HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-06-21, Page 1r •
00, PER TEAR „
t. . ; I:
Mrs. 11. J. LjdsaY j ,thit* • week
isiting her,sister and ''eoualris•
. • Mo. Smith of Tara 1 a• guest
of $,oWil„ • '• • - •
, Mr. arid 'Mrs. Frank Tyler, Of ;Wet,
'L-teo ' • • trito ton
••< mere on 4
On 'Sunday. '
. ,
.1•11r: J. Norton of New York, was a
guest. the past .w eel; :Of his eeilain;
gra. Olive TreleaVen:
All lines. of. Men's, „Women's and
.hildrea's Life. Outing ShoeS'-
'411eap, at W. J. Little'e. Shoe' Store.
Mr. and Mrs..F. J. Lucas .and
laughter, • AA,drey, ' were 'Week -end
4uest,s of the Misaes Robertson.
'Mr. Stewart Burns :of Detroit, is
4,peiiding his vacation with his par-
•Buy your '1'ravelling Geed's, 'Snit'
Gases, 'club Bags,, etp:„ tit "TUrner'S.
Special pricee for Friday and •Satur-'
Abrare en'tsleal treatle in Store for
all who attelut the'Minstrel , Show,
'Friday:night in Carriegle Hall, 'Luck- .
,••Nir, and Mrs. R. S. NVileen motored.
to. Lorulon,. Friday et. last, week, and
spent the Week -end with Mr. Wilson'S.
. • „
F, 371,Arnis rong, airended,the
optieal conVention ate 1.;ondan th
PhYsivian altd ,„Snrgcon
' Liieknows • .•
--jt t300
pholig $6.. .
..,tizNrosT ,
Dr. MacLeod ,will vmit Lucknowi
eyery '1'ilesday; • in Dr. • Coenell+s
CIffice. " .
• • . 1)ENTIST•
R, L. Treleaven, Luelinow--
• Over, Decker's Store Extractiort
,either by gns or local: Will .11,e iv
Dungannoo eve-ry Thinsday. Phone 53.
-0-0-0-0-L41--0-0-0-0-10 •
Geo.,"A: Siddalt ,LuCknOw, -4 Broker
and Real Estate. --Money to, lend or •
first Mortgages- on farm tproper-,,)
ties at 6 and 61/2 per Cent'•according
to security 'offered Also sinall
amounts. en second rnertgages •en
farm properties and on personal-
:___notee.,.a.A.Jew _geed farine foe sale
•• WALL .PAPER-.:A'full line of 1928•'
-Wall-Paper;on-liand. •Prices from 8e
. •
, up. ' I am alga agent for leading .jobr
•.. houses.: -R. J. Cameron, Decorator
. : Pallas -1:- and---Gi aine1„---13ox.-474;-.-Luel,ce_
- ' DWELLING FOR, SA.1.E-In first
, .
class repair.; .e.)teell'ent .location: Price,
reasonable. and terma "pasy.--Apply
: to The Sentinel office.,' •',- : . - • - ...
• ,F011.-SALE-GleVeland-Bic-yele• hi
t oed' eondition... Also '• ae,yeral: used
••". tennis reequets.:-L-Inforination at ,The •
"Sert1T51. office. „ ' .- . .. ,.,' ,(287-6-11)".
- ,•FOR RENT.,--Gara.ge;..eom'Yeeient to
• ' beSiness 'centre, • LneknoW. :1,3f0rina.,,
' tion .at The .Sentinel ,oiliee. " •-•• , ;'' ,
. , ...-
Having purehesed.'.a. strongmotor!'
' truck with stock raCk, l' ale prepared.
, to. IFo jolw cif"freighting,: bowing, ,
•. • ete4.,"'', ,TermS., .•,reaSonable.- • R ` .4.
, . .
. Moord, Lueknew.
1711U„Ral:!AX,.JUNE 2 1st isgs.
. • ,
The. big.' poSters, ark .,apnoune-
a, most 'iteried and 1iigh-0144. prd-
Um t'Or. the" 'monster ceiehation to
'ae put 'On at LuCknew on July 2nd.
,FeatUres'are;,!A Military : Band
r30;,, • ergeoue .yireworksl,
end, Softball' Games; A Street •Danee
at night.
•Thoae,' whO .eare for., •hand's *Usk
vill enjoy a' real treiit. •. The commit-
tee in charge have been forteriate.in •
•eccurieg the well-known Waterloo
Musical, Society'. tend, an organize
ion Which has, no superior West
Ontario. This. ,band _recently.
-,-itiyed-diri the Arena- Gardens, .Teron-
to, to an audience, of.12,000. people, a
trivilege accorded-enlYto bands of a
high order:. Theprogram` then given
vill be repeated, with the, addition of
popular Scoteh• and ;Irish airs, at
,Luekno* during the afterncoM '
Tlie.1V1ilitW"Tattpo: will commeece
at 7 45in the evening, in .Caledonian
Park, Bands taking •part will. be: The
•Waterloo, Band, above reterred
Bruce Reginiental Band, . ChesleY,
Walkerton Citizens' Band apd Lucl
eow.Citizens' Band..
A striking feature,. Of the evening
piog4arit in- the_park t1l e u great
;display if fire'vvort s. There will be
nothing small about this It doubt
leas will equal or surpass anything.
ever presented: in this di -street. , The
-11t—e-f•Wai11 progrifire--wi11
Out on in large' centres on ,great oe.
Cars Will be :adinittad ,free t& the
nark' ',afternoon .and evening,: where
here be thriple Parking", aeco.m
. ir
To round out the brograrn there
will be a street dance With 'geed or-
hestra intisie • at. night. ,,. All this
°. 1 -mum be entertainment enough fin;
'anybody-hiit see the posters.
Mr, and ra.34: -Liiac1,27f. Detroit, ,vis
,ted 111r.tand...1\Irs. Alex Ross the end
:of i'i,ist weeki; lied 'attended the Fritz -
ley double wedding at Ches,ley,
on ,. Club • ' ‘. . '
Bags • and.
• ,Trayelling. :Geods,L28„,pe,cial: „prices
' Suit ''Ciises; ' -,(1.! Sat.-
:311-.da-y-tt 6. Tuiner's p•ii oe,
I. .
AT cimst.,Ey '.. •
• Kr.' ILO Alex ResS 41•Kr_ Mr,
and , T. W. Sjuith,werelat Ches
iey• hist Saturday, attendirig,:"the
tage ,'Of 'Misses Iona MaY, and COra
fsla, on y ebildren atilt% 7Airs.
.and i.amk1iRheiV of,,
'Mr. and Mra., Ross,
. The grooms in"the "Pretty double
erenienY v,ele, Messrs,• Rmbett -Breve
.*ietlieringitin: and ,: Q11,4t'ril‘
• Wright; ' both ',young 'business; men of
Cheeley., The eeremonyt was held in.
the •Anglican 'Church at, Mne. o'clock.
"-a.m. The church, prettily. decorated
:With honeysuckle, bridal wreath, lily
of the Valley and"snoWludi; 61.s filled
Nith spectators. • The Rev. T. Bird
-Iolland officiated, arid' Miss. Cora•'
`8ruegetnan- presided at .the organ;:
,daying "softly throughout.... the serv-
ice. I.'he erepses ef the brides were
of .rose.glow;,ailk:georgette,, trinimed
witle„...Charal l_LtheLeLt. er.,'
nriect,coreege eueluete of orchids, piek.,
roses, lily of the valley an!„.1•Iidiantem :
tarn. They Were married in stray
ing coats of navy point twig,' w.
fax searfs, ' Eaeh wore ii„bloncl, hat,
withlloves, ,imie ,and 'slides • to match.
On, ,leavirig the.. -cliurch., .. the .two.•
entiiiles.took ;Motor cars ancl the party .
drove to. -Liicknow'r, where. all • N'y: ere
ntertained at luncheon -iif.---th, e'ltome:,
,of ',Mr.'', and:, Mrs, 'Reas: Leter' they
;eft by motor on a trip - to ,.:: Detroit,'
Buffalo 'and „Niagara..."Beth cetiples .
,wi.11-7-make7thei-r-temet7inle, ,- :•••
- • ' '
- sujelpE .,1•1EAR TEES:WATER
, .-- . • . , .
. Al most shockir0 case ' of. self,dei:--
S,trtietion ceeitrrd4 ' l,Qa?. ' 'the .. Cl.l'..1.3.:
rack a' fet ,milea out ki.11 Teeswawit:
..in -ThuiSday of last. week, .when F rut
o , . , . . , . .
•,_3fight, a. yoetig'i Englialup an, three •
aimseli in 'front 'of .. the, Passenger
,Kairi on .the• Way from Wiegliam "to
recaleat,et,., ' '.'- • . .. ; '-'1'' —
. ,
. . . , • . :, , .
.:-.YOUng , Drig,lit . Was .known. in,
7,Lieity :of '.1.,iieknew, as ,Ite hid du:
,.,ged to 'work, at bay-pree-sin,,,,,.. witii.
..i arties ,dul.be0 of •Aeldiehl, and: had'.
oeen, in. LueknoW, a few' cli;Ysbefere
.ike.-...icagedy.,• Culbert anci 'his -7-IWO),
. , , . ,
were loading a. cer,.at 're.eaweter; mid ,
'durine.. the day.: Bright disappe'are0
, e .
: ind Cerld it ot. be loeated.
' - As tbe ti 'we's bachin,g towards:.
• reeswater, -2bout '11/2 Miles , -.eel,
notmee that he is going eut of .1
ivi411°S an-;,
and i :looci in..r.,irri.;4t1leka::
until 'June- 80t-li: also -Wish '
tadieS' of Luck..;
, now 'and •,lt:.litiltY,for their Pit=
ropage bere.•
• - - ••
-COME TO • •
-• '..
1e -Lean is ".this'' week •prb-'.
33,i.din g, at the depertniental 'eXariuna-:
tong- ..et RipleY..SAO01,..and. tlie,itin-
.b..3 &pie ' puliiie Seheel .:pr,neipal,". is
. • • ,
'perforiellice a: like :du -Ey -here. •
. , , ,
• Mr, R. S. Wilson, inanager of the
loeul Bank Of CeeprierCer-is---taking a-
•three,niontha' Vacietion,. and.. is ' now
,-----,---,,, ---,-- ' -------.4---,•• -- -••-------....,
,L,OST--Soreewhere .• between' Ifoly- ,ntsily 'engaged. blinding a. ..Aalmer
•rood and Lucknewe a• Green .. Felt cottage ' at...Rrace Beach, :Where", lie
II,af,.. . Finder please leave- ,a,t Belle 'and the fainily will .speed :the ' aunt-
Robertion's Millinery' -Store.' '• e
„Jeer Months.; Me.q.-A.• .• E, Millson•cOf
. • • . • . .
BABY ;CHICKS - .'•• •4 the- hank staff at Miltoni,.....,is; .4e:tine',
'- After, JUne:• 15ti". chicks froiii our ,matiege,l, in t,1-4! absonce , of, Mr.
:: pens of heavy laying' hens wl11 - be; at -son. •
• , . . , . :
' i'oek • bottOni. pkiceS. 0,A,C, Barred ,0
. Roe1,4 1.5c.. •S. C. White ' T,eghorlis. „ Mrs.; Williscreft .. and •
' 13c. Our stock IS 'produetion bred, :Beatrice,- of Vaneouver sent a few
-.C. G, 'Cannibell, -gaitland Speclatty. LlaYs of last'Woek witie:LuanOW and;
liai,lay. , mid free froMTri, ,iSciasei• ' .'
, Farm; Anberie Ont, Pnone. 10-,24,, :Lochalsh fiends, while,: here :being.
Blyth Munich:14. ' '•'• • . .., '.., .. the gueata: of Mrs', John -Dell., They
.. . . .. were On theie ,Nydy to., Albt.1.1).Y, N.Y.
and: :left .for . that cify.... Ce :'.lancy,.
YirS. Willi•
il:. rat-, 0 a ,claugls tel.' 'of the
• taby Chicks and
Hatching Eggs /
• $rern extra. heavy ' laYing
.p.ure' bred' to -lay White
• and •Barred Rocks. production
and , pedigreed%intiles ' ' 11s0(1 Ordev
• new. and!ge• them when ' you Want'
them. Also incubators, brooders and
POultry, 'supplies. Cirst,oro hatching
' done: . I' Can. save you in6ney. :Phone
. , •
or write , „•• ,
• ,.•
Duncan Kentiedy. .
• .„ WIrteanereh, On t
. .
(1 -a -to .
• • Tenders Will .be .reeoived lav, the
dersigried uP, :till June '2S;. fer.
the purchase- of the Forre$Vers'
•in the village of, Whitechurah. , .Ten.;
-dere will be -actepted for ".building
Antl,:lot; AParately, if so cleOrecl. Lot
eentairis 175 of ,an acre, more or lese,
•.If tender :fee ,building is . accepted,'
building to 1)0 removed wftbin three
'months Of date of sale. ",
Any tender- not necessarily ,aer
eespted.- • •• • . •
'Frank I-TenrY, Lucknow R. 5.
(28-6,,e) .
. • .
• Local -Masons .had - a- ver3,-_,pleasai it
3vening Thursday Of' last Week, whe'n
District ,Deputy Grand Master, B. L.
Bamferd paid, an ,oacial visit to , Old
i'Jig.ht Lodge..., First ''def.e.ree w,Ork
Bro. 'Geo: .T. 'Aitehiseii7W:M., in 'the
Was:. exernplified by the ledge tearn;
• . • • ,
-hair; in a way drew , high
.ornpliinents from, the D.D.Q.:M. •FOI-
lowilli 'the; '16dte..exercises' e." lunch
A'fas,. :served; and Dr. , A.
'315-erce; , autii g-rT'ai;s- teaS-tinastere erdle
,ipori, the ' following for short. 7fre-
pronaptu addresses, Dr.-, 6.- A.. New
Lon; 13. M,' Grant, Rev .; J. A: James,
Dre, W.• V. Johnston•. „Majirt Savage
of Listowel; waa very entertaining7
. ,
1ate'411r, and iity.s. murcitY.•h tac1fl a Speech on the. Fourth Degree. Dis-,
zie of 1 oebalalie.. She :and . her late :beet. secretary vanedek and a r.a.m.:
lins.band'left‘liere 47 Y,eare age, ge-" 'eer .of other's also'. gave oddresseS:':
, .
int.!: to CklacisLone," Man4 .later to •
:D.C.; and thi is her .first visit to Iiel• .1.6.0-,F: DEcoRiat
• Fred Webb Will have , an auction,
. of 65 acres of Plfalfa bay on lot
• 22, eon. 13, West Wawanevb, an Sat.
tirday4iJune'•300, .Q.1.3rijneneing‘ at '2
•`o'cleck. p.m. 4-IaY sold in
parcels to Suit purchasers', Terms.,
Three months' credit on , approved
jdint.notes.-30hn PurViS,Atte.
. •
• •(2841)) - •
On • Snriday afternoon ..laste the
,At 8 .0.4i,-
• „ .,„
onday. Night
•, THE- `45th "INSTANT
and hear
HON. W. H. •PRICE, Atterriey
General, :!K P r o of Ontario;
MRS. FAT,LIS of , Pe terbc ro;
South Btuee.
..Mai)le Leaf Orehestre.
'• 1%1 A PAX L LIST Lucknow L 0. O. F.: at d Rebekah
' Cornmencing. Wednecia.v.,, dune 20 ed:" -,es 1)"1"hrd the beautiful cet`er.
Miss Gertrede Robert46n, Maroellist, Prny oldecorating,the graves of de-,
peeted ::"- Greenhill' Cetne-
of Wingnam .(graduate of To-ionte,), members at
tery. Meeting at the Lodge Rdoor at
will, be at T. Wetson's barber' shop
from 2.:0 to 0410 p.M, ' two o'clock, the ledges; led:by Luck,
Limy Citizen's Band, Marched to- the
--,-T--.. •o -9. -e -e -e:-
- i
,ereetety,e. where a Aert service. was
held; the Rev. R. W. Crew • Making
A real good..Old-tinle dance R. tile; address.. With the Usual cere-
13uttoit'e new • Preston steel 'bare; mon e • sir ell flower pet ,containing,
Y " ,
.jul4t West of Luelitow;,,the evening of e red geranium wzis' plated •,on the-
OreheStre, Everybody,' weicoine: fellows and on ,the grave of •Miss
Bright _aPpe' red beside the . trate,.
• • • •• ,
and Whenthe teain was: _a•
Zen?' Yards:of 'hirn he threw himIf
across the .rail. , His -bod,y• was cut . 1.11 •
• • ,1d f••tmilV : Of. Lawrpc'eville, .,111.,
Harold Skinner's
IN •
inghain Arena
Thursday Night
'BINOIX .co:OE fi" ENtfir '
:,-L:-4-,-,...,.-.. „„,:,,:,-....-,_..-'-,,,:-.,-,-e---••
V '13red, The Bread'
-of llealth , „., 'of . flealth
• oukt MOTTO. IS QUALITY ANto. sONIeV, .
boiti- Made Bread, „Raisin fire4 .:‘,'Vhol., Wheat Bread:
. - ^" SPEIAIA
'als.e Y. .'alineTatte," OrgaItt"PfiffS-r-Itaiisin-A-Piescee*igi.,,..,..Setia.Tes,.:_,_„
Oatmeal Cookies, Chelsea Buns,•Iced, Rolls* - Raspberry.. Tartlets, '
JeN 1tolls. . ' • ' " ,...,• .,,
, H ( v
N 5' ERN
.. phone 36• .LticknOvr •
, .
c••••••••••••=......../..Lmi ., ........Peanime..10;+.../.0.......marNI4=;001•01..m..1111.1~011M
AS11F1E1,1i. • NOTES
Dr:. Beverly Rciert.Sosti:,if TM -onto,
. . ,
• ;pent: last, 'week .gueet ' of '-1\11,,is;
, .. • • .,. •
'Dr: and .Mra. Finlay MaCG
. • .
. 2ee Bareby..• • • • j
twO and,• his lirilbS •()ken and
51'a -rig e.. •
ConduCter, Carson ....and, his .• brake-.
mare A. Hasenfhig, were standing
, .
on the rear • platforM; and were ispee.
. .
tators \ oft the rash
. , • , •
• Bright, came out frim • England.
little::.mord than • a ,morilM, and
kip pears ft) ;have 'had neitiir1 r el e 1'1 eS•
nor friends here/ •'
. .
Theremains were taken in,clitit..p;
absence. of • Undertaker Li:Ala-ter,' W.
• • • • • -
J. Davison was, called from „1,iicknow •
to 'Prepare -the. body •fOi!
• -'1;uesdi-ty, June 26tif, ' MacKeri.zie's graves; Of twenty one departed Odd,:
Watch for J, Butten. Annie 'Pickering,: a Rebekah, whose,
death 'occurred 'Icti.t*
• oto,,o---•
• •-• 'ftilly liatroniZtd ..itt Ore;
of live' stock throughout the past
year, J. \Nish to expresS: fiest appreel,
• .atio -now taking in• hogs each
• Vriday. 'late:1'110mi . and , .Satairdity,
mitt o!cloek,.L-R; T. IrWiti,
_ • ,.-64611414-44146,---:'. •
• • ”IiiiNA"rolt. CO: NOWA
antlual: -Meeting of 'the.' Vartn;
eke .ElevatorConikryttily; timIted, Will ,
lia ;held, in Alit PoOM 1,be .
• :Carnegie LUeltilokt. ondny WerinN„.
-,afterntion, :at IN-vt) O'dOcit,.4,411,11
T27th --nat. Pie aniiniel.:etetenient
•be reeeiyed;' Directors elected 'ft*:
• the ,eetittilk eetteoll alld• paw import.
flower was placed. The - graves lit
" • •• Greenhill -and South are dee-
'AlaeLeod-Li3the ,of Jtipicy,
June Isth .1.028 Atinia,,,m,„,„ crated, in is, way in .a, ,erria e years.
Leod, VichfW of the ,1a6 Alexander .
MacLeoa, ' aged' 7-6 years.'.'fbe -funeral CAMPAIGN 114
was on Wednesday, .June 20, tO Rip- ' • Sotni Masa:
. qvf. 'A. MacCallurn, Progiessive
• • , ..„. : canclidate iri South \Bruce in:the bye
-,---.4.0.0-.7 •
_CIIANGE " aliSIN'ESS • election to be lield.June•27, called on
ley Cemetery.
, ••?•••
Iticknow Kinloss eleciVa' .on
HdArillg _44 out ,my 1-11.4111ee Tuesday of tilViS'‘.t;e1c;;:' is one
'Mk' J. :.Geadq of can learn, both cendidates.-.ere :meet;
wish' td%sineerely thank all .those ,whe ing with a measure of ow:6,111;142;e-
patronNed my,'store Since 1 ciame to Mont, which: leads each to feel. eonfl-
1,11cknowr and 1, bespeak for my Ace .
;line centin`uenee, of
the. Publie faVOt-,,
C1()01)1(CIW'S PICNIC"
Thtirsduy; june
the day after Sotith, 13tuce tY7,
C Lion. '• .1.:adies4 1' Tourna-
.4 ilt lit.,.41AtAlkettMly •ItinPartline,
•1 y Pert Itou.- Martin,
Minister of Agrieul,ture, •speaking,
SupPr,• 646 to 1300, 'Concert, Ilan,
r. ancainiii'resictott, over Collogiox'
t btisinescoosidOrcliostit,
, s, ore .
-",clent of : SuccesS.• vie,,W of action
„ .
.woNtE.- INsTyr,u'l7E • •
The ; senireer meeting of the 13111
naw Women's Institute, was. held' on.
MondIy afternboxf, June 38th, In "the
with, the..." Pi•Csident,
111urdie,. presiding. invitlttiens
had ,been" extended to W techilreii
liolyrood and:- Ripley .bry,e.iies;
tci tueimow ,I•unibr 13ranci) tr? attend
they godly numbers,
over one hundred and 111:ty be,
log present. . clratifying, repeil.„:4of
the years work Were • presented hV
the secretaries: of Odell ,bra.,Iich. '311 1'
Emil/ J. Guest, 11,1:A., :17 Toropto,
who was 'the sPealter ef, the tiffei•,-
neon. gave a very- intereiting, and il-.
structii/e addresS; takieg• fpr her sub-
jeet; "Irovv •pake en onle,p‘ot_solds•
of yourself 'end yOur, institnte.r Miss
dttet stresseethe inwortenee or col-
uoatinp: way. oils loolvi
1)133 w hi li
wfll in -futon make of tben3 111.61.0 ee-
ei'ent • liernenfakers. 'After 301 1L10
the story' of the' Insjitif`e: in .041-
tario, organized apple '1131311 3)1)3.
years ago, the., spenk,"e. j'e)ferreel LII
the: ttic,know 13;rancir as the mother
te nf' Brute her ,•phil,
,rt few .days,:visiting their coils, -
Phone 7
Luck0W, Ont.
'g1.1.,IT..illE GROWN:•UP .LADY OR. ..A. 'SUIT • . OP TIM
. . , ... . . ,
SPECIAE$2.75-:•-•Bay . an All Woel Bathing Suit For - :either •
. . .
, . , , . . , .
ladYlor geritleniaii. . . , , ' , • . '
.:OUR, 'MERCHANDISING, sypTENr. yukica, sHOPPING T Ei'4Y.,`
, ,
' -
AT 'OtIReSTORE: ' .", • - . •
1 ise
e Seafr
Carnegie Ha
\1 '-"3' Roderick .and Fred Mac-
- :1 ree;:e1-7evelill e IOULE? _motor to:
Cape Breton.
'1 116: Suiaimit ef' the 1,OrcPS' Sup--
ern1l be obseryed' . 111 Ashfield
.)resle,eterian , Church, Sunday, June
Pre eointroinion. serviLes will be :
• • . . . • . • • , •
,1„,old,, on Fri (lag :.and. S-aturday
' ,edi g, • •
•• %The.'" Y•pipal he .•o.f the is
, , .
.ettelideil, to, 'Mr.'...!..3311.a..- Kenneth
\J el in; the lesS Of their -
infant: d Ode ;-17i,y;, age.
WhO (11,••(;1,••00 -,3t11U1 3V
:?.ist, after :a illness. The 'Piller:11
1\pindey, • which'. 31 1', 'enininceted by
Rev.. G.. S..,•Rif was 'attended by'
, , . , .
. 1erge. nuiplior": ef symplitbizing
Nencia. ' •
• --,.-e-Q‘e-0-7".
P,,ET E."; GS •
. •
.".1/4le6,tiegs in 'the intereSts. of r, G.
oil'et Conservative •.er6^t V ' 'eatidiartte
in 11 003', will r‘lite held :in the
T °We 1 elkerton, June g2,,
p the TOWn -Hall Kin-
..erdine, Montlay, Jti•ne. 25,, , at'310 flon Ch 1
"1\icCre,•.i will 'led;
, 11,bas the "Walkerton and
, ,• .
*cently ,lield at Riyersdale; rnig refufri,
„t� -Put Ay candidate in the field,
Nit': Mat Callum staios that theuldite
be ,sticeetsful in the ;present cOntest,
he Will not be A candidate for politi.,
-cal,lionots in the geaeral election due;
within A touplei'ef year's. Mr, Mac-
retivementf Under such cir-
ci*unStaneeS, would in -all probability
lead to tho .tosation tit ,Progressiva
activity, in South liruee, at least until
another Wave Of reform•ktikes The'
.•ttiather,'LtielnioW W: liaVingi tloOh
organized. •twe.nty'•)I4rsT
tiinsteal preirrain 'seas .VerlY
Mach. enioyedy vOCAI S010,4
M' a, Et, Adtort.,Itely,•-
toocil Miss ..I3 Moore, ,.V.1.3ifc.finireli4,
Miss, g,.T14tom lawl:tioW,.!; 43
,cht Attet; by. MrS, l'hernton; 11'rid Mrs;
13ryeei. Cornininf.t/Y- singirtit
enlivened, the Meeting:"* At ..151.10 „olOsO:
refreihniepts• were served 1131(1
alai bi*It cttcIttdd et*enjoyalite
$littirlitI4t1; • ••
.4 • •
w, Iirp'el the • motin'g
Kineardin,p, *The vandidAte Will also
be at lioth meeting• s.
Tho ‘,1,,nali; 1:veining:ton
leist Week of MIS. W, ,Mael.C,5enZiee
:rho de-epased was daughter of 'the
,lete • Me, end Mrs, !To* Aakeiv, Una'
Members' ,e'f. were
ef`ept,,, Visit ors in ti w and- vie it, •
'Was" ' 'brother: Of
the' Atelenzie ef town, ond
;‘r 73‘te. .101111 "At...,i.cRelilie of' Langaide.
no3ii-Ni6N n;ty -Clok)titiCir
There' is greet itifere6t in'tlie inter,
lieeeleill match 11 be played
en, '1\londny: July, 211(1,, nteGoderieli,
1) et we e t -Os I 6re, , f • Torord 6,,'tho On-
' 'trio ellomploprs, unit .1133.0,30)s f De-
rOlt, t,hturnions 01 Mie)i'!enre. fee
edriie, of ,51.; 'danw ("ailed 1102:36
fl(1s watch is part. of 0 lei lob's. DO.:
minion D'a$,• program'. "inclucling 'Weld
epotts, tlig.3o.f.Wat for 61C1'
'Boys) cui), titc1 othot evontg • Stteet
This'froup f3f 47 Men 'With a 10 -Piece Orchestra
haVe,..i•layecr...to•crowded houses in Seaforth,
Mitchell, Hensall, Gadericli and... 7
Kil*ardine. •
• Solos, Duets,' 'Quartettes, Choruses.
-Jokes'-a,i-id7Witti(eisms datpre
.,Edur :',Ftqat,y.., End Men
, A Clean Show in Every Way..
, . - • • •
..Tickets Now on Sale at Mc.Kim,s.:
'Adgligioni '5 0Ci,:„chiJdren.,25,C.
including Tax,
Music by the Seaforth Orchestra
drnission to Dance 501c.
t 11ANitt3' -atknielth
r I
tovely—The 26 -Piece
Home and.Hostess Set
IN -commorryt rLATE:
knivos, sj, cciykA, six •iea- '
r •
spoinis; degeertspoons,
ter knife and. ,Suger, sPeon.
Ample for six Personae in ,
smart '.b1ue4reee serving ..tray,
05;50. ' Single pieces from $1.00 •
to '$5.00..
"Look at your silver', ,YOUr
geeste ..
.; T., Armstrong
.1eN'vciter .8; Optemetrist
• ..
•The.Sea:fOrth •Miestreli, :musieal
show of he 'highest clasS-Cartegie
111, IrAcknOWi Vriddy, Arne 221141 .:SVAlkOvtOoi 3,60,
.113N 22 ;23 •
And • Comedy -
moil& vfotRs Tilts TIME
'here ,arc tow oin South BrUce ,570
mord persons qualified .0 voti than ,
there was • at tble `time of 'the las•t
lenetfil proincial eleciion, This fatt:
crqs 11,1r;
pointed to ).evise the voterg.' list.;arid
hring it .UP to date fon, ths,. approachitig .,
bpeleetion, The,' inereaSe, is said
to be almost entirely dtre 'to yottiTg
liers'ons. reselling cistiog age,
The' 1nc1e134 by ,inunt,;ii)alities is
as 'follows Carrick, fA; CuIrosS, .601
LecknoWet 48; Brant, 2, Mildmag,
22, G30fl0ls 20, Itincay,aine
fl -
ship, 8;` itincardino towlt, 69; Toes-
wtitot, 47 RipleY; it `10110iss 51*