HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-06-14, Page 1sre, --• • • ':••• 1 „,, • V2,Q0 P1fl YrtAlt'O-AtoirANCE; WO: OTHERWISE 0 PROFESSJONAL CARDS 'U 44'r. CO..N1`.1,P1.L. . • • ' 'Hodra:: ..1.347-3.30 • , • Phone fie • , • . DENTIST Dr . AlaCIse'od w1I1 vist ,Lucknow . everY' Tueaday, • ,in Dr. Connell'q Office. ' . , i)EN..TIST L. Treleaven, Liselmiev'ee Over Decker's . Steres Extraction either by gas or Focal,. Will besin Dungannon every ThersdaV. phone 63. , • • --A o EVERYBODY'S COLUMN 0'. Geo. Siddall; Lueknow, --Braker and/ Real Estate.-sMolleY to lend or• , first inertgagen on farm proper- ties at 6 and 61/2 per cent according to security offered .Also small amounts on second mortgages en farm properties and., on personal notes. A few good farm •for sale WALL PAPER -A fall.liiie of 1928' Paper on hand. 'Prices from' 8c _stip. I am also agent ,for reading job • liouses.-R,--J,--Cameron,---Decorator' -Painter and Grainer, Boit 174, Luck- ,• FOR SALE --Brick Bringalowe'ex- Ara lot , with good fruit trees, barn . - seitable.for .stable, storage; or garage. Will be sold for less _than cost.. Ap- ply to D. C. , Taylor. ..(26-4-tf)ss., '• DWELLING FOR •SALE.Iii first elass repairs:excellent. losation. Price reasonable and-Lterniasseasys-s-Apply__ . to The Sentinel offtee. • •• •BABY • CHICKS After, June 15th: chieks froni our • Pens of Iteavsrlaying liens 'Will be at ocs bottom ,nrises. O.A;C. :Barred_ - Rocks 15c. S.. C. White. I.eghorns )1res• Our stock is, prOduction bred:' basdY. oed free from • diseaSe..- C. G. Campbell; Maitland Specialty. :es • • „, -sere Ont. Pone 10.-24, • Blyth Municipal. , LtICKNONST, ONT., , ..JHURSnAY JUNE 14th 1928f • , • GENERAL 0 " 0:-4s-0 .0 0. ,0,;--4-ed.1--41 'At. last it feel'slike Suniree. :'-qne-sweek-frA?nr404l longest day ,bf -,the year; "S, • Special •price.; •ens Men's Werk Shoes; at: Ws J. 'Little's Shoe 'Store. , Reserved seat plan or the iorth Minstrels' now op at MeKini!s Drug Stere. , Rev. H. G. Whitfield St Helens,. And Rev. R, W. Craw 'wills eiteharige• pulpits next Sunday ..for the morn- ing service. THE SEAFORTH1VIINSTR- ELS -s . . A treup of forty seven people, will be in the Town Hail, Lucknew, Fri- day, June 22nd. . .Mr. Eldon Johnston, who, recently returned frorn the West, isssprepare_ ing to open up a barber shop in the Tennant building, near McKim's. :kr. Tom Webster was over from Detroit to attend the annual' Webster picnic. Ile has not enjoyed 'good health throughout the past year, ' but is improving. 4 ,JUNIOR • FA)i•MERS : HAVE.�IG DAY .1N jUPGING COM;•• • PETITION " -• Congratulations , to 1ss velya. Craw', 2nd, year student, at 'Yi'ctoTie College, Toronto, on reeeiving, 2nd class honors in the Honor .Course Of sISIbaernLeistory, ' Baby Chicks and..' -latching Eggs • from. extra heavy .laying strains -- pure bred to lay \ White' Leghorn's and 13arred 'Rocks: •-lligh• production and ipedigreed males used .0kcier w and get- these isheir• -yeti- -swan them:: Also ineubators,..brooders mut peultry. aupplies: • Costorti hitching dene. 1 can save you money. Phone or • write' - Duncan. Kennedy, Whitechiarch,.,Ont,. (13-tf) ' — The 'casualty list in the contest Man vs. the Antomobile, grows tenger every day As the:eeason Ad- vances. . There was need of . that Kids Safety, League. ' THE SESIFORTH :MINSTRELS , have played to crowded houses, .in Seaforth, Mitchell,„Hensall, Goderich . and -Kineardine: your seats early__-75_0esseach's at MCKiin's • Drug. Store. • Mr. and 'Mrs: Mattheirs Woods of town; Were among these to patron- ize the 'Greyhound excersion to De- troit, last weeks They were accom- panied on the return- by their daugh- ter, Miss Woods , ; . The stoelejudging cOmpetition held here on 'Theedey was favbred with delightful wPathee,,conditiensi and: jviari .and young ,Wnmen from the two ad- joining CountieS.. It was the sepend largest, competition, ever. held in Brdfce' Copnly, and may prove to he: -the. biggest and best in the province this season •Eighty-six y;oung men and over 40 Yonng. women . (Junior Institute). took part In 'the consPeti- .LITTI,,E GIRL RAD NARROW: XScArg , Theslittle daughter of Dr. Mrs.: Johnston of :towns-litid7a narrovi 'es- cape, 'rem. fatal injari.es, 0110,Y.'s Sun' -ddissa'ftersdarciri-wheirshe was knoekiYd down. and run over 'by' her 'lather's' automobile.' ' the little d of .. ow , We are not in .possession of a. fell r repot. this week, but are in a posi- tion to say that the local organize.: Hon made a very creditable- show- ing. :For example: .Fred 'McQuillie won the silver cup, in the competi- tion on sheep and swine, 2!.4.Ti. drew wen a medal in beef cttle ---judgings'and-Norvals-Stewart-swon-as medal in judging swine. The Luck., noiy team' (men 'under 24) came see- ond as . a team, Arid, was only six Points behind. the winners -:--in VerY Strcing comPetitien. This., team was made up of Fred \McQuillin, Orland Richards, Alf Ritchie and Fred Man tin coach. ' We-lespOrtO-ThaVe a niore-Corirplet4 report ..from. the_sdisteict;/epreeettes •tive.next _week. . 'I'ENDERS WANTED' ,Tonders will he receive'd bv the un: deraigned up till June 28, 1928, for the purchase of the ,Forrezters' Hal in 'the village of Whitechurch. •Ten- • ders will be. accepted foi: Wilding and lot; separetely,• if so desired. Lot, 'contains 14 of an acre, More or lees. If tender for building is - accepted, •beilding to be removed within three months of date of sale. AnY tender not necessarily • ac- cepted. . • • Frank Henry. Lusknow R. 5. ,a child .under three year ,age sustain' the'Weiglit of an Essex Joach. without having the life crushed otasis something of a niiStery. Yet this actuilly -.happened, for a • rear. sheel pas,sgti across' the chihrishreaat As. she lay on the ground, -An X-ray ,oxamination showed one rib broken and two ribs cracked, and there ,are amists, of course, but the injuries were not of a serious nature. • Dr. Johnston got into his car, And was backing •towards the etreet. Un- known to him, little Katherine' had followed andgetting right in the path :of the car, 'was_ knocked ' down, the.. rear wheel •passing • over her chest. painful' feature of the ac TheStlence , given; in tlies TeWn • Hall in the evening was -14ielis*nttended,, and a highly 'successful affair. • • • ' • ' Rose Whitby went to ' Detroit on Wednesday of this week to attend the nuirriage of ler brother, Fred, to be held on -Sattirday, the 16th. The, , • ,young . couple expect to motor • to- Lucknow sh Sunday:. 71vItT. D. C. McMorran received word. last week of the death of his brother, 'Harry, who died at Vietoria; B.C., on May 1? The late Mr. McMorran 'was, born in:.-areeneek. 4nifilv 4855, 7 and has been in British , .Coluinbia since 1889. , • puttNIN RE -UNION , The annual. re -union of the Durnin, familiei will be in Harbor Park; Goderich, on Saturday, tJune ' 16th. It is expected that all membere of the elan swill' be present for this an; twat holiday:. The ladies . will 'please: --- bring lunch.S-Sec'y. , , • MessrA. -Fred Stanley and Reg. Smith,- were called to Walkerton on Tueeday, to serve on a jury, trying a ease of sheep stealing, which oc- curred in the northern • township's. Mr. Smith.found his serVices uimec- , . essar ' and returned home 'Mr 'Stan- ley was among the seleetsci. 12 men, good, and trueAppreciated- . . • • ' . Mr. and Mrs W. G.' Armstrorig wish- to -express grateful 'apprecia- tion to the many friends 'who showed .so meth:kindness, and were so help- ful'. While 'Mrs., Armstrong was in . • . I.0.0:F:' SCHOOL OF. , INSTRUC'I'ION AND BANQUET • . , ' By a- curious oversight The Sen.., tinel last week missed all inention of a; lodge event-N.0f first interest" •to a goodly .number of people in LueltnOw' and vicinity. .Ti e was a' "Lodge .of instruction". held in the L0.0Y. Hall, afternoon and evening sf May 31t, followed by a banquet in the Town Hall • It Was .one of the beat., events of the kind ever witnessed here, being largely ,attended s and every, festive :marked by 'a high :degree' of effieieneY and sneeess.,' 1 , The :Meeting opened . at 3 o'clock - pan, with 'District. , Deputy :Grand Master :Bres•Geo: II. MacKay, -Brace -Diatrict, ,phe Chains' .Bro. S. Rennie, Tillsoriburg, :Deputy .Grand. Master, 'representing the Grand Lodge' of Ontario, suds present, .-and was. introduced to the 'meeting, by •Bro, Dr J) Paterson Of the local 'Lucitnew Lodge was coiled upon to eitemplify • the :Initietory 'Degree, which .it did in an exCellent and fins nressive • manner., Critics of .thiWoik s Were:: Pas c "Grand, Bro.' thdipas MatDonald, Joaeph. Fisher; Ir.D.D: GM, And Bro. MacFayden, P:G, They were highly, complimentary of . . .eident was that the little girl's Mo- ther Was a nearby apectator,'but her ,frantic , calls were unheard, Owing to. the noise of the engine. .The shock to her was such that, for q time, her life itas despaired of. However, she soon rallied andisirielf-nn. the Way, to recovery. The little victim Was Picked up and Dr. and. Mrs,..Connelt Were called over. It ,Was decided to taka.-the--Phildlo 'GO -defied- foes -ins *X-ray, examination,, when her .condi- tion vas! found to be less serious then atfirst appeared. , Fortunately; the heavy wheel had gone over .her at ,about the onlyplaceit ebnid with- out inflicting fatal, injury. At latest -• will soon be running about again. • I renortS she WiS doing fine, and she • ,BASEBALL . . • BADY TW•T°0'.°,DIBRALSTI1474ADs: oNFE?:. COAL 0114 gxpLosioN • Thon ceonfearesnifunkcninite: ,,oTfor,.ttriroy....,F.T14%17: Porth of' Wingillarn,'", Was s.the ssenr.ref`dOMe.Atiq7-.'tragetly-"otie Thirfaita7f70-,;r11,-4' week, regultiiig"-iFe the deatli.'"of two girls, 18: and .16 'years, of age, and "u Child of 4 Menthe. vhe mother;',a ,sisteF Of the two girls, Was also severelY but may' recover., . The. Women were engaged in pre- paring the evening meal and to hasten the fire, Laura, the elder of the two girt's) took up a 5-ga1lon. can containing coal oil, and undertook to pour the oil into the stilve. There waa, an explosions the bottom .being' blown off the: can and blitzing oil spraYed. ever the two girla,and their • " A,M. NOTICRt E Weri Bro. B, L. 13areford, 0.M. -North Huron District No. 5; will pay hi s• ofticial:visit to Old Light Lodges, & A.M., Thursday eve - ping,' June 14th. A' full attendance of members is requested, " •. , G o T. Aitsilisoti,:wm... WILL•PnookivrE .(RAVES Tho •ineMberh.,•of- the and Jewel R,ebekah Lodges march to • , s , Gyeebbill Cemetery to decorate' the , graVeS" Of: the departed members. .on, requested to meet at the talge roem ,the NVirigham hospital. • • ANNUAL PICNIC, , Father GoodroW's' Annual Picnic, Riversdale, June 28thL4-tlie day. after the election, Big eeents, lion. J. S„ Martin, 'minister of . Agriculture, chief epeaker. SUM---4-MER''Mi17-**EETINfG. * The special eurnmer meeting Of the ,LucknoW Wonlen's Institute Will he held in ten Town Monday, June tall,' at 2,30 o'clock, when Ern; ily J. 'Guest, M.A,, of Toronto, , will address the meeting. Musical num- bers from 1,Ielyrood, Whitechurell, •Ripley and Lucky* branchess All women and girls ;of the CoMmunity, 'whether Members of the inStitute or not, are ebidially , •\ Pi.rt AiN GOOD SHOW. the efficient manner in. which the week was done. The first degree was 'exeniplified„ Penetangere Lodes,e,.. Eineerdine. Critics *ere Br'os Walter .Meelten- BrO, William -Dob- son, • P.G.; and Bro. MacKinnon,. P.G. The work in this' deirreestiress-also• Nen' nicely done, and was highly. praised,' by. the critics. • Fellowing. thhs. deeree the lodge actioritned until eight o'clock, 'When, itTWai-,opened, With I3ervie Lodge in charge, to • give, second •Clemonstra- tion 'of second, degree wet% Crities' 'sere Bros-Tayikr, Geo. II. MacKay, D.D.G.51,, and . N.,,,Jenes, P.G.. The, third:Ogrde was , very .13'0 on by 'Silver' City Lodge, Tiverton; and drew high •ceropliments ,from the eritics, Who, this time were:, Bros. Geo. Gordon, John Bcll P.G,, Kincardine, R.. Johnston; P.C:, .Clinton Short addresses were 'given by 13ro. p. ,Paiorson; Lucknow, arid Brci..Wats*On of Winnipeg ,todge. : Followinff. this Adjournment 'was Made to the 'Town sYhere a de- liglitfel: banquet had been prepared: by the ladies Of JeWei Rebekah' Lodge. 8hOrt ;addresseS. were made_ by Bros. B,' 8. Rennie, ,Geo, 11. Mac. ltay, Robt., JOhriston arid others. .T.J1g MOUT& WfjtP PFF. -I.sieknoW 'from a sort of black eYe lest Setup. day night,. ,ali..the 'shop and house •wete :mut, ;trine •Stanley*s store West. , te certainly knoelced ,business in that section' of the town, being oarticularly noticeable because of the.laig Saturday" night ltreetS'. The treAle wasn't great* ,hprtied,tuse.,, but the ttansonfortimately had sdriVen •eut ef Own tt few:minutes 'before tlie ligbts, June 17.W. Ali mrnbeis re at 2 pan. lateknow BraSe.Band will )0:Accompany.. the lodges, , GARDEN- PARTY The annual garden. party, under the auspices, of the Ashfield Parsole, age 'Ladies' Aid, will be held Tuca. lawn, 'the' WeStfield oung r 1 .day'.evening; Auld 19th, on WI A t '1;00rile. will. give O. Nil progratri,..i.rii, • eluding' their popular play, ,oillVel;; ieme genie Supper Sqved • • from 4 to 4, AdallsOlorl-.4100+ and • ;5.0. LUcknewsPlays at .Teeswater and on • : the.:,gome-Dfilantind.• sister, :Mrs. Peres,- •Jarvis who :stood by With her baby • in ber el'ina.s. The -clothing-of sill-wass instantly -on- fire Mrs Janis dropped hersboby to the - :floor and ran outside, +lint immediate - There was a good exhibitien of the great game of baseball on the ideal diamond; 'Tursda,y'eyening, when the ehampion teams from Paisley, was the srisiting organization. Up to .6,1 first of the ninth innings the 'score was 3.-2. and it, was anybody's .gaele,, hut at this point luck:favor•A the vis- itors, and they stored' three times, in (Wick succesSion, :Making it 6-1' The home :team, however, got one in the last half, making the- final, score 64, in ,faver. of Paisley. ' • • .The Lucknow linesan' was es fel- _ ste,yee-Piteheis-0, irsein; emehc;r.S.D... M. Johnstone: 1st B., (.1. Webster.; 2nd B., R. Johnstone; 3rd B. IC Mt. ehison: SS., A. McCartney; L.F., S. Hughes; CF, Murdoch; R.F.. C. Thompson. , • . Wths practiCe, this • aggsegatien will make a good team, end shouLl make a good showing in the league. in the Teeswater and Paisley:teams the)' met the two best of. the Bruce_ Le gue, and could hardly ,expect re , The team which went- to Tees: water, Thursday Of last week, prid met defeat •to the tune o.f 10-1,• was greatly handicapped by /the absence Of ,a number of the strongest players and by lack of, Practice. ----0 o 0 /UNITED CHURCH'. MISSION BAND returned . to. 'pick' up th‘ baby. A man . who came , into *.the kitchen seized a fire-extinguisher, and throw- ing the contents over Mrs. Jarvis, possibly saved her, life. Mr. Finley made a desperate •attempt to • save Of The Seaforth Minetiels who are under baseball elnli auspices. on June t2,.' The rineardine" Iteview-Iteporter had "the. following:to . "The Seaferth Minstrels played to. a fair crowd' .the town hall here on Tuesday evening, under the althe' Of the towling CluS, and to, say that they staged, an 'excellen en. tertainment,is putting it Mild. Every number given met With approval Of the .audience. Thil" east of 41 in- , • cludsd high ,elass' orchestra, whine aocomlnkoltoollt added, greatly to tits ptoktani.'t the two-girls,-but-theirshorns-were- . such that they died a few houre later, , . • at the 'Whigharn . Hospital, Where the Y" were rusliedfer treatment. Mrs: iarvis 'arid ,the babiSsvere also' taken Bread of .110alth- OUR moirTO ome Made 'Bread .SDOGIA CDP1ES,••-6 CEN:•I'S 4-0 the. hospital, and the child :died there the day following,. . • Mamie, another married sister, on :eeing teem about to .pour the oil into. the fire, dodged behind the 4tove, and' thus: saved herself. The two. girle.end the Jarvis baby were buried in Winglia:in--"CemeterY. •in Sattitslay, the triple ,funeral. be- ing: from the Salvation Army Bar rack wheire-serviee WN's held , . officers of the. army.; . Mr Finley, who •is a. nephew' of oroyincial officer.' Phippen; is a :•inoulder by :trade, and hi, employed it the Western Fotindry. .fellOw, etriployees 'presented,. him with a eurse 0,8100, in view of. the family. misfortune. On the. day of the tragedy a num- ber of relatives had gathered at the 'Finley. home to. attend the funeral., of Mrs Finley's father, Thomas Ta vert, who had died --o'n June 5th, at he age .of 84. The funeral was' to 'lave, been the day .follOwing. ` 'The Bread ,1-1ealth :-ts QUALITY , AND .$EitYidE; Raisin Bread Whole Wheat ''Bread • Fits .TSOOa-rcs.-e• OetSneal,CookieS;•ChelAea Buns, Teed „Rolls, • •Raspberry-; •artlets; `. • jelly • ' tiCittArMAN9S, ../Ei•A/cVA 'Phone $6 • „ LtieknOw . "Smossmasesseeseemeir Phone75 '4 6. , ucicnow, 0 STORE" FATHER'O , DAY -JUNE 171,131, t. OUR-STPItEsIS-*THE-HOME7OF-G-IFTS7-FOR'': FATHER,' 'I -BE - HE YOUNG OR. OLDERF- •••;‘, Silk Hose, plain colorS, at 75. fancy ,pattein and colors, ,65c., to .Fine Shirts, collar attached, 'at Fine Shirts, separate coffers, at 81.49- and up. Bow or Four -in Hand Tie; 29e. and up. , • Black Slicker Cot . any sise, at s$8.50. -; •• -, Bathing Suits, wo,l. or cotton, 75c. to .$2.75.' ,-I'Brition-Less-Underweai",_. $1.00._„and$1: -;„ Biltm ore Felt Hats and 1311t in Straw Hats• Would make • Father- g splendid gift: , All siies; and many styles here for your inspection. ' • ' ' ATISIT:,.,01311,:STORE OFTEN JUNE 17th. , lfred tiswe • 1_, LUCKNOW SCHOOL REPORT , . 0 0 '11"AD A FINE DAY AT -BAY-FIELD . There was. a good big crewd In the oaek at '13Ayfied Satarday 'teat, When the armlet .gntlieting the Webster clan was , held, there. daySiras' a bit ce51, but it •waP: fits.' overhead, arid the beantif.ul park is an 'ideal spot for such • a picnic. There was. the usual' mecitings-and - greetings between ,relatives who had not seen each other since a year ago, and 'some :for Much-lOnger periods., There was a program of..Seld ,sParts and;basehall, into :which,the yoenger. element entered With a ,will, while a number of the ladies busied' them- Witli the 'preparation of dinner„ In0 supper, both meals ; in %ample, eneastire, being served •to theslarge gathering. • , Mr ,Toro Webster, who was 'over from ,Detreit for the 'occasion, and who is president •of the organization, wee' master Of ceternonies, and had general oversight, Foliowing . the enjoyment of. the good thinge at tile. tables, speeches Were Made' by the following clergymeni` Mr'. Hogg of Clinton; W. P. Lane of 8e.afertla; W: MacDonald, •Egmondville;, :Pen., rose cif Varna. A. W Br‘vvn • Ash- field. . • The regular meeting of the Llnited 'church Mission Band was held at thP. Parsonage . The devotional exercises opened 'with ,a Hying. Isabel Hamil- ton read the. SeriptUre lesSotilMrk W: P. Reed Offered prayer, Roll was called,- and fifty °members .reivonded,. Plana solo waS given by, Eimiee Newton. ..Recitatiens Were given by SOoris Ritchie, Mary McKim, Richard Treleaeen, arid ChOitt8 ft'Oni num- ber •of the girls. Bobo Y Macintosh gathered the Christmas. 'gifts from the members of the Band.' Mise Cra* gave a very interesting talk• to the children: , The :meeting closed ; with .a 'hearty vote of thatika ' ;to Mrs. 'CraW. , tench was served on, the IA** , officere and members of the Mission Rand Wish ta thank the ladles of `the' W.M.S., who se kiridly assisted' iaatting this meeting such Wellt Onto Etta 110 ,e0Ula n0i 130 loctit, J . Next tithe, *kd, hOV1e. tt *tit 01:Ar bc an $040$ Wett* • '• , Room IV. • Final exam in Nat. S., lisrg. and Art. Possible 300. Hon. 225: Pass 186." Hon -G MacDonald 264;•' W.. Arms 'strong 256; I. MacIVIillan:2,54;: Macintosh '253; L... Naylor 251.; A.; MacKenzie 250; R.' Finloyscm 244, E. Smith 242; F..filionipsOn 42; D.' Henderson 238; L. Webster 227. Pass7-S. Mullin 210; M. MacDonald 213; T. MacKenzie 209; S. Steward 206; 4, Swan 197. • Group IL Total 750:.t.Hori' 563 Pass 450: Hon. -G. MacDonald 672; A: MacKenzie :664; L. Naylor 628; R. FinlaySim 627; W. Armstrong '621; M. Macintosh 596;,L MacMillan. 593; D. ,Heriderson 579; E. :Smith 573; • S. Steve-a-fd--566. slThoinPsott -7561. •StICCM, 4 • . • BASKET PICNIC IN TEESWATER ' A basket picnic will be beld, under „the auspices of the Ptoite§tio6 Fsociation Of pen& .Bruce ' in Tees - Water Park On Friday, , June 22, Speakers will be Mr. M. A. 'turn, the candidate in the by-election; Mr. R. 11, halbert; Mr, Beecher Parklionsa. :A.'prograninie of sports Will be giVen. A4MistiOn-4t.dults end cars 1,0c. Vice lemonade to,those bringing clips nd pfteli'ora. 0004• )3, Armstrong* ;* Wallcor, •,fts014.104„.• peoAril ---o 0 0 - IN 41144,010S Pass -M. MacDonald 553: LO Web-. ster 544s, T. MacKenzie 509; S. Mull- . 496L/1 Ssvaii 456: MacDonald. SOUTH :KINLOSS -:.Twerity-eight ladieS -gathered at the: home of Miss Kate MacKenzie, Vtrhere a meeting Of the WsM,S. Was held on Wednesday of last week; Af- ter . singing lisimn 417, Mies As Hughes led .in prayer, Mrs. MacIser read from Isaiah; 55th chapter. After the reit call a letter from Miss 'Rat- , • tee was read, by Mrs. AleX, land,- thanking the ladies •-fer. the" money that had been n.lecived.• This week. the lodies, are sending eggs to the Miss Rattee . Home. Hymn. 599 'being sung,' Mrs, Mel: • Irwin,. who was ,delegate to the Teeswater Pres- byterial, gave a geed report. A geed paper was prepared by. Mrs. Martin And ad by. Mrs. W, F..MacDonald: ,Meaver read w,porffen of the "Mery Slessor of Calabar" story. Af- ter singing and:'prayer theoineeting Was *sod arid, a ;dainty lunch WaS served. Mr, T. Watson• has moeed his"bar- ber shop from the north to the South „side of Canipbell Street"; Where he oeciipies a rooni on the ground floor in the Affin Block, Freshly dedorats ed• and With new..fittings, the new shop is a bright and attractive plass Comniencing Wednesday,' June' 20, Me, Watson will have the , services, A-Aeli-ArerneSdai Gertrude Robertson cif 'Wingliarn, graduate of a Toronto school, in";" --------FAMILY THEATRE JUNE 14-215-16- (Speciall, ' I"Tht GOitlILLA". , Charlie Murray and Fred Kelsey. And, COmedy. Admission -20C. & JUNE 22-23_ , , 'Johnny Hines in "STEPPING ALONG", DANCING -- To Harold Skinner's BLUE WATER, BOYS • IN Winghain Arena Every Thursday Night ,0•0 •, MAKING A .PECORD A grade .Shorthern,cow, oWned by Ed. McQuillin, West WawAnosh, recently gave birth to • tvlin calves, this, beinl th0. second se- he has, ptoduced.. This makes a total for, this eow of nine ,calvessis sik yeate 'And• two nionths; and *all the salves have beenssttong and did well. +Ca THE VII,ESS*TERTAN :W,MS;- Tho regular meeting as presided -ewer y the •Prefiidertt, Mrs. MacDorif aldMrs. D: ThcImpsdit gave a full account of the PresbYterial which met in Teeswater. - The ‘topic Was" taken by Mrs', SteWart, Mrs. G. H. Deitglefi areare It reading; a, duef With 044 WA* *Inotfried . • • GrA. DENSP,A Y„, At Bethany' Church, '4 Miles m• st 'of Teeswater Road, .on 10th, Coil., Culross, oit-Thursday:, .S.Upe Per' Served, in the Hall from 6 to 8 o'cleck pal.' A good Pr6grain is be- ing provided. Admissiot onG *6**,0 0011,N Andrrw,,,On Vsterinesday, June rn Winghain 0ohota1 lith$Pital, Mi janagts, Alfred Andrew of Ash. fieId11,datightet Wihtlifed 441104). (.30i8-0 • • • , THE; StAVORTI-1 ri ST REL S .',4Fast Of 47 ,Men. • A' 7 -Piece Orehestra.: Rare :Musical :Talent: $t lo, Duels; tinariets and ' ChOrnses. , Font" Funrq, End Men.. 'Jokes and WittielsMs Golore., LUCKNOW TOWN: HALL FRIDAY'\L 22nd , Plan of Hall at McKim'e Drug Store. . • WOMF,N'S INlUCTJ The rchzular meeting* ot' the Luck- ne.‘V 'Women's Institute' was held on ,ltint,c-t4ls- at the home of heel, Mts. Murdie' presiding. Ar utPIl1CTlt ctc 'completed foe the. .Aummor. moalug; 'Which' will beslield ' in *the 'Town' 11;111, •lime when Miss 3...Guest .ho 'the!, speaker., Mrs. Agnew gai ! op, iotor- osting report ef the ,Conferee\ hcid itt'‘VillasOr; NPV‘tin• and Mt- 1%cud emitributed, ri' le nig puaio shietssind Miss I-1.velysi -Cease ,gitve •tin 0,XTVIVnt ttdcitOS i'r6 Tedaytn,MVe I,Votnen:" The nieetin eloted by ;Ailing. Tho gaiqe 1.„04t•