HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-06-14, Page 8eiMmin111=101mml Pfsi G14 SIOT 0 Plit 1.drOn*$ flosefin Colours with Cuff Tops, 25c. to 50e. Mose, , Silk and Lisle, in latest hade§,i4t. 700.: ies' Silk Hose, New Shades at • • • • ,• . • VOic* Goods are t� arrive .this, *00k4.7.Stoielldia :Gift Lines • • •" 1: • e have a Full Supply Of Open 'Stock Dinnerware, especially for June Brides ' 6 Patterns in Stock. VARTE 'ONTARIO. s AWFUL') 1,1141!TED ('HVRCH - ,TNOTES `' • The Webster picnic on Saturday at Bayfield,, though made. Sunday tirednes4 did not keep away .from the verimos services those Who shar- ed the Saturday joys and ?reunion. The congregations were .very fair for an alluring day in June when • the roadand the ears 'cell ""Away, .ae • WaYr• ' •• . • • s " The chiefterne of interest these • days is the coming. Garden ' Party • which is. to . be held On •Will Alton's • Slaee on Tuesday evening the; 19th. of sIune, thiet.p,opuler, annuel,` eeent, willdoubtless. receive a*Me* Patron - 'age: There is to be the usual bounti- ful supper and a dranuftic company from Westfield is to give, a" play after.wardi entitled; ."„Wele6&e }Tense JAninlY." '59, and: 25 eeetii is the ad-' mission, charge:. s, • VICKNow.'s uqa Tauttomrp-Jinstp i4th,1928 , .444\k's14** • llrearWith -ROLL • the Peimauezit"Reofint • for Bahis, Reps**, Sheds big"obeete-seasY and qui* to lay...peemanente,leak-Proofe- ' 'handsome krapPearanee- Pre-. • , vents fireg.. increases value• .. of ProPerte !Made of famous •."Catuseil Standard" galvanized • eheeta,Giveslize ofrooffor free• ' - estimate. Writ,e to: • EasternSteel Prod • Xiiketed PRESTON'S:0NT. Now Is The Time To Buy Your Outing Shoes Ladies' Bowling and Tennis Shoes in Black, Brown, Whiterand also in White and Green, just the thing for Sport Wear. Misses' Outing Shoes' in 'Sportie and Brown, Strap Slippers with crepe sole, Childs' Brown Oxfords and Strap Slippers-- A.1(;)st the thing for Summer. Also a full line Boys' and Youths-,uting-Shoes: , - . , oW4's s'iotir chance to get your Out- ing s oes--Blaaltrn."Eigh Shoe and Oxford, Brown HighShoe withHeavy-7:Crepe Sole, also White -0x..— fords•with CrePe.Sole" , 4"4&• ces For Friday and Satuida. . . or • rneShoe Store e in the United.,CFtrch Ash- field are honoured in .thet the qoafa,r4, Once, chose, an old Ashfield boy 'for its 'President in the, pereon of the .Rev. Dr, W. R: McIntosh and the President of .the lay association also claims to be an old Ashfield . • .boy.. • sBlake has the morning sereice , •next Sunday. ItSHFIELD NOTES , 'ThesMay meeting of , the Union U.F.W.O. club was . held at the home Of Miss.:Marne Johnstone, .:when a pleasant and profitable afternoon• was spent' It being theannual meet- ing, theaollowing-officerS-were-electes ed; Pres., Mrs.' D. A. MaeLettn s' Vice President; Mrs. M. C.'', ' MacKenzie; Secretary, : Miss .Allie :Nelson; Pro- gramme .CopenOtee; .fors next Meete ing, Mrs. Wm. Ketriptoie Mrs: 'Dunc- an ,Macintyre,( Mrs. I'Daneln Mac- Lennan. and Miss. Jean .sCatheart_A. ij,I�ndid- Piegrainme. Of readings,Tvo- cal and • instrumentar.'music, was . snuch enjoyed, after which ;there was ;2 spelling ,match. The cub 'decided toss7sendsaeshogeof:eclothinge-;-to--,e-the leedy: in Northern ,Ontario, and. any, ,7)ne haying . clothing- Or ,shoes, that '•hey Wish to send; please ,leave with Mrs. -Wm. Kempton. The next meet- ing is to he held on June 29th at Virs. Thomas Robl?s. Members please bring -their -quilt -bleeke-sailke-eltilir wouldlike to get the OM finished to ;end with the hex' of ,cletning. s . CLEAN , EGGS An effortisbeingmade ,,,through - Out' Chnig.,this year co reduce; the. niiinher:ttsWashed and :dirty :eggs • being 'flidtred: 'Theseeggs, have a very haiiifui effect upon markets, • The dirty eggss are distasteful , • in appearance and have the effect of• ; lowering •eonstimption. 'Washed pkgs • are even more insidious:. •Washing destroys the natural protective bloom ,• of ,the shell and leaves the egg danip , ;• so that Moulds or •other, forms of rot is.,ften-aevesop. The removal of these -irritating • cancers of the egg trade,lies !argely with "producers. ' .1f each :individual producer would take steps to prevent . , s the production of • dirty. eggs he -Would be rendering a tremendous . , service to the. industry, one ' which , . would be reflected in better prices. .It is easy to produce clean eggs; Give the hens clean nests in Which to lay their eggs and keep plenty of, Clean dry litter ,011 the floor at .all Limes : This serves' as a mat And: re-..., r . mnies 'much of. the' dire that would otherwise be ,CaiItied from the runs into the nests, tinder sny circum-. -lances h few soiled eggs Will be Pre. itieed.. These should be. consumed At home, or, if that, is not possible, they shousidsh-es.seisped'oft. With •a dry eisith or steel wool. Under no cirestinstenc; es should ;they be washed. ' • Lots of lips just made to kiss are made over again just After. an; eyc: ow' your "Spare" , li-VHAT'S.the good of a'spare" if it won't take TV you home when you need it? ' Just because it hasn't been on the ioa'd muth 15 no ,guarantee that it is fit for 'work. The rain may • have run znside and rusted the rim The dusi .may have creRi: in, The tire may have Ricked up nail ends Or flints when you uses', it last, and a few More miles Will force them, through the 'Casing,. It may not be inflated up to its correct ' .rimning ptessure.. Droff',zn. for a f,re,Oinspestion_rof,:yoii.„t ,tjrCS;,, • die 'spare. You are neverfar away from 4. OMINION TIRE DEP T. W. -SMITH . . Webster Re -Unions: s , The •:annual, "Webster ,re -union was held Saturday; June 9theoh the beau-. tiful Titmice grounds ; at Rayfield: There wa well over two. • hpedred, ereSents while •frOin illness ' and ..other; reasons. Many' regtila, •attendants Were .absent,, Mr. and Mrs. •Jacols. Miller'end' daughters, .Olive and'Ilil- dred,. and. Mr: LEWart:,Renein of, Fel- us,. were '.welcome guests' this year their -first , • • . • Dinner was 'served trent 11,30 on,. .• • • , . ied• there. was ample .proviskin .Made or dinner and supper. tees. in charge of .:'arrangements had. lefteie.sved nothing t9shrcahatnee.atDinner-t‘amme.was f Thos. Webster of ,Detroit, acting as chairman: The following .address was read by Mrs:: S. 3. Kilpatrick: Dear Friends, - We 1,6i:di' like: to bring* to the.. at- tention of',this.aeseinhlY the names of those who., because of the infi. ties ,of age; or through iilneess r are, not able to, be with us _today. Our oldest •ineinbers'Mres David, Anderson of Lueknows.Miiis.Kate Webster of Clinton, and,Mr& Jas. McGee of To- ronto. Almo those of our loved ,ones who have crossed the • boy* •during he Past year. The.synipathY of this gethering..gooCiout::to the i.bereaved' airlines' of those whine names •we inentien; Mrs. 'Robt. Webster, Sr., 'Llieknowe•- • Mrs. •;John •Siniths Sask., ?fleetly Miss Maris ; Webster of :ticlinoW; and her brother, Mr. Jahn/ Webster • of . Regina, highlY-es- e.med offiCial of ,the' T. Eaton' CO.; ir,s; Harty Webster lefiereep; ;ale& Harold Reed, 'Lane% :and; Mise orethe • Anderson Of Lecknow,' vvhose, 'bright Young live4 are 'sadly missed in their homes; , Mr, • 'James Miller, 'IsickeoW; Mrs, ,john' Der.nin' f Dungannon, fortherly Wes Theis. Webster of -.Clinton; • and ',Mess Wm, Ryari. Dungannon, arid Mr. Wm.. Van of Kiriletigh. Rev. Will .I.,ane q• Seatorths addeess, spoke of IS happy rehitioriships with Marty t the W,ebsters during his oyhood 'hen he lived in Ashfield .end ass. ,Kin - Mrs. D. K. Webiter of Luck-. ow, %is Mr, 'Lane's grister, Rev: 3/4.•,' ogk' of Clinton, followee- with a, eat eneeeh; • in Whieh he erepheized ` 'value of family unions in eepine, friendShips ' in reneir. Rev. r. Petiroge of Varna,, paid tribute 'to leset,,ViretOfte.r.'-:orighes(Andsethet re ,a, great many), who, are in his ongregation. The last speaker, Mr. acob. Miller. of Fergus, gave a grit- aCe0Uht of the- erval to Ittekneiv, on foot, of Mr. aniel Webster; 'ninety .yea,rg: ago, nd how he won his. title deed to 409 creg of "Queen's' Rush" the vieln.; §'• Of imekno,w, by. waiking botok to etal sioderich at night tbrenge the, bush, ie order te get ,to he, land office . . :lead of a inan Whom he surmisedhad_his eke on the sante and Seely .a hardy pioneer was he We regret pd that ReV: A; Ws -Brown of Lucks new, was, calling, on -friends in the during, the 'programme,. so We *missed another good ,addiesi. We have to Oink all the ,'gOod • ,stories, etc:, in this brie accoent,. 'A. gpiendid prograirine of sports was, thew carried: out Winners 'Prizes were' as, follows: Races -ehildrene 1st,-Jins-Eiring-s n- a- er, d; sie m- er H. ste en G. t. r-, s - se er l- er d, ), t- st ks. 11. •o•• 1 a • on, 2nd, Kathleen turner; Girls ti • ler 5, 1st, Violet Erringtoo, 2nd, Is 'Set Armstrong; Boys. 14 and und 1st, Tom Anderson (Lerideh), .2n Willie' Reed; Yoeng, ladiee; ist, El Ritchie, 2nd, Grace Coleman. You men, lst,.Anson Coleman, 2nd, Pal -or- Kripatrick;---Marriedslathes und 40, let, Mrs. Eda:.'Allan, 2nd, Mrs. i`urner; 111aeried. ladies ,oVer-4.0,--1 Mrs.; TUrner,2n4, Slak Young married meeisist, EireerS_We eter, **44;,• Ed. Allan;eMerried m aver 40s lit; S. I. -Kilpatrick -2nd, Coleman; Fat ,initn's"..rece,- 1st; Rob :Webster,.. 2nd; Thos.Arelerson, 5 !oat woman's race, ltS,'„Mrs. J. 'Tti 'ner, 2nd, ,Mrs. • Thoissplalse; Mini ters'race, Rev. Mr. McL)nald (E ••nondville), 2nd, • Rev. Mr. Penro (Vernejs Necktie race, 1St, :Walt irenrcase 'and- Whee 'arrow rece;.'lat; MelVin Webst Ind Lorne- s.Colemans Needle an thread'rate;• lit, , Miller.' an !wart •Rowan; Girls' ,hop, step an hump' lie 'GraA • Colemen. •• 2h Gladys Coleman; Men's hop, step an ?imp, ::Ansen Coleman,• 2n Welter • Penrose; .' Shoe 'race (girls 1st Louise Turner; 2nd; Jean Ri • 'Nee Oldest 'person , present, ,Mis serSon; present, • GordonMullin,- Luc ' Ansinteresting ball game, whic the. north played the soetle • reiulte in score Of 24 .te 5, in fairer of th north. • The: cominittee, cOniened t plan for the re -union next year. Sup sser. overs and good-byes Spokee, th eienickers • spattered to their varioii homes, carrying s happy inemprieg o the 1923 re -union.' ' F:L.---nbRl� LOWEn'ALE At the meetrig of the ratepayer. of "Flovverdale, held.' 'at the • seboo hause lest Thursday 'eight. it wa :decided to build a. woodsheds else ,lew fence around the hcoJ grounds Overseer W. J. Roulstoe and • ',..rew of Mee Made a..!great Improve :Tient n the'..1.Oth sideread •last. v. -eek Mr: Angus MacIetoSh,.is making greht improvement • en, h!s, hoege. • Miss • Frances MacIver of Dungen. sPent Sunday i at :bcpag.:7 Floweedele.- Mr: •Norman ,MacMtirehv • is burr - a sore band; a 're,;ult • f:)1 ie,up with Ross' ljlacks• eer , lasts Thursday . nights • Mrs: IV. F. 1VlacDoselld end Mrs. le Maerver attended' the , *1:17,M,S, t' Mise :Kate' ,Meeleenzie's, 2.ssi :Colas 'est Wednesday. •• „We are eery glad to ;revert thAt, , Ihek 'Douglas, Who :ha i bei•.:fn t,er19-ps,, ly,ill, is improving. -- Quite' a number' Ci rem i tartaira are , working ssexeees roads,on .the. good a Flowerdale treml)eri of Sonth:kin- loss • Chureh are very sorry to lose their pastor,' Pev T A. JP m es, who wrir p,reach "hie .far'ewell sermon op Ailsa Crag 24th 1e has accepted a call to • Mr, Frenik ,W0'0dS; 917 YJrlJft teWihin,“ 'reently fiord, a :ivie ,Shorthorn, -44-1-evert-nictitinr-rili170171111-..-Wriaqn•'"el the State. 'of .Dlin0IS,. fer tbe Sum of $5,600. ',Ale. Woods has very rine herd of BbertitOrnA,, as nay be seen -froin`....thesnhove. Follorang tlw sale; hundreds of ferniers frojn. through.: out 'Ituron 44 neighboring ''courafesa visited 'Mr; .Woods', fartn tb S•de the animal Which is said to, be a -very fine line. tiOLTRODD • - Bfre. MethirneYr Mr. and )Yfrx, W. Phe$11 of Windsor, and Mrs. -Alvin Of ListoWel, Mr. and Mrs. ' E. Ilan. Mr. vict Mrs. Guest Dobson, . Mr t and Mrs. Harvey, ' Dob - on,' and, Mr. .and- WS, Chrls RitY- Wd Were some of the ggest,, who at 'tended the Sheill-Cen,gram 'wedding, on Wedne'sdaY,, of Iasi' Weeks . • Mr. and Mrs Jandeson and daugh- t,ere011ch ;•Jearia,iR.,cs.Nacite.;%. , 4 P., r4-isrir:SUI:14, Baird froni Missoula, C41a., MA. Spettigtie,': totSionse pent Friday sSvith, Mr:. itnd, HaUls;i • 7.A.Ve nre.1 sorry to rePOrt thaf• Bah* • :Whitd2ls..cOnfined7-to hed:. with ,rhetis rnatie' fever. • The regularrneetin of th.t3; TnOtl; tutes'was held in the 14114 Thursday, 'with the president, Mrs Fred Hods', -gniserencl-searitarrSnehre; their':reaUective,pesitieeS,, it was decided to •h�ld the anima, Garden _rotz the halt &minds, to be lighted with iffeleot. bareflle at- tendance. The following committees were . appointed; Programme, • sMis. .A.14'er Ackert. Mrs. •Congrani;*•: Miss- es Haiel Pearcy and Grace ThomP 'sons „Messrs. Joe Conley, Chas. Burt, ."t7ti tickets; ac et,sm,kesossn,Geors..raB ra: es Hodgins,. to ull •ndgineilese,owielti Cox, Jae .Hanna, Elden' Eckenswiller, rate. keepers:, Ereest-Aek rt,, Geo. Bell, 'Ernie.`,11anna, Charlie Hodgins and; Bert - Thompson, look after tents 'Mrs.' Hockley, • Mire Jack - jot, '•_iffro..Thompson,:fdrs. Commie', Mrs•E Ackert, lif'xs.!White; Mrs.. Fred; Th'onieson.; Mis Fred :Halden- by, Mr Eckenswiller, Mre. • Abs Thompson, Mrs:: Jim Murray, see to the 'sandwichee; Mrs. Fred Hodgins' Mrs. Will Ilodeins, Mrs. Walter' Iledgins, ;Mrs:" Wm, 'Pearey, cake eut- 4.ers:' Mrs:A. Ackert, Mrs. • Eciere. .Mrs Earle Hodcins, Mrs.' Tames: Hodgins, Mrs. Gamble tables- e-Mrs',....AValker and Mrs. Fred Hilden - 'w, IcaCifier the:tea; Mrs. E. 4,1;4 .g.ts,„•1-1terris„,•-'see:•--to_the_ice- ih,rai ee:cka::: and me pies, rtithasO .1*h• members yet donating please a. 1)aq CI it ire:eslegat e di I all ;roe towels; leave same at the store..I Watch.for hiil• "- o-oso—.• • • • ' UNIVERSITY:OF WESTEIIN ONTARIO :summER.SCHOOL,4ULY 2ND TO AUG. 11TH. Six gielfghflui weeks' of istudy and • rseriatiqn',. or leigretatliat write tko Direcor,Dr. 11. Ithipina,_or tree Dr.e.P.R. Meuse 4/1400..0041119., C,I,Iemsegwed.eke 4semes earellotair.1,taall4, li•PkgrirOvailaa. 040.14.18*. Offela011 aid Seems. eiesisame ioskl• asi .• 1uIi.a 240 acre Po& tkirt.0.i14ve.**.e / or 01. otfilt••TKot: P;torse These olicies: -fro-r,the'electors'tofieuth-Bruee:• .the present beeelectior in South Bruce it has beee*gaid there are no, Public "questions at issue, and the results of this contest .will:IseVe no effect on the Policies, of the Ferguson Governinents . • • ' Is it not reasonable to assume that; if iMiS 1M8ffat is elected, the • Governriaent•,will claim that its policies have lbeensendorsed. Therefore, •a vote for, Moffat 'means appro eel of the Government ii s quer poliey, the new fubliesSehoel Boards Act, the reductioo . in ;theetsek . on 'raee track gambling, the 'Oekernenetit's infanions redisiristioe, by which Bruce County has been reduced to two representa4ve5 iu th f „ • • A. vote for McCallum will hclp to increase the Opposition to, an al- ready unwieldy government majority. Legisletere: SOUTH ' BRUCE Pit OGRESSIVE• ASSOCIATION. POURTH CON KLOSS • r. „And Mre. D. McConnell of London k Visited' over the week end with 'Mrs. •MeMurehy. Mr. 'R. Martin is in , Walkerton this week, serving on the Jury. • Mr.ssinds-Mrs;---Oiville--Phelay-soiss 'took inthe 'Greyhound Excursion to Detroit . Mrs Simpson of Windsor, . visited last we,elcswiths•Mr-and-Mrs.e.A.-e-Gra A number frome here •attendedthe annivereary.Aervices in the Riplek, UnitedSChurch last - •'• The, school honse and grounds, on the Fourth- of Huron, are undergoing` PARAMOUNT . Mr:: Win. McConnell of _London, spent the week -end , -with-reiativessin Mr_and_sMass.-4.--S.--Richards-ande --andearound--Rifiley. •Mr., arid Mrs. Stanley• • of ,• -Ripley, Mr.' A. McKenzie, on the Fourth,. vere guests of Mrs, and Mrs.. Rich- who has net .been well. for soine"time; irds; ,ieeentlys ' is inipeovingWill . Jirri7 and Mrs. • .Ketchahaw, Mr. S.:. Bowers is busy .these days; lied Mr, and Mrs.. Wire McGill me- ' preparing, to build a: new honse. tored ''te Galt and friends • . „. • • • jhere during the ,week. 'Mrs. Jas. Webster, sr., ie on.an ex- . tended 'visit to friends ' nee:, Varnas Lloyd Stein went to :Detroit On the Greyhound and visited friend's 'there. Mr MacDonald of Huron, Spent a •.'veek with her; daughter; ' Mrs.' ,Eidon. iteedersori. 7 Mr. and MresR MeQuillin. and Myrtle visited ftiencie on the 'Second Concession, Huron, recently The Paramount UFWO arelook- ing forward to:their Jime Meeting on Tuesday'. next, When . • the: • Kairehea ".sinb will, visit them, at the home of Miss Ethel .Martin. St. Heroes was well esented • • tile Moonlight, on Tuesday . ,evening repret of last week. - Mt. Robert McQuillin' of Belleville; is spending his vacation with his narents, Mr. And Mrs. Wm 'McQuil- Miss Muriel Miller of London, was 'a weelaend visitor at her home here. nen the young people's Meeting on. Sim - day evening, when Rev. Mr. Whit- field took as his subject '"Christ's Teachings Regarding 'Self -Invest- o meet for 'Goed and .for A solo, "Soniebodk",..,by 1.irth WhiL- neld, added , to the succeS3',0t: a sp1er- dii The regular, • week • night meeting Wrill be held on Friday evening, when the athlete, 'eamode: tee have charge. ' --s•MCossEedi"-arlviillharili, and.: ,Mr. and • Mrs..'H.',.Eeily and Children : of -:- Dungannon, , were the ,itieits.' of Mr. aikk Mrs George McRoberts • during. • sthe_weeks,L ' , Mr.. Dentin,* Miss • Mary :and Mr:" Eari,Durren: and their uest Mr Iron) :Webster of Detroit,- ' ir. •" • . „ . • . attended th Webster • piceic,. at Bey field onSaturdao.- ' The new 'township Stone -Crushes has arrived. ' . . Congratulations to Mr.' Fred Me -s- . 'wen the . 'first ' prize in the, junior ," Farmers' Steck. 'Judging...competition; on TueS, 'day.' • • The , anneal -sureinee ineetjeg _ i•!f "the. Women's Instittite viI1 be:held' in the Community Hall on Wednesday afternoon,' June 20th, s at. 2:!;30 When ,Miss 1miIy J Guest, , XA.; of Toronto, 'will be. the speak- er. The June , meeting, as held • at 1.4rg. , G. McCrosties :last 'Ithurs-: day, With :theneW'. president, m aIrothenlMar?cler...;asti11 n..!ehe beehra:pc,-e4rde'ea were ndao • reed by Mrs :George .Welib. and MrS. W. "I, ,Milier. Den't.,..fer.eet Or keen Friday eve- nings:June' 20th, epee for the United: Cherele:•Gaeden Pert-. at St. Helens. 07-00 It is nleesant• to think of the Gar-. den of Eden, without taxes; reform- ers, working hours or rebitives. R STORE s : -; PAY GASH • • ' . THE SHOPPING - BUY *kciR LEss,..; 'Lpoulow CENTRE.' . , AlinurA1011.41PAIDilirAIKIININI/110:01rillir '411101PAIIIMAralerrillr HITS FOR. MEN ' Nature's -111Val,: ' In Our cOliS' ELETTES. en's, Wear Pept.• , and CORSETS A 3ifen'i Wear Dept: • • r,4,„ .bire varuese--.B•Coadcloth, aseorteA 1, celore and Overalls and Smocks' wear real well, ; t,:rielf977ear, Bbirta. and • fiiawersd Corobinsitions, „, Boys' ”. tweed Dress Cap's, Heavy or Light Braces and ,14.1ts of' quality. , • BEST GOODS*, AT LOWEST PRICES,' ?RTTY CREPE • New, arrivals hi .the Dress .Good s Department makes it hies1 Oesskiiirtaleenti ' just' the thing: for ' THAT. NEW SUMMER FROCK., • SI -10P HERE FOR •THE., WARM DAYS, A ,especial Corselette made, for no other purpote ,than to 'increase comfort ' Nature's Ri- val is a ahaped 'garment, spe- cially designedwith wide, stretchy webbing t& give lots of support' and yet ,give With every move of, your person., Next time .visit our Corset Dept, Ifnci give Nature's Rival • 'a try. YOu will be a steady user if' you ' try these just once. D. A• A., also Paristan Corsets , come Very popfflar, we are still selling monk Of the hearler , garments.$eYeral new 'ai3ttoyeleh ks reiiyeent;bye!en ed:tour We aoo ffit You., :Coire in. — Heaviest RI Linoleum Any size y,ou wish, the very latest patterna, ande Colorings, and youmay deflend-..the vey lowest possible prices, tock • SHO HERE FOR The best 'Floor Oilcloth and stair ceeeririgs,, stair pads and Cengoleum rugs, all sizes, lowest prices. ...01177,0000mor• Finest Silk - HOSIERYPIjkITAN 114- Ali) such a barrel full t)f, new shed, in the very best grade e 'Silk Hogiery that we knoW...tsf., The Way our trade increases' tells, us that they ur6 do • wear. , TRY.Corfie Puritan 0Pflat S 'ESI-IIYIL:KEPT. -• the Very 'next time ,you • peed Silk- Stockings The "priees 'are' 'tow,' and .the variety ig .. loO