HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-06-14, Page 30
Nine Years' Progress
in European Aviation
, .
Proposal Made That Airway Chiefs of Europe 'ShOOP 'As-
semble to Outline COTICitaa:Plaris. for: Improve' .... '' ..
Most • Urgently Needed: '' ' • .
, OY HATMY, HAU.1411, ..' fini•noale. ,,„....:pertnlepo,si. knovrn, 44 ,tii.
"leader.eablo," ,:le„ an adaptatiOn. to. 0.7-„
:ing et. gheelectrilled •Huhrnarine Cable
systeme WhlOh have 1:!•eeli tmiployed AO
guide steetniehipailnte harbor ,during
fog. . In Its aortal application.;tho
eablela. arranged 'in ncircle tottad a
sib* :pine years Of pioneer flying.... • fiYing! ' ground. ' „ Plrom . the cable,
• . It. 'was .On Aug.,,26,, 1819; that the raliating .cOnatanitlY ,upward, I8'.: a
. • 'world's first.. daily • airplane; • :expreas Powerful elechtieetirrent, ' • '
, .
. wea,instituted betWeen,',,LondOn _ and, • Electrical •Signala
. .. „ . . .,. . . . „
. '-ef .the ninth'itnitiv.ersary. Of:, that This -had . visibility, :Comes within the..,elec••
. • • ...'. 4 •i- • • . . ' " . • '
., ...torld.,eccasion, it is propos:ea: that .ati• trical field .i.)f. this %cable, an •iristru-
. , •
way ehiefs "Ag''EnreoPe 'Ph„901.-*Ost 41.- :*3'Llt 'ail; Oicl PlloV8 :'CIP'311°42.4- 1j43013"
`. . Other ;to . dlicties ''the7lesseng'-learned td.116,64.,,6.at *Sigaale. f17461n • A„ series of
...du0114the'aa. nine :`YOAra: Of.:trtal'' and g..nia.11.; .c•aler4(1. ".1 1g.106.;' 'DY Watching
..,Q,:ror,„ ea(1. to. outline cOne$rted: Plans ..theSe, linti steering ..accordingly, ithe
..: fol...iinprOirsinents how Seen: ';to" Ilia altnian; :oven -Willeiv.,,,eweWed ,,)int
,urgentiy necessary, , - ., ' , - ... . clensie•fog, can maneuver till he hi.e
he two Mx-
Tode/ urgent Uireihents y a
'reqaotlbove the Cable, Tenhhe . - .. . . ,• • •,. . ..
: pro-
are'to. increase,. the Comfort Of •the ah•-• 'Coeds. to folio*. it round', 'Maitetaialag.
.. .
',borne pasSengers, ,and • to, stimulate a „hispositien inurriediaitel,y' above It tie-
. Target x all-theyeanround• volatile ..ot, . cording to the tell-tale . lights.. on. his,
-aerial,. traffic. , As exaMples ,...Of: 14n* , dashboard, ,which inforin •hitiri nista/It,:
- •distance Air.traosport, it. iiiiy, be men; -.IY of Any .deviatioit./, At the eame :tithe
, tioned Oat- . thts. s.tirrinte-r, ascending he gradually reduces altitude; , In ail
frt.= .Lehden,travelers', will be .able to. latter . maneuver; , also, II-O.:relies apex;
teaph', ,Tangier (Noethern Africa.) in the .gnidanoe of the:cable. '' ••'''' -
181/2 flying hotirs, "Constanthippie. in; •There hi , An ..-. additional instrument
26 ' and Telletait (Persia). in SO,' ' ..- which,., tells him,' from. mernelit. .to
Only--Twe.Passengers .. i. moment'. ae.he •Creeps lower his YarY-
' ' •
• • 'Ti .$1,r3' t pas,e4geti-.41,,iroilme ..oi ole.'ing . distance •from the:, ground,...which,.
. • •• may atill 13; inviSible' to hint •uncler,
' air -line . 13 et Weee - London: and ' Paris , iit..s ,layet, or mast •aod.,, f _.:
Ca.rried. tWo people in.., . thy/ 'cabin. •og 'rhos guid,-
• ..:aengetiva . are '! aceoeun.odatect : in. tl,rti
Te-daY, as, many '0.e.1.2 ' and 20 pas- , ..• ,
eitiihdto..4.auniestO:initt6are,ticany -os:: co, .ppation 0.,0
height,' he' Steals down loot by ;Toot.
•. • salons , of .Etiropean..air. 'expresses •
.. . -
,..tagleoe, rmegt:pililerheeia7.7liegStaws,06hil:
'aerial eem7...i the . landing7areit, ,and,,, these . give ,h um.
.' 1928; : and',.. the standard of - • . • .
. • But it t:.r.....‘c,.!ielldpa'ke.:1.1•fsaivd:ri.:-61)11;:••1'vtaltai guidaliCe .14r his actual •centaet
, Villa 'the grolitid.1-ChriStiaa S'eldnce
yet With.,tbe Itixttry„ afa,'pnilittithz•eat,•__
• !Monitor.
n .. ., : ,, •
•• train. : • The - oise especially prevee , . • .•
'trying. to Many iterialtraveldrs. ,.... ,
.' • The NBriti-sh 'Air IViiiiistrylls' nO*..ap-
, .
�d'eritleal atage of -their
progress,•when• are emerging'
from ,a phatie Of• eiPerimentIhto One
• -et:practical.' epetation, -the passenger
Oplane, lines ,of, Darope, ate prdpar-
sing. tia. celebrate the Completion of their
A Thrill For Horse and Rider
9-4111.141 air•Iterro hall ma ...aro roN..
• &r6
P..r•rr..4•12466281"*If'. 2'1
rmy officer during the contest sponsored. by en. JOaqui Amara,
ity. '
' "A imrsterf al, ilia play by 'a MeXic
•-Mexican ' Secretary et War, in MexiCo C
• Nile! Seen as
• Culture 'Source
Chaldea "Diggings Show;Civ-
, Advanc ed' tr Far
Beyond Early
of thetime of the first kings are re- ' A•
ueensland Reef
to Be Explored
by British Pitrti
e and Habits of Tinr(:)..,cean,
`Organhipiine,sst‘riArigateed. to He •
, .1„;entletio-?The, secret .0. the' forma-
tion.4yit'nor. Gexpedltrieoant, :arra:neer Rpiee'emtt•tei1r006,' tion
Beoc or. mut :.1:03046. orlg;
hllies'll°1111 Pt' W41••°e. 4-3.91144. Sttlautiag north ' With; the. ,Aret •expedi,..
. .
another yeseel, .heing
Made *TORO!' .,ta: PakIt ether airplane*
into, the north. „ . • , ' •••
The. Nerweigian GoVertinient- took'
yer the steamer Ingefour to tramp'
port one or two nay** airplanes, and
ti lnui fxopree expected bh :r3;ei 1: letia.Vheozli7;naieil;e0y4',4,
capable .W forging." her • Way through
eialnii$ the- coast,,
acting. as i4flifir:.'..Ohlp",, to "aviators
who Will :Mak? • short scouting tripe
over tbe ice -bound •A•retic. Planea
'win. be piloted by Captain. Itliser-
Ve,ssels Equipped,
to carry, F'lanes
to Airship's 'Aid
Search for Italia to? Be, Made
by Airmen.iliing, Stearn*:
ers as ".. B51.1e - of
.• '°13'FKOIPX13•,1..-
.01o. Norw-WiW
the'neaier .:ehbY
• , .. •
acting"under the auspices Of •the, Brit-
ish Association, which has jifet left
%%Miry docks 011 the, steamer' °Mond&
ter' -AuStralia.: The • parti. Is led by.
Mrs.....Yenge; and. ingindeS sAlrerA). Other,
lard-dryg---the'vrigitrlia4 th!ritres'on
women; it expects te'apend,14ntenthsc
tinLew .notflar from Cairns,
04'i:seaport, on the Coast Of-,Qtieensland,
ItAbits•-•of •-„the, ;tiriY • Ocean' organisnis
which, ate •respern3ible far building. the
• ; •
?!e.11; -7103. -ultimate., object of the trip is
of greet. eeotionilo value," •sald'.. Dr:
'Yong& •before . "It will cost
,E All. are ,ItiOkitik .tiirward to
solitude; but • there will be Much wOrk, .Larsen who is in'charge of the reseao
to do'. We have a Wireless apparatus
and five. tone of •scientific apparatus' as
luggage.. We will live in wooden huts,
but Will Sontetimes. visit the' mainland.
plans, and Lieut. Leif' •Districhson..
These men accompartied Roal,d : •
pen On his polar expedition In '
Lieut. 1..tetzow. 1-1olizi;r., Yellowing .
Tile Great „Barrier Reef .eXtends •plans _ drawn by° captain.
more. than 1.,000. miles along the coast: ‘.--1
lAirsen and 'the, Ministry, of Defense, ,
Qiieensland and. is sa.ict to be. the
greatest coral reef !tithe world. ,Its
Water contains «many marine . forme
which have: never been --'classified.
The growth Of the moral itself has,
will. oplere • the northern section• of.
Sidtzliergen,• by plane. He le now
aboard the sealer Hobby with his aii•-• .
plane. en route to Spitz,bergen.
The 'lleitiby Will step at Advent Bay.. '
called. . • - , • • •
• , . never--,..'yat---been-satisfactOrtlY-exPlata---- -and -take,:aborlid a -team of • 10. dOgs., -
• . • • •
Here- at .Somer ;Seems. thar.this • ed,. and it IS hoPedthat,the expedit a sledge: and suPPliea and two men„(..,
pi ,
•aetiee was 'not a survival of a 'gen-, Jean s' Work .Q.ets•STI•ed in t able , to . ascertaia hew, the the leader, named Tandberg, .,,agd a. • •
Teacher raeilushs .maiatain theniselves „atil
an'appendage, et ,the soVereign;• alone, 'Hot. Tent; , ,
eral arieient: ouStein, put was .rather limiter named Noels: The. Hobby Will
how they a „.,• •• - , , . jdin • th8 ,Citta 4 Milano, which re-.
At.' .a.:•periOth.less dernete, infthe his- ••,.. •. Will, Excuse Such •
floes -in an ,attempt to search for the,
se'as to indicate that the sovereign is ; According to •Sir. MattlieW Nathan, turned .1 turned to -Kings Bay afteneneeitater-
always • 'different . :from ' oidinary , men. • uctaus , ., .,. : ,. Governor of Queensland., the cheitinan iiig.- t L
strOng winds and iintiassable ice
toffee" epoch' Wf:.; the third inillenehim • ,
S. .\u-”PleaSe: e*Ctee. a 'the '.6"-"'rhit:t!" of tli•fi, British Associ- 1 ' ".•:. " ' - , • ,
-living - orgiiiiiiimeAnthe-troPiCat'Seas- tempt 4th-pirt--the-tteg7t:eitlii-and-iithilitf
peditton is , to investigate:. the. feed . of
and the growth ,of aUch prganiSP1s...nien ashore to Milano' will go north. bigether :and. et.:
ation, "the original purpose qt. the ex-- Italia: , Tho: Hobby and the. Citta, di,
seek .traCes ' of, the '
A Italia to the East.
with special., referenda to ' .eorile. ,.. :
study . is also to be' made of the growth • , On, her ' recent trin, the' Cate. di
lir ' other ".gani8nis.' s°me of w41.Pli Milano Plaited ...uP a ''Ia).inter -.named.:
before Christ, :the kings of Sumer and Jean's papera being rather •soiled th s.
'tinie aa we' are living in a tent and
the teniperature 10-1-17 .degrees, in he
shade" Thus wrote ' jean's herd-.
Working mother from away out in the
Austtaliati "haekblOoks" to the teach
any ilea. away In the 'great OltY•
• of A7dliacr-were-T- deified alter -death,
Hard"Fa t and, later, even in their lifetime. Per
hap's' ill • this it must be seen. that the
.Kings' ICombi Found at lir
. , • , • • .. •
-to ,to .and. • • ..Quabed.. : ..•• (Infantile
. .
monarchs..were regardeti as gods who.
•Oftitilk....11n:Ortalit* is _still very high 'ainong 'the.•.• °light te••be glorified 'py- the hloed•
- • :on., treeing 'With. speCial instruare te 'Preneh-Canadiall'' population ) The tFiiii-na-n.7S-VVas P",d-rtf,‘ Men. •.: •. . •• • •
the mingled sounds which assail t e birth rite is declining throughout the
-ears 1 of 'passenger's, in the, ialoonsi -In.-entire Weil& 1119 streanr. of .Cerrnan
the cabin -walls', bitilt :more, stanchly"' popeation, which Was oVerflowingibe:.
And no .do . 1 -thumbed
Ripy• al.Fu• nerai, Rites .„‘.‘Trir.eb of • the fo. ur tombs wiere Pil- , , •
• ' lagecl.. But -the te eis tl e cused, for •Sotith, the .fish„ beche-de-mer; which •1 s used
learned that the' Italia had been ob-
.'.Paris-,-In. an article published .rP- bb d'd 'not rifle Ler"' were 11 5' • N,
proud of ' the Way she in China and Japan for making soup, • • • ,
served there over 'a week ago, flying
7ss them tel and we have found Austraiia, is
n. tie • the -most. distant -the.,-pearl oyster and the Troch a shell, toward the. Pole, but no hing had been
ifdFNth orMicgdalent. Was
i s educe to
dea.de.ning niaterialS• 'ere Le , '6 enplO.y., Since :the bleed...baths 'of the battle-: • • • Sh was intact ' The 'settlers of the.bush. tengli the cpri•e- freth whielt buttonsare,macie,
' titan has 'been, the case hefitre,'s.onnci- ' fore '.1914, is three-quarters dried 111) cen,tlY in "Le Acia:rnai"` Mr. C. 14.1 'Some ‘treaSures • The funeral alcove ' • 1,1
with inert. efficient silet.t.,„cer.S, b, u. t,e.re.., lqiissolini-haVe not sticceeti. ed. in'Pe ' " '''
in-aftcheelogicat' excavations at U•r in Qtteen lav in a coffia. She Woi•el a spendenee s.cheel.. established . in Ade.- w h1ch . a . la, ,r;ger '. 1 ndua., try; may
' • . , • expected .to.develop
• ., .. crola) i the English scientist :engagad- of• Queen. .11 Ab was , .. , ., . •
. . , • . .
: ea.::: 1.;:ing,tfies.:_ate', not only. to ..be. fitted .fleld; :_in..4....italy;_t" lie I- eiCher,tatiens-
I' Chaldea, ,destribd ;seine .of . the dis- , cloak ,Covered with...nates lapis- .„ -„. , r • , . '-';.'"' .'""" . .. , a
to' be PleCed on Mountings Which' "will anading the .Italiaire to brirignew. little e' ov ./.1 "rime • 4,1' r'e ....1 t• mb and' ' old' 1 -ler head. . was 'weighted I Thia--echeol ,has 'become- such an •• . - -
th-pr_opel--,practicall-y---the-satheconditichtsexigg_t_' 4 essential • feature' .of the state system
e es . e in , .ie . A s un, .g , . •
ortEinee-fremAlie---'• Viewpoint: 9! the kLailit...07'. , rnarnenta '•re.S.mbliti ' .g 1.1,:.,i3t edixeition that a'auite of,baildings,
. : • Royal .,Torriba.'O. jaCtiv; • ered • •
era. - Beside :her, too,. , were ...lanum- .
presenting animals, ,f ita d o
,IT -7 ' 'a li. .., • • W:.laince. the inauguration..of the school.
„, . a roll tall of about- 600 pupils an&
Last sea: -on Our, oft:alai:ions' at 'Ur erable gifts', including ,gold.'vaies' ank d• 'lli: Ore than ,2„.390.., boys ' and girle have
p a ea, s pu e to ca y ae a, e Ai . . • - - " ' - " - 1. . • rreceivednstruc • on n , re , g, ,
ti i ' adin ' ;.vrit-
An. Ohildea. Were • highly 'successful. a 'finely Worked cilr.s head'. .'
. .
fort a. deflnite.-Stage 'farther.. It la We Whitt it :could.. Bpi Are the facts ,W discovered in the- cemetery whiet,. . • , .mg, .•speuing,,. mathematice,,--eem.Pesi--•'
to • enable iSuCh . developments. to be • - - • •• , • • • Gellentio.n.: of 'Great , VAlue-„..,2.,. .. .. , . ., . .
in. • graniniar. geegtaphy.. t.Englainahd' ..
.. • - .._, . , nicely to conform to our Wish? . There . we o ened last veer Ave royai toinbs
' :carried out . TV) ihont -undue. delay' that is 'amPle 'rc'°''''' fhride..uht• .. The agl'ire4; dating from a, qnasl-ptehistr.iric Period, . - • - ,. 1
P . • -• • - • ... • ' . "These obJeCts,fornt •ac,ollection. of .and Australian history, poe .r,5 ..,
aliSerb vil'hatiel.: • Important .Fripdits • into ' :prance • covered 'there .and discussed, their' ' clown With geld 13ands eroWne ;flow- '
manta are-',-alsoLitt_han&-vd '
, tem having blades curved specially to in-nr-itain-birtha--do--not-exeeed-deaths 1, • . .e g Pa housing a large itaff„--is now set apart
He seitd...of tl e• • earliest civilizations. combs., Beside her was a crown • •
' • ' decorteci with pretty „little figures re-
f the purpose There is At present
reduce ;noise when rotating. by, More than Ze per tent:: •whilst in
, more •Aerial Comfort ' • ' the United States . but we had bet-
• , •
The resnit of the-sisiittprov,ements,- ter not. talk tibeut. that. Can' we i/al-
'When. IncerpOrate&in-newAiasee'ngeil (WIT that tile:Province of Quebec will
•i.• escape the ' Contagion-, • Mdeflnitely?'
oincalculable \ a tie fer fl.. museum. drawing. Provision has also been.
the Britis•li GovernmendrftWingsho ,4-1.319w but ''sure
,vlth • , • , .
ed „airplane coMpanyi. 9,,,fresh, agree-
Ment -whiCh Will 'enable hew, airplanes
•.. .
to be acquired Math- more. testi:Mealy
• '
than Itai been. the case:hither* ;The.
-importance-'-of -phis, be 'ever.-•
•.„. ,
...:.,empliesized. • .• „, , ,
The chief pi•Oblem: :that :stands-re
voided,•after nine. years, 0! 'aerial:ex-,
ently :seasonal character.. of airplane-
passenger traffic, Dttring the ,sum
.plele :Many compeatea .'haVo dlffieulty
. enough . machines to ac
• comModate . the indu.x..of holtday,•trav.,-
tae is • dif!•
tomtit, senger figures ' fall to A 'Ow
•• Four of them are undoubtedly tmbs.
, •
' Regitirity ef,,Serviae. ;
lIndenbtecily one of the most ur
gent. needs is to ,insure that in :Win-
ter the atr expresses With thesante
rellabllity- attained during ,.,the • suin-
iner. overhaul and maintenanee
�f • pasSenger airplanes he's' reached
Such a. high level of efheieney, parti-
cularly in ,the- .cape ,ot ,fir„itish ma
Chines; and .the 'pitots have-Theeoine
„., •
You .can start • a roll by tapping
the safe; if you can't budget with:
..• .1. BO • experfeticOL. that the .airways be- .
.tWeen.Loodon and ithe Continent now.,
• functien alm.oat denendahly as rail-,
way S in,all cOnicitions gave •thOie la
• volvitig. tuba f.ind fog.; '
This nuestibn 'OE flying in Mifit, and
fOg, when_ VieWed the light of mine
yew's' 'enerienee., is Oen to be . one
Mainly Of , preViding oilpt with
Seine term of artificial vision .to .re -
'place 'ordinary vision ; when he Is
• .about to alight upon a fog -obscured
.• airdronle,, At the start of a, jour7
. tidy, previded. he has a Cleat 'maneu-,
-Yering Space` het -ore hire, he Can take
off in' log . and climb abOve; it, being
guided during his journey by Wireless
"dirction.iinding. But When he Is a,
* mile ,uoi% so froth. the airdrome 'which
• is •his deStinaition a problem arises
that has not YOT:;'' been: Solved.
Valuable Time 1.Ost' 4
Betweelt the UM& when a pilot has
cif kiags „and queenS. The gin..), 14 •but precedent in the last analYsis .thade. for The older' children. to be'
only are u" y•Specimens, of Atte art of coactied in mere .adyaliced literature,'
.rzohably the .torrib Of 'a prince who'.
never': reached . the ..ihrbne. • 'Ali are an epoch wiiieb.:*.e •did. not ',knew he, ,throfigh the estatilShment :ok.. a read -
in, every way 'different .ftein the tenth's' 'fOre,.. but:they., modify .prefeandly our ing'cirele, :and the Parenta.baYe :shOwn
then- constructed. tor ordinary,,matals'. ideas. of the .developinent ot ciViliza. their appreCiation" of the ' school, by
...."Inside there are -one, ,tWe or Ahree tip* • ..The,toMbS' of Ur, are certainly • cOntribiiting ' 425.. . ter' ; the: ' sChool: 11 -
rooms. The' walla arc. matte: of 'lithe- • '
oldAlian these of- 'Mene.s..,, the. lir b'rai*,, whic.1), nOW,numhera 1,711 hooks.
-stene lileelia: the .' 1 f i'' l' t ' '.
. , , e • i oo. a o imes ene. hit*: e.E;aa..i EF314: '.1.AT,6 .h.11.0)v, that '- At 'the- end of each year,tl• 1 ild
:or bricks.' 'TITO. preSen CO' of: Stone ..is :In :the olvilizatien...of Egypt. began 7vVith reit are examined 'frit: 'protiotlen,' and
..'itself, an evidence ,of: Wealth,: for 'Ilr' lvdene•' ','$ow •at .that epoch '.the Su- ' the..t.higher grade , Pupils Sit for •:.tlie..
-..is4-SithaTed 71-h , in al itr‘ 141 . v all e nierlan civilization. was already 'cild. years 47 tttialifking ‘Certificaies,'sand
,whIcii..one could not. find even a b-- '.
en a pe . Any One who has sees,, -,the finds 0: Ur one. eXtubitigii, iiiiie .beetgethetil-;bi
,ble. The nearest quarry is at least
. cannot ...Consider t Ilea the:: products • of the 'sohoiars• • .• • . -• . - , . -• .
.100...fija.s ,a.,,,,4y, 7... .• -.,i. _ix,: -.; ... : an art in-' its beginniegs.•. •We . Must ; . The . Minister.Of . EduCation, ..(Mal-.
- "Still more astonishing- i....tu•--i.i..eiii7.1Coaciude. •from.-. this that, the, '•ValleY. Colin. ":1Vicliitesh): states - that .the 'Ignite'
fectute of, those totbs. Two of them .,'of the Euphrates; .ancl not, that.,of .the superVision *ot the . leaSeha., is being'
heie corbeled 'ceilings.': lo: the Others ' Nile, , introduded, civilizatiee:.-lato the. -performed 'in. a 'very. ,creditable ,man-, New .,
, . , . ., . ,.
Use for
*grid Mid Alfet .Egypt. • **Welt, tier,. 'sonietintee ,under .extrettie difil.-
we find arches in baked hric.k, the, Old. • known
te 'think 1 took he eleMents of, civilization froni. cuity.„ .. ,,, •.:. • , . ...
on-in...Hikes. Through. Afiri:-
6st knoWn. .106 marveloui / .
•Aint'arellei, While, dui,' western world ••' 7. -.Ht--- •-• '1.high eilsa.'°C'st:h.eli•sd..fit'i t(re.sille.fatbr'..ab,:at4y, • T._. ii . . . ,. ,_ .rri, "
.. .. l'
. 1 ''' can •.• jungl• : With: U . ;
, .,S am... •ro,.... •
liar ...With'the art , of making coltimns indireetlY, fight the --la,nd •ef. Somer.!' ,,,-stoff;"' he declares, "is , animated. bY .a. '..
parehts and: -1)1W., • . • • ' Drell -a a ' Ivi * r - '
:13:•tetent Period; r''' ' ' ' , • .. . . • . places and- tries to brtng itito the cir-
Wonieres Work' . ' . . ;
learned the lecret. only at a. ftelative-
• .
jiptrand.Steel• • , •.,
• :bopdcitt" TimSS ':.'er.ne first
Volitive. of the report Wilted by. the.
nd from aeen.Of her,since. •
'You're generallY left, oat.. 'when
been ' T.4kOn,li
that these Mat builders we're ?faint., the ast,„ berixiwed them .direcilY Or -1 "Kitery meniber or the . teachit101.
VV • . ,
.H, 111„ S. S. tit the Leeds Yorsliire cutnecri6ed jivea of tiles; Isolated•----- • • tton
. • .
.. e 1..i-,, : . , . , - Y. • . .Botribay:-.Fliking ...• thiongh -. un -lee
• ' ' • ' • ' '!' - • woman, to justify her - existence, ,§ease ,Of :kinship' and. friendliness with.,Of darkest Atriea with•tto more V) • Id-',
' "The tonthS :of the :kings ',Were In should nave a Career. over. and iabove .the World outside,••their 'sowo. iiinited tibie...:Weanons , than '. a • eunaha and
dleated, ritoreover;:.13Y,:the'traCes found,. .• . •
her home interests is likelSr..,to• prude. , Iriizin .'' . . .
. • ' an umbrella Is a- form: of 'exorcise that -
there ''. oi'' 4.11imlii. ia'Sciiitic;e:':" ':'.114s'I•ii 'feeling ;of d:issatiiaotion '..arid an i • '---7,---',.'"-----r•r--. . • •
practice had been undlsenvered so;:,
unptession that work in the bottle is of. , -:,.
. , . appeals -te,..INits. •AliCia ..ftenthall;. an
far, in Mesopotatnid. • -No SurnSriatii.,.. 4 Flavini.With Leiner): , .. •Eaglishwoman who. makes gl.obetret.
hobby, • and' iS now ';touring'
secondary eonsidertaion iit the irtipds' , . . •
V Ice! 6d ; how:: soek they kart- get thilOugh an' ,lowl;:, rtili , inside ,.arid eutsige with a
• of thoSe Women',Whose one thcOht• ia '• ' 'Af.ter.P1S4ing AO singeing a to.13t7g.h tilig 'her
1 india,, Ni's. llenthall inta AireadY. heeit
or Babyiontin fekt; 'mentions: ii.' But :
tilt :the funerals , of ' these : prehiStoric
U. lea,U.it ' job. Bilt those" women,- cUt leinon. 14. gand fin:hour or ,r .. : A
• around the '.'.o Id times: •' "
it is demonstrated br the 0 1 1
COrninittee'. on. Industry,. tied,.. Ti•ade, king's', must 'have 'been .nrecetied 2 by, ,
"the 0)1104 it'. ..
who form. onr • great, in....a .(s)(.) = • ... . . walking wherever ' she- can,' using
l. niece.. 'I'ry. is. on a.' touch .; . • . . .
Pot 2e years Mrs. Itenthall haft 'been.
dealing":.wIth the'fnetal industries, 'has the maistiere of at 10St a sbttleth of , iniddle class; organl'i,eri Of' hapSy, piece'ef's„ .
teak also a slice. of salt.nant. . • , . • . • ,
' - ii. ' , 't ' t 8t°a
42' ,;Leinorti giyea a race . asp!. r.. o mea 8. niers , nod ,raiiroads only ,v,,,lien.
• . • . necessity demands ,,,It.,-:-Ifer first bl '
Post Cons.): The idea.. that "every da- lle •s not Only kriewledge but a
-, Human Sacrifice Practiced
Thriller" for Surei--,\,-
Her First Sight 9f a Horse an
r -.-at 1.7 Is -St • Kilda
• • •
k_ari a rotperienCe,
•PleetWOod.,. Eng -A striking illus.:
tratiOn of the •einiple and 'rugged lives':
Of theitilitibitante.of the'sniall island
only a ..fe*:, hours'. by ;•,:
trawler , trent the ,,coast .dt Britain; is
shown by AM? here. Of 'Rachel.. '
Gillies, 11. 'years old; who had never
Seen,* horse, a.'• Motor -car,
train;: 'or a motion' picture; • •
It is her first away from her
naive island.„ '
When; the ':•Asiiin.g• .steamer
• . •,•
rigg • made • one Of the infrequent calls',
at. the itilandif it_ Was.,.f.chind.that two
Of. the.: older:residents. wished I.e. be ,•
brought tP •FleetWood; .and,'. the Ytiong • .
".giri cable with them: •
..While..staying at the hense of cap•, ,
•was Pointed out teller. "I have Seen.
horsee picture 'but , never:
saw one •alive before ," She .said: =
ft, wonderful to pee peeple going
alient in sinart clothes; to . see. ••
women driving raotors 'through tile
buiy .*streets ; and to hear whistles of •
railway trtalne. .•I •have, haver Seen' a
inOving,'' picture and'.. ani. ',wondering
What it is like,'•
awakened. cOnsiderable interest .among their Se an s.. at .t. .. . .
the sttidents of the teciinidal college): Inaine, of ,Aino,. hi:1110g •io, ,0#1.titig., with, 1,..s1noothly-runn9Ig bellies, la, e . ,
1 right to be disappointed, with those hi
The hiStery . cif the iron and steel. in; their heads bound i0.. geld braid' and tho
17 sfront erf ehr; women's ,1110701 ,
dnStrieS Show's 'that technical' diacov. sturnounted With. gold' crOivrts,' gold,
()ries have frequently been tevolitti '
, on- earrings .hangijig troirCtlieit ears 1. Y , illsleon,l'tt,14rilnh; Ic.illoani y' "shItt.' 15 11 d81.,:ll'g NS0nIlltahti6 seems 'hard ' because. ',y.OU need . three ' Vent'. Years,' later,•.With . Only 8,8von . or
, a .
ary n .t eit. effectp, and theimport. at -the feet of '.-the sePulcher,.• lInder ; .t..-.' ,,. ;4.,0, • . • • • . • or. fent of them for living plipose's.:eight•natiVe bearers,- she croatied. the
ailed of 'research: Work is, therefore, ', the 'Pert° at the door lie the. soldiers ' c""1"n"'" ' • ' • • , • . . . .,
' 'African continent from '1've8i., til east
'perhaps, even. greater than: In ,thany Pe the' guards, with their . bronze, hel- ' in .4 illoliths*,..tt:aniPlag aearlY 4.000
. -
tfamp waa iti 1.909,.when she covered
q fortune la maiy. Just 1200 miles on foot tieross• central Africa.
otner Industries; That.brIngs its :bath tnets ;and. their ranee's, • Other 061e.
A Cotiple.of the Pig 11a
• • • •
havo boon :quite. clo4e, to' lions
once more 'to ,the technical reset:Lich tens strew 'the the.'02'"?.erts
evell And leopards in The litish,"; she said,
irtstitetierts, the laboratory, end. .,the aro 'there,- their, litiv seat,
er o ' the
Individual student, There' weuld ;seem the six Oxen, Selinerted by the 'pate, "blit theY have tieVet harmed me or
ne escatm trent the toncluSion that the their thighs.; and+their.
, T1. 'T • te
any. 0 y r ,rs, tt ways. go un -
future of the Eritiolt irdi and stool niented' with: lapfe-lazult •and.silver.i armed, (Ott I thin] -wild 'Militia's in
trade, and. of -other. Industries' WIII d By' the Qiieen Shia) Ab ilia her ladies the: •forests.• know fiy instinct that 'I
Pend on the young Men.,WhO,Are being er. honor, in two rows, and also the have no desire to ' kill. I wearjtisi-
asked to be told hie • poSition, and trained , .harnist, whose artns are still crossed• an ordinary khaki ,skttt, " pattei3S;
. the Moment :When; ,ififormation
, :`freaChes, b,y, Wireless', telephone
from a ground station, Ms. machine
wIll have ineveti an appreciable _MS-
tanoe through the..air, baring cross-
country flying Allis Will 'not itatter.
Ml-tlie pilotneeds atieh.t Linea is
aii aPtirliilinate iiiffihittiolr*his-,pol41-
.tIon,• • But when an ititmen grop-
fog .mitte near, an air-
, Alronie. ' attaining hid eYes to .catelt
t -,a•••
strong tthoeS and pith heittieit.'.
THE USE OF HOOKS tnent, .1ilertiated With geld and orua- Mrs. "ttenthall `had, just crossed
over the harp,' an adintrahle instru•
: • •• .. • , Africa from east t� west. She has
gOod assortment cif hoOks. To hook 'whose fildelit Made' of lapis-latill.,Tho visited` TWO. and the
Every hoMe.ownev should' invest In. Mooted Witn: , geld calf's . head,
back- -doors While open is 'a ctip queen's ehartOt - Was a,,,, light, graYiSh.
. . Arabre;-'Syrilf„' Palatine, Egypt. Meda',..
Vehience as nothing h ' to be hun ed• one, incrusted vvith • the . heads of gsscar; Sarawak, New Zealand, French
tiP to hold the door „ftoni banging shut Ilona, bulls andleopards in silVer, and
... .., •Itulo-Ohinit;;. Sail 'Poch*: Ctifttentaiai
whettAt_te;Wahked.„„ePon.:,,-,,,,,keak .00,ere,,,,gold, ; The chariot Was. draWit ty British .11onduras. :Mid the bast :in,
on the -inside. 4 -took covers oh, feled. asseti.7:71VetietlitOtiSeg'arefitelIgeleF
boxes 'Waded of having weiglita ' on tons ortite little `nervanti liktio" 'drove
them: Hook basement storm WindeWs them. „ ' , ' .
, :sight of petvertul light's. Ott tho land; that have to be opened .ocerialonaliy,
' area, Ile needs :Sento `Installtatle4P/Okgates;--tOol-boxeif,-,-rtild
OuS 'Mailed' of. aSebttaitiltig not Only .pliyhotitie' doors.. Theo
' exact 1)04it10it froM,. Mordent; to never be ';11.60ted. tightly' or the,children
• Moment ia• relation. to Ilto fet-ohaenr. will ootne tittle 10ek thettildiveti in. it
iit1t bcttot4l1 but faS4 his, praelifo a long ' f.3f.4010 hi- nand, and a good deal
110101 libovo theground t'auftet of it. left 60 tax) the wood, •the hook
• . , will held the deer and yet mite, it'
Att Itira:tratu witteli`w the Mit,' 'fni 'Wei -dab Itbrk. "-0,'Pert-TrOltrthe
: imi Afr.-Nitills•try ha a Itegtin maitd .° • •
Intended Only for 'Rulers
"It is Coriolis enough that in the
ollinary tenths not °nix are thei•o no
huhu= vietitritt,' hitt tI1tio'110 traceof, ..
Stich. a .practite,no clay figardto 'rep, ,
bat -118A it).N IS. SEIOWING. HIS T.E8TH,..„. . •
reaent:' the. 'real, sacrifice,. '
• whiah-resembres Cho htil ra1 ilatatings, . e :crew of fr,M.S. yarkb,oroagli N.Itt,011 tho., ilonhoW, and l:Pen'bithe nass'
'The hat 4,611efi3; lite -wooden modtilg-, of Illy tlttt ltlh reeOul ,401111Iinekt manoeuvres' battle. forniatiolt. 014,11 foro;.
iii,gypt, in which the:Iranian" saerideeS 1,:grothd are 10 ihell6rs‘ '
es •
dies. • '
The • History of Canada' •
• • • 4 :
t • Le. Canada :'.."Nat • Only, is Can
'edit -.known to the Jy.prld-'. tio-daer, but
the nations which know it haye., begun
to study. its history so as to 'knovii": •
tioniething. of it In tile paSt as 'well ati•
in the present. , In thl'i celinec.tien,
, . •
we cannot' withhold our Inost cordial ).
thanks froth, the ,universittes' of the.'.
United States for having, inkerted. in
their pregraniS the study,. df l the lila;
!Wry of flanada....1 "Net only they
thus stild4%?..our• past, to which as' neigh- • •
hers they cannot . indifferent, but
they; Will :Surely appreciate the Pecul-
iar 'charm. of our history,. •
Ati ImPerialist:Bll•
• , . , . .i.
Ottawa Droit ,t111i1.'1i,ib:1:.•Tho' Pir.
liaMentary debate,' on the Euler, bill
has.. focussed •-attention ,on.,t11,0. CiVil
•Set lee Gemini:seen. , 'I'lie dlaw,,,of ,the :
Ciii , SerVice grants, to ' tliS cyl.d. Sel,, .
diets f the Empire. tiering tips Meat
War a preference olter ell other :chi- •
Sens' of the countrt:. it is linportant'. -
to note in 'passing:the ab,Surrlimperial-
laths ch,ara'cter-pf this raid. The .wai-
of 1914 N,%•As. made . on ;'.Ettglenci's. ae.,
count. Let London herself, if She ,.
thinks' fit, %reetunitense her defenders.
We hate nothing to do with it 'NO
indeed,we take on the <lades de' our
Own'inother-country, and we,grant the .
preference to Ali the old Warriors of .
Ingiethiii, Whiit•-fltial devetIon. . , ...
• CO.LO ..GHILLS • ,
•boU131.., mudiri"whe'n.anYtiling nappeneu4,tnat
A traltp Was at the doer of a tiewly- did ...net please Min. One day. the.
A -tarried OOUIIIO• Minister 'heard - Win, and •ho scidI
"What" ITO 'yoit .Want," deffialtded 'the don't 'yoa ku04 that' 11,
Young finShantl..-,".11inner Or' Work?'' ' wrong to 8WFar, • Why, eVery tithe, 1
1301114 n1,ea,36# Plied 'the -.heat you sWear 1 oidchillDtIU dOivn.
• thy, haek„.f..
• The -disappeared and pros', UUO said, ..1'.ehnlly, "it, yoti'd been,
ently. retUrned With. a plate et. :filet: at 'no thottse the `other:'daY% Whe4 tn
calts, lilitt fltbae,” he etclainted say- dad caught his toga in the- clothes •
agelY, "and yOn'll have both," . -Wringer loott'd beVe fre.te to deetwo- k
1 C.