HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1928-06-07, Page 5ain
lean -Up
1:Q0 %shire Insi'de ;and .o.40640:$iat.,
:Sellout's Plgor
. • , •
WOMF•rae Stein for Flonra,..WoodWork and Furniture.
Roge.re! 4..e Crater, for, •Floerse' or Feenitairo, dries
In 30 minutes. ,.. es: •
1)Iii re icy for • Yells a nd Ceiling: decoration. ,
• .11.)lico...,and, flTto En-i.mols fo1 repainting: the: ear.,,
.',Fell 'SteClc,ef Paint sand -IL:elver Jushea.
". Sauce .Guitivitrors ud Shovels
Al UST, RI VED-LC arloal of Coil Spring Wire, Barb Wire
and Woven F
." St. Maras
Cenien,t al-ayS on hands, '
ristone an 1 Limes : .•
131413E:Jr ..D. ELECT RIC 'WASHER, Complete with Elec...
,tri e Iiii.tol:' II ater 'built into f the tub. It beilS, Washes,' and
tinera the 'e" tiles. It Will 'pay a ou to see this machine before
Phone 66. Lucknow.
Iiardwam Coal Plumbing Tin§mit4iin
,,i'hone 74 454_,
.,14.0.;1iNOW and W INGHAM •
Hasethe hir•gest and nroat..'coinplete
• -•;•ii reek' 'I tr:thVntOst bc. titui desigas
to chooe, Ironi
• Marble Scratch S411`diAl and Can-
, .esieee -Granites - •-•
iWe nnike :a' Speeialtayoe Family
.; Monunienteeand. invire our inspereeL
. . , . , .. • . .
Inscriptions ..a.;.eatly, Catisfrillyand
• Pr:Towle Thine. . • •
,. Bee 'nit befor:e` 'elecirre:y0;ikaaiadee,
•Ileeeirt of • No. 14, E.• 8L- W.:
Wasvamish-May ..Review Tests.
Tested in, Spell., e •comp.,
• Illet's-Art* • . .
1V'' Carrnan Fairiet 83% .
. .
Jr., IV: Laura Martin 72; . Tore
Inglisl 60.
'Sr. 'kennetli Laidlaw .85. •El-•
• roy Laidlew 72.,
-Jr. 111: Cliff�rd Purdon 71; Rodd'
etpglia 68e Russell.'Fart•ier 51.
, Sr. II: , Roselle Guest 79; D. Guest
Inglis 360; Olive' Pura:fee 358; :Mary
quest, Doreen ,Pindon . tties) 299. ,•
- Sr. pr.: Total 300:a:,-.111stiel •Pur-
. „ ,
- •
Oa' afsed4rie`na" John l3arnby pas -
ed .away on Friday' last and we laid
iini to reit on -Monday afternoon. At
-pire,eattealeage ef 1(05. yeara .ligewas
'all Probability tho oldest member
:iv the florninigneof the Tended Clarels
Jf Canada. In.piety, in integrity, in
;leer!spiritual exP'erietiO0.." he
'added :something beside: Many; many
years to, hie'. Obereb. connection, 'wit•L
iess end service; .flieeeemed to. know
'three' ,weeki,*egb . that the. :.ed • ;Was;
,•rerY neat for Ile told 'the ,evriterthat
he'had aerneeasatIranee .feest his time
• e•tits drawing 'near. A very , fitting
-funeral serViee wee:held In hiti :home.
„en Monday :afternore, when his special
hymn was sting; -God our .Help in
ages past" was sung.; The Rev.. Mr.
:Drekenkon, :his., fornier •'Pastor,"..and.
the Rev, :A. W. '13toikar thee'. k. present
.seetere,cesidueted these la:et riteseand*
raid tilbute to this 'grand i?-41,.Than,.0f,
Ashfield; former MetirOdisin and • the •
United ',Church of. Canada, A singu-
lar toincidence is
that, the v ife of the
deceased, was's! Inuit& juieteele; yew&
ago to .the day..,A• 'large crowd of
friends and .sympathizers gathered,
,both ,at the residence and at the cern-
•-!tery, to pay their last respects ,to
thegrand old ,rnan to be with.
the faithfille son and's-g•randaughter
• who .so lovingly eared 'ter ;him. '
The •pastor • 'returned iron Confer-
eenee - ---)M ondayTes eon rir-4;th an-ewas--
planned,- owing tothe deeaSe, Of Mr.'
13eirnbYs Mr. Zinn; left, COnferenee
'for. homes.' via Lpndon on Tuesday.
•• Hackett Church .. was :crowded for •
the service on Sunday evening; when.
the congregation had ',•ttie pleasure
of hearing the, Rev. H. Dickenson of
\loose, rlanr who' served. so. Acceptably
AS, pastor here fOr.,a terM before, the,
?resent .pastorate. The sermon Was
nuch enjoyed.
The Services ne*i :Sunday are as
it Zion. in the morning, at
Haekett in ..the .afternoon, at. • Blake
in the, evening:,,
09110.4in Re•OC:.•••• R; A. SPOttem
' e•eknOw -Ont. ,. ••
• , . • • ..
' The Wife: "Quick, G.eergie's
'lowed one of My 'hairpins."• Her hus-
baricte'll-rinesnl 'matter a Mt, dear,
'they're no useenoVe; are 'they?"'
• e
a's •
or the
Who is to, Supply the gro-
ceries when You move mto
your SumMer • home? The
grocer in :your home tOWna. ,
:or the grocer; tiniest your
country.homeT ,
Telephone either or both !ind
.1bui out when and ho* they
cast intke dehvries Thi,
you can fix a regulatin
each week for, placing your
orders .•
.„,A Bute And regular stipPly
' 'of your **elite grocetieS
earl Make all the difference
.l)etireter anenjoYable, and
an indifferent. Summer.
• • .
.Jte Pr.:: Excellenta-Berthe." Gueet.
.Gopd-7Rellison Faidoner; ,:. Bill Mars
tin, E'tneat .Beecroft.
„ No. on ,rell 19.
I Hackett:.
I • ' • '
. Report itf • S.S.. •Ne. '10; Ashfield •
• .
• for • MaY.
:Sr IV: Tested in Br. .is.• Can. 'Hist,
Gtarp., Gegg..• Sp„ 0:, ;Read. -
}fellers 75%..1es":;,s•60(,a. Winnie, Lane
2; "Matthew • Johnston • '72s ' Robert
Hower& 09e Thelrea,..Johnston 58; l..);
Ilogen 40. t. • * '
• Sr., , s' Tetitect in.' I:it., G;epgi and
Agri.... Ella:gee:an 64; ISI!I Johnston,
'ia; 'Reed.--chsent for All tests:
Jr.' Tested in Arrth., Geogr.
and .A 1-tildri Lane 74;' ,Dick Reed,
5,2*: Jim Drennan Raymond
TIOirari` 42'4; .'Frank,..Drenean. 30*
••, Sr. II: .Gepd-Ine. Campbell; 'Vera
Tittle; • Anna lifae Fair• -•e•
Birdie :Reed: • .
Proinoted: to Jr. "Jim 'Nelson;
Marion Hogan; Al'ex.. Fattish.
Sr Pr ,Good -Eileen
.Teari Nelson.. Fair -Mtn. bisnnanw.;
Howard 'Reed':
Jr. Pr.: GoOAL-Rhe.a Bob
bie Farriele. Fair-Alrie Drennan.
No. en roll • 28...„ Av. att.. 24.5, •
. Those inerkdd' :With an:1(*). missed
'brie �r more, testa, ' •
." • Myra. j. MecDonald,e
, . .
. .
'11A.KINO T,TrIg 'WAY or
Tfl TRA.Nscrgu-sonIIARD
Violatorthe Liquor control
Act On, Trial :at WalkOrtuP
In the, Walkerton, Hereld-l'imee . we ;
ind the sequel of a story We publish-
ed last week ahout:Mr. Andrew Ftei-
Urger *being again in the tokeinetge
d with infraction of the L. C. A.
Ilereld-Times .00inew1tat• graphic
rCeolint' of , the trial folleWs;
' The onIceine of a. visit: of 'Prey.
7:lonsteb1e. Nelson, •" irk "clean-up
:•ariiPaign,. hone of :Andrew,
'i'reibutger, near RiVetedale. On: the
•xlight of Thursday; May 17th, When
in 'company with Prow' ,Officer Penr.•
•on of Given Sound .aikd, Constable
fed. 'W.alker of. town, . -he . -searched
,he premises 'Sad found a...bottle of
'3ertgrain's, whiskey 'in! s, 'bedeCtorn in
• • .house, besides surprising ,••"„ Fri -
urger, ,wlig drove in abont, ten,
Mentes ...later ',with 'a Partly fillled
rottleof ruin' lying on the floor of
he 'car neat his feet; whilea drink -
'41g -ease was resting on the spat bee,
iide him, resulted in r Fteibutger be -
ng' adjudged , guilty of :"having,"
ry Magistrate : Walker In police
enirt here' on lVidisda,y;',Irnd as this
. ries his secOnd conviction under the
C. .A., he was senteicc'd to the
:2Valkerton jail • for one • Month and
eis fine •new 'Pentiac:seden was Con-.
Stafford.. Paisley; -Who works' for
Fretburger, and Who *heeled into
he lane a: short tirne• after his boss,
•vas aecoStrid :by the Offieete'who
found two bottles' of swamp whiskey ,
eindea the. scat of kis new, Chevrolet
i•edare 'Tie .pleaded, guilty of having
• .ignor in san:Illegal place. at • the,
9a1ice courthere on MendaY, and,
dkehis. employer, was .Sclitenced to
'arie month in thes_Walkertorsjedle-end
ais „ear confiscated .by the •cOnrt:'
,•• Preiburger Deeies' Ow netabiOr
il'reiburger haying been previotiS-
cenyiethd of an Inftaetion of the
.lugitot- Control Act7and7-his permit;
Mts. • MeeIvor of, Detraita is visit -
;big, her ‘leughter, D. Mace
Donald,. end other Aplifield;:friendaa
-le-M--ree-- Gra h a in-sMaNny'ait thesilte-Sts-
rrn Uniyesetty, London,: is spending
. his vacation at his :home here.;
Mr. and ,Mre._Frank GeitrinaofseDe---
; tr.oit, are visitingethe latter'S Par..
,mts, „Mr, and Mra. John ii
• and other
Air, F. I). MacLennan. went t
F )
ord, Ontsn T
seuesday and 'brought
a. new Ford car. ,
)3011N-..-Te6' Frank'
'Hamilton, on -Mondey, May 28th; ,
daughter. •
• Dr.' -arid Mts. Alex, Barnby... arid
children: of :Ilaniilton, attended . the.
funeral �f 'Dre-.BarnbY's. krandfatheri
the late 'John .Be.,inbys• • .; ' •
-Mrs WeSley'' Ritchie his pnichased .
-r,'FOrd ,Sedan. • •
• •Mr, Arthur 13fewn is ngaged"a•••
tain uth Mi Ralph Nixon .for , the.
sr:Miner. •• • • • • ' • . ,".
Master Sid litown hirer spent the
ea5t• ‘Veek. With his friend, Dave An -
dei eon: . '
Murk' from Zion, were Lucknow
in Sunday Morning to hear ,their
former •paetor, ReV. Dickenson, Who
)reached to a large congresra,tionin
the United,Ohurl, 'He also preached'
in the evening in „haelrett's Church,
when the Clitirch Was filled to 'tapas,
S.S. No. 5, Ashfield. '
' V Claea;..., Norma Andeison,
Sr. IV:. Entrance Tests -C. oarci••
ner 71%;.. Charlie Andersen 70. •
Jr. •IV : Jim 'Gardner 82; S. Gard-
ner ;',61; tloYsil Hunter*:
„..,Jr. III: Violet” RitChie 84; Elleda
Illrpter 19; Ruby Reid 72, Daisy
Ritchie 58. • • °
Jr. II; Ifatvey Ritchie. :67:: hi:ea
Hunter 72. '
A Claes: Ielibel Niclioslon, Doreen
Penner, Mary Carroll*. '
•NO. on, tedl 18.., "•'
. Ada M.- Webster.
-Iti May,, Grote • Was..,tims-.. aeahlOrlts
reportedto the Wetkeadirail,COmPen-
duStries under eoinpentetkilein
Thie. included., 46 • itititlities;
The, total, awards by the Compensa-
tion Podia' rn: MAY iiineurited to
$644,251.16,, hieb was lower than
. A ptil When •$548,095.58 was awarded,
•In .MiSY. Medical aid WAS $93,098.67
• ‘vhich, Was hhout four thOutand
tiutirthe April tos4,
• . • '
Mrs.: David Anderson vieited with
her aster, Mi' 1 izrc Webster, of
.Llieknow, on Wednesday, last.
Rev. Dickenson of Moose J'aVs.
.nsk,ca11edp.' friends ;at' Zien on
Miss Ada Heltn • Of 'Milton, • spent
'he, week -end "with her parents;. Mx,,„
...gild Mrs. John Helm.
Mr.' John '.McDonagh has gone to
13Owmanville, to, work' on .the road. ;
Mr, ,Gorden St:oft of Ripley,' spent
the weekzend ,at bis lionre here. '
,.. Mr, Joeeph Tiffin svae in Walker-
ville, attendne; ithe ehureh confer;
ence last week.
By repert this burg is going to
•Ire well represented at the "Moon-
lieht" Gedericli,
Mr. Alex. Cameron ,spent a few
'lays last Week in T„oronto. .s,
. Mr, Johnston Conn , begun
rweperatione for iieW
hone on hie farm here thia eunimer.
The Whitechurch Wornen'a Insti-
tut e hold their meeting thie Friday
4fterneon -(June , 8), at ' John
Richardeonls, All the 1adie5 of the
-jinn) re. ",7viciiiiTY-7a: re' Ferd i el i
Vited. ' • - ' ,
; •
lifother' • .ararsteetativelsee • 4Yester-
day 1' eCiltira tionae which Was turned
upside don . by a eyelOne, Ve.,,hir00
o ninth to bothalikful for
Son, puzzled! iton't see ,why we
should be 6411)001 or that.'" ,
boss on the Prov,: road past Frei,
burger's. Tlece, and although Frei.
burger 'knew.. Logan, witness left
F1-,'elbt4rger and. EisThired, man, TOY
Indow, siting Out. inthe ear Or VP -
wards of an hour) While Ile-. was in
Logap's consenting. the 'bongo alongwith the threCaten Who. were ,in
theee at the time. Huffman came
out with, viliat ilittle Nt(44 left in t4*
'bottle and rejoined EreibUrger with -
'out „disclosing to him, that he had,
any booze.. They deove down- -to a
farm .to get Irides:Oar' wife, and when
tlieY Mt,' a :),AahY carriage O,Figuff'7,
Iman's knee for .hini to .114100.1e4e.ok
off his • evercoat,i niaced the 'bottle
from his pocket tosthe floor, between
his :own and :Preibarger'sfeet, and
.disCovering that, he had, taken a'
,glass frcfrn Logan's lion'ae,' he took
it also Out., Of- his poeltet and, ppt , it
on 'the.. seat hetWeen hint and An- •
airew.• and e honed that we's how the
lieteir and glass were found .iri their
. respective placee by 'the•• •oftleers
when the ear breezed into Ftelhurg.•
er'e lane. Huffman wasn't: certain -
Whether 17reiburget line* the bottle
3val at his feet, atiastrlie couldn't ex-
',lainWhy lie "hadn't told the police'
at the 'time that he owne'l the liquiet
found, 'rather than -See .Freiburger
arrested and taken off ' to jail on
aegonnt of the booze. •.' ' •
The marriatrate didn't' canCeaf sahe
, • .
fact that he didn't place much cre-
dence in Iluffman"s 'story: •
-•-.--akreiburget-eadmitted that he knew
the , booze was athis,: feet, but dis.:
eleinied that he • either' owned it or
had -,drank any, from the brittle. Slie,
.eouldn't ';explain 'why, 'he :had iterld.
the officers'. that he found it that
, /
It belonged • to Inclow, 'ether then
that • he *as" lying to thern at the
Arlie.: • ,Freiburger maintained " that.
• he' had strictly,' warned his Men 'and
:aneelled; it ,was,illegal for 116to
hive liquor/in the house,.; and,. so
when the officers found .e bottle of
Seagram's Whiskey' on the Prergisee'•
they., guessed. they had. Andy's goat.
nartlY.filled bottle of rens at hialfeet.
they thought : they had him for fate:
But Andre* -denied. orvrretship ., of.
either • hettle, Iri,coert and • thereby
hangs a tale in which ., the SterieS.
told :the .efficeis at the, time Of the.
TindMg of thebooze differed
, . _
ally from that .untieled beforo.. ihe.
marristrete here on Monday.
When • the officers • searched : the
Fteiburger ,home; Andra*wae.. ab-
sent, .but Nelsbn, advised' Walker to:a
keep' his eye on . Mrs': Freiburger.
When • .she went' - into a bedroern •
followed by her . little • girl, Welker .
Went •.after. her, and In • searching
this room he 'found a ,.bottle
of Sca-
gram's ' Whiskey behind the .waish.;
_stand, 'There was a Abetbe sleeping in
.n crib at; the , time, and. in ,the teroni
were women'e" garments, and ,ireeorcle.
ingTtr).11-e officerSr Mrs., Freiburg:et,
Said her bedrooiniAt the trial
. .
Monday she 'denied • having., told
the, constables thet it was her bed-.
room, but. Informed the'•eourt that it
had been turned over ti Stafford,
Paisley ,a couple of blahs' before and
that,he had been. occupying it. She:
didn't aCcoinit for How :the infant
Caine to be Sleeping in Stafford's
,r?oto at that time. Stafford on •being.
,nue5tieried as • to why aoine Of,, his
clothes 'wouldn't • be hanging in his,
•bedroern,, instead of woman's apparel
admitted; that the Only thing he on -
ed in the 'room at 'the time .of, the
raid was the whiskey.. :
Conlinge to the car the officers
`a•leimed • that , they found a poily.
filled .bottle of J,arriaica tnrn on the
'front floor of .the cat hear,. Frei -
burger's feet;-, while a drinking glass
rvaa lying alongside him On the seat..
•Oriestlerned as to ay. hrsre he: get the
bogae;:,1e told the Officers he had
found : it on the road.When advised
that • SoUrided. "fishy,"' 'he said • the
booze, bellinged te Indow;. young,
man who: Wits sitting in the. back
• eeat. ' As the latter -denied,' owncr-
of ethe.."stuff, Frelborger , then
said it belonged to the (Joe
wite' ,was sitiire'ilohs-
sicie him in ' the front sent. Huffman
disclaimed to ••the officers that he .had
any boase• and after being searched
twir;e* for limier in ,his clothes, he
truck for home.
At •the itiel bete on Meeday. Joe
quffmen, the 'Old man *lin had ;told
the ,offieeta• that he hadn't any,
booze, carne .forward end Maintained
that pie 1iuor fatirid in • Freiburg-
•' et's ear belonged .t6 had
' 'nim•
''-)thors., ,cOining to the Prenaises. not,
:toe brings:anysliquer, ,sairltieli--brough
from the, :Magistrate tbs 'retort., as '
to veliy„.he; • hitneelf, was *heeling in
aith booze On this loccasi n knowing
.,t to be at his feet.. .
------:-Iisseam-yeout-tre evidence that'Stif.-
'ord: FiaisleY; 'the witnesa e for ' the,
defence, :a:41D clainied ' to , the
whiskey found in • Freibrir;ser s 'horae.
, had • seived"a term. for 'theft' and had
.several 'convictions recorded against
-Iiiiiii'esundeteethe- -.0.T.Aes --while /Roy
Indo*,, another witness' for the de-
fence,: had served' a ingith in the
•. Walkerten:sjaileferr stealing.a/
The; rnagitittati, In efindbfg• .Freie"
1?Oger, guilty .of ' . illy4ally, having.
scored him. for surArifildilif-filinself :
with such men.... , . ' ' •"'
The court thereupon :proceeded to
• pronounce sentence of one month in
• the •Walkerton ejair for Freiburger,
and also orderet that his ear be. con-
fiscated ,to•His Majesty tke King.
f...awyer •Canipbell Grant,, who put
up 'a 'strenuous defense• fpr Feel -
burger, has setved•onotiee': Of appeal
against' the finding of the . magis-
trate in this. Case. Freihurger, after
being in , jail until 'Tuesday - After-
noon, was released on $2500 . bail.
The 'appeal Will eciine. un before His
Honor 3 -ridge Owens at an early date
,. .
re •
Stafford peisley,. h e pleaded
-ruilty 'heyinfk in -„an, piece,
.was sentenced to one . month in the
Walkerton jail and his car, a new
' evrolei Sedan, Wes, .ordered con -
%seated by the Court. Mr. Carnpbell
Grant who defended Paisley, urged .
that as there was a herte.y lien or
mortgage against, the ear, that it
slainidd,t 'be aiezede bid the Court
'advised that thie.efeatnre could • be
4.aketi up and straightened out With
the government later.
, .
' Crown Attorney: Freeborn was the
*ereeeepting, , counsel 'fit both cases;
which practically occupied • the ett-
tention' of the' court from 10 a.m;,to
p.m. , Tuesday:. !,
—4_0 0
Mt. MacDonald, whose
naine has been intimately aasociated,
with the; village of ,Riveredale . for
lioro. than half a • century; died there.
Dri rueeday afternoon • of last
. He ever 80. years of age,•
and last fall he andliir,wife'..cele-
brated their geilden wet:U.4g • anni-
versary. 'Mk -Donald, suffered A
narrilytre atroke week before. his
.1bath, and froin this he. did' not rally.
The funeral 'Wag On Friday ,aftern,o'on:
to the -13aptIst-Cemetety in Green
ne'k. -
'. • „
The late Mr:. MacDoriald" eame to
: .
Ritersdale ,as young .trOn, and. hi5
more than fifty . years in the One
buses . in .the sante placee'aeaneti.
ttitea telliething•:61 . ' 'fors
Bruee. CountY. no' was Universally
accompaniedFreiburger te DurI
esteemet. and' truatedt and was: long .
•t'-...eimea„..a..take_eonaz,„, .e'vel:YOrie then?. ere thee lent.'
Freiburger had",get out to Put some l'nlinity, He le survived be his widow, side. It is within, t1Te province O'f711
Water io his car. at thd Central Hotel one sPn end thite dalighters. 'The t6 refuse to purchase flld prodnots
• SOth:April. 028 .
.. r •
epecasi?obsoitnswhaitnhd,an.d notes and cheques
of e
. - .
Deposit in Centraldolaltesere'es.., ,. 50.-,erseery-57.13'ss9easeee.---t-142.3
other Banks . . 1 . ' . . :,,..
'Call and Short, loetia on Bonds; Dthen-
. .tu'es and . tocks .. ,. .....,.. ..
D9secrarzirointi.easni ,l;'.ro.v:ng.ial::.0o.veroment 1
1 .
:Catia,dian, -Municipal" Securities ' and
• British, Foreieneari4,0oloteiCI Priblic .
• :•Securities Other than Canatharie ;
Railway and Tiongsi:TD._:elle.n7.,tu.r,es: r,
-and-Sails -•
,$452X64; 416.73
Do 0' 4
3(?9,9,93.29°.3V ,
158,073;9g -6.0i.
• °
ntt ;ind Discotints and•other.,Assets
it-,Frirrrel-mses : • .•
Liebilities of enstbieer is Mid r Ltter' of
Credit (asper contra) se,
Total Assets $868,187-,61.6..54
• I -I; •e"T(5,-.Fi"refir.,6-00. 2 :
_ -
Notts in. circuat10fl 421644 638 50„.
• . '746s -407:4Q9•25 -
Excess of Assets over. Liahihncs
fis?,Public . $ .§2,401756.89
_eposits••••. . .
Letters of credit .
, .
Other Itahtht'
Total J;iabilitieS: to Public
. During the early hours of Tuesday
asorting.'thivies fn
thieves ,large
alate-glaas window ' in. Mts. G..... B.
•Iiillnrer's jewelry ,stke. here and.
stole etre thizen ledy's geld:rings and,
IllieTe7tirtslilights.• Ng -thing eise ap
pears to havebeen taken, although, a'
connote' of Waiches. and a number of
gent's rings'. and 'ether article- of.
•valee were in the Window. It is stip-
iposed that the thieves.,. who uintopht..,1
ecily., had, a ,car • parked Somewhere.
tear ; the „scene, " either , lest... their
nerve .or • 'ere scared .Off, else" they
.wouletihave. ,decatriped, 'With more loot„
- It is seldseldom that' Hillmer
leaves articles of. vale in his Win.-:*
doW.oyer „night ,to tempt thieves to:
, break' in, and. a• couple of years ago
he discontinued:. `carrying Ineurance
on his ,plate -glass ;front; which:rnalres,
his less. at the. presentstime. Orel-et:we
beaVY, ,as it will cost in,,the neighe
bothood of $75.00 ...to . replete ,- the,
bissken windo*,--Timese • ' •
, If there is no breeding place. far
le$ 'Were be no fillee.• The al-'
not total diaappearance of stables
from Cities has removed' a prolific
gouree of fly 'Ipropagation. But not
„ • • ,
all the spots seliiChiastist the 'fly in
ireservingThis specres'wer; in the Vi-
cinity' of stsible5, Where there Is, 'filth
thete, Will be flies and: where flies 'go
there will some ;of the ,filth' aedorn.,
nanY. theni
Time' was • when flies 7 e CIA__Ifred
as ,Anricryance without
n 'appreciation to the ,sn'enaee • 'tn.
health their presence is. :They sWarni-
ed because. no effort' -.vie Made to.
'radiate them. That • era is past hut
there are tfose still tolerate
tiMditions Which ,in effeet7 are' net
Min:deal • to the intereSti. of the 11Y.,
ot every heuee oc'•eripant can pre: -
vent Pies freni seeking ontrance, but
. .
is sinall-,bpt he makes, up in 'industry
and persistence what he lacks-. in Size •
We beceriry alarmed ahen egideni,
threatens,„ yet tero, many of -us to
er.ate, the fly NA•116rt we ith.:m .his'caP-
acity AS a diseete cattier. • becanie
be is no aevelty---we
peril which mai. eranmilit,
IT Walkerton, he; unknownr to Frei- 801i, the 13,0, Wm. MacDonald, is *Well are acessible to flies. •
burger -I, lade slipped, -down: ior- 'tee r iniater- nt, FrgitiOnditille, • 'Siluron Were 'i.everYone -elintinate.obreed-
ticitior Store here rind 'get a bottle ing places on his own ptemitet mid
,Ithleica: rum. (A 'reaching Dur-
ham he Went, into the hotted of Mrs
'L Ilighwasse'Engineer,
or tlItee veitta 104 -nen
Connty• - The -daughters are: Mrs.'
Sanderetin; Oakville:;' Mrs.' (IIeV.)i, to :Oefeeft and, sW the Y. SO On W011iti
C, .StesVait o keto,n;Mr8 Joh tt beemile as completely extinet riS the
Askin, ol ttivetsdaleo tortueity of 'monsters: of which Wd 166* Only
' • thrtitigh thoir reou0§. tie flY
Grimot)y,• •
• :Fouirro ' .BINLOSS
• Mr.. and. •,Mrs. :Angus MacDonald
ere ;air:Ay 611' . a trip to Rochester, •
to,• vis -it their daughter.
• Mrs, ,.Carnoehen, entertriiried'ass:cat
'Dad. of friende. .frora, Seafcirth. on
Tueschi3,-;,'• • • ; ••
Mise ; Ttobb spent the holiday. •
.n " • • , • •••
num her' .f to id' • ' hese.' took ', ire • .
".Moorlight” on Tuesday eVening.,
• ,Urs.. A. .1.)1cIpneS and daughter,
of •Pinpot; Sask., . are visiting ,
with 'airs. E. Sliddloton this week.
• Mr. and : Mrs. .T.liciiry spent Sun -
div at Zion, •
Mr. and Mirk. R,...1„11eKleizie.,:rof
gennon, spoilt a day. with Kr, :And
Mrs, Wee' Robb., • • • • • *
A tosmbes• free', hdre attended .
funeral of the lete Mr, tarnby.:-or
:Aehfield; on • Monday last.- ' • • .
Olive Roble toeeheS at Perniree,
has ,bien' eng'aged for., another .
Foolish Wil3;.'to .lfurry rire
,Forir men •W...ho lived In` a , shaCk
r C.60trarte •tried ' to' ''herry tlye
fire tlie stOVe by'putting on sgine
eneoline. Thi of , th ler al
p Ls
were 'evil attended,' and • the feurth
so Ieau
mdlY 'hurt that he, ldn't get
o 6 er-aa.-
you think ,insicle'rre life is litird on '
the 1101'N'T.,s• hut do , you rereeenber
when ' the kids, did their home jee.soeS .•
on ord faehioned elateS, ? , •
" There nre •enid to lid•;,trverhUnd�
theusaeti• useless warde hi the Eng-
langeage, but 'what hilrin do they/
°rig if neraadesejests-thenil , „
Ti is" *stud filet the rare .sanfd paper
;merchants 'no Tenger ,PtinN'ASS the
haw es. The ' siniplY' snhearlbe (+*.
the Stieday petitioes.
, The. glutton 'is tho streugest
its.,woight ,the yt.crrld., but ib
doesn't eat • whipped 'citron • and „