MUTT AND JEFF—Bud Fisher. fAMe AND Fot2TS/Ne Mae, nUTMASIANG tAlfni ' 6 RASO 'F.:r LAST. 'mu -yr CoMe AND LOhic AT my* LM'eir 'Om" tr A teAL, optz6t.p,q Moe: 'I'/N144 lits cRouktAR An& -FON To PRV 45c)c-m: _ tkiRews. OOF' P3/401' °Pep IT: luo, (Mb niettl.1 c'44v't of2 Ai* iN) -rite tppRi •ammuidaismonamiommem" Women 'Will Le/vie Politics Mussolini has .not mach faith as _regards' . Women .in politics. Re- cently ite received. , a , well-known American lady lecturer. He told her that .in fifteen years the Am- 'erican women, would net take the slightest interest in politics: •• "It, is in 'woman's' nature," he said, 'soon to tire of things ex- . tranequs to her 'nature." • Among such extraneous things he places polities,' Soon, he added, Women wotildlisten again' to the _call, of nature,,, and would take ; greater interest in their homes and families than -in' bridge and 'motor ": , the tradition behind Epgiib folk .nations can • be developed ,COmmun;, _ ity singing- results in, a general feeling of, good fellowship: ' The choir :will go to Australia vie Cairo, and On to Canada' in the antumn. •., The United States :and ether ' cOuntries:. Will be V,islted, IzicInding .Patagonia., Where Welsh ranchers preserving their oicrchstoras and law -e,' „ Is There No Limit to Jeff's Inventive' Ability6/1" St)(aPoSE `OKI yuA SOME; AIR2 .11404 `iou. .c 4o ourtibe • •••••,;e• -4? M 111111111111111 II II •••,• • • 444.;::; .*.:"it:1%'*.V.N.A.."4";- .- Tifiet)' 41,10010 1*4'%: *4.4 r have formed a colony of their Cvien, • rqp SI-It'UNDRSTAND ' Wifle (awake) 1 heard yeti putting. ,,,• the car away.; Why are yoti home 60 HubbY;. Just-L-hlei -had a lit,IttIe -hloWeift, m' ,dear: " N "My iolker!tisin thees..swe. ather,": re-, „••• Marked..the •bootblalf. : , "How's that?" asked , the custinner, "When it rains it means no shine," 4, he grinned..:-dincinnati tnquip,r, ^4. ' dorrcct Teacher:, -"Can „ aiiyon tell fwh'ai causes trees to becenie pe4,11161?"; Bright • student: "1:11.i. Wrnd, makes them rock."-chier„gLin.tributie. 1 '''''''r..:"'"'""".`,/..••0 nr..;••••••00.0.r..,..;. .. 1 A- IiiitiE Boneilly,ii---• 1 ,, • . . ... •,,c. .... . . ., . ...-- of ,!..:on-Hailoct lited I - , 'Nog/ilea,k„,: jz.-,-Ancieuti earthen. - ...440.,....,ont,PUfng..,„(4.0.,,I,14.11,10..A4Prli".. tiihtor.)7ld.race, recently ekn.,Vc.t,e1..P ,111OO,WOrlatl g. On-ctLY''8trett;r4, 'welt , kleciated • to he 'more than.' .",000 , years old by ileali tryreti Cato:1'00g, .) of thc. University of Ariv.otia, Who hipeetbil.: the re04;:s.• ' , IVILttty nt.ilt, jail itre :ilmerthed IW(tii luil7h. pi4 'ilosTgia WO,: titaa drawings'. ol 41•itiitc s,..-Crtii is pod es' and - birds, :1),64ti .'quilimitit4attributed 1 . tiit.,.,, findings to the illhautm rieeple) A. a ioug.herutOti. race; . . . • , . ' ,r • . •